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Name: Score:
Strand & Section: Date:
Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. The actual self is our __________ because we have no way of truly knowing how others view us.
a. Self-image b. Self-concept c.Self-knowledge d.Ideal self
2. It refers to you awareness of yourself.
a. Self-image b. Self-concept c.Self-knowledge d.Actual self
3. It is built on self-knowledge and who we actually are.
a. Self-image b. Self-concept c.Self-knowledge d.Actual self
4. What is the best skill you can use to achieve your specific goal without being distracted?
a. Self-confidence b. Creativity c. Determination d. Generating Ideas
5. It is making use of all the personal resources.
a. Experience b. Skills c. Talents d. Personal Effectiveness
6. Reasoning, problem solving, and creating.
a. Physical self b. Intellectual self c. Emotional self d. Sensual self
7. Sight, hearing, speaking, smelling and touching.
a. Physical self b. Intellectual self c. Emotional self d. Sensual self
8. Height, weight, facial appearance and quality of skin.
a. Physical self b. Intellectual self c. Emotional self d. Sensual self
9. Reaction to light, temperature, space, weather, colors and sound.
a. Interactional self b. Contextual self c. Spiritual self d. Life force
10. Faye loves to buy a beauty product. In what aspect of herself she gives more emphasis?
a. Consious aspects b. Physical aspects c. Intuitive aspects d. Emotional aspects
11. Below are the ways for you to become a real winner in life, Which does NOT belong.
a. Live in peace with difficult people and difficult situations.
b. Discover and use opportunities to your best advantage.
c. Don't win the goodwill of others, their respect and admiration.
d. Find meaning in pleasant and unpleasant events in your life.
12. In order for you to succeed in life what could you learn from the story of Manny Pacquiao, Pia Wurtzbach and
Dra. Rose Zeta Capeding?
a. Focus on your weaknesses c. Focus on the process rather than the rewards
b. Focus on your strength only d. Focus on the rewards rather than the process
13. What is the title of the story of Dra. Rose Zeta Capeding?
a. A love that is fair to be a great doctor c. A love affair that got me close to a great doctor
b. A love affair that close me to a great doctord. A love affair to a great doctor that got me closer
14. David is annoyed with his friend because he did something wrong to him. What does the underline word mean?
a. Envy b. Angry c.Greedy d. Moody
15. Evil:Good; False Pride:__________.
a. Truth b. Faith c. Peace d. Hope
16. Regret:__________; Sadness:Joy
a. Hope b. Serenity c. Empathy d. Sorrow
17. You helped the old man cross the street, what kind of behavior you demonsrate?
a. Empathy b. Ego c. Benevolence d. Generosity
18. You always have an extra-food for your lunch. What is the right behavior you should demonstrate to others?
a. Empathy b. Ego c. Benevolence d. Generosity
19. Who proposed a bio-psychosocial model of development?
a. Sigmund Freud b. Erik Erikson c. Jean Piaget d. Robert Havinghurst
20. Trust : Mistrust ; __________ : Shame & Doubt.
a. Industry b. Autonomy c. Inferiority d. Identity
21. Intimacy : ________ ; Generativity : Stagnation.
a. Isolation b. Role Confusion c. Despair d. Identity
22. According to Havinghurst, what is the developmental task of an adolescence?
a. Achieving a masculine or feminine social roc. Developing conscience, morality, and a scale of values
b. Developing acceptable attitudes toward socd. Learning to distinguish right from wrong
23. Micah belongs to middle childhood, what is her developmental task according to Havinghurst?
a. Learning to take solid foods c. Learning to distinguish right from wrong
b. Learning to get along with age mates d. Learning to control the elimination of the body
24. In what stage does sex maturation and rapid physical development occur?
a. Late Childhood b. Early Adulthood c. Adolescence d. Early Childhood
25. In what stage does accepting one's physique belong?
a. Late Childhood b. Early Adulthood c. Adolescence d. Early Childhood
26. What is the tool you need in order for you to still your mind and bring your focus back to the present moment?
a. Tool 1: Breathe Mindfully c. Tool 4: Practice Compassion
b. Tool 3: Cultivate Insight d. Tool 2: Listen deeply.Listen with intention
27. Job considers the thoughts and feelings of his friend. What tool did Job use?
a. Tool 4: Practice Compassion c. Tool 6: Express Gratitude
b. Tool 5:Limit Reactivity d. Tool 7: Nurture mutual respect
28. Sir Mark encourages you to share your unique talent so that others can also be inspired, what tool would you use?
a. Tool 7: Nurture mutual respect c. Tool 9: Foster Leadership
b. Tool 8: Build integrity d. Tool 10:Be Peace
29. Hannah always seeks privacy and time alone. What development occur?
a. Physical b. Emotional c. Social d. Mental
30. Mj starts to search for a friend that can share the same belief, values and interest with her. What development occur?
a. Physical b. Emotional c. Social d. Mental
31. Pat can understand complex problems and issues. What development occur?
a. Physical b. Emotional c. Social d. Mental
32. For Gab, his friend becomes more important to him. What development occur?
a. Physical b. Emotional c. Social d. Mental
33.According to Timothy Evans, the key ingredient for improving your relationships with others is ________?
a. Encouragement b. Kindness c. Generosity d. Love
34. Why the power of personal declaration is important?
a. It will make you more ambitious.
b. It is the way of saying you are the best person in the world.
c. They are suggestions as to what negative things you can speak.
d. It is meant to encourage you to take control of the influences in your life.
35. What is true in the following statement?
a. Being happy is inevitable fate.
b. Being happy is being afraid of one's feelings.
c. Being happy is to stop being a victim of problems.
d. Being happy means allowing the free, happy and complicated child inside each of us to live.
36. What is the body’s response to anything that makes us feel pressured?
a. Relaxation b. Stress c. Calmness d. Peace
37. Which of the following emotion is not associated with stress?
a.Anxiety b. Joy c.Tension d. Panic
38. What are the causes of stress?
I. Problems with drug and alcohol abuse II. Injury III. Chronic mental illness
a. I b. I & II c. I & III d. I, II & III
39. Which is true in the following statement?
a. Everyday frustrations can't cause stress build-up. c. Stress build-up, if resolved, continues day after day.
b. Problems in our personal life can't be devastating. d. A common cause of stress is dealing with life's transitions.
40. The more you try to hold your emotions in, the ________ the pressure build-up will be.
a. Greater b. Lesser c. Inferior d. Minor
41. Understanding why you are under stress is _________.
a. Important b. Not important c. Trifling d. Insignificant
42. If you are experiencing stress, what is the best way you can do?
a. Don't mind it c. Go to the doctor for a check up
b. Run until you're tired d. Find ways to reduce or control it
43. Some are tips to relax when under pressure, which NOT belong?
a. Do a relaxing exercise. c. Stop for a moment and take more deep breaths.
b. Find time to do the things you enjoy. d. Find a quite place to read a magazine during break or lunch.
44. Which of the following symptom can you see in a stressed person?
a. Relaxed and calm b. Slow breathing c. Happy and content d. Increase in heart rate
45. Too much stress can ________ impact our mental wellness.
a. Negatively b. Postively c. Favorable d. Positively & Negatively
46. Where is the vision function located ?
a. Frontal lobe b. Occipital lobe c. Temporal lobe d.Parietal lobe
47. People understand what they see and feel, in what part of the lobe is this?
a. Frontal lobe b. Occipital lobe c. Temporal lobe d.Parietal lobe
48. Hearing and word recognition abilities are in ________.
a. Frontal lobe b. Occipital lobe c. Temporal lobe d.Parietal lobe
49. What is the basic functional unit of the nervous system?
a. Axon b. Dendrite c. Neurons d. Nerve cell body
50. Which is example of right brain dominance?
a. Being active b. Classical music c. Being on time d. Careful planning
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault,

and it will be given to him. – James 1:5 GOD BLESS ! :)

self image 1a
self concep 2b
determinat 4c
personal ef 5d
sensual 7d
physical 8a
physical 10 b
11 c
13 c
15 a
17 c
18 d
20 b
21 a
23 b
24 c
26 a
27 a
29 b
30 c
32 c
33 a
34 d
38 b

Wurtzbach and
39 d
40 a
41 a
43 c
44 d
45 a
line word mean? 49 c
esent moment? actual self 3d

ol would you use?

velopment occur?

fe's transitions.

Learning Competencies Days Taught No. of Items Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis
EASY (60%) AVERAGE (30%) CHALLENGE (10%)
Explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept
his/her strengths and limitations and dealing with others 2 3 1, 2, 3

Share their unique characteristics, habits, and experiences

/ Maintain a journal 2 2 5 4

Discuss the relationship among physiological, cognitive,

psychological, spiritual, and social development to
understand his/her thoughts, feelings, and behaviors 4 5 10 6, 7, 8, 9

Evaluate his/her thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in

actual life situations 2 3 13 11, 12
Show the connections between thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors in actual life situations 4 5 15, 16 14 17, 18
Classify various developmental tasks according to
developmental stage 4 5 19 20, 21 22, 23
Evaluate one's development in comparison with persons
of the same age group 2 2 24, 25
List ways to become a responsible adolescent prepared
for adult life 2 3 26, 28 27
Discuss that facing the challenges during adolescence
may able to clarify and manage the demands of teen
years; Express his/her feelings on the expectations of the
significant people around him/her (parents, siblings, 4 5 33 29, 30, 31, 32
friends, teachers, community leaders)

Make affirmations that help one become more lovable

and capable as an adolescent 2 2 34, 35
Discuss that understanding stress and its sources during
adolescence may help in identfying ways to cope and 4 5 36, 40 37, 39 38
have a healthful life

Identify sources of one's stress and illustrate the effect of

stress on ones's system. Demonstrate personal ways of
coping with stress for healthful living 4 5 41 44, 45 42 43

Discuss that understanding the left and right brain may

help in improving one's learning. / Explore two types of
mind-mapping techniques, each suited to right brain or 4 5 49 46. 47, 48 50
left brain dominant thinking styles
TOTAL # TOTAL # Prepared by: Mark Harold D. Custodio
40 50

Learning Competencies Days Taught No. of Items Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis
EASY (60%) AVERAGE (30%) CHALLENGE (10%)
interpret the concepts of mental health and
psychological well-being in everyday observations
about mental health problems during adolescence

identify his/her own vulnerabilities

make a mind map on ways of achieving psychological


create a plan to stay mentally healthy during

discuss that understanding the intensity and
differentiation of emotions may help in
communicating emotional expressions
explore one’s positive and negative emotions and how
one expresses or hides them

demonstrate and create ways to manage various

discuss an understanding of teen-age relationships,
including the acceptable and unacceptable expressions
of attractions
express his/her ways of showing attraction, love, and

identify ways to become responsible in a relationship

distinguish the various roles of different individuals in

society and how they can influence people through
their leadership or followership
compare one’s perception of himself/herself and how
others see him/her

conduct a mini-survey on Filipino relationships

(family, school, and community)
Prepared by: Mark Harold D. Custodio
35 50

Learning Competencies Days Taught No. of Items Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
EASY (60%) AVERAGE (30%) CHALLENGE (10%)

Identify the concepts of mental health and

psychological well-being in everyday observations
about mental health problems during adolescence.
Identify ones own 8 11 1, 5, 8, 9, 11 2 10 3, 4, 7 6
vulnerabilities. Identify the challenges of
mental health during adolescence.

Analyze the different emotions that may help in

communicating emotional expressions. Identify 13, 14, 15, 16,
one's positive and negative emotions and how one 7 10 12, 17 19
expresses or hides them. Identify ways to 18, 20, 21
manage various emotions.

Identify the acceptable and unacceptable expressions

of attraction of teenage relationship.
Express his/her ways of
showing attraction, love, and commitment. 6 9 22, 23, 24, 25 27 26, 29 28 30
Identify ways to
become responsible in a relationship.

Differentiate various role of different individuals in

society and how they can influence people through
their leadership or followership. 4 6 33, 34, 35, 36 31 32
Identify different symbols of the genogram of family 42, 43, 44, 45,
8 11 37, 38, 39, 40, 41
tree. Identify the different kinds of family structures. 46, 47

Identify the concepts of career and life goals can help

in planning one's career. Identify the
personal factors influencing career choices.
Identify self -assessment 2 3 48, 49, 50
tool to know one's personality traits and other
personal factors in relation to one's life goals.

35 50

Prepared by: Ellen D. Baluyot

Bataan National High School - Senior High School
Final Examination in Personal Development

Name: Score:
Strand & Section: Date:
Glordan I. Punzalan
Instruction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. People with __________ self-esteem know themselves well.
a. High b. Low c. Weak d. Inadequate
2. What influences a person's self-esteem?
a. Families & School b. Puberty & Development c.Media Images d. All of the above
3. People with ________ have a real fear of weight gain and a distorted view of their body size & shape.
a. Anorexia b. Bulimia c. Metabolic Disorder d. Extreme Overeating
4. Allen always eat very little amount of food. What eating disorder allen have?
a. Anorexia b. Bulimia c. Metabolic Disorder d. Extreme Overeating
5. ADHD stands for?
a. Attention Destruction Hyper Disorder c. Atttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
b. Attraction Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder d. Attraction Deprivation Hyper Disorder
6. Joe feels happy when something good happen to him but when something bad happen, he feels sad.
a. ADHD b. Bi-Polar Disorder c.PTSD d. Autism Spectrum Disorder
7. Venus always eat foods and then having a feeling of guilt and shame.
a. Anorexia b. Bulimia c. Bulimia Nervosa d. Extreme Overeating
8. How many percent of estimated young people with mental illness are not getting help?
a. 50% b. 60% c. 75% d. 45%
9. It is the leading cause of death among young people ages 15-24?
a. Stress b. Cancer c. Suicide d. Accident
10. Below are some strategies for supporting someone who has a mental health concerns, EXCEPT?
a. Spend time with the person c. Stand by them
b. Listen to his/her concern d. Laugh at them
11. Most teens need ________ hours of sleep every night.
a. 6-8 b.9-11 c. 12 d. 7-11
12. IQ:Intellectual Quotient - EQ:________.
a. Emotional Quotient b. Emotional Intelligence c. Emotional Quotation d. Emotional Integrity
13. It is asking for what you want in a threatening, sarcastic way that may offend the other person(s)?
a. Aggressive Response c. Passive Response
b. Assertive Response d. Permissive Response
14. There are times, being _________ are the most appropriate response.
a. Aggressive b. Assertive c. Passive d. Permissive
15. This response is not usually in your best interest, because it allows other people to violate your rights.
a. Aggressive b. Assertive c. Passive d. Permissive
16. Almost always in your best interest, since it is your best chance of getting what you want without offending other
a. Aggressive b. Assertive c. Passive d. Permissive
17. Being able to imagine what emotions a person is likely to be feeling is called _________?
a. Sympathy b. Empathy c. Consideration d. Compassion
18. This kind of emotion involves feeling tense, tired, uneasy, and overwhelmed.
a. Stressed b. Embrrassed c. Confused d. Ashamed
19. Afraid:Feeling fear & worry; Angry:________.
a. Feeling mad b. Feeling tense & tired c. Feeling able to do something d. Feeling bad after doing wrong
20. Ability to understand, use and manage our emotions.
a. I.Q b. Managing Emotions c. Passionate d. Emotional Intelligence
21. We have the power to decide what mood is right for a situation and then to get in that mood.
a. E.Q. b. Choosing our mood c. Managing emotional reactions d. Understanding how others feel
22. It is the most serious relationship problem.
a. Affairs b. Domestic Violence c. Cheating d. Dealing with jealous partner
23. It is the act of binding yourself intellectually or emotionally to a course of action.
a. Love b. Relationship c. Commitment d. Responsibility
24. An essential component in any discussion of relationships?
a. Friends b. Classmates c. Peers d. Family
25. It is the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force.
a. Relationship b. Personal Relationship c. Responsibility d. Commitment
26. Accoding to Gallup Researchers, people who spend __________ per day socializing tend to be the happiest.
a. 5-7 hours b. 6-7 hours c. 8-10 hours d. 6-8 hours
27. What is the best style of communication to use when making decisions about sexual limits and boundaries?
a. Assertive b. Passive c. Aggressive d. Permissive
28. Which of the following is NOT an element of a healthy relationship?
a. Trust one another c. Respect one another
b. Open and honest comunication d. One person makes all the decision
29. Jam hurts the feeling of Jem. What kind of abuse is this?
a. Emotional Abuse b. Sexual Abuse c. Spiritual Abuse d. Personal Abuse
30. Below are the basic rights in a relationship, EXCEPT?
a. The right to emotional support c. The right to have your own point of view
b. The right to be ordered d. The right to be heard by other and to respond
31. The relationships that influence an adolescent: parents, peers, community, and _____.
a. Culture b. Family c. Society d. Friends
32. What can you get from being involved in community activities?
a. Role models b. Skills c. Identity & Connection d. All of the above
33. Leaders are capable to do anything they like.
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. Sometimes
34. Servant leadership is the type of leadership that puts others first before one's own self.
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. Sometimes
35. A servant leader puts others' concerns first and foremost above own self-interests and motives.
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. Sometimes
36. Leaders can follow their whims and fancies.
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. Sometimes
37. It is a useful tool to gather information about a person's family.
a. Family Graph b. Genogramme c. Genogram d. Geography
38. stands for?
a. Male Symbol b. Female Symbol c. Unknown Gender d. Married
39. stands for?
a. Male Symbol b. Female Symbol c. Unknown Gender d. Married
40. - - - - - stands for?
a. Divorce b. De facto relationship c. Separation d. Married
41. stands for?
a. Divorce b. De facto relarionship c. Separation d. Married
42. A family that consists of members from two (or more) previous families.
a. Adoptive Family c. Condtionally Separated Family
b. Blended Family d. Extended Family
43. The family of Sam considered as a traditional family. What kind of family structure is this?
a. Nuclear Family b. Extended Family c. Single Parent Family d. Step Families
44. Two families brought together due to divorce, separation, and remarriage.
a. Nuclear Family b. Extended Family c. Single Parent Family d. Step Families
45. Mark's work is far away from their home, so he decided to be separated from the rest of the family.
a. Adoptive Family c. Condtionally Separated Family
b. Blended Family d. Extended Family
46. De leon family moves regularly to places where they have employment.
a. Migrant Family b. Immigrant Family c. Foster Family d. Nuclear Family
47. What kind of family structure consisting a father, mother and dependent children?
a. Nuclear Family b. Bi-racial Family c. Adoptive Family d. Trans-racial adoptive Family
48. Planning and related services for financial & investment planning,banking, insurance, and business financial
a. Finance c. Government & Public Administration
b. Business Management & Administration d. Human Services
49. Planning, organizing, directing and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business
a. Finance c. Government & Public Administration
b. Business Management & Administration d. Human Services
50. Careers in designing, planning, managing, building & maintaning the built environment.
a Education & Training c. Architecture & Construction
b. Health Science d. Government & Public Administration

In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. -Proverbs 3:6 GOD BLESS!!

Learning Competencies Days Taught No. of Items Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis
EASY (60%) AVERAGE (30%) CHALLENGE (10%)

Interpret the concepts of mental health and

psychological well-being in everyday observations
about mental health problems during adolescence.
Identify his/her own
vulnerabilities. 8 11 1, 5, 8, 9, 11 2 10 3, 4, 7 6
Make a mind map on ways of achieving
psychological well-being. Create
a plan to stay mentally healthy during adolescence.

Discuss that understanding the intensity and

differentiation of emotions may help in
communicating emotional expressions.
Explore one’s positive
and negative emotions and how one expresses or 7 10 12, 17 13, 14, 15, 16, 20 21 19
hides them.

Demonstrate and create ways to manage various


Discuss an understanding of teen-age relationships,

including the acceptable and unacceptable expressions
of attractions.
Express his/her ways of showing attraction,
love, and commitment. 6 9 22, 23, 24, 25 27 26, 29 28 30

Identify ways to become responsible

in a relationship.

Distinguish the various roles of different individuals in

society and how they can influence people through
their leadership or followership.
Compare one’s perception of 4 6 31, 33, 34, 35, 36 32
himself/herself and how others see him/her.
Conduct a mini-survey on Filipino relationships
(family, school, and community).
Appraise one’s family structure and the type of care
he/she gives and receives, which may help in
understanding himself/herself better.
Make a genogram and trace certain physical, 42, 43, 44, 45,
personality, or behavioral attributes through 8 11 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 48, 49, 50
generations. 46, 47
Prepare a plan on how to
make the family members firmer and gentler with
each other.

Explain that through understanding of the concepts of

career and life goals can help in planning his/her
Identify the personal factors influencing career
choices. Take 2 3
a self-assessment tool to know his/her personality
traits and other personal factors in relation to his/her
life goals

35 50

Prepared by: Personal Development Teachers


1. A 26. B
2. D 27. A
3. A 28. D
4. A 29. A
5. C 30. B
6. B 31. C
7. D 32. D
8. A 33. B
9. C 34. A
10. D 35. A
11. B 36. B
12. B 37. C
13. A 38. B
14. C 39. C
15. C 40. B
16. B 41. C
17. B 42. B
18. A 43. A
19. A 44. D
20. D 45. C
21. B 46. A
22. B 47. A
23. C 48. A
24. D 49. B
25. C 50. C

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