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The most impor hank * ae a BoD VA LV CAS ubiig> Gs SS . 929) 49 Domestic 4 eye Si f WKY! 15151 _ Definitions ste olS V5) + WAS) © Sanitary omesticres pias xr refers to discharge from residences, ie business buildings, and institutions -QsU6. Industrial wastewater is the discharge from manufacturing plants : + Municipal wastewater is the general term applied to the liquid collected in 22 JS. Keo”, sanitary sewers and treated in a municipal plant epee al ite Cas ose & ca ve Storm runoff water in most communities is collected in a Separate storm =~ sewer system (aan) yr, 2) Us Sheet, veay), are > Domestic wastewater (eohesow yet ) se-250 ©The volume of wastewater from a community varies from 50 to 250 gal per St capita per day (gped)—depending on sewer uses... However, a common G51» value used for domestic wastewater flow is 120 gpcd (450 L/person .d) ee se BUY, AT PRA! 800 see table 9-1 page 313 (wastewater flow for various kinds Brey oblt of establishments and services Quontiby 31 Laue * vez> Jo + The organic matter contributed per person per day in domestic wastewater is |_, 552\y vx — about 0.24 Ib (110 g) of suspended solids and 0.20 Ib (90 gr) of BOD in ot communities where a substantial portion of kitchen wastes is discharged Quedity through garbage grinders -S.S + 80D = Pramekes Discharge — ay + Design data should consider wastewater quantity and organic strength— “(BOD and total solids) based on actual measurements taken throughout the year to account for variations resulting from seasonal changes and other 4 factors .See table 9-2 page 314 for other composition of wastewater Priemar : + Sedimentation of a typical domestic wastewater reduces BOD about 35%, ru iq and suspended solids 50% ~~ se any PL Voy rors sedi yo | Loadings on treatment units are often expressed in terms of pounds of | |_7 ~ | BOD or pounds of solids per day, as well as quantity of flow per day BOD abowk 85% SS about 50 /- rf b1_ GesWyrbll Sap wd x a. . . z ous e 2h Pye So ly DAS Amel, he DE eek a & ale Mass Flow rate = Qx C * on \ it A AWD ge So : a Ws Volume So[Mass= eC) @ > example 9-1 page 315: sanitary wastewater from a residential community is 120 gped, “> containing 200 mg/L BOD and 240 mg/L suspended solids. Compute the bounds of BOD and SS capita * 2 Solutio Cyop = 200.9 |IC, = 240 mo L = Bolution: Given (Q@=120 —Sallen © mepeQ@C <0 NA x 2008 wT 4 BSL copika day mim x 221% = 9.2 _tb Peisen dB Tee oem © ee araes @riss = QC = 120 x 240. xf 43-985 12-21) = 0.24 Vb [Persons dary» Example 9-2 page 315: Industrial wastewater (Table 9-4) has a total flow of 2930000gpd, BOD ‘of 216001b/day and SS of 13400 Ib/day. Calculate the BOD and SS concentration Fin C en’ Cos Solution: C=m/Q Chop = 21609 Widas x ANS x 1oomg 2430000 gf 13345 Fae egy aga = BSl moll Css = B x Zqzo0s0 Example 9-3 page 315: An 2c (Geration activated sludge) with a suspended solids concentration of 2000 mg/L. How many Kg Find of mixed iquor suspended solids (MLSS) areinthetak? ay Mt Solution: m= C.V bas ae Me OSE CS 555 = Dove emg ne B00 rt” 100 Tey — > ma = 600 ky OSA5 SUI 251 676 sul > Industrial wastewater abet bus ae @2\9) Industries discharge wastewater to city sewers after, on a ee Estoy ‘uncontaminated cooling water is sent to the storm sewer. 7?" © See table 9-3 page 316 for average characteristics of industrial wastewater —™*5\ Tides Spuli ie e+ + A-sewer code, user fees & separate contracts between an industry & a city can provide adequate control and sound financial planning AINE Lely @ Enviromental EPA pretreatment standards enforce three general types of discharge: Potechion © Prohibited discharges—national standards applicable to all industrial dischargers o ee @- Categorical discharges—standards stated in an NPDES permit for os publicly owned treatment plants Se We — Local pretreatment limits—developed to address specific needs & capabilities of individual treatment plants oe Var Boley Sek “Estep” Wb oles vars Uh; Sseell Gis O Eee ab OH) peas Ge Wy Sis xt Ge BING eck, -. =f of, . OM SOA Bis Bbw Y Use eet le a SIG OM af oui gtol ng Gen I GM Uie Wh @ © Hydraulic equ. pepulativn ie ” @® = $5100 8iday 120 $1 Pers = SH2 persons. Quantity and strength can be related to the number of persons required to contribute an equivalent quantity of wastewater Ye laay Example 9-4 page 318: A dairy processing about 2500001b of milk daily produces an average of 65100 gpd of wastewater with a BOD of 1400 mg/l. The principal operations are bottling of milk and making ice cream with limited production of cottage cheese. Compute the flow. and, BOD per 1000Ib of milk received and the ent populations of the daily wastewater discharge. fos : B)ioeo e_ <— 3P2 Jw EH oe Hah vali flow = 65100 9 12 boc, Stra + £50,000 * U/Bey = 260° gillon / pool mite 4. (5100 BIS yr. garry 2B XK = 35.05 We Bop = Moo "be 08m Ks ~ Baier Teos We ma 260 «180° Vo equivalent po edhe 1Yoo x Sloe » Exo 4) = 3900 pertens - eae 2 OD. Vb] peta. day Example 9-5 page 318: \ meat processing plant slaughters an average 500000 kg of live beef per day. The majority is shipped as dressed halves with some production of packaged meats. Blood is recovered for a salable by-product, paunch manure (undigested stomach contents) is removed by screening and hauled land burial, and process wastewater is settled and skimmed to recover heavy solids and some grease for inedible rendering with other meat trimmings. After this pretreatment, the waste discharged to the municipal sewer is 4500 m’/day containing 1300 mg/L BOD. Calculate the BOD waste per 1000 kg LWK (live weight kill) and the equivalent population of the daily wastewater flow. Solution: pop = 1300("8) x tea) (esse) * Tae al.F Kg Bop 500, 000 KG /das fooo Kg Lwk b Odydraulic et PoP = S00 m3/day + Jooor = 10,000 persons a ” Equivalent pp Wation =p — WSs Ul Pesen.y © BD equ. pep = 1300 mglL + 4soe milday et 9) WL ferson Ory 2 =6S000 percons « considered ts More safety. > Infiltration and inflow tle (EG Sle ale sf YX, ah Infiltration is groundwater entering sewers & building connections through yor t) defective joints and broken or cracked pipe and manholes G'» 742-4)! ¢ Soh LY Hor Inflow is water discharged into sewer pipes or service connections from: sy Go + Foundation drains; roof leaders; cellar & yard area drains = L-t-x1 fever Pr, we * Cooling water from air conditioners. DAS Gsinsio pug * Other clean-water discharges from commercial and industrial = establishments Te Ve eS infiltration/inflow creates serious problems: o ae Surcharging of sewer lines with backup of sanitary wastewaters into LY, bas Aes house basements : : oe NOD «Flooding of street and road areas bas Grech Se gh ua 22-7 2 Overloading of estment fciiies —————> - a + By-passing of pumping stations and treatment works Actual inflow & infiltration rates may be determined as in the following example Example 9-6: page 319 : Calculate the infiltration and compare this quantity to the average daily and peak hourly domestic wastewater flow for the followings Sewered population=24000 persons Average domestic flow = 100 gpcd Peak hourly domestic flow= 240 gped ¢, aw Infiltration rate = 500 gpd/ of pipe diameter? °° Sanitary sewer system is: 4-in building sewers =36 in 8-in street lateral: 12 in trunk sewers = 6miles [Oinliveton ae - Tafiltrabion rake + Length 1 Biameten | 2 See 9 lay yn (44364 9x24 4 10%6 412% Ee mile +10 = 234000 gpd- 2 2/100; 000 gpd - Puy Daily = wo_g__» *eve guerre = TNO OF tees d08) @ Peak hour flow = 240 224000 2S, 760,000 ytd. D Inkiltobion pio 99 7 | © Lnliltakion vipat, Avg doily ee ae EY 7 Bak hove inf he + te 2s % > Municipal wastewater * Flow in sanitary sewers is a composite of: o Domestic and industrial wastewaters ugfe 6 © Infiltration and inflow yg ce, © Intercepted flow from combined sewers @ a ‘ Collector sewers must have hydraulic capacities to handle maximum hourly flow....Including domestic, infiltration and additional discharge from industrial plants po? + New sewer systems are usually designed on the basis of an average daily per flow of 100 to 120 gall (400-480 L) which includes normal infiltration ay 2. & ~. however, pipes must be sized to carry peak flows that are often assumed to 2 be tioet or 7 4’ 0 400 gped ( 1500 L/person.d) for laterals and submains when flowing ss Sor full > = 222 “yo gt © 250 gped ( 950 L/person.d) for main, trunk, and outfall sewers © Incase of interceptors, collecting from combined sewer system, 350% of the average dry weather flow 7 hav le Various equations have been developed to determine peaking factors for ie oa wastewater flow......Some equations use population as a denominator, others Peak £1 _ use flow as a denominator feaK + Io. ad paw Max= Peale with a maximum of @) fachor Be where PF = peaking factor, dimensionless = flow in milion gallos per day EL ated oe So “Efe Woy 130 apehadsd) Josh ury Cp fs b GE) ba = The flow pattems from a separate sanitary ’ sewer system to the wastewater treatment ad plant is illustrated in figure (a) below. is Ere Hourly flow rates ranges from 40-190% . ia Lowest flow occurs in early morning and ae peak (max.) near midday. a Flow drop sharply and rise again between 6 a and 7 pm in residential communities ol s bo! db Gas sie = 3 (Maly CES) WG AnF Sl ‘ to, : ae : Lee Bor, Go0) 555 sus Gil 2 este] BI of} Lo OY dao oF * i WE F237 BF 0)) . SS / BOP (Powe lidar (g0p) Pk LOT ete ye pied ge eerpre dt) a es oo Plows 31 35 / eshens be eo 1 iS The BOD and Ammonia concentration in h wastewater vary with the time of day ina ef pattern that may not follow flow variation J 10] Ammonia closely follows flow variation § 120} But, for this community, BOD strength & rises in the afternoon and continues through i the evening 8 4 i Waste strength is greatest as peak noon flows subside and are lowest during the night when activity is at its lowest and slow 4 pipe velocities permit settling of solids Midnight 4 within the collection system - . oye bbe | 36000 © flow ammonia > A > SST ee ep aeons Ct eat) 20 BD, 9 MA mT er Oe alse -oy NOTE: quantity and characteristics varies from season to another,.. Ad) aj, Cischarge frequently exceed winter lows by 100 20 % and industriel 3) ‘Zig Contributions are reduced on Sunday... (Friday in jordan) «A.39) {3 SA, pba, ee et ade na of a Qe er ©” NOTE: All of these factors must be considered in assessing community Ss wastewater flow and strength variations Le PX Jor ly\ 6 JS ~-- PLN | Romania / SS /B6) SYGy Sole ty Ol ea Ley, Cae Flow calculations Example 9-7 page 321; The sanitary and industrial wastewater from a community consists of domestic wastewater from a sewered population of 7500 persons, potato processing waste of 30000 gpd containing 550Ib of BOD, and creamery ‘wastewater flow of 120000 gpd with BOD concentration of 1000 mg/L. Estimate the combined wastewater flow in gallons per day and BOD concentration in mg/L - Suton; OS™ _ OQ domestic = Bo gpd « FSee ferten = Yoooes 5p9- @Ceamey = 126/009 998 ®© Qperate 30,000 g pd =O = 400,000 + 120,000 + 20,000 = 1,050,000 gpd- tel @ BD demestic +02 |b x F500 persen 3 1S00 |b /day Person do, = bo 4120/0009 x 3-F8S L ® B00 potabs = 550 Ib/iag CE) BOD creamery = 00H «120/000 Ex Mies aie © 7559 Ibi E LOD nea + pis * PE = (002.9 Ih éuy In previous excample IF we need totalewate sverall concentvation ‘ p of BOP => Cpop = Map = 053-3 Iblawy ,1K9 , Weng x _gallea 050/000 “Q/day 22h EQ, 3.785 L. Tarek New = 24g mg/L. Example 9-8: A city with sewered population of 145000 has an average wastewater flow of 18.9 mgd with an average BOD of 320 mg/L. An inventory of the industrial wastewater entering the sanitary sewer system is given in table 9-4 (a) compute the equivalent populations for this municipal wastewaters (b) Determine the per capita contribution of sanitary wastewater flow and BOD based on the city's population excluding the industrial wastewaters (c) Calculate the peak flow factor and peak flow Solution: we YW ve eee N ext Pye — Gly a eel” Cup te SWANS Glin oslFeyt ot > Evaluation of ‘wastewater Aol Boll G\ES Composite samples representing specific time periods are tested to appraise plant BP bE gesan performance and loadings (Weekday specimens collected over a 24hr period are Zs 61 ‘most common) ot ons ‘0 be representative of the entire flow, samples should be taken where the wastewater is well mixed 4x Uses Sen Ol vy A composite sample is a mixture of individual grabs proportioned according to the wastewater flow pattern. sWashewater B45 Go 254 2d Common Jaboratory analyses to define characteristics of municipal a, wastewater are ee — o BOD.... BOD and flow data are basic for the design of biological =: ©, treatment ee BSE _. 0 Suspended Solids ..... concehtration of S.S. relative to BOD indicates to what degree OM is removable by primary settling _— 0 Other parameters to be tested are included in table 9-2 page 314 such as (volatil Inorganic N, total N , soluble phosphorous as P, total phosphorous as P) - pee Vises ole . nN Orgaric Mather sop Asie lob» BOD \7 $5 Lads Lyle> OM leks SS vba 2SS5 old : — 9-3 Given “Hof PePulakion = _IYS000 capita . Allg wwe flow = I8-9_mgd __Crilon_gatlen /dog) — . op = $20 mg/L — WaSsFewoter -Pulation for thic waste waber vb Bop of , pepwletion without Industeiad wwe. Peak flow $ oak factor | —_O)_fuivelent populabion — Hydraulic 2 18-9 210° sl 120 3 pc leg f= IS 8000p ror __ “ 3 ib 1 1 X10 10. FES 42.2 ee ee O.2 10 may __ = 282,000 person Oe Bin pein ely Fe m_table Slaw = (iinoaa = ea (ee ea a 148600 Cable) BoD. = Ui9900000 X390 x2.21 x 3.78 10° ) = 21600 : = {4 S000 — = 0:2 |b /Person. day = —6. Spi pie SEE en a eye o US, 2a ys Z Peak fav = '6 * 18-4 = 30.2 mos. 7 oe compesite, — - c 059) bs 334 25 Somes. Ube Ses CE SL le ph ida Grab Samples: represent conditions at the time of sampling only and can't be considered to represent a longer time peri C \ The portion of sample needed per unit flow is designated as the(imultiplier] ae Multiplier = ¥ of composite sample desired / average flow rate *number of portions a OF Example 9-9 page 324: XSEv9 arhey! Hourly samples were taken of the wastewater entering a treatment plant. The record flow pattem is given in figure 9-3. Tabulate the portions to be used from the hourly grabs to provide composite samples for the 24-hr duration and during the period of maximum $-hr loading, between 9 am and 5 pm. The composite sample volumes needed for laboratory testing are approximately 2500 ml. oe Solutio Pg foe 24 he = Eflow als asco ml =0.15 mb 24 Mulfiplier = = ore Fo « 24 oY = 721.6 fer 24 be aoe # oe F720 apm fs foe Slo @Maltiplier =___ 758° "1 Sear = S Slow(TAM-4PM) ae = Le Pes fooo X 3 3 = (04S z= [000 gpm (018) 4% awlsy) 18 weue y (030 ) 2 (5 Date (ew) ieee : 2sqg = 24 Pb ale £ sal) 250° We Ses hw 2520 = Sw ae DONE, ~~ GALS ABS -DALO Wank Sou ~

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