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1.1. Class Task

1.2. Home Task 1-Talking hypothetical
1.3. Home Task 2-Talking hypothetical
1.4. Home Task 3- Tag questions.
1.5. Home Task 4- Tag questions.

Last Name:……………………………………..Name………………………...Due date:21/06/2017

1.1 Home Task, using the conditional type 1 complete the sentences?

1. you…………………... (go) out with your friends tonight, I…………………………. (watch) the
football match on TV.
2. I……………………….. (earn) a lot of money if I ……………………………..(get) that job.
3. If ……………………….she (hurry / not) , we …………………………..(miss) the bus.

1.2 Home Task, Using the conditional type 11 complete the sentences?
4. If he ……………………………….(try) harder, he ………………………………..(reach) his goals.
5. I ……………………………….(buy) these shoes if they………………………………….. (fit) .
6. It ……………………………..(surprise / not) me if he ………………………..(know / not) the answer.

1.3 Home Task, Using the conditional type 11l complete the sentences?
7. If we …………………………….(listen) to the radio, we……………………….. (hear) the news.
8. If you………………………….. (switch) on the lights, you………………. (fall / not) over the chair.
9. She……………………….. (come) to our party if she…………………………... (be / not) on holiday.

1.4 Home Task Complete the Conditional Sentences with the correct form (Type I, II or III).
10. If I ………………………..(be) stronger, I'd help you carry the piano.
11. If we'd seen you, we ………………………………...(stop).
12. If we……………..(meet) him tomorrow, we'll say hello.
13. He would have repaired the car himself if he……………………..(have) the tools.
14. If you drop the vase, it will………………………....
15. If I ………………...(study/not), I would not have……………...(pass) the exam.
16. I wouldn't go to school by bus if I…………………….(have) a driving licence.
17. If she………………..(see/not) him every day, she'd be lovesick.
18. I ……………………….(travel/not/will) to London if I don't get a cheap flight.
19. We'd be stupid if we………………......(tell) him about our secret.

B. Write a small paragraph and aswer the question, “What would you do if you were in London for
3 weeks?.

C. Write a small paragraph ans answer the question, “ If you have the chance to chance something
about your life, What would you chance?


Mystery of the Red Truck

By Sally Nicholls, a local reporter

It has been confirmed that late on the

night of the sixth of July, a large red
truck ran into the bakery on Maryland
After an initial investigation by police, it
is now clear that the truck had no
driver at all. The locals are asking a
simple question: “Where was the
driver?” If the police want to solve this
mystery, they will need the CCTV
footage from the street. One of the
locals said: “We’re all quite worried

about a truck with no driver. This truck

has never been seen in the neighbourhood before. If we’d seen that truck before,
we’d have solved this mystery by now.” Many locals share the same concerns. They
want to know what’s happening in their town.

A witness at the crime scene told police:

“There was a loud noise coming from the truck
while it was going towards the building and its
speed.... it was unbelievable. If it had been
going slower, I would’ve had a chance to see
the driver. But all I saw was the truck speeding
into the bakery as fast as it could. ’’ The police
have already spoken with eleven other
residents but no one knows any further details
about the incident. Superintendent Amanda Slippers remarked: “This is a tough
case. The truck licence plate belongs to this town, but nobody has seen it here.

According to the town records, the owner of the truck moved away from here years
ago. No one knows where to. If we can locate the owner, we'll probably solve this
mystery.’’ If a truck moves, then it has a driver. Well, maybe we should change this
basic assumption on account of this mysterious red truck.

Decide if the statements are true or false

according to the text.

1. The locals knew that the red truck had an old driver. _____
2. The police have investigated all the people in the town. _____
3. The CCTV footage of the street will help the police._____
4. The locals haven’tseen the truck in the town before. _____
5. The truck raninto the building very slowly. _____
Discover the Grammar
Janice and Kurt are planning their upcoming vacation. Read this passage, and then
answer the questions that follow.
1 For each of the past eight years, Janice and Kurt have spent their vacation
2 time at home, either working in the garden or fixing up the house. This year,
3 however, they are planning to spend their July vacation somewhere else.
4 They’ve checked the Internet for weather information about areas of the
5 country they might like to visit. They are really eager to travel somewhere
6 soon. In fact, if they had free time right now, they would take their vacation
7 immediately, but they can’t leave right now. They still have a couple of
8 months to explore their options.
9 So far, they have learned the following information. If they want to spend
10 their time near the water, they will have a hard time choosing among dozens of
11 outstanding beach resorts. For example, if they go to the beach in Atlantic City,
12 New Jersey, the air temperature will be in the mid-70s in July, and the water
13 temperature will be in the low 70s. That’s very appealing to them. On the
14 other hand, if they chose to visit Miami Beach in July, both the air and the
15 water temperatures would be considerably warmer, around 85 degrees. That
16 sounds wonderful to them, too. Janice and Kurt also like to go camping, so
17 vacationing in the mountains is another option. They could choose to visit
18 the Rocky Mountains in Colorado if they wanted cooler weather. In July, the
19 temperature in the mountains can range from a high of 80 degrees to a low
20 of 40 degrees. If they go to the Rockies, they will certainly have to plan for
21 this type of weather variation.
22 It is without a doubt a tough decision that Janice and Kurt are facing. They
23 wish they were able to go to all of the places they have researched. If they had
24 more money and more time, they would be able to do exactly that. In fact, they
25 would have gone to both the beach and the mountains this year if they hadn’t
26 recently spent so much of their savings on a new big-screen TV. They wish they
27 had realized this earlier!
1. find in text above the examples of conditional write down on the chart, example of the story of the
diffents conditions.

Line Condition Consequence

2. Write the line numbers of the three if clauses that have simple present tense verbs. Write the subject-
verb combinations from both the if clause and the mainclause.

Line Condition Consquence


Terri’s Job Promotion:

Stay in Denver or Move to San Francisco?
Terri: I have to let the company know this week whether or not I’m going to accept the position of
regional manager they offered me.
Ken: If there ’ ______________________ (1) (be, not) so many factors to consider, this
(2)______________________ (be) easy!
Terri: I know. If we ) ______________________(3) (like, not) living here in Denver so much, I *
______________________(4)(jump) at the chance to move to San Francisco.
Ken: Yes, and if your salary (5)______________________ (stay) the same,
it (6) ______________________ (be) easier to turn this job down, but they’ve offered you a big increase.
Terri: I’ve been talking to some people at work about it. One of them said, “Terri, if I
____________________(7) (be) you, I__________________(8)(accept) that promotion in a
Ken: I was thinking that if San Francisco___________________(9) (be) closer, you ___________(10)
(commute) to work, but it’s just too far for that.
Terri: Hmmm . . . How(11)____________________(you, feel) if I just__________________(12)(come)
home on the weekends?
Ken:(13)_________________(like, not) it if I only(14)__________________(see) you two days a week.
Terri: Well, if I (15) ______________________ (take) the promotion, you________________(16) (have)
to quit your job. How(17)______________________ you ______________________(18)(feel) about
Ken: I (19)______________________ (be) okay with quitting if it__________________(20) (mean) that
we (21) ______________________ (have) more time together.
Terri: Then I guess we’ve decided! It’s the right decision, isn’t it?
Ken: If it (22) ______________________ (be, not), you (23)___________________(have, not) that big
smile on your face.


Two Famous Explorers

Throughout history, we have benefited from the courageous explorers whose daring adventures opened
new frontiers to us. Whether they set out to sail the seas, cross unexplored lands, or take to the skies in
flight, they changed our perception of the world.
Vasco da Gama is one such explorer. He was the
first European to sail from Europe (Portugal)
around Africa to India and back. In 1497, with
four ships, he made the trip to India in 23 days.
The return trip, however, took almost four and a
half months because of the monsoon winds.
If he (listen) (1)_____________________ to the
advice of the local people and waited,
he ( (lose/not) (2)_________________________ more than half of his crew. He returned with only two of
the four ships. If he (wait) (3)______________________ a while before returning to Portugal, maybe all
four ships * (return) (4)__________________________with him. Da Gama was a true adventurer, and
his discovery brought the spice trade to Portugal.

Charles Lindbergh was an explorer of the skies who

made the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean.
As a young man, Lindbergh’s interest was in
aviation. He dropped out of college to travel around
the country performing airplane stunts for audiences
at county fairs. In 1924, he joined the Army and
received pilot training. Later, he was hired to fly
mail between St. Louis and Chicago.
If Lindbergh (stay)(5)
_________________________ in school and,
(study) ________________________
(6)engineering, he probably (become/never)(7) ____________________ a pilot. In 1927, Lindbergh set a
goal to be the first person to fly non-stop from New York to Paris and win a $25,000 prize for doing so.
On May 20, 1927, Lindbergh took off in his plane, the Spirit of St. Louis, and flew almost 4,000 miles
across the Atlantic in 33.5 hours. After this historic feat, Lindbergh continued to promote aviation and
even wrote a book about his transatlantic flight. If Lindbergh.(travel/not)
(8)____________________________ around the country on a post-flight tour, / people (consider/not)
(9)____________________________ aviation as a means of travel.


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