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Videos for enriching for homas/sevas

important links for causers

lord Venkateshwara Lakshaarchana

Indian Mythology has its place for animals and birds as Gods and
demi-gods in the same lineage of our mainstream Gods too.
Snakes (Naga Panchami)are worshipped, so is a tortoise(Samudra
Bear (Jambhavant in Ramayan), Monkey(Hanuman in Ramayan and
Cow (Kamadhenu), Elephant (Ganesha),Peacock is the Vahana of Lord
Muruga or
Karthikeya, Tiger (as the Vahana-mount of Goddess Durga) so on and
so forth.
Similarly the Eagle or the Garuda has a special place in our epics and
stories. Garuda is also known as Pakshi Raja (the king of Birds)

Garuda, the divine eagle, is the vehicle, or Vahana, of Hindu God


Lord Vishnu or Narayana himself manifested as Sri Venkateswara at

for protecting the people and establishing peace on earth.
You might have heard the story of the Lord, coming down to earth
from heaven (Vaikunta) and settling on the Seven Hills, after marrying
Princess Padmavathi, popular now as Ammavaru. As per the temple
local canons,
the Lord's consort, Sri Mahalakshmi came down to earth,
on learning about the marriage, and questioned the Lord. Consequently,
became a huge stone statue. Immediately after this,
Sri Mahalakhshmi 'dissolved' herself on to the left side
of the chest of the statue, while Padmavathi Ammavaru did
the same on to the right side.

long lasting complicated problems like court cases, financial problems,
marital problems, unemployment problems
and many more problems have been miraculously
solved after performing this pooja.
Garuda Panchami is celebration of devotion of Garuda towards his
mother Vinita.
This day is observed especially by mother and sons to share the same
spirit of love, affection and devotion between each other.
The deity of Garuda is worshipped on this day.
Mothers pray for better health and future of their children.
They bless their children so that they get the strength and devotion
of Garuda to execute devotional activities.
Kalabhairava is the form of Lord Shiva who bestows upon us a very
powerful protection from all kinds of perils in life. In Nithyananda
Peetam Bengaluru Adheenam Swamiji has installed the Kalabhairava
deity near the main entrance of the Adheenam. A powerful deity that has
brough completion and powerfulness to many peoples lives.

“Kala” means black or time. “Bhairava” means the terrifying one.

Kalabhairavais depicted in the scriptures to be having a dark complexion
and to be ferocious towards all the evils and negative forces.
Kalabhairava is the Lord of Time. He takes care of the maintenance of
the Dharma – the integrity and authenticity.
manifest ferociosness
no practice can crack timezone, you need crack open the time
fire cannot be cracked a stone, it is explozve fire
Kalabhairava brings all kinds of powerful blessings to manifest many
auspicious things in your life.

Seeking Health

Kalabhairava rules the nervous system in the human body. Abuse to the
body destroys our intricate nervous system. This abuse mainly roots
from our low inner image and the incompletions we carry about
ourselves. Hence the bodies nervous systems remains numb, and abused.

Kalabhairavas blessings can bring the connections, and creating

completion so all the synapses to send and recieve good healthy yogic

He heals all the nervous disorders. Problems of anxiety and over

compulsiveness can be healed with the blessings of Kalabhairava.

Seeking Wealth

Kalabhairava is the bestower of fame and all the worldly pleasures and
the Supreme bliss.

Both the outer world and inner world riches are granted by
Kalabhairavas blessings.
Seeking Protection

In Shiva temples Kalabhairava is installed near the entrance of the

temple, for He is the KshetraPalaka – the protector of the energy filed.

Have his blessings to heal and protect, you, your family, and your home.

Seeking Completion

Kalabhairava happens in your life as a embodiment of completion, he

blesses you to always remember that completion should the center from
which we all opperate. Completion with self, completion with SDHD,
completion with root pattern, completion with others. All completion
can be granted with blessings of Kalabhairava.

Seeking Ferociousness

Do you suffer from your own procrastination and laziness? The offering
of seva to Kalabhairava can become a ferocious desicion for you to live
life powerfully. Kalabhairava stands in a ferocious stance, and is pleased
when his devotees keep the word they give themselves and give others.
Seek his blessings to be in oneness with him and raise yourself to bring
integrity and authenthicity to all your actions, and you will see Him
happening in you, and in your life.
Seeking Sadashiva Powers

He protects all the devotees and bestows upon them all great mystical
powers. Kalbhairava is the deity of extraordinary powers.

Seeking Removal of Karma

Kalabhairava holds in his hands the akashik records, he knows all the
past present and future. Offering any seva to Kalabhairava will not only
burn off the karmas and patterms that we are known to us, but He will
take care of all the karma and patterns that are unknown to us as well.

Kalabhairava literally collapses time to intensify karmic events, enabling

the seeker to simply get over long periods of karmic cycles in the
seekers life.

Kalabhairava, the Lord of Time, dissolves the Maya Matrix (delusion)

and duality in the mind. Establishes pure sadashivatva, and makes the
seeker fearless and dispassionate towards maya.

Get rid of Black Magic

If you are influenced by the low level black magic, you can be asssured
that it has no power against Kalabhairavas trishul. The lord of time's
powerful protection can dispel any spell, or magic done against you.


Worshiping Kalabhairava through the rituals involving agni (fire), is

called Kqlabhairava Homa. Vedic practices involve worshipping the
various forms of Sadashiva through the inner fire. When a seeker's inner
fire is weak, agni is invoked externally as the Havyavaaha (transporter),
to carry our offerings to the presiding Deity of the Homa. Regular
practice of homa will help strengthen the inner fire of the seeker.

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