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The great Avatar , H.H Bhagwan Paramahamsa Nithyananda is embodied form of MAHASADASHIVA . Everybody wants to physically
experience his nearness but cannot at all times. This is why he has YOU the CAUSER , who as Swamiji’s own extension , make yourself
available to the millions of seekers of MAHASADASHIVA . By giving your time, energy and life to the seekers of Mahasadashiva, you
powerfully experience oneness with Mahasadashiva, Swamiji , AS HIM .


You are nothing but SPACE . Space is all pervading . SPACE is pure consciousness . You vast space feels limited, cluttered by unanswered
questions. Which is why Swamiji says keep the seeking alive. Seeking makes us visit unanswered questions.


THE SPACE OF MAHASADASHIVA - We may have so many fantasies of what this space would feel like, be like and how powerful we
would be. But you may think , everything sounds good, but how to enter into this space ? When Swamiji had this same question, his
GURUMATHA “Kuppamal” gave him the following powerful cognition

MASTER KEY 1 - Just entertain the desire to experience this space so strongly , the fear whether you will experience it or not will break that
is the moment you will experience that SPACE .

SO - Seeking the space of causing is powerful and intelligent enough to merge the seeker of causing into the space of causing which is
sought after . Your desire to experience the powerful shakthi of causing is self intelligent to make you enter the space of Mahasadashivatva
without even an external help or technique ! Seeking is powerful enough to make you experience the space you are seeking without any
external help or technique or input .

Once when Swamiji was sitting with his Guru Yogi Ram Surat Kumar in the cremation grounds . He asked him, Swamiji, don't you feel afraid
of all these ghosts , bhoothas etc that people scare everyone about , what mantra do you use to protect yourself? Yogi Ram Surat Kumar the
n gave him the following powerful cognition as a master key :

MASTER KEY 2 - You , everything outside me all these are my projection. Me, everything outside you are your projection. We are in fact
projection of each other, then how can some ghost come without me projecting it outside ? So unless you project , how can a ghost or
negative energy come?

SO - Unless you project , the person in front of you who you are trying to cause cannot even be in front of you !! So it is entirely your choice
who , what kind of problematic person or easy going person you are projecting . They are not you, they are your projection, your creation.
Creator is always more powerful than what is created.


What is CAUSING ? Causing = Karma breakthrough . Karma is any decision taken to be stuck in anything . Repetition of the same decision
is Karmic cycle. While manifesting the shakthi of CAUSING , the following happens :

1. When a person is causing , he should be intent on giving a karma breakthrough , that is , inspiring the opposite person to realise he
has decided to be stuck in some areas.
2. When a person is open to getting caused, he is open to seeing where he has decided to repeatedly be stuck which is what shows
as visible & invisible obstacles in his life
3. When a person gets caused, makes the payment , he has agreed to stop being stuck and decides to flow with the intelligence of life
, thus breaking the karmic cycle and inviting the grace of Mahasadashiva into his life

1. Length - SRAVANA (LISTENING) - Listening to the unanswered questions in your space . Your space includes the space of the
person before you.
2. Breadth- MANANA ( INTRANALYSING) - Internally analysing the unanswered questions in your space and the space of the person
before you .

3) Depth - NIDHIDHYASANA (MANIFESTING/LIVING) - Making the received answer into a visible manifested power for you and a visible
life solution for the person in front of you , a life solution that makes them decide for CHANGE.



CAUSING is the method through which listening to the great ideas about YOU (SELF- JIVA) , THE WORLD AROUND YOU (
UNIVERSE-JAGAT) AND THE CREATOR (GOD-ISHWARA) , all these three things which are sitting like a logical idea in you , will become
part of your deepest understanding - cognition and this deep cognition/understandings becomes your very SPACE .

Through the shakthis we have received from Swamiji, the more we take our reflections ( i.e people you are causing) through this 3
.Your heart becomes a temple for Mahasadashiva - a space of reasonless causing & causeless excitement .

NO CONVINCING NEEDED - When others experience this space , no convincing is required as they simply mirror your ecstasy and agree
to coming towards Swamiji and experience a KARMA BREAKTHROUGH . That means, your ecstasy is such , the people want to stop being
stuck - the people want to start FLOWING WITH LIFE’S NATURAL INTELLIGENCE .


STEP 1 - LISTENING - The power to cut through the messy words, actions etc and see what is not shown, hear what is not told ,

HOW ? —Become the SPACE OF ANSWERS/SOLUTIONS - Whatever makes you powerless are basic questions you are not able to face
and deciding to face those questions is seeking . If you decide to face them that is seeking . Come back to the basic questions of life . What
is life, what is death, before you assumed this body how your face looked , when your body stops functioning how you are going to exist and
face ?

Lets attend to 21 questions to make you a space of LISTENING ( You can repeat this exercise at different times to keep having
breakthroughs in LISTENING) . This exercise is your listening manual , maintain it very carefully as you will be sharing from it with
those you are causing for. When you have detailed answers for the following , you will inactuality have 21 solutions for any

All of humanity suffers with the following fundamental questions that clutters their space . When you become a space of digested answers to
their unasked questions, you will have the LISTENING of the people you are causing and you will be in listening to the source. For the
following you can use Jnananjana applied on Kaashaya Vastra for scanning .

1. List 5 things you have started that you did not continue to do on the 2nd day or third day .These are called Dhwandva Vignas (
when impossibility prevents you attempting the effort on the 2nd day) . Look at each incident using your third eye and have a new
understanding about each of it. You must write your new understandings .
2. List 5 moments you have found yourself afraid to be alone . Why were you afraid in each of them ? Look at each incident using your
third eye and have a new understanding about each of these past incidents.
3. List 5 moments when you saw death , either in real life / news or of a pet . What was your reaction to each at the time? Using your
third eye scan each moment now and have a new understanding about yourself in each of those 5 moments.
4. List 5 situations where you gave your word to some one else , did not fulfil it and lost respect in your own eyes and their eyes . Using
your third eye , scan each of those situations and have a new understanding about what happened in each of the 5 situations.
5. List 5 actual areas of your own life affected by problems in your ability to create, retain or protect wealth ? Using your third eye , scan
each of those problems that occurred due to your inability to create, sustain or protect wealth and have an updated understanding.
6. What is death of you ? Write 5 ideas you carry about it. Scan each of these ideas through your third eye , have an updated
understanding .
7. Why do we as humans grow physically, mentally etc ? Even dwarfs grow in all ways. Give 5 of your ideas on why and scan each of
the same through the third eye and write your new conscious understanding of the same .
8. Who are you ? Write 5 answers, scan each of the same answers through your third eye and re-write your updated answers .
9. Look at the world around you, the people around, the ground, the noise/silence etc . What is this world around you ? Write 5
answers, scan each of the same answers through your third eye and re-write your updated answers .
10. What is Mahasadashiva/GODDEL/GOD for YOU ? Write 5 answers , scan each of the same answers through your third eye and
re-write your updated answers .
11. Identify 5 areas where you had doubts about your ability to recreate success of your past achievements in the present or future. For
example, you may have won award for top CEO , but in new job you doubt your ability to work as a CEO again and be successful
like the previous time. Scan each of the 5 areas through your third eye and re-write your updated conscious answers .
12. Identify 5 areas of your life where you feel there are 0 answers and list why you feel that way for each one . Scan each of the 5
areas through your third eye and re-write your updated conscious answers .
13. According to you what are 5 most annoying aspects of you ? Why? Visit each of the 5 reasons through your third eye and write
down the updated understandings about each you receive from the third eye.
14. What are 5 most terrible things about the world around you ( JAGATH) ? Why do you think so? Visit each of the 5 reasons through
your third eye and write down the updated understandings about each you receive from the third eye.
15. What are 5 things you find most difficult to understand about the actions of GOD (ISHWARA) ?Why do you think so for each ? Visit
each of the 5 reasons through your third eye and write down the updated understandings about each you receive from the third
16. What are 5 self created hurdles in your life . These hurdles created by you prevent the creation of excitement. Scan the 5 self
created hurdles through your third eye and write the updated understandings about why you created them .
17. What are 5 doubts about you that society put into you ( society means, husband, wife, family, friends, others) . Scan the 5 doubts
about you through your third eye and write the updated understandings you have about the doubts society put into you about
18. Identify 5 instances where you managed to create “problems for solutions” instead of the opposite. For example, if you are working
very hard, using all the right techniques but still result doesn't happen and it forces you to decide no solution will ever work for me .
Scan these 5 instances through your third eye and write the
19. What are 5 questions you would like to ask the unseen aspect of the universe . For example — why sky looks never ending ? Scan
the 5 questions through the third eye and pen down the conscious answers .
20. What are 5 answers that even if they are good for you, you are afraid to hear them from Mahasadashiva , Swamiji , the source .
First write why you are afraid of each of them. Scan each of those 5 responses which you are afraid of , through your third eye and
write the updated understandings you have about each. For example ( hearing a response from Swamiji :Royal way to
enlightenment is Sanyas )
21. Write 5 things that prevent you from actively seeking whatever you want to manifest . For example , you may be seeking fame, but
you always get distracted with other things and don’t keep your seeking for fame , stable. Scan all 5 things through your third eye
and write the updated conscious understanding you have about each.


TECHNIQUE- For each of the above questions , write down 21 power full cognitions you derived . The way to do this is by : after finishing
the answer to question 1 , remember Swamiji in your third eye and randomly open Living Enlightenment book, which is a living intelligence
that will exactly pinpoint a powerful cognition from the SOURCE - SWAMIJI . Whichever page you open will show you a powerful click for
you which will take your understandings from questions in step 1 to a new level and EXPAND your space .Do the process for each of the
21 questions above. Now you will have 21 power full cognitions from Swamiji chosen for you by the SOURCE - which CLICK WITH
YOU as direct solutions as it pertains to your issues identified in step 1 .

Put the solution in the Anandaganda, that is how Manana happens. from depth it enters space. By your very existence you will be

STEP 3 - NIDHIDHYAASANA ( MANIFESTATION /LIVING) - The powerful realisations from step 1 (LISTENING) & the powerful cognitions
from step 2 ( MANANA) directly lead to Manifesting Shakthis-Powers/Manifesting life solutions. In this step you will see that the following
listed Shakthis of Mahasadashiva will be the direct outcome of experiencing success in STEP 1 & STEP 2 .

When intelligence is applied to problems, they become powers. For each conscious realisation you had in STEP 1 & for each
cognitive shift you had in STEP 2, you will manifest following powers as STEP 3 .

i. Problem (Inability to stick to decisions you took) — Power manifested ( Mind Reading )
ii. Problem (Afraid to be by yourself) - Power manifested ( Third eye reading through blind fold)
iii. Problem (Confused reactions to death around you) - Power manifested ( Ability to scan pulse & alter it )
iv. Problem ( Unfulfilled word given -loss of respect) - Power manifested ( Vaak scanning shakthi)
v. Problem ( Bad effects from inability to create & protect wealth ) - Power manifested ( Materialise sacred powders at
distance and on objects)
vi. Problem ( Delusion about own death) - Power Manifested ( 3rd eye face sculpting)
vii. Problem (Greed for growth colliding with fear of growth ) - Power Manifested ( Ability to increase height of person
& object)
viii. Problem ( Not knowing yourself) - Power Manifested ( Give the hair or initial of first name and last name about any
person, you will know the gender and all details about them )
ix. Problem ( Not finding sense in the world around you ) - Power Manifested ( Remote vision to any place )
x. Problem ( Restricted understanding about the source ) - Power Manifested ( 3rd eye instant healing )
xi. Problem ( Inability to recreate past success) - Power Manifested ( Past life reading to heal the present - using
krishtasila )
xii. Problem ( Seeing 0 answers/solutions) - Power Manifested ( Body scanning to see source of any issue )
xiii. Problem ( Feeling dissatisfied with self ) - Power Manifested ( Increasing level of water/milk in a cup/ even blood
level in a person/ changing body temperature )
xiv. Problem ( Wanting to change the world around you) - Power manifested ( Changing your mind to change others
xv. Problem ( Feeling unsure about actions of God/nature in life ) - Power manifested (Reducing size of objects)
xvi. Problem ( Directing energy towards creating hurdles instead of excitement) - Power manifested (Reducing weight of
an object)
xvii. Problem ( self doubts created by society in you ) - Power manifested (Making others see what your third eye is
projecting in krishtasila)
xviii. Problem ( Finding problems in all solutions) - Power manifested (Ability to give break through thought currents for
any topic under the sun, any technology ,anything )
xix. Problem (Feeling restless that questions we have for the unknown will never be answered) - Power manifested (
Length dimension , answer any question about existential universe)
xx. Problem ( Fearing change induced by good suggestions) - Power manifested ( altering the body size , biceps, waist
xxi. Problem ( Getting distracted from goal) - Power manifested ( Consciousness over matter- rolling coconut off hands
multiple times, moving atmamurthi /objects on flat surface )


When your personal causing manual is ready , these are the steps you will take while causing people in a group or individuals. If you are
in a group session, please choose an individual for demo purpose. The only key here - SHOW EXTREME SINCERITY & FORGET THE
END RESULT . If the result happens, then you have manifested MAHASADASHIVATVA in you as a result of which the person decided to
drop their karma. If the result did not manifest, you are yet on the way to manifest space of Mahasadashivatva —- with burning intense
sincerity , continue !



vsyam ida sarva yat kiñca jagaty jagat |

tena tyaktena bhuñjth m gdha kasya svid-dhanam || 1 ||

By the Consciousness all this is filled

whatever moving thing there is, in the ever-moving world.

MASTER KEY - Sometimes when you feel, ‘Oh! Everything is God, everything is Consciousness; so what is there for me? Come on, get a
blanket and fall asleep.’ Listen! Knowing this Truth, don’t give up on yourself, don’t give up on yourself. There is no need to worry about
anything, change is established in change, and even the change established in change is Pure Consciousness, you become free
from all fears and greed. You become so excited, alive, living, bubbling, joyful. You just know your whole Life is in front of you, you are free
to live as you want . This realisation , click expands TIME, SPACE for you.

Understanding these 4 concepts will make you realise that consciousness is all pervading and every CAUSING is an opportunity for this
realisation to mature , pushing you into the space of Mahasadashivatva .

Perception: Perception is when your senses try to understand something within your limited understanding of time & space .
Fact: With availability of a larger amount of Time and Space, your Perception coming to new understanding is Fact.
Truth: Even larger amount of Time and Space changing the way you understand reality without the limitations of your ability to
Reality : Whatever you see , LISTEN without the limitations of perception, time , space is Reality. In this space of 0 judgement ,
causing happens effortlessly .
For example, Perception is you want to cause the person in front of you and that person has problems . Fact is you understanding the
person is just a projection of your space. Truth is you LISTENING to the person without the limitations of your perception of them . Reality is
realising the opposite person was never incomplete, or needs change, the opposite person is pure consciousness , space - Mahasadashiva
itself .


1. Begin always with remembering Swamiji in your third eye , chanting the Guruvandanam . Hum the Mahavakya 3 times loudly and
clearly. Upon opening your eyes , explain to your audience what you just did .
2. Introduce yourself as a Nithyananda Yogi , initiated by the Avatar H.H Bhagwan Paramahamsa Nithyananda to be a conscious
solution to the various problems of humanity by standing as a living example of “POWER MANIFESTING CONSCIOUSNESS”
which is the superconscious breakthrough for humanity .Tell everyone that whatever they will witness on the day is steeped in
Shastra pramana ( Scriptural Reference) .
3. Quote ISAVASYAM IDAM SARVAM ….. & explain as mentioned on the previous page .
4. Tell them that in this session you will be causing their realities by taking them through a 3 step process to bring them closer to the
space of Mahasadashiva -SOURCE , because its just intelligent to be close to the source of you , source of all answers.
5. Manifest a Shakthi of your choice such as body scanning for one or two people with apt explanations , just to get their attention and
interest and this way you start with the manifestation of Mahasadashiva’s shakthis, infusing auspiciousness into the group.
6. Choose a volunteer and explain to your audience that you are going to take the person through a 3 step process of “ Listening,
Intranalysing & Manifesting problem as power to arrive at the final step of Karma breakthrough. Explain Karma as the decision to
remain stuck in some aspects of life , making us swim against the current of life -that continuously manifests as known and unknown
problems in life .
7. Have your causing manual with you till you are fully thorough with its contents . Use your third eye to scan the volunteer using
kaashaya vaster and list 2 exact problems they are facing ( they will be thrilled when you are right) and then ask them to add 3 more
issues in their life on their own . Let them be specific. Now you have 5 problems to work with.
8. Now for each of the 5 problems, you will be able to match it to 5 of your own responses you scanned and got for 5 questions at
STEP 1 of your causing manual - tell them that you will now explain that how using the third eye you were able to address the same
issue in a conscious manner for yourself. This will open their world to a new approach , something they never considered before.
9. Now after asking them if they are with you and understanding you , match what you revealed to them in STEP 1 of LISTENING to
what matches their problem’s needs in STEP 2 of the powerful cognitions you noted down for yourself from living Enlightenment .
Share it with them , step by step.
10. By now for each of their problems, you will have revealed how for the same problem you found the reasons for it and then had the
powerful cognition for it . This is what shifts their space as much as it shifts yours.
11. Now it is time to match the shifts they had from step 2 to the powers you have listed for each matching problem in STEP 3 of your
causing manual. You will tell them that for 5 problems listed, you take taken them through conscious approach to such problems in
step 1, experiencing powerful cognitions for the problems in step 2 and finally see the digested problems turn into powers at step 3 .
So you will manifest those powers listen on your causing manual that directly match their problems. When you manifest these
powers for them, for you it is power manifestation, for them it is a powerful push to make their karma irrelevant.
12. You can also do the power manifestation for each one of their 5 problems right after taking them through step 1 & step 2 of each
problem. This will make more sense for some people.
13. After successful manifestation of the 5 shakthis for their 5 problems — ask them if they like you would like to take action to make
their karma irrelevant. Realizations should always be followed with pro-life action. Tell them their intensity in breaking out of the
problems is intelligent enough to guide them in making MSS , IA happen. Tell them you were once upon a time in their place , but
you digested the same problems they are going through now, by moving towards Swamiji and making the obstacles irrelevant .
Never give importance to the obstacles which are just a side effect of the anti-life decisions the person has taken till today .
14. While the person is making their decision and paying, you present about 7 programs and end with the grand MSS . This is the time
to introduce offers, special aushadas , 3 month free continuous education for MSS & videos . You can do the 3 steps for one more
person , explain to the onlookers that the person is representing each one of them and the breakthrough will happen for everyone
through the person. The 3 step process is most powerful and will 100% bring solution even to the most solution less individual. It
works only on the premise of aligning your SPACE to manifest continuous karma breakthroughs by means of CAUSING.

The end result is PRASADA - sacred gift of Swamiji towards you for your intensity in creating a karma breakthrough for yourself and life
before you .Cunning strategies to make people pay will not work here and even if it works, it will backfire.



It is an opportunity for you to over come the fear of maturity which is the worst conspiracy society gave us. When something is taken away
from you, it is a blessing for you to make your fears mature, your desires mature, your anxiety mature . This again brings you to the space of
innocent surrender where MAHASADASHIVATVA manifests and by your VERY EXISTENCE causing happens.

1. MASTER KEY 1: You are not incomplete - The only thing you need in the whole Life is stamina to stand up till you see the victory;
nothing else. Your victory is guaranteed. Your victory is guaranteed!
2. MASTER KEY 2: Completion remains complete even when Completion is removed from Completion. Completion remains complete
even when Completion dissolves into Completion.
3. MASTER KEY 3: Not getting your desired result is just something getting removed from your life . Have this powerful understanding
from Swamiji : Anything can be removed from me; I will not become powerless, I will not become depressed, I will not lose anything.
I will not be lost, I may not even remember that I had that in my Life!’ Be very clear, the spiritual Truth, when it becomes part of your
cognition and strategy, anywhere you go, Ka is driving your chariot!
4. MASTER KEY 4: The moment you have a fear that if something is removed from your life, you will become depressed, empty and
you will lose life, that fear becomes the strength of your enemy. When he knows you cannot be frightened, he becomes powerless.
Understand, if you can be frightened, your enemy is powerful. If you cannot be frightened, your enemy becomes powerless.
5. MASTER KEY 5 : The law of Life is: Life is not sadistic, and it does not want to see any powerlessness in your
inner-space. Anything which creates powerlessness in your inner-space, precisely that will be taken away, just to make you
understand you can live without that; not to punish you or to make you tired and defeated .

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