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22 February 1985, Volume 227, Number 4689 SCI ENCE

tor may bear reactive sites that trans-

form the bound substrate, which would
make the receptor a molecular reagent or
catalyst. If it is fitted with lipophilic
groups that allow it to dissolve in a
membrane, it may act as a molecular
Supramolecular Chemistra carrier. Thus, the functional properties
of a supermolecule cover molecular rec-
Receptors, Catalysts, and Carrie]rs ognition, catalysis (transformation), and
transport (translocation) (Fig. 1) (4).

Jean-Marie Lehn
Macropolycyclic Receptors
Molecular recognition requires that a
Beyond molecular chemistry based on fined structure and function. One might receptor and its substrates be in contact
the covalent bond lies supramolecular say that supermolecules are to molecules over a large area. Thus, artificial recep-
chemistry based on molecular interac- and the intermolecular bond what mole- tors must contain intramolecular cavities
tions-the associations of two or more cules are to atoms and the covalent bond sufficiently large to allow substrate inclu-
chemical entities and the intermolecular (4). sion as well as structural elements that
bond (1-3). In order for the receptor to "recog- endow the three-dimensional framework
Molecular interactions are the basis of nize" a potential substrate and bind to it, with planned geometric and dynamic fea-
the highly specific processes that occur the two species must complement each tures (a balance between flexibility and
in biology, such as a substrate binding to other both in size and shape (geometry) rigidity). This leads to concave, hollow
molecules of defined architecture that
can bind substrate species by multiple
Summary. Supramolecular chemistry is the study of the structures and functions of noncovalent interactions.
the supermolecules that result from binding substrates to molecular receptors. Macropolycyclic architectures, in
Macropolycyclic receptors and coreceptors have been designed that form cryptate principle, meet the requirements. Being
inclusion complexes and display molecular recognition towards spherical, tetrahedral, large (macro) and highly connected
and linear substrates of various kinds (metal cations, inorganic anions, and organic or (polycyclic), they are suitable for the
biological cations or anions). Anion binding has led to the development of anion construction of molecules containing the
coordination chemistry. Metalloreceptors simultaneously bind organic molecules and cavities, clefts, and pockets that provide
metal ions; speleands combine polar and nonpolar binding subunits. Receptors the framework for arrangement of bind-
bearing reactive functional groups may act as molecular reagents or catalysts, ing sites, reactive groups, and bound
performing a chemical transformation on the bound substrates (by such reactions as species.
hydrogen transfer, ester cleavage, and protoadenosinetriphosphatase and protoki- The binding of a substrate by a macro-
nase activities). Receptors fitted with lipophilic groups can operate as molecular polycyclic receptor forms an inclusion
carriers, translocating bound species through a menibrane; this transport can be complex, a cryptate, in which the sub-
coupled to chemical potentials (proton and redox gradients). strate is contained inside the molecular
cavity (crypt) of the ligand (cryptand).
Although we introduced cryptates as a
an enzyme or a receptor, the assembling and binding sites (energy). This extends class of cation-inclusion complexes (5),
of protein complexes, intermolecular Emil Fischer's "lock and key" concept they may be considered a general type of
reading of the genetic code, signal induc- from steric fit to other, intermolecular, compound, independent of the nature of
tion by neurotransmitters, and cellular properties. the receptor and substrate. As our work
recognition. The correct manipulation of Receptor chemistry, therefore, may be progressed to include several classes of
the energetic and stereochemical fea- considered generalized coordination macropolycyclic structures-macrocy-
tures of the noncovalent, intermolecular chemistry. It extends the purpose of cles, macrobicycles, and cylindrical and
forces (electrostatic forces, hydrogen designed organic complexing agents spherical macrotricycles (Fig. 2)-the
bonding, van der Waals forces, and so from the coordination of transition metal initial studies of macrobicyclic cationic
forth) within a defined molecular archi- ions, for which they were first used, to cryptates expanded into the study of the
tecture should allow the design of artifi- the coordination of all kinds of sub- structures and functions of supermole-
cial receptor molecules capable of bind- strates: cationic, anionic, and neutral
ing substrate species strongly and selec- species of an inorganic, organic, or bio- Jean-Marie Lehn directs research groups at the
tively, forming supramolecular entities, logical nature. Institut Le Bel, Universite Louis Pasteur, 67000
Strasbourg, France, and at the Collge de France,
so-called supermolecules, of well-de- In addition to binding sites, the recep- 75005 Paris, where he is professor of chemistry.
22 FEBRUARY 1985 849
Chemistry 3 with sulfur or nitrogen sites yields
Molecular Supramolecular cryptands that show marked preference
for transition metal ions and that allow
highly selective complexation of toxic
heavy metals such as cadmium, lead,
9and mercury. Cryptation markedly af-
fects the redox properties of the en-
D 3 Catalysis closed metal ion (12) and may stabilize
bonds) uncommon oxidation states such as Eu"
Transport (12a).

Fig. 1. From molecular to supramolecular chemistry. Tetrahedral Recognition by

Macrotricyclic Cryptands
cules, covering the design of artificial nounced selectivity as a function of the Selective binding of a tetrahedral sub-
molecular receptors, catalysts, and carri- size complementarity between the cation strate requires the construction of a re-
ers. These species may be either biomi- and the intramolecular cavity, a feature ceptor molecule with a tetrahedral recog-
metic or abiotic since they may either termed spherical recognition. As the nition site. This may be achieved by
serve as models of biological systems bridges of the macrobicycle are length- positioning four suitable binding sites at
and reactions or provide access to non- the corners of a tetrahedron and linking
biological systems or processes display- n+ them with six bridges. Such a structure,
ing the efficiency and selectivity of bio- formally a cylindrical macrotricycle, has
logical ones. been realized in the spherical cryptand 5,
This review will mainly cover molecu- which contains four nitrogens located at
lar recognition and the design of molecu- the corners of a tetrahedron and six
lar receptors, going from monotopic re- oxygens located at the corners of an
ceptors, which possess a single site for octahedron, as shown by 6 (11).
substrate complexation, to polytopic re- 4
ceptors, which contain several binding
subunits. Some of the results cited will ened from cryptand 1 to 3, the most
demonstrate the molecular catalysis and strongly bound ion becomes, respective-
transport properties of supermolecules ly, Li+, Na+, and then K+. Cryptand 3
(6). also displays a higher selectivity for Sr2+ IDA>
0 0
and Ba2+ than for Ca2 . Suitable struc-
tural modifications can result in a high
Spherical Recognition: Cationic AC to AEC (M+ to M2+) selectivity (1, 5 6
Cryptates of Macrobicydic Ligands 5, 10, 11).
Cryptands 1 through 3 thus function as Indeed, 5 binds the tetrahedral NH4+
The coordination chemistry of alkali receptors for spherical cations. Their cation exceptionally strongly and selec-
cations developed only about 15 years special complexation properties result tively (as opposed to K+) (13), forming
ago after the discovery that natural (7) or from their macropolycyclic nature and an ammonium cryptate, designated by
synthetic (8, 9) nmacrocycles and macro- define a cryptate effect characterized by [NH4+ C 5] and shown as 7. This com-
bicycles (1, 5, 10, 11) are powerful lig- high stability and selectivity, slow ex- plex presents a high degree of structural
ands. Whereas macrocycles define a change rates, and efficient shielding of and binding complementarity between
two-dimensional, circular hole, macrobi- the bound ion from the environment. the substrate, NH4', and receptor, 5.
cycles define a three-dimensional, sphe- Numerous other macrobicyclic crypt- The ammonium ion fits into the cavity of
roidal cavity, particularly well suited for ands and cryptates have been obtained. 5, and it is held by a tetrahedral array of
binding the spherical alkali cations (AC) Replacing the oxygen sites in 1 through +N-H ... N hydrogen bonds and by
and alkaline-earth cations (AEC). electrostatic interactions with the six ox-
Indeed, macrobicyclic ligands such as ygens. The strong binding in 7 results in
1 through 3 form cryptates [M"+ C crypt- an effective pKa for the Nt41 that is
and], 4, by inclusion of metal cations a bz about six units higher than that of free
inside the molecule. The optimal crypt- Z z
NH4'. This illustrates how large may be
ates of AC and AEC have stabilities the changes in substrate properties
brought about by binding. Similar
c d changes may take place when substrates
bind to enzyme-active sites and to bio-
m=O, h=1
m=1, n0o
z z

zz" logical receptors.

The remarkable protonation features
m=n=l of 5 led to the formulation of the dipro-
0-n z z
tonated species as the water cryptate,
[H20 C 5-2H+], 8, in which the water
Fig. 2. Some macropolycyclic structures: (a)
several orders of magnitude higher than macrocyclic, (b) macrobicyclic, (c) cylindrical molecule accepts two +N-H ... 0
those of either the natural or synthetic macrotricyclic, and (d) spherical macrotricy- bonds from the protonated nitrogens and
macrocyclic ligands. They show pro- clic. donates 0-H . .. N bonds to the unpro-
850 SCIENCE, VOL. 227
tonated ones (2, 11). The second proton- ing the generation of strong bases, nu- both electrostatic and structural effects
ation of 5 is facilitated by the substrate; it cleophilic substitutions, carbanion re- (21). The binding of complex anions of
is considered a "positive cooperativity" actions, alkylations, rearrangements, transition metals, such as the hexacya-
effect, which is mediated by H20 as the anionic polymerizations, and phase nides M(CN)6'-, markedly affects their
effector. When 5 is tetraprotonated, it transfer catalyses. It may even change redox and photochemical properties (24,
forms the chloride cryptate [Cl- C 5- their course. Conversely, cryptate for- 25). The strong complexation of adeno-
4H+], 9, in which the included anion is mation inhibits reactions in which cation sine mono-, di-, and triphosphates
bound by four +N-H ... X- hydrogen participation (electrostatic catalysis) (AMP, ADP, and ATP) is particularly
bonds (2, 11, 14). plays an important role. Thus, cryptands significant in view of their role in bioen-
The spherical macrotricycle 5 is thus a are powerful tools for studying the mech- ergetics. It presents the possibility of
receptor molecule possessing a tetrahe- anism of ionic reactions that involve devising molecular catalysts and carriers
dral recognition site that binds the sub- complexable metal cations. Their effect for these substrates. Substances like 10
strates in a tetrahedral array of hydrogen on a reaction is a criterion for ascertain- and 11 are cyclic analogs of biological
bonds, as in 7, 8, and 9. It illustrates the ing the balance between anion activation polyamines and could thus interact with
molecular engineering required in abiotic and cation participation under a given set biomolecules; indeed several macrocy-
receptor chemistry. of conditions (16). clic polyamines induce efficient polymer-
Cryptands, either alone or fixed on a ization of actin.
polymer support, have been used in
many processes, including selective ex- uHNC
0 7 0 Hi traction of metal ions, solubilization, iso- N N/
tope separation, decorporation of radio-
N.. active or toxic metals, and cation-selec-
tive analytical methods (19). A number HNN NDH HN


~ ~ ~ ~ N..
of patents have been granted for such C_/ \_ )
applications. 10 11

Anion Receptor Molecules and

Anion Coordination Chemistry H
In view of the fundamental role played ENH K/KjNJH
H18\ JH
by anions in chemical as well as biologi-
cal processes, the binding of anions by 12 13
organic ligands would be expected to
9 provide a multitude of novel structures Protonated macrobicyclic diamines
with properties of wide significance. form katapinates by inclusion of halide
However, it has received little attention ions (22). Tetraprotonated macrotricy-
Chemical Applications of Cryptates in comparison with cation coordination, cles, such as 5-4H+, are geometrically
which has been the subject of numerous suitable receptors for spherical anions
The strong binding of AC's and AEC's studies. Only in recent years has anion and form anion cryptates with halides.
by neutral cryptands of types 1 through 3 coordination chemistry been developed Thus, 5-4H' yields a chloride cryptate
has led to numerous applications both as a new area of coordination chemistry [Cl- C 5-4H+], 9, of high stability, and it
in pure and applied chemistry. Cryptate (2, 14, 20). This arose from the design of shows a high selectivity for chloride over
formation transforms a small metal cat- anion receptor molecules of various bromide, but it does not complex other
ion into a large, spheroidal, organic cat- types, especially macrocyclic and ma- types of anions (14).
ion about 10 A in diameter, a sort of cropolycyclic polycations capable of The hexaprotonated form of the ellip-
super-heavy AC or AEC. This allows the forming strong and selective complexes soidal cryptand Bis-Tren, 13, binds vari-
study of ionic solvation and makes the with inorganic anions and with negative- ous monoatomic and polyatomic anions
bound ions more difficult to reduce. The ly charged functional groups (such as and extends the recognition of anionic
stability of the cryptates and the large carboxylate and phosphate) of organic substrates beyond the spherical halides
distance imposed by the thick organic- or biological substrates. The binding (23). The strong and selective binding of
ligand shell between the enclosed cation strength and selectivity of the receptors the linear, triatomic anion N3- results
and the environment (both the anion and are provided by electron-deficient inter- from its complementarity to .the receptor
the solvent) have many physical and action sites (like the positively charged 13-6H+. In [N3- C 13-6H+], 14, the
chemical consequences (11, 15-19). sites of the polyammonium and poly- substrate is held inside the cavity by two
Cryptate counterions are able to stabi- guanidinium cations, which may estab- pyramidal arrays of +N-H ... N- hy-
lize unusual species such as alkalides, as lish multiple +N-H ... X- bonds), suit- drogen bonds, each of which binds one
in ([Na+ C 3]Na-) (17), electrides, as in ably arranged around an intramolecular of the two terminal nitrogens of N3-.
([M+ C cryptand]e-) (17), and anionic cavity of a shape and size adapted to the
clusters of the heavy posttransition met- anionic substrate to be bound (14, 20-
als, as in ([K+ C cryptand]2 Pb52-) (18). 23).
Cryptation promotes the solubilization Polyammonium macrocycles of vari-
of salts and dissociation of ion pairs, ous ring sizes (for instance, 10 through
resulting in strong anion activation. It 12) act as anion receptors towards organ-
thus markedly increases the rate of nu- ic polycarboxylates, displaying stabil-
merous reactions, such as those involv- ities and selectivities that result from 14
22 FEBRUARY 1985 851
the interaction between nicotinamide
and tryptophane (28).
The structural features of 16 and its
remarkable binding properties make it
an attractive unit for the construction
Bis-chelate Bis-tripode Chelate Bis-macrocycle of macropolycyclic multisite receptors,
macrocycle Fig. 3. Some dinu- molecular catalysts, and carriers for
clear cryptates of ma- membrane transport. Such extensions
I I I cropolycyclic crypt-
ands resulting from require separate handling of the side
,I I connection of chelat-
ing, tripodal, and ma-
groups, as in the face- and side-discrimi-
nated derivatives 16c (29).
crocyclic subunits.

Coreceptor Molecules

Mfacrocyclic Macrobicyclic cryptate's Cylindrical Coreceptors are defined as polytopic

cryptate macrotricyclic receptor molecules combining two or
Axial Lateral cryptate more discrete binding subunits within
the same macropolycyclic architecture
(30). In terms of the general functions of
The noncomplementarity between the in both chemistry and biology, we sought supramolecular systems, recognition,
ellipsoidal 13-6H' and the spherical ha- a derivative that would yield stronger catalysis, and transport, they may act as
lides results in much weaker binding and complexes than those of the parent mac- coreceptors, cocatalysts, or cocarriers
appreciable distortions of the ligand, as rocycles and bear functional groups for whose subunits cooperate for, respec-
seen in the crystal structures of the crypt- further modification. Thus, the chiral, tively, the complexation, transforma-
ates 15 where the bound ion is F-, Cl-, tetrafunctional macrocycle in 16 was de- tion, or translocation of either several
vised, which, by attachment of lateral singly bound substrates or a multiply
substituents to the central core, led to bound, polyfunctional substrate. De-
molecular receptors with a variety of pending on the subunits, such corecep-
binding properties (27). tors may bind metal ions, organic mole-
cules, or both. Their ability to perform
multiple recognition provides entry into
15 higher forms of molecular behavior, such
as cooperativity, allostery, regulation,
or Br-. In these compounds, the F- is and communication (signal transfer).
bound by a tetrahedral array of hydrogen
bonds; and the Cl- and the Br-, by an
octahedral array. Thus, 13-6H+ is a mo- Dinuclear and Polynuclear
lecular receptor for the recognition of Metal-Ion Cryptates
linear triatomic species of a size compat-
ible with the size of the molecular cavity. 1Sa x=co2- Macropolycyclic ligands incorporating
A cryptate effect is observed for anion b X=CONHR two or more binding subunits for metal
complexes as well as cation complexes. C X=2xCO2, 2xCONHR ions form dinuclear or polynuclear crypt-
(syn or anti Isomer)
In general, an increase in cyclic order d X=CONMO2
ates in which the distance and arrange-
from acyclic to macrocyclic to macrobi- ment of the cations held inside the mo-
cyclic significantly increases the stability The tetracarboxylate, 16a, forms the lecular cavity may be controlled through
and selectivity of the anion complexes strongest metal-ion and ammonium com- ligand design. They allow the study of
formed by polyammonium ligands. plexes of any crown ether. It displays cation-cation interactions (magnetic cou-
In addition, in 14, the receptor is built marked selectivity in favor of primary pling, electron transfer, redox, and pho-
from two protonated tripodal subunits of ammonium ions against more highly sub- tochemical properties) as well as the
the tren type, N(CH2CH2NH2)3, located stituted ones (central discrimination). Of inclusion of bridging substrates to yield
at each pole of the molecule, which special interest is its selective binding of cascade complexes, which are of interest
cooperate in substrate binding. This is a biologically active ions such as nor- for bioinorganic modeling and multi-
feature of coreceptor molecules, which adrenaline and norephedrine with re- center-multielectron catalysis.
will be discussed below. spect to their N-methylated derivatives, Depending on the nature and numnber
adrenaline and ephedrine. of binding subunits and of connecting
Varying the side groups, X, in 16b bridges used as building blocks, a variety
Macrocyclic Receptors for affects the interactions (electrostatic, li- of macropolycyclic structures may be
Ammonium Ions pophilic, H-bonding, and charge trans- envisioned. Ditopic ligands that contain
fer) between the side groups and the R two units, which may be chelating, tripo-
Macrocyclic polyethers and aza-poly- group of the centrally bound substrate. dal, or macrocyclic, bind two metal ions
ethers selectively bind primary ammoni- This affects both the stability and selec- to form dinuclear cryptates of various
um ions by anchoring the -NH3+ into the tivity of the complexes, which is called types (Fig. 3). Combining three or four
circular cavity with three +N-H . X . . lateral discrimination, and allows the re- such subunits leads to tritopic and tetra-
(X = 0, N) hydrogen bonds (2, 6, 8, 26, ceptor-substrate interactions in biologi- topic metal-ion receptors. Dissymetric
27). In view of the role of such substrates cal systems to be modeled, for instance, ligands that contain subunits with
852 SCIENCE, VOL. 227
"hard" and "soft" binding sites yield Diammonium Cryptates of
complexes in which the bound ions act Macrotricyclic Coreceptors
as either redox or Lewis-acid centers.
Representatives of these types of ligands When two binding subunits are located
and complexes have been obtained and at the poles of a coreceptor molecule, the
studied. Only a few will be illustrated complexation of a difunctional substrate
here (31). will depend on the complementarity of
Dinuclear cooper (II) cryptates of ma- the distance between the two binding
crocyclic ligands (for example, 12) or sites in the receptor and the distance
macrobicyclic ligands (for example, 13) between the two corresponding function-
containing bridging groups (imidazolato, al groups in the substrate (30). Such
hydroxo, or azido) display antiferromag- linear recognition by ditopic coreceptors
netic or ferromagnetic coupling between has been achieved for both dicationic
the ions and bear a relation to dinuclear and dianionic substrates, diammonium
sites of copper proteins. Lateral macro- and dicarboxylate ions, respectively; it
bicycles are dissymetric by design; thus, corresponds to the binding modes illus- 25
monoelectronic reduction of the Cu(II) trated in 21 and 22. The 'H3N-(CH2)i-NH3' substrate
bound to the [12]-N2S2 macrocyclic sub- that is preferentially bound has a length,
unit in the bis-Cu(II) cryptate 17, gives complementary to the length of the mo-
a mixed-valence Cu(I)-Cu(II) complex. lecular cavity, with n = 4, 5, and 7 for
Macrotricycle 18 also forms a dinuclear 21 22
23a, 23b, and 23c, respectively, Thus,
Cu(II) cryptate, which acts as a dielec- ligand 23b discriminates between cadav-
tronic receptor and exchanges two elec- The cylindrical macrotricycles 23a erine (n = 5) and putrescine (n = 4) cat-
trons in a single electrochemical wave. through 23d, which contain two mac- ions. Similar effects may be expected for
rocyclic subunits capable of binding polyamines of various chain lengths such
-NH3' groups, yield molecular crypt- as ornithine, lysine, diammonium dipep-
tN ates with diammonium ions. In the su- tides, or spermine. Different selectivity
HN NH rs~V permolecules thus formed, 24, the sub- sequences have been obtained with other
strate is located in the central molecular macrotricycles (35), and triply bridged
cyclindrical receptors show a high de-
gree of selectivity in forming their diam-
<N N
monium cryptates, 26 (36).
_S 18
Polytopic receptors have the ability to
assemble metal ions and bridging species
within their molecular cavity to form
"cluster cryptates." The bis-chelating
macrocycle 12 gives complex 19 in which 23a R= 3
a triply bridged [Rh(CO)3Rh]2+ unit is
built inside the ligand cavity (32). A b R= ,
trinuclear complex 20 containing a [tris-
Cu(II), bis-pu3-hydroxo] group in the cav- C R= 26
ity is formed by a tritopic, tris-ethylene-
diamine ligand (33). These few examples d R= These results are evidence for struc-
may at least have shown how rich the tural complementarity of receptors and
field of polynuclear metal cryptates is, substrates being the basis for linear mo-
both in structures and properties. Their lecular recognition.
chemical reactivity and use in catalysis Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic reso-
have barely been studied up to now. nance studies of complexes of the type
24 indicate that complementary recep-
tor-substrate pairs display similar molec-
ular motions, a dynamic fit, in addition
HN -Rh<CO Rh-NH to their steric fit. Thus, complementarity
between components of a supramolecu-
9 H
lar species expresses itself in both struc-
19 tural and dynamic properties (37).

-"-O-" \H
N) cavity of the coreceptor and anchored by Ditopic Coreceptors for
each terminal -NH3' group to an [181- Dicarboxylate Anions
N204 macrocycle with three hydrogen
bonds, as confirmed by the crystal struc- The two hexaammonium macrocycles
/H ture of [+H3N-(CH2)5-NH3+ C 23d], 25 27a and 27b possess the features of di-
20 (34). topic coreceptor molecules for dianionic
22 FEBRUARY 1985 853
both metal ions and organic species with-
Binding Reactioj in the same superstructure.

Catalyst Substrate(s) Stability Complex Rate Product(s)
Selectivity Selectivity
Fig. 4. Schematic representation of the supramolecular catalysis process.

substrates, since they contain two triam- common polyether macrocycles (except
monium chelating subunits that may 16a), but also it strongly binds second-
serve as binding sites for a negatively ary, tertiary, and quaternary ammonium
charged group, as shown in 28. They substrates. Among the latter, the com-
complex dicarboxylates with a selectiv- plexation of acetylcholine is of special
ity that depends on the chain length of interest: it provides one specific answer
the substrates, -O2C-4CH2)mn-C42O to the general question of how acetylcho- 31
The preferential binding of substrates line can be bound and sheds light on the
with m = 2 and 3 by 27a and of sub- type of interactions that may play a role Such substances have been obtained
strates with m = 5 and 6 by 27b corre- in biological acetylcholine receptors. by introducing one or two porphyrin or
sponds to an equivalent increase in a,a'-bipyridine metal ion binding units
length of the polymethylene chains sepa- as bridges in the macrotricycles of type
rating binding subunits in both the sub- 23a through 23d. These compounds may
strates and the receptors. Receptors 27a complex diammonium ions, as in 24, as
and 27b also bind biological dicarboxyl- well as metal ions (30, 31, 41). Simulta-
ates of compatible chain lengths, respec- neous binding of 'H3N-(CH2)9-NH3'
tively, amino acid and dipeptide dicar- and of two Zn2+ cations by such a bis-
boxylates (38). 29 x=co27 porphyrin metalloreceptor yields the
As in the binding of diammonium sub- mixed-substrate supermolecule 31. Com-
strates to macrotricyclic coreceptors, plexation of several metal ions gives
this chain length selection describes a polynuclear cryptates. Many variations
linear recognition process, based on are conceivable involving the subunits as
structural complementarity in a ditopic well as the overall macropolycyclic ar-
binding mode, 20. In both cases, the chitecture. The simultaneous complex-
receptor acts as a discriminating sensor ation of organic and inorganic substrates
of molecular length. offers the opportunity to induce or adjust
physical and chemical interactions and
30a reactions (metallocatalysis) between the
_-(CHO.) t
metal-centered reactive sites and the co-
H2H2 H2 bound molecular substrates. It could
also mimic essential features of metal-
0 loenzymes. For instance, in species like
27a n=7
31, activation of the internally bound
b n=1o 30b organic substrate by the metal-porphyrin
sites may be envisioned. Also by binding
The macropolycyclic speleand 30a an effector species, the macrocyclic
combines an [18]-N303 macrocyclic units could act as regulation sites for
28 binding subunit with a cyclotriveratryl- external interaction with the metal-por-
ene shaping component (39). Its tight phyrin centers, to the point of exerting
intramolecular cavity allows inclusion of allosteric control and cooperativity.
Speleands and Speleates of the CH3-NH3' ion, which results in the
Molecular Cations speleate [CH3-NH3' C 30a], shown as
30b. Supramolecular Catalysis
The combination of polar binding sub- Numerous other combinations of (po-
units with more or less rigid, apolar lar) binding units and (apolar) architec- Molecular receptors bearing appropri-
shaping components provides amphi- tural components may be imagined, ate functional groups may bind a sub-
philic, macropolycyclic coreceptors of making speleands attractive for the de- strate, react with it, and release the
cryptand type, termed speleands, that sign of novel, efficient molecular recep- products. This would be called supramo-
form speleates by substrate inclusion tors. lecular catalysis, catalysis within a su-
(30, 39, 40). permolecule (Fig. 4). The design of effi-
The macrocyclic speleand 29 com- cient and selective molecular catalysts
bines two tartaric acid units with two Metalloreceptors and may give mechanistic insight into the
diphenylmethane groups (40). It strongly Mixed-Substrate Supermolecules elementary steps of catalysis, provide
binds a range of molecular cations by new types of chemical reagents, and
electrostatic and hydrophobic effects. It Metalloreceptors are heterotopic core- provide models, "artificial enzymes,"
not only yields, with primary ammonium ceptors that contain substrate-selective that reveal factors which contribute to
ions, more stable complexes than the binding subunits for the complexation of enzyme catalysis (42, 43).
1UMAlced rates were observed for hy- Transport Processes and carrer Lesign
drogen transfer from 1,4-dihydropyridyl
side chains attached to the macrocyclic
ammonium receptor 16 to bound pyridin-
. .i........ . i.i.. One of the initial motivations of our
work with cryptates was to investigate
ium substrates, as shown in 32. This the ability of such complexes to trans-
intracomplex reaction was inhibited by port cations through membranes (1, 5).
addition of a complexable cation that This led us to explore the chemistry of
displaced the substrate (44). transport and the design of transport
effectors (42, 48).
Among the different transport mecha-
Fig. 5. Schematic representation of carrier- nisms, facilitated diffusion, or carrier-
mediated transport through a membrane.
Closed circles represent substrates; open cir- mediated transport, consists of the trans-
cles represent carriers; and closed circles fer of a substrate across a membrane
within open circles represent complexes. with the assistance of a carrier molecule
(Fig. 5). This cyclic process may be
considered as a physical catalysis that
(46). It strongly binds ATP and markedly effects a translocation on the substrate
accelerates its hydrolysis over a wide pH just as chemical catalysis effects a trans-
range, probably through a combination formation. The carrier is the transport
of acid, electrostatic, and nucleophilic catalyst, which strongly increases the
catalysis. The latter reaction proceeds rate of passage of the substrate with
with an N-phosphoryl intermediate, respect to its free diffusion, controls its
which is subsequently hydrolyzed, a selectivity, and allows the transport to
process reminiscent of the enzyme-cata- be coupled to other processes such as
lyzed reaction, which gives 12 proto- proton cotransport (a proton pump) or
32 adenosinetriphosphatase-type activity. electron cotransport. The active species
Recent work showed that when 12 is is the carrier-substrate supermolecule;
used to catalyze acetylphosphate hydrol- and transport is thus one of the basic
ysis, appreciable amounts of pyrophos- functional features of supramolecular
phate are formed. Again an N-phosphor- systems, together with recognition and
ylated macrocycle intermediate is gener- catalysis.
ated, which is apparently capable of Depending on internal factors, such as
transferring its phosphoryl group to a ligand structure or ligand-cation pairing,
phosphate substrate (probably held in and external factors, such as the nature
proximity), thus achieving the synthesis of the counterion, the nature of the mem-
of inorganic pyrophosphate. This was brane, or the concentrations of the sub-
confirmed by nuclear magnetic reso- strates and carriers, macrobicyclic crypt-
nance spectroscopy and isotopic ('80) ands of type 1 through 3 were capable of
labeling experiments. Macrocycle 12 selectively transporting alkali cations,
may be considered to display protoki- even under conditions where natural or
nase activity in this process (47). synthetic macrocycles show little activi-
These systems possess a number of ty. The transport rates and the selectiv-
33 properties that supramolecular catalysis ity of the transport for the various alkali
should display, that is, properties of an cations can be varied by modifying the
Ester cleavage has been induced with abiotic enzyme (protoase): selective sub- structure of the cryptand (49). Both ex-
the tetra-(L)-cysteinyl derivative of 16, strate binding, reaction within the supra- perimental results and kinetic analysis
which binds p-nitrophenyl (PNP) esters molecular complex, rate acceleration, in- indicate that there is an optimal binding
of amino acids and reacts with the hibition by species competing for the ability for the highest transport efficien-
bound species, releasing PNP at various binding site, structural selectivity, and cy. Molecular cations, like physiologi-
rates. This intracomplex reaction dis- chiral recognition. cally active, primary ammonium ions,
plays substrate selectivity with marked Numerous other processes may be are transported selectively by macrocy-
rate enhancement in favor of bound di- imagined. Of particular interest is the clic polyethers.
peptide esters such as glycylglycine- development of catalysts capable of real- Anion carriers may, in principle, be
OPNP in complex 33. It is inhibited by a izing synthetic reactions, bond-making derived from anion receptors. However,
complexable metal cation, such as K+, rather than bond-breaking processes. this area has been comparatively little
and it shows high chiral recognition be- For this, the presence of several bind- explored, although it promises signifi-
tween the enantiomeric dipeptide esters ing and reactive sites within the molecu- cant developments, for example, the se-
(Gly-(L)-Phe-OPNP and Gly-(D)-Phe- lar catalyst is essential. Thus, corecep- lective transport of organic and biologi-
OPNP, the former reacting more than 50 tors open the way to the design of artifi- cal anions.
times faster than the latter (45). cial molecular cocatalysts of the ligase, The ability to design and to set up
The development of anion receptor metallocatalyst, and enzyme-coenzyme coupled transport processes may be
molecules allows molecular catalysis to types, which act on two or more co- clearly illustrated by two examples.
be performed on anionic substrates of bound and spatially oriented substrates. Electron-cation symport has been
chemical and biochemical interest. Thus, In the pyrophosphate generation men- achieved in a two carrier process in
macrocyclic polyamines were found to tioned above, 12 displays such a cocatal- which the electrons and K+ ions are
catalyze ATP hydrolysis, protonated ysis function by mediating bond forma- transported in the same direction,
[24]-N602, 12, being particularly efficient tion between two species. pumped by a redox gradient. This trans-
port is mediated simultaneously by an imagined, assisted by the refinement of 18. J. D. Corbett, S. C. Critchlow, R. C. Burns,
ACS Symp. Ser. 232, 95 (1983).
electron carrier, a nickel complex, and a methods for theoretical molecular design 19. I. M. Kolthoff, Anal. Chem. 51, IR (1979).
selective cation carrier, a polyether mac- (58). The driving force and the selection 20. J. L. Pierre and P. Baret, Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr.
(1983), p. 367.
rocycle (50). process of the chemical evolution of 21. B. Dietrich, M. W. Hosseini, J. M. Lehn, R. B.
A striking regulation of the selectivity these artificial systems rest in the chem- Sessions, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 103, 1282 (1981).
22. C. H. Park and H. E. Simmons, ibid. 90, 2431
of Ca2' and K+ transport by pH has ist's creative imagination and synthetic (1968).
23. B. Dietrich, J. Guilhem, J. M. Lehn, C. Pascard,
been achieved with both isomers of the (molecular and supramolecular) power. E. Sonveaux, Helv. Chim. Acta 67, 91 (1984).
lipophilic dicarboxylate-dicarboxamide In combination with molecular layers, 24. F. Peter, M. Gross, M. W. Hosseini, J. M.
Lehn, J. Electroanal. Chem. Interfacial Chem.
macrocyclic carriers of type 16c. The membranes and vesicles (59), receptors, 144, 279 (1983).
process involves competitive Ca2' and catalysts, and carriers are necessary ele- 25. M. F. Manfrin et al., J. Chem. Soc. Chem.
Commun. (1984), p. 555.
K+ symport coupled to back-transport ments in the elaboration of chemical 26. D. J. Cram and J. M. Cram, Acc. Chem. Res.
of protons in a pH gradient (a proton microreactors and artificial cells. In an- 11, 8 (1978).
27. J. P. Behr, J. M. Lehn, P. Vierling, Helv. Chim.
pump). It displays a change from prefer- other perspective, they may play a key Acta 65, 1853 (1982).
28. J. P. Behr and J. M. Lehn, ibid. 63, 2112 (1980).
ential K+ transport to preferential Ca2+ role in the development of an intriguing 29. __, D. Moras, J. C. Thierry, J. Am. Chem.
transport as a function pH (51). These although still rather futuristic area, Soc. 103, 701 (1981).
30. J. M. Lehn, in Biomimetic Chemistry, Z. I.
results demonstrate how appropriate de- which may be termed "chemionics," the Yoshida and N. Ise, Eds. (Elsevier, New York,
sign provides carriers that perform a design of components, circuitry, and 1983), pp. 163-187. Earlier work had shown that
receptors of this type form complexes with
given function. systems for signal and information treat- fluorescent substrate molecules: J. M. Lehn, J.
ment at the molecular level (3). Such Simon, J. Wagner, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl.
Cation passage through membranes 12, 578 (1973); ibid., p. 579.
may occur through a transmembrane prospects offer challenging opportunities 31. J. M. Lehn, Pure Appl. Chem. 52, 2441 (1980);
in IUPAC Frontiers in Chemistry, K. J. Laidler,
channel rather than a mobile carrier. A for continuously expanding on the words Ed. (Pergamon, Oxford, 1982), pp. 265-272.
solid state model of a K+ channel is of Marcelin Berthelot in 1860: "La Chi- 32. J. P. Lecomte, J. M. Lehn, D. Parker, J. Guil-
hem, C. Pascard, J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Com-
provided by the crystal structure of the mie cree son objet." mun. (1983), p. 2%.
KBr complex of 16d (52), and attempts 33. B. Dietrich, J. Comarmond, J. M. Lehn, R.
Louis, ibid., in press.
to synthesize a channel structure on the References and Notes 34. F. Kotzyba-Hibert, J. M. Lehn, P. Vierling,
1. J. M. Lehn, Struct. Bonding (Berlin) 16, 1 Tetrahedron Lett. (1980), p. 941; C. Pascard, C.
basis of such macrocyclic subunits are Riche, M. Cesario, F. Kotzyba-Hibert, J. M.
under way. (1973). Lehn, J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. (1982), p.
2. ,Pure Appl. Chem. 50, 871 (1978). 557.
Transport studies provide the means 3. , Lecon Inaugurale (College de France,
Paris, 1980). 35. N. F. Jones, A. Kumar, I. 0. Sutherland, J.
for effector design, analysis of the ele- 4. A number of the basic concepts and definitions Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. (1981), p. 990.
that led to the fornulation of supramolecular 36. F. Kotzyba-Hibert, J. M. Lehn, K. Saigo, J.
mentary steps and mechanisms of trans- chemistry have been introduced in the course of Am. Chem. Soc. 103, 4266 (1981).
port, coupling transport to chemical po- the design of receptors for the spherical alkali 37. J. P. Kintzinger, F. Kotzyba-Hibert, J. M.
cations (1). General presentations may be found Lehn, A. Pagelot, K. Saigo, J. Chem. Soc.
tentials, energy and signal transduction, in(l-3) as well as in (30, 31, 42, 48). The term Chem. Commun. (1981), p. 833.
models of biological transport processes, "Ubermolekeln" (supermolecules) was intro- 38. M. W. Hosseini and J. M. Lehn, J. Am. Chem.
duced in the mid-1930's to describe entities of Soc. 104, 3525 (1982).
and so on. There are a variety of possible higher organization resulting from the associa- 39. J. Canceill et al., Helv. Chim. Acta 65, 1894
applications, for instance, in separation tion of two or more coordinatively saturated 40. M. Dhaenens et al., J. Chem. Soc. Chem.
species; see K. L. Wolf, F. Frahm, H. Harms, Commun. (1984), p. 1097.
and purification, in batteries, or in sys- Z. Phys. Chem. Abt. B 36, 17 (1937); K. L.
41. A. D. Hamilton, J. M. Lehn, J. L. Sessler, ibid.
tems for artificial photosynthesis. Again, Wolf, H. Dunken, K. Merkel, ibid. 46, 287 (1984), p. 311.
(1940); K. L. Wolf and R. Wolff, Angew. Chem. 42. J. M. Lehn, Pure Appl. Chem. 51, 979 (1979).
the multiple sites in coreceptors should 61, 191 (1949). We consider that a supermole-
43. R. Breslow, Science 218, 532 (1982); R. M.
allow the design of cocarriers capable of cule results from binding of substrate to a recep- Kellogg, Topics Curr. Chem. 101, 111 (1982); C.
tor. This terminology conveys the sense of bio- Sirlin, Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. II (1984), p. 5; I.
transporting several substrates with the logical receptor-substrate interactions, with Tabushi and K. Yamamura, Topics Curr. Chem.
their highly defined structural and functional
transport coupled to electrochemical properties. Furthermore, it is easily converted 113, 145 (1983); Y. Murakami, ibid. 115, 107
gradients. from one language to another. The "inclusion 44. J. P. Behr and J. M. Lehn, J. Chem. Soc. Chem.
compound" and "host-guest" designations also Commun. (1978), p. 143.
cover species that exist only in the solid state 45. J. M. Lehn and C. Sirlin, ibid. (1978), p. 949.
(also termed clathrates) and are not supermole- 46. M. W. Hosseini, J. M. Lehn, M. P. Mertes,
cules; see, for instance, F. Cramer, Einschluss- Helv. Chim. Acta 66, 2454 (1983).
Conclusion verbindungen (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1954); J. 47. M. W. Hosseini and 3. M. Lehn, in preparation.
E. D. Davies, W. Kemula, H. W. Powell, N. 0. 48. J. M. Lehn, in Physical Chemistry of Trans-
Smith, J. Inclusion Phenom. 1, 3 (1983). membrane Ion Motions, G. Spach, Ed. (Else-
The chemistry of artificial molecular 5. B. Dietrich, J. M. Lehn, J. P. Sauvage, Tetrahe- vier, New York, 1983), pp. 181-206.
dron Lett. (1969), p. 2885; ibid., p. 2889. 49. M. Kirch and J. M. Lehn, Angew. Chem. Int.
receptors, catalysts, and carriers has 6. The present account surveys various aspects of Ed. Engl. 14, 555 (1975).
produced supramolecular species that ef- our own work. Numerous reports and reviews
describe other aspects of this field; for instance, 50. J. J. Grimaldi and J. M. Lehn, J. Am. Chem.
fect molecular recognition, catalysis and see R. C. Hayward, Chem. Soc. Rev. 12, 285 Soc. 101, 1333 (1979).
(1983). 51. A. Hriciga and J. M. Lehn, Proc. Natl. Acad.
transport. It has provided insight into the 7. Yu. A. Ovchinnikov, V. T. Ivanov, A. M. Sci. U.S.A. 80, 6426 (1983).
elementary interactions and processes Skrob, Membrane Active Complexones (Else- 52. J. P. Behr, J. M. Lehn, A. C. Dock, D. Moras,
vier, New York, 1974); B. C. Pressman, Annu. Nature (London) 295, 526 (1982).
on which these functions are based, and Rev. Biochem. 45, 501 (1976). 53. M. L. Bender and M. Komiyama, Cyclodextrin
it has an increasing impact on organic, 8. C. J. Pedersen and H. K. Frensdorff, Angew. Chemistry (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1978).
Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 11, 16 (1972); C. J. Peder- 54. C. D. Gutsche, Topics Curr. Chem. 123, 1
inorganic, and biological chemistry as sen, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 89, 7017 (1967). (1984).
55. J. Gabard and A. Collet, J. Chem. Soc. Chem.
well as on other fields of science. This 9. D. J. Cram, Science 219, 1177 (1983). Commun. (1981) p. 1137; J. Canceill, L. La-
10. J. M. Lehn and J. P. Sauvage, J. Am. Chem. combe, A. Collet, C.R. Acad. Sci. Ser. B 298, 39
chemistry has led to the elaboration of Soc. 97, 6700 (1975). (1984).
numerous novel structures and made 11. J. M. Lehn, Acc. Chem. Res. 11, 49 (1978).
12. J. P. Gisselbrecht and M. Gross, Adv. Chem. 56. C. 0. Dietrich-Bucheker, J. P. Sauvage, J. M.
available new properties of abiotic as Ser. 201, 111 (1982). Kern, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 106, 3043 (1984).
12a.E. L. Yee, 0. A. Gansow, M. J. Weaver, J. Am. 57. F. Vogtle, Ed., Topics Curr. Chem., 98 (1981);
well as biomimetic interest. Molecules Chem. Soc. 102, 2278 (1980). ibid. 101 (1982).
belonging to a number of structural cate- 13. E. Graf, J. P. Kintzinger, J. M. Lehn, J. Le- 58. G. Wipff, P. A. Kollman, J. M. Lehn, J. Mol.
Moigne, ibid. 104, 1672 (1982). Struct. 93, 153 (1983).
gories other than those described above, 14. E. Graf and J. M. Lehn, ibid. 98, 6403 (1976). 59. J. H. Fendler, Membrane Mimetic Chemistry
have been studied [for example, cyclo- 15. A. I. Popov and J. M. Lehn, Coordination (Wiley, New York, 1982).
Chemistry of Macrocyclic Compounds, G. A. 60. I thank my co-workers, whose skill and dedica-
dextrins (43, 53), cyclophanes (43), calix- Melson, Ed. (Plenum, New York, 1979). tion allowed us to realize the work surveyed in
arenes (54), cavitands (9, 55), and caten- 16. J. M. Lehn, Pure Appl. Chem. 52, 2303 (1980). this article. Their names appear either in the
17. J. L. Dye, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 18, 587 references listed or in the original publications
ands (56)] (57) and many more may be (1979). cited in the review articles.
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