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Journals/Magazines SEAFDEC Asian Aquaculture


Managing Laguna lake for the small fishermen

Lacanilao, Flor
Aquaculture Department, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center

Lacanilao, F. (1987). Managing Laguna lake for the small fishermen. SEAFDEC Asian
Aquaculture, 9(3), 3–4, 8, 12.

Downloaded from, SEAFDEC/AQD's Institutional Repository

Managing Laguna Lake for the Small Fishermen*
Flor Lacanilao

The conflict of interests bet- is now under way. This is volume of wild species that thrived
ween small fishermen and commer- undoubtedly a positive regulatory in the lake.
cial fishpen owners in Laguna measure to arrest the dominating This discrepancy wherein the
Lake has spawned serious ecological, presence of commercial fishpens small fishermen had to settle for
social, economic, and political in the lake. However, the issues a fourth of their former catch was
problems. Fighting over the involved have still many facets and inevitable because the milkfish
fishery resources of the lake are the implications to be resolved. in pens must feed on natural food
community of poor fisherfolk num- Central to these issues is fishe- in the lake and so compete with
bering more than 15,000 families ries. Thus, focus should be given native fishes in the open waters.
and the group composed of a few to scientific data, management Thus, the natural stocks became
hundred rich fishpen operators. techniques, and other relevant less and less through the years
This seems to be an unequal information on the subject. and the fishermen have to put more
confrontation in terms of the camp effort in catching them.
size of the protagonists. But the Fisheries in Laguna de Bay The fishpens have also deprived
fishpen owners are a potent and
the shrimps and molluscs in the
very influential bloc. In a report Proper management of the lake of their food budget. This
published in the newspapers recent- lake's natural resources should adversely affected the small-scale
ly, the Laguna Lake Development ultimately redound to improved industries which use these products
Authority (LLDA) identified an livelihood for the small fishermen. and provide livelihood for many
elite group of operators owning 10 Corollary to this is the maintenance lakeshore families. In addition, the
of the largest fishpen areas on the of a water quality acceptable for fishpens contributed to the dete-
lake totalling more than 4,000 irrigation and water supply pur- rioration of the lake's water quality
hectares. The list showed members poses. and obstructed the navigation chan-
of prominent families, including The economic plight of more nels.
politicians and ranking military than 15,000 lakeshore families
officers. dependent on fishery is mainly Capture Fishery
The law says that no person or attributable to the unregulated
Prior to 1970, fisheries in the
corporation can own more than 50 proliferation of commercial fish-
lake consisted only of open-water
hectares of fishpen concessions. pens. Data show that in 1982
According to the LLDA, however, fishing. Sometime that year, how-
fishpond operators produced
influential investors managed to ever, fishpens were introduced and
62,000 tons of fish from their
circumvent the regulation by put- later became the dominant fishery
total concession area of 31,000
ting up interlocking corporations activity.
hectares, while the open waters
actually controlled by the same As earlier mentioned, the an-
yielded only 19,000 tons for the
people. nual production of finfishes was
small fishermen.
80,000-82,000 tons in 1961-1964.
The LLDA report said that Way back in 1961-1964, or
For shrimps and molluscs, it was
close to 14,000 hectares of the during those years when there
about 240,000 tons. The bulk of
illegal fishpens have been dis- were no fishpens, the annual
this catch was used for animal feeds,
mantled since 1986, and that the catch amounted from 80,000 to
demolition of the remaining ques- mainly by the duck-raising industry.
82,000 tons. In terms of produc-
tioned structures on 4,000 hectares There were 23 species of fish
tion, therefore, the lake yielded
caught in Laguna Lake, with the
virtually the same harvest over
* Based on a study (Laguna de Bay: goby (Biyang-puti) and perch
time. What the introduction of
Problems and Options) by Jon Davis, (ayungin) as the dominant species.
Flor Lacanilao and Alejandro Santiago fishpens did was rob the muni-
published by the Haribon Foundation These fishes, however, have a
cipal fishermen of their tradi-
as "White Paper No. 2 " , April 1986. relatively low market value. Carp
Dr. Lacanilao is the Chief o f the Aqua- tional catch by limiting both the
(Continued next page)
culture Department o f SEAFDEC. area where they can fish and the
(karpa), catfishes (hito and kanduli), of the increased competition for operators that on several occasions
snakehead (dalag) and tilapia were food. The four-month rearing resulted in the death of a number
also found in the lake in addition period had stretched to 8-15 of fishermen.
to migratory species from Manila months. Meanwhile, the catch Fish cultured in Laguna de Bay
Bay which came via the backflow from the remaining two-thirds of thus requires the development or
of the once unpolluted Pasig River. the lake open to the small fisher- emphasis on ecologically sound
In 1968, a survey showed that men dwindled to one-fourth of fishpen technology. This techno-
some 8,000 full-time and 2,000 the 1961-1964 production. logy should ensure the longevity
part-time fishermen used the lake Two misconceptions have to and sustained productivity of the
as a communal fishing ground. be pointed out with respect to lake ecosystem. It must be com-
They employed 43 different types fishpen culture. First, that milk- patible with traditional capture
of fishing gear, the most common fish feeds on phytoplankton which fisheries. Unless these conditions
of which were the traps (baklad), is not utilized by the native fishes. are met, the imperatives of ecolo-
gill nets (pante), and push nets This is not entirely true. The gical stability and social equity
(sakag). native species actually depend on compel the alternative of phasing
the phytoplankton indirectly by out the fishpens from the lake.
Fish Culture feeding on the organisms that Physical and Biological
A United Nations-sponsored consume phytoplankton. Features of the Lake
fishery study in 1968-1970 took Secondly, to emphasize the The characteristic food chain
note of the low market price of increased yield in fishpens com- in the lake is made up of phyto-
the dominant fish species in Laguna pared to open-water fishing is mis- plankton, zooplankton, snails,
de Bay and recommended the intro- leading. Water circulates in and shrimps, and fishes. Phytoplankton,
duction of quality fish for propa- out the fishpens, bringing in food composed of microscopic plants, is
gation. Following this recommen- and at the same time taking out the basic component and whose
dation, LLDA in 1970 initiated wastes to the detriment of the amount determines the level of the
fishpen culture in a 38-hectare open-water fishes. Even then, lake's food production.
pilot project at Looc in Central the fish production data in 1982
placed the catch from the fishpens These minute plants multiply
at 62,000 tons and from the only in the presence of light and
Milkfish (bangus) was chosen communal fishery at 19,000 tons, nutrients such as nitrogen and phos-
or a total yield of 81,000 tons. phorus. Under turbid conditions,
as the cultured species because of
This was clearly equivalent to the light cannot penetrate the water
its popularity and good market
yearly catch in 1961-1964 when and so even with large amount of
value. Bangus was also an ideal
there were no fishpens in the lake. nutrients, phytoplankton produc-
fish for another practical reason.
tion would be low.
This is the fact that it feeds directly Moreover, the following prob-
on phytoplankton which was plen- lems that accompanied the proli- Thus, the production of phyto-
feration of fishpens should be plankton varies during the year,
tiful in the lake.
considered: depending on the weather. When
The pilot project yielded very
the wind is strong during the
encouraging results, particularly the — Aside from the reduced
months of December to February,
finding that fish production can be catch that prejudiced over 15,000
turbidity is high. The wind induces
increased 3.5 times over that in families of small fishermen, others
the suspension of bottom sediments
open waters. It proved that bangus engaged in shellfish collection and
which limit sunlight penetration
culture in Laguna Lake was a pro- duck-raising also suffered.
(mean depth is 2.5 meters).
fitable enterprise that can be sus- — In 1985, supplemental feed-
tained purely with the use of the ing for cultured fish added about From March to May, lower
natural food (phytoplankton) pre- 22 tons of nitrogen into the lake wind velocity decreases turbidity.
sent in the lake. This prompted which degraded its water quality. This promotes light penetration
businessmen and entrepreneurs to — Congestion of fishpens ob- that stimulates phytoplankton
go into fishpen culture which then structed water circulation and fa- growth. The limiting factor is
spread out rapidly. vored the growth of water hyacinth nutrient (nitrogen). Also, when
By 1982, 31,000 hectares of which thrives in calm water; such temperature rises at this time of the
the lake, or one-third of its total hindered navigation, especially on year and due to lack of rainfall,
area, have been converted into the part of the fishermen. lake evaporation exceeds inflow,
fishpen sites. This excessive growth — Access to open waters be- putting the lake level at its lowest
of the industry proved counter- came difficult for the small fisher- by the end of the season. The lake
productive as the milkfish then men, which led to open antagonism waters may fall below sea level,
took more time to mature because between the fisherfolk and the pen (Continued on page 8)
INTRODUCTION TO . . (from page 7) MANAGING LAGUNA. (from page 4)
ment the natural stock of desirable
eye to opercular edge; one brown thus permitting the entry of salt- species that do not reproduce fast
stripe present obliquely on lower water which further reduces turbi- enough to stabilize regular produc-
part of cheek. dity and causes more phytoplank- tion. In Laguna Lake, this method
Remarks: Common size 25- ton multiplication. would be particularly needed after
30 cm TL; common in market. The period from June to the excess fishpens are removed.
In four issues of this series, November is characterized by low It would restore the local fish
An Introduction to Lapu-lapu (Epi- wind velocities, except during population that has been decimated
nephelus) of the Philippines typhoons. Maximum lake level by the proliferation of fishpens.
(Kohno, 1986, 1987a and b, and occurs in September-November and Continued stocking with native
the present paper), a total of 18 differs from the minimum level by or introduced species would require
species of lapu-lapu was described about 1.7 meters. the establishment of government
with photographs. Some of those Management Techniques hatcheries around the lake. Just
species are important for fisheries recently, the LLDA has inaugurated
and aquaculture activities. Despite The primary objectives of a hatchery and nursery complex
the abundance of lapu-lapu in managing the lake for fisheries rest in Calauan, Laguna. Research
Philippine waters, little is known on both social justice and environ- institutions, such as the Southeast
on its fishery biology because of mental considerations. The lake Asian Fisheries Development
lack of knowledge on species must yield adequate products and Center (SEAFDEC) Aquaculture
identification. Regarding its aqua- services that will improve the live- Department with its Binangonan
culture, on the other hand, the lihood of small fishermen and Freshwater Station along Laguna de
present practice is to culture mixed their families. At the same time, Bay, can also help develop breeding
lapu-lapu species. Thus there is no the lake's water quality must be techniques for operation of fish
scientific basis on its culture. This protected against pollution so that hatcheries.
situation is also caused by the the fresh water can be safely used
scarce taxonomic information on for community water supply, irri- Government Regulation
lapu-lapu. As mentioned earlier gation, and other purposes.
By far, the most crucial system
(Kohno, 1986), the author at- Species Introduction and of management is government regu-
tempted to distinguish lapu-lapu Seeding lation. In advance countries, strict
species by its color pattern. This One management technique government control measures on
report is not complete, however, concerns the practice of introdu- water discharge ensure that water
because some species have not been cing species to fill up vacant niches quality in lakes and rivers is always
presented here. But, hopefully, the or replace undesirable fishes. For adequate to support fish life.
information presented in this series this purpose, the species to be Other forms of fishery regula-
would be useful to fishery/aquacul- preferred are those that will not tion are those related to controlling
ture scientists and operators. It is breed uncontrollably in the lake, the type of gear used, closed fishing
also hoped that this series would such that it would be easy to seasons, and prohibited areas.
motivate further development in prevent their establishment in case Large commercial ventures should
the fields of fishery and aquacul- they turn out to be harmful species. be banned from fishing in the lakes.
ture of lapu-lapu. • Selection of species should be These regulations give fishes a
done with great care, including favorable environment for com-
References close study of their feeding and pleting their reproductive cycle in a
Ingles, J. and D. Pauly. 1984. breeding habits. The introduction sustained manner.
ICLARM Technical Reports 13, of black bass in Caliraya Lake In the watershed areas, pollu-
127 pp. some years ago is an object lesson. tive activities should be placed
This species is a voracious carnivore under control. Industrial effluents,
Kohno, H. 1986. Asian Aqua-
culture, 8(6): 8-11. that practically wiped out the once municipal and agricultural wastes
abundant native fish population must be prevented from contamina-
Kohno, H. 1987a. Asian Aqua-
culture, 9(1): 5 and 10. which served as staple food fish for ting the lake waters. Logging activi-
Kohno, H. 1987b. Asian Aqua- the lakeshore people. Today, the ties in the watershed should be
culture, 9(2):5-8. black bass is only important to stopped or be subjected to very
Yang, H.-C. and T.P.. Chen. 1971. sportsmen who annually gather at strict control.
Chinese-American Joint Com- Caliraya Lake for fishing tourna- Designed to prevent the intru-
mission on Rural Reconstruc- ments. sion of saline and polluted waters
tion, Fisheries Series No. 10, Fishery management would also from the Pasig River to Laguna
98 pp. involve seeding in order to supple- (Continued on page 12)
(from page 8)
This event is considered to be Lake, the Hydraulic Control Struc-
the premier conference of the ture constructed at the confluence
luxury seafood. It offers delegates of the Pasig-Marikina Rivers, as well
exclusive information from shrimp as the Mangahan Floodway, should
industry leaders and experts from be under an appropriate govern-
throughout the world. ment agency that would further
The conference will focus on evaluate their relative adverse and
the increasing world shrimp beneficial effects.
demand and also explore areas of
THE WORLD AQUACULTURE SOCIETY increased supply. Research Needs
19TH ANNUAL MEETING For more information write:
SHRIMP WORLD III The combined impact of the
JANUARY 5 - 8,1988
417 Eliza St. various uses of the lake, such as for
SHERATON WAIKIKI, HONOLULU New Orleans, LA 70114 fisheries, irrigation, water supply,
U.S.A. and transportation, must be exa-
The World Aquaculture Society mined in detail. Here, government
policies must be based n o t only
will hold their 19th Annual Con- AQD researchers on scientific facts, but should also
ference and Exposition on
January 4-9, 1988 at the Sheraton win memorial award consider the socio-economic and
Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii. SEAFDEC AQD researchers political factors. In view of the
The conference is expected to C. Baticados, R. Coloso and R. complex scientific evaluations that
draw over 1,000 participants and Fernandez won the best paper the tasks require, computer model-
over 70 exhibitors from throughout award sponsored by the Dr. Elvira ling could prove extremely useful.
the world. Tan Memorial Awards.
For more information write: The paper titled "Studies on Influencing the Fishermen
CHRIS WAGNER the chronic soft-shell syndrome
Conference Manager in the tiger prawn, P. monodon" An educational campaign
World Aquaculture was selected the best paper in the should be a continuing aspect of
Conference Headquarters Aquaculture/Inland Fisheries Cate- lake management. The fishermen
c/o Crest International gory. must be taught and informed of
940 E m m e t t Ave. Suite 14 The paper was cited by eva- the reasons for adopting or imple-
Belmort, CA 94002 luators for its overall quality, menting the management tech-
USA scientific contribution and econo- niques needed.
mic significance. As a concerned management
The awarding ceremonies was expert puts it: "Effective fishery
held last July 14 at the Philippine extension is one of the most
Council for Agriculture and important aspects of all fisheries
Resources Research and Develop- management, for in this way the
ment (PCARRD) at Los Baños, fisherman himself can be en-
The Third Shrimp Laguna. couraged t o participate in the
World Market Conference A cash prize of P5,000 and rational use of the stocks he ex-
Cancun, Mexico plaque of distinction was awarded ploits for his own as well as for
November 8-12, 1987 to the authors. • the common good." •

published quarterly by the
Aquaculture Department of the
Southeast Asian Fisheries Develop-
ment Center with Editorial offices
located at the Department's main
station in Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philip-
pines. Mailing address: Information
Division, P.O. Box 256, Iloilo City,
Philippines. Subscription rates per
year: US $27 (foreign air mail),
P50 (local).
Re-entered as second class matter at the Iloilo City Post Office on May 10, 1983

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