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December 20, 2010


BE IT remembered that on the 20th day of December, 2010, at 9:00 A.M., the

Board of Supervisors of Hinds County met in the Chancery Court Building, Board of

Supervisors’ Room, Jackson, Mississippi; pursuant to the provisions of Mississippi Code

1972, Annotated, Section 19-3-19 and resolution heretofore adopted by the Board. This

being a special meeting of said Board, when the following were present:






Also present and attending upon said Supervisors’ Court were Chancery Clerk
and Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, Eddie Jean Carr; Deputy Chancery Clerk, Greta
Lovell; Deputy Recording Clerk, Brina Miller Hayes; Deputy Sheriff Randy Gant; Public
Works Director, Carl Frelix; Emergency Management Director, Jimmie Lewis; County
Administrator, Carmen Davis and Board Attorney, Crystal Martin when the following
business was had and done, to-wit:

ATTACHED TO and incorporated herein is the Agenda for today’s meeting. A
notice was posted pursuant to statute.

PRESIDENT GRAHAM called the meeting to order at 9:02 A.M. Reverend
Darrell McQuirter, Pleasant Green Church, Clinton, MS, offered the invocation.


Henry M. Griffith, Human Capital Development 5 years of service
Rubylean Linson, Human Services 5 years of service
William L. Skinner II, County Court Judge 10 years of service
Earline Samuel, Maintenance 25 years of service
Iristeen Gatlin, Tax Collector 10 years of service
Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Additional Voting Machines/Update Election Commission Matter
Dr. Lelia Rhodes and Mrs. Connie Cochran, Election Commissioners, addressed
the Board regarding their request to purchase an additional 300 machines currently
available for purchase at $375.00 per machine. They stated that these machines were

December 20, 2010

compatible with the county’s system and would benefit Hinds County in future elections.
They requested the Board make a decision today as to whether to purchase these
machines or not.
Board Attorney Crystal Martin advised the Board that these machines could be
considered “sole source”, but that designation is subject to a finding of fact by the
Board. She also stated that the Board could vote on this matter since “single source”
items are listed under the Purchasing Director on the agenda.
The Board requested an update from the County Administrator and Board
Attorney on the Election Commission matter previously brought to the attention of the
Board. County Administrator Carmen Davis outlined the concerns being reviewed and
the parties interviewed. She requested to have authorization to do a full security
assessment of the building and cost to implement any measures needed. Board Attorney
Crystal Martin updated the Board on the actions taken to better understand the issues
and what Mississippi law states. She stated that Mississippi Code 25-13-219 permits the
Election Commission to enter into a contract, but that the Board of Supervisors must
have prior approval. At this time, she advised that the current contract with Mr. Wilson
was most likely not a valid contract. However, she informed the Board that additional
information will be submitted by the Election Commission on this matter.
Supervisor Peggy Hobson Calhoun questioned the use of additional county
employee without contracts for their services. County Administrator Carmen Davis
advised that these personnel provide some logical functions in assisting with elections
and therefore should receive a stipend for work done. Commissioner Connie Cochran
told the Board that additional personnel have been used for elections since before she
became a Commissioner in 1992. This additional part time help has been audited for
many years.
Supervisor George Smith asked the Board Attorney what action needs to be taken
to clear up this matter. Both County Administrator Davis and Board Attorney Martin
requested additional time to look at these issues and discuss the matter with the State
Auditor’s office. They propose to have a complete report by the first Monday in
February, 2011.
Purchasing Director Shirley Partee requested the Board’s decision on the
purchase of the additional 300 voting machines.
Supervisor Douglas Anderson made a motion to purchase the 300 voting
machines at the reasonable price of $375.00 per machine from a sole source. Supervisor
George Smith seconded the motion. There was additional discussion on the voting
machines and systems.
With Supervisor Robert Graham voting nay, Supervisor Douglas Anderson voting
aye, Supervisor Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting nay and Supervisor George Smith voting
aye, the motion failed.
Sheriff Malcolm McMillin
Sheriff McMillin addressed the Board thanking them for their support over this

December 20, 2010

Circuit Judge William Gowan

Judge Bill Gowan requested an update on the completion of the Raymond
Courthouse Renovations. Ray Bryant advised that a Change Order for the renovation
contract would be presented to the Board for approval today to run fiber optic cable from
the Courthouse Annex to the Courthouse. He stated this work should take approximately
1 – 2 weeks. Additionally, he notified the Board that the office would need to be closed
for a day or so to move the two offices.

Funding Source for Byram-Clinton Corridor Matching Requirements
UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by Douglas Anderson,
Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, George Smith voting aye, it
RESOLVED to approve the use of the Series 2007B Taxable Bond proceeds to
fund the matching requirements for the Byram-Clinton Corridor sent to
MDOT, Office of State Aid Road Construction, approximately $3,909,200.00 for
the construction contract, upon approval of the bid (the County match will be
20% of the approved bid) and $79,670.00 for the construction engineering and
inspection contract.

UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by Peggy Hobson Calhoun,
Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, George Smith voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the Minutes of December 6, 2010.

Interfund Advance Repaid
UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by Peggy Hobson Calhoun,
Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, George Smith voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the following interfund advance repaid as of December

20, 2010. Document is affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Advance repaid to: General County Fund $ 18,500.00

Advance repaid from:Law Enforcement Liaison Grant Fund $ 18,500.00

Interfund Advance
UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by George Smith, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the following interfund advance as of December 20,

2010. Document is affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

December 20, 2010

Advance to: CFDA 81.128 Energy Efficiency Grant Fund $ 15,000.00

Advance from: General County Fund $ 15,000.00

UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by George Smith, Peggy

Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the following interfund advance as of December 20,

2010, as needed to defray additional expenses in the month of December.
Document is affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Advance to: CFDA 16.804 JAG Recovery Grant Fund $ 5,000.00

Advance from: General County Fund $ 5,000.00

UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by George Smith, Peggy

Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the following interfund advance as of December 20,

2010, as needed to defray additional expenses in the month of December.
Document is affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Advance to: CFDA 16.738 JAG/JET (Jackson/MBN) Fund $ 35,000.00

Advance from: General County Fund $ 35,000.00

Interfund Transfers
UPON A motion of George Smith and a second by Douglas Anderson, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the following interfund transfer as of December 20,

2010. Document is affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Transfer to: CFDA 15.929 Save America’s Treasures Fund $ 35,000.00

Transfer from: Series 2007A Tax Exempt Bond Fund $ 35,000.00

UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by Douglas Anderson,

Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, George Smith voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the following interfund transfer as of December 20,

2010. Document is affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Transfer to: Byram-Clinton / Norrell Rd Corridor Fund $ 79,670.00

Transfer from: Series 2007B Taxable Bond Fund $ 79,670.00

UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by Peggy Hobson Calhoun,

Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, George Smith voting aye, it

December 20, 2010

RESOLVED to approve the following interfund transfer as of December 20,

2010. Document is affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Transfer to: County Wide Bond & Interest Fund $ 13.23

Transfer from: $7.5M MCB Bonds Series 2005 Fund $ 13.23

Interfund Loan
UPON A motion of George Smith and a second by Douglas Anderson, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the following interfund loan as of December 20, 2010.

Document is affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Loan to: General County Fund $ 500,000.00

Loan from: E-911 Fund $ 500,000.00

UPON A motion of George Smith and a second by Douglas Anderson, Peggy

Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the following interfund loan as of December 20, 2010.

Document is affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Loan to: Garbage & Solid Waste Fund $ 170,000.00

Loan from: E-911 Fund $ 170,000.00

UPON A motion of George Smith and a second by Douglas Anderson, Peggy

Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the following interfund loan as of December 20, 2010.

Document is affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Loan to: Hinds County Economic Development Dist. Fund $ 45,000.00

Loan from: Industrial Park Fund $ 45,000.00

UPON A motion of George Smith and a second by Douglas Anderson, Peggy

Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the following interfund loan as of December 20, 2010,

as needed to defray additional expenses in the month of December. Document
is affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Loan to: General County Fund $ 2,300,000.00

Loan from: Industrial Park Fund $ 2,300,000.00

December 20, 2010

Regular Claim #1403 – Election Services Online

UPON A motion of George Smith and a second by Douglas Anderson, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the Claim numbered 1403, as appears in the

Supervisors’ Docket of the Claims Book, being the claims and payroll of the
Hinds County Treasury; presented by Greta Lovell.

Regular Claims – over $100,000.00 (Health Insurance)

UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by George Smith, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the Claim numbered 1192, as appears in the

Supervisors’ Docket of the Claims Book, being the claims and payroll of the
Hinds County Treasury; presented by Greta Lovell.

Regular Claims – over $100,000.00

UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by George Smith, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the Claim numbered 1204, 1245, 1398, 1406 and 1410,
as appears in the Supervisors’ Docket of the Claims Book, being the claims and
payroll of the Hinds County Treasury; presented by Greta Lovell.

Regular Claims
Upon a motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by George Smith, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the Claims numbered 1186 – 1438, less claims

numbered 1192, 1204, 1245, 1398, 1403, 1406 and 1410, the Supervisors’
Docket of the Claims Book, being the claims and payroll of the Hinds County
Treasury; presented by Greta Lovell.

Order Approving Claims

UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by George Smith, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the claims portion of the minutes of the Hinds County
Board of Supervisors for December 20, 2010. Document affixed hereto and
incorporated herein.

December 20, 2010

Election Commissioner Bobbie Graves requested an update from the Board on
the matter she previously brought to their attention. President Robert Graham advised
that the Board just concluded a lengthy discussion on this matter and requested
Commissioner Graves to meet with the County Administrator and Board Attorney after
the conclusion of today’s meeting to receive an update.


President Robert Graham thanked Board members for allowing him to preside
over the Board during 2010 and for their confidence in him. He opened the floor for
nominations for President of the Board for 2011.
Supervisor Douglas Anderson nominated George Smith as President of the Board
for 2011. No other nominations were made.
UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, George Smith voting aye, it

RESOLVED to elect Supervisor George Smith as President of the Board for


Supervisor George Smith nominated Douglas Anderson as Vice President of the

Board for 2011. No other nominations were made.
UPON A motion of George Smith and a second by Robert Graham, Douglas
Anderson voting aye, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, it

RESOLVED to elect Supervisor Douglas Anderson as Vice President of the

Board for 2011.

UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by George Smith, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it
RESOLVED to approve pauper’s burials for three (3) unclaimed bodies.
Documents affixed hereto and incorporated herein.


Reimbursement request for Sonny McDonald Industrial Park
UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by George Smith, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve a reimbursement request in the amount of $3,111.35

for invoice #26505 paid September 30, 2010, for the Sonny McDonald
Industrial Park, (from the 1994 GO bond fund – Engineering/Architect fees)
payable to WEI/IMS II, LLC for Advertising, Bidding and Construction
Engineering/Environmental. Document affixed hereto and incorporated

December 20, 2010

Phase II Communications
Blake Wallace, Hinds County Economic Development District Director, updated
the Board on the proposal from The Geospatial Group. The total proposal is not to
exceed $7,800.00, plus the additional hourly rate of $75.00 to resolve system
UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by Robert Graham, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, George Smith voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve the proposal from The Geospatial Group for an

amount up to $7,800.00, plus the hourly rate of $75.00 for data/discrepancy
resolutions. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein.


Limited English Proficiency Plan – Public Works Department
UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by George Smith,
Douglas Anderson voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye,
it was

RESOLVED to approve Hinds County Public Works Department Limited

English Proficiency Plan under Title VI. The Mississippi Department of
Transportation as a recipient of federal dollars is required by federal
regulations to perform annual reviews of the programs and activities of its Sub-
Recipients to ensure nondiscrimination in the expenditure of federal dollars.
This plan is a requirement for Title VI compliance. Document affixed hereto
and incorporated herein.

State Contract Purchase – Chevrolet Pursuit Tahoe
UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by Douglas Anderson,
Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, George Smith voting aye, it
RESOLVED to approve the purchase of a Chevrolet Pursuit Tahoe from State
Contract at $24,233.00, for use by the Sheriff’s Department. Funds are in the
Department’s budget to cover the purchase of the vehicle. Document affixed
hereto and incorporated herein.

Reject Claim – Quality Communications

UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by George Smith, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

RESOLVED to reject invoice #QC10-180 from Quality Communications in the

amount of $3,038.00 and authorize the Purchasing Director to proceed with
authorizing payment through Circuit Court. Document affixed hereto and
incorporated herein.

December 20, 2010


Budget Amendments
UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by George Smith, Phil Fisher
absent not voting, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Robert Graham voting aye, it was
RESOLVED to approve Budget Amendments representing Departmental
requests to transfer between line items with the explanations provided with each
amendment in compliance with GASB-34. Additionally, there was one
amendment that impacts the General Fund unappropriated surplus totaling
$5,440.32. Purchasing – Payment to PERS for interest on employee retirement
$5,440.32. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Carmen Davis, County Administrator, presented the following as minute
1. Department of Public Works – Completed Work Schedule for the month of
November 2010 for Central Office, North, Southeast, and Southwest
Maintenance Crews.

2. Department of Public Works – Tentative Work Schedule for the month of

January 2011 for Central Office, North, Southeast, and Southwest
Maintenance Crews.


UPON A motion of Robert Graham and a second by Peggy Hobson Calhoun,
Douglas Anderson voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, George Smith voting aye, it
RESOLVED to approve entering into a contract with D. L. Johnson
Consultants, LLC, for $40,000.00, to perform redistricting for Hinds County
using the 2010 census, pending Board Attorney approval.

Raymond Courthouse Renovations – Approve change order #5
UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by Peggy Hobson Calhoun,
Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, George Smith voting aye, it
RESOLVED to approve Change Order No. 5 in the amount of $10,444.00 with
no additional days for the contract for the Raymond Courthouse renovations.

Tax Refund – Gil Sidi/Grace Jackson LLC & Old Cola Plant LLC
Board Attorney Crystal Martin presented a request to the Board from Mr. Gil Sidi
regarding taxes due for the old Coca-cola plant. Mrs. Martin stated that Mr. Sidi’s tax
bill was sent to an address at which he no longer resided. She presented his request for
relief from interest and fees due on his tax bill totaling approximately $9,240.00. She
advised the Board that they can waive these fees, but cautioned them that it is the tax
payer’s responsibility to notify the county of any change of address. Document affixed
hereto and incorporated herein.
Supervisor George Smith made a motion to waive the $9,240.00 interest and fees
on this property. The motion died for lack of a second.

December 20, 2010

Tax Exemptions
Mr. Benji Barham, Hinds County Economic Development District presented the
Board regarding several tax exemptions.
UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by Douglas Anderson,
Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, George Smith voting aye, it

RESOLVED to approve Tax Exemption Extensions for Cal Maine Foods, Inc.,
Great Southern Industries and Eaton Aerospace, LLC (completed 12/31/2005).
Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by Peggy Hobson Calhoun,

Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, George Smith voting aye, it

RESOLVED to Ratify a Tax Exemption Extension to Merchant Company

(completed 12/2004).

UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by George Smith,

Douglas Anderson voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye,
it was

RESOLVED to approve an Initial Application for Tax Exemption Extension for

Merchant Company, pending review of the Tax Assessor, Board Attorney and
Economic Development District (completed 12/2005).

UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by George Smith, Peggy

Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it
RESOLVED to Deny Tax Exemption Application for Gulf States Canners
(completed 12/2005), as recommended by the HCEDD.

Independent Contractor’s Agreement – Hinds County Justice Drug Court

UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by George Smith,
Douglas Anderson voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye,
it was

RESOLVED to approve Independent Contractor Agreements with Jeremy

Moncure at a flat rate of $250.00 per event/program, plus $10.00 per hour to be
billed bi-weekly for services ongoing and for Takesia Fields at a rate of $20.00
per client, up to a maximum of $2,000.00, for all Justice Court Drug Court
clients with all work to be completed by January 31, 2011. Both agreements are
for the Hinds County Justice Court Drug Court, to be paid with grant funds.
Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Appointment of Special Counsel – Continuing Disclosure Information Statement

UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by Robert Graham,
Douglas Anderson voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, George Smith voting aye, it

December 20, 2010

RESOLVED to approve appointing Tony Gaylor of Chambers & Gaylor to

prepare the Hinds County Continuing Disclosure Information Statement.
Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Crystal Martin, Board Attorney, presented the following as minute insertions:
3. Appointment of Special Counsel – Tony Gaylor, Esq. Byram Clinton
Parkway/Corridor and other related items.

E-911 Council Recommendation – Town of Terry
UPON A motion of George Smith and a second by Douglas Anderson, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it
RESOLVED to approve the Recommendations from the E-911 Council for The
Town of Terry totaling $32,840.00 for radios and a base station; for Town of
Bolton totaling $10,098.00 for radios and control station; for the City of Clinton
totaling $8,500.00 for a CAD license and for the City of Jackson totaling
$10,042.50 for batteries for radios. Document affixed hereto and incorporated

Sale and Transfer of Equipment and Materials to MS Homeland Security

UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by George Smith,
Douglas Anderson voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting nay,
it was
RESOLVED to approve the Sale and Transfer of equipment and materials to
Mississippi Homeland Security and approve receipt of payment totaling
$10,153.30 from Mississippi Homeland Security for the sale of these items.
These items are located on the vehicles previously transferred to Mississippi
Homeland Security. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Approve Installation of Generator inside building at Wynndale Tower Site

UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by George Smith,
Douglas Anderson voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye,
it was
RESOLVED to approve installation of the generator inside the building at the
Wynndale Tower Site by Kossen Equipment. Document affixed hereto and
incorporated herein.

Advertise Hinds County Storm Water Public Service Announcement
UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by Douglas Anderson,
Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, George Smith voting aye, it
RESOLVED to approve Advertising the Hinds County Storm Water Public
Service Announcement (PSA) in the Clarion-Ledger and the Jackson Advocate.
Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

December 20, 2010

Advertise Request for Bids for White Goods, Scrap Metal and Culvert pick up/acquisition
UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by Peggy Hobson Calhoun,
Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, George Smith voting aye, it
RESOLVED to approve Advertising for Bids for White Goods, Scrap Metal and
Culvert pick up/acquisition in the Clarion-Ledger and Jackson Advocate.

Byram-Clinton Corridor Supplemental Agreement No. 1 (Construction Engineering)

UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by Douglas Anderson,
Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, George Smith voting aye, it
RESOLVED to approve the Byram-Clinton Corridor Supplemental Agreement
Number 1 for Construction Engineering Services. Document affixed hereto
and incorporated herein.

Order Canceling Tax Sale / Authorizing Refunds / Reassessment changes to the
Assessment Rolls.

UPON A motion of George Smith and a second by Douglas Anderson, Peggy

Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it
RESOLVED to approve the following:
Board Orders:
Parcel #804-86 reads Williams Tonya V, cause 67849,book 4316-483 and book
4322-330 all dated 5/12/1994, should read Lewis Shelby & Lisa D, book 6998-
473, dated 3/2/2009; Parcel #215-113 reads Singh Balbir Lessee, Hinds County
Lessor, should read Singh Balbir Lessee, State of Miss Jackson School Lessor;
Parcel #163-214 reads CPG Realty LLC, book 7067-134, dated 10/19/2007,
should read Spoken Word Ministries Inc, book 6990-429, dated 2/16/2009; Parcel
#420-122 reads Winkfield Natalie D, book 7099-3311, dated 12/24/2009, should
read Davis Nathaniel & Ethel R Life Est, Davis-Winkfield Natlie R, book 1250-
1158, dated 11/26/1960 and book 7099-3311, dated 12/24/2009; Parcel #804-86
reads Williams Tonya V, cause 67849,book 4316-483 and book 4322-330 all
dated 5/12/1994, should read Shelby Lewis & Lisa D, book 6998-473, dated
3/2/2009; Parcel #4966-764-14 reads Davis-Winkfield Natalie R, book 616-183,
dated 3/1/2006 and book 701-313, dated 12/24/2009, should read Davis
Nathaniel & Ethel R Life Est, Davis-Winkfield Natlie R, book 616-183, dated
3/1/2006 and book 701-313, dated 12/24/2009; Parcel #4966-764-15 reads
Davis-Winkfield Natalie R, book 701-313, dated 12/24/2009, should read Davis
Nathaniel & Ethel R Life Est, Davis-Winkfield Natlie R, book 480-265, dated
11/12/2001 and book 701-313, dated 12/24/2009; Parcel #4966-764-13 reads
Davis-Winkfield Natalie R, book 701-313, dated 12/24/2009, should read Davis
Nathaniel & Ethel R Life Est, Davis-Winkfield Natlie R, book 480-265, dated
11/12/2001 and book 701-313, dated 12/24/2009; Parcel #70-33-8 reads
Sparkman Eva M Est, Weston David, should read Weston David; Parcel #559-
878 reads Martinex Eleluterio & Ramirez Maria, should read Martinez Eleuterio
& Ramirez Maria; Account #01-42165, reads Great Southern Industries Inc
(Taxing District – City of Jackson), should read Great Southern Industries Inc
(Taxing District – Special Levy/JSSD)

Orders Cancelling Tax Sales/Authorizing refunds:

Parcel #429-368, Pridgen Rosie (2008); Parcel #409-271, Lee Betty C
(2008);Parcel #70-33-5, Tower Loan of Miss Inc (2008); Parcel #100-102-2,
Allen Mozell Jr & Doris M (2008); Parcel #813-1-2, Copeland Jimmie G & Betty

December 20, 2010

J (2008); Parcel #309-175, CPG Series B Investors LLC (2008); Parcel #106-
132, Allen Mozell Jr & Doris M (2008); Parcel #163-360, Washington Robert E
& Dianne (2008); Parcel #8851-440-5, Choctaw Inc c/o Hanson Pipe Products

Petitions for Change of Assessment:

Renee Carolyn M, parcel #4966-191-15; Christopher Waggner E &, parcel #410-
105; Howard Margaret M & Den, parcel #4854-453-403; Jackson Tawanda,
parcel #108-275, Stovall Vertis Jr, parcel #552-314; Wallace Geroge R & Jamie,
parcel #713-140; Friday Family LLC, parcel #2853-325; Pennebaker Robert W
& Ma, parcel #50-57; Gentry Jerome, parcel #414-255, Puckett Rosalie, parcel
#611-27; Weathersby Joel, parcel #622-164; Denson Charles B, parcel #2862-
175-911; Broome Harold M, parcel #4964-718-1; Jordan Emma Est, parcel
#4970-297; Davis Nathaniel & Ethel R Life Est, parcel #420-122; Tullos
Investments LLC, parcel #738-642; Weston David, parcel #70-33-8; Carr Velma
D, parcel #515-21; Burns Henderson, parcel #523-368; Scott Stephen W & Amy
W, parcel #567-22; Frazer Talbert J & Charles, parcel #4854-761; Gill Juanita
K, parcel #4965-497-2; Roby Bill D & Williams Susa, parcel #2967-255-3; NAPA
Auto Parts, parcel #01-12073; Cook Commercial Properties Inc, parcel #01-
14415; Peterson D L Trust, parcel #10-44448; Skinners GMC, parcel #38-46620;
Arch Aluminum & Glass Co, parcel #44-39726; Curves, parcel #37-44625; G E
Capital Info Tech Solution, parcel #01-24830; American Greeting Corporation,
parcel #01-41538

Orders 2009 Homestead Chargeback:

Alexander Larry Henry, parcel #634-510 (2009)

Documents affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Supplemental Roll for Homestead Exemptions for the year 2010

UPON A motion of George Smith and a second by Douglas Anderson, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it
RESOLVED to approve an Order Approving the Additions and Deletions of the
Supplemental Roll for Homestead Exemptions for the year 2010. Documents
affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

Resolution – Authorizing the Destruction of Certain Records Per MS Code 9-5-171

UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by George Smith, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it
RESOLVED to approve a Resolution authorizing the destruction of certain
records pursuant to Section 9-5-171, Mississippi Code of 1972 and in accordance with
the Records Control Schedule approved by the Local Government records committee
pursuant to Section 25-60-1, Mississippi Code of 1972. Document affixed hereto and
incorporated herein.

Amended Resolution – 2009 Homestead Exemption rejections by the Department of


UPON A motion of George Smith and a second by Douglas Anderson, Peggy

Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

December 20, 2010

RESOLVED to approve an amended Resolution of the Hinds County Board of

Supervisors in the matter of Homestead Exemption Rejections by the
Department of Revenue for the Year 2009. Document affixed hereto and
incorporated herein.

Greta Lovell, Deputy Chancery Clerk, presented the following as Minute
A. Neel Schaffer Agreement Amendment for 2009 Solid Waste Management plan
(increase from $10,000 to $45,000)

B. Office of State Aid Road Construction Plans and Specifications for Project
No. LSBP 25 12 (Thornton Road Bridge)

C. Minutes-Hinds County Economic Development District Regular Meeting

October 27, 2010

D. Clinton Public School District audit report for fiscal year ended June 30,

E. Hinds County Department of Human Services Reimbursement of expenditures

for operational purposes.

Warrant # C0012078441 $ 42,046.62

Total $ 42,046.62

F. Fully executed Contract with Level 3 Communications Master Service

Agreement / Long Distance for Hinds County DHS (Approved November 15,

G. Amended Resolution Establishing and Adopting Procedures under the

Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983 (Approved October 18, 2010)

H. Fully executed Contract with Central Mississippi Planning and Development

District for the Title IIIB, Rural Aging Grant # 377L21

I. Residential Sixteenth Section lease agreement – Jackson Public School

District and Adria Parks

J. Proof of Publications

1. Foresite Towers LLC Zoning Hearing

2. Request for Residential Solid Waste Collection Proposal

3. Notice of Public Hearing – Rezoning request by the St. Thomas Water


4. Notice of Public Hearing – Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors

establishing standards and regulations for postal mailboxes

Supervisor George Smith made a motion to consider entering executive session.
The motion was withdrawn.

December 20, 2010

Raymond Courthouse Renovations – Approve change order #5
County Administrator Carmen Davis advised the Board that change order no. 5
for the Raymond Courthouse did include an extension in the number of days to
completion of the contract.
UPON A motion of Robert Graham and a second by George Smith, Douglas
Anderson voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Peggy Hobson Calhoun voting aye, it

RESOLVED to reconsider previous motion to approve the Change Order No. 5

for the Raymond Courthouse Renovations.

UPON A motion of Peggy Hobson Calhoun and a second by George Smith,

Douglas Anderson voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye,
it was

RESOLVED to approve Change Order No. 5 in the amount of $10,444.00, with

50 additional days for contract completion for the Raymond Courthouse
Renovations. Document affixed hereto and incorporated herein.

President Graham announced the following meetings of the Board of Supervisors:

January 4, 2011 Board of Supervisors’ Room

Regular Meeting Chancery Court Building
Jackson, MS 9:00 A.M.

January 13, 2011 Board of Supervisors’ Room

Work session Chancery Court Building
Jackson, MS 9:00 A.M.

January 18, 2011 Board of Supervisors’ Room

Special Meeting Chancery Court Building
Jackson, MS 9:00 A.M.

Any additional, special, recessed, or other meetings may be held by posting,

minute entry or by other means as allowed by law.

UPON A motion of Douglas Anderson and a second by George Smith, Peggy
Hobson Calhoun voting aye, Phil Fisher absent not voting, Robert Graham voting aye, it

December 20, 2010

RESOLVED to adjourn until January 4, 2011, Board of Supervisors’ Room,

Chancery Court Building, Jackson, MS. Whereupon the meeting adjourned at
approximately 11:54 P.M. Notice is hereby given that the meeting to be held on
January 4, 2011, is a regular meeting of the Board.


George Smith, Board President

Eddie Jean Carr, Chancery Clerk

By: _________________________D.C.


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