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The Influence of Online Learning Media, Learning Style and Effectiveness of Learning

Towards EFL Students’ in Speaking Skills



Deni Kurniawan


Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain a Degree in Master of Education



Chapter I


A. Background of the problem

Nowdays we are currently facing the fourth industrial revolution known as the 4.0
Industrial Revolution. According to Prasetyo and Trisyanti (2018), The Era of revolution in
global currents has begun since the 18th century and is characterized by the discovery of a
steam engine that allows the production process to be done in bulk. In the digital Era not only
affects the field of the industry but also it affects all aspects of human life in the world and
certainly affects the field of education.

Education in the development of the 4.0 revolutionary era continues to be demanded

to improve its system. Education in the Digital Era demands the use of digital technology as
an instrument of improvement in academic quality (Syamsuar & Reflianto, 2018). Discussing
about education is not separated from the role of teachers, where his presence has a very
strategic role in giving the generations who are ready to compete.

Nowdays, there are many training programs for teachers to master the technology and
information that will help them in applying technology to teaching and learning activities.
Teachers can make innovations in teaching and learning activities by using technology. One
of many technologies which are integrated in higher education is Social networking services
(SNSs). Robbin and Singger (2014) informed the utilities of the examples of SNSs such as
massaging (WhatsApp, BBM, Telegram), images sharing (Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest),
videos sharing (Vine, YouTube), audios sharing (iTunes, Sticher), micro blogging,
(Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Path), blogging (Tumblr, Blogger, WordPress),
professional sharing (LinkedIn), and academic sharing (Google Scholar, Academia,
ResearchGate). The use of technology for learning is expected to facilitate teachers to create
a student-centered learning process and motivate students to study independently. Ultimately,
the use of technology in learning can make it easier for students to reach the objectives of
learning. Teachers play an important role in helping students solve their difficulties in
speaking, if they can perform their teaching as a moderator who guides the students’ learning
process. According to Martinez (2006), a good teacher is the one who can see beyond the
face of the students and beyond the grammar books he is using to accomplish his teaching. In
other words, teachers should be able to be skillful in giving some kinds of feedback to the
students in developing their capacity.
However, there are still weakness and advantages in using technology as a means of
learning teaching especially in English language learning. In English language there are some
skills that teachers and students have to master and one of them is speaking skills. Speaking
is claimed as one of the pivotal skill that should be achieved and mastered for language
learners. According to Derakhsan et al. (2016), the past four decades have witnessed the rapid
development of speaking skill in second language learning because speaking plays an
important role in learners’ language development. In Indonesia, English as a foreign language
taught in school and higher institution. It is not easy for teachers and students to learn and
teach using online media because there is a shortage of facilities, access and internet network.
It is become a serious problem that have to be solve. The demands of learning the online
media based on the 4.0 industrial revolution.
The use of online media in the learning activities of English language is a method that
is not detached from the technological developments in the era of the 4.0 Industrial
Revolution. The use of online media is very influential in the learning effectiveness of
students, considering in the digital age students are already familiar with the technology.
According to MPB TIK (2010), stated that through E-Learning Moodle (Modular Object
Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) which is one of Learning Management System
(LMS) is expected to improve the efficiency of teaching learning process, improve
motivation, facilitate active learning, facilitate experimental learning, consistent with student-
centered learning, guiding better learning, as well as learning with self-desire and with self-
adjusted speed to improve the understanding of content. With the conditions of the era, the
use of technology especially the Internet for education in Indonesia continues to evolve. The
development of education towards e-learning is a must for education quality standards to be
Indeed, the learning outcomes can be influenced by a variety of things, one of which
is learning style. Learning style is a preferred way of doing the thinking, processing, and
understanding information. According to Bobbi Deporter & Hernacki (2016:109) learning
style is a combination and how one absorbs, and then process the information. Which Means
learning style relates to the most liked way of learning.
Learning style is a learning way that everyone has by their characteristics. Regarding
the learning style, several researchers have different views. Reid (1995) argues that
individuals absorb and process information and learn a new skill based on their habit of
learning, Reid also claims that each individual has its attributes according to their learning
style, proving that individuals have different ways of learning something. (Obralic, 2012,
Hal. 33) According to the view of Dunn (2000), learning styles are how students begin to pay
attention to, cultivate and remember any information obtained. (Lu,2006, p. 427. It can be
concluded that the learning style is the process of receiving and processing individuals on the
learning it receives.
De Potter (2009:85) says that learning Styles act as a sieve for learning, processing,
and communication. Each individual's learning style has a very important role to develop
skills in the field of education, employment and certain circumstances that occur among
individuals. Knowing the learning style, we can know how to fit to absorb and cultivate every
information obtained in a learning situation, thereby making the individual easier, faster, and
successful in learning and communicating (Brown, 2008, p. 139). It can be concluded that a
learning style is one variable that can affect the student learning outcomes.
Learning styles can influence student learning effectiveness. To make high
effectiveness the learning process needs to be learned about the learning style of a person
who needs a way that is considered suitable or comfortable with what it takes during the
learning process in the Learning "(Slameto 2010:82). Learning effectiveness is a way or path
to go through to gain knowledge, attitude, prowess, and affords in learning.
Based on the explanation above about the importance of learning media,
understanding of the students' learning styles, and the effectiveness of the learning outcomes.
Besides, have not done research about it on SMPN 7 Kerinci, so researchers interested in
conducting research on The Influence of Online Learning Media, Learning Style and
Effectiveness of Learning Towards EFL Students ' in Speaking Skills at SMPN 7

B. Identification of the problem

Based on the background of the problem, the problems identified are as follows;

1. The less of students’ ability in speaking

2. Online learning Media that can not necessarily be optimized by all students to facilitate
students in learning English.

3. Learning style from each student in a class that is not equal, so need to do analysis of
learning style to create the process of division to facilitate students to absorb and cultivate
every information obtained in the learning situation, so as to make the individuals easier,
faster, and successful in learning and communication.
4. Has not yet been knew of learning effectiveness that is owned by the students in
mastering lesson materials that concern the students speaking ability in English.

C. Limitation of the problem

Based on the problem above this research limited on The Influence of Online
Learning Media, Learning Style and Effectiveness of Learning Towards EFL Students ' in
Speaking Skills at SMPN 7 Kerinci in academic year 2020/2021 Class 9.

D. Formulation of the problem

The formulation of this research are, as follows;

1. How is the influence of Online Learning Media Towards The effectiveness of learning
English students SMPN 7 Kerinci?

2. How influences Learning Style Towards The effectiveness of learning English students
SMPN 7 Kerinci?

3. How is the influence of Online Learning Media Towards EFL Students ' in Speaking
Skills at SMPN 7 Kerinci?

4. How does the influence of Learning Style Towards EFL Students ' in Speaking Skills at
SMPN 7 Kerinci?

5. How is the influence of Effectiveness of Learning Towards EFL Students ' in Speaking
Skills at SMPN 7 Kerinci?

E. Purpose of the study

Based on the formulation of the research, the purpose of this research are to see;

1. The Influence of Online Learning Media Towards The effectiveness of learning English
students SMPN 7 Kerinci?

2. The Influence of Learning Style Towards the effectiveness of learning English students
SMPN 7 Kerinci?

3. The Influence of Online Learning Media Towards EFL Students ' in Speaking Skills at
SMPN 7 Kerinci?

4. The Influence of Learning Style Towards EFL Students ' in Speaking Skills at SMPN 7
5. The Influence of Effectiveness of Learning Towards EFL Students ' in Speaking Skills at
SMPN 7 Kerinci?

F. Significance of the study

This research are expected to give a theoretical and practical impact. This research are
important to know the students ability in speaking English. Give information and feedback to
teachers,used online learning media to improve the speaking ability of students to in English.
Provide information about the learning style that is owned by the student. This research are
also expected to tell about the level of learning effectiveness that can be achieved by students.
In practical the results of this research is expected to help teachers to create a process that
matches the students ' character and subject matter, to make the students effective learning
and making it easier to improve English speaking skills.

G. Definition of key terms

1. EFL is is the term used to describe the study of english by non-native speakers in
countries where English is not the dominant language. 

2. Speaking Skills is the ability for students to speak in English

3. Effectiveness of Learning is a student's success level achieving the learning

objectives that have been set in one learning period.

4. Online Learning Media is an online medium used by teachers and students to

implement the learning process.

5. Learning Style, is a learning method that everyone has by their own characteristics

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