FinalExam LTE-DEni Kurniawan

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Name : Deni Kurniawan

Nim : 19178008

Subject : Language Teaching Evaluation (Final Exam)

1. I thingk that’s not valid claim. Because based on the book by Mr. Zaim, 2006 The evaluation
of learning English. Stated that the integrative approach considers the use of language is a
combination of several types of language skills. If in discrate approach, language seems to be
separated into the smallest parts into the largest combination, in integrative approach sees
language as a unfied, inseparable whole. Assessing language skills cannot be separated by
assessing the mastery of language elements.

2. Distinguish between imitative and intensive, responsive and interactive speaking

a. Imitative speaking is the ability to pronounce words and sentences with correct speech.
Imitative speaking emphasizes the accuracy of the pronounciation of language sounds,
words, and sentences in the language being studied by students who are different from the
first language the students has mastered.

Example imitative assessment:

Word and sentence repetition

Test-takers hear : Repeat after me: Brown and Abeywickrama (2010)

Beat Bit
Bat vat
I Bought a boat yesterday.
The glow of the candle is growing.
When did they go on vacation?
Do you like coffee?
Test takers repeat the stimulus

b. Intensive speaking is the ability to produce short words in the language being studied. The
emphasis is on the ability to use intonation, stress, rhytm, and juncture appropriately. There
are several forms of intensive speaking, including directed response tasks, read aloud tasks,
and dialogue completion tasks.

Example intensive assessmen

 Directed response
Test-takers hear: tell me he went home. Brown and Abeywickrama (2010)
Tell me that you like music.
Tell him to come to my office at noon.
Remind him what time it is.
Test takers give response.

 Read aloud tasks is a form grammar evaluation above sentence level to one or two
paragraphs. This teachnique is relatively easy to do and administered because it can be done
derectly or by recording the utterances expressed.
 Dialogue completion, another form of test that can be used to test speaking is in the form of
dialogue completion tasks. In this assessment, students are asked to provide answers to
questions raised by the teacher.
c. Responsive speaking is a form of speaking skill at the level of short and simple conversations
such as greeting, request, comment, and smalltalk.
d. Interactive speaking is a speaking skill in the form of dialogue that is more complex
compared to the responsive responses. Included in the interactive form are forms of witnesses
and interpersonal conversations.

3. Distinguish between perceptive and selective, and between interactive and extensive reading
 Perceptive reading is the most basic reading skill, which is to recognize written language
such as latters of the alphabet, uppercase and lowercase letters, punctuation marks, words,
short times, including linking what is written with their pronunciation. Perceptive reading can
be tested using loud reading techniques, written responses, multiple choices for minimal
pairs. For example, distinguishing whether two words are the same or different, matching
pictures with words or simple mat times.
 Selective reading is reading greater language elements compared to perceptive reading.
Selective reading is related to understanding the meaning of words expressed in simple
sentences in certain contexts. The form of test that are often given to selective reading are
multiple choice, praying, true or false, filling in the sentence that overlaps (cloze test),
linking readings with pictures (picture-cued tasks and labeling diagram tasks), and short
 Interactive reading is reading that requires interaction between text and reader as occurs in
anecdotal texts, narrations and short descriptions, memos, and recipes. The readers is asked
to understand the text provide, including the message contained in the text.
 Extensive reading is broader. Students are given the freedom and flexibility to read various
types of reading materials. Extensive reading is longer texts compared to inter active reading.
The types of texts that are read vary, among other things, articles, reports, essays, short
stories, and novels or books. Extensive reading includes three types of reading, namely suvey
reading, skimming, and superficial reading.
4. There are two types of grading rubrics that are used in assessing student writing, namely
holistic scoring and analytic scoring. Holistic scoring is a form of grading rubric that contains
a description of the quality of the writing as well as generalized score tie-ups and is not too
detailed. In this holistic scoring, the rating section is simple but the rating is accurate. The
TWE rating section as outlined above is included the scoring holistic theory.
In analytic scoring, the criterion of scoring is more detailed, making it possible for more
objective results. Writing skills assessment is often overshadowed by an element of
assessment subjectivity. Therefore, the assessment rubric can change things that are
subjective to be onjective. Clear assessment criteria with measurable indicators will make the
assessment given by the teacher valid and reliable.
A. Student cannot and should not given judgment on their assignment. Because, it is the
duites of teachers have been trained to give assess student assignment. In the curriculum,
it is also not found that students are entitled to value their own assignment.
B. Yes it is. Teachers are entitled to raise and lower the student’s value according to the
right criteria and assessment procedures.

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