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THE FOCUS WORLDWIDE Tuesday 7th August.

The millionaire Church demands from the State each year millions of euros in subsidies.
The Spanish State and the Holy See signed on January 3, 1979, among others, an Agreement on
Economic Affairs of the Spanish Catholic Church, which contains its financing and tax
You can see all the luxury of being exhibited in the largest churches in the world.
There is little concrete information about the
money received by the Church from different
public administrations to conserve and maintain
its patrimony (churches, cathedrals or other
buildings of its property); nevertheless, on
November 17, the Cadena Ser published a
report prepared by the Caja Madrid Foundation
in which they revealed the data for the year
2001. The Church had received 106 million
euros mainly from the coffers of the
municipalities as "Conservation patrimonial".

While many public health care centers suffer

from painful situations, with infrastructures that
give pain, lack of inputs, overcrowding, lack of
resources, the State subsidizes 2,500,000 euros
to private education centers that belong to the
What is the Church's Isis and the Holy War
position on abortion?
The origin of the recent terrorist attacks, as disseminated by their
In 1973, the First Presidency of executioners, is found in the Jihad, a concept of the divine Muslim
The Church of Jesus Christ of law that forces its believers to maintain their whole lives in the
Latter-day Saints published the exercise of that faith, to build a Muslim society dominant and to fight
following statement regarding
for the defense and propagation of Islam, including with force.
abortion, which is still in effect
today: "The Church opposes
The so-called Islamic State has expanded its borders in Iraq, Syria
abortion and advises its members
not to undergo an abortion or carry and India, in search of a large army of followers of the Muslim faith
it out, except in rare circumstances that could add to these territories more than four hundred million
in which, according to the people. Its leader calls himself Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, and is one of the
competent medical opinion, the
most dangerous terrorists in the world, considered as the successor of
mother's life or health is in serious
danger or that the pregnancy is the Osama Bin Laden.
result of a rape and causes serious
emotional trauma to the mother.
Even so, abortion should be
considered only after the
responsible persons have consulted
with the priesthood authorities who
preside over them and have Page 3
received divine confirmation

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