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An object A depends on object B to do its job, then B is the dependency and A is

the dependent object.

So far, you have learnt how to do dependency injection using the setter and
constructor injection and
link up these two objects using the ref tag.

As a programmer, you have configured the dependency injection in the config.xml

using the ref tag.

This process of linking the dependent and the dependency is called Wiring,
wiring of beans together.

In realtime applications, you will be wiring a lot of objects or a lot of

dependencies together.

This is process is done by the programmer, then it is called bean wiring.

And if this process is done by the container itself, the Spring container itself,
then it is called auto wiring.

So we'll not be writing any ref tag, we will not be using the property tag or the
constructor arg tag,
the container will do it for us.

Simply we configure it when we configure our beans to do autowiring. Autowiring can

be done in two different
ways using XML.

By default, it is no, it is not autowired.

We can autowire by type, by the datatype, by name of the bean and also Auto detect
is an other option which
only works in Spring 2.0x and lower. So auto detect is not there,

starting Spring 3.0 we'll not be using that.

And finally, by constructor. Here by type and by name use the setter injection.

By constructor, as the name itself says it uses the constructor injection.

And also we can do autowiring through annotations.

We use the @Autowired annotation and @Qualifier annotation to do Autowiring. In the

next few
lectures, you'll be using both these ways to autowire.

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