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In this lecture, you will learn how Spring Boot simplifies the creation and launch

or deployment of Spring Web

or Spring MVC projects. To create a spring MVC project,

all we need to do is to add a dependency called spring-boot-starter-web to our


Once we do that, we can create controller classes and you can use all your
knowledge that you hav
gained from the Spring MVC section.

And our application can be run within, from within our IDE without
creating a war file or without deploying it to a server because, Spring Boot comes
with a embedded Tomcat
server that goes into our application.

You'll be seeing all that in action and I'll explain it, at the end of the hands-on
lectures I will show you how the jar file will look like and what internally
And even better, we need not configure the Dispatcher Servlet, nor the Internal
View Resolver, all that will come for free.

Once we start using the Spring starter dependency, Spring will automatically
configure all these
for us.

And if we want to customize the Internal View Resolver configuration, we need not
create any XML or Java configuration.

We can simply use the file and add properties like
spring.mvc.view.prefix, etc;
I will show you where these properties exist on the Internet and how you can refer
to them.

So the key to remember is that Spring Boot simplifies the creation of Spring MVC
projects. It takes
out a lot of configuration as well as it comes with an embedded Tomcat server that
allows us to run our applications as jar files from within our IDEs, or we can even
deploy the jar files to a server.

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