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You have learnt how Spring data makes our life as a developer easy, to implement

our data access layer, and to

use JPA without writing much code.

It avoids all the boilerplate coding. All we needed to do, was to create an entity
and create an interface that extends the CrudRepository
from Spring data.

And we were able to perform save, findOne, findAll, delete, update and there are
several other operations on the CrudRepository which we can explore. In this

you'll learn few more advanced features that Spring Data offers, starting with
finder methods or custom finder methods.

For example, if I want to find a product in the database based of its name, I need
not write any SQL.
Spring data has a syntax that we need to follow, wherein we'll create a method
called findBy, the camelcaseof the field on the product, in our repository
interface. And at runtime,

when this method is invoked Spring Data will automatically generate the query and
return the results back.
In this case, it returns the list of products back.

Similarly, if I want to find a product by it's price, then I can simply create a
method call findByPrice. I will not be writing or implementing a method.
This is a abstract method on the repository interface.

It's very powerful. And if you want to keep exploring other features of Spring
Data, launch your web browser
and search for Spring Data documentation, Enter.

Click on the very first link which says Spring Data JPA-Reference Documentation.
And you can go through the various features
Spring Data offers.

Now that you have a basic understanding of how it works, you can explore all the

Do a Control+f and search for supported keywords. Supported keywords, and you will
go to a table where it lists
out the various keywords that we can use in our method name syntax.

For example, if I want to find something by two fields I can say

findByLastnameAndFirstname.If I simply define a method like this, I need not write
any SQL or JPQL.

Automatically Spring Data will generate something like this on the fly and it will
get the results for me.

You will see all this in action in the next few lectures. But you can refer to this
table because, I am
not going to show you everything in this table.

There are several operators, LessThanEqual, Before, IsNull, etc; explore them and
if you have any
questions, do let me know.
And get ready to do a findByName and findByPrice on the product.

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