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In this lecture I will introduce you do what AOP is AOP stands for Aspect Oriented

Programming. It is the process of applying services or external services such as

transaction management or logging
security etc. to our application classes without modifying the code or methods in
those classes.

These external services are also called cross-cutting concerns because they can be
applied across the Java ee web application.
They could be applied by a DAO layer.

Services layer and UI layer for example logging whatever is happening in our
application logging it to
a log file can be applied across these layers.

Transaction management typically is applied at the Services layer So these external

services can be just plugged in without changing any code.

That process is called the Aspect Oriented Programming for example.

Here I have a business class called order service impel with two methods in place
order and ship order and the services that could be used by this could be
transaction management after the order is shipped.

We might want to send out an e-mail. And also we want to log whatever is happening
in our services class into a log file.
All of these services can be simply used through aspect oriented programming.

So without modifying these methods here and the code inside them all these services
like transaction
management send email and logging could be used by this Services class. They can be
applied to the services class using Aspect Oriented Programming.

To summarize Aspect Oriented Programming is a process off applying services

typically external services
to the classes. In our application without changing the code inside them.

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