Data Types of Dependencies

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When the spring container creates an object and does the dependency injection for

that particular object it does it based on the types of data,

that object depends on. Based on it, there are three types of data or dependencies.

Number one is primitive type dependencies an object might have primitive type
fields and dependencies, spring will consider
all the following types java types by short int long float double boolean character
and string as primitive type dependencies.

That is the first step.The second type is the collection type as soon as I say a
collection type, you know that Spring will consider list set map and properties as
the collection type dependencies.
It knows how to create those objects and inject them into the objects as required.

Last but not the least reference types or the object types.
This is the most used type in any java application, this is where a class depends
not on a primitive type not on a collection.

But it depends on an other class object spring will create an object of that type
class type and it will inject it into the class that depends on it.

So is the reference type. The three types of data or dependencies are new types
collection types and a reference type you will
be working on all these three as soon as you start working on the handson lectures.

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