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Ss Payment Log Detaij Receipt cnnted at 1 Payment Deiatis 2-0 ao on 21/07/202 ‘S Sender Cetaiis Nine: MR RODRIGO PRAXEDES BICALHO Sender Bic. AIBKIE2D Sender IBAN: 1£05Ai5K93228026793005 Message ‘o appear OR your “MOBI 13870944 Statement: Receiver Detaiis Receiver Name. liffey BOFNE2DXxx iE5580F190001713870944 Pecsiver statement: MR RODRIGO PRAXEDE Payment Detaiis Currency: EUR Transacticn Date: 17-07-2020 Payment Status: Completed Reference Nurrber: 1E20071770482956 Fe = Ss applied io this payment. For BoNs=Scauce 1 eee 2 Lo #ihaG ish Barks, 2, \" ayment L og Detaii i pL Ln at 12 2:08 on 21/97 “iyment Details 2029 Sender Oetails iG =e — x PRAXEDES AIBKIE2D a JED5AIBK93228025 793005 lessage to appear on your “MOBI 13870944 Hement: Receiver Details Receiver Name: Liffey Receiver BIC BOFIE2DXxx E2Dx) Receiver i r BAN 1E5580F190001719870944 Message ‘9 appear on receiver statement. MR RODRIGO PRAXEDE Payment Details Amount: 100.00 Currency: EUR Transaction Date: 18-07-2029 Payment Status: Completed ‘eference Number: IE20072070933176 se pote: A fransactian fee may be applied to this payment. Far Yprormation on transaction fees piease review our Fees and harges Booklets. © 2927 Aiied insh Banks. pic Ain ANS HAS yareny changed Ks Data Prmecinn ‘onse ‘Asi fMosf/atee/Privary-Statemant .c view tne casasen on, For \ponan: ictoreatio Stanoary Conditions raqarding ynur account lag onta www ain iertanearcconcitions AMise nish Barks pc. is tequiated RY the Samrat Bank of treiana, aic Mantrage Bank is recs *he Gentrat Bank ot ireland, reserved Si nformatinn Souce

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