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French Potato, Bacon, and Cheese Casserole

There’s nothing I like more than getting a food wish for something I didn’t know existed, and thanks to a Mr. Patrick
Ryan, I now know that tartiflette exists. This striking looking dish is basically a potato, onion, and bacon casserole,
topped with Reblochon cheese.

If you can’t swing reblochon, I’ve read about some people using half gruyere and half brie. After tasting the finished
product, I can see how that combo could create a somewhat similar flavor profile. Of course, since we’re talking
about potatoes and bacon, just about any melting cheese should work beautifully. I really hope you give this
amazing casserole a try soon. (Ingredients are for about 8 portions.)

butter for greasing casserole dish

3 pounds russet potatoes, cooked with skins on, in salted water

12 ounces thick-cut bacon, cut into 1/2-inch pieces

2 large onions, sliced thin
salt, freshly ground black pepper, and cayenne to taste
1⁄2 cup drinkable white wine (e.g. Chardonnay)
3/4 cup crème fraiche
1 pound Reblochon cheese, or something similar like Dancing Fern (Brie, Gruyere, Camembert.)
Cook the potatos whole, in salted water. Peel when cooled down, and cut into rounds.

Toss bacon into a frying pan over medium heat, fry until tender. Remove bacon from pan (leave grease
in), and toss in onions. [So bacon doesn't get overcooked.] Add salt.
Sauté onions until soft and tender (or longer, until caramelized.)
Re-add bacon and cook together with onions for a while (for merging of aromas).

Deglaze with a good white wine, and cook for about two minutes. Turn heat off.

For Reblochon or Camembert: Cut cheese horizontally and vertically:

Grease an oven pan/casserole with butter. Layer the ingredients as following:

half of the potatos, onions & bacon, thin layer of sour cream, rest of the potatoes, cheese.

To avoid the cheese to drip in the oven, use an aluminum-lined baking tray.

Bake at 375F/190°C. for 45 minutes, or until potatoes are very tender.

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