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Business Process Framework

(eTOM) Fundamentals
Student Exercises Workbook
Online Edition


Business Process Framework Fundamentals (eTOM) On-Line v15.0 TM Forum 2015 Page 1

This document is an annex to the Business Process

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Business Process Framework Fundamentals (eTOM) On-Line v15.0 TM Forum 2015 Page 2
Table of Contents

Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................. 3
Student Exercises .............................................................................................................................................4
Exercise 1 Scoping a Project ............................................................................................................... 4
Exercise 2: The Coffee Shop ............................................................................................................. 11
Exercise 3: Decomposing Level 3 Processes .................................................................................... 11
Qualify Opportunity ........................................................................................................................ 12
Negotiate Sales/Contract............................................................................................................... 12
Manage Sales Accounts................................................................................................................ 12
Cross/Up Selling ............................................................................................................................ 13
Develop Sales Proposal ................................................................................................................ 13
Exercise 4 Developing L3 Process Flows .......................................................................................... 14
Exercise 5 High Level Presentation ................................................................................................... 17
Suggested Answers ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Exercise 1 Scoping the Project .......................................................................................................... 18
Exercise 2 Process Flows – The Coffee Shop ................................................................................... 18
Exercise 3 Decomposing Level 3 Processes ..................................................................................... 19
Exercise 4 Developing L4 Process Flows .......................................................................................... 19
Exercise 5 High Level Presentation ................................................................................................... 20

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Student Exercises

This part of the workbook presents exercises to be completed by you during the course of
the training.

Blank pages are provided following the exercise descriptions for you to record your
solution to the exercises.

Exercise 2 is described in the course notes

Exercise 1 Scoping a Project

F-Con will be making available customer premise equipment (CPE) associated with the
new fiber to the premise offerings. The CPE will be bundled with these offerings.
Product Managers and Network Engineers are part of a project team implementing the
strategy set forth by F-Con executives to identify the types of CPE needed to support
these offerings. The team also wants to ensure that F-Con’s infrastructure will be in place
and can support the new offerings and the CPE.

Examples of the types of CPE are shown in the Figures 1, 2, and 3. They include set top
boxes, wireless routers, and RJ45 connection faceplates.

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Figure 1 - Set Top Box

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Figure 2 - Wireless Broadband IP Router

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Figure 3 - Customer Premise Face Plate

Your challenge

You are in sole charge of delivering this project, so you need to ensure that everything is
in place before you start.

Using the process Framework Level 2 Core processes, identify those areas of the
business that may have an input or interaction with this project. Effectively checking the
scope of the project

Note: Defining the scope of a project is an iterative process. This is the first iteration and
the scope is not expected to be the final scope. Part of this challenge is to document
your reasons for including the Business Process Framework processes, the assumptions
that have been made for including or excluding Business Process Framework processes,
and follow-up questions associated with the processes included or not included in the
scope of the project.

The Process Framework in the course slides can help you with this exercise.

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Process Reason for Inclusion/Questions/Assumptions

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Process Reason for Inclusion/Questions/Assumptions

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Process Reason for Inclusion/Questions/Assumptions

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Exercise 2: The Coffee Shop

Details in the video

Exercise 3: Decomposing Level 3 Processes

This exercise is in two parts

Part 1
Below is the level 2 core process and the decomposed level 3 tasks of Selling

Also shown are part of the descriptions of five of the level 3 tasks

Using one or more of the decomposition the techniques described in the course, decompose each of
these five level 3 tasks into their level 4 component tasks.

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Qualify Opportunity
Brief Description
Ensure that the opportunity is qualified in terms of any associated risk and the amount of effort required
to achieve a sale

Extended Description
The purpose of the Qualify Opportunity process is to ensure that the opportunity is qualified in terms of
any associated risk, and the amount of effort required (e.g. response to a Request for Proposal [RFP])
to achieve a sale. The opportunity is explored with the customer to ensure the offer meets the
customer’s expectations, and to ensure that the breadth of the customer requirement is understood.
Extended interactions with the customer may be required to achieve mutual understanding and
agreement. The opportunity may require the development of alternative solutions or customization to
the specific customer’s requirements. The Qualify Opportunity process is responsible for assessing the
size of the potential development and its risk. The resources, financing and potential on-going
customer commitment to the developed solution are all factors that must be assessed. These
processes also need to assess the strategic importance of the opportunity, the potential for wider
application, and the importance of the specific customer to the enterprise. The solution alternatives
must be available (e.g. capacity) or scheduled on a product roadmap

Negotiate Sales/Contract
Brief Description
Close the sale with terms that are understood by the customer, and are mutually agreeable to both the
customer and the service provider.

Extended Description
The purpose of this process is to close the sale with terms that are understood by the customer, and
are mutually agreeable to both the customer and the service provider. This process may involve
obtaining customer agreement to standard terms and conditions. The agreement process may require
interaction with the customer to ensure that the standard terms and conditions are understood by, and
are acceptable to, the customer.
In some cases this process may involve the development of, and negotiation with the customer of, non-
standard terms and conditions associated with sales proposals specifically developed to meet specific
customer requirements. For complex sales proposals associated with customer RFPs this process
may extend over long time periods and require extensive interaction with customers to achieve
agreement. Aspects of contract price determination may include issues of CPE prices from third party
vendors, allowances based on customer location, etc. For RFPs, many of the commercial terms being
sought may be developed or originated by the customer, and the negotiating team may need to
develop strategies to achieve acceptable commercial outcomes. .The sale is concluded through
negotiations and joint agreement on features, service levels, pricing and discounts, resulting in a sign-
off formal agreement/contract between the customer and service provider. Depending upon specific
circumstances, final agreement from the Service Provider’s perspective may require escalation to, and
agreement from, an appropriately delegated manager. The formal agreement could include zero or
more confirmed orders from the customer. These orders are then passed on as requests to allow
formal Customer Orders to be generated and processed...

Manage Sales Accounts

Brief Description

Business Process Framework Fundamentals (eTOM) On-Line v15.0 TM Forum 2015 Page 12
Manage the sales accounts assigned to the sales channel on a day-day basis

Extended Description
The purpose of the Manage Sales Accounts processes is to manage the sales accounts assigned to
the sales channel and/or sales manager on a day-day basis. These processes are responsible for
contacting the customers associated with each sales account on a regular basis appropriate for the
type of account, to develop the appropriate relationships and contacts, to prospect for leads, to promote
the enterprise’s product offerings, etc.

Cross/Up Selling

Brief Description
Ensure that the value of the relationship between the customer and service provider is maximized by
selling additional, or more of the existing, products.

Extended Description
The purpose of this process is to ensure that the value of the relationship between the customer and
service provider is maximized by selling additional, or more of the existing, products. The ongoing
analysis of customer trends (e.g. usage, problems, complaints) is used to identify when the current
offerings may no longer be appropriate for the customer, or when the opportunity for a larger sale
arises. Based on the data collected, more appropriate offerings should be recommended to the

Develop Sales Proposal

Brief Description
Develop a sales proposal to respond to the customer’s requirements

Extended Description
The purpose of this process is to develop a sales proposal to respond to the customer’s requirements.
This process commences following approval by the Qualify Customer process. The development of a
sales proposal may require the selection of a standard product offering, may require the development
of a non-standard offering, or may require the creation of a project team to construct an offering in
response to a customer’s Request for Proposals. In all cases, the processes are responsible for
ascertaining the customer’s requirements, determining the ability of the enterprise to support the
customer requirements, and developing a proposal (or proposals) for the customer which meets the
stated requirements. These processes assess the extent of enterprise support required to develop the
sales proposal, marshal the necessary support across the enterprise and administer the sales proposal
development activity to ensure that any timing constraints associated with eth customer requirements
are achieved.

Part 2
Consider just one of the process flows you have just decomposed above, now try again, this time
using another technique – Life-cycle or Sequence Diagram.
Now compare them…who close are they?

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Exercise 4 Developing L3 Process Flows

Consider the high level process flow shown below. It represents one interpretation of the
high level flow ‘order to invoice issue’ where the flow is indicated at Business Process
Framework level 2

Your task is to recreate part of the flow at process framework level 3

Focus on just the high level flow around Customer Interaction Management, Customer
Information Management, Selling, and Order Handling. Ignore the flow from Order
Handling to Party Interaction Management and back (fulfilment processes).

Business Process Framework Fundamentals (eTOM) On-Line v15.0 TM Forum 2015 Page 14
The Customer Interaction Management, Customer Information Management. Selling,
Order Handling and Bill Invoice Management Level 3 process are shown below to help

Note: Remember that

 Normally flows are between processes at the same level or near the same level.

 Framework flows are control flows. The flows should show the passing of control
from one process to another or sequence of execution of the processes.
Therefore not all L3 processes for a L2 may be included in a flow.

 Detailed descriptions of L3 process decompositions are in GB921D

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Business Process Framework Fundamentals (eTOM) On-Line v15.0 TM Forum 2015 Page 16
Hint: Take time to read the descriptions of these level 3 processes in GB921D.

Exercise 5 High Level Presentation

You have been asked to manage the implementation of a major project for an Electrical and Gas
Supply Company.

The Electrical and Gas supply divisions of the Company are run as separate Operating
Organizations, each with its own infrastructure and support systems – Billing, Infrastructure
Management, Product Developments, and Supplier Management etc.

The Company is currently organized on a regional basis. There are 5 Regions.

Each Region supplies both Domestic and large Industrial Customers. There are separate billing
systems for each.

Processes for each Operating Organization and each Region vary in quality and structure.

The Supply Company has decided that an overhaul of the way they do things (processes) is long
overdue, but they do not know where of how to start

You would like to use the Process Framework to help to deliver this project but you need to
convince the Board.

The Challenge is to prepare a short presentation - between 3 and 5 slides, outlining what the
Process Framework is, why you should use it to deliver this project and how it will benefit the
Supply Company in the immediate and longer term.

Hint: You can use the Forum website to get information .

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Suggested Answers

Note to Student:

Most of the exercises are open to interpretation and they do not have a “Correct” answer

Therefore the answers below should only be used as a guide.

For each question I have identified:

 The main learning purpose of the question

 A guide answer

Exercise 1 Scoping the Project

Main Learning Point:

To reinforce the fact that although a project may appear to be contained within a small area of the
Business, that the impact of that project could be felt across the Business.
Consequently, by considering each level 2 core process, we can help to determine:
 Any additional requirements
 Any additional delays
 Any additional costs
 Any additional benefits

Guide Answer
Typically for the project described we could consider:

 As we are installing equipment in Customers’ premises: Revenue Assurance

management, Security Management, Fraud Management
 As we need too channel any feedback from the project to the correct people: Knowledge
 To keep track of the equipment: Asset Management
 As we will be visiting people in their homes to install the equipment and we may need to
recruit or reassign people if demand increases: Corporate Communications & Image
Management, Workforce Strategy, Workforce Development

You may not agree with the above and indeed you may have identified others. The purpose
though, is to get into the habit of asking the questions

Exercise 2 Process Flows – The Coffee


Business Process Framework Fundamentals (eTOM) On-Line v15.0 TM Forum 2015 Page 18
Main Learning Point
To provide an illustration of the fact that the same process flow can be modelled in many different
formats and styles and to emphasize the need to have a single naming convention from the
Process Framework, and preferably a single notation, so that each flow is recorded and understood
by anyone looking at it

Guide Answer
As the purpose is to show the differences in interpretation, there is no single ‘proper answer’. The
one shown in the next course video is typical but not recommended. It does not use Process
Framework standard terms for example.

Exercise 3 Decomposing Level 3

Main Learning Points
 To emphasize that trying to interpret descriptions written by other people is not
 It is unlikely that one would get it right first time
 To emphasize the importance of speaking with the people who actually do the jobs being
 To emphasize the importance of really understanding the task being decomposed
 To encourage those doing the decomposition to create descriptions of the decomposed
tasks that are clear and unambiguous

Guide Answer
The answer can be found in Document GB921DX on the TM Forum website.

If your answer is different, try and see how the answer in the document was arrived at.

Exercise 4 Developing L4 Process Flows

Main Learning Points
 To encourage the student to read the descriptions in GB921DX rather than just guess the
meaning from the title
 To demonstrate that the flow will depend on how things are actually done within the
 To give practice in using the guidelines described in GB921 U

Guide Answer

A typical answer is shown below. Yours will be different as you may have included more steps –
authorizing credit for example

You may also have noted the outputs from each step as per GB921 U

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Exercise 5 High Level Presentation

Main Learning Points

This exercise is about the student understanding the overall benefits that using the Process
Framework can bring

Guide Answer

Your presentation could have included aspects such as these listed below:

Slide 1

 Our Business has changed over the years but the way we support the operation of that
Business has not. Our systems, software and processes are duplicated and inadequate
and we are consequently losing money and delivering a poorer Customer service than our
 The TM Forum’s Business Process Framework is seen Globally as a standard that will
enable us to rationalize our systems and practices, to make us more efficient, more
competitive and more agile
 The TM Forum has over 970 corporate members worldwide, including, Banks, Insurance
Companies, Utilities and almost every major Communications Company
Slide 2

Tm Forum Members have used the Process Framework to:

 Accurately scope projects that deliver what the Business needs
 Solve problems by understanding who does what, where and when
 Optimize their organizational structure
 Manage on activity /cost based principles
 Be more agile and adaptable to change
 Cut cost, increase efficiency and improve Customer satisfaction
We can do the same

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Slide 3
 We can reduce the number of Billing applications and create a single bill for our Gas and
Electricity Customers
 We can negotiate a better deal from our Suppliers and Partners by have a single view of
all of our operating Companies requirements
 We can rationalize our existing support applications
 We can optimize the way we do things by having a single Process Framework
 We can improve our understanding of our Customers by having a single view of all of our
Customer information
 We can make full use of the support systems we have and prevent that same functionality
being bought time and time again
Slide 4
 Using the Process Framework has been demonstrated to work and many Global
Companies have realized the benefits listed in the previous slide
 There is no major upfront cost to using the Process Framework
 We can begin almost immediately

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