Chapter-4 Wide Band Pass Filter Design

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The band pass filters suggested in last chapter are having the FBW less than
the 20%. In contrast of that this chapter deals with the design of wide band
pass filter which are applicable for UWB applications. In 2002 the FCC
(Federal Communications Commission) approved the use of ultra wide band
for commercial purpose with the frequency from 3.1GHZ to 10.6GHz [91]. For
the UWB purpose, the fractional bandwidth of BPFs usually exceeds 100%.
To achieve such wide band response a very strong coupling is required if the
parallel line resonators are used. The practical implementation of such filter is
highly difficult because to get the tight coupling the spacing between the end
resonators are very small [1-3]. Various design technique have been reported
in the literature to design the BPF for UWB application [93], [94], [143]-[147].
A large coupling may be achieved by the designs of coplanar waveguide BPF
[143]; however large FBW have not been realized. The BPF with ultra-wide
bandwidth and flat group delay was realized using lossy material but with a
high insertion loss of 6.7 dB [145]. Another filter presented in [145] is
developed by using shielded multi-layer structure.
An electromagnetic band gap (EBG) embedded multiple-mode resonator is
proposed to constitute an upper stop band-improved and size-miniaturized
ultra-wideband band pass filter [146]. Three inter digital edge coupled
microstrip lines are used for coupling enhancement to design a UWB filter
[95]. In this filter a stepped impedance open stub is used for realizing
transmission zero simultaneously in upper and lower stop bands as well as
impedance matching. In [94] the filter uses a single CPW resonator which is
only a quarter-wavelength long and coupled to two microstrip open-circuited

stubs in parallel on the other side of a common substrate. Ultra wide band
filter based on quarter wavelength short circuited stubs has been
demonstrated [147], this filter is based on quarter-wave length short-circuited
stubs model. An UWB filter is designed based on a circuit model for an
optimum short circuited stub filter whose unit elements or connecting lines are
non redundant [93]. A wideband BPF is constructed by a direct cascade of a
LPF and a HPF. Both upper and lower transition bands can be determined
individually as long as the input and output impedances of both filters are
matched. In [91] a high pass filter is combined with a stepped impedance low
pass filter to realize UWB BPF.
In this chapter two different structures are proposed for wide band pass filter
for UWB application. These two structures are the based on the combinations
of high pass and low pass filter. The high pass filter design for both the
structures is same where as the LPF used are different. In the next section
the design technique of HPF is discussed based on the design technique [1],


This high pass filter may also be regarded as pseudo high pass filter [1]
because the basic design technique is based on the band pass filter design
for wide band application using short circuited stubs. The high pass filter
structure designed here is based on the figure shown (4.1). This consists of
quarter wave length long short circuited stubs connected with half wavelength
long line. For a particular filter order the high pass filter response depends
upon the characteristics admittance of the connecting lines and characteristic
admittance of stub lines. The design equations for determining the
characteristic admittance are described in [2] are given as follows:

  FBW 
 1  
2 2  (4.1)

Fig. 4.1 basic circuit of high pass filter, l1,2 to ln-1,n :length of connecting lines, l1
to ln: length of short circuited stubs, Y1 to Yn: admittance of short circuited
stubs, Y1,2 to Yn-1,n characteristic admittance of connecting lines, Y0
characteristic admittance of source and load.

J 1, 2 hg1
 g0 ,
Y0 g2
J n 1,n hg 1 g n1
 g0 (4.2)
Y0 g 0 g n 1
hg 0 g1
J i ,i 1 
g i g i 1

For i= 2 to n-2

 J i ,i 1  2  hg g tan   2 
N i ,i 1      0 1  
 Y0   2   (4.3)

 h  J 1, 2 
Y1  g 0Y0 1   g1 tan   Y0  N 1, 2  
 2  Y0  (4.4)

 h  J n1, n 
Yn  Y0  g n g n1  g 0 g1  tan   Y0  N n 1,n  
 2  Y0  (4.5)

 J i 1,i J i ,i 1 
Yi  Y0  N i 1,i  N i ,i 1    for i=2 to n-1 (4.6)
 Y0 Y0 

 J i ,i 1 
Yi ,i 1  Y0   for i= 1 to n-1 (4.7)
 0 

where gi are the element values of a ladder-type lowpass prototype filter such
as a Chebyshev, given for a normalized cutoff frequency = 1.0.rad/sec and h
is a dimensionless constant which may be assigned to another value so as to
give a convenient admittance level in the interior of the filter [2]. By using the
above set of equations of the wide band pass filter a pseudo high pass filter
has been designed.
In the high pass filter designed here, only two quarter wave length (of the
center frequency) long short circuited stubs of characteristic admittance 1/135
mho are used. These are connected with lines with characteristics admittance
1/50mho. Using the simulations the length are optimized. The lay out of the
HPF is given in figure (4.2)

Fig. 4.2 High pass filter structure using optimum method.

The high pass filter is simulated and the results for scattering parameters are
shown in figure (4.3). The 3dB cut off frequency of the high pass filter is

2GHz. The lowpass filter of figure (2.37) is cascaded with the above HPF to
design a wide band filter. The cascaded structure is shown in figure (4.4)

S11 parameters S21 parameters

S parameters in db

0 3 6 9 12 15

Frequency in GHz

Fig 4.3 S-parameters of High pass filter.

Fig 4.4 Cascaded structure of HPF and LPF structures.

The simulated scattering parameters of this cascaded structure are shown in

figure (4.5). The lower and upper 3dB cut off frequencies of the cascaded filter
are 2.84GHz and 10.448 GHz respectively. The maximum return loss in pass
band is 10.33dB. The FBW of this filter is 113% and the total size of this
cascaded filter is 26.4mm.

S11 parameters S21 parameters

S-parameters in dB -10
0 3 6 9 12 15

Frequency in Ghz

Fig.4.5 Simulated S-parameters of cascaded structure.

The size of the cascaded filter can be further reduced by modifying the
structure as shown in figure (4.6). Through this modification the size of the
cascaded structure is reduced from 26.4mm to 8.25 mm. This structure is
simulated using IE3D and the simulated results are shown in figures (4.7).

Fig. 4.6 The modified structure with triangular patch placed on the HPF.

S11 parameters S21 parameters


S-parameters in dB -10





0 3 6 9 12 15

frequency in GHz

Fig.4.7 S-parameters of cascaded wide band filter.

From the simulated results it is observed that the lower and upper 3dB cut off
frequencies of the modified structure are 1.5GHz and 10.5GHz and the FBW
is about 150%. The maximum return loss in pass band is observed as about
3.7dB which needs some improvement. The structure is further modified as
shown in figure (4.8). This new structure is simulated and the S-parameters
S11 and S21 are shown in figure (4.9).

Fig. 4.8 Wideband filter embedded with HPF and LPF.

S11 parameters S21 parameters

S-parameters in dB





0 3 6 9 12 15

Frequency in GHz

Fig. 4.9 S-parameters of the embedded structure.

The lower and upper cut off frequencies of the embedded structure is 2.1GHz
and 10.08GHz and the FBW is 130%. The maximum return loss in pass band
is observed as less than 15dB and the minimum insertion loss in the stop
band is 15dB up to more than 20GHz. The total length of the filter shown is
12mm. The simulated parameters of the structure shown in figure (4.8) are
compared with the scattering parameters of the structure shown in figure
(4.4). These comparisons of S11 and S21 parameters are shown in figures
(4.10) and (4.11).

Cascaded Structure Embeded Structure

S11 in dB

0 3 6 9 12 15

Frequency in GHz

Fig 4.10 Comparison of S11 parameters of cascaded and embedded structure.

Cascaded Structure Embeded Structure

S parameters in dB

0 3 6 9 12 15

Frequency in GHz

Fig. 4.11 Comparison of S21 parameters of cascaded and embedded structure.

From the comparisons of S-parameters it is evident that the wideband filter shown in
figure (4.8) is much superior to the filter shown in (4.4). The UWB filter shown in
figure (4.8) is fabricated on the substrate with dielectric constant 3.2 and the height
0.762mm and is shown in figure (4.12). The measured scattering parameters S11

and S21 compared with the simulated values of the embedded structure. These
comparisons are shown in figures (4.13) and (4.14).

Fig. 4.12 Fabricated wide band filter using triangular patch resonators.

Measured S11 Simulated S11

S11 in dB

0 5 10 15

Frequency in GHz

Fig. 4.13 S11 parameters of simulated and fabricated structures.

Measured S11 Simulated S11

S21 in dB -15
0 3 6 9 12 15

Frequency in GHz

Fig. 4.14 S21 parameters of simulated and fabricated structures.

From the scattering parameters shown in figures (4.13) and (4.14) it is

observed that the fabricated results are in well agreement with simulated


A novel structure of ultra wide band filter has been proposed and
implemented in this section. The design technique consists of three parts. In
first part an ultra wide band low pass filter has been designed using the
application of fractal structure as defective ground plane which in tern works
as an electromagnetic band gap (EBG) structure based on Seirpinsky triangle
on the ground plane of a 50 ohm line as shown in figure (4.16). The 3dB cut
off frequency of the LPF is 10.6GHz. The Seirpinksky triangle based DGS
structure is shown in figure (4.15). The values of the different dimensional
parameters like a, b, d and g are obtained through large number of
simulations. The dimensions of the slots are obtained as a=0.2 mm,
b=1.4mm, g=3.9mm and d=5.48mm.

Fig. 4.15 The proposed DGS based on Seirpinski triangle.

Fig. 4.16 The proposed lowpass filter structure.

The simulated S11 and S21 parameters of this LPF are shown in the figures

S11 parameters S21 parameters

S-parameters in db
0 3 6 9 12 15

Frequency in GHz

Fig. 4.17 Response of the low pass structure with 3-dB cutoff frequency 10.6

The HPF is then designed using the technique described in previous section.
The dimensions of the HPF are shown in figure (4.18).

Fig. 4.18 Structure of the High pass filter, L=15.9mm, c=0.2mm, l=6.065.

The LPF of figure (4.16) cascaded with the pseudo HPF of figure (4.18) to
achieve the wide band filter shown in figure (4.19). The length of this
cascaded structure is 25.5mm. The structure is simulated with IE3D and the
simulated S-parameters are shown in figure (4.20). The lower and upper cut
off frequencies of the cascaded filter is 2.03 GHz and 10.55 GHz respectively.
The FBW is achieved as 135%. The maximum return loss in the pass band is

10.5dB and the minimum insertion loss in stop band up to 16 Ghz is about

Fig. 4.19 Cascade structure of HPF and LPF.

Fig. 4.20 The simulated S11 and S21 parameters of the cascaded structure.

The size of the above wide band pass filter can be made more compact by
embedding both the filter LPF and HPF in one configuration as shown in
figure (4.21). This filter is also simulated with IE3D and the simulated S-
parameters are shown in figure (4.22).

Fig. 4.21 Structure of BPF for Ultra wide band.

S11 parameters S21 parameters

S-parameters in dB

0 3 6 9 12 15
Frequency in GHz

Fig. 4.22 Response of Band pass filter which is the combination of responses
for lowpass and high pass filters.

From the simulated results of the structure shown in figure (4.27) it is

observed that the lower and upper cut off frequencies are 2GHz and
10.35GHz and the fractional band width is achieved as 135%. The maximum
insertion loss up to 16GHz in the stop band is more than 25dB. The results of
the structure shown in figure (4.21) are compared with the results of the
structure shown in figure (4.19). These comparisons of S11 and S21
parameters are shown in figures (4.23) and (4.24) respectively.

Cascaded strucure Embedded Structure

S-parameters in GHz -5






0 3 6 9 12 15

Frequency in GHz

Fig.4.23 Comparison of the S11 parameters of cascaded and embedded


Cascaded structure Embedded structure


S21 in dB





0 3 6 9 12 15

Frequency in GHz

Fig. 4.24 Comparison of the S21 parameters of cascaded and embedded


From these results it can be observed that the structure shown in figure (4.21)
is more compact where the size reduces from 25.5mm to 18.5mm and gives
better pass band characteristics.


The two different structures of ultra wide band filters are designed. The design
methodology is based on the combinations of high pass filter and low pass
filter. In one structure a low pass filter response is achieved using triangular
patch resonators which have been embedded with two short circuited stubs.
The resultant circuit is very compact as shown in figure (4.12). The measured
and simulated results give a very good match which is depicted in figures
(4.13) and (4.14). Another structure of LPF for UWB BPF is designed using
the fractal pattern on the ground plane of a 50 ohm microstrip line as shown in
figure (4.16). The high pass response is achieved from the shorted stubs. The
embedded structure which combines high pass and low pass filters together
can be viewed from the figure (4.21) as an UWB filter. In both the cases the
FBWs are more than 110%., and circuit size is very small.


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