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)lloWers of Isl,irn, now suprerne on the no1

~ssion, as it "'ott1d appear, occurred the succ

, above,·in which a cotnbination of ff indu~
ve babk the invaders. Here is Firishtahts ac
!. 1 He is speaking of"the. year A.H. 744, 1

6. A.O. 1343. to May 15, 1344, and he saJ

of Rudra Deva or·warangal, went prival
Ltged him to join ~ combination of Hindu~
~ out the Mllha111Illadans from the Dakbar
sented, and Krishna Naik promised, wbe
complete, to raise all the Hindus of Telli
at their·head .
:hen built the city of Vijayanagar,2 raise
u began. Warangal, then in the hands a
was reducedj and its governor, Imad-ul-M
a.ta.bad or Devagiri. The two chietS then in,
he Malabar and Kanara countries to join.t
!S seized the whole of the Dakhan and expelle
here~ "so that within ~ fpw m onths Muhan
vm<.:u wu1~1uv ;, 1.1.u '-a. •. J ic:u u u, , tne otner:

:eked and destroyed by the Muhammadc

tated, the traveller fbn Batuta refers to thi
f .. Harai)' 01 " llarlb'. in or about the yeaJ
1llated b)' Nuniz, according to which Haril
t1:g the ~even years of his reign, be true, his
ti befofe 1344, because in that year, as we
•· Krishna, son of Pratapa Rudra of War◄
yanagar, and, in concert with its king and
Ha princes of Dvarasamudra, drove bac
s:1.1ed for a time part of the Southe1 n Da
'."ed the way for the overthrow of the sovere
±..e Vindhyas. I take it, therefore, that Har
year A, o , 1343.
r ~e1gned quietly, I know of only one stateJ
· mscription of Samgama II. recording a ~
d to ?elc1w, states that Ifariht1ra I. "defeatec
>s th is only all udes to the fhct that NiuhaIID
ndon his hold on the country. . .
. . · · s· b
ls Harihara' .· rot 1er, Bukka I. ("Bnr ::1r;:.i n" \ ,
l" -

h e !Pl o-r, ,,.,.

...j ,I 1 ..

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