Post Decision 8/14

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RO Armstrong Artist Staff Legal © 2019


10 Music Square
Nashville Tennessee 37203

Office: 615-401-2000

** 00662942915 **
[____________________]. ™


• Solution


•Movie Theaters
•Recreational Parks

are lowing the rate of interests in crime

if only CDC Documented of RDS's

request obligation requirement

● Mandatory
Trade Institutions
Work places

Due to our nation leaders documentations of our Media and also Medical Staff Physician Staff also CDC
Documentations of the Current Events 2020 that the listed guidelines be set fourth only for the
documented for the reason of the reason of CDC guidelines and not for the reason of citizens and also
Members of the United States of America and our Global Territory

the event of CDC prior decumention State County City only with the appointment prior history requirement
the required facemask and also washing of hands for the advertised reseason
The need of force to re gain the control by our leaders in the State County City Community

The justification of essentials lift for the verification of the reopened 90 days without need of facial mask
requirement unless deemed by the CDC as carrying a respectory deficiency CO Vid 19 RDS ETC

• Law
Miami Financial Bar Association

I hear by request all to become deemed as Required Under The CDC only for documented Patients in
treatment and rehibiltation out patients requirement for entrance to any establishment The advertised

USA G9944-7777
7th District
W800 305

Chief Administration Officer


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