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Findings and Discussion

The major strength for the garment sector of Bangladesh is the low labour charge, free economy,

infrastructural support, improved GSP, low energy price and so on. Major weakness of this

sector is lack of marketing tactics, small number of manufacturing method, low acquiescence,

fewer process units for textile and garments, risky working environment, etc. There are also

some opportunities associated with threat that can be captured by the sector to acquire more

profit. The major importer of RMG products are USA and Europe but there are other countries

that has a contribution to the total RMG export and they are Belgium, Canada, France, Germany,

Netherlands, etc. The country has no dedicated research institute related to the apparel sector.

RMG is highly fashion orientated and constant market research is necessary to become

successful in the business. At present the economy of Bangladesh is more globally integrated and

recent data reveals that Bangladesh still remains competitive in RMG exports. Our garments

industries improved their position in the world by reducing the overall problems, such as proper

management policy and strategic plan, managing labour conflict, efficiency of all managers, etc.

Government also have some responsibilities to improve the situation by providing proper policy

to protect the garment industries, solve the license problem and providing proper environment

for workers.

The RMG industry occupies a unique position in the Bangladesh economy and Fakir Apparel is

playing a vital role in this vital sector. Their superior qualities help them to achieve the top

position in RMG sector. Employees are expected to take responsibility for their own actions and

decisions which develops a sense of leadership in employees. The company reward each other’s

contribution and achievements that encourage them to work efficiently. Fakir Apparels Ltd. Was

awarded by ESPRIT bas the best strategic partner of 2017.

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