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Gs 5) GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY” Clinical Evaluation Tool Seneserver SPC WY Evaluation Day and Date: Vy) Snden Fit Name Las Nene: JEW fini Clinical Faculty First Name Last Name:_E (\V\ Wi ok 2. Interpret assessment, lab and diagnos data o detect changes in coniton and plan and prioritize appropriate cae ofthe adult client 43. Delegate cae to interisipinary tam members based on knowledge of their role and scope of practic. 4 Implement e collaborative ciet-centered transitional pln of eae tht includes medication education, self-care strategies snd follow-up care forthe adult client 3 ae 5. Demonstrate the us of effective communication segs wit lie, family and interdiscpinry tam members. & Demonstrate increasing proficiency inthe performance of poychometor nursing sls with the adult client. 5. Demonstrate appropriate safety protocals and standards of eare while working in the clencae sein. 4 Euibt professional aursing bebaviors based upon the standards and scope of musing practice. (©2019, Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved, =F © NSG-320C Clinical Competencies i id i TET smd haar em Client-Centered Care I Develop an ladividualized plan of care with a focus on asessocot and planning, uilizing be ‘nursing process while respecting the diversity of client. ‘Demonstrate caring behaviors, including asessing forthe presence and exent of pin and suffering.* Tnterpretassesemeni, lab, and Giagoosic Gua to Gees changes in condition and portation of interventions in the cae ofthe adult cient Develop «collaborative, client-centered wansitonal plan of care tat inclodes medication ‘education, self-care stratezies, and follow-up cae forthe adult client ‘Demonsite increasing proficieny inte performance of psychomotor nursing als with he ‘adult client ‘Safety, Informatics, and Quality Improvement Demonstraie standardized inféetion control practices (hand wishingland PPE) that support 2 J ecole |e viel ey elele eR Plt lw lo lw Pe inulin adimiegen renporsieenaottme sitet || |S | | |3 ee 2 Tea spencer shhh ph rere [5s [314 ERT Ts 5/3 paper decantation, er pls. Protcct confidentiality of al client data and promote the ethical we of elecironic health information.* Tdeotify methods o deliver cae ina timely and cost-effective manner. vie a LP ste [Teamwork and Collaboration Develop effective verbal and writen communication skills wih lens, eam members, and family Tent leant data Tor communication in preoaTerenees and posiconereccs Tenify intraprofesstonal and interprofesional team member roles and scopes of practice, and establish collaborative relationships with eam members. Delegate care to inerdisciplinary team members based on Knowledge of hes ole and scope of practice. entity the need for help when appropriate to situation vluly ele vpeloRyoe Ve] | Lake lope le Professional Role ‘Demonavate core profesional valucs (uch caring, atin, autonomy, Taegay, aman a 3 Cricelcompatinces highlight Cree Tea peformance a Score of) (Independent) on the competeces marked ith en etert by final elation (Comet of sch based on Quy and Sey Eton for Mrs (QSEN compte nt lowed il end tide (KS) ‘uaiy and Sfety Edvtion fo Nunes Insti. 2017). QSEN competences. Reeve fe iain om compcccisy-snsrc sas ‘ i elon Stade who sor 1 (Does Net Met) oy ef hese compel fie eveuaon wl fl he neat Midterm Evaluation Comments ee re he ph potbe tn - : phil, comed helen, AYE ji serpy pha cam Uhr glee WG pryfmrerabor end sepsct 23 tefl poland Lactiiie ie pepe esleiL panicle ene tsme CALL, ‘Student Comments (Identify three areas for developmen): 1 Lmpint on (esp. ass€ssintnt skills, dd prove on wnusledge of diferent medicohion s 3 Trrplove on confidence uhew pellomning sei\t . Final Evaluation Comments Facaty Comment (Include stengh and ares forimprovemen): Bah haw perforisel poy A Mor cbwerntitedurpunrecl aden orl ah Wipf) ay.) xiii Peeae Li; ahs SS ee | LA prave on woe dical Fe(iAiOTle|y a Wel BptULE Cammy wi(a hor june juerld) y Ling fv 3 Lenprine ov 016) ‘Student and Clinical Faculty Signatures ‘Signs indicate stadet and clinical faculty have reviewed and discused the Clinical Evaluation Tool ae eh De tO \ | \ _ Soe Sigunce etn e 3 1309) Say eae LZ, stood cen) Dae_eH6fee cuisrety Speman LES trl ico) pu 3frefee Remediation for Unsatisfactory Areas {student earns a score of 1 on any competency at either the midterm or final evaluation, the clinical faculty and student must ‘complete the following documentation for remediation of unsatiafector areas. Didactic faculty are required to sign off on this plan as wall. have reviewed the content withthe clinical faulty and agree with the remediation plan fr the student. (Didectic Faculty Signature at Finals Date: 7 Clinical Scoring Guidelines The Clinical Evaluation Tool (CET) is used in all clinical nursing courses across the BSN Pre-Licensure program. Each clinical nursing course aligns with its co-tequisite didactic course and builds on prior knowledge, skills, and attitudes from other courses and levels within the program, as appropriate, Faculty members will perform either a final clinical evaluation, or both a midterm and final clinical evaluation depending on the length of the clinical rotation, using the CET for each student. Faculty will discuss the evaluation ‘with students, and both students and faculty must sign and date the form acknowledging the evaluation was completed and discussed. A copy of the signed CET should be uploaded into the LoudCloud classroom. Faculty will also complete the corresponding rubric in LoudCloud for each student, General Criteri When observing students in the clinical setting and assigning a score, faculty will consider the following general criteria «Supervision: The degree of supervision required forthe expected level of clinical practice. © Clinical Judgment: The competence of nursing care based on the application of the nursing process, nursing diagnoses, and clinical reasoning to make informed decisions that provide safe, quality client care. ‘© Professionalism: The nature ofthe interactions and communication with clients and the interdisciplinary team, professional demeanor, and appearance. ‘© Application of Skills and Knowledge: The ability to apply nursing knowledge, theory, and skills in the clinical setting © Self-Direction: The ability to address one's own learning goals and needs. Scoring Guidelines: Faculty will assign a score of 1 to 3 for each clinical competency listed on the CET. When obse-ving students in the clinical setting, faculty will apply the following sets of criteria holistically when assigning a score for each clinical competency. Ifa student scores & 1 in any category. the clinical faculty should complete an Early Alert and meet with the student to discuss the student's performance and plans to improve. The clinical faculty also need to complete the remediation portion on the CET. The remediation portion will then need to be shared with the didactic faculty for review and signature, Score=3 (Independent) To achieve a score of 3, the student: ‘© Functions independently, approy ly, and safely inthe clinical setting, 8 Demonstrates frequent, informed clinical judgment and ensures safe, quality client care. Demonstrates consistent professionalism and effective communication with clients, families, and the interisciplinary team While maintaining professional demeanor and appearance at all times. Demonstrates consistent, accurate integration of nursing knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the clinical setting. Engages consistently in a self-directed approach to learning, independently seeks appropriate guidance and resources. Score = 2 (With Assistance or Supervised) To achieve a score of 2, the student: Functions appropriately and safely with occasional guidance and/or supervision in the clinical setting. Demonstrates average clinical judgment and ensures safe, quality client care. Demonstrates sufficient professionalism and effective communication with clients, families, and the interdisciplinary team ‘hile maintaining professional demeanor and appearance most of the time Demonstrates reasonable integration of nursing knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the clinical setting Attempts a self irected approach to learning, but needs help recognizing resources and learning opportunities. Score = 1 (Does Not Meet) To achieve a score of 1, the student: Does not function safely in the clinical setting, even with persistent guidance, Rarely demonstrates appropriate clinical judgment and struggles to rationalize measures for safe, quality client care. Demonstrates a consistent lack of professionalism and effective communication skills with clients, families, and the interdisciplinary team while failing to maintain a professional demeanor and appearance. Demonstrates significant lack of integration of nursing knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the clinical setting Does not attempt a self-directed approach to learning and requires persistent, detailed instructions regarding learning opportunities and resources and is unable to utilize them without suppor. 9

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