Theoretical Correlation Spray-Dryer Performance: R. Gilliland

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In T at the critical point 4. Cheairs, M. N., and E. C. Makin, Paper Winkle, J. Chem. Eng.

Data, 5, 269
= activity coefficient presented at Am. Chem. SOC.Regional (1960).
= square root of nonpolar (dis- Meeting at St. Louis, Missouri (Dec. 16. Quiggle, Dorothy, and M. R. Fenske,
1-3, 1960). J . Am. Chem. SOC., 59, 1829 (1937).
persion) pressure = 5. Dreisbach, R. R., Am. Chem. SOC. Adv. 17. Reid, R. C., and T. K. Sherwood, “The
in Chem. Series, No. 15, (June, 1955); Properties of Gases and Liquids,” Mc-
:( (Y‘ hv, )

= Hildebrand’s
No. 22 (March, 1959).
6. Drickamer, H. G., G. G. Brown, and
Graw-Hill, New York (1958).
18. Riedel, L., Chem. Eng. Tech., 26, 83
R. R. White, Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. ( 1954).
solubility parameter for non- Engrs., 41, 555 (1945). 19. Robinson, C. S., and E. R. Gilliland,
polar molecules, atm.’” 7. Finch, R. N., M.S. thesis, Univ. Texas, “Elements of Fractional Distillation,”
= dipole moment, esn. cm. Austin, Texas ( 1961) . 4 ed., pp. 285-289, McGraw-Hill, New
= dispersion frequency, set.-' 8. Glasstone, Samuel, “A Textbook of York ( 1950).
= effective volume fraction Physical Chemistry,” 2 ed., Van Nos- 20. Steinhauser, H. H., and R. R. White,
trand, New York (1946). lnd. Eng. Chem., 41,2912 (1949).
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ed., Reinhold, New York ( 1955). ganic Compounds” ( 1958).
= square root of polar (orienta- 10. Kobe, K. A., and R. E. Lynn, Chem. 22. van Arkel, A. E., Trans. Faraday Soc.,
l K \ l 2 Reu., 52, 121 (1953). 42B, 81 (1946).
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1. Barker, J. A., et al., j . Chem. Phys., 19, A.1.Ch.E.J o u T ~3,~517, (1957). Mass. Inst. Technol., Cambridge, Mas-
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2. Bromley, E. C., and Dorothy Quiggle, York (1950). Ind. Eng. Chem., 47, 293 (1935).
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3. Carlson, H. C., and A. P. Colburn, A.1.Ch.E.journal, 1, 96 (1961). Manuscripts received June 5, 1961; revision re-
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Matthew , ber 11, 1961.

A Theoretical Correlation of
Spray-Dryer Performance
E. 1. du Pont de Nemourr and Company, Wilmington, Delaware

Spray dryers, because of their effec- spray particles. The production rate, With these expressions agreement
tive contact between heating medium which also is calculated from heat and between predicted and measured heat
and particles undergoing drying, are material balances, is limited by the re- transfer rates has been obtained for
potentially applicable to the widest quirement that the largest particles be drying of sodium sulfate solutions in
variety of materials. However their use dried during their flight from the atom- 1-, 2-, and 3-ft. diam. dryers and cal-
has been retarded by the lack of relia- izer to the chamber wall. The time of cium carbonate slurries in the 2-ft.
ble engineering procedures for scaling flight of the largest particles is deter- diam. dryer. The obtainable useful
up and analyzing performance. Many mined from a consideration of the fluid rates however are 52% above the mini-
studies have been made of the indi- dynamics of the process. Thus, from a mum rates predicted by these expres-
vidual factors involved in the spray- theoretical analysis based on the com- sions. This agrees with the observation
drying process ( 3 , 7, 8 ) . To facilitate putation of minimum heat transfer that drops of sodium sulfate solution
scale up and permit design from basic rates (for this case of gas-phase resist- and calcium carbonate slurries do not
fundamentals a unifying theory has require complete drying if they are to
ance limiting) at capacity conditions
been needed to tie these factors to- be free flowing and are not to stick to
gether. (as determined by incipient wall depo- the dryer walls. Materials which exhibit
In this development of an overall sition), expressions have been devel- less stickiness than sodium sulfate when
correlation of spray-dryer performance oped which relate overall performance partially dried have been processed at
the author has calculated the capacity to the dryer geometry, drying temper- greater rates than sodium sulfate,
heat transfer or production rate based ature, atomizer type, and particle size whereas materials which exhibit greater
on the heat transfer rate to the largest of the material produced. stickiness have not.

Page 460 A.1.Ch.E. Journal September, 1962

The developed relationships will be by Friedman, Gluckert, and Marshall 8. The performance of a spray dryer
useful for scale up, estimating the ef- ( 5 ) are employed to determine the is determined by the heat transfer rate
fect of small changes in operating con- maximum particle size produced by q that can be achieved between the
ditions, or preliminary design for cost centrifugal disk atomizers. drying gas and the spray without depo-
estimates. Extension of the techniques 4. A droplet Nusselt number equal sition or buildup on the dryer wall.
presented here should allow more ef- to 2, corresponding to pure conduction The inherent stickiness of partially
fective designs of other spray processes, to infinity, is used for evaluating the dried material will determine to a large
including spray combustion for fur- coefficient of heat transfer. Kesler ( 6 ) extent the dryer performance, because
nace, jet engine, or rocket design. has studied experimentally the evapo- many materials vary in stickiness with
ration of drops and found that the degree of dryness. The performance
THEORY evaporation proceeded approximately of the dryer is as if a characteristic
The theoretical development has as predicted, based on the assumption drop were being dried. If the material
been based on the following premises: that a Nusselt number of 2 is applica- is not sticky with a given residual
ble. This is further substantiated by moisture content, complete drying is
1. The rate of heat transfer to the the analysis of So0 ( l l ) ,who as noted not required and flight time to com-
entire spray equals the weight rate of before, has shown that the relative ve- pletely dry the largest drop is not
flow of the spray times the rate of heat locity between the particles and the needed. Instead time must be provided
transfer per unit weight of the slowest gas stream is negligible despite the to dry the largest drop to a nonsticky
drying portion of the spray multiplied turbulent eddies, and by the experi- condition or to completely dry a some-
by its time of flight.* The largest drop- mental work of Dlouhy and Gauviri what smaller or characteristic drop.
lets, which dry most slowly are the ( 3 ) and Manning and Gauvin ( 7 ) . These premises have been employed
limiting portion of the spray and are 5. Drying conditions are uniform to calculate the heat transfer y under
used therefore for this evaluation. throughout the drying chamber. Tlie capacity conditions in a spray dryer for
2. The time of flight of the largest spray jet entrains several times its volu- the following three types of atomizers
drops before they impinge against the metric flow rate of the surrounding gas commonly used.
dryer wall is determined by integrating for each jet diameter away from its
the equation for velocity decay of a source; thus tremendous recirculation Two-Fluid Atomizers
free jet. So0 (11) has shown that mo- currents are set up in the dryer. This A two-fluid atomizer produces an air
mentum transfer in a two-phase stream, recirculation is so great that the entire jet which forms and carries the drop-
consisting of small particles carried by chamber is essentially at the chamber lets with it. The trajectory of this spray
a fluid, very rapidly reduces the rela- outlet temperature. Temperature meas- has been computed from data obtained
tive velocity between the solid particles urements made in a drying chamber with jets of similar geometry (1) . The
and the other phase of the stream until indicated that the inlet temperature falloff in center-line velocity V of a jet
the average velocity of the solid parti- persists only a few jet diameters im- having an initial velocity in the neigh-
cles is essentially that of the fluid mediately below the gas inlet. borhood of 1,000 ft./sec., which is
stream. The behavior of jets has been 6. Drying occurs from the drop sur- typical of two-fluid atomizers, is given
amply treated by Albertson et al. (I), face which consists of a liquid satu- by
Alexander et al. ( 2 ) , and Taylor et al. rated with the solutes. The work of
(12). The location of wall impinge- Duffie and Marshall ( 4 ) and Ranz and -V
=6.2(+) (1)
ment in spray dryers with sprays Marshall (10) on the drying of drops V,
directed axially has been observed at 3 indicated that a saturated liquid film
to 4 chamber diameters from the noz- is established very rapidly at the drop Since V = ddd8 (2)
zle. This wall impingement stems from surface and that the rate of evapora-
the expansion of the spray jet. The tion corresponds to that of a saturated
expansion has been reported by the liquid. Thus in view of premise 5
- _ - 6.2 V,
(%) (3)
above investigators to occur at a 15-to- above, the temperature driving force Separating variables one gets
20-deg. angle. The larger spray angles for drying is the difference between the
given in manufacturers' catalogues for drying gas outlet temperature and the x dx
d8 = (4)
pressure-nozzle atomizers have been adiabatic saturation temperature of a 6.2 V,D,
found only to apply close to the atom- saturated solution of the material being
izer. dried. Integrating to obtain the total resi-
3. The largest droplets in a spray 7. The drop diameter is constant dence time in the jet of length xt one
population are assumed to be three during drying. The drying from the obtains
times the surface per unit volume surface mentioned above tends to form Xt2

average size, D,, = Z n,Dt"/S nlD:, as a surface shell which maintains the 0, = (5)
3 j
12.4 V9,,Ve
drop diameter essentially unchanged as
suggested from available data for cen-
drying proceeds. As has been borne The total volume 0 of the cylindrical
trifugal disk atomizers. The empirical
out by experience with many systems, dryer to the end of the spray jet will he
correlation presented by Nukiyama and
Tanasawa (9) is employed to deter- hollow particle beads are produced. If
on the other hand it is assumed that
mine the droplet size produced by two-
the drop diameter decreases to zero,
fluid atomizers. The rule of thumb for
the time required for drying will be
drop size, D< = 5OO/f/Ap, where Ap greater by a factor of 1.5 and the cal- The full cylindrical volume is useful
is the pressure across a single-fluid culated performance correspondingly because the volume outside the jet is
nozzle in pounds per square inches, is reduced. * actually required to recirculate air. The
employed to determine the average _ _ atomized material is projected down-
drop size from single-fluid nozzle atom- * Integration of the equation for the rate of
12krAtrB ward in the chamber as a jet expand-
izers, and the relationships developed transfer to a drop gives Q' = ___ if the
drop diameter is constant. If the
rop diameter
ing at an angle of approximately 20
* All of the material sprayed is dried. Because decreases with evaporahon, deg. This jet entrains the surrounding
of differences in particle size some portlons of the
spray are dried more rapidly than others, hut each 8krAttB gas in order to expand, and it expands
Q' =
portion requires the same quantity of heat per
pound for drying. p1 ( D ) % n i t i a i - (D)er~na~l to the full chamber diameter at ap-

Vol. 8, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 461

proximately 3 chamber diameters from The rate of heat transfer to the largest
its source. The source may be con- drop is
sidered a point because the nozzle
diameter is small compared with -dQ
_ - h A Att = 2 ~ k D,,,
, At,
the chamber diameter. The loca- d8
tion of wall deposition which oc- (21)
curs from operation of the dryer at Substituting the value of D, from where A = m(Dmar)*,h = 2kf/D,.,,
greater than design capacity is 3 to 4 Equation (15) in Equation (16) one and Atr is the difference between the
chamber diameters from the atomizer. gets drying gas and drop surface tempera-
The center line of a spray dryer of ture.
high length-to-diameter ratio (length/
diam. = approximately 8) has been
tjlI = (

The rate of heat transfer per unit

1 initial mass of largest drop is
probed while the dryer operated at (24.8) V,w, -
capacity conditions. It was found that TW,,V,P,, dQ' 1 2 kf~ D,,, Att - 12 k, At,
material moving directly down the (171 - = --
dB ps T (D,,,,x)'i p,(DmJ
chamber of this dryer operating at When one rearranges and collects terms
capacity conditions is dry after moving (22)
4 or 5 chamber diameters from the since the weight of the largest drop is
atomizer. Thus a desirable minimum
number of chamber lengths is 4 -C vz
8, = 0.532 v2/" -f& (18) p. TT (D,,,,,) "6. In the event that a solid
filmlike structure is formed upon dry-
diam. This uncertainty has introduced Because the liquid contributes little to ing no appreciable change in drop di-
an uncertainty of 2 15% in the coef- the volume of the spray-gas mixture ameter will be experienced during dry-
ficients of the correlating equations: ing, and Equation (22) may be inte-
grated to
XI 4 Equation (18) can be written
which gives 8,= 0.532 v2/' The composition of the largest drop is
assumed to be representative of the
entire spray, and consequently the
Substituting for D,' [Equation (8)1 quantity of heat transferred per initial
in Equation (6) one gets
v=- (9)
from which

Substituting this value for x I y into

Equation (5) one obtains

The total mass flow rate through the

atomizer will be

w,, + w, = V,nD,'p.,,

The liquid being sprayed is accelerated >IS

by transfer of momentum from the
atomizing gas and momentum is con- >-
served. The initial momentum of the k
liquid is negligible: 0 1
V,W, = ( w , w,)V, (13) w
Replacing V , in Equation (12) by V,, -I
from Equation (13) one gets 5
k 0.1
TD,' z
w, + w , = v, ( w . w+, w . ) -4
Solving for D , z
-_- 0
F 0.01
2 0.1 I 10 1000 10,000
d X X
OR -
and replacing V,,&in Equation (11) by
V , from Equation (13) one obtains Fig. 1. Axial velocity of induced air from pressure nozzles.

Page 462 A.1.Ch.E. Journal September, 1962

s - 3 -0 "*L.

0 saucer 9' 1800

0 "one 8' ,800
a Vane 5' 7890
e Yaw 8" moo
a "am 5' iew
0 "ane 3.5" 7800
A "am 5' 3500
B Yam 5" 3500
V Vane ,.5" 1500


0.I I 10 I00 I000 I0,OOO


R-r . -

Fig. 2. Velocity of induced air from atomizing disks.

weight of spray also equals Q'. The transfer rates somewhat higher than of impact head the velocity of the gas
rate of heat transfer per unit time for this calculated value can be achieved moving with the spray was computed
the entire spray therefore is given b y because it is not necessary to dry the in the usual fashion. The data ob-
largest drop completely but only to tained for the axial decay of the air
dry it until the drop is not sticky, that velocity in a pressure-nozzle spray jet
4 =dQ
d e =Q'w. (24)
is dry the characteristic drop. is shown in Figure 1. The behavior is
similar to that which has been shown
or combining Equations (23) and Pressure-Nozzle Atomizer
for free air jets. The constants how-
(24) one gets For pressure-nozzle-atomizer-spray ever have required some revision
12 k, Att w. ,,O., drying the trajectory of the spray has
(25) been computed from measurements of -= 3 4 3 (la)
= p. (Dl,,nx)2 air caused to flow by the momentum
transfer to the air from the spray. The
Let Or equal Omax and substitute the From Equation ( l a ) the time required
value of 8, [Equation ( 2 0 ) l in Equa- velocity of the air entrained by the
spray, which by extension of the work for the spray to travel from the pres-
tion (21): sure-nozzle atomizer to a position 4
by Kesler ( 6 ) and So0 (11) has been
6.38 k, v2/' A t t taken as a good approximation of the chamber diameters from the atomizer
4= -
spray velocity, was measured in sprays has been calculated in a similar man-
(Dm..)2 P"
from pressure nozzles and centrifugal ner to that Fhown for two-fluid atom-
disks along the axis of the spray jet. izers:
The measurements were made with a
pitot constructed from a piece of Y4-in.
The heat transfer rate y given by copper tubing. A trap was employed
Equation (26) is the maximum rate between the pilot and registering ma- Do is the initial diameter of a jet of
which can be achieved if the largest nometer to prevent spray caught by the exit composition gas having the same
particles in the spray from a two-fluid pitot from reaching the manometer and velocity and momentum as the liquid
atomizer are dried as they reach the interfering with the pressure measure- jet which originates it. Since both the
dryer wall or bottom. Actually heat ments. From the manometer readings momentum and velocity of the initial

Vol. 8, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 463

liquid jet and this fictive initial gas jet where b, the width of the annular jet spray is as was shown for two-fluid
are equal, the mass rates of flow are from a centrifugal disk of exit com- atomizers:
equal and

v, = W,
=v= W.
position gas having the same velocity
and momentum as the liquid jet, is
evaluated as follows: 4 =
4.19 k, ( R , - G)‘ Att w. p t
7r 7r The liquid jet velocity is the vector (Dnlax)2
p 8( D s ) -p t (Do)’
4 sum of the radial and tangential veloc-

(3a) ities The heat transfer rate q given by

V , = dz 27rr N Equation (12b) is the maximum rate
Solving Equation ( 3 a ) for D oone gets (2b)
which can be achieved if the largest
This equals the velocity of a fictive jet particles in the spray from a centrifu-
D, = D, (e)
(4a ) (width b ) of exit composition having
the same velocity and momentum
gal-disk atomizer are dried as they
reach the dryer wall. The same quali-
(thus the same initial mass flow rate) : fications on rate as discussed under
When one substitutes the values of V ,
and D , [Equations ( 3 a ) and ( 4 a ) l in two-fluid atomizers apply in this case.
- W*
Equation ( 2 a ) and applies the result V,=\/2 2m N=V=-
to Equation ( 2 5 ) , the rate of heat pi 2 ~ br EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE*
transfer per unit time for the entire A series of tests in spray dryers of dif-
Solving for b one gets
spray is as was shown for two-fluid ferent sizes and with different atomizers
atomizers : W, was made to give a definitive test to the
b= (4b) theories developed above. The experimen-
~ ‘ 2( - 2 ~ Np,
) tal phase of the study was based princi-
pally 011 a series of runs drying sodium
Since V = dR/dB ( 5 b ) , one obtains sulfate solutions to allow a cross compari-
from Equation ( l b ) son of the tests. Sodium sulfate solutions
The heat transfer rate q given by were selected as a test material because
dR (br)lp
Equation ( 5 a ) is the maximum rate -- =
1.2 v, ( 6 b1
they ai‘e relatively difficult to dry and
which can be achieved if the largest d8 [ ( R - r ) R]Ifl were easy to clean from the drying cham-
ber when the capacity was exceeded.
particles in the spray from a pressure- Calcium carbonate slurries proved impos-
Separating variables one obtains
iiozzle atomizer are dried as they reach sible to feed to the 1-ft. diam. dryer
1.2 V, (br)lPn
the dryer wall or bottom. The same through the mall lines with which it was
qualifications on rate as discussed un- = [(R-r)(R)]”2dR (7b) equipped.
der two-fluid atomizers apply in this The rate of heat transfer to sprays of
case. Integrating between limits of e = 0 to sodium sulfate solution was measured in
8, and R = r to 1% = R, one gets spray dryers 1, 2, and 3 ft. in diameter,
Centrifugal-Disk Atomizers employing two-fluid atomizers; 2 and 3
The theory for operation of a cen- 1.2 V,(br)”’ Or ft. in diameter, employing pressure-nozzle
trifugal-disk-atomizer-spray dryer has atomizers; and 5 ft. in diameter, employ-
been developed in a similar fashion to - (2R,-r)[(R,-r)(R,)]’1’ ing a centrifugal-disk atomizer. The rate
- of heat transfer to sprays of calcium car-
that for two-fluid and pressure-nozzle- 4 bonate slurries was measured in the 2-ft.
atomizer-spray dryers, except that the diam. dryer with a two-fluid atomizer.
trajectory of the spray is outward from The I-ft. diam. two-fluid atomizer spray
the disk. Measurements of air caused dryer consisted of a vertical, cylindrical
to flow by the spray from a disk, made chamber 1 ft. in diameter and 5 ft. high.
in the manner described for pressure- Feed slurry or solution was introduced in
nozzle atomizers, are shown in Figure in a downward direction centrally at the
2. I t will be noted that for a disk sys- top of the chamber. Atomizing gas (whch
tem the fraction of initial velocity of supplies part of the heat for drying) was
discharged through an orifice concentri-
induced air is lower than it is for a jet For cases of interest R, > 5r. Thus the cally around the feed point. Additional
alone from a slot orifice ( a peripheral approximation heat was supplied by lower-pressure gas
slot in a right cylinder) and that the ( R , - r ) + R, introduced concentrically around the atom-
difference is greater close to the disk.
A portion of this difference is due to
d ( R c- r ) ( R , ) = - 2
izing gas and feed. The moisture carrying
drying gas and the dryed product were
the interrupted pattern of the spray taken from the coned bottom of the dryer
produced by vaned disks. (Very few will introduce an error of less than and separated in a bag filter.
data are available on saucer-shaped 1% % . Similarly the logarithmic term The 2-ft. diam. two-fluid atomizer spray
disks.) Because the difference tends to may be neglected without introducing dryer consisted of a vertical, cylindrical
become less important at greater dis- more than a 5% error. chamber 2 ft. in diameter and 10 ft. high.
tances from the disk, more weight has Making these approximations in Feed slurry or solution was introduced in
Equation ( S b ) , collecting the terms, a downward direction centrally at the top
been given to the impact head meas-
urements made at greater distances and solving for et one gets of the chamber. Atomizing gas (which
supplied part of the heat for drying) was
from the disk than close to the disk in discharged through an orifice concentri-
specifying the falloff in velocity of the cally around the feed point. Additional
sprays from a centrifugal disk. As heat was supplied by lower-pressure gas
shown in Figure 2 the observed tra- introduced concentrically around the atom-
jectories of centrifugal-disk-atomizer- izing gas and feed, The moisture carrying
spray jets are represented by When one substitutes Equation ( 4 b ) drying gas and the dryed product were
for b and Equation ( 2 b ) for V , in Summaries of the experimental data have been

Equation ( 9 b ) and applies the result deposited as document 7158 with the American
Documentation Institute, Photoduplication Service,
to Equation ( 2 5 ) , the rate of heat Library of Congress, Washington 25, D. C., and
may be obtained for $1.25 for photoprints or for
transfer per unit time for the entire 35-mm. microfilm.

Page 464 A.1.Ch.E. Journal September, 1962

Atomizer Conditions including a 60 deg. cone bottom. The ceil-
0 1-ft. d i m . 2-fluid ing of this chamber was essentially flat.
V 1 - f t . diam. 2-fluid The feed was introduced from a cen-
0 1-ft. d l m . 2-rluld Cold stomizlng D i p
trifugal-disk atomizer located centrally.
0 1-et. d i m . 2-fluid L o w atomizing a i r ppe@sure
The drying gas was introduced concentri-
A 2-fluld Medium LtomiEing a i r pre8SuPB
1 - f t . Dlam.
cally to the disk through vanes imparting
2-rt. d i m . Z-fluld
0 a swirl to the gas and optionally through
A 2-rt. dim. Prcasure-nozzlt
four inlets at the periphery of the chamber.
m 2-ft. dim. 2-fluld
The performance, as defined under
Q 2-ft. dim. 2 - flu id
theory, of these several experimental spray
e 3-ft. d i m . 2-fluid
dryers was determined from the maximum
A 3-ft. d i m . Pressurs-nozrl.
Prea8ure-nozrle Lo" preas"m
evaporation or heat transfer rate q which
Q 3-ft. dim.
could be achieved without deposition of
R 5-ft. d l m . BOwen CentrlNgal-disk NO s i d e air
partially dried material in the drying
@ 5-et. d i m . wwen Centrlfwal-diek
chamber. The specific value of dryer per-
formance was determined as follows. The
dryer was operated at selected tempera-
tures with a given low value of the drying
gas flow rate, and the evaporation rate or
heat transfer rate q measured. Then the
drying gas flow rate was increased, and
again the evaporation rate or heat transfer
rate q was measured. The increase in feed
rate required to maintain the same tempera-
tures resulted in a larger maximum drop
size from two-fluid and centrifugal-disk
atomizers. To obtain the necessary increase
in feed rate with a pressure-nozzle atomizer
a larger nozzle was required which, if
operated at a reduced pressure, produced
a larger maximum drop size. When the
proper conditions were selected for the test
the larger drops produced upon increasing
flow rates did not dry. Alternatively the
drying-chamber temperature was reduced
in steps until there was insufficient Ate to
I00 1000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 dry the larger drops. Inspection of the dry-
ing chamber between runs identified the
PREDICTED HEAT TRANSFER RATE, B.T.U./HR. heat transfer rate for which negligible wall
deposition was experienced (under capac-
TWO-FLUID ATOM1ZER: ity) and another greater rate which pro-
duced wall deposition (over capacity). In
6.38 k f v 2 I 3 A t , w, many instances it was difficult to determine
4= whether or not the dryer was operating at
less than capacity conditions. The runs for
which this condition existed have been
PRESSURE-NOZZLE ATOMIZER: designated borderline.
The measured rates of heat transfer for
10.98 k f v " ~A t , the above described runs with several dry-
(Dmax.)2 ers and atomizers at essentially capacity
conditions have been compared in Figure
CENTRIFUGAL-DISK ATOMIZER: 3 with the heat transfer rates predicted by

4 =
( D m s X .)
4.19 k f ( R , - r/2)' A t ,
the theory presented. The points show a
deviation of from +41% to -25% from
their average which is 52% above the theo-
retical line for minimum heat transfer rate
Fig. 3. Comparison of measured and predicted transfer rate in spray
at capacity conditions. It should be noted
that the points on Figure 3 cannot be ex-
pected to fall exactly on a line. They might
fall more or less lower (under capacity) or
higher (over capacity) than a line repre-
taken from the coned bottom of the dryer The 3-ft. diam. pressure-nozzle-atom- senting the optimum heat transfer rate set
and separated in a bag filter. izer-spray dryer which employed the same by the precise rate at which the largest
The 3-ft. diam. two-fluid atomizer spray chamber as the two-fluid atomizer dryer drops of the material being sprayed are just
dryer consisted of a vertical, cylindrical was 27 ft. high. However the spray noz- dried to a nonsticky condition or the rate at
chamber 3 ft. in diameter and 27 ft. high. zle was mounted on the end of an ex- which the characteristic drop is dried. The
Feed slurry or solution was introduced in tended feed pipe 15 ft. from the bottom predicted heat transfer rate is a minimum
a downward direction centrally at the top of the dryer. rate; in the case of sodium sulfate solution
of the chamber. Atomizing gas (which The 2-ft. diam. pressure-nozzle-atom- drying it is 52% low. However the diame-
supplies part of the heat for drying) was izer-spray dryer employed the same cham- ter of the spray dryer chamber necessary
discharged through an orifice concentri- ber as the two-fluid atomizer dryer. The for a given drying rate with material such
cally around the feed point. Additional pressure nozzle replaced the central feed as sodium sulfate could be specified from
heat was supplied by lower-pressure gas and atomizing gas pipes and discharged the theoretically predicted minimum rate to
introduced concentrically around the atom- downward concentrically within the dry- within about 20% because the chamber
izing gas and feed. The moisture carry- ing gas supply orifice. diameter varies approximately as the square
ing drying gas and the dryed product was The 5-ft. diam centrifugal-disk-atomizer- root of the heat transfer rate. A limited
taken from the coned bottom of the dryer spray dryer consisted of a 5-ft. diam. number of runs (not reported here) of pro-
and separated in a cyclone and bag filter. vertical, cylindrical chamber 7 ft. high prietary materials such as dyes, pigments,

Vol. 8, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 465

surface active agents, etc. have indicated position gas having same ve- V, = velocity of the spray jet at the
that the theory is generally applicable. locity and momentum as the two-fluid atomizer, ft./hr.
initial liquid jet, ft. V, = initial velocity of air from ori-
CONCLUSIONS 27, = width of annular-slot air ori- fice or nozzle, ft./hr.
An overall correlation of spray-dryer fice, ft. W, = weight rate of flow of atomiz-
performance has been developed. Sub- D = diameter of spray drop, ft. ine" air.' lb./hr.
ject to the limitations discussed under D, = diameter of air nozzle or ori- w. = weight rate of flow of liquid,
theory, a spray-dryer design can be fice, ft. Ib./hr.
specified by substituting the values D , = diameter of dryer chamber x = distance from atomizer, ft.
corresponding to the required duty of with pressure nozzle or two- xr = distance from atomizer to po-
the dryer and selected values of drop fluid atomizer, ft. sition four chamber diameters
size D,,, and the temperature driving D , = effective diameter of atomizer away, ft.
force A t , in the appropriate equation orifice, ft.
D , = diameter of drop of class j , ft. Greek Letters
[Equation (26) for two-fluid atomizers,
( 5 a ) for pressure-nozzle atomizers, D,,,,, = maximum drop diameter, ft. 8 = time, hr.
and ( l o b ) for centrifugal-disk atom- (assumed to be three times Om,, = time required for maximum
izers] and solving for the dryer volume the surface per unit volume size drop to dry, hr.
or dimensions. In an analogous manner average size) 0, = time required for spray to
the maximum capacity achievable in D , = D , ( P . / P ~ ) "diameter
~, of a jet travel from a two-fluid or
an existing dryer can be determined for of exit-composition gas having pressure-nozzle atomizer to a
various conditions. It will be noted same velocity and momentum position 4 chamber diameters
that for a specified duty only At, and as the liquid jet, ft. away from the atomizer or
D,,, can be freely selected. Tempera- D, = diameter of pressure-nozzle from a centrifugal-disk atom-
ture driving force Atr is a function of discharge orifice, ft. izer to the chamber wall, hr.
drying air temperatures, drying air D,, = surface per unit volume aver- pa = density of atomizing air, lb./
rate, and spray rate. For two-fluid- age drop size, cu.ft.
atomizer-spray dryers D,,,, is a func- 2 n5D,3/C. n,D5*,p p,, = density of the spray jet at the
5 J
tion of atomizing air quantity w , and atomizer, lb./cu. ft.
h = heat transfer coefficient, B.t.u./
velocity V,; for pressure-nozzle atom- p, = density of sprayed material,
(hr.) (sq.ft.) ( O F . )
izer spray dryers DmaX is a function of Ib./cu.ft.
i = class assigned to drop size
pt = density of gas at exit condi-
nozzle orifice size D,; and for centrifu- range selected for considera-
gal-disk-atomizer-spray dryers Dmaxis tions, lb./cu.ft.
a function of disk radius r, speed N , S = operator indicating summation
k, = thermal conductivity of gas
and spray rate w,. film surrounding drop, B.t.u./
The degree to which the largest (hr.) (sq.ft.) ( " F J f t . ) (evalu- LITERATURE CITED
drop must be dried to render it non- ated at average temperature 1. Albertson, M. L., Y. B. Dai, R. A.
sticky and the puffing, shrinking, or between dryer gas and drop Jensen, and Hunter Rouse, Proc. Am.
disintegrating of the drop during dry- temperature ) SOC. Civil Engrs., 74, 1577-96 (1948).
ing will cause differences in the drying N = rate of rotation of centrifugal 2. Alexander, L. G., Arnold Kivnick,
rate of various materials. The effect of disk, rev./hr. E. W. Comings, and E. D. Henze,
these factors is best determined by NA7, = Nusselt number, h D,,,,/k,, A.1.Ch.E. Journal, 1, 55-73 (1955).
experiment. Thus the developed rela- based on largest drop 3. Dlouhy, Jan, and W. H. Gauvin, ibid.,
tionships will be useful principally for n = number of drops 6,29-34 (1960).
scaleup, for estimating the effect of n, = number of drops of class j 4. Duffie, J. A,, and W. R. Marshall,
changes in operating conditions, and Ap = pressure drop across pressure Chem. Eng. Progr., 49, 417-423, 480-
for first design for cost estimates. The nozzle, Ib./ 486 (1953).
experiments required can be carried Q = heat, B.t.u. 5. Friedman, S. J., F. A. Gluckert, and
out in small equipment and scaled up Q' = heat transferred per unit W. R. Marshall, ibid., 48, 181-191
to large production equipment with weight of spray, B.t.u./lb. ( 1952).
confidence. 9 = rate of heat transfer to spray, 6. Kesler, G. H., Ph.D. thesis, Mass. Inst.
B.t.u./hr. Technol., Cambridge, Massachusetts
ACKNOWLEDGMENT 7 = radius of centrifugal-disk atom- ( 1952).
The results reported here are based on izer, ft. 7. Manning, W. P., and W. H. Gauvin,
investigations carried out by co-workers at R = radial distance from center of A.1.Ch.E. Journal, 6, 84-190 (1960).
the Engineering Research Laboratory of the dryer chamber with centrifu- 8. Marshall, W. R., Chem. Engr. Progr.
Engineering Department of E. I. du Pont gal-disk atomizer, ft. Monograph Ser. No. 2 , 5 0 (1954).
de Nemours and Company over a period of R, = radius of dryer chamber with 9. Nukiyama, Shiro, and Yasushi Tana-
years. Particular credit should be given to centrifugal-disk atomizer, ft. sawa, SOC. Mech. Engrs. (Japan),4, 5,
Eno Bagnoli, M. T. Cichelli, S. J. Friedman, and 6, (1938-49), translated by E.
R. C. Holmes, R. L. Menegus, and E. T. Atr = temperature driving force, O F .
(temperature difference be- Hope, Defense Research Board, De-
Ruehl for work in developing the theory partment of National Defense, Canada.
presented and to M. A. DiMatteo for the tween dryer gas at exit con-
10. Ranz, W. E., and W. R. Marshall,
actual operating of the dryers. ditions and the drop surface) Chem. Eng. Progr., 48, 141-173 (1952).
u = volume of dryer chamber,
11. Soo, S. L., Chem. Eng. Sci., 5 , 59-67
NOTATION cu.ft. ( 1956).
V = axial velocity of air in a jet, 12. Taylor, J. E., H. L. Grimmett, and
A = area for heat transfer, sq.ft. ft./hr.
E. W. Comings, Chem. Eng. Progr.,
h = , fictive width V, = velocity of atomizing air at 47, 175-180 (1951).
dF(ZTT) a N pt atomizer, ft./hr.
Manuscipt received May 24, 1961; revision re-
of annular jet from centrifu- V, = velocity of liquid leaving ceived January 2 1962. paper accepted January
4 , 1962. Paper pAented at A.1.Ch.E. Los Angeles
gal-disk atomizer of exit-com- atomizer, ft./hr. meeting.

Page 466 A.1.Ch.E. Journal September, 1962

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