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Lipid Peroxidation and Free Radical Scavengers in Thyroid Dysfunction in the Rat: A
Possible Mechanism of Injury to Heart and Skeletal Muscle in Hyperthyroidism*

Article  in  Endocrinology · January 1988

DOI: 10.1210/endo-121-6-2112 · Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Yoshinori Watanabe
Himorogi Psychiatric Institute


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Endocrinology Vol. 121, No. 6
Copyright© 1987 by The Endocrine Society Printed in U.S.A.

Lipid Peroxidation and Free Radical Scavengers in

Thyroid Dysfunction in the Rat: A Possible Mechanism
of Injury to Heart and Skeletal Muscle in
Department of Pediatrics, Yamanashi Medical College, Yamanashi, Japan 409-38

ABSTRACT. This study was designed to determine if peroxi- drial superoxide dismutase and oxidative markers. No such
dation of biomembrane lipid and the protective system can be change was observed in either fast glycolytic muscle or liver.
modified by the change in oxidative metabolism induced by Glutathione peroxidase decreased in all tissues of hyperthyroid
thyroid dysfunction. The free radical scavengers (i.e. cuprozinc rats, and there was a parallel decrease in catalase in most tissues.
cytosolic and mangano mitochondrial superoxide dismutases, On the other hand, hypothyroidism induced a reduction in
glutathione peroxidase, and catalase), mitochondrial oxidative oxidative markers and mitochondrial superoxide dismutase in
marker enzymes (cytochrome c oxidase and fumarase), and lipid heart and skeletal muscles, but only a marginal change in lipid
peroxide were measured in liver, heart, soleus (slow oxidative), peroxidation. The cytosolic superoxide dismutase did not change
and extensor digitorum longus (fast glycolytic) muscles. Rats in relation to either oxidative metabolism or lipid peroxidation.
were rendered hyper- or hypothyroid for 4 weeks and then killed. These results suggest that the enhanced oxidative metabolism
Superoxide dismutases were detected by specific RIAs: catalase and decreased glutathione peroxidase in hyperthyroidism result
by polarography, and lipid peroxide by fluorimetry. in an increase in lipid peroxidation and, in slow oxidative and
Hypothyroid rats failed to grow, while hyperthyroid rats had heart muscle, possible organ damage. No adverse reaction me-
hypertrophied hearts but no growth failure. An increase in lipid diated by active oxygen species was found in hypothyroid rat
peroxide was observed in the soleus and heart muscles of hyper- tissues. (Endocrinology 121: 2112-2118, 1987)
thyroid rats. This was accompanied by an increase in mitochon-

I N AEROBIC cells, active oxygen species, e.g. super-

oxide and hydrogen peroxide, are generated as by-
products of oxidative metabolism in mitochondria. These
in tissues (2) in response to changes in oxidative metab-
olism (3, 4).
It is well established that thyroid hormone accelerates
species are toxic to biomembrane and eventually lead to the basal metabolic rate and, more specifically, oxidative
peroxidation of lipid unless they are removed by free metabolism, as evidenced by the induction of certain
radical-scavenging enzymes, which comprise superoxide mitochondrial enzymes in target tissues (5-7). It has also
dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase, and catalase. been reported that excessive thyroid hormone may in-
There are two forms of SOD. One contains copper and duce tissue injury. Thyrotoxic myopathy (8) and myo-
zinc (CuZnSOD) and is found predominantly in cytosol, cardial insufficiency (9) are well known examples of
and the other contains manganese (MnSOD) and is tissue damage due to the direct action of thyroid hormone
found predominantly in mitochondria (1). Glutathione on target tissues. The pathophysiological basis of these
peroxidase and catalase catalyze the reduction of hydro- abnormalities is not clear. It is possible that activation
gen peroxide; the former also catalyzes the reduction of of mitochondrial respiration by thyroid hormone results
certain lipid peroxides. We previously demonstrated the in oxidative tissue injury secondary to increased produc-
differential regulation of free radical-scavenging enzymes tion of active oxygen species.
The activities of SOD, detected via indirect assay, and
Received April 3, 1987.
Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Kohtaro
catalase in skeletal muscle of hyperthyroid and euthyroid
Asayama, M.D., Department of Pediatrics, Yamanashi Medical College, rats have been reported (10). To our knowledge, the
1110 Shimokato, Tamaho, Nakakoma, Yamanashi Japan 409-38. regulation of free radical-scavenging enzymes in relation
* This work was supported in part by Grant-in-Aid 61770650 from
the Ministry of Education (Japan) and a grant-in-aid from the Naito to thyroid status has not been studied systematically.
Foundation. We attempted, therefore, to determine if changes in


mitochondrial oxidative metabolism due to thyroid dys- Yagi et al. (13). Protein was measured by the technique of
function lead to selective modification of free radical Lowry et al. (14). Serum T:! and T4 concentrations were deter-
scavenging enzymes in various tissues in the rat. We also mined with commercial RIA kits.
measured malondialdehyde, an index of lipid peroxida-
tion, to monitor potential damage to biomembrane lipid Statistics
in tissues. The data are presented as the mean ± SE. Statistical signif-
icance was determined by the method of least significant dif-
Materials and Methods ference, calculated after one-way analysis of variance.

Animal treatment Results

Twenty-one 5-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats (Shi- Effect of thyroid status on body and tissue growth
zuoka Laboratory Animal Center, Shizuoka, Japan) were given
free access to a standard chow and water. The animals were Serum T 3 levels in the control (group I), T4-treated
divided into three weight-matched groups. Control rats (euthy- (group II), and PTU-treated (group III) rats were 54 ±
roid, group I) were given tap water. The remaining rats were 4, 304 ± 14, and 27 ± 2 ng/dl, respectively, and were
rendered either hyperthyroid (group II) or hypothyroid (group significantly different from each other (group II > I and
III) by the administration of 0.0012% L-T4 or 0.05% propyl- III, P > 0.001; I > III, P > 0.05). Serum T4 levels in the
thiouracil (PTU), respectively, to their drinking water over a
three groups were: group I, 3.6 ± 0.2; group II, 12.1 ± 0.5;
4-week period, as described by Ladenson et al. (11). The mean
initial body weights for groups I, II, and III were 139, 138, and and group III, less than 0.1 Aig/dl. These values were
136 g, respectively. The rats were killed under pentobarbital similar to those reported by Ladenson et al. (11), con-
anesthesia (50 mg/kg), and their sera were frozen and stored firming that hyper- and hypothyroidism were attained
until assayed for T 3 and T4. Specimens of liver, heart, bilateral in these rats. The final body weights were: group I, 340
soleus (slow oxidative), and extensor digitorum longus (EDL; ± 8; group II, 329 ± 10; and group III, 231 ± 5 g (group
fast glycolytic) muscles were obtained. The tissues were rinsed III < I and II, P < 0.001). Table 1 lists the organ weights
with PBS, blotted with gauze, and kept frozen at -80 C. Each and organ to body weight ratios for skeletal muscles,
skeletal muscle was treated separately. The right hindlimb heart, and liver. The heart was hypertrophied in T4-
muscles were used for enzyme assays, and the left for determi- treated rats, according to both the net weight and the
nation of lipid peroxide.
weight relative to body weight (P < 0.001). On the other
hand, both the net and relative weights of other organs
Homogenate preparation in the T4-treated rats were similar to those in the con-
For enzyme assays the tissues were homogenized with 20 trols, with the exception of a marginal difference in the
times their volume of 10 mM potassium phosphate buffer con- right soleus (P < 0.05). In PTU-treated rats, the net
taining 0.01% digitonin (pH 7.4) in a Potter-Elvehjem homog- weight of all organs studied was low (P < 0.001); the
enizer, and then sonicated on ice for 30 sec (15 sec, twice). The relative weight of the soleus was high (P < 0.01), while
sonicate was centrifuged at 13,000 x g for 5 min, and the those of the heart (P < 0.01) and liver (P < 0.02) were
supernatant was stored frozen in aliquots at —80 C until as- low. The relative weight of EDL muscles was normal.
sayed. For lipid peroxide determination, tissue samples were
homogenized with 10 times their volume of 1.15% potassium Activity of mitochondrial marker enzymes
chloride and centrifuged at 3,000 x g for 10 min, and the
supernatant was obtained. Hyperthyroidism markedly increased (P < 0.001) and
hypothyroidism decreased both cytochrome c oxidase and
Biochemical analyses fumarase in soleus (Table 2 and Fig. 1). Similarly, in
heart, fumarase increased in hyperthyroidism and cyto-
The RIAs for rat CuZnSOD and MnSOD have been de-
chrome c oxidase decreased in hypothyroidism. On the
scribed previously (12). The activities of cytochrome c oxidase,
fumarase, and glutathione peroxidase were assayed by methods
other hand, in EDL these enzymes did not increase in
described previously (4). Catalase activity was assayed polaro- hyperthyroidism, whereas both decreased in hypothy-
graphically with a type PO-100A oxygen electrode (Yanagimoto roidism. Neither enzyme was altered in liver.
Mfg. Co., Ltd., Kyoto, Japan). The initial rate of O2 generation
was measured in a 0.1-M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) Tissue concentration of superoxide dismutases
saturated with ambient oxygen at 25 C, with 7 mM H2O2 as a
substrate. The activity was calculated assuming the concentra-
The effect of thyroid status on the tissue concentration
tion of O2 in air-saturated water at 25 C at a barometric pressure of MnSOD is illustrated in Fig. 2. Hyperthyroidism
of 760 mm Hg to be 0.252 mM. The tissue concentration of increased and hypothyroidism decreased MnSOD in both
lipid peroxide was estimated from fluorimetric measurement of soleus and heart. On the other hand, MnSOD levels in
thiobarbituric acid (TBA)-reactive substance, as described by EDL and liver in both T4- and PTU-treated rats were
Vol 121-No 6

TABLE 1. Organ weight and organ to body weight ratio

Soleus EDL
T * r\

mg mg mg mg g g

Organ wt
I. Control 135 ± 3" 134 ± 4 172 ± 3 171 ± 3 1.17 ± 0.05" 14.0 ± 0.7
II. T4-treated 122 ± 4C 124 ± 4C 158 ± 6d 158 ± 6d 1.63 ± 0.06rf 13.4 ± 0.5d
III. PTU-treated 109 ± 5C 110 ± 4e 119 ± 5 e 117 ± V 0.70 ± 0.02e 8.5 ± 0.317
Mg/g Mg/g Mg/g Mg/g mg/g mg/g
Organ/BW ratio
I. Control 389 ± 9 394 ± 7 506 ± 13 506 ± 17 3.43 ± 0.106 41.2 ± 1.3
II. T4-treated 372 ± 18d 376 ± 22d 483 ± 19 483 ± 22 4.97 ± 0.10d 42.3 ± 1.2'
III. PTU-treated 474 ± 16* 475 ± 15g 515 ± 18 509 ± 17 3.03 ± 0.07* 36.6 ± 1.1*
Data are the mean ± SE of seven observations for each group.
P < 0.05,1 us. II.
P < 0.001,1 vs. II.
P < 0.05, II us. III.
"P < 0.001, II us. III.
P < 0.001,1 vs. III.
P< 0.01, II vs. III.
" P < 0.01,1 vs. III.
P < 0.02, I vs. III.

TABLE 2. Activities of cytochrome c oxidase and catalase in tissues

Cytochrome c oxidase Catalase

Soleus EDL Heart Liver Soleus EDL Heart Liver
I. Control 79.1 ± 7.4" 75.1 ± 2.1" 144 ± 4 50.9 ± 8.9 362 ± 25 74.9 ± 5.2 1.83 ± 0.16 27.3 ± 0.9"
II. T4-treated 118.8 ± 8.9C 51.9 ± 2.8d 134 ± 3 e 46.9 ± 4.7 300 ± 29 C 67.3 ± 5.4 d 1.05 ± 0.08c 15.1 ± 1.1°
III. PTU-treated 53.8 ± 3.5' 6.2 ± 4.2g 110 ± 6 " 52.9 ± 5.3 671 ± nh 89.6 ± 10. 1 2.10 ± 0.22 21.5 ± 0.9*
Data are the mean ± SE of seven observations for each group. Values are in unit (sec ') per g protein for cytochrome c oxidase, and in nanomoles
of O2 generated per min/mg protein in soleus and EDL and micromoles of O2 generated per min/mg protein in heart and liver for catalase.
" P < 0.001,1 vs. II.
* P < 0.01,1 vs. II.
P < 0.001, II vs. III.
P < 0 . 0 5 , II us. III.
P < 0.01, II us. III.
' P < 0 . 0 2 , 1 vs. III.
* P < 0.05,1 vs. III.
P < 0.001,1 vs. III.

similar to those in the controls. In contrast, CuZnSOD activity was very high in liver, low in heart, and ex-
levels in skeletal muscles did not change in relation to tremely low in skeletal muscles. Hyperthyroidism signif-
thyroid status, and in heart it was even higher in hypo- icantly decreased the enzyme activity in heart and liver,
thyroid than in control rats (P < 0.05; Fig. 3). In liver, whereas hypothyroidism increased it in soleus and de-
CuZnSOD tended to decrease in both T4-treated (P < creased it in liver.
0.001) and PTU-treated rats (P < 0.02). Malondialdehyde level in tissue homogenate
The malondialdehyde level increased to 200% in soleus
Activities of glutathione peroxidase and catalase and to 134% in heart in the T4-treated rats compared
The activity of glutathione peroxidase in EDL was with control values (P < 0.001; Fig. 5). There was no
change in liver and only a slight decrease (P < 0.01) in
approximately l/10th that in soleus and heart and 1/
EDL in the PTU-treated rats.
20th that in liver. Enzyme activity decreased in all tissues
in T4-treated rats, while that in EDL and heart increased Discussion
significantly in PTU-treated rats (Fig. 4). Catalase activ- Hyperthyroidism enhanced mitochondrial oxidative
ity in tissues is summarized in Table 2. The enzyme metabolism in slow oxidative muscle (soleus) and heart.

1.5- 5.0-

TO o> a i
o s
if =0.5H
(/) a. 2.0-
N \
a a

Soleus EDL Heart Liver

FIG. 1. Fumarase activity in various tissues in rats. Data are the means Soleus EDL Heart Liver
of seven observations. The brackets indicate SE. D, Controls (group I); FIG. 3. Immunoreactive CuZnSOD concentrations in various tissues
• , T4-treated rats (group II); M, PTU-treated rats (group III). Statistical in rats. Data are the mean ± SE (n = 7). D, Controls; • , T4-treated; M,
significance is as follows: group I vs. II: a, P < 0.001; group II vs. Ill: b, PTU-treated. Statistical significance: group I vs. II: a, P< 0.001; group
P < 0.001; c, P < 0.02; group I us. Ill: d, P < 0.001; e, P < 0.005. II vs. Ill: b, P < 0.02; group I vs. Ill: c, P < 0.02; d, P < 0.05.


•2.0- X 1.0-

ro 0.5-
00 a X
O) o

CL 0.05-
1.0- d
Q) O)
{— E 0.5-
c "E

Soleus EDL Heart Liver 0

FIG. 2. Immunoreactive MnSOD concentrations in various tissues in Soleus EDL Heart Liver
rats. Data are the mean ± SE (n = 7). D, Controls; • , T4-treated; H, FIG. 4. Glutathione peroxidase activity in various tissues in rats. Data
PTU-treated. Statistical significance: group I us. II: a, P < 0.001; b, P are the mean ± SE (n = 7). D, Controls; • , T4-treated; M, PTU-treated.
< 0.01; group II vs. Ill: c, P < 0.001; d, P < 0.01; e, P < 0.02; group I Statistical significance: group I vs. II: a, P < 0.001; b, P < 0.005; c, P
vs. Ill: f, P < 0.001; g, P < 0.02. Groups I-III are defined in Fig. 1. < 0.05; group II vs. Ill: d, P < 0.001; e, P < 0.01; group I vs. Ill: f, P <
0.001; g, P < 0.01.
This was associated with increases in MnSOD and lipid
peroxidation in these tissues. Such changes were not oxidase. This finding is similar to our previous observa-
observed in fast glycolytic muscle (EDL) or liver of tion in denervated rat skeletal muscle (4). Similarly, the
hyperthyroid rats. Hypothyroidism suppressed oxidative changes in tissue levels of malondialdehyde mimicked
metabolism in soleus, EDL, and heart, but not in liver, those in levels of the enzymes localized in mitochondrial
and decreased MnSOD only in soleus and heart, but not matrix (i.e. MnSOD and fumarase). This implies that
in EDL or liver. On the other hand, glutathione peroxi- the elevated malondialdehyde level in the homogenate of
dase decreased in hyperthyroidism and was either normal hyperthyroid soleus and heart was mainly due to the
or high in hypothyroidism in all tissues studied. Simi- enhanced lipid peroxidation in mitochondrial membrane.
larly, catalase tended to be low in hyperthyroidism and Further, it is known that ubisemiquinone in complex III
high in hypothyroidism in most of the tissues. of the respiratory chain is the major electron donor for
The tissue level of MnSOD corresponded with that of cyanide-sensitive superoxide formation, and that free
fumarase and, less closely, with that of cytochrome c radical production in mitochondria is closely related to
Vol 121* No 6

hyperthyroid rats. On the other hand, hyperthyroid car-

diac muscle, in which lysosomal enzyme is not activated,
hypertrophies because of the increase in the synthesis of
0.5- myosin, a major structural protein. Even though the total
tissue content of both enzymes remains the same, as was
the case in this study, the specific activity (per mg
E protein), nonetheless, declines. Further, thyroid hormone
\ 1.0-
is known to affect the fiber composition of both skeletal
and heart muscles (20, 21). As was demonstrated in this
QQ study, type I skeletal muscle is rich in both enzymes
relative to type II muscle. The conversion of fiber types
associated with hyperthyroidism (i.e. from type I to type
II) may contribute to the decrease in these enzymes in
soleus muscle.
Soleus EDL Heart Liver
Numerous publications have described the structural
FIG. 5. The concentration of TBA-reactive substance (malondialde- (22), biochemical (8), and electrodynamic (23) features
hyde) in various tissues in rats. Data are the mean ± SE (n = 7). D, of thyrotoxic myopathy in rodents. It has been shown
Controls; • , T4-treated; H, PTU-treated. Statistical significance: group
I vs. II: a, P < 0.001; group II vs. Ill: b, P < 0.001; c, P < 0.01; group I that thyroid hormone has a more profound effect on
vs. Ill: d, P < 0.01. slow-twitch muscle than on fast-twitch muscle (24), as
was the case in the study reported here. It has been
oxidative metabolism (15). These data suggest that reg- postulated that in exercise-induced myopathy, exhaus-
ulation of the MnSOD concentration is related to oxi- tive exercise increases mitochondrial respiration to meet
dative metabolism and, in turn, to mitochondrial free the increased energy demand, resulting in enhanced free
radical production, which leads to membrane lipid per- radical production and lipid peroxidation, which, in turn,
oxidation. induce myopathic change (25). Higuchi et al. (10) spec-
In contrast, CuZnSOD, which was unchanged in both ulated that an increase in MnSOD in soleus is not
heart and skeletal muscle, decreased in liver in response effective as a protective adaptation to either exercise-
to thyroid dysfunction. However, no alteration in oxi- induced or thyrotoxic myopathy, based on the fact that
dative metabolic activity was observed in liver, indicating the increase in oxidative marker enzymes is greater than
that the regulation of CuZnSOD was independent of that in MnSOD. In the rats we studied, MnSOD was
oxidative metabolism and was different from that of increased more than oxidative marker enzymes, whereas
MnSOD. These findings suggest that the two isoenzymes there was no protection against the accelerated lipid
scavenge superoxide from different subcellular sites of peroxidation. Glutathione peroxidase is the principal
generation, one from cytosol and the other from mito- scavenger of H2O2 unless the concentration of H2O2 is
chondria. This conclusion supports previous experimen- high, as is occasionally the case in liver (26). Thus, a
tal data obtained with specific RIAs for SODs (4-6). decrease in this enzyme may contribute to oxidative
The parallel decreases in glutathione peroxidase and injury in skeletal muscle.
catalase in all tissues in hyperthyroid animals suggest Thyrotoxic cardiomyopathy is not as well defined as
that these are due to a more general effect of thyroid other myopathies. The existence of reversible cardio-
hormone than that on oxidative metabolism. Thyroid myopathy is suggested by the fact that left ventricular
hormone is known not only to promote the synthesis of function is abnormal in clinical hyperthyroidism (27, 28).
certain specific proteins, such as mitochondrial enzymes, Electron microscopic studies have revealed localized
but also to enhance the protein degradation (16,17). The areas of vacuolization and disorientation of mitochon-
latter has been reported to occur via activation of lyso- drial cristae in the hearts of hyperthyroid rats (29). In
somal enzymes in both skeletal muscle and liver, but not our study, the increase in MnSOD failed to protect
in heart (18). It is known that physiological doses of against enhanced lipid peroxidation in both hyperthyroid
thyroid hormone are growth promoting to liver and skel- heart and soleus, suggesting that the decrease in gluta-
etal muscle (19). Therefore, there must have been a thione peroxidase has pathophysiological consequences.
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Eleventh International Congress on Animal Reproduction and Artificial

Eleventh International Congress on Animal Reproduction and Artificial Insemination will be held at
University College Dublin from June 26-30,1988. There will be three Plenary sessions and twelve symposia
on several aspects of mammalian reproduction. In addition, there are fifteen workshops planned. Short
communications, to be presented as posters, on any aspect of reproduction are welcome.
Please contact:
Dr. Maurice Boland
Congress Secretary
University College Dublin
Lyons Estate
Newcastle Co.
Dublin, Ireland
Tel. 01-288385
Telex 32693 (UCD) El
Early registration up to January 31, 1988.

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