Sex Education

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Sex Education can be described as education or teachings revolving around sex and

relationships.  Its purpose is to impart knowledge, to form beliefs and attitudes, to build
relationships, intimacy and sexual identity.  There are a lot of things to be known regarding sex
such as human anatomy, intercourse, reproductive health, responsibilities and rights.  Although
these are essentially what sex education is all about, many are still debating whether or not the
topic should be a part of school curriculum.

The battle between supporters and detractors of sex education has been going for a long time. It
is a controversial issue and topic of argument in several countries.  Below are some important
areas on sex education that “Pros” and “Antis” are standing their ground for. Continue reading to
either back up your belief or to finally understand the whole issue.

The Pros’ Points

If we are to make an impact on children and young people before they become sexually active,
comprehensive sexuality education must become part of the formal school curriculum… –
International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education 

Children Are Provided With Correct Knowledge. It is needless to say that ignorance leads us
to wrong assumptions that often result to mistakes and misjudgments.  When kids are adequately
informed about sex, misinformation is reduced. They are empowered with correct knowledge.

Children Are Taught Of Preventive Measures. Sex education programs carried out effectively
also serve as powerful tools in helping them prevent being infected by the HIV virus and other
illnesses resulting from unsafe, inappropriate sexual decisions.  Although a proper education
program alone will not totally eliminate the issue on AIDS, it can greatly help lower the risks and

Children Are Armed With Skills To Make The Right Decisions. Again, lack of knowledge
can lead to misjudgments. If children will be taught about the consequences they would possibly
suffer from, they will become more cautious in making decisions.  They can make informed
choices in life and not just on intercourse alone. They will know that sexual activities come not
only with pleasures, but also responsibilities.

Misconceptions Will Be Rectified. A person’s attitude and set of values were conceived and
formed by what they see and hear from other people. Sex education aims to straighten out any
misconception of society about sex and other things related to it. Such misconceptions and
wrong beliefs may be carried out by the child until his adulthood, resulting to wrong decisions
he/she may regret forever.

If teachers and parents support each other in implementing a guided and structured
teaching/learning process, the chances of personal growth for children and young people are
likely to be much better. 2

Communication Between Parents And Children Will Be Increased. Children will most
definitely discuss what they have been taught in school with their parents or with adults they
trust.  Without sex education in school, they will feel shy and uncertain in even mentioning
sexual matters with their parents. With participation of parents in the program, morals and values
will be better instilled in children.

The Antis’ Counter

Sex Ed Programs Will Only Lead To Untimely Sex. This is a common fear among parents,
that their children will start exploring sex at very young age. Some parents believe that exposing
kids to this subject will only stir their curiosity, thus, compel them to untimely engage in the act.

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston has outraged many parents by requiring children,
including kindergartners, to be subjected to a program called Talking About Touching (TAT)…

Children Will Be Driven To Use Contraception.  This is an issue that is taken seriously by
religious groups and pious individuals. Some religions are greatly against the use of artificial
methods in preventing unwanted pregnancy. This is also a ground why some parents disapprove
sex education; because they do not want their children to be negatively affected or eventually
resist their parental beliefs.

Sex Education Will Contradict With Beliefs And Morals. This is in relation with the previous
entry. Rather than opting to abstain from sex, young people would resort to using contraceptive
methods such as condoms and pills just to give in to carnal pleasures.

Children Will Be Deprived Of Their Innocence. Educating kids at an early age about a taboo
topic, their innocence is tainted unnecessarily. Their minds are polluted that may move them to
indulge their curiosity to try the act once or force another child to do it.

Teachers May Lack The Proper Skills Or Motivation To Teach It. Teachers could be
parents, too, who are against teaching sexuality to their students. They might also be in favor of
the program, yet are not comfortable in talking about it to children. Whichever scenario there
could be, it is likely that the teaching capability and skills of teachers may be hampered.

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