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8/5/2020- IHuman, Comp. health assessment, 72%

This scenario was about 32 year-old Luciana Gonzalez who came to the clinic for a
comprehensive assessment prior to receiving life insurance by her job. Patient states that she is
fairly healthy. Patient’s only complaint is that she is having pain with urination. Patient denies
any history of smoking, alcohol, or drug use, is not currently sexually active, and not using any
medications. She does note previous history of UTIs and being prescribed medication. To
demonstrate evidence-based practice, I questioned the patient thoroughly on her health and daily
life in an effort to discover if she had any concerns for her health, which is how she told me
about the symptoms of dysuria. I could have done better in realizing that the presence of nevus
flemmeus on her face should have been very evaluated for any underlying conditions. I used
good decision-making when I thoroughly read her records prior to seeing her and realized the
concerns for UTI should be discussed even though the patient did not report it on her initial
assessment. The ATI case study helped to breakdown different antibiotic medications and what
would be best for an ATI. I enjoyed this study because it went over different types and
classifications of antibiotics available.

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