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Research Objectives


Senior Lifestyles
Primarily value physical health and health of relationships
As physical ability declines seniors are extra cautious about the
activities they take part in. (Mintel)
Lifestyle changes may lead to loneliness
Significant life events like retirement and kids moving out can lead to
what is called "grey divorce." Strengthening familial and social
relationships can have significant emotional health benefits. (Mintel)
Lack of transportation
Many seniors tend to shop near their homes and hesitate to travel far
in general due to nervousness/inability to drive. (The Association for
Consumer Research)
Religion guides values
24% of seniors ages 65+ report attending church at least once a week.
(Pew Forum)
Keep brain active
Activities that keep the brain active include arts and crafts, walking,
taking care of pets, puzzles, and more. Senior Living Magazine
recommends participating in a variety of activities to reduce the risk
of suffering and loneliness. (Seniors Living Magazine)
Seniors show little faith in younger generations (Mintel)
Pop Culture

Seniors are underrepresented and mischaracterized in entertainment

media and advertising (Businesswire)
Seniors see those on television as "the way I wish people would be like"
(The Association for Consumer Research)

Cultural Capital

Convergence FINDINGS

Media Use
Seniors are embracing social media
Despite popular belief, the majority of seniors report using the Internet
and TV every day. (Media Logic)
TV is still the leading source for entertainment and news
Seniors require an integrated, diverse media approach
Media channels are becoming fragmented and segmentation via
demographic, behavioral, and content-based targeting must be utilized
to reach narrow audience. (Media Logic)
Slow the pace of messaging
Content that rushes the message is overwhelming and turns away
seniors. (The Association for Consumer Research)
Influences of Baby Boomers
(English Online)
Growing up in front of the TV set

Grew up with Rock and Roll, the Vietnam War, Neil Armstrong's walk on
the moon, and the civil rights and feminist movements

Not all of them want to retire and spend lives traveling  many strive to
do something meaningful in the last years of their lives


Final Insights

A geing and Society

OmniPresent Communications

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