Application For College Admission

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Teacher: LEAH JEAN G. VILLEGAS Learning Area: Reading and Writing Skills (English)
Date: FEBRUARY __, 2018 Quarter: IV
Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the requirements of
composing academic writing and professional correspondence.
Performance Standards The learner is able to:
1. identify the requirements of application letter for college
admission; and
2. write an application letter for college admission.
Learning Competencies/Objectives At the end of the 60-minute period, students are expected to:
1. identify unique features of and requirements in composing
texts that are useful across disciplines
a. application for college admission
LC Code EN11/ 12RWS-1Vac-13.1
I. CONTENT The learners will be able to know the basic understanding of
purposeful writing in the disciplines and for professions especially in
application for college admission.
A. References
Teacher’s Guide pages
Learner’s Material pages
Textbook Dayagbil, F. Et. al. 2016. Reading and writing for SHS. Quezon
City: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
Additional Materials for Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
III. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Reviewing previous lesson or presenting
the new lesson (5 mins)
A 1. Preliminaries

 Greetings Good morning, class. Good morning, ma’am.

 Prayer It is believed that the best way to (The teacher leads the
start a day is thanking God for that prayer.)
another time to live, love, and learn.
So, shall we start our day with a
prayer? Please stand, and let us put
ourselves in God’s presence.

 Attendance Checking Class monitor, what’s the status of (The class monitor states the
our attendance? status of the attendance.)

 Reading of the House Before we proceed to our lesson, I

Rules have here significant house rules that
I wish you to follow. Please rise and
place your right hand on your right
chest and repeat after me.
(Read the rules)

I will listen to the discussion.

I will participate in the group
I will speak English to express my
I will respect the opinions of my
I will bring my notebook with me all
throughout the period.
I will not use cellphone during the
discussion unless allowed to.

Can I expect these from you? Yes, ma’am.

Reviewing of the previous lesson Who can give me a short recap about
our lesson last meeting? Our lesson last time was
about writing a resume
including its important
elements as well as its
corresponding significance
in application.
Reading of the objectives At the end of the 60-minute period,
students are expected to:
1. identify unique features of
and requirements in
composing texts that are
useful across disciplines
a. application for
college admission
Since we will have a string of group
activities, you will be divided into
three teams according to the logo
you picked earlier.

Each group has a designated area in

the classroom where you will stay.
PNU Team, yours is the right corner Yes, ma’am.
of the room; CSU Team, you will be
staying next to PNU Team; and
FSUU Team, you will stay in the left
corner of the classroom.

I will give you 10 seconds to

assemble with your group.

Are you now set with your group? Yes, we are.

ACTIVITY (5 mins.) Presenting Good! This time, we will have an
example/instances of the new lesson activity. This activity is called Paint
Me A Picture. The category is about
the situation or feelings of a senior
high student going to college. What
are you going to do is paint the (Students will read)
picture scenario depicted on the
strips of paper picked by the leader.
One from each team will not be part
of the picture instead he/she will be
the one to explain the it. You shall
manage to do the task in 5 minutes.
Am I understood class?


Okay, how about five claps for that?

Discussing new concepts and practicing new Okay, at this point, pretend that you
skills #1 (10 mins.) are college students and you will be
inviting freshmen students to join
different college clubs. What are you
going to do is pick the club you are
most interested in and decide the
name of the club using the cartolina Yes, ma’am.
papers. After that, showcase
something that will make pride of
your club. You shall manage to do (Each group presents their
this task in 5 minutes. task.)
Are you now ready, class?

Singing Club
Dancing Club
Theater Club

Time is up.

Very good! How about five claps for


Okay, did you enjoy the activity? Yes, ma’am!

All right, class, do you see yourself

few years from now joining different
clubs in college? If yes, what clubs? I prefer joining a college
publication, ma’am.

I prefer joining leadership

club, ma’am

Okay, it seemed you are very excited

to go to college. But, before going to
college what are you going to do Apply, ma’am!

Good. In applying, what are you Write an application letter,

going to do? ma’am!
Discussing new concepts and presenting new Okay, this morning we will talk
skills #2 (15 mins.) about: Application for College


Mastery of the topic (leads to formative Do you have any questions or

assessment 3) (10 mins.) clarifications? None, ma’am.

Again, what will you do before

going to college? We should first apply thrugh
an application letter.

Good. What are the parts of the

application letter for college

Exactly. How about the styles of

application letter? What are those?

Correct. What are the tips in writing

an application letter?

Very good!
Do you have any questions or
clarifications? None, ma’am.

Okay, hearing none we will now

proceed with a quiz. In a ¼ sheet of
paper answer the following by
identifying the information asked in
each statement. You will manage to
do this in 3 minutes.

(The students will write)

Okay, at this point, you will be
writing an application letter. Each of
the group is given task cards and
what are you going to do is follow
the instruction written on it. Am I

Please be guided with the following


PNU Team
Write an application letter to PNU using the
full block format.
Addressee: Dr. Adelyne Costelo-Abrea
Address: Pr-22, Poblacion, Prosperidad,
Agusan del Sur

CSU Team
Write an application letter to CSU using the
semi-block format.

Write an application letter to FSUU using the
indented format.

Very good! How about five claps for


(The teacher will process the

answers of the students.)

Making Generalizations (3 mins.) Who among you here wants to go to

college? I, ma’am.

What school are you planning to be

in? PNU, ma’am.
CSU, ma’am.
FSUU, ma’am
ADSCO, ma’am.
Okay, in your own idea, why do we Well, in the world where
need to be educated? competence is a deal, it is
very important that we send
ourselves subject for
education in order to survive
and land ourselves to a good

Does a person’s value depend on the

degree he attained? The society always look up t
those successful
professionals, however,
there are also those who did
not have the chance to go to
school yet they are sucessful
in other fields like business.
For me, a person’s value
depends on how he/she
survive everyday of his’her

Very good opinion. However, I still

encourage you to persevere and
finish a degree.
Application (leads to formative assessment) This time, you will now proceed
(15 mins.) with another activity. With your
group, you will dramatize an
application scenario. Do as what the
task cards say. You will be given 10
minutes to practice and after that you
will present it.

PNU Team
You will be applying to a university through
face-to-face interview. One should act as the
college administrator and one as the

CSU Team
You will be applying to a university through a
phone interview. One should act as the college
administrator and one as the interviewee.
You will be applying to a university through
an online/skype interview. One should act as
the college administrator and one as the

Please be guided with the following


Creativity of Presentation------45
Teamwork------------------------ 25

Assignment (2 minutes) Directions: Browse the internet then

find and collect information about
Application for Job Employment.
You may print or write it on your
notebook. Submit it next meeting.
No. of Learners who earned 80% on the
formative assessment
No. of learners who requires additional
activities for remediation
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson
No. of learners who continue to require
Which of my teaching strategies worked
Why did these work?
What difficulties did I encounter which my
Cooperation Teacher can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did
I /use/discover which I wish to share with
other Practice teachers?

Prepared by:


Demonstration Teacher
Prosperidad National High School
Checked and observed by:


Cooperating Teacher
Bayugan National Comprehensive High School-Senior High

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