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Developmental Skills Evaluation – CADY RESTUA

Legend: Present
Not Present
Fairly Observed

SELF HELP SKILLS Observation Remarks

Drinks from a cup/glass Present
Drinks with a straw Present
Pours liquid from a container Present With Help
Uses eating utensils spoon, knife, fork properly Present With Help
Serves self from serving plate X
Cleans spillage Present With Help
Shows awareness about dirt and mess Present
Eats independently Fairly Observed
Cleans and clears place at table Present With Help
Knows proper table setting Present With Help
Consumes all food serve Fairly Observed Depends on
Cooperates when dressing/under Present
Pulls off shoes Present With Help
Pulls of socks Present With Help
Ties shoes X
Takes off pants, panties Present
Takes off dress, skirt, blouse Present With Help
Knows how to zip/unzip X
Knows how to button/unbutton X
Knows how to hook/unhook X
Attempts to dress independently Present
Attempts to undress independently Present
Sounds off when wet or soiled Present
Uses toilet with help Present With Help
Follows complete toileting, wiping, flushing, washing hand Present With Help
Desires independent toileting Present
Hygiene and grooming
Washes hands with soap Present
Washed face with soap Present
Knows how to use a washcloth Present
Dries hands/face alone Present
Combs/brushes hair properly Present
Brushes teeth regularly Present
Blows nose on command Present
Keeps nose clean with hanky or tissue Present
Keeps oneself clean and neat Present
Takes care of personal needs Present
Handles sharp objects with care Fairly Observed
Recognizes safety rules Fairly Observed
Practices rules of safety Fairly Observed

MOTOR SKILLS Observation Remarks

Gross Motor Development

Jumps over an object with both feet Fairly Observed
Walls forward independently Fairly Observed
Climbs upstairs and goes downstairs using alternate feet Fairly Observed
Skips well with or without rope Fairly Observed
Balances well within a given path Fairly Observed
Hops well Fairly Observed
Handles balls and blocks with ease Fairly Observed
Kicks while standing Fairly Observed
Fine Motor Development
Builds tower of 2nd stage of block building Present
Strings beads on the thread or shoelace Present
Performs twisting activities efficiently Present
Folds paper or napkins with ease Present with Help
Cuts straight lines Present with Help
Cuts curved lines Present with Help
Cuts jagged lines Present with Help
Cuts around pictures Present with Help
Rolls up mats, paper or any item with similar materials Present with Help
Tears paper with lines X
Rolls balls Present
Hold pencils, crayons and paint brush properly Present
Ties shoes X
Uses 3 finger grasp Fairly Observed
Puts small objects in a bottle Present
Handles pegs on board properly Present

PERCEPTUAL SKILLS Observation Remarks

Compares objects according to
Size Present
Height Present
Color Present
Texture Present
Quantity (more or less) Present
Taste Present
Shape Present
Orders by size Present
Orders by length Present
Orders by texture Fairly Observed
Orders by color Present
Orders by quantity Fairly Observed
Identifies shapes Present
Identifies or recognizes Philippine money X
Recognizes prominent color Present
Identifies missing parts of puzzle X
Recognizes distinct sounds or tunes simple Present
Recognizes simple pictures of objects or creatures Present
Finds out opposites: up-down Present
Finds out opposites: sad-happy Present
Spatial Relations
Understand distinctions of in-out Present
Understand distinctions of under-above Present
Understand distinctions of front-back Present
Understand distinctions of up-down Present
Understand distinctions of left-right Present
Understand distinctions of beside-between Present

NUMERICAL SKILLS Observation Remarks

Repeats numbers out of sequence Present

Puts objects in containers (1-10) Present
Counts or points to 3 objects Present
Counts or points to 6 objects Present
Counts 5 objects aloud without assistance Present
Counts 8 objects aloud without assistance Present with Help
Counts 10 objects aloud without assistance Present with Help
Counts and tells how many Fairly Observed
Counts beyond 10 (up to _____ ) Present with Help
Adds combinations totaling up to 10 X
Subtract combinations resulting to differences within the 1-10 range X
Names positions of objects from a set X
Gives requested number of objects from a set Present with Help
Tells distinction between more or less Present
Sequences nos. 1-10 Present with Help
Sequences symbols Present with Help
Matches equal set 1-10 object Present with Help
Points to names numerals (1-25) Present with Help


Listening, speaking and reasoning skills

Expresses thoughts or ideas clearly Present
Follows oral direction with accuracy Present
Tells story about a picture spontaneously Present
Recites rhymes, short poems with proper expressions or inflections Present
Speaks distinctly Present
Listens to orally read stories or poems Present
Sequences parts of the story as required Present
Imitates actions that go together with songs or rhymes Present
Deduces insights related to values from stories Present
Shows ability to alter parts of stories, poems or songs Present
Uses vocabulary normal for the age level Present
Speaks in proper sentence structures Present
Reading Skills
Knows ____ sounds of alphabet Present with Help
Recognizes his name in print X
Discriminates – beginning X
Discriminates – middle X
Discriminates – ending X
Discriminates phonetics sounds X
Reads simple c-v-c pattern words X
Writing Skills
Executes fundamental strokes Present with Help
Writes letters legibly following the lines… X
Writes name accurately X
Copies simple words correctly X
Grips pencil properly while writing Present
Colors evenly following lines Present
Shows mastery of letter forms Present with Help
Memory Recall
Recalls 4 objects seen in a picture Present with Help
Tells what is missing when one object is removed from a group of three Present
Retells 5 main factors from the story heard 3 times Present
Retells sequence of a story Present
Names days of week in order Present with Help
Identifies objects, persons, events in stories with accuracy Present with Help
Repeats back rhythm made by teacher Present with Help

Relates well with others in work Present with Help
Plays at ease with others Present
Shares with others Present
Responds positively to authority Present
Exhibits self-confidence Present
Welcomes responsibilities Present
Shows a happy disposition Present
Copes well with varying situations Present
Initiates interaction (through eye contact, touching and calling) Present
Responds to his name when called Present
Stops crying with verbal attention Fairly Observed
Shows affection to adults Present
Seeks comfort through physical contact Present
Interactions with strangers Present
Explores his environment Present
Plays appropriately with toys and packs them away Fairly Observed
Plays alone near peers Fairly Observed
Initiate plays with peers Present
Interacts with peers Present
Waits for his/her turn Fairly Observed
Knows how to participate in one rule game Present
Identifies personal belongings Present
Cares for his own belongings Present
Accepts routines and adjusts to changes Present
Knows how to listen Fairly Observed
Knows how to follow adult direction Fairly Observed
Greets visitors and other familiar personalities Present
Behaves appropriately in various social settings Present
Knows how to say “Please” Present
Knows how to say “Excuse me” Present
Knows how to say “Thank you” Present
Knows how to say “You’re welcome” Present
Knows how to say “Po” “Opo” X

CREATIVE ARTS Observation Remarks

Expresses ideas through drawings or other art works Present
Sings at ease Present
Draws simple object representation Present
Participate actively in dramatic plays Present
Uses modeling dough efficiently Present

WORK HABITS Observation Remarks

Works neatly Fairly Observed
Completes work on time Fairly Observed
Handles with care school things Fairly Observed
Follows simple instruction with accuracy Present
Initiates clean up of things which were meshed up Fairly Observed
Packs up materials which were used Fairly Observed


Shows awareness of God Present
Listens attentively to Bible Present
Recites simple memory verses X
Knows Christian songs Present
Knows how to pray Present
Understands basic Biblical concepts Present
Practices Biblical values such as love, obedience, kindness, etc. Fairly Observed
Desires to attend Sunday Churches activities Fairly Observed

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