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Name: Atif Zahoor

Roll No: 2151

Semester: Vi
Submitted To: Mr. Siddique Awan
the article includes in it the critical views by various critics on the play “King Leer” by
Shakespeare. These critics discuss those elements of the play that the author himself has chosen
to discuss or has ignored. All the critics have their own and different views of the play.
The overall tone of the article is simple. The critics have shared their opinion regarding different
elements and aspects of the play in a comparatively different style. Some critics have given their
views over the characters of the play while others have chosen to bound their commentary to the
phenomenon narrated by the author in the play.
The critical views presented in the article, debates on the entities of the play in the light of
contemporary theories and views. Martha Burns, one of the critics of the play, she has presented
a feministic understanding of the play, as she has discussed the female characters of the play; the
older daughters of the be precise; she terms them “formidable” instead of “evil”.
Likewise, Derek Cohen brings his secularist views In his criticism on the plot of the play.
Philip D. Colington, another critic of the Play, talks of the veracious moral characteristics of
companions of the king, who accompany the king on the different stages In the development of
the play. John Donnelly’s area of emphasis is the relationship between the king and his daughters
which he defines as being ‘incestuous’. Stephen Greenblatt offers his views on what he calls the
paradox stemming from the ‘tragic logic’ wherein he cannot have both the ‘deference’ of the
public and ‘inward love’ of his offspring.. Germaine Greer, in his study of play, discusses strands
of ‘optimism and rage against dying of light in the play’. Andrew Hadfield’s views give an
insight into how follies of a monarch bring about his own downfall.
Then the article further moves on the notions tendered by Michael Ignatieff, Coppelia Kahn,
Paul W. Kahn, Alexander Leggatt, Thomas P. Roche, and lastly C. J. Sission all of whom
attempt to untie the several tangled threads in the play as it unfolds before the audience. For
instance, Michael believes that the play has been staged in a ‘small space’ and actors can be
touched by the spectators. The institution of family, in his opinion, lies at the center of the
conflict in the play. Coppelia in a way agrees with him. In her opinion, absence of mother assists
as the chief driver of the tragedy in the play.
as a conclusion, one might gather from what has been discussed in the article, the different critics
have sought to portray the different elements and phenomenon’s In the light of their diverse
opinions to make the sense and the style of the play and the author subtle in view of modern
theories and concepts.

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