Brand Analiysis of Coca Cola 3

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Coca-Cola was invented in May 1886 by Dr John S. Pemberton. It was

initially sold via a soda fountain and turned over dollars 50 in its first year - a far cry from
the one billion drink products now sold each day by the Coca-Cola Company.

Headquartered in Atlanta, Coca-Cola sells more than 230 differently branded

drinks in nearly 200 countries. It employs 31,000 people across its five main geographic
areas. In the UK, Coca-Cola sells more than pounds 2 million-worth of drinks every day,
three times that of its nearest rival Pepsi.

 Coca-Cola recipe was formulated at the Eagle Drug and Chemical Company,
a drugstore in Columbus, Georgia by John Pemberton, originally as a coca
wine calledPemberton's French Wine Coca. He may have been inspired by the
formidable success of Vin Mariani, a European coca wine.

In 1886, when Atlanta and Fulton County passed prohibition legislation,

Pemberton responded by developing Coca-Cola, essentially a non-alcoholic version of
French Wine Coca. The first sales were at Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia, on May
8, 1886. It was initially sold as a patent medicine for five cents[a glass at soda fountains,
which were popular in the United States at the time due to the belief that carbonated
water was good for the health. Pemberton claimed Coca-Cola cured many diseases,
including morphine addiction, dyspepsia, neurasthenia, headache, and impotence.
Pemberton ran the first advertisement for the beverage on May 29 of the same year in
the Atlanta Journal.

By 1888, three versions of Coca-Cola — sold by three separate businesses

— were on the market. Asa Griggs Candler acquired a stake in Pemberton's company in
1887 and incorporated it as the Coca Cola Company in 1888. The same year, while
suffering from an ongoing addiction to morphine, Pemberton sold the rights a second
time to four more businessmen: J.C. Mayfield, A.O. Murphy, C.O. Mulley and E.H. Blood
worth. Meanwhile, Pemberton's alcoholic son Charley Pemberton began selling his own
version of the product’s

John Pemberton declared that the name "Coca-Cola" belonged to Charley,

but the other two manufacturers could continue to use the formula. So, in the summer
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of 1888, Candler sold his beverage under the names Yum Yum and Coke. After both
failed to catch on, Candler set out to establish a legal claim to Coca-Cola in late 1888, in
order to force his two competitors out of the business. Candler purchased exclusive
rights to the formula from John Pemberton, Margaret Dozier and Wool folk Walker.
However, in 1914, Dozier came forward to claim her signature on the bill of sale had
been forged, and subsequent analysis has indicated John Pemberton's signature was most
likely a forgery as well.

Mission of coca cola

 To refresh the world...
 To inspire moments of optimism and happiness...
 To create value and make a difference.

Coca cola Vision

coca cola vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of
our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving
sustainable, quality growth.

 People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they
can be.
 Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that
anticipate and satisfy people's desires and needs.
 Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we
create mutual, enduring value.
 Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and
support sustainable communities.
 Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our
overall responsibilities.
 Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization.

Our Winning Culture

Our Winning Culture defi nes the atti tudes and behaviors that will be required
of us to make our 2020 Vision a reality.


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Coca cola chart

Type Soft drink (cola)

manufacturer The coca cola
Founder Johns.pemberton
Country of origin United states
Introduced 1886
Area served Over 200 countries
Color Caramel E-150d
Flavors Cola, cola green tea,
cola lemon, cola
lemon lime, diet
Related products Pepsi,RC cola , zem
zem cola, Mecca
cola, virgin cola,
sandy cola
employees 92,800
Servings per day 1.6 billion
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Market position of coca cola in
On global kevel Coca-cola is the most popular brand and market leader
controlling 60% of market share. In Pakistan Coca Cola is the market follower but still in
a very strong and stable position holding 36% of the local market with a growing and
increasing market share every year.

Coca Cola in Pakistan is doing market penetration through. The selling its
products to the business buyer, who are huge multinational organizations Like
McDonalds, Subway, Dunkin Donuts and many more . They are also keeping the local
market in focus. Fri Chicks, AFC etc are examples of the buyers in the local market. They
are selling the Coca Cola as the only beverage in their restaurants.

Market Development is exploring new markets for the products you are
already selling. Many flavors of Coca cola are not being sold in Pakistan Coca cola can
develop a new market if they introduce those flavors in Pakistan.

Psychographics Segmentation and

Market tends.
it has small returnable glass bottle, for the mediocre class it has Coke tin, some-
time for the promotion Coke Segments different income levels by packaging, Like for
people with a low level of income , strategy of coke, The coke company introduces prizes
on the top cover. So they segment people by benefit sought i-e. By giving them prizes.

Research analysis indicates that youngsters love to get together and it is when they
are enjoying them selves that will consume Coke.

For Pakistani youth, socializing with friends and family is “core” behavior in their
lives. At time Coca Cola in the seeks to promote its self through sponsoring events, Since
many years basant festival has somewhat Become “coke Festival “


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Market Behavior.
The behaviors of Pakistani market has always been oriented on “what cold gets sold”
People normally focus on buying any thing that is cold either Pepsi or Coke.

The market behaviors in Pakistan has not changed a lot as people are not entirely health
sensuous but over a few years due to increasing awareness of obesity. People have
adopted an alienated behaviors to soft drinks which is why Coca Cola inch, has provided
them with the perfect solution i-e provided a product exactly when it is needed yes we
are talking about Diet coke

Coke: Introduced in 2001 to meet the growing market needs

Growth rate Coca Cola.

In Pakistan market the growth rate is 22% which is a significant rate. Similarly In
Asia region the amount of revenues which company earn is 5052 dollar.

Market Share.
Coca cola has doubled its market share in Pakistan, in recent years its market share
was 16% but in 2007 its market share increased up to 36%, on the other hand its
competitors share is going down day by day.

Coca Cola is world leader in beverages, and is on the way to success in Pakistan and
has crossed the Pepsi last year..

Major factors influencing the level of demand of the product

There are a lot of factors that affect the demand of the product. The list of these
factors is given below

· Price:-
Price is the major factor that affects the demand of the product. If the price Is not suitable
to the consumers or customers than they will switch of the product.
· Quality :-
If a company provides the quality services or products than the demand of the
product also increases. In the quality of the product the consistency in the performance
of the product is very important.


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· Supply:-
Supply and the demand of the product are the market forces and played the
main role in the product demand. If the supply of the product decreased than in some
cases the demand of the product increase as well as the price f the product can also
· Taste:-
Taste of product is the major factor that affects the demand of the product.
Like if the product is of good taste than the future demand of the product will increase
and vise versa. If customers don’t find the taste of product according to their taste, than
they will not buy that product in future.
· Number of users:-
If the number of users increase in the market than the demand of the product
also increases.

· Income:-
Income level of the customers had a great impact on the demand of the
product. It directly relates to the purchasing power of the customer. If customer has a
purchasing power than definitely he can buy the product which he/she demand.

· Competitors:-
Competitors are the biggest threat to the demand of product. If competitors
offer the same products as the company offers than the customers got more
alternatives. So increased alternatives, increases the bargaining power of the customers
and they can switch of to more suitable product.

Can the market be broken down in to segments?

The coca Cola has a wide range of consumer. Though its market is very large
and almost all are f its customers regardless of age and gender but the youngsters are
it’s the largest most favorable target audiences. This is the reason they choose
youngster in their advertisement as well.

Company can also largely focus on youngsters to set the target market. But
their current strategy is most suitable because customers regardless of age factor like
Coca Cola as soft drink.


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Market Analysis
The market analysis investigates both the internal and external business
environment. It is vital that Coca cola carefully monitor both the internal and external
aspects regarding it’s business as both the internal and external environment and their
respective influences will be decisive traits in relation to Coca ‘s success and survival in
the soft drink industry.

 Internal Business Environment

The internal business environment and its influence is that which is to some
extent within the business control. The main attributes in the internal environment
include efficiency in the production process, through management skills and
effective communication channels. To effectively control and monitor the internal
business environment.

 External Business Environment

The External business environment and its influence are usually powerful
forces that can affect a whole industry and, in fact, a whole economy. Changes in the
external environment will create opportunities or threats in the market place Coca
cola must be aware off.

Snatching away customers

In the market Coke has been able to snatch large customer like Food, Street,
Pakistan Railways McDonald’s as well as Sponsorship events from Pepsi mainly due
to its superiority in the following areas.

It is very economical, justifies performance,

No quality compromise, get the best all over Pakistan at any cost

New ideas for billboards design, sponsorship, changing their slogans time to time.
According to the needs of the market.

On time delivery in all over the Pakistan.
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Advertisement Of Coke
The Coca-Cola Company is the world's biggest drinks company, controlling more than half
the global market in carbonated soft drinks as well as a substantial chunk of the non-
carbonated segment. It owns four of the world's five best-selling soft drinks. Its principal
brand is of course Coca-Cola itself, the world's best-known and most valuable brand. But
the company also sells almost 500 other beverage brands ranging from variants like Diet
Coke and sister products such as Fanta and Sprite to a vast range of carbonated and non-
carbonated juice-based drinks, bottled waters, iced teas and coffees. Increasingly Coca-
Cola has found that its sheer size works against it. Competition authorities now watch
the company's every move, while market saturation and economic downturns in both
emerging and mature markets caused sales growth to stall for more than a decade.
Since 2006, though, the company's performance has begun to sparkle once again.
Advertising Age estimated global measured advertising expenditure of $2.44bn in 2009,
making Coca-Cola the world's #6 advertisers. Coca-Cola is a heavy user of sponsorship, from
the soccer and rugby World Cups to the Olympic Games, which has been sponsored by the brand
since 1928. See also:


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SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis is basically stood for “strength” “weakness” “opportunity”
and “threats”. The beneficial company is necessary based on SWOT analysis.
 Strength
 Weakness
 Opportunity
 Threats
Strength :-
“The company is in the conditions of strength. When the internal and external
environments are favorable for the business.”
The examples of cola cola are following.
 Coca-cola is the world’s valuable brand and has strong brand loyalty.
 Coca-cola is the dominated market leader of the global soft drink industry rights
through the 20th century.
 Coca-cola has a large number of shares in the market.
 The company has strong financial position and profit through out the history its
average of ROA(return on equity) for the last five year is 37.08% and its
ROC(return of capital)is 33.6%
 Coca-cola has large number of loyal customer’s and brand equity all over the
 Coca Cola Logo is very famous among the people.
Weakness :-
“The company in the condition of weakness when the internal and external
environments are not favorer in the business.”
The following examples are written down.
 New cock formula leading to a black lash. Which result in bad image of coke.
 The company is facing high burden of external debts for the year in 2002.long
term debts of the company was 2700 million dollars.
 Coca-cola has taken less aggressive market stand-in In today’s changing
economics surroundings.
 In November 2009, because of a dispute over wholesale price of coca-cola goods,
cost blocked the replenishment of their shelves with diet coke and coke.
 Lack of innovation.
“All those works which are helps to company for increasing tree profit and
goodwill are known as opportunities.”
 The advertisement are the great opportunity for coca-cola
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 Consumer prefers to drink new smaller beverage products that are not sold on a
mass scale.
 One of the biggest opportunities is to diversify into the non-carbonated drink
such as coffee, water, juice and etc.
 The company can offer the hygienic products due to increasing number of health
conscious consumers.
 The economic conditions are improving globally after economic meltdown 2007
to 2010
 Diversify into complementary food products which will ultimately increase the
drink consumption.
 Coca-cola should increase its partnership with fast food Chinese.
“All those thing which can effected the business directly is called threats”
“All those things which can made bad effect on every business are known as
These effects are not better for any business.
Some examples are written bellow
 There are problem with coca-cola to raise its price by an edge that inflation
permit it to keep pace with inflation.
 Pepsi is the strong competitor which competes with advertising and
 Many smaller players are furious competitors which are also creating the
competition severe
 The prices of raw material such as sugar and metals use in manufacturing of
cans are increasing rapidly.
 Carbonated drink revenues have been decreasing due to association of sugar to
obesity and lofty fructose lump syrup to heart disease.

We have concluded from this detailed report that despite the fact coca cola
currently occupies the market leadership position overall but does not
guarantee that the company will sustain its position in the future as well. In
Pakistan as compared to pepsi, coca-cola has less number of consumers as
pepsi’s market share in Pakistan is approximately 54% where as coke36%only.


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