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The Social Festivals of


Assignment His
101 Bangladesh History
Submitted To: Dr. A. K.M.
Golam Rabbani Submitted by: Musfiqur Rahman Apu
ID: 1521653030
Serial No: 11 Section: 9
Date of Submission:
01. 06. 2020
Firstly, I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my honorable faculty Dr. A.

K.M. Golam Rabbani for his guidance and giving me this golden opportunity to do this

wonderful project on the topic “The Social Festivals of Bangladesh”, which also helped me in

doing a lot of research and I came to know about so many new things I am really thankful to


Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this

project within the limited time frame. They guided me throughout the whole process and without

whom this research would be almost impossible. I needed lots of information to complete this

report, and they always tried to help me.

Letter of Transmittal
Date: 1st June, 2020
Dr. A. K.M. Golam Rabbani
Department of History & Philosophy
North South University
Bashundhara, Dhaka – 1229
Subject: Submission of “Assignment” on “The Social Festivals of Bangladesh”.

Dear Sir,

Here is the Assignment that I assigned as per your request. The term paper has been completed
by the knowledge that I have gained from the course “HIS 101”. I would be happy if you read
the report carefully and give us a feedback.

I have tried my label best to complete this term paper meaningfully and correctly, as much as
possible. I do believe that my tiresome effort will help you to get ahead with this project. In this
case it will be meaningful to me. However, if you need any assistance in interpreting this paper
please feel free to contact me without any kind of hesitation.

Thank You
Your Obedient Pupils,
Musfiqur Rahman Apu
ID: 1521653030

Executive Summary
The main topic of my research paper is about “The Social Festivals of Bangladesh”. In my

research paper I intended to find the great history of Bangladesh social festivals. There are as

many festivals in Bangladesh as there are days in the year. Fairs and festivals play an important

role in the social life of ordinary Bangladeshis. The biggest Muslim religious festivals are the

Eid-Ul-Fitr (end of the fasting month of Ramadhan). Eid-ul-Azha, Muharram and Miladunnabi

(birth day of the Prophet), Widely celebrated festivals for other religious communities are the

Durga Puja for the Hindus, Christmas for Christians and Buddha Purnima for the Buddhists.

Bangla New Year's Day (Pahela Baishakh), Shahid Dibas (Language Martyrs' Day),

Independence Day (March 26) and Victory Day (December 16) are celebrated nation-

wide.Besides these religious and national festivals, villages and townships, professional groups,

cultural organizations arrange their own festivals.

Table of Contents
Letter of Transmittal................................................................................................................................2
Executive Summary..................................................................................................................................3
Key topic....................................................................................................................................................6

Bangladesh is a country of all the colors, cultures and festivals. Numerous occasions are held
throughout the year. The country is full of diverse cultures, religions and races. These festivals
get people closer to each other and increase communication. These are the reasons why the
people of Bangladesh stay united forgetting all the sorrows, discrimination and the boundaries of
races. These festivals add the extra colors to the beauty of this country. Eid-Ul-Fitre, Durga Puja,
Pahela Baishakh, Christmas, Nabanna, Pahela Falgun are the occasions of their hearts that are
celebrated every year. The culture of Bangladesh can not be fulfilled without these festivals.
People express and show their love, affection towards each other through these festivals. These
festivals have a great impact on the history of Bengali culture. It helps to represent our country to
the world.

Festivals are like blood cells for Bangladeshi people. Bangladesh is a country of colorful
festivals carried out with great passion and zeal throughout the year. Each season has its
individual way of representing a particular essence of nature. Though there have been various
changes in our countries social and economic structures, the nature of festivals never changes.
Generation after generation, some colorful festivals are deeply rooted in our society which is
mainly based on ancient rituals. The people of Bangladesh rejoice during these festivals; they
wear gala dress in these gala days. There are many kinds of festivals those are observed in
Bangladesh. They are as follow : - Regular Cultural Festivals, Religious Festivals, Seasonal
Festivals, National Festivals, Social Festivals, Modern Festivals. Bangladeshi daily life is replete
with traditions and festivals that reflect the unique culture and tradition of Bangladeshis. Some of
the tradition and customs are as ancient as prehistoric days, while others are relatively recent.
The indigenous customs and festivals that has been preserved and nurtured through the ages are
principally center around agricultural practices. These include nabonno (the festival of the new
harvest) and pawhela boishAkh (the Bengali new Year). Religion has also played a distinct role
in shaping the mores and traditions of Bangladeshi life.

A good introduction starts broad and becomes more focused, funneling down from the
background of the project to the specifics of the research problem. It is here that I am articulate
the aim and objectives of the project. The aim is the overall intention for the project. It is the
reason why I am doing the research and signals where I hope to be by the end. The objectives are
the specific steps I will take to get there.

“The aim of this experiment was to determine what is the social festival of Bangladesh ”.

In further part it will be easier and more relevant to the objectives, in that the theory will be set
out using those objectives.

For the research purpose I took all the help from internet and books. I also browsed the internet
and use standard search engines like Google. I did follow many website so that I can gather more
information about the new social festivals of Bangladesh. I read some books and newspaper
cutting. There is some document in youtube, so I watched them too. And lastly I took some
information from my father.

Key topic
Here are some festivals that observed in Bangladesh and which are also tradition for us Bangali.

Eid-Ul- Fitre: Though It's a religious festival. This is the most joyful occasion of all
Muslims. Even the non-Muslims join the celebration of Eid with everyone. The holy day comes
after the month of Ramadan where the Muslims believers performed fasting for 30 days. It is
believed that the Eid day is the blessing from Allah to enjoy the achievement after long 30 days
fasting. In the morning of this happy occasion, all the mosques and fields are filled with people
to perform the Eid Salat. They take shower,get ready wearing traditional clothes like 'pajama-
panjabi' and apply perfume called 'Atr'. This is considered as a holy perfume and this holy day
feels incomplete without this. After completing Eid prayer, they embrace each other. By doing
this they share the happiness and make the bonding of brotherhood stronger. Everyone visit their

families, neighbours and relatives and have delicious foods. Sweet desserts like 'kheer', 'payesh'
and also the heavy items like 'Biriyani ', 'korma' are served throughout the day.

Eid-Ul-Adha: This is another happy occasion of Muslim believers which occurs about 2
months after the Eid-Ul-Fitre. Likewise, people perform their Eid Salat in the morning. After
returning from mosques they take some light snacks. This is a festival of sacrifices. On this holy
day people sacrifice their favourite animals by the name of Allah. The streets are crowded with
mostly cows and goats. People get busy engaging themselves in butchering the meat. Then the
meat is distributed in 3 protions. One is for own, another one is for relatives and the rest of the
part is distributed among poor people. This helps to spread the happiness among everyone and
this is the fact of this holy festival.

Durga Puja: Durga Puja is an annual festival for Hindu believers. This occasion comes at the
Hindu month of 'Ashvin' and last for 4 days. The event consists of family and social gatherings.
Gifting to each other, lighting and decorating houses are very common. People worship their
Goddess Durga inside temples. They perform ancient religions singing and dancing and paste
powder color on each other's faces to bring the celebration mood on. Eventually the process ends
with idol immersion in the river.

Buddha Purnima: Buddha Purnima is celebrated by Buddist descent of the country to
celebrate the birthday of Gautam Buddha. They observe it annually according to the Gregoria
calendar. On this day,the Buddhist temples are decorated. A fair is held outside of temples. Also,
some music containing Buddha's message is played. Finally, the believers attend prayer, light
candles and recite the 3 jewels and 5 precepts.

Christmas: Christmas or 'Boro Din' in Bengali is celebrated among the christian community
as the birth of Jesus Christ. It is an annual occasion observed on 25th December. On this day, the
houses are decorated beautifully with lights, flowers and ribbons. Christmas Tree is the main
attraction of this occasion. It is made or bought from shops.Delicious foods are cooked. In fact, a
grand dinner is organised at night. Neighbours and Relatives come to visit. Santa claus, known as
Father Christmas arrives at homes wearing red gown and spectacles with long white beard.
Children love him as he brings gifts for them wrapped by colorful papers. Less than 1% of the
total population are Christians. We can able to see the majority of them living in the hilly region
of the country. The day is declared as public holiday.

Pahela Baishakh: One of the cultures that Bengali people have been following with zest for
centuries, is Pahela Baishakh. This is the 1st day of Bengali New year and the most popular
occasion of Bangladesh. Both men and women are dressed in red and white. Girls wear Saree
with colorful bangles and boys wear Panjabi. Various activities are held in many places
throughout the day. Fairs are noticed in different places on this day. 'Nagordola' is set up
meanwhile folk songs are played under Bot Tola ( Banayan tree). Bengali foods like ' panta
Elish', various ' pithas' are pressented in front of the visitors. In the street of Capital Dhaka a very
old traditional rally called 'Mangal Shovajatra' takes place. Students of different Universities
carry colorful handmade banners, festoons and massive art faces decorated with cock-sheet and
paint. But in the village this day is observed differently. Forgetting the past they start afresh.
Business man and shopkeepers close their annual collection books and open a new one. This is
called 'Haal khata' ( New start of business). This is observed with sweetmeats. Customers pay
their all loans and complete it with having sweetmeat. It's a different view. Village fair can not
be ignored on this day. People of all ages include themselves in the crowd of fair and enjoy.
Children buy hand made toys,have handmade cakes and go to enjoy the puppet show called
'Putul Nach'. However Pahela Baishakh is such a festival that brings people of all ages and races
together. They forget all the boundaries and go with the flow of happiness. That’s how they
welcome a new year.

Pahela Falgun: Pahela Falgun is another popular festival in the Bengali culture. Generally
this day is on the 13th February of the year. It's the first day of spring. As spring is the queen of
seasons, it plays a great role on the Bengali culture. People welcome this day wearing light
yellow and white outfits . Some people buy flowers and present those to their loved ones.
Bengali women set flower crown on their head. They like to use variety of flowers but Marigold
gets the maximum demand as it has the color of spring. People dressed up themselves as the way
the nature does with her beauty,colors and fragrance. They get mixed with the nature. Songs,
poetry are also created in the honour of spring. The most beautiful song " Bashanta Eshe geche "
( The spring has arrived) is played everywhere from the morning. Cultural institutions organize
programmes like dance shows and song performances. People roam around all the day and like
to have traditional Bengali foods. As it’s a start of spring they accept the beauty of nature
celebrating this day as a festival.

Nabanna: Nabanna is the crop harvesting celebration in rural areas among the farmers.
Farmers do work hard in their fields throughout the year from down to dask and grow crops. Sun
and rain can not make them stop working on fields. So when they see the fields full of crops their
joys know no bounds. Farmers are happy beacuse the crop is ready after the months of hard
toiling. Mainly 2 times in a year is the harvest season. Lots of part time work opportunity arises
at rural areas especially at this time of the year. For instance huge labor force are appointed to
cut the crops. The houses are filled up with new crops. The smell of new crops is found
everywhere. Farmers then go to the market and sell the most part of their crops. Sometimes they
don’t get a good amount of money for their hard work for months. However, the return brings
smile on their faces. Villagers make 'Pitha puli' 'kheer' with the new rice and celebrate the day
with folk songs and dance. But the tradition of this festival is losing day by day. Because the
rural areas are being civilised. So people are cutting crops with modern machines and selling
them full. As Bangladesh is a country which depends on agriculture, it’s important to carry this
festival every year.

Nouka Baich: Nouka Baich( Boat Rowing) was being found in ancient time. It is a
traditional sport festival observed in the rural areas. This game occurs in the large river. The
participants of the same team ride in a long boat and paddle firmly to put their boat ahead of
everyone. People generally organize this kind of fun due to any local or national level success.
Thousands of people gather to witness this program. In the boat there is a man who sings folk
songs to inspire the participants. There is also a prize money for the winner given by the local
Chairman. This tradition has also lost its grace. Nowadays it’s hardly seen in any areas. Now
may be it isn’t even included in festivals but once it had a golden heritage to describe.

Shakrain: This event occurs annually in the capital Dhaka, specially at the old town at the
end of the Bengali month 'Poush'. This event is also known as 'Poush Shankranti'. It’s normally a
kite festival. The skies of old town are crowded with colorful kites. This festival is very old and
traditional. People from various places come to enjoy the scenes. The event starts from the
afternoon. At evening, there are fireworks everywhere to maximize the pleasure. Jatiya Pitha
Utsab: Jatiya Pitha Utsab or National Cake Festival is a newly tradition started in the capital
city,Dhaka. In winter, the sweet delicious pithas or cakes are made in the rural ares and sent
those to neighbours and relatives. But this culture is quite uncommon for the people in the
capital. That's why to hold the rural pitha taste and culture in the urban area, Bangladesh
Shilpakala Academy has come up with this innovative idea. It’s a way to present those sweet
cakes in front of the city people. People who have an appreciation for creativity and art,visit this
Pitha Utsab and also enjoy the theatre show.

I have always weak point for Bangladeshi festivals. As a Bangladeshi it is very important to
know and have at least some idea about Bangladeshi social festivals. I have already huge
knowledge about Bangladeshi social festivals but this research paper increase and progress by
wisdom about Bangladesh social festivals. We used to say one thing that after we grow up we
did not feel the joy in festivals like our childhood. But while doing this research paper I feel that
I went to in my childhood with time machine and experience the same joy like my childhood.
Bangladesh is a land of color and this festivals make Bangladesh more colorful. Here different
festivals have different color too. So while I was doing this project I feel the same color inside
me too.

As Bangladesh is a country of seasons, agriculture and rivers it is important to hold the old
traditions. In this regard festivals play a vital role. Festivals are the mirrors which reflect the
cultures of a country to the world. It cannot be denied that the people and their lives are mostly
engaged with these festivals. People of all ages and religions come in a row while celebrating the
festivals. It has its own significance in the history of Bengali culture. Sometimes some unwanted
incidents happen during these festivals but these do not make the importance of celebrating it

lesser. There is no other options to carry the Bengali tradition without celebrating these festivals.
They are clinged to the lives of the people of Bangladesh. Celebration of festivals make people
rise up with joy and pleasure and keep them stand holding hands forgetting all the boundaries. It
enriches the culture and brings peace to our social lives. These festivals helps to realise the pain
and sorrow of others and then make them celebrate with all together. It increases the social
bonding and humanity. However it’s our duty to keep the purity and significance of these
festivals as it’s a part of our culture.





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