Universidad de Navojoa: Fast You Are Light

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1. As light as a feather: It means that even if you are fat but you did something
fast you are light.

2. As dead as a doornail: It means that you don’t feel nothing when you are

3. As busy as a bee: It means when someone it’s always working or doing

something that benefits.

4. As quiet as a mouse: It means when someone doesn’t make a sound and

suddenly you hear him.

5. As happy as a clam: It’s when someone only smiles but doesn’t say a word.

6. Sly like a fox: When a person is intelligent.

7. You’re as sweet as sugar: When a person is always in a good mood, giving

good advices, loving, kind.

8. That would be difficult as finding a needle in a haystack: It when you’re

trying to find something but it’s very difficult to find it.

9. That's as useful as rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic: When someone

its doing a big effort but at the end it will not work.

10. That movie was a roller coaster ride of emotions: When the movie you saw
had up and downs like a roller coaster. It was emotional and exiting.
11. Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get:
Life has a lot of surprises.

12. As stubborn as a mule: When a person doesn’t understand o doesn’t want to


13. As blind as a bat: When a person doesn’t see what is around him.

14. Crazy like a fox: When a person it’s always doing crazy things.

15. Quick like a cat: If you do something fast.

16. He was as funny has a clown: It’s when a person it’s very funny that it makes
you laugh.

17. The drums were as loud as thunder: It’s when the drums were making a lot
of noise.

18. Mom’s voice was music to his ears: It could be when someone was in
trouble and heard his moms voice.

19. For me, math class is like watching a foreign movie without subtitles: It
means that it doesn’t understand nothing of what they’re saying of that class.

20. A relationship with out trust is like a cell phone with no service, all you
can do is play games: The best think in a relationship is trust, if you don’t have it
is not a real relationship.





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