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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-7, Issue-8, Aug- 2020] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

Solid health waste management: A process

analysis at the hospital area
Ana Larissa Bendelaqui Cardoso1, Ingrid Luna Baia Viana2, Jamille da Costa
Salvador3, Julianne Silva de Lima4

1Nurse, Specialist in Surgical Center Nursing, Sterile Materials Center and Hospital Infection Control Center, Carlos Chagas Institute
(INCAR), Tucuruí, Pará, Brazil.
2Sanitary and Environmental Engineering Student (UFPA), Tucurui, Pará, Brazil.
3Nurse,Specialist in Mental Health and Palliative Care(UNYLEYA), Professor at the Gamaliel Faculty of Theology, Philosophy, and

Human Sciences, Tucurui, Para, Brazil.

4Biologist, Doctor in Animal Science (UFPA), Belém, Pará, Brazil.

Abstract—This systematic review describes the scientific production about Solid Health Waste
Management (SHWM) in hospitals, seeking publications in the period from 2015 to 2020, to have a
synthesis of the importance of SHW management and strategies practiced in hospital facilities, analyzing
the perception of health professionals about the management of these wastes. The articles obtained
demonstrate that health professionals, although they have some knowledge of the legislation, are constantly
living with the inadequacies in the management of SHW, resulting in risks to the health of both employees
and the environment, and it is necessary to seek management measures aimed at professional training for
correct management..
Keywords—Waste Management, Environmental Health, Solid Waste.

I. INTRODUCTION and/or their toxins, chemical products of diverse nature

With the new consumption patterns of industrial (drugs, chemotherapy, solvents, among others), as well as
society, since the second half of the 20th century, waste radiological risks. The problem of SHW is also decreasing
production has expanded assiduously to levels exceeding in other aspects, such as the combination of waste of
the planet's absorption capacity. Also, the diversity of different natures, discarded on public roads, and/or
products with components and materials of difficult inadequate distribution in landfills, not always sanitary or
degradation and greater toxicity is growing; characterizing controlled (Schneider &Stedile, 2015).
one of the challenges of the environmental issue, to ensure Thus, inadequacies in waste management in
the maintenance of the quality of life of the current contemporary society significantly compromise the health
population and the existence of future generations of the population and the environment in which they live,
(ANVISA, 2006/07; Silva, 2011). such aspects reflect on physical health risks (infectious and
The health industry has a significant contribution, degenerative diseases), mental health (anxiety crises, panic
equivalent to a value that exceeds the mark of 2.4 million crises, depression) and social disintegration (social
tons of waste per year, in addition to being configured as a isolation, exacerbation of violence, among others)
potential energy consumer. Therefore, the task of hospitals (Siqueira & Moraes, 2009). Improper waste management
goes beyond physical limitations and must perform safe exposes the health of workers (direct hazards) and the
practices to promote the health not only of their patients population (indirect hazards) (Mathur et al, 2011;
and professionals but also of the environment where they Babanyara, 2013).
are (Harris et al., 2009). These premises point to the inherent association
Although the generation of health services waste between health, environmental health, environment, and
(SHW) is small about urban solid waste, it is expressive health service waste (SHW), which can generate adverse
when analyzing the potential risk conferred to them, as a reactions on the environment and organisms. From this
consequence of the existence of pathogenic organisms perspective, the Ministry of Health stresses that Page | 43
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-7, Issue-8, Aug- 2020] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

"environment and health are interdependent and its article 30, establishes the competence of the
inseparable" (Brazil, 2007). municipalities to "organize and provide, directly or under
The definition of Environmental Health associates the concession or permission, public services of local interest,
aspects that encompass human health and quality of life, including public transport that is essential" (ANVISA,
established by physical, chemical, biological, social, and 2006).
psychological elements in the environment, exposing The National Survey on Basic Sanitation (NSBS),
determining factors for the maintenance of health (PAHO, conducted in 2000 by IBGE, shows that most Brazilian
2001). Given the facts mentioned, solving the problem municipalities do not use an appropriate system to carry
caused by these residues derives from the need to correct out the collection, treatment, and final disposal of SHW.
the public health policies and legislation published in the From a total of 5,507 Brazilian municipalities surveyed,
Official Gazette of the Federal Republic of Brazil, such as only 63% perform the collection of the SHW.
the RDC No. 306, of Anvisa, which provides on the The Southeast is the region that most carries out the
Technical Regulation for the management of health service collection of SHW in Brazil, totaling about 3,130 t/day.
residues, and the Resolution of the National Environmental Next comes the Northeast, with 469 t/day, then the South,
Council No. 358, of April 2005, on the treatment and final with 195 t/day, the North, with 145 t/day, and finally the
destination of health service residues and makes other Center-West, with 132 t/day. Regarding the final
provisions to achieve the sustainable development of the destination, about 56% of the municipalities have their
environment and the preservation of health as a whole. SHW on the ground, and 30% of this total corresponds to
Given the contingency, it is pertinent to analyze the landfills. The remainder is deposited in controlled landfills,
impacts and characterize the process of Solid Waste sanitary landfills, and special landfills (ANVISA, 2006).
Management of Hospital Health, seeking the deepening of By correctly classifying the residues generated in health
the theme to reduce the negative impacts with the non units, it is possible to separate them according to their
follow up of the norms recommended by the competent composition (chemical, physical or biological), state of
agencies. Thus, the present study was designed to describe matter, origin, place of generation, and potential for
the scientific production about the Management of Solid contamination (Cussiol, 2008). This separation makes it
Residues of Hospital Health in the bibliographic and possible for the generator to properly handle its waste, also,
documental context (legislation) published in periodicals the segregation at the time and place of generation reduces
between 2015 and 2020, indexed in the databases of the volume of materials that need differentiated
LILACS, BDENF, CAPES and WORLD WIDE management (CONAMA, 2005), which enables cost
SCIENCE. reduction in management.
The waste management process must be part of the
II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK standards of every establishment that generates Health
According to RDC ANVISA no. 306/04 and Resolution Services Waste, taking into account all steps, including
CONAMA no. 358/2005, all services related to human or generation, conditioning, internal storage (waste room),
animal health care, including home care services and external storage (waste shelter), internal treatment, and
fieldwork; analytical laboratories for health products are final internal disposal. The internal management of waste
defined as generators of solid health waste (SHW); involves the above-mentioned steps that occur within the
mortuaries, funeral homes, and services where embalming generating establishment and shall be adequately
activities are performed, forensic services, drugstores and controlled so that there is no waste of materials that can be
pharmacies, including those of manipulation; teaching and reused or recycled, and so as to avoid improper handling of
research establishments in the health area, zoonosis control infectious waste.
center; distributors of pharmaceutical products, materials, However, according to the Collegiate Directorate
and controls for in vitro diagnosis, mobile health care Resolution (RDC) No. 306/044 (ANVISA, 2005), the solid
units; acupuncture services, tattooing services, among health waste management plan (SHWM) at the time of
other similar services. preparation shall be compatible with the rules on
Although the direct responsibility for the SHW is of the collection, transportation and final disposal of the waste
health services establishments, as they are the generators, generated, established by the local agencies in charge,
by the principle of shared responsibility, it extends to other covering the management stages, which comprises the
actors: to the public power and the collection, treatment, action of managing the waste in its aspects from generation
and final disposal companies. The Federal Constitution, in to final disposal, based on the following guidelines: Page | 44
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-7, Issue-8, Aug- 2020] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

 Segregation: Consists of the separation of waste at the  Chemical treatment: method of disinfection using a
time and place of its generation, according to its chemical agent;
physical, chemical, and biological characteristics, its  Microwave: method of decontamination by the
physical state, and the risks involved. emission of waves at high or low frequency, with a
 Conditioning: Consists of the act of packing the temperature around 95 and 105 °C, in this procedure
segregated waste in bags or containers that avoid the residues need to be prepared being previously
leakage and resist puncture and rupture actions. The crushed and humidified;
capacity of the packaging containers must be  Incineration: a method that burns the residues,
compatible with the daily generation of each type of provides volume and weight reduction in addition to
waste. eliminating the risks of contamination.
 Identification: Consists of the set of measures that
allows the recognition of the residues contained in the
bags and containers, providing information for the
correct handling of the SHW. The continuing education program, provided for in
RDC ANVISA no. 306/04, aims to guide, motivate, raise
 Internal Transport: It consists of the transfer of the
awareness, and permanently inform all those involved in
residues from the generation points to the place
the risks and appropriate management procedures, in
destined for temporary storage or external storage with
accordance with the precepts of waste management.
the purpose of presentation for collection.
According to RDC ANVISA no. 306/04, the services
 Temporary Storage: It consists of the temporary generating SHW must maintain a program of continuous
storage of the containers containing the residues education, independent of the employment relationship of
already conditioned, in a place close to the generation the professionals.
points, aiming to speed up the collection within the
An indispensable factor for the correct management is
establishment in order to optimize the displacement
the environmental and sustainable education of solid
between the generating points and the point destined to
residues. Education must be used as a tool for individuals
the presentation for external collection.
to reflect on the issue of changes in attitudes regarding the
 Treatment: Consists in the application of a method, correct disposal of waste and the valorization of the
technique, or process that modifies the characteristics environment (Gusmão, 2000).
of the risks inherent to the waste, reducing or
Continued health education is of great importance in
eliminating the risk of contamination, occupational
terms of the acquisition and renewal of knowledge of
accidents, or damage to the environment.
professionals. This not only encompasses those working in
 External Storage: Consists of the storage of the waste the area, but also the entire population and community,
containers until the external collection stage, in an which in general, ends up benefiting from improved care
exclusive environment with easy access for the and optimization of care, due to these educational
collecting vehicles. programs developed within the various health units
 External Collection and Transportation: Consists in the (Marandola et al., 2009).
removal of the SHW from the waste shelter (external Permanent education, based on the principle of
storage) to the treatment unit or final disposal, using significant learning, considers that the educational process
techniques that ensure the preservation of the is dynamic, continuous, and that besides people's
conditioning conditions and the integrity of the knowledge, it also brings social advances. The training
workers, the population and the environment, and processes of health workers should be structured from the
must be in accordance with the guidelines of the urban problematization of the work process, aiming at changing
cleaning bodies. professional practices and work organization, based on the
 Final disposal: disposal of solid waste, generally in the health needs of individuals and populations, institutional
soil previously prepared and duly licensed. management, and social control in health (ANVISA,
With regard to the forms of treatment of available
health service waste, Pereira (2009) quotes:
 Autoclave steam: sterilization method that consists in
releasing steam at high pressure and temperature; Page | 45
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-7, Issue-8, Aug- 2020] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

IV. METHOD language, English, which contemplated the following

In this research, a systematic qualitative review of the topics: management of hospital health services waste,
literature was performed, which consists of a form of health professionals' actions in SHWM, nurse knowledge
synthesis of the results of studies alluding to a given related to health waste, observational studies.
problem, analyzing their contributions. Classified as As exclusion criteria, we chose not to use articles that
exploratory, it is characterized by exploring or analyzing a did not correspond to the study object; incomplete texts;
problem for better understanding (Andrade, 2004; articles that were not available in full online; that did not
Malhotra & Robert, 2005). provide sufficient information for the subject.
To achieve the proposed objective, a retrospective After the end of the survey, the reading and
bibliographic survey was conducted from 2015 to 2020, categorization of the articles began, concomitantly with the
using the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences elaboration of sheets, that is, the articles were read and,
Literature database (LILACS), Nursing Database according to the themes developed in them, were
(BDENF), Higher Education Staff Improvement categorized according to the following topics: year, title,
Coordination (CAPES) and, using author, journal, methodological approach, and theme.
the descriptors: "hospital health solid waste management" Therefore, the analysis of the records was carried out.
and "hospital waste".
In this way, publications on the subject were published V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
during this period, which may later contribute to the
There were 68 articles distributed in the databases:
evaluation and monitoring of the development of this field
BDENF - 04 articles (5.90%), CAPES - 25 articles
of study. The Regional Portal of the Virtual Health Library
(36.76%), LILACS - 06 articles (8.82%), and
was adopted because it contemplates one of the largest and
WORLDWIDE SCIENCE - 33 articles (48.52%). After
most important indexes of the scientific literature, which
applying the inclusion criteria, the final sample totaled 09
includes relevant databases in the health area, such as
articles (Figure 1), being later organized and characterized,
according to Table 1.
The bibliographic survey was conducted from February
to May 2020, through direct consultation on the above-
mentioned online platforms. The study sources were
included according to the following criteria: scientific
articles published between 2015 and 2020, Portuguese

Fig.1: The selection process of the articles used in the review. Page | 46
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-7, Issue-8, Aug- 2020] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

Table 1: Qualitative data from the systematic review

Author / Database / Methodological
Title Overview
Year Approach
Protocol elaboration and correlation of the
Safety and
Mesquita, M. G. R. etal. Translational, practice in the light of scientific evidence in the
Sustainability in the
descriptive and hospital scenario, through translational,
BDENF Management of
exploratory descriptive and exploratory research, with the
2015 Healthcare Waste at
research Hospital Universitário do Rio de Janeiro/RJ as
Hospital Units
Investigation of the national scientific
Pinheiro, L. A.; Silva,E. Studies on Solid
production, appreciating in the reports of training
R. Waste from Health
Integrative and realization of the qualification of the
Services and
CAPES Literature Review professionals in hospital scope, for the practices
2016 of management of the residues generated in their
work activities.
Scenarios that
Challenge the
Soares, L. S. Emergency Reflection on the possible obstacles existing in
V.;Madureira, A. S. Implementation of Analytical Cross- the National Policy on Solid Waste that prevent
CAPES the National Solid sectional Study the real confrontation of sustainability and the
2018 Waste Policy: an proper management of solid waste in Brazil.
Environmental and
Health Issue
Class "D" Waste
Reverse Logistics in
Analysis and elaboration of an evaluation model,
Zajac, M. et al Quali-quantitative training and measurement of common waste
approach, segregation, for adequate segregation of Health
CAPES Monitoring and
characterized as a Services Waste (HSW) that depends on the
2016 Evaluation of
research-action training and awareness of employees involved in
Recycling at the
generating HSW.
Children's Hospital
Exploratory research in a small town, describing
Rizzon, F. et al. Challenge in Waste Exploratory the analyzed management processes and critical
Management in research, points found at each stage, making a parallel
Public Health characterized as with the current legislation, addressing the
2015 Services action research. management challenges, appropriate processes
and risks inherent to mismanagement.
Evaluation of the management stages of
Intra-Hospital hazardous chemical waste - formaldehyde and
Costa, T. F. et al. Management of orthophthaldehyde, handled by the nursing team,
LILACS Hazardous Chemical from descriptive research and data collection,
descriptive study
2018 Waste Handling by which provide important guidelines for the
Nursing preparation of the Management Plan for
Hazardous Chemical Waste from hospital care. Page | 47
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-7, Issue-8, Aug- 2020] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

Practical application of management tools in

Diagnosis of
Kist, L. T. et al. Quali-quantitative health units, to close gaps between practice and
Hospital Waste
WORLD research, management of solid wasteful health care, by
Management in Vale
monitoring actions with available resources and
WIDE SCIENCE do Rio Pardo-Rio bibliographical and providing adequate deadlines and dates, which
Grande do Sul, field
2018 result in systemic compliance with current
Negreiros, R. V. et al. Solid Health Waste An active policy of guidance regarding the
WORLD Management at a handling of waste in health, through permanent
descriptive and
University Hospital education, promoting training and educational
WIDE SCIENCE transversal
in the Northeast of actions, since it deals with hazardous health
2018 Brazil. waste.
Performance in Evaluation of the environmental performance of
Oliveira, E. L. et al. Bibliographic
Healthcare Hospital Naval Marcílio Dias, considering the
WORLD survey, field
Establishments: A eco-efficient measures already established in the
survey, interviews
WIDE SCIENCE Case Study of hospital and collected data through documentary
and analysis of
Hospital Naval survey and interviews with employees in the
2018 collected data.
Marcílio Dias, Rio environmental management sector.
de Janeiro - RJ.

Each selected article deals with the issue of waste Pinheiro & Silva (2016) in an integrative review draw
management in health facilities from the perspective of the attention to the lack of knowledge on the part of the
professional who acts directly or indirectly in the process. administrative body regarding the form of classification
It is significant the articles that present application of and segregation of the SHW when compared to the health
questionnaires, as well as the search for simplified team, pointing out the lack of routines and frequency of
methodologies, not lagging, and continuing education training, and sometimes the lack of interest in participation.
practices that encourage the professional to treat the Zajac et al. (2016), when analyzing the effectiveness of
classification and conditioning of solid health waste (SHW) training on level D solid hospital waste (those that do not
as a necessary and positive daily habit. offer biological, chemical or radiological risk), showed the
Mesquita et al. (2015) corroborate the evidence-based effectiveness of monitoring, guidance, and adequacy of the
practice in hospital activities, constituting the sampling by hospital administrative sector to achieve significant results
professionals from the multidisciplinary team who work in in reducing the volume and consequently the costs of
waste management, based on testing and re-testing as an treatment of these wastes. With this, the author reiterates
observational interposed technique, elucidating the the breaking of the paradigm surrounding the disposal of
respondent's world perceptions without imposing the hospital waste, exposing the possibility of recycling non-
researcher's vision. hazardous materials, if properly managed through the solid
health waste management program (SHWM).
Negreiros, et al. (2018) presented results of the
questionnaire survey applied to the multidisciplinary team, Inadequate storage for long periods in containers
showing that 96% of the professionals indicated knowledge without proper identification, as described by Rizzon et al.
of the importance of residue management and about 52% (2015), may lead to occupational accidents, due to the
of the nursing team admitted knowledge of the current disposal in the wrong place of infections, or even the
norms on SHW classification, with the lack of information contact of the surrounding external community with
regarding adequate management as the main difficulty contaminated effluents that, without prior treatment, may
found by the team, the lack of training and time (generally drain into the sewers, causing damage to health and the
insufficient due to excessive work) as factors for not environment. Negreiros, et al. (2018) reaffirm the need to
performing the correct management, which according to maintain solid waste management correctly, paying
Costa et al. (2018) may cause several health problems in attention to biosafety measures during the handling of
the team itself, as well as the environment. these wastes. Page | 48
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) [Vol-7, Issue-8, Aug- 2020] ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)

Soares &Madureira (2018) emphasize that to maintain the structuring of the planning, efficient execution,
adequate control of the SHW, it is necessary to formulate monitoring of steps aimed at maintaining the quality of
and implement public policies by analyzing the results and services and action so that the whole system does not
designing the policy itself, based on research that ensures stagnate remaining only on paper so that finally there is a
the effectiveness of these plans. Rizzon et al. (2015) taking narrowing of the gap that currently exists between the
into account the complexity of the local social, economic, practice and the management of solid hospital waste.
ecological, political, and cultural levels, the formulation of
environmental policies is a basic step of success in the
environmental management process. It is necessary to VI. CONCLUSION
consider the elements that affect the implementation of the In the current context, solid waste consists of various
policy and, thus, a more complete assessment can be made materials capable of recovery. Therefore, it would be
when checking the structure (objectives, tools, and agents) relevant to have strategies for the reuse of these materials,
used to adjust the existing processes. capable of generating income and work, as well as making
it possible to mitigate the extraction of natural resources
Another important aspect, highlighted by Soares
and save energy that is essential for safer ecological and
&Madureira (2018), refers to management solutions that
social care.
can optimize costs, enable innovative and efficient
technologies and promote long-term partnerships that can In the reality we live with, related to solid waste
achieve the waste policies of municipalities (especially management, it is imperative to act in the direction of intra-
those with fewer resources). It is worth mentioning that it institutional policy involving a healthy environment model.
is necessary to adapt and reformulate from time to time to There is a certain difficulty in the applicability of SHWM,
create an operating system that does not fall into which requires more effective proficiency of the legislation
discrepancy. together with the rupture of dogmas in order to ensure a
better quality of care and minimize the risks to health and
In this context, continuing education is necessary, Kist
the environment.
et al. (2017) encourage lifelong learning, so that the legal
regulations regarding adequate management by health Among the possible strategies of impaction and
professionals can be effectively implemented to change the effectiveness, we can mention continuing education. This
practices that constitute the current institutional situation. has positive repercussions in the context of SHW, but in
This process of change can be achieved through the action order to make it interesting and effective, it must be
of managers, whose task is to spread knowledge and dynamic, including practical attractions, which do not
awareness of the individual and collective risks of become tiresome or time-consuming so as not to generate
inappropriate waste management among hospital staff. disinterest or changes in the work routine of employees.
Besides having the participation of the team, it is
Pinheiro & Silva (2016) observed inadequate practices
interesting to introduce the users of the health system,
even after the training for the SHW program, making it
because it is conducive to the integration of learning. For
clear that the occurrence is not only due to lack of
the effectiveness in the training, one must work on
information from professionals, but also unidirectional
changing the behavior of the professionals involved in the
training, focused on compliance with the legislation, which
SHW process, in order to promote the idea of reusing
do not present satisfactory results. Oliveira et al. (2018)
common waste, reducing the final volume (and
introduce the realization of training campaigns and
consequently the costs with SHWM), preserving the quality
environmental education that can involve all employees,
of services, the integrity of the employees' health and the
focusing on specific environmental aspects of each
environment, because, with the correct adequacy in the
department, to encourage both the team and visitors, to
management of these waste, the probability of leftovers
participate in practical and sustainable actions,
coming into contact with sewage or open areas is reduced.
disseminating the importance of following the correct
management of SHW, so that it becomes routine.
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