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Picture Credit: Archana Bahukhandi

Parijat plant or Harshringar or Night blooming jasmine is a very famous plant of

South Asia and South east Asia. It generally can grow as a shrub or a small tree that can
reach to 33 feet in height.

This flowering plant produces flowers in cluster that have white coloured six to eight
corolla with an orange red centre which blooms only during night and is known for
alluring fragrance that can make your garden divine.

Recently Indian Prime Minister Shree Narendra Damodardas Modi shared the
importance of the Parijat plant and planted one in Ayodhya . If you are interested to
know about this plant and the benefits then you are at the right page.
In the article I will discuss the spiritual connection, benefits and growing technique of
parijat plant.

Spiritual Importance of Parijat

The origin of this plant is related to Samudra Manthan according to Bhagvata
Purana, Mahabharat, and Vishnu Purana. It is said that Lord Indira the king of
heaven used to grow this plant in his garden and Apsara Urvashi used to sit under the
shade of this tree to get relief from stress.

After Lord Krishna defeated and killed the demon Narakasura, the king of heaven
Lord Indira gifted parijat plant as a gift to Lord Krishna. He bought this plant from
heaven to the earth and gifted to his beloved wife Rukmini.

There is very interesting twist that happened at this point of the story. Goddess
Satyabhama the third consort of Lord Krishna is blessed by Goddess Aditi of heaven
to remain young forever.

Later on from the effect of this amazing plant bought from heaven Goddess Rukmini
also became young forever. A very famous devotee revealed this secret to Goddess

After hearing the benefits and effects of this plant she started asking Lord Krishna for
having this plant in her garden. Lord Krishna found a solution for this situation.

After that parijat plant started blooming in night in the garden of goddess Rukmini
and by the morning the flowers used to fall on the ground in the garden of goddess
Satyabhama that was just opposite to the garden wall of goddess Rukmini.

Goddess Satyabhama is believed to be an avatar of mother earth that is the nature's

form of goddess Mahalakshami.

Because of this reason the flowers of this plant that falls during night after blooming are
collected and are offered to goddess lakshami.

How To Grow Parijat?

Recently many people have started growing parijat plant after knowing the spiritual
importance and benefits of this plant. I know you have also lots of questions regarding
on how to grow parijat plant.

The most common asked question is:

Can we grow parijat plant in pot?

My answer is definitely yes. I am growing parijat plant in a earthen pot of 16 inch in

diameter with having three drainage holes at the bottom that removes all the excess
water from the pot.
From 5 years this plant is growing absolutely wonderful by following care tips that I
learned while growing this plant. Let's now discuss the growing technique of parijat in
home garden.

Growing Season
You can start growing this plant from seeds or from stem cutting in the spring season to
rainy season including summer season. In winters avoid germinating the seeds of this

It loves the tropical climate of India and can grow well in northern plains of India as
well as in the foothills of Himalayas.

You can propagate parijat plant from seeds or from stem cutting. You can also purchase
small plant from the plant nursery and then transplant it in your garden.

To grow from seeds prepare potting mix of 50% normal garden soil + 50% any
organic compost like vermicompost. Mix it thoroughly and fill the germination
tray with this germination potting mix.

Sow one seeds in each section at the depth of 2 cm and cover it with potting mix. Apply
water gently in the soil to maintain adequate moisture.

Do not overwater and keep maintaining moisture in the soil. Within 7 to 14 days you
will notice seedlings coming out from the seed.

When your seedlings reaches 4 to 5 leaved stage or you have bought new plant from the
plant nursery then you can transplant by following these points.

Potting Mix
Preapare potting mix with 50% normal garden soil + 30% any organic compost
like vermicompost, mix it thoroughly and fill the growing container of 12 inch size
that have 3 to 4 good drainage holes with this potting mix.

Plant the new saplings in this pot and cover the base of the plant with potting mix.
Apply firm pressure around the base of the plant to fix the plant properly.

Apply water in the pot and keep it in shade for at least 10 days till the plant get well
established in the new environment.

Sunlight Requirement

Parijat plant requires 6 hours of sunlight daily. If the temperature is too high then try
to protect this plant by keeping it in partial shade.

Otherwise in normal conditions it can be kept in the open terrace garden under direct

Standing water in the pot can harm this plant. Ensure proper drainage in the pot so that
excess water gets easily removed through the drainage holes in the pot.

Water daily in summer during early morning and late evening if the top layer of soil
seems dry. During winters avoid watering regularly. Only water when top layer of the
soil seems dry.

Avoid applying any fertilizers in winter. From the early spring season start applying two
handful of any organic manure once in a month. You can also use waste decomposer or
Jeevamrut for this purpose.



From the end of July start applying 3 to 4 granules of DAP for better flowering in this
plant. They generally start flowering from August to December.

Pruning is the very important part to grow this plant. Keep checking for dead and
injured branches and remove it from time to time to increase the growth of the plant.

Pest and Diseases

Parijat plant is resistant to most of the pest and diseases hence it is quite easy to grow
and care for plant. If in severe case any pest attack occurs then you can spray neem oil
to control the pest.


You have read the complete article, now it is the time to go and grow a parijat tree in
your home garden and fill your home with the divine smell of its flowers.


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