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An advertising agency often referred to as a creative agency, is a business dedicated to

creating, planning, and handling advertising and sometimes other forms of promotion and
marketing for its clients. There is difference between creative agency and digital agency.
Creative Agencies offer print design services. Good Creative Agencies are typical “branding
experts” and great at marketing and product design. Specifically, they are known for designing
great logos, letterheads, business cards, and achieving a cohesive overall branding feel. Digital
Agency is defined as a company that gives the creative, strategic, and technical development of
screen-based products and services. A full digital agency can offer clients search engine
marketing, online advertising, web design and development, and e-commerce consulting. It is
true that using a Digital Agency makes the most sense for your money. However, a design is
very important too when it comes to your campaigns. A good design will boost your
promotion’s effectively as well as polish your branding further. If you can spare some cash,
having a great Creative Agency work with an amazing Digital Agency may just be the best
combination for your company. Here it is, Team Periscope is an advertising and event
management agency. Two friends, Shahariyar Shabbir Joy and Md. kamrujjaman Rafi started
their advertising business unofficially from 2016. In 2017 they were formed officially including
event management.

Team Periscope provides creative solutions to the challenges that arise. The team will find the
best possible ways to cost-effective and make sure of the full use of resources. They handle
each event with full dedication and integration. A team full of spirit and enthusiasm is all set to
make event management better and easier than before. There are 40 to 50 freelancers
regularly working with this agency as like film directors, photographers, scriptwriters,
cinematographers, art directors, Costume Designer, sound engineers, drone operators, LED
screen technicians and many more. When TP get a tender like making Govt. documentary,
they hire freelancer’s project wise. For making a documentary they do PPM(Pre-Production
meeting) with those freelancers. After that, they start shooting and after finishing that post-
production starts. They do edit the documentary, color grade the documentary and also design
the sound.

Service spectrum
Advertising || Corporate event & activation || Product launching and promotion || Creative
designs and printings || Photography and cinematography coverage || Documentary and
editing || Press, publicity and media management || Digital marketing || Light and laser show
|| Music and fireworks || Light and sound || Cultural events || Security equipment's || local &
international artists concert.

IMMSAREX 2017 - The 2017 International Multilateral Maritime Search and Rescue
Exercise (IMMSAREX) was held in Bangladesh from November 26 to 28 2017. The exercise is
taking place under the aegis of Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS). The IONS is regional
forum of Indian Ocean littoral states launched by India Navy in February 2008. It is voluntary
initiative that seeks to increase. IMMSAREX 2017 was inaugurated by Prime Minister of
Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina. Team periscope started working Bangladesh Navy with this event.
Team Periscope worked in the sector of photography which included aerial photography,
landscape photography and shooting the whole event for AV.

Bangladesh Navy safeguard 2017 – The annual ‘Exercise Safeguard-2017’ of

Bangladesh Navy concluded in the Bay of Bengal with successful firing of long-range
missiles from BN ships on Wednesday. PM’s security affairs adviser Maj Gen (retd) Tarique
Ahmed Siddiqui observed the missile firing another exercises as chief guest from Bangladesh
Navy Frigate ‘BNS Bangabandhu’ on the final day of the18-day exercise. Chief of Naval Staff
Admiral Nizamuddin Ahmed and Air Chief Marshal Abu Esrar werealso present, among other
senior dignitaries, at the event. Fifty ships of Bangladesh Navy, including frigate, corvette,
offshore patrol vessel, mine sweeper, patrol craft and missile boat; maritime patrol
aircraft, helicopters of Naval Aviation, Navy Special Warfare Diving and Salvage and
commando teams took part in the exercise. Team Periscope worked in the sector of shooting
the whole exercise with professional High speed action camera for making a documentary.

Inauguration ceremony of Bangabandhu Complex - Team Periscope proudly

announces their organizing of the Inauguration Ceremony of Bangabandhu Complex at
Chittagong Naval Academy. The complex and the ceremony were inaugurated by Prime
Minister Sheikh Hasina on 21st March, Wednesday. Team Periscope worked in the sector of
event management which included decorations of the whole ceremony along with the
contribution of photography, cinematography, Sound and Light Design. The colourful and
creative mind of our crew made the whole complex rain in color ribbons and hereby we
are proud to announce Team Periscope as the pioneer of ‘Ribbon Decoration’ for the
first time in Bangladesh. We all go out to ensure that the solution we provide and the
activations we undertake generates a positive impact.

Vashan char Rohingya Shelter ongoing project - Bangladesh is racing to turn an
uninhabited and muddy Bay of Bengal island into home for 100,000 Rohingya Muslims who
have fled a military crackdown in Myanmar, amid conflicting signals from top Bangladeshi
officials about whether the refugees would end up being stranded there. Team Periscope is
making documentaries on this project for last 3 months.

Inauguration ceremony of Bangladesh-India navy joint patrol in Bay - Chief of

Naval Staff of Bangladesh Navy Admiral Mohammad Nizamuddin Ahmed Chief of the naval
staff (CNS) of India Admiral Sunil Lanba inaugurated the initiative Coordinated Patrol
(CORPAT) on 27 June 2018 at BNS Issa Khan SMWT Auditorium, which is being instituted as
an annual feature between the navies of both countries. The Admiral is on a goodwill visit to
Bangladesh, aimed at consolidating bilateral defence relations between India and Bangladesh
and to explore new avenues for naval cooperation. Team Periscope proudly announces their
organizing of the Inauguration Ceremony of BN-IN CORPAT at Chittagong Naval Academy.

Team periscope has started their journey in January 2017. They are working in this field for
around 3 years and under the banner Team Periscope for last 1 year. As a new agency team
periscope is still small in size. Their main aim is to maximize profit margins. Other companies
can’t attract their customers with aggressive price cuts as they follow very minimal pricing
policy. But still as there is many rivals their suppliers and buyers can go elsewhere if they feel
that they are not getting a good service from Team Periscope. Team periscope is full of
professional, organized and passionate souls with fast, skilled, energetic with an established
communication skill will be a lot easier to address if you enjoy finding creative solutions to the

challenges that arise. They handle each event with full dedication and integration. A team full
of spirit and enthusiasm is all set to make their services unique. Team Periscope has so many
suppliers and it proudly announces that they have organized the Inauguration Ceremony of
Bangabandhu Complex at Chittagong Naval Academy. The complex and the ceremony were
inaugurated by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on 21st March. Team Periscope worked in the
sector of event management which included decorations of the whole ceremony along with the
contribution of photography, cinematography, Sound and Light Design. The colorful and
creative mind of our crew made the whole complex rain in color ribbons and hereby we are
proud to announce Team Periscope as the pioneer of ‘Ribbon Decoration’ for the first time in
Bangladesh and this is one of the examples of the uniqueness of the team. They also have
many buyers which increase their demand for services. As it a small agency so there is always a
threat of new entry. An advertising agency “Team Periscope “is, in itself, a partnership
company and main aim to maximize profits margins. It needs funds/financial support for its
daily operations, to enable it to serve their clients as it tries to maintain a smooth cash flow for
the business. The objective of the agency must not only be to make profits but to maintaining
its quality by providing customer satisfaction. The Team Periscope aim to represent a sense of
professionalism reflected in how their staff handles the clients and the overall job in the
company. Its employees, from the lower to the top order management, should represent a
professional image of the company by, for example, communicating and acting polite & respect
manner and bringing results for them. Team Periscope must do business in a respectful and
ethical manner that considers the sensitivities of every people in the country. Some agencies
may frequently to attempt the unethical activities to achieve their objectives and affect the
society that may find the content of certain advertisements offensive and may withdraw them
only after a court order. (Correction needed)Another objective can be to ensure it keeps in
touch with the trends in the society and help their customers for their preferences taste change
over time. The advertising industry is always constantly changing activity and thus the agency
should give great effort to constantly come up with new, original and improved ideas while
maintaining high-quality standards. The agency can achieve this through carrying out regular
brainstorming and investigate the market demands in the economy. Team Periscope should
have an aspiring management team that sees beyond the present into the future and attempt
to stretch the limits of its existence. It should focus on increasing its geographical coverage to
target customer by creating products that are exclusive and high standard of quality to
compete with the rival agencies. It can accomplish this by proceeding into markets not
frequented by their competitors, and superior customer service. An ad agency (the promoter,
client or employer) wishing to obtain goods or services will first specify its requirements.
Subsequently, it will open the bidding in a process called tendering. Interested companies can
then submit their proposals to the client (often a local government) to meet these
requirements. The government offering the tender will then evaluate the bids to decide which
offer best suits its requirements. The company that has been successful in the tender process
will perform the work by contract.

An advertising agency “Team Periscope “is, in itself, a partnership company and main aim to
maximize profits margins. It needs funds/financial support for its daily operations, to enable it
to serve their clients as it tries to maintain a smooth cash flow for the business. The objective
of the agency must not only be to make profits but to maintaining its quality by providing
customer satisfaction. There are other known international organizations who work as an
advertising and event management agency in the field of Bangladesh as follows Grey and
Asiatic. Each of these agencies working over for years and have gained total trust of clients and
other Government and non-Government organizations. Hence, whenever Team Periscope
brings up the proposal to a client, they intend to work with Grey or Asiatic as they are in this
field for a long period. That is why to work with a client and receive the contract, Team
Periscope provide the same quality in a low budget. Therefore it effects on the company’s
budget margin by reducing it.

The Team Periscope aim to represent a sense of professionalism reflected in how their staff
handles the clients and the overall job in the company. Its employees, from the lower to the top
order management, should represent a professional image of the company by, for example,
communicating and acting polite & respect manner and bringing results for them.

Team Periscope must do business in a respectful and ethical manner that considers the
sensitivities of every people in the country. Some agencies may frequently to attempt the
unethical activities to achieve their objectives and affect the society that may find the content
of certain advertisements offensive and may withdraw them only after a court order.
(Correction needed)

Another objective can be to ensure it keeps in touch with the trends in the society and help
their customers for their preferences taste change over time. The advertising industry is always
constantly changing activity and thus the agency should give great effort to constantly come up
with new, original and improved ideas while maintaining high-quality standards. The agency
can achieve this through carrying out regular brainstorming and investigate the market
demands in the economy.

Team Periscope should have an aspiring management team that sees beyond the present into
the future and attempt to stretch the limits of its existence. It should focus on increasing its
geographical coverage to target customer by creating products that are exclusive and high
standard of quality to compete with the rival agencies. It can accomplish this by proceeding
into markets not frequented by their competitors, and superior customer service.

Even when creative agencies are bigger, they usually to be a collection of smaller agencies
acquired over time. They have typically seen themselves as a talent-driven business, and
therefore mentally assume that they simply can’t grow beyond a point. This is a challenge
when it comes to digital marketing because it requires many skill sets and larger teams to do
the many smaller things in large volume that is required.

Team Periscope agencies typically don’t have IT specific infrastructure. While they may have
cozy or fancy offices, but they are not strong on IT infrastructure like systems security. Their
offices are typically not built like engineering companies, who invest in invisible technology for
security, monitoring, database maintenance, etc. This agency doesn’t use the any latest
software for their design and print media management systems, but that is mostly where it
starts and stops. Digital marketing increasingly requires IT infrastructure and systems teams

usually associated with software engineering companies, and the agencies are rarely equipped
at that level.

Most of the agencies have only a few customers, and unlike IT companies, they do not want to
manage lots of clients. In addition, these kinds of work done for their clients are also not big
quantity — they store for a campaign or a poster for distribution, and of course print ads. By the
very nature of a storing or printing (costly and single versions), the quantity would not be very
high. For example, a client may have campaigns only occasionally on stockpiles and may keep
that campaign going for a long time. Print ads are either done in large quantity or have limited
time between them, at least before the campaign graphics are changed.

Team Periscope typically does not work remotely or outside their local city. This means a lot of
face to face meetings and literal paperwork. That can slow down the entire process of work.
They are used to using communication software to move much faster. They are used to
trusting online communication and comfortable with explaining concepts that way. They are
literally used to working remotely for clients whom they may not have even met in person,
with deals closed over emails and digitally signed proposals.

Team Periscope does not pay well for programmers or similar employees. This is simply
because their reward structure and their traditional value systems are built in a much different
way. This makes a big impact on the quality of output produced from a technical standpoint. It
also makes their clients vulnerable to gaps that may reflect only
The most important thing for the growth and development of any business is the financial
source. Event management and advertising agencies need more financial support than any
other business because of the nature of this industry. Govt. and private organizations provide
agencies a very little amount of advance for an event. To complete the event agencies must
have a huge amount of cash on hand. Team Periscope only runs by the business profits and
family loans. As it's a new startup, no bank wants to take the risk. As we all know the rate of
corruption in our country. Sometimes it takes years to withdraw a bill.


1. What other strategies Team Periscope take to give competition to the

opponents in this high competitive market?
2. What measures should be taken for the development of this industry?
3. What strategy they can follow to increase their corporate customer?


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