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Condition monitoring

Intelligent condition
monitoring and asset
Partial discharge monitoring
for power transformers
Condition monitoring of power transformers is a significant issuefor electrical
utilities, Recent research has demonstrated the efficacy of employing ultra high
frequency measurement ofpartial discharge in the monitoring of transformers.
A condition monitoring architecture is described that supports the capture and
interpretation of diagnostic data, and provides engineers with meaningful
diagnostic advice using intelligent system technologies.

by M. D. Judd, S. D. J. McArthur,
J.-R. McDonald and 0. Farish

ffectivc asset management is a key information from the condition monitoring

E business objective of all generation,

transmission and distribution compa-
nies. The backdrop to this requirement
is ever increasing financial constraints married
to reductions in manpower and expertise.
data is diilficnlt.
The translation of the health of the plant item
into an estimate of its lifetime expectation is
not always apparent.

Technology is seen as a means of solving A complete condition monitoring and asset

the asset management problem, driving the management approach, which tackles these
research and development of advanced moni- issues, is therefore required. To illustrate
toring systems with a view to implementing this approach, power transformers have been
condition-based maintenance regimes. selected as the major application covered in
As a result, an increasing volume of con- this article.
dition monitoring data is captured and
presented to engineers. This leads to a number Background to condition monitoring of
of problems: transformers
Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) has been used
The data volume is onerous for engineers to for many years as an indicator of the condition
deal with. of transformer insulation. Oil samples taken
The relationship between the plant item, its at intervals of typically 6 or 12 months are
health and the condition monitoring data analysed for characteristic gases such as
generated is not always well understood. hydrogen (Hi) and acetylene (C;Hd that may
Therefore, the extraction of meaningful be indicators of internal electrical discharges


Condition monitoring

o r arcing. Moisture levels and and chemical methods. Recent

particulatr content can also years have seen the successful
provide information about the development and application of
insulation condition. Inter- ultra high frequency (UHF) PD
pretation of such data is not monitoring technology for gas
straightforward, but new insulated substations.' In metal-
techniques are being developed clad electrical plant, PD current
that use software to analyse the pulses excite electromagnetic
large body of historical data resonances at frequencies in the
available and identify patterns of 500-1500 MHz range that can be
progression towards failure. If detected using broadband UHF
similar deterioration is detected sensors. This expertise is now
for a transformer in service, being applied to power trans-
remedial action can be taken.' formers where it has the
The sampling interval for DGA potential to rapidly identify the
testing is long compared with the time in which 1 In the most serious defect location and type. Field trials on a
a transformer fault can develop. As the power cases, effective condition 1000 MVA 400 kVl275 kV transformer (Figs.
transmission infrastructure ages and is worked monitoring may to 2-41 have demonstrated the ability of the
prevent unfortunate
harder for economic reasons, there is an incidents such as this technique to detect and locate multiple dis-
increasing drive towards developing online [photograph: courtesy of charge sources?
condition monitoring techniques that provide Lee Lane1
a continuous indication of the health of key Transformer condition monitoring
plant items. A range ofphysical parameters can application
be monitored on a transformer, such as oil Condition monitoring architecture
temperalures, moisture levels, the operation of The following key requirements for a condition
cooling fans and electrical load levels. These monitoring system have been identified:
have been combined with appropriate models
(e.g. therniohydraulic. moisture) within early 0 Raw sensor data, from various sensors, must
condition monitoring systems to provide he conditioned and tested for any significant
useful information relating to plant health.' deviations (such as the exceeding of certain
Partial discharges (PDs) occur within a limits and unexpected rates of change).
transformer when the electric field exceeds the When significant deviations are identified,
dielectric strength of the insulation within a diagnosis OS the failure must occur through
2 1000 MVA transformer
localised volume. Possible causes include a used for testing and interpretation of the data.
temporary overvoltage, an incipient weakness of UHF PD 0 It must be ascertained whether there is a
in the insulation introduced during manu- monitoring sensor Sailure or an actual plant failure. This
facture or deterioration due to is achieved by corroborating the
ageing effects over the plant interpretation results and sensor
lifetime. Although the I'D may be data with other relevant data
quite small in its early stages of sources.
development, it is by nature 0 Once diagnosed, key infor-
a damaging process, causing mation and remedial advice
chemical decomposition and must be presented to the
erosion of materials. Left relevant engineers.
unchecked, the damaged area may
grow,, eventually risking complete An additinnal requirement, which
failure. Unanticipated plant failure is essential for longevity and
can result in large financial practical implementation, is that
penalties for utilities. damage to the the architecture must be scalable
environment and in the worst cases and support the introduction of
may pose a serious hazard to new sensors. data sets and
employees or the public (Fig. 1). interpretation techniques as they
Various technologies have been become available. This suggests
developed to address the problem that each of the required functions
of PD monitoring in electrical should be standalone, with the
plant. including electrical, acoustic ahility to co-operate and exchange


Condition monitoring

datdinformation as required. of the four layers. Raw data from

This led to the design of a the sensors and associated
'layered' condition monitoring monitoring systems is received
system, where functional and all necessary pre-
modules are grouped by their conditioning (such as Fourier
overall goal. Architecturally, the transforms, feature extraction
condition monitoring system etc.) takes place. Most
uses distributed modules that importantly, this layer is
have no constraints on their responsible for identifying any
physical location. This allows significant changes in measurands
data handling modules to be on that may indicate abnormal plant
the plant or close to it. operation. For this reason, a
Importantly, modules are module will be specifically tuned
designed such that only relevant to each sensor or data type.
data and information enters the 3 UHF PD monitoring Assuming that only two UHF sensors are
telecommunications system, thereby avoiding equipment used for fitted to the transformer (this being the mini-
on-site diagnosiics
the current practice of sending all data to a mum required for effective monitoring), the
central point. acquired raw data takes the form of a pair
The layers are: of sampled, digitised UHF signals, captured
simultaneously at both sensors whenever a
data monitoring layer UHF signal appears inside the transformer.
interpretation layer However, this data only indicates that an event
corroboration layer has taken place and is not necessarily evidence
information layer. of a problem since switching transients and
spurious signals may also trigger the system.
The modules in each layer require fundamental The UHF data can he analysed in a number
knowledge of how the plant behaves and fails, of ways that can be deployed in parallel:
and how this is exhibited through the sensor
data captured. The resulting system will time-energy mapping and clustering of PD
integrate various monitoring technologies data
and data sources, such as oil temperature time-frequency analysis combined with
measurements, electrical loading (from voltage feature extraction and clustering
and cnrrent sensors), dissolved gas analysis 0 phase-resolved data representation and
results (online or periodic measurements), feature recognition based on statistical para-
UHF PD measnrements, tap changer position meters.
and additional relevant data such as records of
maintenance and servicing. While these techniques have some character-
A key focus of recent research has been to istics in common, they also possess comple-
harness UHF monitoring of PD within trans- mentaly capabilities, allowing an acceptable
formers, through a combination of laboratory fallback position to he maintained in the event
based experiments (Figs. 5 and 6) coupled with of partial system failure. For example, time-
experience gained from field testing. Know-
ledge, data and the understanding required to
implement the UHF monitoring system wilhin
the overall architecture described above will
result from these activities.

Data munitoring layer

The data monitoring layer functions as a
gatekeeper, the first line of defence in the effort
to stop engineers from being overwhelmed by
masxs of unintelligihle data. This first layer
in the architecture is intimately associated
with the front-end hardware used to monitor UHF to a
physical phenomena relating LO plant opera- dielectric window on
tion, and is therefore the most plant-specific top of the transformer


Condition monitoring

energy mapping requires that The feature vector repre-

signals from two or more senting the phase-resolved
sensors are available and is discharge pattern is as
able to y d d information follows (binary datal.
about the location of a defect. Mean time-of-flight differ-
Time-frequency analysis can ence in signal arrival time
perform a similar clustering at the two sensors is 8-511s.
function using signals from
only one sensor, hut is less Interpretation layer
effective for determining the The interpretation layer
defect location. begins the process of turning
The graphical output from the data into information that
each of these diagnostic tools is of greater use to the plant
is shown in Fig. 7. Only an operator, using plant models.
expert would he able to In addition, the modules in
deduce the important features this layer use advanced
of this data and draw intelligent system tech-
conclusions ahout the action required. 5 Test hay used for niques, coupled with codified knowledge and
More generally, if three or four UHF sensors characterising PD expertise in the area of plant monitoring, to
sources in transformer
were being used, the difficulty of representing diagnose problems, provide remedial advice
the data graphically would prevent the full and offer a prognosis. A key aspect of the
benefits of the system from being realised. It architecture is that it will support more than
is important therefore to capture and deploy one interpretation technique.
the expertise gained by individuals within It has become apparent over several years
knowledge-based modules at the interpretation of research that no single data interpretation
layer, which will he capable of functioning in method can completely automate condition
the multi-dimensional data space. monitoring and diagnostic tasks. Instead, the
The data monitoring layer extracts key combination of a powerful suite of techniques
features from the data set (using algorithms is required, resulting in a hyhrid ~ y s t e m . ~
established through fundamental research and Currently, the expertise and knowledge con-
field experience) and compresses data by cerning fault identification from PD signals is
eliminating redundancy Clusters in the time- being captured and deployed within know-
energy plot relate to different points of origin ledge based modules. Data interpretation is
for the signals. By grouping together the data also being achieved through the use of
in individual clusters, each can he analysed techniques such as Kohonen classification and
separately in phase-resolved form. In 'effect, K-means clustering.
this process de-noises the raw data by sepa- An example of this combined interpretation
rating it initially according to the point of process can he given in relation to the time-of-
6 High-voltage test rig
origin within the transformer. designed to support a flight measurements between two UHF
Features extracted from time-frequency data range of defects for sensors. Using a physical model of the plant,
can be used to cluster data on a different basis, experimental PD studies the interpretation layer can highlight the
but also helo to simdifv subsequent
. I -
reeionk) inside the transformer
analysis. Within each cluster, there where the discharge might be
is important information relating to located. If these included more
the PD pulse patterns, energy and than one phase, there are
the distributions of signal sources implications for the interpretation
in time and space. When the data of the phase-resolved PD pulse
gives cause for concern, relevant patterns, and it is likely that only
information is collated and passed one variant would yield sensible
upwards to the interpretatinn layer, results. Having narrowed down
conveying messages such as: the options in this way, historical
and expert knowledge can be
A new signal source has appeared. drawn upon to indicate whether
The signal is registering a mean the diagnosis is sensible in
energy of 220 pJ with a standard engineering terms. If necessary.
deviation of 80 pJ. the interpretation layer can seek to


Condition monitoring

clarify its analysis by requesting further 7 Examples of graphical

presentationof raw PD
information from the data monitoring layer.
data fmm test bay and
site trials: (a1 Time-
Cor?-oborationlnyrr energy plot showing
The corroboration layer takes a wider view of clusters of signals from
the interpretations that it receives, with the different PD sources;
aim of piecing together a picture of what is
(bl Time-frequency
analysis revealing
happrning based on the widest possible range characteristic
of available information sources. At one level, signatures from
the corroboration layer will identify suspicious different PO sources;
diagnoses that might be a consequence of (c] Phase-resolved data
fmm the UHF
sensor failure. For example, suppose the
monitoring system can
interpretation layer indicates that a particular reveal the type of PD
U H F sensor is detecting regular large bursts source
of signal that are not detected elsewhere. The
corroboration layer does not discount this
signal immediately as invalid, but looks for
any evidence that something exceptional is

Are the loading or weather conditions

Are gas levels beginning to change?
Are temperatures at normal levels?

Just as an expert would rarely make an instant

diagnosis, the interpretation layer might
take some time to observe trends, thereby
improving confidrnce and refining the
eventual interpretation. I f no corroborating
evidence of plant deterioration is found, the
module may deduce that some kind of sensor
hardware failure is responsible and generate a engineer as the information recipient. An
request for repair, producing a report giving individual transformer will be one of a large
details of the analysis that has led to this number of assets for which an individual has
conclusion. responsibility Hdshe can access full details of
8 Proposed graphical
More usually, when the interpretation layer the plant's operational history at any time by
interface for presenting
is indicating that valid discharges are delving into the information layer. However, transformer condition
occurring, the corroboration layer is then laced the plant itself will only demand attention monitoring information
with the task of deducing an explanation on the
basis of the interpretations it is receiving.
Suppose that significant PD activity appears
during a period of exceptional loading in hot
weather, but after a few hours conditions
return to normal and the transformer is once
again free of discharges. The fact that some
discharge activity might have been expected
causes the module to be less concerned than if I I
some continuous discharges had appeared
under normal conditions without a clear cause. I\
Information layer
The final layer is the intelligent interface that
provides high-level information to managerial,
engineering and maintenance staff as appro-
priate. We will concentrate here on the


Condition monitoring

when sufficient evidence exists to warrant the By interacting with this image, the user can
request. The engineer can be alerted to urgent bring up a range of options, which might
requests for attention through a pager or may include trend analysis or details of the internal
receive cautionary e-mail messages generated components of the transformer present in that
by the information layer. Access to more region. The option to go online would also be
detailed information could be provided by available, allowing animation of events in real
linking to a web page containing a graphical time and providing access to plots of the kind
interface. shown in Fig. 7.
As well as summarising the reasoning used In addition to managing the user interface,
by the corroboration layer in reaching its the information layer liases with other high-
conclusion, the graphical interface allows the level modules that are part of the intelligent
engineer to drill down through the layers, even system. Suppose an event such as the period of
accessing the raw data if necessary During this exceptional transformrr loading described in
process, the information layer retains the the previous section has occurred. Since this
function of a gateway to the other layers, may have consequences for the lifetime of the
providing the framework for visual presenta- plant, the corroboration layer will pass this
tion of underlying interpretations and data information on to the plant lifetime model,
streams. For example, if a PD source becomes which will assess the effect on the transformer
active in the transformer, its position might be as a capital asset and report on any financial
highlighted graphically, as illustrated in Fig. 8. implications of the period of heavy loading

data streams from:

protection - lother sensors1
signal conditioning ~

data acquisitiion /periodic measurements/



information assets

9 Structure ofihe
Uinformation management
integrated appmach lo
condition monitoring
and plant lifetime


Condition monitoring

10 Agent-based
condition monitoring
architecture for PD
0' information
iayer agents
monitoring of

I 3 corroboration
layer agents

I ' inleipietation
layer agents

Kohonen K-means knowledge maintenance

ClassIIIcatlOn clustering based data
agent agent agent

time of flight operational

feature extraction agent CalCUlatlOn data

lmplementatiun uf the condition monitoring information and supports co-operation among

architecture the independent modules. Figs. 10 and 11
The proposed architecture, illustrated in Fig. 9, provide a diagrammatic representation of the
relies heavily on co-operating software agent-based condition monitoring architec-
modules which are able to exchange data and ture, and more detail concerning the functions
information. Fortunately, a technology exists within a single agent.
to support such a rcquircinent. Agent-based
systems have received widespread attention in The future
recent years. While this technology is not a Technological advances in the fields of com-
condition monitoring panacea, in engineering puting and communications continue apace
terms it provides a system integration and will have a dramatic impact on the level
technology to support all the aforemenhned of integration that can be achieved in the
requirements. Importantly, it also permits the monitoring of complex systems like the power
easy integration of further modules (in any of transmission network. All of the software
the layers) in the future. techniques and intelligent system paradigms
Each module described is implemented as required to implement the approach presented
an agent, which is a self-contained functional in this article are in existence. The hardware
software niodule having its own goals to costs associated with advanced monitoring
achieve. However, agent technology provides a techniques such as UHF PD detection are
standardised Agent Communication Language decreasing rapidly due to developments in low-
(ACL) that permits the easy exchange of cost data-storage devices and the technological


Condition monitoring

11 Functional blocks
within a s i n g l e agent

agent lunctional code

ontology data dictionaly and standardised
(data dictionary) terminologyivariables used within
the agent communication language
agent communlcation

v standardised message format permining

all agents within the condition monitoring
svstem to communicate with each other

advances driven by mobile telephony operating 2 K1RTLEY.J. L.,JNR, HAGMAN, W H., LESIEUTRE,
in the UHF band. Bringing them together into B. C., BOYD, M.J., WARREN, E. P.CHOU. H . P. and
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electrical energ9 systems. 3 PEARSON, J. S., FARISH, 0.. HAMPTON. B. F ,
A challenge currently being addressed is JUDO, M. D., TEMPLETON. D., PRYOR. B. M., and
how our understanding of the economic WELCH, I.M.: 'Partial discharge diagnostics for gas
insulated substations', lEEE T".Didrclriir and
consequences and impact on plant lifetime of
EIemicaI Insulation, October 1995, 2, (5). pp. 893-
the monitored parameters can he improved. 905
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vital inputs to this process. A comprehensive PEARSON, J. 5.. and BRECKENRLDGE. T.: 'Power
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rating multiple discharge sources'. Conference
regarded as a prerequisite if effective inter-
Record of the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on
pretation is to be achieved. Electrical Insularion (Boston), pp. 145-149
Acknowledgment R.. STOKOE, J., and CUMMING, T.: 'A multi-agent
This article is based on work funded under the approach to power system disturbance diagnosis',
IEE Fifth International Conference on Power System
ESR-21 programme by ScottishPower and the
Management and Conrrol (PSMC), 17th-19th April
EPSRC ( G M 9 8 7 7 7 ) . 2002, London, UK, Conference Publication No. 488.
pp 317~322
1 ESP, D. G., and McGRAIL. A. J.: 'Advances in data IEE: 200z ,
mining fordissolved gasanalysis', Conference Record The authors are with, the Institute for Energy and
of the 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Environment, Universiry of Srinrhclyde, Glasgmv, UK,
Electrical Insulation (Anaheim). pp. 456-459


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