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Burns 26 (2000) 156±170

The inter-rater reliability of estimating the size of burns from

various burn area chart drawings
Thomas L. Wachtel a,*, Charles C. Berry b, Edward E. Wachtel c, Hugh A. Frank d
Trauma Services, Centura Health St. Anthony Central Hospital, 4231 West 16th Avenue, Denver, CO 80204-1374, USA
Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of California, San Diego, USA
North Central Ohio Consortium for Mathematics and Science, The Ohio State University at Mans®eld, Ohio, USA
Regional Burn Treatment Center, University of California, San Diego, USA
Accepted 2 March 1999


The accuracy and variability of burn size calculations using four Lund and Browder charts currently in clinical use and two
Rule of Nine's diagrams were evaluated. The study showed that variability in estimation increased with burn size initially,
plateaued in large burns and then decreased slightly in extensive burns. The Rule of Nine's technique often overestimates the
burn size and is more variable, but can be performed somewhat faster than the Lund and Browder method. More burn
experience leads to less variability in burn area chart drawing estimates. Irregularly shaped burns and burns on the trunk and
thighs had greater variability than less irregularly shaped burns or burns on more de®ned anatomical parts of the body. # 2000
Elsevier Science Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Burns; Burn diagram; Burn estimation; Reliability

1. Introduction parts of the body as a percentage of the total body

surface area were made in 1924 by Berkow to evaluate
Severity index classi®cations for burn injuries and the extensiveness of burn lesions [10]. Lund and
prognostic forecasts for burned patients currently rely Browder found that Berkow's tables were not appli-
heavily on estimates of the proportion of body surface cable to all age groups [11]. They determined the
area burned. In addition, the severity index may changes in percentage of body surface of various parts
include the depth of the thermal injury, the age and of the body that occur during the di€erent stages of
sex of the patient, respiratory damage and the associ- development from infancy through childhood. The
ated injuries and illnesses [1±7]. Of these categories, it area of the head makes up a relatively large portion of
is the extent of body surface area burned expressed as the total skin area in infants as compared with adults.
percentage of the total body surface area that is most This proportion is counterbalanced in infants by the
widely used for planning management (e.g., ¯uid smaller area of the thighs and legs. The proportion of
therapy, nutritional support) and predicting outcome the skin on all other parts of the body is essentially
(e.g., morbidity and mortality) [7±9]. Moreover, this the same for all age groups. This work has been
information is used to compare data among patients accepted as basic since 1944 and has not been repeated
within an institution, as well as, between institutions or correlated.
[6±8] and as a basis for studying cost e€ectiveness. The most accurate method for determining percen-
Estimates of the relative surface area of various tage of body surface burned reportedly is to map out
the areas of injury on Lund and Browder charts [11±
13]. If these charts are not immediately available for
* Corresponding author. an initial estimate or time is a factor at the initial

0305-4179/00/$20.00 # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 0 5 - 4 1 7 9 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 4 7 - 9
T.L. Wachtel et al. / Burns 26 (2000) 156±170 157

mation is common and frequently results in excessive

¯uid administration [17].
Although the Lund and Browder and the Rule of
Nine's burn area charts have been accepted widely as
useful guides in estimating percentage of body surface
burned, few studies have indicated the reliability with
which these estimates can be applied [18]. There is no
estimation of the accuracy or precision of these burn
area chart drawings, nor have the di€erences between
the Lund and Browder and the Rule of Nine's topo-
graphs been evaluated. The reliability of the individual
components of any severity index is vital in the com-
parative assessment of methods of treatment, morbid-
ity, mortality, and cost. Obviously errors that
systematically underestimate or overestimate the size
of the burn will bias the results of all other studies
comparing groups of patients. This study was designed
to assess the variation between observers estimating
the area burned from standard burn area chart draw-
ings made on a number of burn area charts currently
in clinical use. We have also assessed the bias intro-
duced by the burn area chart itself and examined some
other problems and uncertainties associated with the
use of burn area charts and drawings.

2. Methods

2.1. Diagrams and drawings

The burn area chart drawings (also referred to as:

drawings, burn drawings or simulations) of twenty-six
di€erent patients that had been admitted to our burn
center with burns of varying sizes, shapes and lo-
cations were given alphabetical letters A to Z. Ten
burns from this sample were randomly selected and
uniform artist's drawings were made to represent the
second and third degree burns (Shown in alphabetical
order in Fig. 1). These drawings were duplicated pre-
cisely on six di€erent forms (also referred to as: dia-
grams, charts and burn area charts; Figs. 2±7) of
Fig. 1. Artist's burn area chart drawings of ten representative burns which one is the original Lund and Browder chart [11]
describing second (hatched areas) and third (solid areas) degree (Fig. 5), three are modi®ed Lund and Browder charts
burns of various areas of the body. The letters are used to code
these drawings and correspond to the nomenclature used in various
(Figs. 2, 4 and 6) and two are burn area charts that
tables. were converted to represent the Rule of Nine's (Figs. 3
and 7). The resulting 60 di€erent simulations (six
di€erent forms 10 di€erent burn area chart drawings)
were used in the project. These simulations were ran-
triage (e.g. at the scene of the accident), a convenient domized using the method of latin squares and distrib-
and rapid method of estimating the percentage of the uted to each member of the estimation team in 10
body surface burned is the use of the Rule of Nine's packets of six simulations each, along with general
[13,14]. According to the Rule of Nine's, ®rst devised instructions on how to complete the assigned burn size
by E.J. Palaski and C.W. Tennison [15], the body sur- estimations. The rationale for randomization and dis-
face is divided into areas representing 9% or multiples tributing six simulations at a time was that the estima-
of 9% of the total body surface area. The extent of the tor would not receive two of the same burn area chart
burn is only rarely underestimated [16]. Over esti- drawings at any given time. The six blank original
158 T.L. Wachtel et al. / Burns 26 (2000) 156±170

Fig. 2. Modi®ed Lund and Browder Burn Area Chart used at the San Diego and Imperial County Regional Burn Treatment Center, University
of California, San Diego (UCSD). The critical areas of the head (four views) and the hands (anterior and posterior views) have been enlarged.
Modi®cations from the original Lund and Browder Method are that the hands are bigger (0.5%/hand), the anterior trunk is larger (2%), and the
thighs are smaller (1 and 1.5%/thigh).

forms (Figs. 2±7) were included in the assignment accurate to less than 0.25%. The estimators were
envelope for reference each time. Each member even- instructed to do each drawing separately comparing
tually received all 60 burn area chart drawings to esti- the drawing to the appropriate one of the reference six
mate and return and only the drawings of the 24 blank original forms only when the solid or hatched
estimators who completed all of the estimations, areas of the drawing obscured the percentage number
marked the time required for each estimation and of that area or a dividing line between two anatomical
answered the questionnaires were included for this regions. The raters were not allowed to compare one
drawing with another or to compare their estimates
with other estimators' ratings.
All drawings assumed that the patient was an adult.
In each case the estimator used the system designed by
the particular form on which the burn drawing 2.2. Evaluators
appeared. Each rater was admonished not to make
mathematical errors and not to calculate a burn area The estimation team (also referred to as: estimator,
T.L. Wachtel et al. / Burns 26 (2000) 156±170 159

Fig. 3. The University of California, San Diego Burn Area Chart converted to a Rule of Nine's Diagram (UCSD-9).

rater, observer or evaluator) involved 24 di€erent vol- calculated the percent of second degree burn, the per-
unteers from our burn unit who completed the entire cent of third degree burn and the percent of total body
project (all 60 burn area drawings, time sheets and the surface burned for each simulation and recorded the
questionnaires). The background of this team was: time that it took her or him to do each estimate. The
four burn surgeons (two plastic surgeons and two gen- usual practice in our burn unit was that the resident,
eral surgeons) all with extensive burn experience, two attending burn surgeon or physician's assistant com-
general surgical residents in their second post graduate pleted the initial burn area diagram for the patient,
year with 2 months of burn experience, two physician but burn nurses frequently did so as well.
assistants with 1 year of burn experience each, eleven
burn nurses with a variety of burn experience from 1 2.3. Analysis
to 7 years, one nurse with no burn experience, one
medical social worker who worked with burned The percent second degree burn, the percent third
patients, two burn technicians with 2 years burn ex- degree burn, the percent total body surface area
perience each, one mathematician without burn experi- burned and the time required to do the entire esti-
ence, and one skin bank technician pre-med student mation for each of the 10 drawings on each of the six
with 1 year of burn experience. Each of these people di€erent forms (a total of 60 simulations) for each of
160 T.L. Wachtel et al. / Burns 26 (2000) 156±170

Fig. 4. A Lund and Browder Chart published and distributed by the Burn Treatment Skin Bank, Phoenix, Arizona (BTSB). Their artist drew the
®gures. The anterior/posterior orientation is reversed from the other burn area charts.

the 24 estimators was recorded on a master ¯ow sheet. to determine the accurate percentage of each area of
The master ¯ow sheet was used as input for computer burn on each drawing.
analysis. The mean and standard deviation for each of In addition, each estimator was given open-ended
written and oral questionnaires that were used to
the burn area chart drawings for all raters were
determine the problems encountered in estimating.
obtained. A computer and a statistical program
Each evaluator was asked to recommend solutions for
(BMDP2 V) were used to make comparisons between improving the process and precision and accuracy of
the burn drawings and between observers with di€er- estimating the burn area from the burn area chart
ent levels of burn experience. A planimeter was used drawing.
T.L. Wachtel et al. / Burns 26 (2000) 156±170 161

Fig. 5. A replication of the original Lund and Browder Chart used by the Cook County Burn Unit (CHI).

3. Results latter group. The mean square for error was 24.80,
21.27, and 32.81 for partial, full and total burn re-
The mean and standard deviation (partial thickness, spectively, for irregularly shaped burns as compared to
full thickness and total burn area) for all estimators 11.46, 5.59, 16.37 for less irregularly shaped burns in
for each of the 60 simulations and the values deter- similar categories. These di€erences are statistically sig-
mined by planimeter for each drawing are presented in ni®cant.
Table 1. The representative burns (Fig. 1) could be Table 2 re¯ects the variability of estimates of each
divided into two groups. One group (drawings C, N, type of burn area diagram used in this project.
R, T, U) consists of those drawings in which burns of Drawings on the BTSB charts show less variability
irregular shape covered the trunk and/or legs, while than burn drawings on the other charts for partial
the other (drawings A, B, E, H, Z) did not have such thickness burn and for total burn. Both of these di€er-
irregularly shaped burns and were on more de®ned ences are statistically signi®cant. When the diagrams
anatomical areas. The variability for the drawings of are compared the estimates on the UCSD diagram
the ®rst group was greater than for drawings of the more often approximated the actual burn size deter-
162 T.L. Wachtel et al. / Burns 26 (2000) 156±170

Fig. 6. National Burn Information Exchange (NBIE) burn diagram and estimate sheet. (Courtesy of Dr. Irving Feller, 200 Ingalls, Ann Arbor,

mined by the planigram (37%) followed by the CHI and total burn than was the Rule of Nine's counter-
(20%), NBIE (17%), and BTSB (10%). Estimates part (Table 2). These di€erences are each statistically
using the Rule of Nine's diagrams (Figs. 3 and 7) were signi®cant (paired t-test, p < 0.05). The Rule of Nine's
least precise. estimates were 3% larger than their comparative esti-
Table 3 compares the mean estimated burn size for mate for the same burn representation using Lund and
each of the 10 burn drawings using the modi®ed Lund Browder type charts.
and Browder (UCSD & NBIE) versus the Rule of Table 4 lists the average time in minutes required to
Nine's methods (UCSD-9 & NBIE-9). The variability estimate the size of burn for each drawing on each
of estimates for the UCSD chart was less than that for type of diagram. Estimation of the burned area can be
the corresponding Rule of Nine's chart for partial made in a shorter time using the Rule of Nine's than it
thickness burns ( p < 0.05) and for total area burned can be done using any of the various Lund and
(not signi®cant; NS) but not for full thickness burns Browder diagrams.
(NS) (Table 2). For the NBIE diagrams (Figs. 6 and 7) Table 5 shows the variability by the type of rater
the variability of estimates for the Lund and Browder with the numbers re¯ecting the variances of replicate
chart was smaller for partial thickness, full thickness, measures of the same chart by raters of the same pro-
T.L. Wachtel et al. / Burns 26 (2000) 156±170 163

Fig. 7. NBIE burn diagram and estimate sheet converted to a Rule of Nine's burn area chart (NBIE-9).

fession. There was no statistically signi®cant di€erence those raters with greater than 24 months of burn ex-
among burn surgeons, physician's assistants and resi- perience. This indicates that ability to estimate burn
dents (Group I) or between burn nurses and other esti- size could not be equated, directly, with months of
mators (Group II). Group II exhibited greater burn care experience. Variation versus number of
variability than Group I which was statistically signi®- drawings made (a re¯ection of experience in making
cant. and analyzing burn area drawings) is shown in Table
Tables 6 and 7 show the e€ect of varying kinds of 7. Those raters with more than 200 drawings show sig-
burn experience on the estimates. Variation versus ni®cantly less variability than the other estimators for
months of burn experience is compared in Table 6. total burn, slightly less for full thickness burn, but not
Raters with 12±24 months of experience in burn care for partial thickness.
show signi®cantly greater variability than those estima- Plots of standard deviation in rating the burn draw-
tors with less than 12 months experience or those esti- ing as a function of mean burn size for each chart and
mators with more than 24 months experience. The method is shown for partial thickness estimates (Fig.
latter two groups were not signi®cantly di€erent even 8), full thickness estimates (Fig. 9) and total body sur-
though there is a slight trend toward less variability in face area burned (Fig. 10). Variability increases with
164 T.L. Wachtel et al. / Burns 26 (2000) 156±170

Table 1
Percent absolute areas ``burned'' for each burn area chart drawing as determined by planimeter and the mean and standard deviation of all 24
estimators for each of the ten burn area chart drawings on each of the six diagrams


Partial (28)
Planimeter 27.25 18.00 33.50 6.50 10.50 35.75 59.50 51.75 47.00 47.00
UCSD 26.7423.67 18.9723.76 33.172 3.84 5.14 21.48 11.7323.64 34.1723.25 59.182 7.25 50.4923.36 49.1924.45 43.972 4.88
UCSD-9 27.7523.90 20.8524.75 36.182 7.62 5.75 21.84 12.7523.85 35.4024.81 63.262 7.32 48.1325.02 47.3924.86 43.832 6.82
BTSB 25.4522.09 19.9822.52 35.422 3.72 5.83 21.57 12.8222.09 38.1423.98 61.662 3.64 50.9323.69 50.7823.92 48.992 2.64
CHI 24.8325.72 15.4322.60 33.022 5.93 5.71 21.83 10.7922.67 35.8025.68 59.102 5.43 53.0626.07 49.2524.65 48.742 4.73
NBIE 27.7423.00 19.8122.56 36.912 4.11 5.79 21.04 12.7122.15 35.2724.75 60.332 3.62 54.2324.02 50.1024.43 50.232 6.86
NBIE-9 28.5624.19 19.7822.06 36.312 4.22 6.55 22.21 13.9323.17 36.4526.66 64.982 6.43 53.7527.64 46.2229.06 45.482 2.93
Full (38)
Planimeter 23.25 3.00 27.50 2.00 9.50 42.75 14.50 36.25 47.25 14.75
UCSD 23.7322.98 3.6920.64 28.982 3.60 2.53 21.08 9.3322.69 40.4925.21 14.752 3.81 36.4623.57 39.73211.6 13.362 4.87
UCS-9 24.7021.93 3.6321.75 31.682 7.10 3.04 21.70 10.2122.53 43.7925.80 13.702 5.82 41.4723.14 45.9423.51 12.862 5.32
BTSB 25.2421.74 4.3626.03 29.032 3.74 2.72 21.03 10.3121.34 42.1724.52 12.932 1.20 37.1024.02 42.8823.58 14.662 3.14
CHI 24.1022.85 3.2220.78 29.142 3.99 2.34 20.94 9.8121.89 39.0724.55 13.222 2.05 34.3425.50 41.7923.83 13.352 1.99
NBIE 25.0321.82 3.2320.84 29.732 3.58 2.18 20.50 9.3021.73 42.6825.25 13.482 1.38 35.3124.37 44.1524.45 13.712 2.14
NBIE-9 25.7723.68 2.5320.75 31.272 4.09 2.30 20.79 11.7722.95 43.6025.80 12.182 3.29 36.5725.42 45.8229.62 16.502 2.82
Total (28+38)
Planimeter 50.50 21.00 61.00 8.50 20.00 78.50 74.00 88.00 94.25 61.75
UCSD 50.4624.59 22.6624.14 62.152 5.46 7.67 21.33 21.0625.50 75.0524.41 73.932 7.87 86.8124.95 89.00212.5 57.332 7.72
UCSD-9 52.3625.12 24.5525.80 67.812 11.5 8.54 23.63 22.9625.81 79.8527.23 76.962 5.30 90.0125.06 93.3224.67 57.142 8.99
BTSB 51.1923.48 23.1522.72 64.642 4.65 8.55 22.10 23.0822.46 80.3024.33 72.202 8.89 88.0122.03 93.7021.75 63.232 2.87
CHI 48.8526.62 18.6022.73 62.182 8.01 8.05 22.52 20.6023.88 74.8828.79 72.322 5.70 87.3125.59 91.0624.39 62.002 5.15
NBIE 52.7624.02 23.0422.94 67.092 6.46 7.97 21.04 22.0523.33 77.9324.37 73.912 3.66 88.9622.58 94.1321.51 63.732 6.45
NBIE-9 54.3323.22 22.2722.47 68.922 8.47 8.85 22.51 25.7024.36 80.1828.54 77.252 7.32 90.3327.08 92.0428.97 62.032 4.36

burn size and reverses the trend slightly in the very account for each burned area and aligned the estimates
large burns. in a column for easier summation, avoiding mathemat-
From the questionnaires we were able to obtain the ical errors during addition. These drawings were in
evaluators self-report on the number of months of black and white and di€erentiated the partial thickness
burn experience and how many burn area chart draw- from the full thickness burn representation with
ings with estimates of burn size they had actually cre- hatched or solid markings. The estimators uniformly
ated. The estimators thought that the tables on the recommended that two di€erent colors (e.g. blue and
Lund and Browder diagrams were cumbersome to ®ll red) be used that were transparent enough to see
in, but provided a good reference for determining the through so that the drawn landmarks and area delimi-
size of a speci®c area. They preferred to write the esti- ters on the diagrams could be seen. They suggested
mates of partial and full thickness burns in the white that the di€erent colors could also be used in the white
space next to the burned area, connecting the estimate
number to the area with a line. It was faster to do the Table 3
estimates of the individual areas, but became confusing Comparison of the mean burn estimates for total body surface area
and harder to sum the total areas of partial and full burned for all estimators for ten di€erent ``burns'' using Lund and
thickness burns particularly for the larger burn rep- Browder (L&B) and comparable Rule of Nine's diagrams (-9)
resentations. The table allowed the estimator to
Case Planimeter UCSD UCSD-9 NBIE NBIE-9

Table 2 A 50.50 50.46 52.36 52.76 54.33

Variability of estimates versus type of chart useda B 21.00 22.66 24.55 23.04 22.27
C 61.00 62.15 67.81a 67.09 68.92
Chart Partial (28) Full (38) Total (28+38) E 8.50 7.67 8.54 7.97 8.85
H 20.00 21.06 22.96 22.05 25.70a
UCSD 3.96 4.01 5.86 N 78.50 75.05 79.85a 77.93 80.18
UCSD-9 5.08 3.86 6.32 R 74.00 73.93 76.96 73.91 77.25a
BTSB 2.99 3.03 3.53 T 88.00 86.81 90.01a 88.96 90.33
CHI 4.53 2.84 5.34 U 94.25 89.00 93.32a 94.13 92.04
NBIE 3.65 2.61 3.64 Z 61.75 57.33 57.14 63.73 62.03
NBIE-9 4.86 3.92 5.73
Size by Rule of Nine's di€ers signi®cantly from Lund & Browder
Entries are the averages of standard deviations from Table 1. size ( p < 0.05).
T.L. Wachtel et al. / Burns 26 (2000) 156±170 165

Table 4
Mean time and standard deviation in minutes required to estimate the size of burn as a function of each of the ten burn area chart drawings on
each of the six diagrams used (the averages for each diagram are computed over all raters and over all drawings)

Diagram A B C E H N R T U Z Average

UCSD 8.6728.37 4.04 22.46 8.30 25.98 2.5022.28 3.65 23.12 6.772 4.98 4.4122.72 6.35 23.94 5.5824.04 6.67 24.43 5.692 4.23
UCSD-9 4.7522.99 5.50 25.03 8.21 25.04 1.9122.32 3.21 21.86 5.942 4.79 4.3323.19 4.79 22.96 4.4522.69 5.93 23.96 4.902 3.48
BTSB 7.1924.39 4.38 22.72 14.922 12.78 2.9423.89 4.67 23.10 8.872 6.63 5.5424.52 7.76 25.06 5.0922.79 6.65 24.59 6.802 5.04
CHI 5.5623.10 4.08 22.03 10.2527.44 3.5422.97 5.02 21.95 11.172 8.54 6.6725.64 7.89 25.16 6.8524.60 5.69 22.95 6.672 4.44
NBIE 5.0122.97 3.90 22.34 9.04 24.63 2.0422.09 5.48 22.92 10.332 4.64 6.3324.06 7.96 25.26 6.1723.68 6.89 23.83 6.322 3.64
NBIE-9 4.2223.33 2.39 21.23 5.11 23.78 1.9422.11 3.52 22.05 9.192 4.36 6.2724.17 7.69 25.14 6.1326.80 5.79 23.99 5.232 3.70

Table 5 Table 6
Variability by type of ratera Variability versus months of burn experiencea

Type of rater Partial (28) Full (38) Total (28+38) Number Months Partial (28) Full (38) Total (28+38) Number
of raters of raters

Group I Less than 12 17.55 12.83 23.27 8

Burn surgeons 12.46 6.99 13.56 4 12±24 25.31 18.47 41.61 4
Residents & PAs 10.47 6.56 11.77 4 More than 24 15.65 11.21 22.68 12
Group II
Burn nurses 20.22 17.17 32.20 11 Entries are the mean squares for error for the Chart by Method
Other estimators 25.82 13.69 34.53 5 interaction. Computations were made using the program BMDP2 V.

Entries are the mean squares for error for the Chart by Method
interaction. Computations were made using the program BMDP2 V.
charts; those based on the Rule of Nine's [14] and
those modi®ed from Lund and Browder's more com-
space to indicate the estimated percentage of each plex system [11]. Our study examined four variations
depth of burn (this methodology was the standard of the Lund and Browder diagram. Of those, the
practice on our burn unit). Other items from the ques- BTSB burn area chart shows less variability than the
tionnaires are re¯ected in the discussion. other charts for partial thickness burn and for total
burn. The UCSD diagram more often approximated
the actual burn size determined by the planigram when
4. Discussion compared to the other burn area chart drawings. A
bias may have been the familiarity with the UCSD dia-
The reliability of estimates of burn size and depth is gram by the estimators. To eliminate such bias in any
a multifaceted problem of critical importance since this future studies, the diagram used by the estimators'
estimate is central to all current appraisals of burn own burn unit should be eliminated or the estimator
severity [8]. Initially, an observer inspects the burn group should be much larger and derived from many
wound, rating its color and texture, the presence or diverse burn centers.
absence of blistering, singeing of hair, etc. She or he Our study compared two versions of the Lund and
may test the wound for sensibility, loosened hair, wet- Browder burn area chart to their Rule of Nine's
ness or surface temperatures. These largely subjective counterpart. The variability of estimates using the
observations are recorded as partial thickness or full UCSD Lund and Browder burn area chart was less
thickness burns on a burn area chart. Finally, the than estimates using the corresponding Rule of Nine's
areas of partial thickness burn (second degree), full
thickness (third degree) and total body surface area
(second degree+third degree) burned are estimated
Table 7
from the drawing, on the chart. Berry and others have Variability versus number of drawings madea
evaluated the sources of error and bias inherent in
transferring observations to burn charts [18,19]. The No. of Drawings Partial (28) Full (38) Total (28+38) Number of raters
thrust of our investigation was to examine the in¯u- Less than 50 17.23 14.07 24.93 12
50±199 20.58 14.56 36.56 6
ence of some burn area charts currently in clinical use
200 or more 18.44 11.30 19.50 6
on estimates of burn size and to evaluate the inter-
rater variability. a
Entries are the mean squares for error for the Chart by Method
There are two main classes of clinical burn area interaction. Computations were made using the program BMDP2 V.
166 T.L. Wachtel et al. / Burns 26 (2000) 156±170

Fig. 8. Variability showing standard deviation versus mean estimated burn size for the partial thickness areas.

chart for partial thickness burns and for total area the UCSD diagram and estimation). Our ten represen-
burned, but not for full thickness burns. The variabil- tative burn area chart drawings could be divided into
ity of estimates for the Lund and Browder chart was two groups based on burns of irregular shape or cover-
smaller for partial thickness, full thickness, and total ing the trunk and/or legs versus less irregularly shaped
burn than were estimates using the Rule of Nine's burns of more precise areas. The variability for the
counterpart for the NBIE diagrams. Estimates from estimates of the drawings of the ®rst group was greater
the Rule of Nine's diagrams were least precise in than the estimates for drawings of the latter group.
matching the actual area delimited by the planigram. These di€erences were statistically signi®cant and sup-
In our study the use of charts based on the Rule of port our hypothesis that the variability in rating irre-
Nine's consistently led to a 3% larger burn estimate. gularly shaped burns covering large areas is greater
Conversely, estimation of the burned area can be than for burns that are regularly shaped or on areas
made in a shorter time using the Rule of Nine's. that can be more precisely de®ned. Moreover, the
There are some problems resulting in inaccuracies smaller anatomical areas de®ned by the Lund and
that are common to all the charts studied. Most sig- Browder charts and tables may have had decreased
ni®cant is that all the charts require the representation variability and in¯uenced our results.
of a three dimensional burn on a two dimensional The inter-rater variability studies showed that there
drawing [20]. Lateral burns are not well represented on was no statistically signi®cant di€erence among burn
such drawings and may in some cases constitute the surgeons, physician's assistants and residents or
majority of the burned area. The area of the trunk is between burn nurses and other estimators. The ®rst
too large to divide accurately and lacks sucient land- professional group (Group I) exhibited less variability
marks to improve the precision of drawing and esti- than the second professional group (Group II), which
mating burn size in this region. Conversely, the was statistically signi®cant. To investigate further, esti-
representation of hands (®ngers), feet (toes) and head mators with 12±24 months experience in burn care
is too small to enable precision in recording (one of show signi®cantly greater variability than those estima-
the reasons for magni®ed views of hands and head on tors with less than 12 months of burn experience or
T.L. Wachtel et al. / Burns 26 (2000) 156±170 167

Fig. 9. Variability showing standard deviation versus mean estimated burn size for the full thickness areas. Numbers indicate presence of multiple
data points (stars).

those estimators with more than 24 months of burn ex- shape and location of unburned areas in large burns
perience. The latter two groups were not signi®cantly di€er from the shape and location of burned areas in
di€erent and would indicate that ability to estimate small burns. Since the shape and location of an area
burn size could not be equated with burn care experi- in¯uences the accuracy with which it is estimated, the
ence. Those raters who have created and estimated accuracy of estimating large burns may be slightly
burn size on more than 200 drawings showed signi®- lower because these estimations implicitly involve esti-
cantly less variability than the other estimators for mating the size of burned areas whose location and
total burn but not for partial thickness or full thick- shape make accurate area determinations more di-
ness burn separately. The ®rst group is the group of cult.
people more often tasked with the initial burn area The diagram itself introduces an additional error.
chart drawing and estimate in our burn unit. This Planographic evaluation of the charts used in this
leads us to conclude that the burn experience that study reveals that the actual area of the diagram is not
e€ects inter-rater reliability is derived from making the the same as the percentage of body surface area it pur-
drawings and the corresponding estimates rather than ports to represent. This error, however, is probably
from working with burned patients. Perhaps, the esti- minimized since, for estimating, the burn area chart
mates, if reasonable in depicting the burn, are accepted ascribes the actual percentage to the area and the esti-
as an accurate and useful appraisal by the burn team. mator describes the burn as a fraction of that percen-
Plots of standard deviation in rating the burn as a tage.
function of mean burn size show that variability Drawings on burn area charts and area estimates
increases with burn size and reverses the trend only from these drawings are useful not only in the initial
slightly in the very large burns. These plots support evaluation of the burned patient, but also to record
theoretical statistical reasoning [18] and the clinical im- serially, the treatment and the progress of the wound.
pression that estimating a small burned area is equival- Periodic evaluation may indicate changes in the area
ent to estimating a small-unburned area. Perhaps the or depth of the burn. At the time of the operative pro-
168 T.L. Wachtel et al. / Burns 26 (2000) 156±170

Fig. 10. Variability showing standard deviation versus mean estimated total body surface area burned.

cedure the burn area chart can be used to describe degree of error introduced by the burn chart chosen.
accurately the areas grafted (autograft, allograft, xeno- One can only evaluate the ease of use, the consistency
graft) and the location of donor sites, amputations, of results between observers, and the bias introduced
etc. It has been customary in the past at the time of by the chart into the estimate. Nevertheless, knowledge
discharge to record the total area of the second degree of these descriptors contributes to the evaluation of
and third degree burn (then healed) and to equate the the meaning of comparisons between series of burned
grafted areas with third degree burn. It is no longer patients. We believe that there should be a standard
accurate to correct the initial estimate of third degree system for the estimation of burn size adopted and
burn as that area ultimately grafted. The reason is that used nationwide (and perhaps worldwide) in order that
modern treatment such as the early use of enzymatic future studies of burns be more universally meaningful.
debridement or sequential excision and grafting [21,22] Feller pioneered such a system through the NBIE [8].
may result in larger areas being grafted (to obtain a We believe that the American Burn Association and
better functional or cosmetic result or more rapid clo- the International Society for Burn Injuries should
sure of the burn wound) than would have been adopt such a universal system.
required when second degree areas were allowed to There is no question that, for the purposes of
heal and the eschar was permitted to separate before research, some reliable form of documenting burn size
the open granulating areas were grafted. Recently, the should be commonly accepted among burn care provi-
area of burn size has been used to predict length of ders. The calculation of burn size, even using the most
hospital stay [23], a rough re¯ection of the cost of sophisticated systems, contains a certain amount of
burn care. subjective evaluator bias. The Lund and Browder
Because the treatment regimen itself may a€ect the charts, which provide percentages of body surface area
area which ultimately requires grafting and because of for given body parts and relative to age are thought to
our methods of diagnosing partial thickness (second be the most accurate method of estimating burn size.
degree) and full thickness (third degree) injury early But it is just that, an estimation. Fluid resuscitation
after the burn are primitive at best, there is no absol- formulae, although partly based on burn area, are
ute standard by which to evaluate the accuracy or the used only to initiate ¯uid therapy and as a guide to
T.L. Wachtel et al. / Burns 26 (2000) 156±170 169

¯uid replacement, not the absolute rule. Consequently, Presented to the Tenth Quadrennial Congress of the
exact burn area is really not extraordinarily clinically International Society for Burn Injuries, Jerusalem,
relevant, but more necessary from an epidemiological Israel, November 2, 1998.
perspective so that comparisons between treatment
methods, morbidity, mortality, and other outcomes
can be more clearly demonstrated.
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