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The Scrantonian (Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA) - Sun, Dec 29, 1963


Moslem Mobs Stage Riots in India

NEW DELHI (UPI) - Mobs of rioting Moslems enraged by the theft of a sacred hair said to
have come from the beard of the Prophet Mohammed stormed through the streets of the
Kashmir capital of Srinagar Saturday in an orgy of destruction.
Reports reaching New Delhi said the angry Moslems set fire to fashionable homes, shops,
theaters, an automobile agency and partially destroyed the police station in the city - long
popular with tourists.
Police with rifles fired “mostly” into the air to disperse rioters according to press reports but
state government officials said one man was wounded.
State Premier Shamsuddin offered a $21,000 reward for recovery of the sacred relic and said
anyone providing a valid clue to its whereabouts would receive a lifetime stipend of $105 per

He made the announcement after racing back to the capital from the summer capital of
Jammu over mountainous roads. Srinagar was cut off by air because of heavy snows.
Indian officials and press rarely comment on or report the religious background behind such
outbreaks for fear of further inflaming passions in a country torn by bloody rioting between
Hindus and Moslems at the time of partition after World War II.
Mohammed was the founder of the Islamic religions faith which has millions of followers
throughout Europe and the Middle and Far East. He died in the year 632 at the age of 62.
Kashmir has a predominantly Moslem population.
The theft was reported Friday night. Police superintendent Sheik Mohammed Aslam said the
hair disappeared from the Hazrathal shrine on the edge of Dal Lake.

[I thought Muslims don’t worship objects - like a whisker of Mohammed. Maybe we can do
DNA testing on his whiskers, however, it would cause a calamitous ruckus if and when the
results show discrepancies.]

By Rick Heizman
August 15, 2020

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See this video: Explosive evidence, data, and intel from a captured computer of a top ARSA /
Mujahidin commander:

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