I. Choose The Correct Answer For Each of The Following Questions From The Given Optional Answers

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KG: +251-113-201748,

Primary: Grade 1 – Grade 8: +251-113-203832

Pre-KG – Grade 12: /Hilltops Knowledge Village/: 0930-
Number of Items: 60 Time Allowed: 1:00 hour
I. Choose the correct answer for each of the following questions from the
given optional answers.
1. Agrochemicals used for agriculture as all of the following EXCEPT:
A. fertilizers C. pesticides
B. herbicides D. weed growth promotors
2. An important practice in which biological knowledge is used in animal
husbandary among the following is:
A. selective breeding C. farming
B. hunting D. mating
3. Improved qualities from a practice during which selected two individuals mate
and produce off spring can be all EXCEPT:
A. giving more milk C. giving more meat
B. resistance to diseases D. weak varity
4. Which one of the following remedies is NOT correctly mached with its function?
A. “Koso” → to treat tapeworm
B. “Enkoko” → to treat cancer
C. “Meterae” → to treat tapeworm and ascaris
D. “Dingetenga” → to treat sudden illnesses
5. Which technological product is used to observe, distant objects under study?
A. Microscope B. Binocular C. Centrifuge D. Binocular
6. Incubator is a device for maintaining an organism in an environment that
encourages its.
A. colour change C. feeding
B. excreation D. growth

7. Question #7 – 12 are based on the figure given below

Hilltops Academy 2012 E.C/2020 Biology Model I – Grade 8
The part indicated by letter “A” is:
A. posterior contractile vacoule C. pellicle
B. anterior contractile vacoule D. cilia
8. The passage through which food passes from mouth into the cytoplasm is
indicated by:
A. E B. F C. B D. C
9. Macronucleus is indicated by letter :
A. C B. D C. E D. F
10. A thin protective membrane that covers the whole surface of the cell membrane of
the organism indicated in the figure is:
A. Gullet (F) C. Food vacoule
B. Pellicle (B) D. Anterior contractile vacoule
11. Smaller nucleus which is responsible for the reproduction of the organism is
indicated by letter.
A. A B. B C. C D. D
12. The organism indicated in the figure is:
A. amoeba C. yeast
B. paramecium D. euglena
13. Reproduction by forming side growth from the mother cell in unicellular
organisms is refered to as:
A. conjugation C. sporulation
B. budding D. propagation
14. Which one of the following is not cellular part of amoeba?
A. Cell membrane
B. Cellwall
C. Cytoplasm and nucleus
D. Food vacoule and contractile vacoule

15. reprocuction is possible when one attains sexuallnaturity and this is shown by
what we call:
A. primary sexual characterstics C. secondary sexual characterstics
B. sexual imaturity D. tertiary characterstics
16. Which one of the following is NOT male secondary sexual characterstics?

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A. Deepening of voices C. Enlargement of breast
B. Fast body growth D. Growing of public
17. A coiled tube at the outside surface of each testes that stores sperm cells for
maturation is:
A. scrotum C. epididymis
B. vas deferens D. prostate glands
18. A long tube extending from each epidymis to urethra for transportation of sperm
cells mixed with a fluid is:
A. vas deferens C. seminal vesicles
B. cowper’s gland D. urethra
19. Which one of the following is NOT a true statement?
A. Sperm is a mass of male reproductive cells produced by the ovaries.
B. Semen is a mixture of sperm cells and a watery secretion of prostate glands and
seminal vesicles.
C. Cowper’s glands are very small glands below prostate ecretes mucus.
D. Seminal vesicles two small pouches behind the bladder expell stored nutrients
during ejaculation.
20. Sex glands to produce gametes and sex hoormones are:
A. gonads
B. primary sexual characterstics
C. secondary sexual characterstics
D. male glands
21. Which one of the following is the master chemical reaction on earth?
A. Photosynthesis C. Catabolism reaction
B. Respiration D. Anabolism reaction
22. Woody perennial plant typically with a single skm growing to considerable height and
bearing lateral branches is:
A. shrub B. tree C. herb D. bush
23. Chloroplasts are sub – cellular structures found in cells where one of the following
are located in and are organized:
A. cortex C. chlorophyll pigment
B. pith D. respiratory pigment
24. A green pigment in plant is responsible for one of the following activity?
A. For the release of SO 2
B. For the reaction of nitrogen and oxygen
C. For the absorption of nitrogen
D. For the absorption of light

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25. Which one of the following is the CORRECT summary equation for
A. 6 H 2 O+ 6O2 →C 6 H 12 O6 +6 CO2 Chl.
B. O2 + H 2 O →CO 2 +O2 H 12 O6
C. O2 +CO2 → H 2 O light
D. 6 CO 2+ 6 H 2 O→ C 6 H 12 O 6 +6 O2 Chl.
26. Tissue in the internal part of the leaf that contain large number of chloroplasts is:
A. guard cell C. messophyll
B. chlorophyll D. stomata
27. Stomata in the epidermis of the leaf:
A. allow gas in only C. allow gas out only
B. allow gas in and out D. plays no role in the leaf
28. Which one of the following refers to one or more domesticated animals raised in
an agricultural setting to produce commodities such as food, fiber and labor?
A. livestock C. wild Animals
B. domestic Animals D. field Animals
29. which one of the following is NOT farm animal?
A. Fly C. Cattle
B. Poultry D. Sheep
30. The reasons for keeping farm animals by farmers include the following EXCEPT:
A. in securing food C. as direct source of food
B. support for crop farming D. as a source of income
31. Milk and milk products are obtained from all EXCEPT:
A. cows B. dogs C. goats D. camels
32. Farm animals are used as a means of all EXCEPT:
A. drag power C. transportation
B. inhibiting plant growth D. income generation
33. Which products of farm animals is used to produce pillows.
A. Horn B. Hair C. Feather D. Fur

34. Which one of the following is DIFFERENT from the other?

A. Dog B. Lion C. Pig D. Tiger
35. The surface and atmosphere of the earth which is occupied by living things is
refered to as:
A. Ecosystem C. Environment
B. community D. Biosphere
36. Branch of biology that studies all life forms and their interactions with their
environment is:
A. Botany B. Zoology C. Ecologist D. ecology
37. Abiotic factors are:
A. non – living factors in an ecosystem.
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B. living organisms in an ecosystem.
C. plants of an ecosystem.
D. Microorganisms of an ecosystem.
38. Interactions between biotic and abiotic factors of an ecosystem can be summarized
A. biotic – a biotics, biotic – biotic and a biotic – a biotic.
B. biotic – biotics and biotic – biotic.
C. biotic – a biotics and biotic – biotic
D. biotic – a biotic and biotic – biotic
39. Which one of the following is DIFFERENT from the other?
A. A lake B. A tree C. A forest D. A grassland
40. Which one is NOT true about biotic community of a given ecosystem?
A. Refers to plants, animals and a biotic factors.
B. Refers to only to plants and animals.
C. Refers to plants, animals and microorganisms.
D. Refers to animals only.
41. Any type of biological association between two organisms that interact is:
A. abiotic factors C. biotic factors
B. symbiosis D. interactions
42. Which one of the following is NOT among the most known top diseases in
A. Tuber culosis C. Malaria
B. Common cold D. HIV/AIDS
43. Which one of the following is NOT among the characteristics of organisms that
make them a live?
A. Growth C. Thinking
B. Reproduction D. Sensitivity

44. Science is a systematic way of getting knowledge through which one to

understand nature?
A. Observation only
B. Experimentation only
C. Observation and experimentation
D. Either observation or experimentation
45. The biological study of the functions of living organisms and their parts is:
A. Physiology C. Genetics
B. Taxonomy D. Microbiology
46. Biology overlaps with all of the following fields EXCEPT:
A. Geography C. Chemistry
B. Music D. Physics
47. The word biology is derived from two:
A. Latin words – bios and logs
B. Greek words – bios and logos
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C. Greek words – bio and logy
D. English words – bio and logos
48. One of the following field of biology examines organisms NOT seen by
unaided eyes?
A. Taxonomy C. Genetics
B. Microbiology D. Evolution
49. A compound microscope with single eye piece lens is:
A. monocular compound microscope
B. binocular compound microscope
C. microscopic
D. trinocular compound microscope.
50. The first observation of cells was made in 1665 by the English scientist:
A. Charles Darwin C. Anton van Leeuwenhoek
B. Robert Hook D. Isac Newton
51. If the magnification of the eye lense is 20x and the magnification of the objective
lense is 84, then the total magnification of the microscope is:
A. 1600x B. 16x C. 160x D. 320x
52. Magnification power of a microscope is related to its ability to:
A. increase the size of the image
B. showing the fine details of the sample
C. resolving the image
D. minimizing the size of the image
53. Which one of the following is DIFFERENT from the other?
A. Chlamydomonas C. Paramecium
B. Amoeba D. Rose plant

54. All of the following are protozoans EXCEPT:

A. paramecium B. Amoeba C. Yeast D. Euglena
55. How many bones are there in adult human body?
A. 260 B. 301 C. 206 D. 600
56. The axial skeleton consists of all of the following bones EXCEPT:
A. skull B. shoulder C. sternum D. ribs
57. Which one of the following bones of the body is NOT considered as appendicular
skeleton of the body?
A. Vertebral column C. Bones of limbs
B. Bones of hip D. Bones of appendages all
58. The ribs help you to:
A. breath B. reproduce C. excrete D. digest
59. Which bones of the appendicular skeleton skeleton composed of clavicle and
A. Shoulder bones C. Limbs
B. Hip bones D. Forearms
60. Which one of the following inside the body of small plants and animals serves as a
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A. Oxygen pressure C. Air pressure
B. Nitrogen pressure D. Hydrostatic pressure

Hilltops Academy 2012 E.C/2020 Biology Model I – Grade 8


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