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Original Article

PTERYGIUM: Recent Trends and Perspectives—A Review of

Pathogenesis and Current Management Options
Helen A. Ginger-Eke, Chimdia E. Ogbonnaya1, Chinyelu N. Ezisi2
Lecturer Ebonyi State University Abakaliki Ebonyi State, Consultant Ophthalmologist/Glaucoma specialist, 1Senior Lecturer Ebonyi State University Abakaliki Ebonyi
State, Consultant Ophthalmologist/Glaucoma specialist, 2Lecturer Ebonyi State University Abakaliki Ebonyi State, Consultant Ophthalmologist/Paediatric
Ophthalmologist, Department of Ophthalmology, Federal Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki, Nigeria

Objectives: (1) To review literature on the current understanding of the nature and pathogenesis of pterygium. (2) To highlight the recent
advances in the treatment of pterygium. Materials and Methods: Relevant subheadings were entered into PubMed search engine and 165
articles addressing our objectives were retrieved and reviewed. Results: Pterygium may be proliferative rather than degenerative in nature.
There is a strong correlation with ultraviolet radiation. Genetic alterations occur, such as point mutations of proto-oncogenesis such as Kirsten-
Ras and alterations in the expression of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) (p53 or p63), alteration of matrix metalloproteinase in limbal and
corneal tissues, ultraviolet radiation (UVR) genetically mediated expression of various cytokines, growth factors, and growth factor
receptors. Oxidative stress may play a role, evidenced by the expression of certain proteins in pterygium tissues presumed to have a protective
role against oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. High prevalence of human papilloma viruses (HPVs) in pterygium tissue samples suggests a
possible role for HPV. Several techniques of surgery have evolved over time including the modified bare-sclera techniques, sliding, “merest
sclera,” adjunctive therapies with mitomycin C, 5-fluorouracil, corticosteroids, conjunctival autograft, limbal autograft, amniotic
membrane graft, use of fibrin glue, and subconjuctival injection of bevacizumab. Conclusion: Advances in the understanding of pterygium
have led to emerging treatment options that may not only reduce recurrent rates, but may also enable the use of less invasive treatment
methods. Recommendation: Ophthalmologists working in hot climates should update their knowledge on the current concepts in the
pathogenesis and management of pterygium to obtain better results.

Keywords: Pathogenesis, pterygium, treatment

INTRODUCTION cancers, because active cell proliferation occurs with

[1] minimal apoptosis.[7,8] Pterygium also displays other
Pterygium is a wing-shaped fibrovascular growth. It can be
tumor-like properties, such as invasion of cornea and its
divided into three recognizable parts: apex (head), neck, and
high recurrence after surgical excision. It also exists with
body. The raised triangular portion of the pterygium with its
secondary premalignant lesions.[7,9,10] These tumor-like
base toward the canthus is the body, the neck that includes the
properties suggest that pterygium is possibly a
superficial limbus, whereas the head invades the cornea and
premalignant tissue.[10] Several studies also showed that
forms the apex of the triangle.[2] A subepithelial cap or “halo”
the pathogenesis of pterygium is closely linked to the p53
is present in front of the head of the pterygium[3] and is
usually the first sign of pterygium.[4,5] Pterygium threatens
vision through various mechanisms, such as blocking the
visual axis as well as inducing significant astigmatism.[6] Address for correspondence: Dr. Helen A. Ginger-Eke, Lecturer Ebonyi State
Pterygium is widely regarded to be a degenerative condition University Abakaliki Ebonyi State, Consultant Ophthalmologist/Glaucoma
arising from benign growth of the conjunctiva, characterized specialist, Department of Ophthalmology, Federal Teaching Hospital Abakaliki.
Tel.: 08035043949;
by fibrovascularization, conjunctival invasion, and elastic
degeneration of collagen. However, some studies have
shown that pterygium shares some similarities with
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How to cite this article: Ginger-Eke HA, Ogbonnaya CE, Ezisi CN.
DOI: PTERYGIUM: Recent trends and perspectives—A review of
pathogenesis and current management options. Niger J Ophthalmol

© 2019 Nigerian Journal of Ophthalmology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 89

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Gingereke, et al.: PTERYGIUM: Recent Trends and Perspectives

gene mutation.[11-15] Thus, pterygium is considered the result early stage. Engorged radial vessels may appear over the
of uncontrolled cellular proliferation, like a tumor. pterygium and adjacent conjunctiva and usually signal a
period of rapid growth. The bulbar conjunctiva may
become increasingly taut as the pterygium enlarges toward
EPIDEMIOLOGY the limbus. Symptoms of burning, irritation, lacrimation, and
Pterygium has a worldwide distribution and is common in areas foreign body sensation may accompany the growth of a
that lie withina geographical latitude of 40° north and 40° south of pterygium onto the cornea. Significant astigmatism may be
the equator.[16] Prevalence can be as high as 22% in these induced either with or against the rule as sectoral corneal
equatorial areas and less than 2% in latitudes above 40°.[16-18] steepening occurs.[41,42] The astigmatism is often irregular
Findings from an Asian region,[18] as well as Nigeria,[19] and may lead to decreased vision. As the apex approaches the
corroborate this trend. However, within the same regions, visual axis, glare and decreased contrast sensitivity appear. In
prevalence rates vary widely.[18-30] Achigbu and Ezepue[19] in severe cases, symblepharon formation may limit ocular
Enugu, Nigeria, found a prevalence rate of 19.3%. Among motility and result in diplopia. The lesion may remain
motorcycle riders, whereas Ogbonnaya[20] in Abakaliki, quiescent for the remainder of the patient’s life or resume
Nigeria, found a lower prevalence rate of 7.6% among patients growth again at a later time. Older, static lesions are often
visiting a hospital eye clinic, which compares with some other associated with an arcuate line of iron deposition in the
studies from parts of Asia that reported lower prevalence rates superficial cornea immediately central to the cap known as
ranging from 4.4% to 10.1%.[21-24] Several other studies from Stocker’s line.
parts of Africa, Europe, and Australia reported a lowerprevalence
rate ranging from 0.8% to 11.7%.[25-30]
Various risk factors have been suggested, including race, age, The knowledge regarding the pathogenesis of pterygium
social status, occupation, and educational background.[29-40] has expanded vastly. Before now, early theories have
A large North American study has reported pterygium to be proposed that pterygium development was associated
2.5 to 3 times higher in blacks than among whites, almost with specific lifestyles such as outdoor working,
twice as frequent among persons who worked outdoors but exposure to sunshine, or dust. This led to the idea that
was only one-fifth as likely among those who always used chronic ocular surface irritation by such environmental
sunglasses outdoors.[31] This study also found a positive factors might be the cause of the condition.[43,44] It was
association between pterygium and age and people of also proposed that pterygium arises from other sunshine-
lesser educational background. Racial differences in related conditions, such as pingueculum. Pingueculum
pterygium has also been reported by many studies.[29,32] has no growth potential per se but may become
Outdoor work as a risk for pterygium development has inflamed and can evolve into a true pterygium.[45]
also been reported by other studies.[32,33] Sunlight Conjunctival vascular congestion frequently seen at the
exposures (on an average of 1 h or more daily) were area of pterygium growth nasally was also believed to be
strongly associated with a higher risk of developing caused by medial rectus activity that led to disturbance of
pterygium in people working outdoors.[34-37] However, a the blood flow. This was suggested to be associated with
study did not find a strong association between sun pterygium growth.[43,44] Other early reports such as
exposure and pterygium.[28] Ultraviolet (UV) light pooling of tears, lacrimal composition, and unspecified
exposure may not be the only factor associated with the local effects of lactic acid secreted by periocular sweat
development of pterygium. Dust and sand may contribute glands have all been implicated in the pathogenesis of
to the development of pterygium. This could be explained by pterygium.[46-48]
the fact that the normal flow of tears is from out inwards
carrying with them any dust particles or fine foreign bodies as Pterygium is now accepted as a distorted wound-healing
sandy dust is coarse than fine dust thereby exciting the response and dysregulated cell proliferation disease rather
inflammatory response with consequent formation of than a degenerative lesion.[10] Antiapoptotic mechanisms,[49]
pterygium. Educational interventions to modify these cytokines,[50] growth and angiogenic factors,[51] viral
potential exposures may assist in preventing pterygium. infections,[52-54] and heredity[55-57] have been proposed as
Older age, male sex, lower educational level, rural current causative agents in its pathogenesis.
habitation, and nonsmoking have been reported by other
studies as independent risk factors for pterygium.[21,23,30,32] CURRENT CONCEPTS
Some studies reported a preponderance of female
Role of ultraviolet rays
gender,[25,38] whereas some others reported no significant
difference in gender in development of pterygium.[39] The direct pathogenetic role of solar radiation in pterygium
development has been reported by many studies.[23,35-37] UV
rays are the shorter wavelengths of nonionizing radiation
CLINICAL PRESENTATION (wavelength 100–400 nm) lying below the visible spectrum.
Pterygium arises in the interpalpebral fissure as an elevated, Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) has been subdivided into
fleshy mass on the bulbar conjunctiva near the limbus in its three bands: UV-A (400–320 nm), UV-B (320–290 nm),

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Gingereke, et al.: PTERYGIUM: Recent Trends and Perspectives

and UV-C (290–100 nm).[37] UV-A, or near UVR, The role of genetically altered limbal stem cells
produces tanning (the browning of the skin due to an Immunohistochemical studies have found conjunctival,
increase in the skin content of melanin) and limbal, and corneal cells to immunostain primarily for
photosensitivity reactions. UV-B causes sunburn (painful matrix metalloproteinase-I (MMP-I). Limbal basal
erythema and blistering), and increased exposure to UV-B is epithelial cells (pterygium cells) were found in
associated with an increased rate of skin cancer. UV-C is immunostain for multiple types of MMPs (MMP-1, MMP-
germicidal and may also cause skin cancer.[58-60] The eyes 2, MMP-3, MMP-9, membrane type 1-MMP, and membrane
are normally protected and shielded from UVR by a number type 2-MMP).[78] MMPs have been detected in the fibroblasts
of factors, such as the normal horizontal alignment of the and stroma of pterygium samples[79]; this suggests that these
eyes, the orbits, and eyebrows which significantly reduces MMPs were remodeling the pterygium stroma,[80] but this
ocular exposure to whole-sky irradiation.[61] Further was attributed to damaged limbal basal epithelial cells.[79] It is
anatomical protection is provided by the nose, and the believed that the altered MMP expression of limbal basal
cheeks, as studies have shown that the cornea acts as a epithelial cells (pterygium cells) enables them to invade and
side on lens, focusing light incident on the temporal cornea dissolute Bowman’s layer leading to firm adhesion of the
unto the opposite side of the eye. The anatomy of the lesion on the corneal surface.[77,78] However, some studies
nose and cheek prevents this effect from occurring in the did not find MMP expression in the pterygium fibroblasts or
opposite direction, that is, light incident at the nasal limbus stroma yet the limbal basal epithelial cells were
is not of such a peripheral angle as to allow a focusing effect damaged.[69,81] These suggest that matrix remodeling
unto the temporal limbus.[61] The eyelids provide protection observed in pterygia is unlikely to be due to MMPs.
that is further enhanced by squinting, a common reflex in Rather, sunlight damage has been implicated.[82,83]
bright sunlight.[62-65] The eyes are relatively unprotected
laterally (albedo),[16] although the transmission of UVR by
Oxidative stress
internal reflection in the cornea may lead to a concentration
of UV irradiation at the nasal limbus, hence the high Generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by UV radiation
incidence of nasal pterygium, an indication of the has been suggested as initiating events in the development of
pathogenetic role of solar light. Scattered light might also pterygia.[84] Stocker line, an area of excess iron deposition at
follow alternative (transcameral) optical paths when the advancing edge of a pterygium has provided further
entering the eye, thus hitting limbal stem cells from their evidence for the importance of ROS in pterygium
inner surface.[16] The theory of transcameral pathway formation. Expression of certain proteins in pterygium
proposed that light scattered in the anterior chamber may tissues that are presumed to have a protective role against
deviate from the transpupillary course and be directed oxidative stress-induced apoptosis has been identified by a
towards the limbus. The ab interno irradiation of limbal recent study.[85] In this study, aldehyde dehydrogenase
stem cells may cause genetic destabilization, eventually dimeric nicotinimide adenosine dinucleotide phosphate
leading to development of pterygium. UV light is (NADP)-preferring (ALDH3A1), protein disulfide-
believed to cause pterygium[66] by inducing chronic isomerase A3, and peroxiredoxin II were found to be
inflammatory cells in the conjunctiva[67] or damage significantly upregulated in pterygium and further
limbal stem cells.[68] However, the study by Anguria increased in recurrent pterygium. A previous study also
et al.[69] suggests that inflammation may not be crucial found peroxiredoxin I and II both to be upregulated in
for pterygium to be present or to be opaque (i.e., a late pterygium.[85] Immunohistochemistry and western blot
stage of pterygium that appears clinically as a thick opaque analysis were both used in these studies to confirm that
vascular growth extending to the visual axis). Findings from these proteins were mainly detected in the basal epithelial
the same report show chronic pterygium inflammation is not layer, and their expression was significantly increased in the
important for pterygium to recur after surgery, which is pterygium compared to normal conjunctiva.
consistent with a previous report.[70] It looks as if the Hence, future study directions could include topical
severity of chronic inflammation is independent of the antioxidant therapy as a first-line treatment for pterygium
degree of exposure to sunlight.[70,71] Some reports have lesions.
shown that damaged limbal stem cells are not a factor in
pterygium occurrence[69,72] unlike contrary report by Pelit
et al.[73] Excessive exposure to sunlight has also been Molecular genetic alterations
correlated with collagen degeneration. However, collagen TSGs and proto-oncogenes (POGs) have been implicated in
degeneration has been discredited as a mechanism of the pathogenesis of pterygium. Using proteomic approach, 77
pterygium pathogenesis.[74] Some primary pterygia may proteins were upregulated in pterygia.[85] Mitotic proteins
not show collagen degeneration histologically.[75,76] This were seen to be among the proteins significantly affected.[85]
degeneration is not manifested in recurrent pterygia, Large TSGs (large tumor suppressor kinase 1 (LATS1) and
suggesting short durations of exposure to UV light,[74,77] large tumor suppressor kinase 2 (LATS2)) are the common
supporting the belief that level of sunlight exposure may not TSGs in the UV-induced DNA damage response signaling
be important for pterygium to occur or to recur. pathways. DNA methylation in the promoter regions are the

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Gingereke, et al.: PTERYGIUM: Recent Trends and Perspectives

main cause of TSG silencing and can result in tumor Role of viruses
development. A recent study confirmed the significant Studies have revealed a high prevalence of oncogenic
relationship between reduced expression of the LATS1 and human papilloma viruses (HPVs) in tissue samples,
LATS2 through methylation and the risk of pterygium suggesting a possible role for HPV in the pathogenesis
formation.[86] Other reports have showed aberrant DNA of pterygia. Type 18 was the most prevalent genotype,
methylation and decreased expression of P16, E-cadherin, followed by type 16, whereas less common genotypes were
TGM 2, MMP2, and CD24 genes in pterygium damage.[87- types 58 and 59.[108]
LATS2 also interacts with a negative regulator of p53 and
may function in a positive feedback loop with p53 that responds
to the cytoskeleton damage. Levels of p53 have also been Role of heredity
reported to be increased in pterygia by some studies.[78,90,91] Although existing reports indicate that sunlight exposure is
The levels of p53 expression in pterygia have been found to the main factor in pterygium occurrence, studies on factors in
differ between epithelial layers being higher in basal cells, pterygium occurrence and recurrence have identified heredity
compared to more superficial layers.[78,92,93] This finding could to be a crucial factor for pterygium development, and that
reflect increased exposure to UVR according to the proposed sunlight is only a triggering factor.[109]
theory of transcameral exposure of limbal basal (stem) cells to
solar light.
POG sequences may also be affected by UVR.[94,95] LATS1
The treatment of pterygium can be conservative, medical, or
is activated by Ras-association domain family 1 isoform A
that stimulates response to DNA damage. Mutations in genes
of the ras family POGs, including Harvey-Ras, Kirsten-Ras Conservative treatment is indicated when symptoms are mild
(K-ras), and Neuroblastoma-Ras, have been detected in and usually involves avoidance of smoke and dust-filled
cultured cells of mouse skin tumors following exposure to environment. Use of ultraviolent blocking glasses has been
near-UVR.[94] Restriction fragment length polymorphism and advocated by some authors in preventing progression.[110]
sequencing analysis of primary and recurrent pterygia have
Medical treatment is used to relieve symptoms and involves
revealed K-ras mutations at codon 12 in 10% of pterygia. The
use of topical, preservative-free lubricants, vasoconstrictors,
above findings pave the road for discovering drugs with the
and mild corticosteroids.
regulation of methylation characteristic that will lead to better
therapy in treatment of pterygium. Surgical treatment is indicated when there is disturbance of
visual function, significant discomfort, and for cosmetic
Role of growth factors and cytokines reasons. The first report of a surgical treatment of
The expression of various cytokines, growth factors, and pterygium is more than 3000 years old.[111] Many
growth factor receptors may be triggered by UVR genetic variations of this procedure since that time have been
mediated trauma.[81] Immunohistochemical and Enzyme- published.[112,113] Only the current surgical techniques,
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) techniques have with adjunctive therapies, are discussed in this review.
revealed the presence or altered expression of this factors
in pterygium.[96] UVR-inducible cytokines include the CURRENT SURGICAL TECHNIQUES
interleukin-1 (IL-1) system,[97,98] the IL-6,[99,100] and IL-
Bare sclera technique: This is the most popular method for the
8.[101,102] Growth factors involved in pterygium according to
removal of primary pterygium and was first described by
previous reports include the epidermal growth factor (EGF)
D’Ombrain.[112] This technique involved the complete
and heparin-binding EGF, vascular endothelial growth
excision of the pterygium head and removal of some of
factor (VEGF), basic fibroblast growth factor, platelet-
the adjacent normal nasal bulbar conjunctiva along with
derived growth factor, transforming growth factor-ß, and
excision of the underlying Tenon’s capsule tissue, which
insulin-like growth factor binding proteins.[81] However,
then resulted in a bare sclera. The remaining conjunctival
some growth factors were expressed in controls as in
rim was then sutured onto the bare sclera surface at a variable
cases, which suggests that overexpression of angiogenic
distance from sclerocorneal limbus. This technique was
growth factors is not the reason for vibrant fibroblast
associated with a high recurrence rate (30%–80%),[112] and
mitosis or for pterygium to occur,[103,104] rather the
there is a higher risk of recurrence after re-excision of a
upregulation of fibrogenic growth factors is most likely to
recurrent pterygium compared to a primary pterygium.[114]
be the reason for pterygium to occur.[103-105] VEGF
Therefore, this technique has been modified to reduce the
has also been detected in increased amounts in pterygium
recurrence rate.
epithelium, compared with normal conjunctiva using
immunohistochemistry.[106] However, Bevacizumab Modified bare sclera technique: This technique was based on
(Avastin®; Genentech Inc., South San Francisco, the understanding of the important role of normal conjunctiva
California, USA), which is anti-VEGF, did not abolish in blocking pterygium regrowth on the corneal surface. These
pterygium recurrence after surgery.[107] techniques include

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Gingereke, et al.: PTERYGIUM: Recent Trends and Perspectives

Sliding conjunctival flaps: Sliding conjuctival flaps from both A recurrence rate of 21% was reported.[120] Other authors
inferior and superior limbus is used for primary closure of a have reported a recurrence rate of 12.1%.[121]
pterygium excision. A 1-year recurrence rate of only 5% has
Limbal autograft, a variation of free conjuctival autograft, has
been reported using this technique.[115]
been described. This was based on the understanding that
“Merest sclera” technique: In this technique, the head and corneal epithelial stem cells are located at the limbus. Limbal
midbody of the pterygium are excised and a tenonectomy is epithelial stem cells generate new corneal epithelial cells in
extended beneath the conjunctiva to the adjacent rectus addition to inhibiting conjunctival epithelial invasion of the
muscle, particularly in young patients or large lesions. cornea. However, there are little data supporting its efficacy.
Relaxing conjunctival incisions are made both superiorly
and inferiorly along the limbus, and the conjunctiva is Amniotic membrane grafts
closed primarily and meticulously. A recurrences of only Following a pterygium excision, the bare sclera area is
2.1% is reported.[116] covered with either fresh or preserved amniotic membrane
Bare sclera technique with partial sclerectomy: In this tissue with basement membrane side up. However, there is
technique, the head of the pterygium was shaved off the need to exclude infections such as human immunodeficiency
cornea, and its body was dissected from conjunctiva above by virus and hepatitis when using fresh amniotic membrane.[122]
blunt dissection until orbital fat was exposed. The pterygium The amniotic membrane is sutured through the episcleral
was bluntly dissected from underlying sclera and muscle and tissue to the adjacent healthy conjunctiva using 8 to 10 size
then excised. A third partial thickness sclera flap 5 mm 8.0 Vicryl sutures. A recurrence rate of 6%, 7.9%, 25%, and
vertically by 3 mm horizontally was raised from the sclera 28.1%,[123-126] respectively, has been reported by many
bed measuring from limbus, this sclera was excised and studies. Its efficacy in reducing recurrence of pterygium is
cautery applied minimally. The conjunctiva was then based on the understanding that amniotic membrane
anchored to the edge of the sclera using 8/0 silk suture promotes conjunctival epithelial wound healing, suppresses
while leaving the sclerectomy bare. A recurrence rate of fibroblasts, and reduces extracellular matrix production.[127]
9.1% is reported.[117] It is postulated that removal of the Of recent, fibrin glue is now been used to replace or augment
superficial sclera with the episcleral tissue may remove with it sutures when attaching conjunctival grafts or amniotic
the factor responsible for recurrence of pterygium. membrane. Fibrin glues has been useful in shortening
operating time and decreasing postoperative discomfort, as
Conjunctival autograft well as decreasing recurrence rates.[122]
The transplantation of free autografts of superotemporal
bulbar conjunctiva from the same eye to close wounds ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY
after the excision of advanced or recurrent pterygium was Various adjunctive therapies have been used with pterygium
described by Kenyon et al.[118,119] Cautery spots are used to
surgery to decrease the risk of recurrence after its surgical
delineate the involved area of conjunctiva to be excised.
removal. However, these adjuctive therapies have their
Sharp, superficial excision of the head of the pterygium drawbacks.
from the involved cornea to the limbus is performed. The
conjunctiva and Tenon’s capsule are bluntly and
meticulously dissected from the horizontal rectus muscle,
leaving behind the bare sclera and exposed rectus muscle. Extensive use of intraoperative cautery with bare sclera,
Conjunctiva is secured to the sclera with absorbable suture particularly at the limbus, to augment the surgical removal
(e.g., 8-0 Vicryl) on a spatulated needle. Calipers are used to of the pterygium has been used by many surgeons. This was
determine the size of conjunctival graft required to resurface based on the knowledge that blood vessel growth at the
exposed sclera and horizontal rectus muscle. The globe is operative site contributes to the recurrence of a
rotated inferomedially to expose an area of uninvolved pterygium.[128] Some authors believe that cautery can lead
superior bulbar conjunctiva. Dimensions are marked with to the formation of hypertrophic scar tissue and discourage its
several cautery spots, as large as 15 mm by 15 mm and intraoperative use.[129]
extending to the limbus. Free grafts are dissected as thinly as
possible, taking minimal subconjunctival tissue. The graft is Mitomycin C
excised such that cautery marks remain with the graft tissue Mitomycin C is an antineoplastic/antibiotic agent isolated
margins, then the epithelial surface can be readily identified from the soil bacterium Streptomyces caespitosus. It inhibits
when the graft is repositioned. The donor site does not the synthesis of DNA, cellular RNA, and proteins in rapidly
require suturing, but the conjunctival margins can be growing cells.[130] Mitomycin C was first used topically at a
advanced to the limbus with two interrupted sutures. The concentration of 0.04% (doses of 0.4 mg/ml) three times daily
free graft is transferred into the recipient bed and secured to for 1 to 2 weeks after pterygium surgery, with no recurrences
adjacent conjunctiva and episclera with interrupted sutures by Kunimoto and Mori.[131] Other reports have confirmed the
of 8-0 Vicryl; 10-0 nylon is used for the limbal edge of the usefulness of mitomycin C in pterygium surgeries with a
graft.[118,119] recurrence rate ranging from 2% to 16%.[132-134]

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Gingereke, et al.: PTERYGIUM: Recent Trends and Perspectives

However, mitomycin C has been shown to be associated with in treating primary pterygium and also rather harmful. Further
vision-threatening complications such as iritis, severe studies are required in this area.
secondary glaucoma, corneal edema, corectopia, sudden-
Topical bevacizumab therapy is also advocated.[151] One
onset mature cataracts, scleral calcification, and corneal
study used it 1 month after surgical excision of recurrent
pterygium and found it to be well tolerated and effective in
Consequently, this motivated the use of a more dilute preventing neovascularization.[152] There was no significant
concentrations (0.02%) of mitomycin C. Some reports have difference in the recurrence rate in the study group; further
described good results with no serious complications using studies are required to support this result.
0.2 mg/ml of mitomycin C.[136-138] Presently, two approaches
have been developed for applying mitomycin C: postoperative Laser therapy
use of topical eye drops and intraoperative use of mitomycin C- The use of the argon laser in selected postoperative cases
soaked sponges. Both have similar recurrence rates. A recent has been described. In one report, argon laser was applied
report found pterygium surgery with intraoperative mitomycin at 50-mm spots to early neovascular fronds. The power
C to have similar recurrent rate when compared with settings were limited to minimize conjunctival epithelial
conjuctival autograft alone.[139] Hence, adjuvant role of damage[153]; the recurrence rate was unknown in this
mitomycin C should be studied further. report.

5-Fluorouracil Beta irradiation

5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is a fluorinated pyrimidine that inhibits The most common use of beta radiation has been in the
the proliferation of fibroblasts. 5-FU is used intraoperatively management of pterygium, with local application of a
at a dose of 50 mg/ml for 3 to 5 min by most surgeons, Strontium-90 source to prevent recurrence. Initially a
because 5-FU is cheaper than mitomycin C and is high dose of beta radiation was applied without surgical
associated with fewer side effects.[140] The recurrence rate excision, the aim being to induce regression of the lesion.
of 11.4% to 14% has been reported by Bekibele et al.[121] and This was associated with a high recurrent rate that was
25% by Akarsu et al.,[140] respectively, has been reported. 5- attributed to the high levels of UV. Recently,
FU was also found to be marginally superior to conjunctiva administration after surgery, particularly for recurrent
autograft in the prevention of pterygium.[121] pterygia, became widely adopted, with subsequent
reports, indicating a low recurrence rate ranging from
Corticosteroids 0% to 16%.[154-158]
Several authors have advocated their use four times daily A recent study[159] recommends a total combined dose of
for 2 weeks after the healing of the corneal epithelial 2000 to 3000 cGy delivered in three fractions every other day
defect.[141,142] This is based on the understanding of the starting on the 6th day postsurgery. Adverse effects with beta
direct antiangiogenic and their anti-inflammatory radiation for pterygium, such as lens opacity, scleral necrosis,
effects.[143] Given the chronic nature of topical steroid punched out ulcers have been widely reported.[160]
needs in pterygium management, a recent report has
Consequently, use of beta radiation for pterygium has
advocated the use of loteprenol etabonate ointments in
diminished, with conjunctival autografting and topical
the preoperative and postoperative management of
mitomycin C now being widely used. Conjunctival
pterygium surgery based on its potency and safety
autografting is reasonably effective and appears to be safe;
however, it is considerably more time consuming than other
methods.[161] Comparative data for beta radiation and mitomycin
Bevacizumab C are conflicting: one study found mitomycin C to be more
Subconjunctival injections of Bevacizumab provide another effective[162]; another study suggested the converse,[163] a Dutch
strategy to manage primary and recurrent pterygium. This is study suggested equivalence[164]; and a randomized controlled
based on the fact that vascular growth factors such as VEGF have study suggested that beta radiation was more effective than either
been detected in pterygium.[145,146] Subconjunctival injection of conjunctival autografting or mitomycin C.[165]
0.2 ml (5 mg) of Bevacizumab (100 mg/4 ml Roche) following
the injection of 0.2-ml lidocain 2% in subconjunctival area of
pterygium body using a 1-ml syringe with 29-gauge needle, CONCLUSION
showed marked reduction in the size of pterygium and regression Recently, there have been significant advances in the
of blood vessels.[147-149] Subconjunctival injection of understanding of nature of pterygium, the molecular and
bevacizumab has also been shown by studies to be biochemical events underlying pterygium pathogenesis,
safe.[148,149] Subconjuctival bevacizumab benefit the complex and recent advances in its treatment. Recent advances in
treatment of pterygium by reducing subjective complaints and the treatment have not only continued to reduce recurrent rate
delaying surgical intervention. However, a preliminary but also may enable the use of less invasive treatment
report[150] has found subconjuctival bevacizumab not useful methods other than surgery.

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98 Nigerian Journal of Ophthalmology ¦ Volume 26 ¦ Issue 2 ¦ July-December 2018

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