PHYSE Mtext3 2019C 1230wsat

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College of Engineering & Architecture

3rd Term 2019 – 2020
Mid-term Examination

PHYSE – Physics for Engineers

Engr. Wilfranor R. Delos Reyes
Topic Learning Outcomes:
Differentiate uniform motion from accelerated motion, solve problems on Free fall and Projectile motion .

General Instructions: 1. Use blue or black ink for your solutions.

2. Show detailed solution. If there will be missing steps in the solution,
corresponding deductions will be made.
3.Answer numbers 1-5 on one page and numbers 6-10 on another page.
4. You have 2hrs to solve the examination and 30minutes to upload your output
to or through CANVAS. Late submissions will not
be accepted and checked.



I. A cannonball is shot vertically upward with an initial velocity of 200 m/sec. Compute: a) time taken
for the ball to reach maximum height ; b) maximum height reached ; c) time for the ball to return to
the ground.

II. A car touring at 72km/hr when the brakes are applied and slows down uniformly to 18km/hr in
5 sec. Determine: a) acceleration ; b) distance traveled in 5 sec c) average velocity

III. A car traveling at 13m/sec slows down at a rate of 2m/sec 2 for a time of 6 sec. Determine: a) final
velocity ; b) average velocity ; c) the distance traveled in the 6sec interval

IV. A truck’s speed increases uniformly from 36 km/hr to 108 km/hr in 20 secs. Determine: a) average
velocity ; b) acceleration ; c) distance covered in 20 secs

V. A motorcycle with an initial velocity of 8 m/sec moves with constant acceleration and travels
640m in 40 sec. Find: a) the final velocity ; b) average velocity ; c) acceleration

VI. A stone is thrown horizontally from the top of a tower with a speed of 17m/sec. If the stone lands
28m from the base of the tower, how high is the tower?

VII. A marble with a speed of 20cm/sec rolls off the edge of a table 80 cm high. a) How long does it
take to drop to the floor? b) How far, horizontally, from the table edge does the marble strike the

VIII. A batter hits a baseball so that it leaves the bat with an initial speed of 38 m/sec at an angle of
53.2o with the horizontal. Determine: a) how long will it take the ball to reach maximum height?
b) how long will it take the ball to land on the ground? c) how high will the ball reach? d) how far,
horizontally, will the ball reach?

IX. Veronica angrily throws her engagement ring from the roof of a building 3 m. high with an initial
speed of 15 m/sec at 35o with the horizontal. a) when will the ring reach its highest? b) how high
from the building is its highest? c) when will the ring touch the ground? d) what is the range?

X. A ball is thrown upward at an angle of 30o to the horizontal and lands on the top edge of a
building that is 20m away. The top edge is 5m above the throwing point. How fast was the ball

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OCT. 2014 Rev 00

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