Relative Velocity Examples

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28 May 2020 11:30 PM

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Example 5

Example 6
To a stationary man, rain appears to be falling at his back at an angle 30
deg with the vertical. As he starts moving forward with a speed of 0.5
ms–1, he finds that the rain is falling vertically, calculate

a). The speed of rain with respect to stationary man.

b). The speed of rain with respect to the moving man.

Example 7

Example 8

Example 9
A man standing on a road observes that raindrops are hitting at his back
with speed 5 m/s and are making an angle of 45 deg with vertical.
With what velocity should he run so that the raindrops hit hisAddition to
Illustration 30
chest at an angle 45 degrees with vertical ?

Example 10

Example 11
Thursday, 28 May 2020 11:55 PM

Example 12

Calculate the time taken by a person to cross a river if he directs his

swimming effort in a direction making angle 135 degrees with river
velocity (or 45 deg with river width swimming against river current).
Width of river is 50 m. River flow speed is 2.5 m/s.
Speed of swimmer in still water is 2 m/s.

Example 13

A person can swim in still water at the rate of 1.0 Km/hr. He tries to
cross a river in least possible time. The river is flowing at the rate of 2
Km/hr. If the width of the river is 10 m, find the

Q1. Direction in which he should try to swim.

Q2. Determine the location of the point where he lands on the other
side of the river.
Q3. Also find the time taken by him to cross the river.

Example 14

Example 15

Example 16

Example 17

Example 18

Example 19

Example 20
Friday, 29 May 2020 12:00 AM

Example 21

Example 22

Example 23

Example 24
A river 400 m wide is flowing at a rate of 2.0 m/s. A
boat is sailing at a velocity of 10 m/s with respect to
the water, in a direction perpendicular to the river.
Find the time taken by the boat to reach the
opposite bank
How far from the point directly opposite to the
starting point does the boat reach the opposite
bank ?

Example 25
A man can row a boat 4 km/hr in still water. If he is
crossing a river where the current is 2 km/hr, then
answer the following.

A) In what direction should his boat be headed if

he wants to reach a point on the other bank,
directly opposite to starting point?

B) If width of the river is 4 km how long will it take

him to cross the river, with the condition in
previous question ?

C) In what direction should he head the boat if he

wants to cross river in shortest time ? Find
minimum time to cross and locate his landing

Example 26

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