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Ryan E-learning

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Living world and Revision

classification of
Science microbes
Resources required for the topic
• Pencil and Eraser
Learning Objectives

To be able to identify and classify the

organism into five kingdoms
Let’s Recap
5 kingdom
1. Use Whittaker method to classify

• M
• bacteria • P
• , protozoa, • D
• fungi, • Plants
• algae, • S
• prokaryotic • C
• eukaryotic
T /F With reason

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a. Lactobacilli are harmful bacteria.

b. Cell wall of fungi is made up of chitin.
c. Organ of locomotion in amoeba is
e. Tomato wilt is a viral disease
6. Who am I ?
a. I don’t have true nucleus, cell organelles
or plasma membrane.
b. I have nucleus and membrane bound
cell orgenelles.
c. I live on decaying organic matter.
d. I reproduce mainly by cell division.
e. I can produce my replica.
f. I am green, but don’t have organs.
8. Arrange the following in ascending order
of size Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, Algae.
The chitin adds rigidity and structural
support to the thin cell walls of the
fungus, and makes fresh mushrooms
crisp. Chitin is a polysaccharide due to
which the long, fibrous cell walls of the
fungus can penetrate plants and
animals, for breaking them down and
extracting nutrients.
Amoebae use pseudopodia (meaning “false feet”) to move.
In the case of an amoeba moving, it's cytoplasm flows
forward to form a pseudopodium, then it evens back out. In
order to eat, it will form two pseudopodia and wrap those
around to meet each other, enclosing its food, then the
cytoplasm evens out again.
Lactobacilli are non-spore forming, lactic acid producing,
gram-positive rods. They are a part of the normal
gastrointestinal and genitourinary microbiota and have rarely
been reported to be the cause of infections. ...
Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) causes
serious diseases of many economically
important plants representing 35 plant
families, including dicots and monocots
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