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Institute of Management and Information Technology, Cuttack

BPUT Even Semester 2019-2020

MBA 4th Semester- Marketing Specialization
Subject- Business to Business Marketing Course Instructor-Barsha Tripathy
Subject code-18MBA403A

Multiple Choice Questions

1. 1. Whole sellers and retailers buying behaviour is classified as

A. Business buyer behaviour
B. derived demand
C. business buying process
D. cognitive dissonance

2. Demand of business buyers is derived from

A. Final consumer demand
B. raw materials suppliers
C. production controller
D. logistic managers

3. In business buying process, group who has formal authority of supplier selection
is classified as
A. user
B. influencer
C. decider and gatekeeper
D. Buyer

4. Stage in buying behaviour which follows reviews of supplier proposals by

business buyer is
A. Supplier selection
B. proposal solicitation
C. supplier search
D. order-routine specification

5. Business markets usually includes fewer but

A. Large scale production firms
B. small scale retailers
C. small scale production firms
D. small scale wholesalers

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6. Organization’s buying behaviours of raw materials for production purposes is
A. Business buyer behaviour
B. derived demand
C. business buying process
D. cognitive dissonance

7. To avoid complex buying situation, buying of packaged solution from single

seller is considered as
A. new task
B. modified rebuy
C. straight rebuy
D. Solutions selling

8. In business buying process, participants involved are

A. user
B. influencer
C. decider and gatekeeper
D. Buyer

9. In business buying process, group who manage and control information flow is
classified as
A. user
B. influencer
C. decider
D. Gatekeeper

10. Stage in buying behaviour which follows supplier's selection and discuss final
specification of raw materials is classified as
A. supplier selection
B. proposal solicitation
C. supplier search
D. Order-routine specification

11. In business buying process, one who uses product is called

A. User
B. influencer
C. decider and gatekeeper
D. buyer

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12. In business buying process, group having informal or formal power of
approving suppliers is classified as
A. user
B. influencer
C. Decider and Gatekeeper
D. buyer

13. Trading of raw material through online sources between buyers and sellers is
classified as
A. e-procurement
B. de-procurement
C. online selling
D. direct marketing

14. Demand which is affected by price changes in short term is

A. Elastic demand
B. inelastic demand
C. realistic demand
D. unrealistic demand

15. Stage which concludes supplier's performance assessment by business buyers is

classified as
A. supplier selection
B. proposal solicitation
C. Performance review
D. order-routine specification

16. Demand which is not affected by price changes in short term is

A. elastic demand
B. Inelastic demand
C. realistic demand
D. unrealistic demand

17. In business markets demand is more

A. Elastic
B. Inelastic
C. Realistic
D. Insignificant

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18. Business buying situation in which buyer reorders same order again and again
on routine basis is
A. New task
B. Modified rebuy
C. Straight rebuy
D. Solutions selling

19.All individuals and units involved in purchasing process are classified as

A. Buying center
B. Influencers
C. Deciders
D. Gatekeepers

20.In business buying process, group who furnish information to evaluate

alternatives is classified as
A. User
B. Influencer
C. Decider and gatekeeper
D. Buyer

21. Business buying process starts with the

A. Problem recognition
B. Idea Generation
C. Product specification
D. Supplier search

22. Business buying situation in which buyer reorders same product is classified as
A. New task
B. Modified rebuy
C. Straight rebuy
D. Solutions selling

23. Business buying situation in which order is placed for first time is
A. New task
B. Modified rebuy
C. Straight rebuy
D. Solutions selling

24. Stage in which business buyer invites supplier to submit proposals is classified
A. Supplier selection
B. Proposal solicitation
C. Supplier search
D. Order specification

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25. Process which involves comparing alternative suppliers for buying raw
materials needed in production is classified as
A. Business buyer behavior
B. Derived demand
C. Business buying process
D. Cognitive dissonance

26. Tata Motors is suppling vehicle to Indian Army is an example of

A. Governmental customer
B. Commercial customer
C. Institutional customer
D. None of these

27. LG is supplying Refrigerator to KFC is an example of

A. Governmental customer
B. Commercial customer
C. Institutional customer
D. None of these

28. Dell is supplying laptops to IMIT is an example of

A. Governmental customer
B. Commercial customer
C. Institutional customer
D. None of these

29. HDFC bank is buying office stationeries in adhoc basis

A. Transactional exchange
B. Value added exchange
C. Collaborative exchange
D. Product exchange

30. Sony is supplying camera to Oppo is

A. Transactional exchange
B. Value added exchange
C. Collaborative exchange
D. Product exchange

31. Reason of creating CRM strategy is

A. Acquiring the right customer
B. Maximizing profit
C. Minimizing loss
D. None of the above

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32. How might you categorise the market for office photocopiers?
C. C2C

33. What is the difference between the term ‘customer’ and the term ‘consumer’?
A. There is no difference.
B. The term consumer refers only to people who buy food and drink products.
C. Customers buy products but it is consumers who use them.
D. Customers make organisational rather than personal purchases.

34. Which form of strategic orientation focuses on customers and competition?

a. Customer orientation
b. Product orientation
c. Sales orientation
d. Marketing orientation

35. Why is marketing important in a demand-driven economy?

a. Consumers have lots of choice.
b. There is competition for customers.
c. Supply often exceeds demand.
d. All of the above

36. What is ‘marketing communications’ an alternative term for?

A. Promotion
B. E-mail
C. Sales talk
D. Price lists

37. What is the term used in which products are sold to organisations who will use them to
make other products? For example, flour may be sold to a bakery which uses it to bake cakes.
A. Consumer market
B. Reseller
D. Users

38. Oppo joins Sony is an example of

A. Transaction Exchange
B. Value-added Exchange
C. Collaborative Exchange
D. All of the above

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39. Buyers and seller relationship is based on
A. Market condition
B. Buyer condition
C. Seller condition
D. All of the above

40. CRM strategy is to create

A. Get Profit
B. Turnover
C. Acquire customer
D. All of the above

41. Give one example of induced strategic behaviour

A. Announcing reward system
B. Sales promotion
C. Advertisement
D. All of the above

42. A product champion is an organization member who creates, defines or adopts

an idea for the innovation and is willing to assume
A. Profit
B. Significance risk
C. Sales forecast
D. All of the above

43. Example of derivative project is

A. Cost reduction
B. Sales forecasting
C. Trend analysis
D. All of the above

44. Innovating low cost and new technology alternative to a particular product is
A. Autonomous technology
B. Disruptive technology
C. CRM technology
D. All of the above

45. A sustaining innovation targets demanding, high end customers with

A. Better performance
B. Better profit
C. Better sales
D. All of the above

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46. Company must create the business model to get profit at discount price is
A. High end strategy
B. Low end strategy
C. Medium term strategy
D. All of the above

47. New product strategy involves

A. Market synergy
B. Market forecasting
C. Market trend
D. All of the above

48. Indian Railway and Jindal transaction is an example of

A. Government customer
B. Commercial customer
C. Institutional customers
D. None of these

49. Govt. follows which pricing strategy to procure product?

A. Promotional pricing
B. Loss leader pricing
C. Negotiated pricing
D. Location pricing

50. IMIT is purchasing Office stationary is an example of

A. Transactional exchange
B. Value added exchange
C. Collaborative exchange
D. None of these

51. Which of the following statements is not true?

a. Business buyers look for products c.Business buyers look for
that will increase sales. products that will translate to
foreign markets
b. Business buyers look for products d. Business buyers look for
that will reduce costs profit.

52. Which of the following is a major difference between consumer marketing and business-
to-business marketing?
a. More rational decision-making. ExtExternal
c. environment.
b. The customer is at the centre of d. Internal environment
the firm’s thinking

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53. What is meant by, entering goods and services?
a. Goods and services that are new c. Goods and services that become
to the market. part of other products.
b. Goods and services that are new d. All of the above
to the customer

54. What is meant by, foundation goods and services?

a. Goods and services that are basic c. Goods and services that are basic
to the industry. to the selling firm.
b. Goods and services that do not d. Goods and services that are
become part of the finished required by customers.
product, but are used in making

55. What is meant by, facilitating goods and services?

a. Products and services that help an c. Products and services that
organisation fulfil its objectives. facilitate growth of the company.
b. Products and services that help a d. Products and services that
company sell more. attracts customers.

56. Why is relationship building more common in business markets than in consumer
a. Because buyers get to like the c. Because consumers don’t like to
sales representatives they see have relationships with
every day. companies.
b. Because businesses often buy d. Consumers have a complex
from each other over a long mind.

57. What is derived demand?

a. The type of demand that derives c. The type of demand that derives
from business growth. from consumer need.
b. The type of demand that derives d. The type of demand that derives
from effective marketing. from market need.

58. Why are salespeople more important in business markets than in consumer markets?
a. Because business firms can afford c. Because business markets
to pay them better. require more negotiation.
b. Business markets require more d. All of the above.

59. Consumer markets and business markets differ because:

a. Consumers buy for themselves, businesses c. Consumers buy on a
buy for others. rational basis.
b. Consumers (collectively) buy more than d.None of the above.
business buyers do.

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What is an initiator?
60. a. A type of salesman who initiates c. The person in the firm who
first contact with a buyer. controls the flow of information.
b. The person in the buying firm d. All of the above.
who first recognizes a problem.

61. Which of these is NOT a member of the DMU?

a. Gatekeeper. c. Salesperson.
b. User. d. Decider

62. Which of the following is NOT a risk avoidance tactic used by buyers?
a. Multisource the order. c. Visit the vendor’s operations.
b. Use an agent. d. Price fixing.

63. Which of the following is NOT an organizational influence on buyers?

a. Structures. c. Technology.
b. Economy. d. Manpower.

64. What does OEM stand for?

a. Original equipment manufacturer. c. Open-ended marketing.
b. Original energy marketer. d. Original equipment marketer.

65. What is a reseller organization?

a. An organization which sells again c An organization which resells
to the same company. goods that have been returned as
b. An organization which buys d. All of the above.
goods in order to sell them to
someone else.

66. A customer which is involved in maintaining, repairing and overhauling products after
they have been sold is called:
a. An aftermarket customer. c. A maintenance customer.
b. An institutional customer. d. Business buyer.

67. Which of the following is NOT one of Druckers three basic questions?
a. What is our business? c. What will our business be?
b. What should our strategy be? d. How to do the business?

68. What is meant by corporate vision?

a. The over-riding reason for the c. The view of the founder as to
corporation’s existence. what kind of company this
should be.
b. The strategies the corporation
intends to take.

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69. What is a value network?
a. A group of firms who agree to co-operate c.A group of firms
against outside competition. which have a similar
b. A group of firms who act together to create
value through a set of complex relationships.

70. Which of the following is NOT one of Porter’s three basic competitive positioning
a. Cost leadership. c. Pricing.
b. Differentiation. d. Focus.

71. What is a market challenger?

a. A company which enters a c.A company which develops a new
new market. product which competitors have to
b.A company which seeks to
increase its share of a

72. Which of the following is NOT one of the elements that supports the value chain?
a. Procurement. c. Human resource management.
b. Finance. d. Technology

73. What is meant by inbound logistics?

a. The study of movement of factors of c. Return of faulty
production. goods.
b.The study of transportation. d.Restoring of goods.

74. What is value chain analysis?

a. A system of valuing the firm’s c. An analysis of the inputs each
assets. firm puts into the product before
it reaches the final consumer.
b. A system of valuing the chain of d. Creating value for customers.

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75. What is NAICS?
a. The North American Industrial c. The New American Intelligent
Classification System. Coding System.
b. The North Atlantic Industry d. The New Asian Industrial
Coding Society. Coding System.

76. What is undifferentiated marketing?

a. Trying to do exactly what the c. Trying to serve one market segment
competitors do. only.
b. Trying to serve all market segments d. Trying to create a different market.
with the same marketing mix.

77. What is positioning?

a. Developing a theme which c. Ensuring that the product is in
provides a meaningful distinction the right markets.
for customers.
b. Ensuring that the product is in the d. Creating value for customers.
right distribution chain.

78. When would a firm undertake re-positioning?

a. When the product is in the wrong c. When the product is in the
distribution chain. decline phase of the product
b. When competitor pressure or d. When product is obsolete and
customer indifference dictates. old.

79. What is concentrated marketing?

a. Concentrating on a specific marketing c. Concentrating on one
campaign. segment.
b.Concentrating on a narrow product range. d.Creating a new market.

80. What is an identifier segmentation variable?

a. One which identifies which c. One which helps categorize
customers belong in the segment. customers after we have started
doing business with them.
b. One which helps categorize d. One which helps in lead
customers before any business has generation.
been done with them.

81. What is a response profile?

a. A method of identifying which c.A method of categorizing customers
customers belong in the after we have started doing business
segment. with them.
b.A method of categorizing
customers before any business
is done.

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82. Which of the following is NOT one of the tests of a good segment?
a. Measurability. c. Profitability.
b. Accessibility. d. Demography

83. What is a product?

a. An offering of the firm that c. A set of needs that have been met
satisfies the needs of customers. by a set of benefits.
b. A tangible item that a manufacturer d. All of the above.
has produced.

84. Delivery, installation, warranty and after-sales service are all:

a. Product attributes. c. Support services.
b. Core product benefits. d. Positioning.

85. Companies which aim to be the first to use new technology are called:
a. Early adopters. c. Early majority.
b. Innovators. d. Late Laggards.

86. Which of the following is NOT one of the attributes of a rapidly-adopted innovation?
a. Relative advantage. c. Usability.
b. Compatibility. d. Technology.

87. A product which has been introduced by a firm into a market in which the firm has never
done business before is called:
a. A new-to-the-world product. c. An addition to the product line.
b. A new category entry. d. New market segment.
88. Which of the following is NOT a stage in the new product process?
a. Concept generation. c. Concept relationships.
b. Concept evaluation. d. Creating Prototype.

89. What does NPD stand for?

a. New product development. c. New product divergence.
b. New product diffusion. d. New prototype development.

90. A strategy which offers a product virtually unchanged from its home market version is
a. An extension strategy. c. A product invention strategy.
b. An adaptation strategy. d. Global Strategy.

91. A decision whether to give a brand an individual name or not is:

a. A brand strategy decision. c. A brand sponsor decision.
b. A brand name decision. d. A brand extension decision.

92. A demand curve which drops in stages is called:

a. A normal curve. c. A stepped demand curve.
b. A price demand curve. d. A diminishing demand curve.

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93. Setting prices by calculating all the costs then adding on the profit margin is called:
a. Cost-plus pricing. c. Calculation pricing.
b. Profit-based pricing. d. Value based pricing.

94. What is polycentric pricing?

a. Setting prices at different rates c. Pricing against many cost
according to negotiation centres. centres.
b. Allowing local managers to set d. Setting price based on location.

95. Setting the prices of goods which one division of the firm buys from another is called:
a. Divisional pricing. c. Transfer pricing.
b. Demand pricing. d. Negotiated Pricing.

96. What does FOB stand for?

a. Fixed order book. c. Funded over breakeven.
b. Free on board. d. Fixed on book.

98. What is a documentary letter of credit?

a. A letter from a bank confirming c. A letter from a bank
that the buyer has the cash to pay guaranteeing to pay the vendor
for the goods. provided the conditions of the
sale are met.
b. A letter from a vendor confirming
that the buyer will be offered

99. What is open-account trading?

a. The vendor gives the buyer c. The vendor agrees to open its
credit. bank accounts to the buyer, as a
sign of good faith.
b. The buyer agrees to a long-term
stream of purchases.

100. The costs associated with changing from one product to another are called:
a. Changeover costs. c. Overhead costs.
b. Switching costs. d. Fixed Costs.

101. Which of the following is NOT true?

a. Logistics is about transport, c. Logistics takes a holistic view,
physical distribution is about physical distribution is
materials handling. concerned with tactical matters.
b. Logistics is about moving goods
smoothly through the supply
chain, physical distribution is
about transportation.

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102. Which of the following is NOT a controllable element in logistics?
a. Customer service. c. Legislation
b. Warehousing. d. Infrastructure

103. What is the main problem in determining total distribution costs?

a. Unpredictability of the c. Service levels are difficult to
environment. determine.
b. Different firms are involved in d. Suppliers demand
physical distribution.

104. What is meant by service level?

a. The reliability of the service. c. The proportion of service
relative to physical product.
b. The cost of the service. d. Degree of customer satisfaction.

105. Which of the following is NOT a reason for effective supply-chain management?
a. It reduces costs. c. It improves relationships
between firms.
b. It improves asset utilization. d. It enhances business growth.

106. What is meant by the commitment-trust theory?

a. Networks characterized by c. Commitment by suppliers and
commitment and trust engender trust on the part of buyers means
co-operation. that the relationship is well-
b. Commitment leads to trust, d. All of the above.
which improves the relationship.

107. What is a letter of credit?

a. A letter which agrees to provide c. A list of the particulars of the
credit for the purchaser. shipment and the payment to be
b. A letter issued by the importer’s
bank, guaranteeing payment.

108. Which of the following statements is true?

a. Airfreight is always cheaper than c. Air freight is always more
sea freight. expensive than sea freight.
b. Air freight is always faster than d. Air freight can carry more goods
sea freight. than sea freight.

109. Which of the following is NOT true?

a. A bill of lading is proof of c. A bill of lading is a document of
ownership. possessory title.
b. A bill of lading is a promissory d. A bill of lading is a commercial
note. note.

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What is a tramp steamer?
a. A ship which does not c.A ship which has a different national
follow a set route. registry from the nationality of its
b.A ship which is old and
111. Which of the following is NOT an added utility obtainable from distribution?
a. Place utility. c. Scale utility.
b. Ownership utility. d. Time utility

112. What is meant by time utility?

a. Making goods available at a time c. Making goods in the shortest
which suits the customer’s needs. time possible.
b. Using time effectively in dealing d. Using less time to procure raw
with distributors. materials

113. Which of the following is NOT an influence on distribution channel design?

a. Competitors. c. Pricing policy.
b. Culture. d. None of the above

114. What is an A-type customer?

a. One who is loyal. c. One who is in the top 10% of
customers, measured by the
volume of goods bought.
b. One who uses a specific d. One who spreads good word of
distributor. mouth

115. Which of the following is an economic source of power?

a. Control of resources. c. Reward power.
b. Expert power. d. Manpower

116. What is referent power?

a. Power which derives from the c.Power which derives from
ability to refer to a third party. references to agreements made
b.Power which derives from
attempts to copy the leader of the

117. What is co-marketing?

a. Collaboration with competitors to c. Collaboration with customers to
secure distribution channels. agree on distribution channels.
b. Collaboration with members of
the distribution chain to secure

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118. What is a tying contract?
a. One which prevents the distributor c. One which prevents the distributor
from carrying competing goods. from selling outside a specific
b. One which requires the distributor d. One which cuts the distributors
to carry the entire manufacturer’s profit.

119. What is cross-docking?

a. Co-ordinating the arrival of suppliers’ and c.A failure to send supplies
retailers’ trucks at the distribution centre. to the right docks.
b. Ensuring that supplies are stored effectively at

120. What does ECR stand for?

a. Effective cross-referencing. c. Effective customer relationships.
b. Efficient customer response. d. Effective Customer response

121. Which of the following is a key reason for the failure of an exhibition?
a. Visitors are of the wrong type. c. Visitors’ and exhibitors’ aims are
b. Exhibitors fail to set out the stand d. Visitors fail to understand
properly. exhibitors.

122. Approximately what percentage of visitors to most exhibitions are buyers?

a. 70% c. 10%
b. 40% d. 30%

123. What type of problem would you expect exhibitions to help with at the early-KAM
a. Building a social network c. Finding new partners
between the partner companies.
b. Selling more goods.

124. Which of the following is NOT a stage in the planning of exhibitions?

a. Decide on the objectives. c. Organize the selling of the
product on the stand.
b. Plan support promotions. d. None of the above.

125. Which of the following is NOT an alternative to exhibitions?

a. Road shows. c. Private exhibitions.
b. Personal selling. d. Trade fairs.

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126. What is a push strategy?
a. One in which goods are heavily c. One in which goods are heavily
promoted to end users. promoted to both end users and
b. One in which goods are heavily d. One which goods are distributed
promoted to the distributors. at low price.

127. Which of the following is not true?

a. Sales promotions are less widely c. Sales promotions can be used to
used in B2B markets than they motivate the sales force.
are in B2C markets.
b. Sales promotions are less d. Sales promotion can push the
effective in B2B markets than in product in competitive market.
B2C markets.

128. Which of the following is NOT a criterion for selecting which exhibition to attend?
a. Visitor profiles. c.Proportion of advertising
spends available.
b.Timing of the exhibition relevant to the
firm’s business cycle.

129. A comprehensive check of the company’s current marketing activities is called:

a. The marketing review. c. The marketing balance sheet.
b. The marketing audit. d. Balanced scorecard.

130. Which of the following is NOT a tangible resource?

a. Machinery. c. Work in progress.
b. Employees. d. Vehicles.

131. A system of using a limited set of measures, derived from the success factors for the
industry is called:
a. Factor analysis. c. Measure allocation.
b. Balanced scorecard. d. Market Audit.

132. What is reciprocity?

a. Forcing a seller to buy something from the c.Offering a buyer a
company he or she is trying to sell to. personal favour in
exchange for placing an
b. Helping a company when it is in trouble, for

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example by giving extended credit, in the
expectation of an increase in purchases later as
a show of gratitude.

133. When is a market penetration strategy most effective?

a. When the firm is introducing a new c. When the firm is selling current
product to a current market. products in new markets.
b. When the firm is selling current d. When the firm is selling new
products in current markets. products in new markets.

134. What are switching costs?

a. The costs incurred by a c. The costs incurred by a
manufacturer in producing a new customer in changing suppliers.
b. The costs incurred by a d. None of the above.
distributor in redirecting

135. Which of the following is a reactive reason to globalize?

a. Profit advantage. c. Competitive pressures.
b. Technological advantage. d. Market Situation.

136. Which of the following is a proactive reason to globalize?

a. Overproduction. c. Excess capacity.
b. Managerial commitment. d. Economic factors.

137. What is an arrangement called whereby two companies with a common strategic goal make
a formal or informal agreement?
a. A licensing agreement. c. A strategic alliance.
b. A franchise agreement. d. Collaborative alliance.

138. What is a blocked market?

a. A market that has been divided c. A market that has a lot of
up among a group of firms. competition already present.
b. A market that has high trade d. A market that blocks
barriers. competitors.

139. Which of the following is a country consideration?

a. Market size and growth. c. Economic factors.
b. Competition. d. Trade policies.

140. Which of the following is NOT an environmental factor?

a. Demographic. c. Economic.
b. Financial. d. Legal.

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141. Which of the following is NOT a business customer?
a. Resellers. c. OEMs.
b. Institutional buyers. d. Suppliers.

142. Which of the following is NOT a component of Webster and wind Model?
a. Economic Variables. c. Organisational Variables.
b. Buying centre Variables. d. Conflict Resolution Variables.

143. Which of the following is a component conflict resolution method in joint decision making

a. Persuasion. c. Perceived Risk.

b. Perceptual Distortion. d. Degree of Centralisation.

144. Which of the following is NOT Included in Market Planning?

a. Identify source of Competitive c. Employee training.
b. Performance Measurement d.Resource Investment in

145. Which of the following is NOT a driving growth in B2B marketing?

a. Technology Revolution. c. Entrepreneurial Revolution.
b. Relationship Marketing. d. Competitive advantage.

146. Which of the following is NOT a key element in value creation in marketing mix?
a. Information Technology. c. Relationship Marketing.
b. Financial. d. Micro marketing.

147. Which of the following is NOT a process of channel design?

a. Need analysis. c. Evaluate channel alternatives.
b. Change in supplier. d. Consider channel constraints.

148. Who is a Market Nicher?

a. A marketer just below market leader. c. A marketer who copies the
b. A marketer who makes specific d.A marketer who leads the
product for specific customers market with high profit.

149. Which of the following is NOT considered a factor while pricing of industrial goods?
a. Market penetration. c. Survival.
b. Market growth. d. Product quality leadership.

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150. What is the present economic life of the assets borrowed in the financial leasing?
a. 75%. c. 60%.
b. 90%. d. 85%.


1.(a) 2.(a) 3.(d) 4.(a) 5.(a) 6.(a) 7.(d) 8.(d) 9.(d) 10.(d) 11.(a) 12.(c) 13.(a) 14.(a)
15.(c) 16.(b) 17.(b) 18.(c) 19.(a) 20.(b) 21.(a) 22.(c) 23.(a) 24.(b) 25.(c) 26.(a)
27.(b) 28.(c) 29.(a) 30.(b) 31.(a) 32.(b) 33.(c) 34.(d) 35.(d) 36.(a) 37.(d) 38.(b) 39.(a)
40.(d) 41.(a) 42.(b) 43.(a) 44.(b) 45.(d) 46.(b) 47.(a) 48.(a) 49.(c) 50.(a) 51.(c) 52.(a)
53.(c) 54.(b) 55.(a) 56.(b) 57.(c) 58.(c) 59.(a) 60.(b) 61.(c) 62.(b) 63.(b) 64.(a)
65.(b) 66.(a) 67.(b) 68.(a) 69.(b) 70.(c) 71.(b) 72.(b) 73.(a) 74.(c) 75.(a) 76.(b)
77.(a) 78.(b) 79.(c) 80.(b) 81.(c) 82.(c) 83.(a) 84.(c) 85.(b) 86.(c) 87.(b) 88.(c) 89.(a)
90.(a) 91.(b) 92.(c) 93.(a) 94.(b) 95.(c) 96.(b) 98.(c) 99.(a) 100.(b) 101.(a) 102.(c)
103.(b) 104.(a) 105.(c) 106.(a) 107.(b) 108.(b) 109.(b) 110.(a) 111.(c) 112.(a) 113.(c)
114.(c) 115.(a) 116.(b) 117.(b) 118.(b) 119.(a) 120.(b) 121.(c) 122.(c) 123.(a) 124.(c)
125.(b) 126.(c) 127.(c) 128.(a) 129.(b) 130.(b) 131.(b) 132.(a) 133.(b) 134.(c) 135.(c)
136.(b) 137.(c) 138.(b) 139.(c) 140.(b) 141.(d) 142.(d) 143.(a) 144.(c) 145.(d) 146.(b)
147.(b) 148.(b) 149.(b) 150.(b)

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