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The 21-Day Addiction-

Breaking Miracle Plan

State your desired result.
I am totally and completely free from being addicted to alcohol.

Associate a strong emotion to your desired result.

• I am totally and completely free from being addicted to alcohol.
• I move through social situations with ease and have total control over my
• I imagine myself at a party and I realize that I am perfectly at ease not drink-
ing. In fact, I like it better this way. (visual)
• My friends and family tell me they are amazed that I’ve gained so much
control. (auditory)
• I feel free for the first time in my life. (kinesthetic)

Create your plan and take action.

STEP #1: Don’t do the thing to which you are addicted

Write down the negative activity and then just don’t do it for 21-days.

STEP #2: Replace The Negative Habit with a Positive Habit

Write down your replacement to the negative activity.
The 21-Day Addiction-
Breaking Miracle Plan
State your desired result.

Associate a strong emotion to your desired result.

Create your plan and take action.

STEP #1: Don’t do the thing to which you are addicted

Write down your negative activity.

STEP #2: Replace The Negative Habit with a Positive Habit

Write down your replacement to the negative activity.

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