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Radon in Homes in England:

2016 Data Report

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Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Rees D M, Miller C A


This report provides a summary of just over 525,000 radon measurements made in homes in
England between 1980 and 2015. It updates the previous data review published in 2011 and
complements the radon atlas of England which was published in 2007. Results are displayed
in summary tables for a range of administrative areas, postcodes and NHS bodies and are
accompanied by a short descriptive text.

Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards Approval: November 2016
Public Health England
Chilton, Didcot
Oxfordshire OX11 0RQ

This report from the PHE Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards reflects understanding
and evaluation of the current scientific evidence as presented and referenced in this document.

Abstract i
1 Introduction 1
2 Measurements 1
3 Results 2
4 Conclusions 3
5 Acknowledgements 4
6 References 4
7 Glossary of terms 4
8 Tabular data 6


1 Introduction

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is present in all homes and is the major
source of ionising radiation exposure to the UK population. Where high levels are found, a
radon Action Level (200 Bq m-3) is used to advise householders on the need to take remedial
action in the home. For further information about the sources and properties of radon, its
health effects and the UK control strategy, please consult either the general Public Health
England (PHE) website or the
dedicated PHE radon website at
This report summarises and presents the data that PHE holds from just over 525,000 radon
measurements conducted in homes in England in the period between 1980 and 2015.
Results are presented in tabular format to illustrate the range and distribution of radon levels
in local Government administrative areas down to electoral ward. Results are also presented
using the postcode system down to sector level and by NHS health authority and clinical
commissioning group. To preserve confidentiality, results are not reported when there are
fewer than five measurements in the grouping.
This report complements the indicative atlas of England and Wales (Miles et al, 2007) which
shows the radon potential in map format and it updates and replaces the data tables
contained within the previous result summary (Rees et al, 2011).

2 Measurements

Radon measurements are normally made with two passive integrating detectors in each
home - one in the main living area and the other in a regularly used bedroom. This reflects
the parts of the home that are most occupied. The detectors are left in place for three months
and the individual results combined by applying both occupancy ratios to reflect typical
occupancy patterns and seasonal correction factors to reflect typical seasonal variations in
radon levels (Miles and Howarth, 2008) thereby giving an estimate of the annual average for
exposure from radon in the individual home. In some homes multiple measurements have
been recorded, for example when radon remedial works are undertaken. Throughout this
report only the earliest valid measurement for an address is used. The results rely on the
householder placing the detectors in accordance with our instructions.
The measurement results contained within this report have been collected from various
measurement programmes conducted by PHE (and previously HPA and NRPB) from 1980
through to 2015. These surveys were undertaken with the aim of finding homes with high
radon levels within the radon affected areas identified through the publication of radon maps
(Lomas et al, (1996), Green et al (2002), Miles et al (2007)). These surveys were not
designed to be statistically representative of large areas. To date only one fully
representative UK survey has been undertaken. That national survey (Wrixon et al, 1988)
was designed to obtain a population weighted sample of results throughout the UK. The
results from that survey remain the best estimate of the average domestic radon exposure
for England.

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Within previously published reports, result summaries were prepared alongside radon maps
and due to positional uncertainties a small number of results were excluded from the
mapping and the associated data. That constraint is not present in this report and therefore
allows a more comprehensive summary of the results than in previous publications. Due to
data cleaning some results that have appeared in previous reports are no longer contained
within this report as information now available indicates that the measurement is invalid.

3 Results

Tables 1 to 9 show the number and distribution of radon measurements in homes grouped
by different boundary systems relating to local authorities, unitary authorities, postcodes and
NHS bodies.
The tables show
• The total number of homes in the area
• How many homes in the area have PHE radon measurements
• The arithmetic and geometric average of the measured radon levels in the area
• The highest individual measurement in the area
• The number of homes measured at or above the Action Level in the area

The data is available in digital format for download on the website.

Table of Contents

Table 1 - Results by each home nation

Table 2 - Results in England by rural and metropolitan county
Table 3a - Results in England by local authority
Table 3b - Results in England by unitary authority
Table 4a - Results in England by electoral ward for local authorities
Table 4b - Results in England by electoral ward for unitary authorities
Table 5 - Results in England by postcode area
Table 6 - Results in England by postcode district
Table 7 - Results in England by postcode sector
Table 8 - Results in England by NHS health authority
Table 9 - Results in England by NHS clinical commissioning group

General notes
• In tables 1 - 9 the estimates of the number of addresses are derived from the
Royal Mail® Postal Address File (PAF®). PAF also provides administrative and health
authority information for each delivery point in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
• To avoid undue precision, all numbers other than averages have been
rounded to two or three significant figures


• For tables 4a, 4b, 6 and 7 only, where there are fewer than 5 results for a
particular grouping the data are not presented. For this reason, the sum of the sub-
totals for a set of constituent areas may be slightly less than the total for the
aggregate data
• Royal Mail® postcodes have four parts and read from left to right,
representing progressively smaller groups of addresses
• Postcodes have two elements (of two parts each) separated by a space
• The largest part (both in terms of geographical area and addresses) is the
postcode area
• The postcode area is given the first one or two alphabetical letters of the
postcode and refers to the post town (for example, OX for Oxford). A small number
of postcode areas have a single letter representing the post town (for example, B for
• Postcode districts consist of the postcode area and the numbers that make
up the first element of the full postcode. The postcode district of OX11 0RQ would be
• Postcode sectors consist of the postcode district together with the numerical
part of the second element. The postcode sector of OX11 0RQ would be OX11 0
• Neither postcode districts nor sectors are aligned to administrative
boundaries. A single postcode district or sector may cover two or more local
authorities or electoral wards
• There are 103 postcode areas in England although several cross the borders
with either Scotland or Wales. Only addresses with a CH, HR, LD, LL, NP or SY
postcode that lie in England have been included, addresses in Wales with these
postcodes have been excluded. For the TD postcode area only addresses in
England have been included, those in Scotland have been excluded. Postcode areas
that lie mainly in Wales or Scotland, and which have only very small numbers of
addresses in England, have been excluded to preserve privacy

4 Conclusions

This report presents summary results of the distribution of measured radon levels in homes
in England, grouped by various geographical areas. It complements the full radon probability
dataset described elsewhere (Miles et al, 2007).
While the data in this report give the distribution of measured radon levels in different areas
the results are biased towards measurements in targeted areas with higher radon probability.
The probability of any address exceeding the Action Level is best assessed using the full
radon probability dataset, accessible through The actual level of radon at
any specific address can only be determined through an appropriate radon measurement.

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

5 Acknowledgements

We wish to thank present and past members of the radon team at PHE and previously HPA
and NRPB for all their efforts.
The data reported were collected during many surveys carried out on behalf of the
government, local councils, landlords and individual householders.

6 References

Green BMR, Miles JCH, Bradley EJ, Rees DM (2002). Radon Atlas of England and Wales.
Chilton, NRPB-W26.

Lomas PR, Green BMR, Miles JCH, Kendall GM (1996). Radon Atlas of England. Chilton,

Miles JCH, Appleton JD, Rees DM, Green BMR, Adlam KAM, Myers AH (2007). Indicative
Atlas of Radon in England and Wales. Chilton, HPA-RPD-033.

Miles JCH and Howarth CB (2008). Validation scheme for organisations making
measurements of radon in dwellings: 2008 revision. Chilton, HPA-RPD-047.

Rees DM, Bradley EJ, Green BMR (2011). Radon in Homes in England and Wales: 2010
Data Review. Chilton, HPA-CRCE-015.

Wrixon, AD, Green BMR, Lomas PR, Miles JCH, Cliff KD, Francis EA, Driscoll CMH, James
AC and O'Riordan MC, 1988. Natural radiation exposure in UK dwellings. Chilton, NRPB-
R190 (London, HMSO).

7 Glossary of terms

Averages. Within this report numerical data are presented in two ways: arithmetic average
and geometric average. The arithmetic average is derived from summing the results by
grouped unit then dividing by the number of results. The geometric average is the nth root of
the product of n results.
Becquerel. Symbol Bq. The SI unit of radioactivity and measures the activity of a
radionuclide transformation or decay. An activity of 1 becquerel denotes an activity of 1
nuclear transformation or decay per second.
Becquerel per cubic metre of air. Symbol Bq m-3. A quantity indicating the amount of
radionuclide transformation in each cubic metre of air per second. Often referred to as the
activity concentration.

Glossary of terms

Population-weighted average. The value obtained for the analysis of a sample selected in
which each member of the population has an equal chance of inclusion in the sample. In the
specific case of the UK National Radon Survey (Wrixon et al 1988), the population was every
domestic address in the UK and a systematic sample was taken, ie every Nth address, from
all domestic addresses listed in postcode order.
Radon Action Level. The activity concentration of radon in UK homes above which
reduction is advised. Its value, expressed as the annual average radon gas concentration in
the home, is 200 Bq m-3.
Radon Affected Areas. Parts of the country with a 1% or greater probability of present or
future homes being at or above the Action Level.

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

8 Tabular data

Table 1 Summary data by home nation for the United Kingdom

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Nation Total Measured Weighted
Average Average Action
England 23,500,000 525,000 105 55 21 64,900
790,000 24,400 70 46 19 1,300
Scotland 2,570,000 27,900 58 28 16 1,400
Wales 1,400,000 18,400 90 51 20 1,900
UK Total 28,260,000 595,700 101 53 20 69,500

Tabular data

Table 2 Summary data by rural and metropolitan counties

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
County Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Buckinghamshire 217,000 710 48 36 300 12
Cambridgeshire 273,000 1,300 38 27 990 14
Cumbria 245,000 7,000 98 61 2,900 780
Derbyshire 355,000 38,200 103 49 7,000 4,600
Devon 361,000 74,600 100 54 22,000 8,400
Dorset 199,000 1,400 44 29 740 34
East Sussex 241,000 640 63 34 740 53
Essex 624,000 610 24 19 140 0
Gloucestershire 280,000 12,600 96 56 6,900 1,400
Hampshire 582,000 1,400 52 32 1,100 50
Hertfordshire 484,000 560 41 30 600 3
Kent 646,000 2,800 40 27 830 43
Lancashire 533,000 2,700 77 48 1,300 220
Leicestershire 290,000 2,800 72 40 1,700 190
Lincolnshire 334,000 13,700 82 52 2,000 1,200
Norfolk 410,000 1,100 32 25 300 4
North Yorkshire 278,000 4,200 75 45 2,500 330
Northamptonshire 313,000 82,400 71 40 7,100 5,900
Nottinghamshire 358,000 7,400 67 38 5,000 410
Oxfordshire 282,000 15,600 101 60 3,300 1,900
Somerset 250,000 35,000 63 42 4,800 1,600
Staffordshire 374,000 1,600 79 40 4,600 130
Suffolk 337,000 940 34 25 390 9
Surrey 488,000 430 33 23 530 5
Warwickshire 247,000 1,300 47 34 1,300 24
West Sussex 370,000 800 52 34 1,100 24
Worcestershire 256,000 770 41 31 850 9
Greater London 3,310,000 720 28 18 580 4
1,200,000 760 25 17 740 6
Merseyside 630,000 170 16 12 81 0
South Yorkshire 603,000 1,800 43 28 630 42
Tyne and Wear 513,000 150 27 13 890 2
West Midlands 1,160,000 380 25 18 330 4
West Yorkshire 990,000 1,500 50 32 820 48

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 3a Summary data by borough, district and city councils

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Local Authority Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Aylesbury Vale 77,700 320 42 32 300 4
Chiltern 39,300 180 56 44 240 3
South Bucks 28,700 40 33 25 170 0
Wycombe 71,500 180 56 39 280 5

Cambridge 51,800 44 28 23 120 0
East Cambridgeshire 37,100 160 32 25 220 1
Fenland 44,200 95 26 20 240 1
Huntingdonshire 75,000 580 46 31 990 11
South Cambridgeshire 64,900 370 33 27 250 1

Allerdale 47,100 380 39 25 990 11
Barrow-in-Furness 33,300 70 41 23 380 1
Carlisle 51,300 210 29 19 300 2
Copeland 33,400 280 56 30 1,600 13
Eden 26,200 470 49 30 2,100 7
South Lakeland 53,900 5,600 111 76 2,900 750

Amber Valley 56,400 3,300 49 31 2,600 110
Bolsover 35,300 2,900 43 27 1,400 66
Chesterfield 49,200 2,700 34 23 500 40
Derbyshire Dales 33,900 14,200 140 72 6,900 2,600
Erewash 51,500 1,300 33 25 300 8
High Peak 41,600 7,500 155 65 7,000 1,600
North East Derbyshire 45,100 4,700 67 42 1,400 250
South Derbyshire 41,800 1,500 30 24 530 2

East Devon 67,400 8,800 44 32 1,600 130
Exeter 53,500 5,300 35 26 910 36
Mid Devon 35,400 4,400 57 39 1,800 130
North Devon 43,800 7,700 68 44 2,800 380
South Hams 43,900 21,500 117 68 11,000 3,200
Teignbridge 60,100 10,000 108 54 8,100 1,300
Torridge 31,400 3,700 54 39 980 94
West Devon 25,300 13,200 177 101 22,000 3,200

Christchurch 23,900 9 23 21 45 0
East Dorset 39,800 87 30 23 130 0
North Dorset 31,400 260 45 33 470 6
Purbeck 22,500 320 33 22 740 4

Tabular data

Table 3a Summary data by borough, district and city councils

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Local Authority Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
West Dorset 50,500 450 49 34 480 12
Weymouth and Portland 30,900 290 50 30 320 12

East Sussex
Eastbourne 46,100 31 23 17 73 0
Hastings 38,500 23 29 21 110 0
Lewes 44,000 320 102 59 740 53
Rother 44,300 110 22 19 83 0
Wealden 67,800 160 27 21 150 0

Basildon 77,500 18 17 13 66 0
Braintree 63,900 100 26 21 140 0
Brentwood 33,100 20 22 17 60 0
Castle Point 37,800 13 9 8 14 0
Chelmsford 73,700 54 24 20 96 0
Colchester 79,000 65 25 20 140 0
Epping Forest 55,800 45 18 15 60 0
Harlow 36,800 11 25 18 81 0
Maldon 27,200 66 22 19 77 0
Rochford 35,500 24 19 17 67 0
Tendring 68,000 81 22 18 90 0
Uttlesford 35,300 110 28 23 100 0

Cheltenham 54,300 150 34 26 190 0
Cotswold 41,600 3,700 79 51 1,400 290
Forest of Dean 37,600 4,100 123 62 6,900 670
Gloucester 55,700 37 27 21 73 0
Stroud 52,000 4,500 90 59 2,700 400
Tewkesbury 39,200 140 47 30 790 4

Basingstoke and Deane 74,100 170 51 32 680 8
East Hampshire 51,100 500 78 49 1,100 35
Eastleigh 54,300 24 30 22 120 0
Fareham 49,100 28 31 21 190 0
Gosport 37,200 14 28 23 59 0
Hart 38,400 55 26 18 200 1
Havant 54,600 38 60 26 790 3
New Forest 80,900 120 23 18 100 0
Rushmoor 39,100 8 12 10 20 0
Test Valley 52,600 150 35 27 250 2
Winchester 50,900 250 38 30 320 1


Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 3a Summary data by borough, district and city councils

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Local Authority Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Broxbourne 40,300 8 19 15 44 0
Dacorum 63,100 170 52 39 600 2
East Hertfordshire 60,800 89 35 28 170 0
Hertsmere 42,700 32 23 16 87 0
North Hertfordshire 57,000 82 33 26 170 0
St Albans 59,600 62 48 36 240 1
Stevenage 36,500 16 35 26 150 0
Three Rivers 37,300 59 50 34 180 0
Watford 39,000 9 24 23 43 0
Welwyn Hatfield 47,700 26 23 20 55 0

Ashford 52,400 130 27 22 140 0
Canterbury 66,000 160 85 42 830 19
Dartford 43,300 38 42 30 160 0
Dover 50,800 170 47 32 510 5
Gravesham 42,300 27 55 30 240 1
Maidstone 68,300 92 37 28 220 1
Sevenoaks 49,600 1,800 36 26 420 13
Shepway 48,600 140 40 28 250 1
Swale 59,900 80 39 28 240 1
Thanet 64,200 49 36 25 240 1
Tonbridge and Malling 52,100 49 39 28 140 0
Tunbridge Wells 48,300 50 35 24 370 1

Burnley 40,900 14 18 14 57 0
Chorley 49,700 31 23 17 160 0
Fylde 36,400 24 14 13 33 0
Hyndburn 37,000 14 30 19 180 0
Lancaster 61,400 1,900 90 61 1,300 180
Pendle 40,500 61 33 25 160 0
Preston 61,200 27 20 17 58 0
Ribble Valley 26,000 380 68 44 900 23
Rossendale 31,900 35 44 28 220 2
South Ribble 49,000 22 20 13 98 0
West Lancashire 48,600 190 40 23 350 7
Wyre 50,300 57 23 16 180 0

Blaby 41,100 68 27 22 130 0
Charnwood 72,700 170 41 26 1,000 2
Harborough 38,200 940 50 35 690 25
Hinckley and Bosworth 49,000 180 27 24 120 0
Melton 22,700 1,000 118 64 1,700 160
North West Leicestershire 42,800 350 43 30 1,300 6

Tabular data

Table 3a Summary data by borough, district and city councils

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Local Authority Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Oadby and Wigston 23,000 19 26 20 110 0

Boston 29,100 66 28 22 88 0
East Lindsey 65,700 510 42 28 500 11
Lincoln 44,600 350 48 37 370 6
North Kesteven 49,800 10,100 89 57 2,000 960
South Holland 39,900 140 29 23 130 0
South Kesteven 62,400 1,400 84 50 1,500 130
West Lindsey 42,200 1,200 57 40 1,100 41

Breckland 59,700 270 38 29 300 2
Broadland 56,300 110 29 23 150 0
Great Yarmouth 45,000 40 21 17 78 0
King's Lynn and West
72,100 280 31 24 230 2
North Norfolk 53,700 200 31 25 180 0
Norwich 65,200 49 21 17 91 0
South Norfolk 58,500 150 31 26 130 0

North Yorkshire
Craven 27,300 1,300 90 59 2,500 120
Hambleton 40,400 350 41 29 400 6
Harrogate 70,500 380 40 28 300 6
Richmondshire 22,800 1,400 100 62 1,400 180
Ryedale 25,200 500 46 30 710 13
Scarborough 53,800 250 34 24 330 4
Selby 37,600 110 33 21 440 2

Corby 28,700 1,700 57 31 1,800 73
Daventry 34,400 7,000 75 40 4,900 580
East Northamptonshire 39,000 7,300 72 45 2,000 500
Kettering 43,400 13,700 104 59 3,000 1,800
Northampton 95,300 31,600 57 33 7,100 1,500
South Northamptonshire 37,900 5,900 70 43 2,400 420
Wellingborough 34,600 15,300 68 38 2,900 1,100

Ashfield 54,900 2,100 75 39 5,000 140
Bassetlaw 51,300 150 30 23 300 1
Broxtowe 49,800 3,100 77 45 4,100 230
Gedling 52,000 43 35 26 190 0
Mansfield 48,900 1,200 50 34 870 33
Newark and Sherwood 53,000 180 34 25 300 2

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 3a Summary data by borough, district and city councils

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Local Authority Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Rushcliffe 48,400 600 37 26 500 4

Cherwell 61,700 10,000 105 61 3,300 1,300
Oxford 59,200 62 30 23 200 1
South Oxfordshire 59,400 280 40 30 260 4
Vale of White Horse 54,500 260 38 28 670 2
West Oxfordshire 47,000 5,000 100 63 2,400 550

Mendip 50,600 9,900 79 50 4,800 800
Sedgemoor 53,500 4,400 50 35 1,000 110
South Somerset 75,600 15,400 58 40 2,900 530
Taunton Deane 52,300 3,300 51 39 860 73
West Somerset 17,700 2,100 62 43 1,500 86

Cannock Chase 42,600 15 22 17 86 0
East Staffordshire 50,500 370 37 28 560 3
Lichfield 44,200 58 25 20 110 0
Newcastle-under-Lyme 55,500 50 28 23 95 0
South Staffordshire 46,400 72 26 22 71 0
Stafford 58,200 160 32 24 330 1
Staffordshire Moorlands 43,900 850 120 59 4,600 130
Tamworth 32,300 21 35 23 220 1

Babergh 40,000 130 28 22 160 0
Forest Heath 29,400 69 29 24 94 0
Ipswich 60,100 15 32 28 76 0
Mid Suffolk 43,200 130 28 23 170 0
St Edmundsbury 48,100 110 33 24 160 0
Suffolk Coastal 60,300 410 41 29 390 9
Waveney 56,100 76 23 18 110 0

Elmbridge 57,000 29 23 18 110 0
Epsom and Ewell 31,800 17 35 23 160 0
Guildford 57,900 58 30 20 220 1
Mole Valley 37,600 67 35 26 130 0
Reigate and Banstead 59,800 40 36 25 220 1
Runnymede 35,100 17 25 18 130 0
Spelthorne 42,100 16 33 26 100 0
Surrey Heath 35,900 20 20 16 61 0
Tandridge 36,000 81 47 32 430 2
Waverley 52,300 70 24 20 110 0

Tabular data

Table 3a Summary data by borough, district and city councils

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Local Authority Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Woking 42,200 15 53 22 530 1

North Warwickshire 27,600 42 27 20 240 1
Nuneaton and Bedworth 55,900 92 26 19 190 0
Rugby 45,300 560 48 35 1,100 6
Stratford-on-Avon 56,400 530 54 37 1,300 16
Warwick 61,500 89 38 29 240 1

West Sussex
Adur 28,100 75 62 42 260 2
Arun 73,200 140 53 38 330 3
Chichester 55,800 190 40 28 330 3
Crawley 44,000 18 34 24 150 0
Horsham 59,500 130 27 21 170 0
Mid Sussex 61,300 80 27 22 95 0
Worthing 48,500 170 92 61 1,100 16

Bromsgrove 40,700 42 45 22 850 1
Malvern Hills 34,200 310 47 35 330 7
Redditch 36,300 10 19 17 45 0
Worcester 45,000 120 39 32 170 0
Wychavon 54,500 250 37 30 180 0
Wyre Forest 45,400 47 31 20 330 1

Greater London
Barking and Dagenham 74,500 11 13 12 23 0
Barnet 140,000 29 17 15 34 0
Bexley 97,600 30 33 27 86 0
Brent 103,000 12 12 9 29 0
Bromley 138,000 110 54 34 580 3
Camden 84,700 17 10 7 28 0
City of London 6,900 0 0 0 0 0
Croydon 151,000 40 46 30 350 1
Ealing 126,000 17 25 16 110 0
Enfield 121,000 19 20 16 70 0
Greenwich 109,000 35 23 16 160 0
Hackney 101,000 15 16 12 64 0
Hammersmith and Fulham 73,200 9 19 13 62 0
Haringey 91,600 10 19 13 60 0
Harrow 89,400 22 23 16 96 0
Havering 104,000 23 16 14 47 0
Hillingdon 109,000 35 26 18 84 0
Hounslow 97,500 9 21 19 45 0
Islington 89,500 10 9 7 21 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 3a Summary data by borough, district and city councils

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Local Authority Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Kensington and Chelsea 66,400 14 28 17 140 0
Kingston upon Thames 65,500 17 15 13 29 0
Lambeth 123,000 19 21 13 91 0
Lewisham 119,000 27 22 18 86 0
Merton 82,500 20 18 15 48 0
Newham 108,000 15 22 16 70 0
Redbridge 102,000 15 17 14 45 0
Richmond upon Thames 81,200 29 21 18 59 0
Southwark 130,000 29 15 12 45 0
Sutton 81,500 23 53 33 180 0
Tower Hamlets 123,000 18 15 12 31 0
Waltham Forest 98,100 13 14 11 24 0
Wandsworth 129,000 21 23 14 79 0
Westminster 98,300 12 15 8 61 0

Greater Manchester
Bolton 124,000 31 19 14 98 0
Bury 83,400 33 19 15 78 0
Manchester 222,000 18 12 10 29 0
Oldham 96,300 90 29 19 370 2
Rochdale 93,400 28 20 16 52 0
Salford 114,000 20 20 15 63 0
Stockport 128,000 180 30 20 320 2
Tameside 102,000 290 25 17 740 2
Trafford 98,000 24 14 12 41 0
Wigan 143,000 44 19 14 79 0

Knowsley 66,400 17 13 11 37 0
Liverpool 210,000 32 16 12 63 0
Sefton 124,000 39 10 9 25 0
St. Helens 81,800 27 17 13 64 0
Wirral 147,000 59 20 16 81 0

South Yorkshire
Barnsley 109,000 250 42 26 440 7
Doncaster 134,000 310 47 30 630 12
Rotherham 116,000 340 39 28 630 4
Sheffield 244,000 880 43 29 540 19

Tyne and Wear

Gateshead 93,800 36 17 12 75 0
Newcastle upon Tyne 125,000 31 14 11 60 0
North Tyneside 96,600 28 15 10 71 0
South Tyneside 71,500 15 18 14 66 0
Sunderland 126,000 36 60 23 890 2

Tabular data

Table 3a Summary data by borough, district and city councils

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Local Authority Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action

West Midlands
Birmingham 435,000 74 16 13 66 0
Coventry 138,000 39 22 17 100 0
Dudley 138,000 69 41 27 330 3
Sandwell 132,000 27 24 15 180 0
Solihull 90,600 54 20 17 47 0
Walsall 115,000 42 24 20 81 0
Wolverhampton 109,000 75 27 19 210 1

West Yorkshire
Bradford 214,000 230 54 34 410 10
Calderdale 95,200 160 58 34 820 9
Kirklees 184,000 270 57 33 640 14
Leeds 344,000 590 41 29 410 8
Wakefield 152,000 190 56 33 650 7

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 3b Summary data by unitary authority

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Unitary Authority Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Bath and North East
75,500 17,600 91 57 2,800 1,800
Bedford 71,300 260 35 27 190 0
Blackburn with Darwen 61,000 30 17 14 47 0
Blackpool 66,100 9 9 6 39 0
Bournemouth 86,400 18 16 13 44 0
Bracknell Forest 48,400 20 17 14 45 0
Brighton and Hove 113,000 170 48 26 400 6
City of Bristol 189,000 460 57 39 620 16
Central Bedfordshire 115,000 180 31 25 96 0
Cheshire East 170,000 540 26 20 200 1
Cheshire West and Chester 153,000 250 31 22 680 2
Cornwall 264,000 121,000 187 105 24,000 32,000
County Durham 240,000 440 35 22 620 8
Darlington 49,800 40 31 23 160 0
Derby 109,000 4,100 29 23 360 10
East Riding of Yorkshire 152,000 540 33 24 320 3
Halton 55,900 51 38 26 160 0
Hartlepool 43,500 26 27 18 210 1
County of Herefordshire 83,400 1,100 63 44 1,400 54
Isle of Wight 69,800 120 34 23 430 3
Isles of Scilly 1,200 370 95 64 950 34
City of Kingston upon Hull 117,000 29 17 14 83 0
Leicester 132,000 39 40 30 160 0
Luton 78,400 22 25 18 76 0
Medway 114,000 100 47 32 400 3
Middlesbrough 62,500 18 17 14 41 0
Milton Keynes 109,000 300 38 28 410 5
North East Lincolnshire 73,000 31 27 19 140 0
North Lincolnshire 74,800 270 44 31 670 5
North Somerset 92,900 1,300 74 55 680 62
Northumberland 151,000 2,100 72 43 900 160
Nottingham 133,000 1,100 51 39 450 21
Peterborough 82,400 360 53 37 610 11
Plymouth 112,000 21,500 66 47 1,800 900
Poole 68,300 38 24 14 230 1
Portsmouth 87,200 19 15 14 32 0
Reading 68,000 28 36 26 130 0
Redcar and Cleveland 63,000 75 37 21 570 2
Rutland 17,100 5,200 119 69 3,400 780
Shropshire 139,000 3,500 78 50 2,200 270
Slough 53,300 10 16 14 30 0
South Gloucestershire 115,000 750 49 35 620 13
Southampton 105,000 18 17 12 61 0
Southend-on-Sea 79,000 15 24 19 90 0
Stockton-on-Tees 84,900 130 39 25 490 2

Tabular data

Table 3b Summary data by unitary authority

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Unitary Authority Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Stoke-on-Trent 115,000 44 29 21 110 0
Swindon 94,100 80 28 20 260 1
Telford and Wrekin 73,300 380 36 26 510 5
Thurrock 66,200 32 21 19 39 0
Torbay 63,900 19,300 73 48 2,500 1,200
Warrington 92,000 35 16 14 36 0
West Berkshire 66,800 170 32 24 250 1
Wiltshire 213,000 1,900 81 43 1,400 170
Windsor and Maidenhead 63,000 87 50 37 260 1
Wokingham 64,400 200 42 29 340 2
York 87,700 48 21 14 170 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Aylesbury Vale
Aston Clinton &
4,000 11 24 22 42 0
Stoke Mandeville
Buckingham North 2,900 8 109 66 300 2
Buckingham South 2,700 9 38 32 79 0
Edlesborough 1,300 6 43 40 79 0
Great Brickhill &
2,500 13 33 29 75 0
Newton Longville
Great Horwood 1,400 9 32 28 66 0
1,400 19 43 33 190 0
Underwood & Brill
Haddenham &
3,900 37 56 44 220 1
Long Crendon 1,400 14 55 50 110 0
Luffield Abbey 1,100 14 36 32 80 0
Marsh Gibbon 1,400 10 27 22 59 0
Oakley 1,200 13 26 20 68 0
Pitstone &
2,600 7 30 26 73 0
Quainton 1,300 13 30 29 57 0
Steeple Claydon 1,300 8 21 19 34 0
Stewkley 1,400 9 48 38 110 0
Tingewick 1,500 44 51 38 170 0
Waddesdon 1,300 8 27 24 55 0
Wendover &
3,800 8 26 25 37 0
Wing 1,300 16 57 42 230 1
Wingrave 1,300 6 25 24 33 0
Winslow 2,800 13 22 20 41 0

Amersham Town 2,100 8 69 63 130 0
2,200 7 34 32 61 0
Asheridge Vale
2,000 9 72 56 150 0
and Lowndes
Ashley Green,
Latimer and 910 6 49 46 76 0
Ballinger, South
Heath and 920 11 79 60 230 1
Chalfont St Giles 2,900 7 31 25 67 0
Chesham Bois and
2,100 14 42 35 78 0
Weedon Hill
Cholesbury, the
950 9 36 35 64 0
Lee and Bellingdon
Great Missenden 1,000 13 75 56 240 2

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Hilltop and
2,100 12 57 48 120 0
Holmer Green 1,700 5 41 33 70 0
Little Chalfont 2,300 7 41 37 80 0
Little Missenden 940 7 58 48 160 0
Newtown 1,000 11 68 45 160 0
Prestwood and
2,700 23 66 54 160 0
Heath End
Ridgeway 1,100 5 42 38 72 0
Vale 870 5 102 97 170 0

South Bucks
Gerrards Cross 3,200 5 33 30 47 0

Bledlow and
1,100 13 54 38 180 0
Chiltern Rise 2,400 11 69 48 240 1
Downley and
2,000 6 30 28 41 0
Plomer Hill
3,400 19 82 66 180 0
Hambleden Valley 1,200 18 54 44 150 0
Hazlemere North 1,900 9 70 57 150 0
Icknield 1,300 11 28 23 60 0
Lacey Green,
Speen and The 1,100 11 93 56 280 2
Marlow North and
4,000 11 63 52 130 0
Stokenchurch and
2,400 15 83 57 280 2
The Risboroughs 3,700 18 27 22 89 0
The Wooburns 2,400 7 25 21 45 0

King's Hedges 4,000 6 22 18 41 0
Newnham 2,000 7 28 23 62 0
Trumpington 6,100 5 23 21 35 0
West Chesterton 3,800 6 28 23 76 0

East Cambridgeshire
Bottisham 1,700 15 20 19 54 0
Burwell 2,700 15 32 28 72 0
Downham Villages 1,900 15 27 25 61 0
Ely East 2,100 6 52 33 140 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Ely North 3,200 12 29 26 53 0
Ely South 1,800 5 19 17 35 0
Ely West 2,000 7 40 34 80 0
Fordham Villages 1,700 9 25 21 52 0
Haddenham 2,600 13 33 26 130 0
Littleport East 2,400 9 25 18 95 0
Littleport West 1,600 5 20 19 29 0
Soham South 3,200 7 24 20 49 0
Stretham 1,700 11 30 26 50 0
Sutton 1,700 13 53 39 220 1
The Swaffhams 880 10 49 40 130 0

Benwick, Coates &
1,900 14 41 29 240 1
Doddington &
2,000 13 24 19 92 0
Elm & Christchurch 2,100 8 23 20 53 0
Manea 1,100 7 20 17 45 0
Parson Drove &
2,300 8 25 15 86 0
Wisbech St Mary
Roman Bank 3,100 13 31 27 86 0

Alconbury and The
1,500 7 38 31 74 0
Brampton 2,800 8 25 20 57 0
Buckden 1,500 7 23 22 41 0
Earith 2,500 88 85 53 990 6
Ellington 1,300 22 25 20 140 0
Elton and
1,200 210 55 39 630 5
Gransden and The
1,900 17 31 28 55 0
Kimbolton and
1,400 13 22 19 61 0
Ramsey 3,800 16 27 22 80 0
Sawtry 3,000 9 21 17 59 0
Somersham 2,600 17 33 30 79 0
Stilton 1,300 9 17 15 35 0
The Hemingfords 2,900 8 31 27 76 0
Upwood and The
1,500 12 20 19 32 0
Warboys and Bury 2,600 10 25 21 53 0
Yaxley and Farcet 4,600 93 24 19 110 0

South Cambridgeshire
Balsham 1,900 23 22 20 47 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Bourn 4,800 6 20 17 48 0
Cottenham 3,500 6 31 29 52 0
Fulbourn 2,100 9 38 34 80 0
Gamlingay 2,200 15 34 28 100 0
Linton 2,100 5 40 35 67 0
Melbourn 2,400 5 29 20 76 0
Orwell and
1,100 10 51 41 120 0
Papworth and
2,500 8 17 17 25 0
Swavesey 1,000 6 22 21 29 0
The Abingtons 1,000 7 37 27 110 0
The Mordens 1,000 8 20 19 31 0
The Shelfords and
3,300 7 32 29 68 0
The Wilbrahams 1,200 7 32 29 57 0
Willingham and
2,900 190 34 28 250 1

All Saints 2,200 11 29 24 79 0
Aspatria 1,600 12 26 19 120 0
Boltons 950 41 59 39 380 3
Broughton St
2,000 13 40 32 83 0
Christchurch 1,900 6 23 22 36 0
Crummock 800 37 28 25 59 0
Dalton 840 18 91 59 330 3
Derwent Valley 920 27 35 24 190 0
Ellen 1,600 6 19 14 49 0
Holme 800 22 27 24 49 0
Keswick 3,200 13 22 20 38 0
Marsh 730 43 30 18 250 2
Seaton 2,300 6 48 36 140 0
Silloth 1,600 14 26 20 64 0
Solway 720 9 27 21 72 0
St Michael's 2,700 6 29 24 63 0
Wampool 730 8 15 14 30 0
Warnell 880 26 48 31 280 1
Waver 770 20 22 18 90 0
Wharrels 720 19 84 35 990 1
Wigton 2,800 5 36 17 100 0

Dalton North 2,800 18 53 36 190 0
Dalton South 2,900 15 82 53 380 1

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Hawcoat 2,400 5 34 31 45 0
Parkside 2,400 5 27 19 56 0
Roosecote 2,200 7 18 15 37 0
Walney South 2,500 6 10 9 16 0

Brampton 2,300 6 21 18 55 0
Burgh 900 14 20 15 70 0
Dalston 3,000 10 31 20 150 0
Great Corby and
980 22 48 36 170 0
Hayton 970 7 26 24 38 0
Irthing 910 42 44 25 300 2
Longtown &
1,900 29 18 15 53 0
Lyne 860 47 23 18 110 0
Stanwix Rural 2,200 12 19 12 84 0

Arlecdon 740 22 26 25 48 0
Beckermet 1,400 11 43 33 170 0
Bootle 670 24 28 23 74 0
Distington 1,900 9 16 13 24 0
Egremont South 1,900 7 48 41 120 0
Ennerdale 500 74 134 66 1,600 13
Frizington 1,300 6 16 14 34 0
Gosforth 720 12 34 28 78 0
Holborn Hill 1,200 5 51 20 190 0
Millom Without 700 31 24 22 58 0
Newtown 1,800 10 24 20 50 0
Seascale 1,400 29 33 27 96 0
St Bees 820 9 26 22 55 0

Alston Moor 1,100 24 42 24 190 0
Appleby (Bongate) 840 8 32 25 94 0
Askham 760 23 30 25 120 0
Brough 640 24 61 41 320 1
670 30 53 42 130 0
Dacre 710 11 84 68 170 0
Eamont 820 6 63 53 110 0
Greystoke 810 30 31 24 160 0
Hartside 600 9 28 27 42 0
Hesket 1,300 21 25 20 72 0
Kirkby Stephen 1,400 26 48 37 170 0
Kirkby Thore 700 13 24 21 60 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Kirkoswald 650 12 30 26 49 0
Langwathby 720 12 27 22 65 0
Lazonby 720 11 19 17 36 0
Long Marton 600 12 33 27 68 0
Morland 600 16 125 57 680 3
Orton with Tebay 720 32 39 26 320 1
Ravenstonedale 500 33 54 38 180 0
Shap 690 17 48 35 150 0
Skelton 650 28 76 30 1,200 1
Ullswater 820 45 75 27 2,100 1
Warcop 650 14 30 25 99 0

South Lakeland
Ambleside and
2,800 31 35 27 110 0
Arnside and
2,100 1,100 145 103 1,400 230
Broughton 1,200 25 66 40 450 2
Burneside 980 14 53 33 190 0
Burton and Holme 1,700 580 93 64 2,900 42
Cartmel and
990 440 114 86 1,100 54
Grange West
Coniston and
1,100 28 28 25 68 0
Crake Valley
Crooklands 980 410 96 71 1,200 37
Grange North 1,400 550 116 79 1,300 92
Grange South 960 420 138 108 870 89
Hawkshead 1,200 31 48 37 240 1
Holker 1,000 280 100 68 980 30
Kendal Fell 1,400 13 80 53 230 2
Kendal Highgate 1,200 14 124 80 440 3
Kendal Oxenholme
1,000 310 104 73 680 38
and Natland
Kendal Parks 870 6 45 43 69 0
Kendal Strickland 1,000 10 43 40 100 0
Levens 1,000 210 140 103 1,100 36
Low Furness 840 22 77 49 230 2
Lyth Valley 1,200 350 83 51 1,300 25
Mid Furness 1,900 33 61 35 440 2
Milnthorpe 1,000 330 102 75 1,100 34
Sedbergh and
3,200 140 103 59 580 22
Kirkby Lonsdale
1,100 67 79 45 730 6
1,200 21 34 28 120 0
Ulverston Central 780 9 66 47 180 0
Ulverston East 1,100 5 38 27 100 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Ulverston North 1,100 13 113 91 290 2
Ulverston South 830 5 49 48 68 0
Ulverston West 860 8 57 40 120 0
Whinfell 870 45 38 32 110 0
Applethwaite and 1,300 12 49 40 120 0
1,500 5 27 26 38 0
Bowness South

Amber Valley
Alfreton 3,800 130 28 21 220 1
Alport 1,100 290 57 38 1,100 12
Belper Central 2,700 160 54 36 480 6
Belper East 2,600 110 34 27 220 1
Belper North 2,300 230 60 39 1,000 10
Belper South 2,600 130 83 48 1,900 7
Codnor and
2,200 120 32 23 240 1
Crich 1,100 210 86 39 2,600 20
Duffield 2,200 43 51 42 190 0
Heage and
2,200 220 58 40 430 10
Heanor and
2,400 100 32 23 190 0
Heanor East 2,600 76 28 21 240 1
Heanor West 2,800 88 27 21 110 0
Ironville and
2,700 89 43 25 950 2
Kilburn, Denby and
3,600 290 39 29 340 4
Langley Mill and
2,600 11 31 21 88 0
Ripley 4,300 210 35 26 480 2
Ripley and
2,600 150 41 26 460 3
Shipley Park,
Horsley and
2,600 170 50 30 450 8
Somercotes 2,900 77 28 22 110 0
South West
1,300 120 55 40 360 4
Swanwick 2,300 120 37 27 290 3
Wingfield 1,100 170 68 43 460 10

Barlborough 1,400 93 50 26 1,200 2

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Blackwell 2,000 150 44 25 850 3
Bolsover North
1,900 240 33 22 360 2
Bolsover South 1,800 250 58 35 1,400 9
Bolsover West 1,800 300 28 20 290 1
Clowne North 1,900 120 54 35 480 7
Clowne South 1,800 140 41 28 530 3
2,900 170 30 22 380 1
Pinxton 2,000 60 32 21 190 0
Pleasley 1,900 310 89 55 920 28
Scarcliffe 1,900 180 47 35 310 3
Shirebrook East 870 21 20 15 70 0
870 28 21 18 50 0
Shirebrook North
1,200 52 24 19 99 0
Shirebrook South
940 30 34 27 160 0
Shirebrook South
1,100 40 30 15 280 2
South Normanton
2,100 93 39 27 180 0
South Normanton
2,900 190 25 19 110 0
Tibshelf 2,200 220 37 22 970 4
Whitwell 1,800 200 38 27 200 1

Barrow Hill and
2,800 480 39 26 500 12
New Whittington
Brimington North 1,900 74 36 21 450 1
Brimington South 2,800 200 33 21 490 4
Brockwell 2,900 69 56 36 410 3
Dunston 3,100 180 21 15 140 0
Hasland 3,000 67 31 21 220 1
Hollingwood and
3,300 180 28 21 460 1
Holmebrook 2,400 78 24 19 95 0
Linacre 1,700 93 21 16 210 1
Loundsley Green 2,100 130 25 16 360 2
Lowgates and
2,100 160 43 26 440 6
Middlecroft and
2,100 150 31 22 160 0
Moor 2,200 93 40 28 280 1
Old Whittington 2,100 160 36 25 240 1
Rother 3,200 200 29 22 210 1

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
St Helen's 2,300 100 44 27 390 3
St Leonard's 3,900 49 48 30 480 1
Walton 2,600 130 33 25 180 0
West 2,800 120 39 29 280 2

Derbyshire Dales
Ashbourne North 1,800 450 45 36 730 5
Ashbourne South 2,200 320 32 25 290 1
Bakewell 2,400 1,500 195 109 4,900 390
Bradwell 930 620 262 141 4,600 230
Brailsford 750 150 36 29 150 0
Calver 900 610 159 87 4,500 130
Carsington Water 880 290 95 59 790 33
Chatsworth 840 440 62 46 470 17
Clifton and Bradley 810 190 45 34 530 2
Darley Dale 2,700 610 47 36 660 10
Dovedale and
760 440 168 104 1,500 110
Doveridge and
840 140 41 34 150 0
Hartington and
780 420 210 129 4,400 140
Hathersage and
1,800 930 127 57 3,500 130
Hulland 800 260 47 35 530 5
Lathkill and
830 590 256 145 2,900 230
Litton and
850 530 171 111 1,900 130
Masson 1,500 910 168 92 3,900 210
Matlock All Saints 2,700 730 82 44 2,800 55
Matlock St Giles 2,500 1,100 124 61 2,400 170
Norbury 730 150 34 27 160 0
Stanton 850 340 84 43 6,900 20
Tideswell 960 510 204 115 3,600 140
Winster and South
830 490 146 85 2,000 100
Wirksworth 2,900 1,500 142 83 2,400 300

Awsworth Road 2,400 53 24 19 93 0
Breaston 2,000 110 32 28 100 0
Cotmanhay 2,300 46 25 20 120 0
Derby Road West 3,200 10 54 46 120 0
Draycott & Risley 2,000 85 35 29 150 0
Hallam Fields 2,200 50 42 32 260 1
Kirk Hallam &
2,900 110 26 19 160 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Larklands 4,000 100 27 22 99 0
Little Eaton &
1,900 200 48 35 270 3
Little Hallam 2,200 77 34 26 210 1
Long Eaton Central 3,700 5 19 16 42 0
Nottingham Road 2,300 13 56 32 240 1
Ockbrook &
3,300 230 31 24 250 1
Sandiacre 3,600 9 25 22 54 0
Sawley 3,100 8 46 36 120 0
Shipley View 2,000 49 19 16 100 0
West Hallam &
2,700 180 29 22 300 1
Dale Abbey

High Peak
Barms 930 490 516 300 7,000 340
Blackbrook 1,800 250 31 22 530 1
Burbage 860 300 143 76 2,300 53
Buxton Central 2,100 620 188 105 2,700 180
Chapel East 1,000 150 42 28 1,100 1
Chapel West 2,000 200 25 20 200 1
Corbar 1,900 630 63 40 960 30
Cote Heath 1,800 640 141 88 1,100 130
Dinting 930 81 27 20 240 1
Gamesley 1,100 18 12 11 26 0
Hadfield North 1,000 33 20 16 56 0
Hadfield South 1,900 82 21 16 170 0
Hayfield 1,000 83 33 23 340 2
Hope Valley 1,800 740 103 56 2,000 92
Howard Town 2,300 92 26 21 130 0
Limestone Peak 970 430 185 91 4,400 99
New Mills East 1,900 97 25 19 360 1
New Mills West 2,000 190 38 27 320 5
Old Glossop 2,000 120 25 18 190 0
Padfield 1,100 33 25 21 58 0
Sett 870 120 45 31 360 3
Simmondley 1,700 110 25 21 120 0
St John's 890 96 30 22 180 0
Stone Bench 1,900 1,000 211 114 3,300 350
Temple 970 530 349 220 2,400 320
Tintwistle 930 50 35 21 470 1
Whaley Bridge 3,000 260 41 28 1,200 3
Whitfield 1,100 40 32 27 81 0

North East Derbyshire

Ashover 860 72 107 44 1,100 8

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Barlow and
890 91 46 28 520 3
Brampton and
1,600 170 44 31 310 4
Clay Cross North 3,000 60 35 25 200 1
Clay Cross South 1,800 23 23 17 99 0
Coal Aston 1,500 630 79 58 850 34
Dronfield North 1,900 520 86 57 1,200 42
Dronfield South 2,400 820 90 61 1,200 70
1,500 200 46 35 360 3
Eckington North 1,700 100 30 20 250 1
Eckington South 1,700 80 37 25 260 2
Gosforth Valley 2,300 480 76 53 720 36
Grassmoor 1,900 70 37 26 360 1
Holmewood and
1,700 60 34 23 240 1
Killamarsh East 1,600 77 36 28 240 1
Killamarsh West 2,300 110 46 29 1,100 2
North Wingfield
2,700 89 26 21 120 0
Pilsley and Morton 2,400 95 54 30 880 3
Renishaw 1,100 32 26 23 57 0
Ridgeway and
780 79 74 51 550 3
Marsh Lane
Shirland 2,600 200 66 41 400 18
Sutton 1,900 140 26 20 130 0
Tupton 1,700 66 42 32 130 0
Unstone 810 210 64 38 1,400 10
Wingerworth 2,500 250 61 36 1,400 11

South Derbyshire
Aston 2,900 160 38 30 190 0
Church Gresley 3,800 61 24 20 86 0
Etwall 2,300 160 31 26 100 0
Hatton 1,100 7 48 40 94 0
Hilton 3,800 32 29 23 120 0
Linton 2,200 86 28 22 170 0
Melbourne 2,500 140 35 27 280 1
Midway 3,400 150 23 19 160 0
Newhall and
3,700 100 30 21 530 1
Repton 2,200 170 31 25 160 0
Seales 2,300 62 31 24 150 0
Stenson 2,000 80 31 26 150 0
Swadlincote 3,600 86 24 20 98 0
Willington and
1,900 110 29 24 100 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Woodville 3,900 76 25 19 170 0

East Devon
Axminster Rural 1,400 190 58 39 720 8
Axminster Town 2,600 260 49 37 370 4
Beer and
1,100 300 76 51 660 19
Broadclyst 3,700 220 36 28 320 1
Budleigh 3,300 490 32 25 550 2
Clyst Valley 1,100 180 31 23 240 1
Coly Valley 2,200 350 42 34 260 1
Dunkeswell 1,000 94 80 54 1,100 3
Exe Valley 1,000 120 65 47 360 6
2,800 400 28 23 120 0
Exmouth Halsdon 3,100 480 33 26 340 1
Exmouth Littleham 3,800 410 32 24 440 1
Exmouth Town 3,800 290 23 17 110 0
Withycombe 3,200 390 27 21 180 0
Feniton and
1,000 83 41 33 200 1
Honiton St
3,200 230 32 27 140 0
Honiton St Paul's 2,400 240 49 36 310 2
Newbridges 1,200 200 38 30 140 0
Newton Poppleford
990 170 38 32 120 0
and Harpford
Otterhead 980 160 58 41 810 5
Ottery St Mary
1,800 350 39 33 190 0
Ottery St Mary
2,400 300 41 33 200 1
Raleigh 1,000 120 40 33 170 0
Seaton 4,100 590 43 33 560 8
Sidmouth Rural 1,100 210 57 45 280 3
Sidmouth Sidford 3,400 570 58 40 670 22
Sidmouth Town 3,200 470 56 42 460 9
Tale Vale 1,000 120 42 35 130 0
Trinity 1,300 71 69 42 500 4
Whimple 1,000 78 31 26 98 0
Woodbury and
2,100 320 38 30 350 1
Yarty 1,100 410 73 45 1,600 25


Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Alphington 4,000 360 47 35 350 6
Cowick 2,400 330 43 27 460 9
Duryard 1,600 240 45 36 320 2
Exwick 3,900 310 34 25 910 1
Heavitree 2,600 290 32 25 180 0
Mincinglake 2,400 230 24 19 150 0
Newtown 2,700 220 29 23 210 1
Pennsylvania 2,400 340 36 26 670 3
Pinhoe 2,900 380 26 20 160 0
Polsloe 2,600 300 24 19 86 0
Priory 4,100 370 35 27 290 2
St David's 3,900 230 32 22 260 3
St James 2,300 210 27 21 140 0
St Leonard's 2,500 290 40 32 300 1
St Loyes 2,800 200 39 29 350 1
St Thomas 3,000 220 36 27 260 2
Topsham 3,600 410 38 29 390 3
Whipton & Barton 3,500 390 36 27 430 2

Mid Devon
Boniface 1,800 170 43 34 170 0
Bradninch 880 120 43 32 280 2
Cadbury 730 99 63 42 1,500 1
Canonsleigh 1,400 180 55 39 450 5
Castle 2,200 190 46 36 180 0
Clare and Shuttern 1,600 560 118 69 1,800 77
Cranmore 2,400 300 35 26 200 1
Cullompton North 1,900 160 34 29 200 1
Cullompton Outer 950 110 47 36 270 1
Cullompton South 1,800 93 29 24 77 0
Halberton 850 100 47 38 320 1
Lawrence 1,900 180 45 35 410 2
Lower Culm 2,600 200 36 29 250 1
Lowman 2,800 170 37 28 200 1
Newbrooke 680 130 62 52 330 1
Sandford and
1,500 250 61 44 600 8
Silverton 870 99 47 37 260 1
Taw 710 120 60 46 440 3
Taw Vale 810 180 66 49 480 9
Upper Culm 1,800 250 44 36 320 2
Upper Yeo 770 93 53 42 190 0
Way 630 120 48 37 170 0
Westexe 2,400 260 53 36 1,300 7
Yeo 1,500 240 51 40 300 3

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action

North Devon
Bickington and
2,200 170 75 39 980 12
Bishop's Nympton 940 220 57 41 520 4
Bratton Fleming 860 280 91 68 730 24
Braunton East 1,800 250 58 40 600 9
Braunton West 2,100 220 54 40 350 3
Central Town 2,500 250 29 21 170 0
Chittlehampton 1,100 280 69 51 910 12
Chulmleigh 1,000 270 58 44 1,100 3
Combe Martin 1,900 670 80 60 740 39
Forches and
1,900 140 28 20 360 1
Whiddon Valley
Fremington 2,000 270 34 24 600 2
Georgeham and
2,400 530 83 56 2,800 28
920 420 31 23 340 3
Ilfracombe Central 2,100 420 55 37 580 14
Ilfracombe East 1,100 360 74 52 860 15
Ilfracombe West 2,000 570 87 60 2,300 55
Instow 830 170 47 34 310 3
Swimbridge and 2,200 320 90 53 1,600 26
Longbridge 1,800 240 57 34 1,600 7
Lynton and
990 250 112 65 1,700 31
Marwood 830 260 146 99 1,100 59
Newport 2,000 170 31 25 200 1
North Molton 960 220 100 70 1,400 20
Pilton 2,000 220 39 31 310 1
South Molton 2,400 250 53 43 350 3
Witheridge 1,100 160 58 43 480 2
Yeo Valley 1,900 130 31 25 160 0

South Hams
Allington & Strete 1,600 900 137 87 1,400 190
Bickleigh &
1,200 750 193 98 11,000 180
Blackawton &
1,200 630 111 71 1,300 91
Stoke Fleming
Charterlands 1,500 750 124 75 2,400 130
Dartington &
1,200 350 61 46 880 8
Dartmouth & East
5,000 2,700 104 60 2,700 340

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Ermington &
1,200 690 175 91 4,000 160
Ivybridge East 2,300 1,300 130 73 3,600 270
Ivybridge West 2,600 1,200 117 68 3,300 170
Kingsbridge 3,000 1,700 99 62 1,900 210
Loddiswell &
1,300 680 155 94 8,900 150
Aveton Gifford
Marldon &
1,300 440 56 39 2,300 8
Newton &
3,100 1,500 105 72 3,300 160
Salcombe &
4,200 2,000 122 66 6,800 320
South Brent 2,400 1,600 157 92 3,800 340
Stokenham 1,700 820 152 88 2,700 180
Totnes 4,300 1,000 51 37 580 26
Wembury & Brixton 2,200 1,200 92 61 1,100 120
West Dart 1,400 540 92 61 1,000 61
Woolwell 1,300 740 90 70 1,000 48

Ambrook 2,600 410 64 47 680 15
Ashburton and
3,600 1,200 89 60 1,500 110
Bishopsteignton 1,300 250 57 40 860 8
Bovey 3,900 1,300 164 81 2,800 290
Bradley 2,500 250 40 32 160 0
Buckland and
3,200 350 40 32 270 1
Bushell 3,400 280 39 28 450 3
Chudleigh 2,900 520 82 39 2,400 33
College 2,500 270 39 32 160 0
Dawlish Central
4,500 470 40 30 390 6
and North East
Dawlish South
2,500 430 46 36 260 2
Haytor 1,300 420 182 80 8,100 95
Ipplepen 1,100 180 61 42 500 8
Kenn Valley 3,000 280 60 44 370 10
Kenton with
1,400 200 45 33 540 2
2,700 280 50 40 290 2
Kingsteignton East 2,600 260 57 41 980 5
Kingsteignton West 2,400 310 53 43 290 3
Moorland 1,500 700 421 329 2,300 550
Shaldon and
1,400 180 49 39 300 1

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Teign Valley 1,200 580 164 90 2,500 130
Teignbridge North 1,300 200 47 34 370 2
2,300 300 44 32 560 6
Teignmouth East 2,600 240 38 30 190 0
Teignmouth West 2,300 180 37 27 310 1

Appledore 1,700 180 34 26 210 1
Bideford East 2,900 290 48 35 350 7
Bideford North 3,000 290 42 31 210 2
Bideford South 2,600 260 45 32 340 4
Broadheath 800 150 56 42 640 4
Clinton 690 130 89 55 980 10
Clovelly Bay 780 83 66 47 390 3
Coham Bridge 720 99 52 42 210 2
Forest 820 85 49 35 260 1
Hartland and
1,600 250 58 40 740 12
Holsworthy 2,100 140 52 40 280 4
Kenwith 790 100 52 40 270 1
Monkleigh and
640 150 63 47 270 4
Northam 2,900 320 48 35 330 2
Orchard Hill 720 95 44 35 180 0
Shebbear and
850 110 56 42 340 5
Tamarside 720 63 46 37 240 1
Three Moors 800 150 66 49 720 4
Torrington 2,500 210 57 41 410 5
Two Rivers 830 150 64 48 460 6
Waldon 740 110 64 51 240 3
Westward Ho! 1,200 83 45 31 380 3
Winkleigh 1,000 170 75 51 960 10

West Devon
Bere Ferrers 1,700 870 115 84 900 120
Bridestowe 1,400 730 148 88 4,900 140
1,700 1,200 136 88 2,800 190
Burrator 1,700 1,200 169 87 22,000 200
Chagford 790 590 468 356 4,900 480
Dartmoor 780 520 309 183 2,500 250
Drewsteignton 790 490 377 218 3,800 280
Exbourne 1,700 290 68 52 410 11
Hatherleigh 1,300 240 62 45 520 9
Mary Tavy 730 510 142 93 1,900 90

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Milton Ford 810 450 147 97 1,400 97
Okehampton North 2,400 1,000 138 78 3,100 170
1,900 900 175 117 1,600 250
South Tawton 890 600 248 163 2,200 250
Tamarside 790 450 248 142 3,600 160
Tavistock North 2,500 1,300 117 77 1,600 200
Tavistock South
1,700 1,100 172 108 3,000 270
Tavistock South
1,800 850 93 58 1,900 83

East Dorset
Crane 1,300 14 27 22 51 0
Handley Vale 1,300 19 30 24 81 0
St Leonards 3,900 5 14 13 24 0
Stour 1,200 9 29 26 56 0
Wimborne Minster 3,400 21 37 31 130 0

North Dorset
Abbey 1,800 16 46 33 230 1
Blackmore 1,600 7 24 21 42 0
Bulbarrow 910 9 36 27 130 0
Gillingham Rural 1,900 13 21 20 35 0
Gillingham Town 3,000 8 28 27 45 0
Hill Forts 2,900 19 34 28 86 0
Lydden Vale 850 8 17 17 29 0
Motcombe &
1,900 110 53 40 470 2
Riversdale &
1,600 8 46 29 150 0
Shaftesbury East 2,000 7 81 63 190 0
Shaftesbury West 2,100 14 81 56 300 2
2,000 6 44 41 75 0
The Beacon 900 10 56 32 270 1
The Stours &
2,000 20 23 21 43 0

Bere Regis 840 7 44 21 200 1
Castle 1,000 15 38 26 130 0
Creech Barrow 910 14 40 31 120 0
Langton 890 29 65 28 740 2
Lulworth and
910 14 23 19 61 0
St Martin 1,400 6 15 14 23 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Swanage North 3,100 12 17 15 37 0
Swanage South 2,800 200 31 23 270 1
Wareham 2,800 5 12 11 24 0
Wool 2,800 13 18 15 43 0

West Dorset
Beaminster 2,700 36 42 29 340 1
Bridport North 3,800 6 38 34 69 0
Bridport South 3,700 6 31 28 51 0
Broadmayne &
2,500 14 38 22 210 1
Broadwindsor 1,200 68 51 39 290 1
Burton Bradstock 1,500 27 43 24 480 1
Cerne Valley 2,300 16 55 40 160 0
Chickerell & Chesil
3,400 29 34 23 150 0
Chideock &
1,300 16 42 28 290 1
Dorchester East 2,400 6 46 33 120 0
Dorchester North 3,200 5 44 22 150 0
Dorchester South 1,900 5 29 29 35 0
Frome Valley 1,100 21 33 25 130 0
Lyme Regis &
3,400 17 105 60 450 3
Maiden Newton 1,200 14 50 38 140 0
Netherbury 1,300 28 66 47 200 1
Piddle Valley 1,200 24 64 45 320 1
Puddletown 1,200 11 33 27 100 0
Queen Thorne 1,100 34 56 37 390 2
Sherborne East 2,500 15 64 53 170 0
Sherborne West 2,100 6 84 67 190 0
Winterbourne St
1,100 16 48 35 140 0
Yetminster & Cam
2,100 29 29 26 65 0

Weymouth and Portland

Preston 2,500 10 95 83 180 0
Tophill East 1,600 48 79 52 320 5
Tophill West 2,300 130 34 22 200 1
Underhill 2,000 77 48 31 260 3
Upwey and
1,600 13 108 69 310 3

East Sussex

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Electoral Arithmetic Geometric above
Total Measured Highest
Ward Average Average Action
Meads 5,700 5 21 14 55 0
Old Town 4,500 10 27 18 73 0
Ratton 4,400 6 18 17 23 0

Barcombe and
890 10 28 25 77 0
Chailey and
2,100 9 28 21 98 0
Ditchling and
1,100 6 20 17 37 0
East Saltdean
and Telscombe 3,200 8 92 66 210 1
Kingston 860 9 27 23 76 0
Lewes Bridge 2,400 8 65 40 240 1
Lewes Castle 2,100 5 30 28 44 0
Lewes Priory 3,100 15 38 27 150 0
Denton and 3,600 19 54 36 290 1
Ouse Valley and
2,800 20 25 20 84 0
2,600 10 167 104 540 4
2,300 6 179 159 280 2
Streat, East
Chiltington and 920 10 20 18 41 0
St John
Seaford Central 2,600 28 84 59 280 2
Seaford East 2,200 51 211 164 740 25
Seaford North 2,300 32 104 82 310 2
Seaford South 2,200 33 116 83 460 5
Seaford West 2,200 35 112 73 520 7

Battle Town 2,400 12 21 16 66 0
Brede Valley 2,200 11 25 22 54 0
Crowhurst 1,100 5 23 21 41 0
Darwell 2,200 14 21 18 49 0
Eastern Rother 2,700 20 21 16 83 0
Ewhurst and
1,200 6 26 24 46 0
Rother Levels 2,300 10 20 19 35 0
Ticehurst and
2,000 11 22 18 43 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action

Alfriston 1,200 11 41 32 94 0
Chiddingly and East
1,300 10 26 24 48 0
Danehill/Fletching/Nutley 2,100 8 38 27 150 0
East Dean 1,100 5 27 26 45 0
Forest Row 2,200 7 35 28 69 0
Framfield 1,200 10 20 15 49 0
Frant/Withyham 2,100 7 30 23 92 0
Hailsham Central and
2,900 5 18 16 24 0
Hailsham East 1,300 6 20 16 41 0
Hartfield 1,100 6 25 21 46 0
Heathfield East 1,000 7 20 16 50 0
Herstmonceux 1,300 8 31 24 83 0
Horam 1,200 5 36 23 110 0
Ninfield and Hooe with
1,000 12 27 21 110 0
Pevensey and Westham 4,500 11 20 19 40 0
Wadhurst 2,300 7 31 28 49 0

Coggeshall 2,700 7 41 31 140 0
Hatfield Peverel &
2,500 11 23 21 42 0
Hedingham 2,400 6 21 18 34 0
Stour Valley North 1,200 6 21 20 40 0
Stour Valley South 1,300 8 26 25 44 0
The Colnes 2,500 8 23 21 43 0
Three Fields 2,500 14 21 16 64 0
Yeldham 1,100 6 19 17 35 0

Broomfield and the
3,800 8 29 22 96 0
Chelmsford Rural West 1,200 8 29 26 66 0
Little Baddow, Danbury
3,400 7 23 19 46 0
and Sandon
South Hanningfield,
2,400 6 15 14 22 0
Stock and Margaretting

Birch and Winstree 2,200 7 20 16 55 0
Great Tey 1,100 7 36 23 140 0
Pyefleet 1,100 8 15 14 27 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action

Epping Forest
High Ongar,
Willingale and The 910 5 17 16 34 0
Moreton and
880 6 21 20 37 0

1,700 6 29 25 64 0
Crouch North
Mayland 1,800 5 17 14 36 0
Purleigh 1,300 6 23 20 44 0
Southminster 1,800 5 29 21 77 0
Tillingham 930 11 24 20 71 0
Tolleshunt D'arcy 1,800 8 23 22 33 0
Wickham Bishops
1,500 5 22 21 26 0
and Woodham

Foulness and
2,400 8 16 15 22 0
Great Wakering

960 5 17 17 21 0
Wrabness and Wix
Brightlingsea 4,000 5 15 14 21 0
Great and Little
940 6 30 27 43 0
Mistley, Little
2,200 9 20 14 90 0
Bentley and
St Osyth and Point
2,300 5 27 22 66 0
Frating, Elmstead 2,000 5 24 23 30 0
and Great Bromley
Walton 2,300 5 19 17 34 0

Ashdon 780 9 35 22 100 0
Broad Oak & The
1,600 7 32 27 87 0
Clavering 950 6 18 16 29 0
Felsted & Stebbing 1,700 10 26 23 55 0
Great Dunmow
2,900 5 17 16 24 0
South & Barnston

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
High Easter & The
940 7 24 20 54 0
Chesterford & 1,800 13 36 29 94 0
Wenden Lofts
Stort Valley 830 5 33 32 46 0
Takeley 2,600 5 19 17 33 0
Thaxted & The
2,100 9 26 21 62 0
The Sampfords 840 9 28 25 54 0

Charlton Kings 2,400 9 31 26 76 0
Charlton Park 2,200 31 36 27 170 0
Leckhampton 2,400 86 36 27 190 0
Swindon Village 2,600 6 34 34 40 0

Abbey 1,300 40 72 52 220 2
Blockley 1,400 270 53 35 700 10
Bourton Vale 1,400 140 75 54 300 11
Bourton Village 1,400 10 41 29 120 0
Campden & Vale 2,700 440 80 48 870 38
Chedworth &
1,200 480 83 53 1,100 37
Churn Valley
Chesterton 1,100 7 28 22 68 0
Coln Valley 1,300 69 71 52 280 4
Ermin 1,200 490 112 75 1,200 70
Fairford North 1,100 5 65 46 190 0
Fosseridge 1,400 230 58 40 530 10
Four Acres 900 8 19 18 32 0
Grumbolds Ash
1,100 190 55 41 290 4
with Avening
Kemble 1,100 61 63 41 320 5
Kempsford & 2,500 17 35 30 77 0
Fairford South
Moreton East 1,200 6 34 28 81 0
Moreton West 1,300 50 57 36 510 2
Northleach 1,400 110 85 62 430 10
Sandywell 1,300 140 70 52 360 8
Siddington &
1,400 8 63 35 270 1
Cerney Rural
St Michael's 1,400 10 111 77 280 2
Stow 1,400 310 121 72 1,400 56
Stratton 1,100 300 71 55 350 11

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Tetbury East &
1,100 89 65 45 590 3
Tetbury Town 910 7 39 37 57 0
Tetbury with Upton 1,000 17 37 32 99 0
The Ampneys &
1,200 38 52 38 230 2
The Beeches 1,200 78 37 30 300 1
The Rissingtons 1,000 91 69 47 990 4

Forest of Dean
Aylburton and 1,500 270 44 33 350 4
West Lydney
Berry Hill 700 280 124 77 1,100 46
Blaisdon and
750 23 69 39 620 2
Bream 1,400 370 87 56 710 36
Bromesberrow and
850 43 34 26 110 0
Christchurch and
670 180 336 156 6,900 79
English Bicknor
Churcham and
790 11 31 26 79 0
Cinderford West 2,500 91 137 86 620 22
Coleford Central 1,700 310 140 75 1,900 60
Coleford East 2,500 570 116 64 2,200 91
Hewelsfield and
740 27 45 29 390 1
Littledean and
1,900 86 58 37 460 4
Lydbrook and
2,200 490 222 130 3,700 180
Lydney East 2,500 390 22 17 130 0
Lydney North 800 10 49 41 100 0
Mitcheldean and
2,000 190 156 73 1,900 45
Newland and St
1,500 100 127 75 960 21
Newnham and
1,300 8 34 30 62 0
Oxenhall and
660 5 42 40 62 0
Newent North East
Pillowell 1,600 440 109 74 900 56
Redmarley 840 7 47 34 130 0
Tibberton 720 10 28 20 80 0
Tidenham 2,400 150 123 79 860 30


Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Longlevens 4,000 7 30 26 62 0
5,400 5 23 18 49 0
Westgate 4,500 5 33 19 73 0

Amberley and
940 86 126 76 1,300 15
Berkeley 2,000 9 18 15 36 0
Bisley 1,000 160 106 77 840 14
Cainscross 3,300 15 57 48 130 0
Cam East 1,900 18 76 37 580 2
Cam West 1,900 14 42 33 120 0
Central 1,300 52 41 36 180 0
Chalford 2,800 820 91 69 910 58
Coaley and Uley 1,000 13 105 53 570 2
Dursley 3,100 8 60 46 180 0
Farmhill and
1,000 130 42 31 190 0
Hardwicke 2,600 9 29 24 69 0
Kingswood 850 57 63 33 1,000 3
Minchinhampton 2,100 830 96 64 2,100 84
Nailsworth 3,100 340 82 52 920 26
Painswick 2,100 220 102 66 670 27
Whiteshill and 750 16 77 47 400 1
Rodborough 2,000 150 154 94 2,200 35
Severn 2,000 15 27 23 90 0
Slade 920 210 70 46 560 11
Stonehouse 3,500 7 42 27 150 0
The Stanleys 1,800 18 43 31 110 0
Thrupp 1,000 580 113 70 2,700 78
Trinity 1,000 270 65 50 410 11
Uplands 980 100 45 37 230 2
Upton St Leonards 1,300 11 37 32 98 0
Vale 780 5 29 27 42 0
Valley 1,200 86 125 87 710 16
2,900 260 67 43 570 17

Badgeworth 1,300 11 46 31 210 1
Cleeve Hill 1,700 10 25 23 44 0
Coombe Hill 2,300 12 27 23 52 0
Highnam with Haw
1,700 18 32 26 130 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Isbourne 990 17 112 35 790 2
Tewkesbury Prior's
1,800 10 34 31 60 0
Tewkesbury Town
2,600 7 67 36 250 1
with Mitton
Twyning 790 5 54 49 88 0
Winchcombe 3,300 18 45 38 150 0

Basingstoke and Deane
Basing 3,600 5 46 29 140 0
Baughurst and
2,400 8 22 21 41 0
Tadley North
Bramley and
2,400 7 18 14 29 0
Highclere and St 2,400 29 65 31 680 2
Mary Bourne
Kempshott 2,800 8 54 29 220 1
Kingsclere 2,300 7 24 20 63 0
Oakley and North
2,800 21 76 58 250 1
Laverstoke and 2,200 16 37 31 76 0
Pamber and
1,900 6 18 17 25 0
Sherborne St John 960 7 26 19 62 0
Upton Grey and
1,200 18 72 48 230 2
the Candovers
Whitchurch 2,300 19 44 33 120 0

East Hampshire
Binsted and
1,200 5 23 22 38 0
Bramshott and
3,900 6 15 14 31 0
Clanfield and
2,300 13 50 42 140 0
Downland 1,000 34 85 63 320 3
East Meon 1,000 7 51 45 94 0
Four Marks and
2,700 150 119 87 710 22
Froxfield and
1,000 14 28 23 75 0
Holybourne and
1,400 15 39 31 95 0
Horndean Downs 1,100 5 26 21 51 0
Ropley and Tisted 940 190 75 48 1,100 10

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Selborne 1,000 6 20 17 38 0
The Hangers and
1,000 7 21 16 48 0

Portchester East 5,000 7 28 24 54 0

Fleet West 3,300 5 13 12 20 0
Hartley Wintney 4,000 14 16 14 40 0
Hook 3,400 7 21 19 47 0
Odiham 3,500 16 47 36 200 1

Emsworth 4,800 8 52 25 270 1
Hayling West 4,100 7 32 30 54 0
St Faith's 4,700 7 187 82 790 2

New Forest
Copythorne North 1,100 11 19 18 31 0
and Minstead
Bransgore and
2,500 8 20 16 63 0
Brockenhurst and
2,700 20 23 19 100 0
Forest South East
Downlands and
1,300 14 25 23 52 0
Fordingbridge 3,100 7 42 33 88 0
Lyndhurst 1,500 9 15 13 33 0
Pennington 2,800 5 19 9 38 0
Ringwood South 3,000 6 25 21 46 0

Test Valley
Amport 980 8 40 30 120 0
Anna 2,000 7 24 21 48 0
Blackwater 2,100 5 27 23 56 0
Bourne Valley 900 22 48 41 130 0
Broughton and
2,100 24 36 27 200 1
Dun Valley 990 7 29 27 43 0
Harewood 970 15 31 26 93 0
Kings Somborne
1,100 13 40 31 110 0
and Michelmersh
Over Wallop 720 5 7 7 9 0
Penton Bellinger 2,000 19 44 32 250 1

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Bishops Waltham 3,000 6 34 29 61 0
Cheriton and
920 66 49 39 180 0
Bishops Sutton
Compton and
1,700 8 46 36 100 0
Droxford, Soberton
940 11 38 32 80 0
and Hambledon
Itchen Valley 880 16 43 37 89 0
Owslebury and
1,600 10 27 20 87 0
Sparsholt 750 7 18 16 32 0
Swanmore and
1,700 7 34 27 82 0
The Alresfords 2,900 60 40 30 320 1
Upper Meon Valley 880 16 22 19 41 0
Wonston and
2,400 20 28 23 140 0

Apsley and Corner
4,000 11 65 42 210 1
Ashridge 1,100 10 62 55 140 0
2,800 15 47 36 130 0
Berkhamsted East 2,600 15 50 41 110 0
Berkhamsted West 2,600 7 59 55 89 0
Flaunden and 3,500 11 40 38 60 0
Boxmoor 4,100 12 59 53 100 0
Chaulden and
3,700 6 36 34 58 0
Warners End
Hemel Hempstead
3,100 6 46 34 110 0
Kings Langley 2,200 18 58 49 180 0
Northchurch 1,300 11 105 52 600 1
Tring Central 2,200 5 22 20 40 0
Tring East 1,200 5 30 27 50 0
Tring West and
2,400 8 24 22 56 0
Watling 2,400 7 39 33 82 0

East Hertfordshire
Bishop's Stortford
3,400 5 29 24 46 0
Braughing 1,100 8 33 28 72 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Little Hadham 980 8 27 24 47 0
Much Hadham 1,200 5 24 20 45 0
Mundens and
1,000 6 26 22 45 0
Puckeridge 1,200 9 53 42 120 0
Thundridge &
1,200 13 45 36 170 0

North Hertfordshire
Arbury 1,200 6 26 22 60 0
Ermine 1,100 14 25 23 40 0
Hitchin Walsworth 3,500 5 33 26 68 0
Hitchwood, Offa
3,100 10 30 26 65 0
and Hoo
Knebworth 2,300 5 22 16 56 0
Royston Meridian 2,200 5 21 21 30 0

St Albans
Batchwood 3,000 5 66 49 170 0
Harpenden North 2,800 5 46 35 77 0
Harpenden West 3,400 5 50 39 130 0
Redbourn 2,600 5 39 32 70 0
St Stephen 2,700 6 46 43 62 0
Verulam 3,200 8 70 47 240 1

Pin Green 2,800 5 28 25 47 0

Three Rivers
Abbots Langley &
2,800 11 41 25 110 0
Chorleywood North
2,900 6 62 56 120 0
& Sarratt
South & Maple 3,100 6 54 38 150 0
Gade Valley 2,900 13 79 66 180 0
Moor Park &
2,200 7 23 16 69 0

Welwyn Hatfield
Hatfield East 3,100 6 12 11 17 0

Charing 1,200 5 29 27 47 0
Downs North 1,100 11 56 47 140 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Isle of Oxney 1,200 11 17 14 43 0
Saxon Shore 2,200 28 26 23 54 0
Weald Central 2,200 15 22 18 72 0
Weald East 1,400 7 24 22 50 0
Weald South 2,300 14 18 16 40 0

Barton 4,600 7 86 57 240 1
Chartham & Stone
3,000 21 39 31 110 0
Little Stour &
1,700 40 51 30 340 1
Nailbourne 1,700 50 177 91 830 17
Seasalter 3,500 7 24 19 53 0
Sturry 3,300 7 39 34 76 0
Westgate 4,600 6 56 44 130 0
Wincheap 3,800 5 46 38 110 0

Bean and Darenth 2,200 5 47 32 150 0
Joydens Wood 2,900 5 33 22 99 0
1,700 6 33 31 46 0
and Hawley

Capel-le-Ferne 1,000 12 43 36 120 0
Eastry 2,100 11 50 40 160 0
Eythorne and
2,000 15 109 54 510 3
Little Stour and
2,900 17 34 26 130 0
Lydden and
1,000 7 37 25 120 0
Temple Ewell
Maxton, Elms Vale
3,300 8 32 29 61 0
and Priory
Middle Deal and
3,600 9 60 50 100 0
Mill Hill 3,400 5 19 15 47 0
North Deal 4,200 6 16 14 30 0
River 1,900 15 58 32 290 1
Sandwich 3,500 14 38 31 110 0
St Margaret's-at-
2,200 9 45 39 83 0
St Radigunds 2,500 7 26 21 51 0
Tower Hamlets 2,700 5 35 27 70 0
Town and Pier 950 5 39 25 82 0
Whitfield 2,300 8 66 44 210 1

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action

Shorne, Cobham
1,700 6 33 29 67 0
and Luddesdown

Boxley 3,400 7 64 55 100 0
Coxheath and
3,200 8 34 30 71 0
Detling and
1,200 5 51 31 110 0
Harrietsham and
2,600 13 24 19 68 0
Headcorn 2,300 8 31 25 57 0
Marden and
3,400 10 27 25 39 0
North Downs 1,000 8 47 38 100 0
Staplehurst 2,400 8 23 21 47 0

Chevening and 2,600 25 36 29 110 0
Crockenhill and
850 51 60 44 310 2
Well Hill
Dunton Green and
2,300 24 24 20 110 0
Eynsford 870 13 49 37 140 0
Horton Kirby and 2,200 67 55 39 420 1
South Darenth
Fawkham and
2,700 40 60 50 210 1
West Kingsdown
Knockholt and 1,400 18 40 30 190 0
Badgers Mount
Hartley and
2,500 46 56 44 190 0
Hodsoll Street
Hextable 1,700 59 61 47 360 2
Kemsing 1,800 26 37 34 69 0
Otford and
1,900 40 41 30 250 1
Fordcombe and 1,100 5 26 25 45 0
Seal and Weald 1,700 54 29 21 130 0
1,800 22 23 17 96 0
1,900 6 24 21 50 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
1,800 14 19 16 49 0
Sevenoaks Town
2,900 29 30 23 110 0
and St John's
Christchurch and 2,400 91 42 30 180 0
Swanley Village
Swanley St Mary's 1,900 500 28 21 390 2
Swanley White
2,900 510 32 24 260 4
Westerham and
2,000 130 43 33 180 0
Crockham Hill

Cheriton 5,100 14 50 44 91 0
East Folkestone 4,900 10 28 24 48 0
Folkestone Central 5,300 6 29 18 100 0
3,200 5 30 24 75 0
Hythe 5,700 18 58 39 250 1
Hythe Rural 2,700 5 41 33 83 0
North Downs East 4,600 25 48 38 150 0
North Downs West 2,700 20 44 35 110 0
Romney Marsh 3,400 11 19 16 52 0
Sandgate & West
2,700 6 58 37 130 0
Walland & Denge
3,500 18 15 13 44 0

Borden and Grove
2,500 8 63 49 130 0
Boughton and
2,500 10 30 27 57 0
East Downs 1,200 8 75 39 240 1
Sheppey East 2,500 6 23 17 52 0
Teynham and
2,400 6 33 29 68 0
West Downs 1,200 5 28 27 38 0

Thanet Villages 3,100 10 35 31 85 0

Tonbridge and Malling

Borough Green
3,000 6 23 18 56 0
and Long Mill
Downs and
1,800 5 42 29 110 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Wrotham, Ightham
1,800 8 54 47 90 0
and Stansted

Tunbridge Wells
Goudhurst and
1,900 7 38 33 81 0
Hawkhurst and
2,700 5 22 21 32 0

Heath Charnock
920 6 18 17 24 0
and Rivington

Elswick and Little
640 5 13 10 18 0

Bolton & Slyne 3,300 18 51 42 150 0
Carnforth &
2,700 850 76 53 1,000 53
Ellel 1,900 20 26 22 88 0
John O'Gaunt 3,100 6 45 19 200 1
Kellet 1,000 20 110 64 520 3
Lower Lune Valley 2,000 37 29 21 170 0
Overton 1,100 6 17 15 41 0
Scotforth East 1,900 5 23 21 32 0
Scotforth West 3,100 8 51 39 110 0
Silverdale 990 470 128 93 1,300 88
Upper Lune Valley 1,100 22 75 40 570 2
Warton 920 360 92 70 500 35

Boulsworth 2,400 12 21 17 43 0
Coates 2,500 9 40 31 80 0
Craven 2,600 8 64 53 160 0
Earby 2,800 7 37 30 91 0
Higham and
790 6 40 31 83 0

Preston Rural East 1,900 6 22 19 38 0
Preston Rural
2,800 8 15 14 26 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Ribble Valley
Billington and Old
1,200 6 25 20 66 0
Bowland, Newton
610 56 72 45 450 4
and Slaidburn
Chatburn 600 48 85 62 380 2
Chipping 610 11 64 42 320 1
Dilworth 1,100 6 14 14 19 0
610 17 27 23 73 0
Langho 960 5 39 27 110 0
Littlemoor 1,500 11 50 37 170 0
Mellor 1,300 7 22 17 48 0
Read and
1,100 5 24 23 34 0
Sabden 680 5 22 17 59 0
Salthill 1,400 11 50 36 210 1
St Mary's 1,300 28 98 52 900 2
Waddington and
1,400 120 88 63 410 13
West Bradford
Whalley 1,700 7 31 27 73 0
Wilpshire 1,100 6 25 19 65 0
Wiswell and
790 6 29 25 52 0

Eden 1,600 6 29 23 75 0
Whitewell 2,700 5 28 24 63 0

West Lancashire
Bickerstaffe 930 5 16 14 25 0
Newburgh 890 6 12 11 23 0
Parbold 1,600 97 55 30 350 7
Up Holland 2,700 20 33 23 130 0
Wrightington 1,800 34 32 22 170 0

Brock with
1,600 9 25 20 78 0
Garstang 3,100 6 18 17 26 0
Great Eccleston 1,700 9 21 18 50 0
Wyresdale 840 9 27 24 60 0

Croft Hill 980 5 21 19 30 0
Fairestone 2,100 5 29 23 64 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Forest 2,700 8 13 12 26 0
Pastures 1,900 6 20 18 39 0
Saxondale 3,200 6 32 27 71 0
Stanton and
3,600 14 40 30 97 0

Barrow and Sileby
3,000 8 256 151 1,000 2
Forest Bradgate 1,400 20 33 29 63 0
2,800 13 33 23 120 0
Dishley and Hathern
1,600 5 28 26 41 0
2,400 11 33 25 84 0
Mountsorrel 3,000 16 33 25 140 0
Queniborough 1,400 5 45 27 150 0
Quorn and
3,200 18 36 31 82 0
Mountsorrel Castle
Rothley and
3,000 9 30 25 61 0
Shepshed East 2,900 11 24 17 75 0
Shepshed West 3,200 8 24 17 62 0
The Wolds 1,300 10 29 22 77 0
Wreake Villages 1,200 5 21 20 27 0

Billesdon 840 13 28 24 78 0
Bosworth 1,100 68 75 50 270 5
Dunton 930 8 23 20 42 0
Glen 2,100 6 21 20 32 0
Kibworth 3,300 16 31 27 68 0
Lubenham 1,000 7 44 29 150 0
930 6 22 18 56 0
Lutterworth Orchard 1,100 130 60 43 310 4
Lutterworth Springs 1,200 83 62 35 420 6
Lutterworth Swift 1,100 140 26 22 79 0
Market Harborough-
Great Bowden and 3,400 14 39 30 92 0
Market Harborough-
2,600 81 35 32 88 0
Little Bowden
Market Harborough-
1,900 13 31 25 54 0
Market Harborough-
3,400 16 32 24 170 0
Misterton 1,100 12 90 60 250 2

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Nevill 960 280 55 44 380 6
Peatling 970 6 32 24 62 0
Thurnby and
3,200 9 31 23 74 0
Tilton 900 28 77 33 690 2
Ullesthorpe 930 6 28 25 45 0

Hinckley and Bosworth

Cadeby, Carlton
and Market
1,600 5 34 28 56 0
Bosworth with
Groby 2,900 6 26 19 68 0
Markfield, Stanton
2,700 10 28 21 68 0
and Fieldhead
Newbold Verdon
with Desford and 3,700 8 20 17 31 0
Ratby, Bagworth
3,100 6 19 18 31 0
and Thornton
Twycross and
Witherley with 1,300 130 27 24 120 0

Bottesford 1,600 19 33 25 79 0
Croxton Kerrial 820 410 173 94 1,700 110
750 14 30 27 51 0
Gaddesby 750 6 17 15 24 0
Long Clawson and
1,800 59 30 23 140 0
Melton Dorian 2,400 8 53 36 200 1
Melton Newport 2,500 6 30 26 53 0
Melton Sysonby 2,200 14 32 27 110 0
Old Dalby 870 24 45 28 200 1
Somerby 810 11 84 45 490 1
730 200 106 70 1,100 24
Wymondham 710 250 95 60 1,100 24

North West Leicestershire

Appleby 970 28 36 30 110 0
Ashby Woulds 1,100 21 23 20 55 0
Blackfordby 1,200 32 33 27 91 0
Castle Donington
1,300 24 85 29 1,300 1
Castle Donington
1,100 28 33 28 92 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Castle Donington
800 14 33 30 86 0
Daleacre Hill 950 21 35 29 71 0
Holly Hayes 1,100 5 37 30 75 0
Kegworth 1,100 31 40 33 110 0
Long Whatton &
1,100 14 61 30 510 1
Measham North 1,200 8 32 31 55 0
Measham South 1,200 11 21 17 49 0
Oakthorpe &
1,100 10 56 42 220 1
Ravenstone &
1,100 5 55 49 99 0
Sence Valley 1,300 6 67 54 150 0
Thornborough 1,200 9 58 40 160 0
Valley 1,200 7 20 17 46 0
Worthington &
1,300 39 70 46 480 3

Coastal 1,600 9 33 21 88 0
Fishtoft 3,100 6 27 25 44 0
Five Village 1,800 11 27 22 67 0
Kirton and
2,900 8 20 20 27 0
Old Leake and
1,500 11 25 22 51 0
Swineshead and
1,700 10 25 21 77 0
Holland Fen

East Lindsey
Alford 2,200 13 47 37 160 0
Binbrook 1,200 36 50 35 230 2
Burgh le Marsh 1,200 12 28 23 77 0
Chapel St
2,600 11 21 19 31 0
Coningsby &
3,800 25 50 29 480 1
Croft 1,100 16 26 23 61 0
Friskney 970 8 19 17 44 0
Fulstow 1,100 10 43 24 250 1
Grimoldby 970 11 21 19 38 0
Hagworthingham 1,100 44 74 54 500 2
Halton Holegate 1,100 14 54 33 250 1
Holton-le-Clay &
2,200 5 24 23 31 0
North Thoresby
Horncastle 3,700 15 24 21 52 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Legbourne 1,100 46 72 47 470 2
Mablethorpe 4,200 13 21 16 75 0
Marshchapel &
2,000 19 19 15 96 0
Priory & St James' 2,700 8 45 38 92 0
Roughton 1,100 29 30 23 110 0
Sibsey & Stickney 2,200 16 22 20 49 0
Spilsby 1,500 18 53 33 290 1
St Mary's 1,100 6 37 24 110 0
Sutton on Sea 2,500 5 29 28 35 0
Tetford &
1,100 33 61 41 390 1
Tetney 1,000 11 20 19 41 0
Willoughby with
1,200 25 32 25 110 0
Withern &
1,100 16 24 16 120 0
Woodhall Spa 2,100 11 23 19 58 0
Wragby 1,200 10 28 22 66 0

Abbey 5,800 27 62 43 230 1
Birchwood 3,800 5 30 23 79 0
Boultham 3,500 10 20 17 31 0
Bracebridge 3,200 39 30 25 96 0
Carholme 6,300 41 54 37 260 2
Castle 4,300 24 67 59 190 0
Glebe 3,300 150 51 42 370 3
Hartsholme 3,100 7 42 34 120 0
Minster 3,500 14 54 49 130 0
Moorland 3,400 5 35 29 53 0
Park 4,400 21 27 23 59 0

North Kesteven
Ashby de la
Launde and 2,300 400 47 37 330 3
Bassingham and
2,200 92 28 21 210 1
Brant Broughton
Billinghay, Martin
2,300 19 19 17 37 0
and North Kyme
Bracebridge Heath
and Waddington 4,000 2,300 97 67 1,600 250
Branston 2,200 1,300 126 86 1,800 210
Cliff Villages 2,300 1,500 119 81 1,400 210

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Eagle, Swinderby
and Witham St 2,500 59 25 19 180 0
Heckington Rural 2,500 39 39 32 170 0
Heighington and
3,100 2,300 94 57 2,000 260
Kirkby la Thorpe
1,000 21 31 26 82 0
and South Kyme
Leasingham and
980 340 76 56 470 19
Metheringham 2,400 340 61 46 510 9
North Hykeham
1,100 240 32 27 200 1
North Hykeham
1,400 10 32 27 77 0
North Hykeham
2,400 13 32 22 140 0
North Hykeham
1,100 21 30 25 93 0
North Hykeham
1,100 370 49 42 140 0
Osbournby 1,100 82 50 39 320 1
Ruskington 2,600 36 40 35 120 0
Skellingthorpe 1,600 25 26 22 75 0
Sleaford Castle 1,400 7 43 40 80 0
1,300 13 35 27 71 0
1,400 15 19 18 40 0
Quarrington and 3,200 29 44 32 180 0
1,200 10 53 28 200 1
Waddington West 1,100 660 35 29 240 2

South Holland
Crowland and
Deeping St 2,600 34 28 22 130 0
Quadring and 3,100 16 34 26 84 0
Gedney 990 11 21 17 64 0
Holbeach Hurn 950 7 18 15 45 0
Holbeach Town 3,600 7 31 18 90 0
Long Sutton 3,500 9 32 30 47 0
Moulton, Weston
2,900 8 36 29 64 0
and Cowbit

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Pinchbeck and
3,100 13 29 24 92 0
The Saints 1,100 7 29 27 51 0
Whaplode and
1,800 11 24 22 61 0
Holbeach St John's

South Kesteven
Aveland 1,100 17 37 32 110 0
Belmont 2,000 18 62 42 240 2
Belvoir 2,200 72 77 53 280 4
Bourne East 2,100 10 38 30 130 0
Bourne West 2,300 7 29 26 44 0
Casewick 2,100 15 43 35 100 0
Castle 1,100 27 108 46 600 5
Deeping St James 3,100 15 52 40 190 0
Dole Wood 1,000 12 27 24 56 0
Glen 990 150 84 63 370 14
1,800 18 25 23 53 0
2,400 30 120 75 500 5
Barrowby Gate
2,500 5 44 38 74 0
2,100 32 32 28 98 0
2,400 31 28 24 120 0
Grantham St
3,600 15 54 41 260 1
Grantham St
2,900 9 44 40 87 0
Isaac Newton 2,200 530 99 54 1,300 73
Lincrest 1,100 32 57 43 210 1
Loveden Heath 1,200 30 97 64 400 5
Market & West
3,000 17 52 42 200 1
Peascliffe &
2,300 110 99 61 920 12
Stamford All Saints 2,300 19 52 38 150 0
Stamford St
1,900 13 74 46 230 2
Stamford St John's 2,200 38 89 65 390 4
Stamford St Mary's 3,400 44 127 62 1,500 5
Toller 1,200 13 30 25 67 0
Viking 2,200 31 29 24 98 0

West Lindsey
Bardney 1,200 16 33 26 95 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Caistor and
2,500 38 34 27 130 0
Cherry Willingham 3,400 670 70 50 1,100 34
Dunholme and
3,500 38 34 25 180 0
Hemswell 1,200 71 45 31 350 2
Kelsey Wold 1,100 24 32 27 77 0
Lea 960 7 63 44 220 1
Market Rasen 4,000 34 24 18 160 0
Nettleham 1,900 37 60 52 210 1
Saxilby 2,600 38 51 37 220 1
Scampton 1,200 51 41 29 220 1
Scotter and Blyton 3,300 27 37 29 130 0
Stow 1,000 9 55 32 190 0
Sudbrooke 1,100 33 38 27 280 1
Torksey 1,300 17 41 31 110 0
Waddingham and
1,100 29 41 32 140 0
Wold View 1,200 54 43 34 160 0

All Saints &
2,600 30 28 25 69 0
Ashill 1,300 15 35 25 150 0
Queens & 3,100 6 29 20 89 0
Bedingfeld 1,400 15 29 24 87 0
Dereham Neatherd 3,500 5 34 24 86 0
Dereham Toftwood 2,700 6 50 29 140 0
Forest 1,400 13 46 36 140 0
Guiltcross 1,400 7 24 22 36 0
Harling &
1,400 7 31 26 57 0
Hermitage 1,300 10 36 31 87 0
Launditch 1,100 18 37 29 120 0
Lincoln 2,300 24 42 36 130 0
Mattishall 2,400 18 37 31 110 0
Nar Valley 1,200 11 51 34 260 1
Saham Toney 2,200 10 38 29 150 0
2,300 14 37 32 95 0
Swaffham 3,700 20 57 41 300 1
The Buckenhams
1,500 8 40 34 69 0
& Banham
Upper Wensum 2,800 16 36 27 120 0
Watton 3,700 5 25 21 55 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action

Acle 1,300 5 29 27 37 0
Aylsham 3,700 9 29 26 57 0
Blofield with South
2,500 9 26 23 48 0
Brundall 2,700 9 23 20 42 0
Coltishall 1,300 6 51 40 140 0
Eynesford 1,500 11 32 23 120 0
Great Witchingham 1,200 10 24 21 44 0
Marshes 1,400 9 36 28 92 0
Reepham 1,200 9 22 22 30 0

Great Yarmouth
Fleggburgh 1,100 6 18 18 26 0
Lothingland 2,600 9 16 14 28 0
Ormesby 2,000 5 49 38 78 0
West Flegg 2,400 8 22 18 54 0

King's Lynn and West Norfolk

Airfield 2,000 14 21 19 57 0
Brancaster 1,300 6 39 34 58 0
Burnham 1,400 11 30 25 110 0
Denton 3,700 21 31 22 90 0
Dersingham 2,400 9 38 29 84 0
Docking 1,100 9 36 27 82 0
East Downham 1,300 8 31 28 57 0
Fairstead 2,900 12 18 16 42 0
Heacham 2,600 5 45 36 96 0
Hilgay with Denver 1,100 15 46 25 230 1
Hunstanton 3,600 19 48 45 85 0
Priory 1,200 12 19 17 42 0
Rudham 1,300 12 28 22 95 0
Snettisham 2,300 11 19 16 42 0
South Wootton 1,900 6 34 31 52 0
Spellowfields 2,100 11 27 24 56 0
Upwell and Delph 2,200 13 18 16 50 0
Valley Hill 1,100 14 32 25 88 0
Walpole 960 5 22 22 28 0
West Winch 2,100 6 31 27 60 0
Wiggenhall 920 5 36 34 48 0
Wimbotsham with
1,200 6 46 34 95 0
Wissey 1,100 7 52 30 200 1

North Norfolk

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Astley 1,100 13 17 16 26 0
Chaucer 1,200 6 30 24 86 0
Corpusty 1,200 8 32 23 98 0
Erpingham 1,100 9 25 23 40 0
Glaven Valley 1,500 7 25 23 39 0
Happisburgh 1,300 8 39 35 81 0
High Heath 1,300 8 31 23 76 0
Mundesley 2,400 5 21 21 25 0
Poppyland 1,300 7 57 45 160 0
Priory 2,800 15 28 25 57 0
Scottow 1,100 5 29 27 40 0
St Benet 1,100 8 26 24 43 0
The Raynhams 1,400 7 33 24 96 0
Walsingham 1,300 11 36 28 110 0
Waterside 2,200 12 43 36 100 0
Waxham 1,100 10 31 25 73 0
Wensum 1,200 10 25 23 47 0
Worstead 1,000 7 36 30 68 0

Bowthorpe 5,000 19 19 15 49 0
Crome 4,400 6 16 14 26 0

South Norfolk
Beck Vale 1,100 8 36 31 59 0
Bressingham and
1,200 5 34 25 86 0
Brooke 1,200 5 38 27 110 0
Cringleford 2,800 16 44 33 130 0
Dickleburgh 1,200 5 24 22 32 0
Diss 4,100 8 20 16 36 0
Easton 1,100 5 22 22 25 0
Forncett 1,100 5 38 34 67 0
Hempnall 1,100 7 27 24 39 0
Hingham and
1,400 5 38 33 69 0
Mulbarton 2,300 5 27 23 44 0
Rockland 1,200 8 35 30 92 0
Thurlton 1,200 11 24 22 38 0
Wicklewood 1,100 7 31 29 51 0

North Yorkshire
Aire Valley with
1,600 13 24 20 65 0
Barden Fell 730 110 76 56 450 8
Bentham 1,800 18 30 28 60 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Cowling 1,100 10 20 17 50 0
880 18 57 44 240 1
Gargrave and
1,500 230 83 56 2,500 9
Grassington 910 64 65 48 640 1
Hellifield and Long
1,000 210 121 79 1,100 39
Ingleton and
1,900 51 54 38 300 2
Penyghent 920 25 96 63 540 2
Settle and
2,000 33 106 45 1,500 3
Skipton East 1,600 7 50 31 200 1
Skipton North 1,800 31 30 24 150 0
Skipton West 2,000 9 54 39 120 0
Upper Wharfedale 1,000 410 106 73 810 56
West Craven 930 11 45 38 110 0

Appleton Wiske &
1,300 27 17 15 49 0
Bagby & Thorntons 1,500 34 63 40 400 3
Bedale 4,100 47 49 34 270 1
Easingwold 4,500 24 28 22 110 0
Great Ayton 2,700 30 36 25 290 1
Huby 1,400 19 40 27 160 0
Hutton Rudby 1,400 7 36 27 110 0
Morton-on-Swale 1,500 20 33 26 120 0
Osmotherley &
1,400 32 37 31 120 0
Raskelf & White
1,500 36 38 32 110 0
Sowerby &
2,900 12 48 34 140 0
Stokesley 2,900 9 22 20 32 0
Tanfield 1,300 32 54 42 240 1
Thirsk 3,400 9 35 30 70 0

Bishop Monkton 1,300 14 52 36 220 1
Claro 1,400 13 34 30 86 0
Harlow Moor 2,500 5 13 12 22 0
High Harrogate 3,200 14 20 16 43 0
Kirkby Malzeard 1,400 35 56 41 240 1
Low Harrogate 3,500 6 49 36 120 0
Lower Nidderdale 1,400 15 15 14 36 0
Marston Moor 1,200 11 40 27 150 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Mashamshire 1,200 60 70 52 300 2
Newby 1,400 12 37 33 67 0
Nidd Valley 1,300 19 25 16 160 0
Ouseburn 1,300 9 26 24 54 0
Pateley Bridge 1,400 26 41 30 210 1
Ribston 1,400 17 32 24 100 0
Ripon Minster 2,600 5 80 53 180 0
Ripon Moorside 2,200 10 35 28 100 0
Ripon Spa 2,600 8 76 58 200 1
Rossett 2,700 12 23 15 54 0
Spofforth with
1,400 15 33 23 170 0
Lower Wharfedale
Washburn 1,400 25 23 19 70 0
Wathvale 1,300 16 32 27 75 0

Addlebrough 790 240 144 90 1,100 53
Barton 570 11 83 54 270 2
Bolton Castle 740 170 114 80 1,000 25
1,400 12 56 42 200 1
Swale and Scorton
Catterick 1,100 6 79 70 130 0
Colburn 2,000 5 32 30 43 0
Croft 550 18 43 33 170 0
Gilling West 600 19 112 67 390 5
Hawes and High
790 28 95 48 740 4
Hornby Castle 800 6 39 33 63 0
Leyburn 1,400 37 48 36 230 1
650 20 72 43 300 2
Melsonby 650 23 36 29 98 0
Middleham 690 31 42 33 140 0
Middleton Tyas 550 34 99 63 400 6
Newsham with
610 18 53 36 310 1
Penhill 720 220 113 71 1,400 32
Reeth and
760 230 86 54 1,100 17
Richmond Central 1,400 46 56 43 220 2
Richmond East 1,200 12 65 48 270 1
Richmond West 1,600 31 34 26 84 0
Swaledale 720 150 113 71 730 27

Amotherby 870 27 18 17 39 0
Ampleforth 720 18 51 33 210 1

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Cropton 730 37 43 27 400 1
Dales 770 55 30 25 130 0
Derwent 1,600 31 56 43 350 1
Helmsley 1,600 42 55 36 440 1
Hovingham 840 14 30 28 72 0
Kirkbymoorside 1,800 30 55 38 260 2
Malton 2,600 25 46 36 170 0
Pickering East 1,900 31 45 31 240 1
Pickering West 1,700 28 74 47 270 1
Rillington 790 15 22 18 50 0
Ryedale South
740 10 31 28 62 0
Sherburn 870 17 23 21 52 0
Sheriff Hutton 790 11 22 20 42 0
Sinnington 830 22 66 40 390 2
Thornton Dale 1,700 59 60 33 710 2
Wolds 800 23 41 28 230 1

Cayton 2,100 7 33 28 66 0
Danby 900 28 37 28 210 1
Derwent Valley 2,100 33 55 40 250 1
Esk Valley 2,300 40 25 21 70 0
Filey 3,900 5 27 21 61 0
Fylingdales 1,200 20 26 22 69 0
Hertford 2,500 10 26 22 63 0
Lindhead 1,000 5 83 33 330 1
Mayfield 2,200 6 20 17 36 0
Mulgrave 2,200 29 21 15 110 0
Scalby, Hackness
2,000 33 41 30 240 1
and Staintondale
Seamer 2,100 5 78 67 120 0
Streonshalh 2,700 9 20 18 38 0
Weaponness 1,900 7 17 15 33 0

Appleton Roebuck
2,400 27 32 25 96 0
& Church Fenton
Camblesforth &
2,500 8 21 19 32 0
Cawood & Wistow 1,300 7 20 17 36 0
Derwent 2,300 8 18 17 33 0
Escrick 1,000 9 14 11 30 0
Monk Fryston 1,300 7 27 24 40 0
South Milford 1,200 7 147 67 440 2
Tadcaster 3,400 11 28 23 52 0
Whitley 1,300 5 42 30 110 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action

Beanfield 3,200 150 20 17 98 0
Central 2,200 71 21 18 68 0
Danesholme 1,900 150 23 20 84 0
Kingswood & Hazel
3,200 120 28 21 370 1
Lloyds 3,300 120 21 17 110 0
Lodge Park 3,100 160 22 18 110 0
Oakley North 1,800 15 21 19 56 0
Oakley South 3,000 73 29 26 66 0
Rowlett 2,300 68 23 20 87 0
Rural West 770 120 90 64 410 8
Stanion & Corby
1,800 220 159 77 1,800 42
Weldon & Gretton 2,000 390 67 45 630 22

Abbey North 3,100 310 33 23 620 1
Abbey South 3,100 340 55 32 1,100 17
Barby and Kilsby 2,000 310 31 23 230 1
Braunston and
1,100 230 46 26 1,500 6
Brixworth 2,900 1,100 126 62 1,600 200
Drayton 2,600 490 29 23 140 0
Hill 2,500 300 24 17 160 0
Long Buckby 2,900 470 79 39 4,900 36
Moulton 2,100 490 58 35 890 26
Ravensthorpe 1,000 450 109 67 930 72
Spratton 1,800 650 138 86 4,600 130
Walgrave 890 340 82 51 620 33
Weedon 2,800 520 56 37 980 16
Welford 1,700 380 64 39 890 22
Woodford 2,900 440 58 42 380 15
Yelvertoft 830 180 53 34 380 7

East Northamptonshire
Barnwell 860 130 47 37 310 2
Fineshade 970 330 132 83 1,500 64
Higham Ferrers
1,800 240 79 52 830 21
Higham Ferrers
2,000 140 82 46 1,500 12
2,000 510 110 70 1,400 74
John Pyel

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
2,000 480 80 51 1,100 40
King's Forest 980 260 109 63 1,100 37
Lower Nene 930 110 40 32 270 1
Lyveden 930 230 59 42 490 10
Oundle 2,700 360 45 33 550 5
Prebendal 960 360 97 62 760 43
Raunds Saxon 2,000 470 77 49 1,500 31
Raunds Windmill 1,800 620 69 43 1,400 41
Rushden Bates 2,200 180 34 26 350 1
Rushden Hayden 4,000 190 38 29 280 1
2,900 580 34 27 270 2
Rushden Sartoris 1,800 170 33 25 230 2
Rushden Spencer 2,800 510 39 30 470 3
Stanwick 890 270 70 53 600 12
Thrapston Lakes 2,000 310 59 43 520 13
Thrapston Market 1,700 500 92 57 2,000 51
Woodford 930 320 102 60 1,500 34

All Saints 3,800 960 107 69 2,600 110
Avondale Grange 2,400 730 85 49 2,000 76
Barton 2,300 1,200 106 67 1,100 150
Brambleside 2,000 740 71 42 2,700 51
Burton Latimer 3,900 1,400 161 103 2,800 320
2,500 430 68 35 2,000 30
Desborough St
2,300 830 193 100 3,000 240
Ise Lodge 3,000 1,300 62 41 2,200 66
Northfield 1,500 340 103 70 630 43
Pipers Hill 2,400 910 84 55 1,500 81
Queen Eleanor
1,100 400 102 66 1,600 49
and Buccleuch
Rothwell 3,700 1,100 72 42 2,100 81
Slade 2,600 630 134 63 2,700 130
St Michael's and
3,500 1,100 99 52 2,800 130
St Peter's 2,100 600 101 59 920 93
Welland 1,300 380 137 69 2,500 74
William Knibb 3,000 600 83 58 1,000 50

Abington 4,500 1,200 38 28 700 16
Billing 3,700 1,700 51 30 1,900 71
Boothville 1,900 880 40 27 530 17

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Brookside 2,300 850 54 31 1,300 39
Castle 7,900 1,300 47 28 1,000 45
Delapre and Briar
6,500 1,900 72 37 2,300 140
East Hunsbury 4,300 1,700 48 31 1,400 54
Eastfield 2,300 850 33 22 580 7
Headlands 2,100 760 45 30 370 9
Kings Heath 2,300 750 40 24 1,400 13
Kingsley 2,500 560 46 30 550 17
Kingsthorpe 2,200 930 108 68 1,800 120
Nene Valley 4,300 810 53 33 1,000 33
New Duston 4,300 1,800 30 22 490 14
Obelisk 1,200 530 26 20 210 1
Old Duston 3,800 1,400 68 39 4,400 74
Park 2,000 920 67 41 940 62
Parklands 2,200 870 35 27 480 2
Phippsville 1,700 670 68 49 720 26
Rectory Farm 2,100 990 102 59 1,200 130
Riverside 1,900 830 37 26 420 10
Rushmills 1,900 600 63 42 1,700 31
Semilong 2,700 570 72 44 770 45
Spencer 2,300 750 58 42 560 22
Spring Park 1,900 850 97 58 2,400 88
St David's 2,200 800 50 30 580 33
St James 2,600 610 37 25 1,100 8
Sunnyside 2,000 710 49 32 2,200 16
Talavera 4,700 1,900 45 29 590 55
Trinity 1,800 580 109 54 7,100 78
Upton 3,500 39 35 25 290 1
West Hunsbury 1,900 1,100 103 50 3,500 150
Westone 2,000 860 49 29 1,300 28

South Northamptonshire
Astwell 830 160 39 30 230 2
Blakesley and Cote 1,600 560 129 71 1,400 120
Blisworth and
2,000 460 98 57 1,100 61
Brackley East 2,100 220 42 32 340 4
Brackley South 2,000 200 55 34 2,400 3
Brackley West 1,700 170 32 26 140 0
Brafield and
1,900 480 59 40 710 19
Cosgrove and
820 120 37 31 170 0
Danvers and
1,600 350 90 62 1,000 32
Deanshanger 1,800 96 43 32 370 2

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Grange Park 1,600 11 30 24 81 0
Hackleton 990 170 37 29 450 1
Harpole and
2,000 490 74 45 1,400 32
Heyfords and
1,900 270 35 28 210 1
Kings Sutton 980 200 81 53 1,400 15
Kingthorn 790 140 44 35 260 1
Little Brook 1,000 150 54 42 260 2
Middleton Cheney 1,800 500 143 92 1,700 110
Old Stratford 870 32 24 21 97 0
Salcey 970 120 27 22 110 0
Silverstone 990 86 37 31 170 0
Steane 870 120 52 38 430 3
Tove 830 160 43 30 400 2
Towcester Brook 2,400 320 34 27 150 0
Towcester Mill 1,800 110 34 26 310 2
Washington 800 120 39 31 360 1
Whittlewood 940 140 55 41 540 4

Bozeat 980 440 39 29 370 3
Brickhill 1,700 860 44 31 760 16
Croyland 2,900 1,000 35 26 930 10
Earls Barton 2,500 1,400 110 57 2,000 220
Finedon 2,100 1,100 96 50 2,000 140
Great Doddington
880 520 43 30 480 8
& Wilby
Harrowden &
1,800 1,100 83 51 2,900 89
Hatton 2,000 880 94 57 1,500 89
Irchester 2,600 1,500 64 42 2,900 62
Isebrook 1,200 300 42 27 910 7
Queensway 3,200 1,300 25 19 360 2
Redwell 2,700 1,500 31 23 410 8
Rixon 2,900 1,000 106 61 1,300 150
Swanspool 2,400 850 42 29 800 15
Victoria 2,800 760 165 120 2,900 230
Wollaston 1,800 810 49 34 780 18

Annesley & Kirkby
3,300 5 29 28 37 0
Ashfields 1,600 6 49 40 120 0
Carsic 1,700 15 54 41 170 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Central & New
3,500 19 37 31 100 0
Hucknall West 3,900 11 34 29 80 0
Huthwaite &
3,400 16 88 59 450 1
Jacksdale 1,500 6 49 31 120 0
Kirkby Cross &
1,800 12 207 89 1,300 2
Larwood 1,400 9 85 69 190 0
Selston 2,900 9 58 29 320 1
Skegby 3,100 1,100 79 41 2,900 84
Stanton Hill &
1,500 550 83 42 5,000 38
Summit 3,300 5 35 27 72 0
The Dales 1,400 270 48 29 910 9

Blyth 1,000 11 35 25 120 0
Clayworth 840 6 30 28 49 0
East Markham 1,000 5 43 34 110 0
East Retford South 2,200 6 20 19 26 0
Everton 1,100 10 32 26 68 0
Harworth 3,600 5 21 18 41 0
Rampton 890 7 26 24 47 0
Ranskill 1,000 9 16 16 26 0
Sturton 1,000 6 80 45 300 1
Sutton 910 7 18 16 31 0
Tuxford and Trent 2,000 13 32 28 66 0
Welbeck 940 18 23 15 79 0
Worksop East 2,900 7 24 23 44 0
Worksop South 3,300 6 31 26 76 0
Worksop South
3,600 5 35 27 91 0

Awsworth, Cossall
2,300 54 57 31 570 3
& Trowell
Bramcote 3,200 47 22 17 77 0
Brinsley 1,000 18 22 20 51 0
Eastwood Hilltop 2,400 43 19 16 74 0
Eastwood St
2,200 40 26 23 74 0
Greasley 2,900 57 47 35 310 2
Kimberley 3,100 1,100 90 49 4,100 100
Nuthall East &
2,100 670 95 63 1,400 70
Stapleford North 2,200 150 28 18 220 2

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Stapleford South
2,300 72 15 13 60 0
Watnall & Nuthall
2,000 860 73 49 900 53

Calverton 3,400 5 20 18 35 0
Newstead Abbey 3,600 13 27 22 64 0
Trent Valley 2,400 5 32 32 39 0

Abbott 1,200 150 64 49 320 5
Berry Hill 1,200 7 23 21 38 0
Brick Kiln 1,400 180 22 19 140 0
Broomhill 1,400 24 54 38 390 1
Bull Farm and
1,400 280 87 61 870 19
Pleasley Hill
Carr Bank 1,400 5 28 26 46 0
Eakring 1,200 6 29 27 44 0
Grange Farm 1,500 170 31 27 94 0
Hornby 1,100 5 29 27 42 0
Ladybrook 1,700 44 33 26 240 1
Meden 1,300 5 24 21 50 0
Park Hall 1,500 9 43 37 99 0
Peafields 1,300 7 29 24 57 0
Penniment 1,300 220 41 28 610 4
Ransom Wood 1,500 9 23 19 39 0
Sherwood 1,200 30 67 58 180 0
Woodhouse 1,500 30 69 49 280 3
Woodlands 1,200 5 29 22 56 0
Yeoman Hill 1,600 7 38 31 90 0

Newark and Sherwood

Collingham 2,500 15 23 20 52 0
Dover Beck 1,300 43 51 39 220 1
Edwinstowe &
4,500 8 20 18 36 0
Farndon &
2,900 12 29 24 82 0
Farnsfield 1,200 8 28 26 40 0
Lowdham 1,200 11 17 14 31 0
Muskham 1,300 8 54 26 300 1
Ollerton 4,100 6 22 20 29 0
Southwell 3,800 18 32 22 160 0
Sutton-on-Trent 1,400 15 25 21 50 0
Trent 1,200 10 24 20 56 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action

Bingham East 2,300 170 41 24 500 4
Bingham West 2,100 120 25 20 120 0
Bunny 1,000 7 33 26 85 0
Cotgrave 3,100 7 24 23 43 0
Cranmer 990 76 44 35 150 0
East Bridgford 1,300 70 37 27 140 0
Keyworth & Wolds 3,700 16 27 21 88 0
Leake 3,200 14 30 23 110 0
Nevile & Langar 1,200 30 35 28 97 0
Radcliffe on Trent 3,700 10 26 22 70 0
Ruddington 3,300 5 24 21 52 0
Thoroton 1,100 64 50 39 180 0

Adderbury 1,300 480 245 173 2,200 210
Ambrosden and
2,000 20 47 35 120 0
Banbury Calthorpe 2,300 720 96 66 1,500 81
Banbury Easington 3,500 1,200 100 66 1,500 150
Grimsbury and 5,400 840 40 33 630 3
Banbury Hardwick 3,500 860 56 38 1,500 31
Banbury Neithrop 2,400 820 38 28 800 8
Banbury Ruscote 3,300 1,300 82 50 1,800 120
Bicester East 2,300 10 41 32 120 0
Bicester North 2,700 11 33 27 110 0
Bicester South 2,200 7 18 16 46 0
Bicester Town 2,700 5 30 25 41 0
Bicester West 2,900 19 68 59 130 0
Bloxham and
2,900 1,000 121 78 3,300 160
Caversfield 1,400 20 70 51 270 1
Cropredy 1,200 420 71 51 770 21
Deddington 1,200 510 126 84 930 87
Fringford 1,000 68 65 52 210 1
Hook Norton 1,200 520 194 127 1,900 150
Kidlington North 2,500 5 29 24 59 0
Kidlington South 3,500 10 26 21 61 0
Kirtlington 1,300 26 29 25 74 0
Launton 1,300 13 27 22 58 0
Otmoor 1,000 19 39 34 91 0
Sibford 1,100 430 139 93 1,500 76

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
The Astons and
2,300 110 53 39 330 3
Wroxton 1,200 530 248 137 2,500 210
Yarnton, Gosford
2,300 7 28 19 96 0
and Water Eaton

Blackbird Leys 2,400 5 21 19 37 0
Cowley Marsh 2,800 6 19 17 33 0
Quarry and
2,700 5 18 18 26 0
Summertown 3,100 5 78 59 200 1
Wolvercote 2,700 7 25 20 56 0

South Oxfordshire
Benson &
3,300 17 32 26 60 0
Berinsfield 1,700 8 64 51 130 0
Chalgrove 1,400 10 18 16 41 0
Chinnor 3,300 24 27 23 78 0
Cholsey 3,700 10 31 27 65 0
Didcot South 4,300 6 10 9 24 0
Forest Hill &
1,500 14 35 30 93 0
Garsington &
1,600 7 50 41 150 0
Goring 1,700 10 46 41 78 0
Haseley Brook 1,700 15 35 24 150 0
5,800 33 68 48 230 2
Kidmore End &
1,500 10 37 33 80 0
Sandford & the
1,700 8 37 34 76 0
Sonning Common 2,900 9 53 40 160 0
Thame 5,100 12 54 34 260 1
Wallingford 3,600 22 27 24 66 0
Watlington 1,800 18 31 24 130 0
Wheatley 1,800 6 57 35 200 1
Woodcote &
3,500 36 45 35 160 0

Vale of White Horse

Abingdon Abbey
3,100 11 30 26 55 0
3,300 10 56 47 150 0
2,500 19 33 23 190 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
2,800 16 93 52 670 1
2,900 10 22 19 46 0
Blewbury &
2,800 16 28 22 78 0
Botley &
3,000 8 40 34 64 0
Cumnor 2,700 8 23 21 39 0
Faringdon 3,500 12 34 26 110 0
Grove North 2,300 6 22 20 42 0
Hendreds 1,200 9 30 26 60 0
Kennington &
2,800 7 39 33 89 0
Kingston Bagpuize 1,400 10 41 33 83 0
Marcham 1,300 8 24 20 72 0
Ridgeway 1,400 17 31 25 68 0
Stanford 1,500 13 26 23 67 0
Steventon & The
1,500 6 38 25 100 0
Thames 1,400 16 27 25 52 0
Wantage & Grove
3,000 10 19 17 39 0
Wantage Charlton 3,000 5 21 15 50 0
Watchfield &
3,100 29 59 46 200 1
Wootton 1,400 5 39 33 72 0

West Oxfordshire
Alvescot and
850 9 35 30 78 0
Ascott and Shipton 950 230 69 56 290 7
Bampton and
1,600 12 26 23 42 0
Brize Norton and
880 15 123 71 400 4
Burford 1,000 160 102 75 620 20
Carterton North
2,400 12 40 34 70 0
Carterton North
2,300 24 59 49 200 1
Carterton South 1,700 7 37 35 52 0
Chadlington and
960 350 97 66 1,700 35
Charlbury and
1,800 750 120 80 1,600 120
Chipping Norton 3,100 1,300 108 62 2,200 190
Ducklington 880 7 37 35 49 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Eynsham and
2,700 11 31 28 54 0
Freeland and
1,700 28 55 39 290 1
Hailey, Minster
1,800 100 75 51 710 5
Lovell and Leafield
Kingham, Rollright
1,900 600 110 72 2,400 66
and Enstone
1,000 50 52 42 150 0
North Leigh 810 35 85 61 530 2
Standlake, Aston
and Stanton 1,800 19 34 30 86 0
Stonesfield and
1,800 270 146 94 1,800 47
The Bartons 860 49 83 51 490 4
Witney Central 2,400 68 41 32 210 1
Witney East 3,400 21 37 27 190 0
Witney North 1,700 470 71 50 490 24
Witney South 3,000 12 46 38 93 0
Witney West 1,800 14 31 24 91 0
Woodstock and
2,000 370 92 61 1,100 31

Ammerdown 1,100 210 99 53 1,100 28
Chilcompton and 1,900 720 92 59 2,900 79
Beckington and
1,000 31 32 23 110 0
Butleigh and
990 310 54 41 500 12
Chewton Mendip
840 380 145 84 2,300 82
and Ston Easton
Coleford and
2,100 570 56 29 720 32
Doulting and 1,000 330 106 67 750 45
Creech 1,100 290 83 59 940 20
Croscombe and
1,000 310 68 54 460 8
Frome Berkley
1,900 35 24 19 81 0
Frome College 2,000 35 27 21 110 0
Frome Keyford 2,500 21 29 23 89 0
Frome Market 2,400 38 33 24 160 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Frome Oakfield 1,200 33 44 29 290 1
Frome Park 2,200 27 23 16 120 0
Glastonbury St
1,500 300 37 30 180 0
Glastonbury St
1,100 260 42 33 340 3
Glastonbury St
1,100 160 36 30 180 0
Glastonbury St
990 280 43 35 380 2
Moor 1,100 270 52 42 310 2
Postlebury 920 240 42 31 330 4
Rode and Norton
1,000 42 27 19 140 0
St Philip
Rodney and
920 140 51 39 450 3
Shepton East 2,600 580 144 92 4,800 120
Shepton West 2,200 840 154 113 1,400 210
St Cuthbert Out
1,100 130 70 48 410 7
Street North 2,200 690 55 40 1,400 12
Street South 2,300 1,200 80 58 1,100 74
Street West 920 550 81 54 1,200 42
The Pennards and
940 270 48 35 520 7
Wells Central 1,300 61 35 28 120 0
Wells St Cuthbert's 2,100 49 26 20 210 1
Wells St Thomas' 2,000 460 39 30 1,100 2
Wookey and St
1,100 57 34 28 130 0
Cuthbert Out West

Axevale 1,800 98 38 30 130 0
Berrow 1,100 30 17 12 89 0
2,200 370 26 22 120 0
2,300 210 28 24 110 0
Bridgwater Fairfax 3,300 410 24 21 140 0
Bridgwater Hamp 2,300 170 31 26 98 0
Bridgwater Victoria 2,600 13 19 17 37 0
3,000 82 39 30 370 1
2,000 23 36 30 120 0
Burnham Central 3,400 10 14 12 21 0
Burnham North 3,100 25 14 12 23 0
Cannington and
2,000 35 46 31 390 1

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Cheddar and
3,100 770 69 52 1,000 31
East Polden 920 390 69 50 720 18
Highbridge and
3,800 17 16 14 24 0
Burnham Marine
Huntspill and
990 62 51 38 220 1
King's Isle 2,400 440 41 31 390 4
Knoll 2,000 64 23 20 61 0
North Petherton 4,000 210 43 35 250 1
Puriton and
2,200 580 80 54 590 46
Quantocks 2,100 90 43 28 360 2
Wedmore and
2,000 70 34 27 110 0
West Polden 1,000 260 55 44 450 3

South Somerset
Blackdown 1,100 290 59 43 400 9
Blackmoor Vale 2,600 340 71 46 620 22
Bruton 1,200 380 66 40 860 23
Brympton 3,200 300 39 33 160 0
Burrow Hill 980 290 35 30 140 0
Camelot 1,200 390 36 27 470 2
Cary 2,600 660 37 28 380 6
Chard Avishayes 1,200 180 55 40 690 6
Chard Combe 1,100 190 59 41 460 5
Chard Crimchard 1,200 240 40 31 350 2
Chard Holyrood 1,600 220 58 44 440 5
Chard Jocelyn 1,200 220 57 43 390 6
Coker 2,500 490 46 39 250 3
Crewkerne 4,000 1,300 98 63 1,300 130
Curry Rivel 1,200 330 69 49 810 15
Eggwood 1,200 350 53 39 600 8
Hamdon 1,200 280 50 42 160 0
Ilminster 2,900 460 52 41 600 5
Islemoor 1,300 380 51 35 1,900 6
Ivelchester 1,400 410 48 32 500 12
Langport and
1,500 350 47 36 470 6
Martock 2,600 600 32 27 190 0
Milborne Port 1,400 300 76 59 1,300 10
Neroche 1,100 250 54 46 220 1
Northstone 1,300 510 88 60 1,400 36
Parrett 1,100 420 78 53 1,200 27
South Petherton 2,400 660 47 36 990 9
St Michael's 1,000 220 38 31 360 1

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Tatworth and
1,200 290 42 34 370 1
Tower 1,100 250 147 67 2,900 45
Turn Hill 1,200 410 49 36 530 9
Wessex 2,600 1,100 85 57 900 99
Wincanton 2,800 42 35 28 190 0
Windwhistle 1,100 280 52 39 330 6
Yeovil Central 3,900 49 44 32 240 1
Yeovil East 3,500 33 25 21 54 0
Yeovil South 4,000 700 42 34 380 6
Yeovil West 3,200 570 36 30 280 1
Yeovil Without 3,600 640 33 26 610 1

Taunton Deane
Bishop's Hull 1,900 26 37 30 110 0
Bishop's Lydeard 2,700 77 48 37 190 0
Blackdown 970 260 79 52 860 22
Bradford-on-Tone 1,000 54 47 36 210 1
Comeytrowe 2,600 35 31 27 110 0
Milverton and
970 150 40 35 120 0
North Deane
Monument 900 110 40 33 250 1
Neroche 970 240 65 53 270 8
North Curry and
1,400 370 39 32 260 2
Stoke St Gregory
Norton Fitzwarren 1,500 32 24 18 120 0
Ruishton and
1,900 480 53 43 600 4
Staplegrove 1,800 33 49 35 360 1
Blackbrook and 3,000 37 30 25 95 0
Taunton Eastgate 2,400 9 35 31 76 0
Taunton Fairwater 3,000 29 38 35 74 0
Taunton Halcon 2,900 150 44 35 380 1
Taunton Killams
1,700 23 42 35 110 0
and Mountfield
Taunton Lyngford 2,900 18 43 34 90 0
Taunton Manor
3,000 87 28 22 180 0
and Wilton
Taunton Pyrland
2,800 29 36 29 130 0
and Rowbarton
Trull 920 28 48 38 170 0
Wellington East 2,100 71 61 44 560 2
Wellington North 1,900 22 37 33 84 0
Rockwell Green 3,000 290 63 47 410 11
and West

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
West Monkton 2,400 240 50 39 310 5
Wiveliscombe and
1,800 380 53 39 570 15
West Deane

West Somerset
Alcombe 1,400 120 33 26 170 0
Brendon Hills 580 210 89 63 560 18
Carhampton and
590 36 45 35 170 0
Crowcombe and
590 130 40 30 360 1
Dulverton and
1,400 380 79 54 870 30
Dunster and
750 150 50 40 450 2
Greater Exmoor 610 160 76 55 390 11
Minehead Central 1,900 39 37 29 130 0
Minehead North 1,300 54 33 25 130 0
Minehead South 1,200 52 37 30 140 0
Old Cleeve 1,100 190 89 58 1,500 17
Porlock and
1,300 340 52 39 610 7
Quantock Vale 990 44 33 27 110 0
Watchet 1,900 50 41 34 120 0
West Quantock 550 69 39 31 130 0
Williton 1,400 34 55 40 170 0

East Staffordshire
Abbey 1,100 10 60 39 190 0
Bagots 1,200 9 41 34 95 0
Brizlincote 2,200 58 34 30 93 0
Churnet 1,200 5 48 31 92 0
Crown 1,100 30 37 30 120 0
Needwood 2,500 7 26 21 65 0
Stapenhill 3,800 49 34 27 290 1
Town 3,200 6 36 27 100 0
Weaver 960 81 46 31 560 2
Winshill 3,600 89 30 26 130 0
Yoxall 1,200 12 24 19 70 0

Little Aston &
2,000 6 22 19 48 0

Loggerheads and
3,000 12 24 21 48 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Seabridge 2,600 6 27 21 77 0

South Staffordshire
Brewood and
3,100 6 24 22 38 0
Kinver 3,200 7 36 32 71 0
Pattingham and
970 5 30 29 43 0
Trysull and
910 9 24 23 37 0
Wheaton Aston,
Bishopswood and 1,800 15 29 24 71 0
Wombourne North
2,700 5 23 17 59 0
and Lower Penn

Eccleshall 3,000 33 37 31 99 0
Fulford 2,600 8 52 38 150 0
Gnosall &
2,900 24 24 21 61 0
Haywood & Hixon 2,800 5 48 40 110 0
Milford 1,300 5 29 24 40 0
Milwich 2,400 20 25 20 51 0
Seighford &
2,500 18 28 23 86 0
Church Eaton
Swynnerton &
2,700 10 29 25 64 0
Walton 2,800 8 22 11 41 0

Staffordshire Moorlands
Alton 650 7 31 28 48 0
Bagnall and
690 6 21 17 35 0
Brown Edge and
2,100 5 35 29 67 0
Checkley 2,500 8 36 33 57 0
Cheddleton 2,300 13 35 26 110 0
Churnet 1,400 20 65 38 320 1
Dane 640 56 38 29 260 1
Hamps Valley 850 380 168 87 4,600 95
Horton 780 5 23 22 29 0
Ipstones 780 31 28 22 110 0
Leek East 2,500 5 25 23 32 0
Manifold 890 280 113 60 2,800 30

Stonydelph 3,100 5 34 31 61 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action

Alton 1,700 5 25 20 56 0
Brett Vale 970 6 28 25 47 0
Brook 1,800 6 53 38 160 0
Chadacre 870 5 26 24 37 0
Dodnash 1,500 6 38 28 93 0
Lavenham 1,100 15 23 17 54 0
Leavenheath 800 7 17 15 28 0
Long Melford 1,900 10 15 14 22 0
Lower Brett 940 11 26 24 40 0
Nayland 860 6 31 29 49 0
North Cosford 1,000 10 37 26 99 0
South Cosford 980 8 25 21 69 0
Waldingfield 1,800 5 27 24 37 0

Forest Heath
Brandon East 2,800 9 29 26 58 0
Eriswell and the
4,100 11 30 22 94 0
Iceni 830 13 39 33 93 0
Lakenheath 2,300 5 35 34 46 0
Manor 860 6 34 31 56 0
Severals 3,400 5 27 20 60 0
South 870 5 19 17 29 0

Mid Suffolk
Badwell Ash 1,100 9 20 18 34 0
Fressingfield 1,100 6 26 23 35 0
Gislingham 1,200 9 31 27 90 0
Helmingham and
980 6 39 23 150 0
Hoxne 920 5 34 25 86 0
Mendlesham 990 5 24 20 51 0
Rickinghall and
2,100 9 23 21 39 0
Ringshall 1,100 5 30 24 62 0
Stradbroke and
1,200 6 25 21 44 0
The Stonhams 930 6 19 17 32 0
Wetheringsett 1,100 9 21 20 39 0
Worlingworth 1,000 7 22 18 50 0

St Edmundsbury
Bardwell 1,100 8 43 28 140 0
Barningham 1,200 7 14 13 23 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Chedburgh 940 6 16 12 31 0
Pakenham 1,100 7 42 30 140 0
Risby 1,000 9 21 19 45 0
Rougham 990 9 29 26 79 0
Wickhambrook 940 9 31 22 110 0
Withersfield 960 8 47 36 130 0

Suffolk Coastal
Aldeburgh 3,700 11 19 18 31 0
Deben 1,300 77 42 33 190 0
Felixstowe East 2,400 52 73 52 280 5
Felixstowe North 2,900 27 50 36 240 1
Felixstowe South 3,300 19 48 34 180 0
Framlingham 2,700 11 22 20 45 0
Fynn Valley 1,400 5 26 23 38 0
Hacheston 1,500 15 24 20 59 0
Kirton 1,300 31 38 28 140 0
Leiston 3,100 11 20 18 33 0
Martlesham 2,400 7 52 31 200 1
Melton 2,900 21 25 22 47 0
Orford & Eyke 1,700 31 48 30 390 2
Peasenhall &
1,500 17 27 22 93 0
Rendlesham 1,300 10 15 10 47 0
Wenhaston &
1,800 11 34 24 110 0
Wickham Market 1,400 6 31 27 64 0
Woodbridge 4,600 32 34 28 110 0

Blything 1,100 6 24 20 60 0
Gunton and
2,100 5 35 22 73 0
Southwold and
2,900 7 10 10 18 0
The Saints 990 8 25 21 56 0
Wainford 970 10 23 18 62 0
Wrentham 1,100 13 28 22 110 0

Friary and St
4,600 6 9 8 11 0
Holy Trinity 4,100 8 14 13 20 0
Tillingbourne 2,400 5 23 17 50 0

Mole Valley

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Capel, Leigh and
1,800 12 29 21 56 0
Fetcham East 1,600 7 58 44 130 0
Okewood 780 8 32 24 110 0

Reigate and Banstead

Chipstead, Hooley
and 3,400 6 78 54 220 1
Earlswood and
4,000 5 16 14 24 0
Tattenhams 3,200 5 45 35 74 0

Bletchingley and
2,400 5 26 21 49 0
Chaldon 680 5 28 25 41 0
Dormansland and
1,600 5 16 14 37 0
Harestone 1,800 5 30 27 52 0
Limpsfield 1,500 11 74 55 270 1
Oxted North and
2,500 9 31 25 60 0
Oxted South 2,500 8 35 32 63 0
Warlingham East
and Chelsham and 2,400 5 27 23 49 0
Woldingham 760 9 119 86 430 1

Alfold, Cranleigh
Rural and Ellens 1,000 7 24 23 43 0
Chiddingfold and
1,600 10 26 23 76 0
Elstead and
1,700 6 17 14 23 0
Dockenfield and 1,600 8 18 17 30 0
Critchmere and 2,600 5 16 15 26 0

North Warwickshire
Fillongley 1,400 11 45 23 240 1
Newton Regis and
1,400 9 30 27 55 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Nuneaton and Bedworth
Bede 3,100 10 21 19 46 0
Bulkington 2,900 27 18 16 43 0
Camp Hill 3,800 35 36 26 190 0
Poplar 3,500 5 16 13 42 0

Bilton 2,900 9 35 26 140 0
Clifton, Newton
1,000 39 53 35 190 0
and Churchover
Coton and
2,900 19 27 25 70 0
Dunsmore 3,200 230 55 38 1,100 5
Eastlands 3,500 6 23 20 37 0
Hillmorton 2,500 14 38 34 81 0
Leam Valley 1,000 140 50 39 320 1
Paddox 3,000 8 27 24 50 0
Revel and Binley
2,800 28 35 30 83 0
Rokeby and
3,300 16 29 25 61 0
Wolston and the
3,400 32 39 35 120 0
Wolvey and
1,200 8 27 23 65 0

Alcester & Rural 1,600 6 253 79 1,300 1
Bidford East 1,700 8 53 44 120 0
Bidford West &
1,400 9 38 36 64 0
Bishop's Itchington 1,700 23 67 47 250 1
Bishopton 1,400 5 31 25 57 0
Brailes & Compton 1,600 71 42 34 380 1
Ettington 1,500 20 59 45 300 1
Harbury 1,500 16 37 34 73 0
Henley-in-Arden 1,900 9 23 22 37 0
Kineton 1,600 16 50 34 210 1
Kinwarton 1,300 10 40 34 96 0
Long Itchington &
1,600 28 63 49 170 0
Napton & Fenny
1,400 75 46 36 180 0
Quinton 1,500 22 37 30 120 0
Red Horse 1,500 46 109 63 750 8
Shipston North 1,800 23 62 40 290 1
Shipston South 1,600 26 39 35 88 0
Shottery 1,400 7 24 22 43 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Snitterfield 1,500 16 36 27 140 0
Southam North 1,500 5 76 56 220 1
Southam South 1,400 12 55 44 150 0
Tiddington 1,700 7 43 36 75 0
Welford-on-Avon 1,400 10 69 49 250 1
Wellesbourne East 1,700 15 29 24 96 0
1,400 13 56 48 100 0
Wotton Wawen 1,700 7 38 31 87 0

Arden 2,400 5 21 18 41 0
Budbrooke 2,600 10 32 31 43 0
Manor 2,700 5 29 28 39 0
Park Hill 3,700 5 35 30 55 0
Radford Semele 1,100 7 39 30 93 0
St John's 3,800 6 54 37 180 0
Stoneleigh &
2,200 10 38 33 96 0
Sydenham 2,900 5 37 29 73 0
Whitnash 3,600 6 26 22 46 0

West Sussex
Buckingham 1,700 8 50 42 120 0
Manor 1,700 8 77 63 180 0
Marine 2,200 13 13 11 28 0
Peverel 2,000 5 122 102 250 1
Southwick Green 2,100 5 57 49 130 0
St Mary's 2,300 8 85 54 260 1
St Nicolas 1,700 6 94 82 170 0

Angmering &
4,100 23 49 37 120 0
Arundel &
3,900 18 48 34 130 0
Barnham 3,500 7 73 50 210 1
East Preston 4,100 13 84 61 330 1
Felpham West 2,600 6 34 33 55 0
Ferring 2,400 9 75 57 170 0
Pagham 3,100 5 18 15 41 0
Pevensey 2,400 5 60 50 94 0
Rustington East 2,800 13 39 32 120 0
Rustington West 4,200 5 61 47 89 0


Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Boxgrove 1,100 13 30 26 65 0
Bury 1,000 13 23 18 82 0
Chichester East 4,100 12 50 37 130 0
Chichester North 3,700 8 97 72 240 1
Chichester West 2,400 6 54 44 120 0
Easebourne 1,200 5 53 43 120 0
East Wittering 2,600 8 54 41 91 0
Fernhurst 2,200 6 58 36 150 0
Funtington 1,200 17 50 36 150 0
Harting 940 13 23 20 48 0
Lavant 1,100 5 64 49 120 0
Petworth 2,400 16 24 22 55 0
Selsey South 2,100 7 40 32 83 0
Stedham 1,000 11 16 14 25 0
West Wittering 2,800 11 27 21 74 0
Wisborough Green 1,100 5 24 19 46 0

Billingshurst and
4,500 11 18 16 45 0
Bramber, Upper
Beeding and 2,300 9 23 18 48 0
Chanctonbury 3,500 13 30 25 55 0
Chantry 4,700 17 30 26 61 0
Shermanbury and 2,300 16 23 20 52 0
West Grinstead
Henfield 2,500 9 18 15 38 0
Slinfold and 2,300 9 26 23 49 0
Pulborough and
2,900 14 17 15 38 0
Rudgwick 1,100 5 33 32 55 0
Rusper and
1,400 7 52 27 170 0
Steyning 2,900 7 47 34 150 0

Mid Sussex
Bolney 1,100 6 25 22 47 0
Burgess Hill
2,000 7 25 20 70 0
Cuckfield 2,300 6 22 18 36 0
Hassocks 3,500 10 28 22 82 0
High Weald 2,100 7 23 19 49 0
Hurstpierpoint and
3,300 21 29 25 87 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action

Broadwater 3,800 18 57 40 210 1
Castle 3,800 5 52 40 120 0
Central 5,100 10 61 48 140 0
Durrington 2,700 7 119 96 250 2
Gaisford 4,000 9 53 41 120 0
Goring 3,900 14 75 63 150 0
Marine 4,200 8 40 33 83 0
Northbrook 2,000 6 48 35 130 0
Offington 3,400 37 107 70 590 6
Salvington 4,000 38 154 102 1,100 7
Selden 3,700 5 30 24 50 0
Tarring 3,800 8 63 56 110 0

Alvechurch South 1,200 6 17 11 33 0
Belbroughton &
2,900 9 127 43 850 1

Malvern Hills
Alfrick and Leigh 1,500 16 45 32 220 1
Broadheath 1,500 11 43 30 190 0
Chase 2,800 17 34 26 120 0
Dyson Perrins 1,900 11 24 21 61 0
Hallow 830 6 24 22 46 0
Kempsey 1,700 12 45 39 110 0
Lindridge 970 21 55 41 180 0
Link 3,100 19 42 35 110 0
Longdon 860 11 42 33 150 0
Martley 810 10 60 35 270 1
Morton 830 13 40 37 66 0
Pickersleigh 2,800 9 31 27 64 0
Powick 1,700 14 63 42 330 1
Priory 2,100 23 55 41 210 1
Ripple 810 6 48 35 120 0
Teme Valley 870 15 25 22 55 0
Tenbury 1,900 8 39 32 100 0
Upton and Hanley 2,100 19 52 42 130 0
Wells 1,500 34 72 53 240 2
West 1,900 25 44 28 330 1
Woodbury 870 5 53 42 120 0

Arboretum 3,000 6 63 53 160 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Battenhall 2,300 19 38 31 110 0
Bedwardine 3,700 18 52 45 170 0
Cathedral 5,700 9 40 34 100 0
Claines 3,600 9 41 37 70 0
Nunnery 3,300 7 29 27 56 0
St Clement 2,200 8 46 43 73 0
St John 3,800 13 28 24 79 0
St Peter's Parish 2,500 8 33 22 110 0
St Stephen 2,400 7 31 27 46 0

Badsey 1,200 5 38 34 74 0
Bengeworth 3,200 6 39 36 69 0
Bowbrook 1,200 7 44 34 120 0
Broadway and
2,500 19 29 26 70 0
Drakes Broughton 1,000 5 22 21 33 0
Eckington 1,200 20 32 26 86 0
Elmley Castle and
1,100 10 42 36 85 0
Evesham North 2,500 8 37 35 58 0
Evesham South 2,300 9 37 29 100 0
Fladbury 1,200 13 67 52 180 0
Harvington and
1,200 5 49 48 73 0
Honeybourne and
1,200 11 23 19 47 0
Inkberrow 2,500 29 36 31 94 0
Little Hampton 2,300 6 42 39 66 0
Lovett and North
2,400 6 15 15 22 0
Norton and
1,300 8 32 29 45 0
Pershore 3,700 14 39 31 110 0
Pinvin 1,300 9 46 36 100 0
South Bredon Hill 1,100 13 42 36 96 0
The Littletons 1,200 7 61 41 130 0
Upton Snodsbury 1,100 13 34 27 81 0

Wyre Forest
Bewdley & Rock 3,700 9 66 39 330 1
Wyre Forest Rural 4,000 12 27 20 82 0

Greater London
Mill Hill 7,400 6 22 22 31 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Biggin Hill 4,100 12 52 35 160 0
Bromley Town 8,200 6 27 24 55 0
Chelsfield and
6,000 24 87 56 580 1
Pratts Bottom
Chislehurst 6,800 5 45 27 110 0
Cray Valley East 7,200 5 36 33 58 0
Darwin 2,200 9 94 80 200 2
Farnborough and
6,400 10 44 31 170 0
Hayes and Coney
6,300 5 53 44 82 0
Orpington 6,600 7 47 30 140 0
Petts Wood and
5,600 5 38 26 110 0

Coulsdon West 5,200 5 66 65 94 0

Charlton 5,900 5 29 19 59 0
Greenwich West 9,400 9 31 18 160 0
Plumstead 6,100 5 25 23 41 0

Headstone North 3,700 5 35 31 66 0

Ladywell 5,400 5 18 16 27 0

Surrey Docks 6,600 9 13 9 32 0

Greater Manchester
Ramsbottom 5,200 9 18 15 48 0

Saddleworth North 4,300 20 41 28 250 1
Saddleworth South 4,700 23 42 26 370 1
Saddleworth West
5,100 11 21 16 62 0
and Lees

4,700 8 24 20 46 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action

Bramhall North 5,500 7 25 24 41 0
Bramhall South
5,000 11 20 18 42 0
and Woodford
Bredbury and
6,200 6 29 22 75 0
Bredbury Green
6,500 16 23 19 50 0
and Romiley
Brinnington and
8,000 6 25 20 67 0
Cheadle and
6,400 7 29 26 51 0
Cheadle Hulme
5,800 5 16 15 24 0
Cheadle Hulme
5,800 9 21 19 34 0
Davenport and
6,600 5 12 10 26 0
Cale Green
Edgeley and
6,700 6 23 21 51 0
Cheadle Heath
Hazel Grove 6,300 6 46 33 150 0
Heatons North 6,200 11 19 15 51 0
Heatons South 6,200 8 19 15 34 0
Marple North 5,200 29 65 34 320 2
Marple South 5,500 22 23 21 54 0
Reddish South 6,300 5 29 24 63 0
Stepping Hill 5,600 8 17 10 43 0

Hyde Godley 5,400 26 15 14 34 0
Hyde Newton 6,300 48 18 15 64 0
Hyde Werneth 4,900 67 18 15 120 0
Longdendale 4,800 120 33 20 740 2
Stalybridge South 4,900 7 21 21 25 0

Speke-Garston 9,300 5 10 9 15 0

Manor 5,400 5 11 9 17 0
Ravenmeols 5,400 5 12 11 16 0

St. Helens
Rainford 3,700 8 16 13 37 0


Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Eastham 6,300 15 29 24 81 0
Hoylake and
6,000 7 19 14 42 0
West Kirby and
5,700 10 18 17 28 0

South Yorkshire
Cudworth 5,000 7 81 40 370 1
Darton East 4,800 16 38 27 120 0
Darton West 4,700 7 89 52 230 1
Dearne North 5,400 8 38 32 89 0
Dearne South 5,400 8 39 34 85 0
Dodworth 4,800 9 95 51 290 2
Monk Bretton 5,100 5 46 28 97 0
North East 6,000 5 21 20 29 0
Old Town 5,200 7 56 38 170 0
Penistone East 5,100 56 39 23 440 2
Penistone West 5,500 87 31 21 300 1
Rockingham 5,100 6 46 33 120 0
Royston 5,000 6 56 47 94 0

Adwick le Street &
7,100 46 34 26 220 1
Bentley 8,200 7 33 27 79 0
Conisbrough 7,300 9 81 66 160 0
Edenthorpe & Kirk
4,400 5 19 16 42 0
Edlington &
5,300 26 40 31 110 0
Finningley 6,900 13 22 17 69 0
Hatfield 6,600 14 21 18 52 0
Mexborough 7,400 6 42 34 100 0
Norton & Askern 6,600 57 50 29 630 3
Roman Ridge 4,900 26 77 51 280 4
Rossington &
7,800 13 17 14 38 0
Sprotbrough 4,900 39 78 48 440 4
Thorne &
7,700 16 22 16 120 0
Tickhill &
4,800 22 64 53 150 0

Anston and
4,800 75 37 30 200 1
Dinnington 5,800 52 42 30 230 2

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Hellaby 5,000 8 61 53 140 0
Holderness 5,400 70 30 24 160 0
Hoober 5,800 6 49 36 120 0
Maltby 5,600 12 42 34 81 0
Rother Vale 5,800 11 41 26 120 0
Swinton 5,500 7 36 30 88 0
Wales 4,900 77 42 26 630 1

Arbourthorne 8,800 28 31 22 150 0
Beauchief and
9,100 20 52 34 290 1
Beighton 7,300 24 50 33 190 0
Birley 7,600 110 39 28 320 2
Broomhill 5,900 11 40 31 140 0
Central 16,000 10 47 34 140 0
Crookes 7,500 16 53 39 150 0
Dore and Totley 7,600 84 52 34 370 3
East Ecclesfield 8,100 49 25 16 230 1
Ecclesall 7,900 45 50 38 250 1
Fulwood 6,700 41 40 29 140 0
Gleadless Valley 9,700 10 39 31 74 0
Graves Park 8,000 27 56 38 360 1
Mosborough 8,100 30 52 39 290 1
Nether Edge 8,000 62 68 38 460 6
Richmond 8,100 42 29 23 100 0
Southey 8,700 6 23 20 38 0
Stannington 8,300 44 53 36 170 0
Stocksbridge and
8,500 130 31 24 140 0
Upper Don
Walkley 10,800 9 56 43 200 1
West Ecclesfield 8,000 66 26 19 190 0

Tyne and Wear

Chopwell and
4,400 8 19 15 33 0
Rowlands Gill
Crawcrook and
4,000 5 28 21 45 0

Copt Hill 5,200 5 259 109 890 2

West Midlands
Longbridge 11,600 15 13 12 19 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action

Bablake 7,000 6 47 40 100 0
Woodlands 8,400 5 22 15 44 0

Gornal 6,100 7 87 65 280 1
Halesowen South 5,300 6 62 41 210 1
Hayley Green and
5,000 5 31 24 55 0
Cradley South
Pedmore and
5,300 6 25 19 54 0
Stourbridge East
Sedgley 5,300 5 21 16 42 0
St James's 6,400 6 18 17 30 0

Bickenhill 5,500 5 20 17 34 0
Blythe 5,700 6 27 26 39 0
Knowle 4,500 7 13 13 19 0
Meriden 5,300 6 22 19 47 0
Olton 5,600 6 20 19 31 0

Paddock 4,800 8 28 25 51 0

Bilston East 6,400 9 24 20 59 0
Bilston North 5,000 6 50 21 210 1
Ettingshall 6,000 5 19 18 36 0
Spring Vale 5,200 7 25 19 69 0
5,400 10 38 33 72 0

West Yorkshire
Baildon 7,000 13 68 27 330 2
Bingley 8,800 73 71 52 410 3
Bingley Rural 8,200 14 67 35 320 2
Bowling and
8,500 6 13 12 26 0
Craven 7,800 11 37 26 100 0
Ilkley 7,000 11 35 29 75 0
Keighley Central 6,600 8 70 36 200 1
Keighley East 7,500 16 47 41 110 0
Shipley 7,300 8 58 39 120 0
Wharfedale 5,200 12 36 25 85 0
Worth Valley 6,600 23 32 25 90 0

Tabular data

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Wyke 6,700 5 32 20 100 0

Calder 5,800 69 51 30 280 4
Greetland and
5,000 9 38 29 110 0
Luddendenfoot 5,000 16 39 24 280 1
Ryburn 5,300 18 73 50 290 1
Skircoat 5,800 6 74 53 180 0
Sowerby Bridge 5,800 6 171 46 820 1
Todmorden 5,900 17 51 39 210 1

Almondbury 8,200 10 32 29 53 0
Colne Valley 8,100 39 43 30 310 2
Crosland Moor
8,000 9 56 42 170 0
and Netherton
Denby Dale 7,200 12 27 23 54 0
Dewsbury South 6,800 5 35 33 54 0
Golcar 8,600 9 81 27 550 1
Greenhead 8,600 5 36 36 48 0
Holme Valley
7,400 45 69 33 640 3
Holme Valley
8,400 66 68 37 430 5
Kirkburton 6,500 23 43 32 120 0
Liversedge and
8,300 6 48 32 140 0
Mirfield 9,000 11 34 26 120 0
Newsome 9,700 13 109 57 500 2

Adel and
9,000 12 18 16 43 0
Alwoodley 10,400 11 33 23 87 0
Ardsley and Robin
9,700 10 71 38 230 1
Armley 12,300 5 33 18 110 0
Cross Gates and
10,800 5 25 18 70 0
Garforth and
9,000 6 25 20 53 0
Guiseley and
10,400 13 59 30 410 1
Harewood 8,100 120 36 26 180 0
Horsforth 9,900 9 36 28 100 0
Kippax and
9,300 9 22 20 39 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4a Summary data by electoral wards in borough, district and city councils (min 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Middleton Park 12,400 8 38 27 140 0
Morley North 10,500 11 62 41 180 0
Morley South 10,600 6 71 52 130 0
Otley and Yeadon 10,500 14 35 27 96 0
Rothwell 9,100 6 48 38 120 0
Temple Newsam 9,400 5 25 21 51 0
Wetherby 9,000 310 44 33 330 6

Ackworth, North
7,400 13 50 31 170 0
Elmsall and Upton
Airedale and Ferry
6,800 5 19 13 41 0
Crofton, Ryhill and
6,800 30 69 41 390 2
Featherstone 7,700 5 44 27 120 0
Hemsworth 7,100 8 30 15 150 0
Horbury and South
7,000 8 49 39 89 0
Knottingley 6,500 7 27 24 46 0
Ossett 7,500 8 81 46 200 1
Pontefract South 6,900 10 44 29 160 0
South Elmsall and
8,200 8 31 24 75 0
South Kirkby
Stanley and
7,100 5 17 17 22 0
Outwood East
Wakefield North 7,800 5 22 20 38 0
Wakefield Rural 7,700 26 75 39 650 2
Wakefield South 6,300 28 87 66 350 2
Wakefield West 6,900 10 55 35 150 0

Tabular data

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Bath and North East Somerset
Abbey 2,700 160 29 19 430 2
Bathavon North 3,200 170 90 48 1,700 14
Bathavon South 1,200 95 127 65 2,800 8
Bathavon West 890 320 113 72 1,100 50
Bathwick 1,200 23 68 44 260 2
Chew Valley North 1,000 14 67 53 130 0
Chew Valley South 1,100 180 81 58 1,300 12
Clutton 1,000 46 43 31 270 1
Combe Down 2,400 120 54 46 170 0
Farmborough 1,100 440 94 60 920 49
High Littleton 1,200 110 36 29 230 1
Keynsham East 2,400 1,000 109 73 950 160
Keynsham North 2,400 400 90 59 1,500 43
Keynsham South 2,600 630 76 44 1,700 41
Kingsmead 2,100 580 63 38 750 34
Lambridge 2,400 160 61 42 300 6
Lansdown 1,900 500 66 41 930 31
Lyncombe 2,200 870 94 64 1,800 63
Mendip 1,100 120 58 41 420 5
Midsomer Norton
2,600 670 50 40 1,100 6
Midsomer Norton
2,300 740 96 54 1,100 110
Newbridge 2,400 870 84 60 840 73
Odd Down 2,400 550 63 52 500 14
Oldfield 2,300 770 68 49 930 33
Paulton 2,500 550 79 52 1,600 40
Peasedown 2,800 270 73 43 930 20
Publow and
1,000 55 93 70 590 4
Radstock 2,500 710 120 71 1,100 120
Saltford 1,700 890 154 110 1,500 220
Southdown 2,400 1,200 118 74 1,400 180
Timsbury 1,200 400 92 62 1,100 34
Twerton 2,500 1,100 78 50 1,300 83
Walcot 2,500 59 33 24 120 0
Westfield 2,600 870 189 124 2,500 270
Westmoreland 2,800 730 60 48 620 14
Weston 2,500 890 54 37 1,300 25
Widcombe 2,200 350 51 40 700 7

Bromham and
3,000 15 30 21 140 0
Clapham 2,000 12 37 31 110 0
Great Barford 3,300 9 39 32 110 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Harpur 4,100 13 55 43 190 0
Harrold 1,800 80 33 27 93 0
Kempston Rural 2,600 15 38 28 140 0
Oakley 1,600 21 46 36 130 0
Riseley 1,500 21 23 21 44 0
Sharnbrook 1,700 24 34 28 120 0
Wyboston 1,600 15 39 29 140 0

Blackburn with Darwen

North Turton with
1,900 8 22 19 47 0

Bracknell Forest
Binfield with
3,700 5 24 21 45 0

Brighton and Hove

Brunswick and
3,500 5 12 10 24 0
Central Hove 4,400 6 108 57 260 2
East Brighton 6,200 44 18 12 76 0
Goldsmid 7,200 6 42 32 89 0
Hanover and Elm
6,600 5 14 13 19 0
Moulsecoomb and
6,100 10 41 33 94 0
North Portslade 4,300 12 125 73 400 2
6,700 13 59 34 250 1
St. Peter's and
7,700 7 15 13 27 0
North Laine
Wish 4,200 13 89 75 180 0
Withdean 6,200 9 81 46 290 1
Woodingdean 4,000 10 32 19 140 0

City of Bristol
Ashley 6,900 17 50 33 210 1
Bedminster 6,100 7 30 21 110 0
Bishopston 5,600 35 85 61 330 3
Brislington West 5,000 7 32 25 85 0
Cabot 8,900 12 53 31 320 1
Clifton 4,300 11 108 42 620 2
Clifton East 3,500 10 60 40 170 0
Cotham 3,900 43 48 34 180 0
Henbury 5,100 10 98 55 480 1
Hengrove 5,300 16 51 45 100 0
Henleaze 4,300 29 71 57 280 1

Tabular data

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Horfield 5,700 18 33 27 97 0
Kingsweston 4,600 9 70 64 140 0
Knowle 4,600 10 48 31 130 0
Redland 4,000 42 55 38 240 3
Southmead 5,100 29 54 41 250 1
Stockwood 4,800 17 52 39 140 0
Stoke Bishop 3,400 21 57 31 210 1
Westbury-on-Trym 4,700 67 65 51 230 2
Whitchurch Park 4,900 5 18 13 44 0
Windmill Hill 6,000 6 49 37 110 0

Central Bedfordshire
Ampthill 5,400 9 20 14 79 0
Arlesey 6,600 6 25 18 60 0
Aspley and
2,200 9 32 29 55 0
Caddington 4,100 8 33 28 57 0
Cranfield and
5,400 17 28 25 61 0
Marston Moretaine
Eaton Bray 1,900 7 38 33 78 0
Flitwick 5,600 8 36 29 65 0
Heath and Reach 1,900 8 39 32 83 0
Conquest and 1,300 6 25 17 67 0
Leighton Buzzard
6,400 5 37 24 96 0
Leighton Buzzard
5,800 6 33 28 56 0
Linslade 5,200 10 32 25 88 0
Northill 1,900 13 30 24 58 0
Potton 3,500 12 35 28 72 0
Sandy 5,600 10 23 20 59 0
Shefford 4,200 5 39 32 68 0
Silsoe and
2,300 5 32 31 54 0
Stotfold and
6,100 11 32 26 83 0
Toddington 4,100 8 30 24 64 0

Cheshire East
Alderley Edge 2,400 11 20 18 38 0
Alsager 5,500 6 15 14 23 0
Audlem 2,100 6 26 24 49 0
Bollington 4,000 14 57 36 200 1
Brereton Rural 2,200 6 25 22 59 0
Broken Cross and
3,800 6 13 12 23 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Bunbury 1,900 10 20 18 37 0
Congleton East 6,000 10 32 26 100 0
Congleton West 6,500 5 18 17 21 0
Dane Valley 4,200 8 15 14 21 0
Disley 2,100 100 26 22 150 0
Gawsworth 1,800 13 22 18 72 0
Haslington 3,400 8 19 17 34 0
High Legh 1,900 10 37 20 190 0
Knutsford 6,100 6 24 20 60 0
Mobberley 2,000 5 21 17 52 0
Odd Rode 3,900 37 37 28 150 0
Poynton East and
3,300 88 26 20 150 0
Pott Shrigley
Poynton West and
3,700 71 22 17 160 0
Sutton 1,900 36 25 22 63 0
Wilmslow East 1,900 6 23 21 38 0
Wilmslow West
4,500 8 23 17 66 0
and Chorley
Wrenbury 2,000 16 20 16 57 0
Wybunbury 2,200 6 30 24 64 0

Cheshire West and Chester

Blacon 6,300 5 148 28 680 1
Chester Villages 3,600 7 62 40 170 0
Dodleston and
2,100 5 9 6 20 0
Farndon 1,900 18 23 20 67 0
Frodsham 4,300 6 25 19 65 0
Gowy 1,700 11 24 21 56 0
Handbridge Park 4,300 6 73 28 330 1
Helsby 2,300 10 20 16 61 0
Kingsley 1,800 9 31 27 53 0
Little Neston and
3,800 53 37 33 120 0
Malpas 1,900 16 22 19 85 0
Marbury 5,300 9 18 17 26 0
Shakerley 2,000 5 15 13 36 0
Tarporley 2,200 7 38 33 75 0
Tarvin and Kelsall 3,800 7 37 26 110 0
Tattenhall 2,100 13 18 17 39 0
Weaver and
5,800 11 18 17 29 0
Willaston and
1,800 5 40 32 99 0

Tabular data

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Altarnun 1,500 900 215 123 7,100 290
Bodmin St
2,500 1,100 155 92 3,800 240
Bodmin St Mary's 2,300 1,200 99 57 1,800 140
Bodmin St Petroc 2,300 1,000 188 117 1,800 310
Breage, Germoe
2,100 1,500 277 166 6,200 640
and Sithney
Bude 4,200 410 36 28 200 1
Bugle 2,100 830 233 128 6,400 290
Callington 2,100 1,200 131 83 3,100 190
1,800 1,100 376 218 12,000 620
2,300 1,100 245 110 17,000 330
2,300 1,000 232 142 8,100 370
1,900 1,100 448 244 5,800 660
1,800 990 156 100 4,600 230
Camelford 2,000 1,000 172 113 2,100 260
Gwennap and St 2,200 1,200 365 181 22,000 540
Kenwyn and 1,700 840 204 121 3,900 250
Mawnan and 2,400 1,600 299 195 4,800 800
Crowan and
2,300 1,500 325 217 7,100 820
2,000 850 127 86 1,800 150
2,200 1,000 153 100 1,200 240
2,200 1,100 141 94 2,100 230
Falmouth Smithick 2,000 680 110 82 750 84
2,000 880 131 90 1,300 170
Feock and Playing
2,300 1,500 167 109 4,600 380
Four Lanes 2,000 1,200 387 231 6,200 720
Fowey and
2,500 1,200 144 95 2,300 260
Grenville and
2,100 250 55 40 550 6

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Gulval and
2,100 1,200 121 78 1,300 200
Gunnislake and
2,200 1,400 245 135 3,900 520
2,200 1,200 152 102 1,600 290
and St Erth
Hayle North 2,300 1,100 118 80 1,700 180
Hayle South 1,900 1,100 137 93 1,800 230
Helston North 2,000 1,300 226 144 3,200 480
Helston South 2,600 1,200 124 75 1,300 220
Illogan 2,100 1,400 220 130 14,000 460
Ladock, St
Clement and St 2,000 1,000 124 85 1,500 160
Lanivet and
1,800 1,100 194 113 3,400 290
Lanner and
2,200 1,400 403 237 12,000 850
2,000 810 113 73 1,400 120
Launceston North
and North 2,100 930 121 75 2,900 130
Launceston South 1,900 570 110 76 760 78
Lelant and Carbis
2,200 1,100 226 146 6,700 410
Liskeard East 2,400 1,100 150 94 2,700 230
Liskeard North 930 450 174 122 1,900 140
Liskeard West and
2,000 1,100 168 115 2,300 320
Looe East 2,000 930 119 78 1,100 160
Looe West,
Lansallos and 3,000 1,400 114 77 1,500 220
Lostwithiel 2,000 1,100 177 106 3,400 270
Ludgvan 2,000 1,200 274 167 4,000 540
Lynher 1,900 1,200 198 124 10,000 340
Perranarworthal 2,300 1,400 291 177 6,600 670
and St Gluvias
Marazion and
2,300 1,400 173 108 3,300 350
Menheniot 1,800 950 144 94 1,800 180
Mevagissey 2,400 1,200 126 82 1,500 200
Mount Charles 2,200 970 202 116 4,800 270
Mount Hawke and
2,400 1,300 162 102 1,900 340
Mullion and
2,100 350 47 35 320 2

Tabular data

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Newlyn and
2,300 1,100 155 102 1,600 280
Newlyn and
2,600 1,300 229 132 9,400 440
Newquay Central 2,200 360 78 57 870 21
Newquay Pentire 2,300 630 102 71 2,000 62
1,800 550 77 55 780 32
1,700 550 98 71 870 56
2,000 770 98 71 1,500 68
Padstow 3,100 720 67 49 660 31
Par and St Blazey
1,900 750 135 74 2,400 140
Penryn East and
2,800 1,400 214 137 3,200 510
Penryn West 2,200 1,100 281 169 4,900 470
Penwithick and
2,100 810 171 82 4,900 190
Penzance Central 2,400 1,100 98 66 2,400 120
Penzance East 2,100 1,000 106 77 1,400 110
2,000 1,200 115 76 2,100 160
Perranporth 2,300 1,300 198 113 2,700 390
Pool and Tehidy 2,100 1,100 281 160 4,100 450
Porthleven and
2,300 1,400 186 118 2,400 430
Helston West
Poundstock 2,300 340 54 38 1,800 4
Probus, Tregony
2,000 830 127 91 2,100 120
and Grampound
Rame Peninsular 2,600 1,300 109 64 4,000 160
Redruth Central 1,900 1,100 520 261 24,000 630
Redruth North 3,100 1,400 303 165 7,300 640
Redruth South 1,800 1,000 486 262 11,000 630
Roche 1,800 770 153 93 1,400 170
Roseland 2,500 1,200 137 94 1,800 240
Saltash East 1,900 250 82 63 540 15
Saltash North 1,900 160 75 55 370 9
Saltash South 1,800 280 70 52 510 12
Saltash West 1,900 330 94 68 580 31
St Agnes 2,300 1,400 153 101 2,500 310
St Austell Bay 2,500 1,300 142 92 3,500 260
St Austell Bethel 2,100 930 142 82 3,000 170
St Austell Gover 2,100 1,000 364 175 24,000 420
St Austell Poltair 2,000 1,000 194 103 4,900 260
St Blazey 1,900 820 210 115 3,300 250
St Buryan 2,400 1,300 240 165 3,300 590

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
St Cleer 2,200 1,300 236 142 4,100 480
St Columb Major 2,200 840 113 65 1,900 120
St Dennis and
1,900 930 204 112 7,500 240
St Dominick,
Harrowbarrow and 1,900 1,100 173 100 9,100 230
Kelly Bray
St Enoder 2,000 580 109 70 1,400 70
St Germans and
1,900 680 93 70 880 54
St Issey and St
2,300 1,100 90 56 1,400 110
St Ives East 3,100 1,300 257 120 15,000 370
St Ives West 2,000 1,000 185 102 7,500 250
St Just in Penwith 2,600 1,400 204 116 6,700 390
St Keverne and
2,600 1,100 116 70 1,800 160
St Mawgan and
2,100 550 131 80 1,500 98
St Mewan 1,700 960 226 123 5,900 310
St Minver and St
3,000 780 72 51 600 37
St Stephen-in-
2,100 780 197 95 7,700 190
St Teath and St
2,000 880 168 102 4,000 210
Stokeclimsland 1,700 1,100 187 120 4,400 300
2,100 670 99 66 1,400 64
and Gloweth
Tintagel 2,300 1,300 142 84 4,100 250
Torpoint East 1,800 320 45 33 320 4
Torpoint West 1,700 380 40 33 310 1
Trelawny 2,300 950 115 79 1,600 130
Truro Boscawen 2,800 1,300 136 83 2,300 230
Truro Redannick 2,200 820 116 85 2,100 110
Truro Tregolls 2,200 1,100 158 101 2,800 280
Truro Trehaverne 2,200 1,200 130 79 4,800 200
Wadebridge East 1,900 1,000 98 71 910 110
Wadebridge West 1,900 1,000 95 67 1,400 93

County Durham
Aycliffe East 4,000 7 23 19 56 0
Barnard Castle
4,100 46 41 32 170 0
Barnard Castle
4,000 80 46 29 620 2
Benfieldside 3,700 5 12 12 15 0
Bishop Auckland
3,900 5 22 19 40 0

Tabular data

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Blackhalls 4,000 9 21 17 61 0
Coxhoe 5,900 10 24 20 65 0
Deerness 5,800 7 15 14 27 0
Esh and Witton
3,800 8 24 21 51 0
Evenwood 4,000 25 25 16 210 1
Lanchester 3,600 15 35 23 110 0
Sedgefield 3,700 26 37 28 160 0
Tanfield 3,900 5 176 85 590 1
Tow Law 2,200 7 34 19 110 0
Trimdon and
6,100 12 22 21 30 0
Weardale 4,200 78 42 25 270 4

Heighington &
1,900 15 42 32 160 0
Hurworth 1,700 5 34 23 79 0
Sadberge &
Middleton St 2,600 6 23 19 54 0

Abbey 6,800 140 28 22 130 0
Allestree 6,200 470 31 25 300 2
Alvaston 7,800 260 48 36 360 4
Arboretum 8,300 82 23 20 73 0
Blagreaves 5,300 280 23 20 170 0
Boulton 6,100 230 52 40 300 1
Chaddesden 5,700 260 27 22 180 0
Chellaston 6,500 260 31 25 180 0
Darley 7,200 200 31 25 170 0
Derwent 6,100 130 26 22 120 0
Littleover 5,600 230 29 24 140 0
Mackworth 6,600 170 23 19 210 1
Mickleover 6,400 500 24 19 190 0
Normanton 6,500 150 24 20 100 0
Oakwood 5,700 270 26 22 210 1
Sinfin 6,200 160 27 20 330 1
Spondon 5,800 320 23 18 110 0

East Riding of Yorkshire

Beverley Rural 6,000 39 29 25 73 0
Bridlington Central
5,300 6 31 24 67 0
and Old Town
Bridlington North 7,200 70 57 44 200 1
Dale 7,300 27 37 27 170 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Driffield and Rural 7,000 20 33 23 120 0
East Wolds and
6,600 64 30 23 160 0
Goole South 4,700 6 9 8 13 0
Howden 2,300 9 25 21 49 0
Howdenshire 6,400 43 21 18 66 0
Mid Holderness 6,000 24 25 21 54 0
North Holderness 4,900 18 31 18 150 0
7,400 24 20 16 56 0
Snaith, Airmyn,
Rawcliffe and 4,200 19 19 17 38 0
South East
6,800 42 24 19 100 0
South Hunsley 4,500 21 46 37 150 0
South West
6,600 13 25 19 110 0
St Mary's 7,500 5 12 11 24 0
Wolds Weighton 6,900 71 41 28 320 2

Mersey 3,900 24 57 44 160 0

Rural West 3,000 7 23 19 42 0
Seaton 3,900 6 22 18 39 0

County of Herefordshire
Arrow 1,700 44 57 38 340 2
Aylestone Hill 1,400 6 36 28 79 0
Backbury 1,300 15 78 55 240 2
Belmont Rural 1,700 7 39 30 92 0
Birch 1,400 30 64 42 690 1
Bircher 1,700 32 73 47 450 2
Bishops Frome &
1,300 17 39 33 130 0
Bromyard Bringsty 1,600 17 43 36 110 0
Bromyard West 1,400 10 29 28 42 0
Castle 1,400 36 40 34 130 0
Credenhill 1,400 6 67 55 160 0
Dinedor Hill 1,700 17 40 28 210 1
Golden Valley
1,400 36 59 44 340 2
Golden Valley
1,500 49 50 36 250 2
Greyfriars 1,800 6 45 42 87 0

Tabular data

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Hagley 1,500 17 49 41 200 1
Hampton 1,500 34 54 38 400 1
Hinton &
1,900 5 42 35 92 0
Hope End 1,600 39 41 34 200 1
Kerne Bridge 1,400 18 55 39 300 1
Kington 1,700 220 101 70 1,400 26
Ledbury North 1,600 12 30 25 90 0
Ledbury South 1,500 8 35 31 57 0
Ledbury West 1,500 9 25 23 43 0
Leominster East 2,000 10 35 32 74 0
Leominster North
1,800 20 35 28 170 0
& Rural
Leominster West 1,200 7 54 40 170 0
Llangarron 1,400 26 36 30 96 0
Mortimer 1,500 170 76 56 600 9
Old Gore 1,400 28 42 34 170 0
Penyard 1,500 18 64 45 160 0
Queenswood 1,500 19 58 44 160 0
Ross West 1,700 7 43 38 90 0
Stoney Street 1,500 17 72 41 600 1
Sutton Walls 1,400 9 45 40 80 0
Three Crosses 1,400 26 30 27 79 0
Tupsley 1,400 6 49 43 91 0
Weobley 1,600 23 36 30 120 0
Whitecross 1,500 6 36 28 100 0
Wormside 1,500 21 66 40 430 2

Isle of Wight
Brading, St Helens
3,900 9 30 26 78 0
and Bembridge
Central Wight 1,700 19 35 24 160 0
Chale, Niton and
1,400 9 20 18 36 0
Ventnor East 1,900 10 120 73 430 3
Ventnor West 1,600 6 37 27 110 0
West Wight 1,700 16 18 14 88 0

Isles of Scilly
Bryher 59 16 143 91 490 4
St. Agnes 39 18 140 75 830 3
St. Martin's 57 23 77 62 270 1
St. Mary's 950 300 92 62 950 26
Tresco 130 19 75 65 170 0

City of Kingston upon Hull

Bransholme East 4,200 5 13 12 16 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Drypool 6,700 8 28 21 83 0

Evington 6,400 6 48 35 140 0
Knighton 6,800 5 34 28 64 0

Chatham Central 6,800 6 50 44 110 0
Peninsula 6,200 17 17 15 35 0
Rainham Central 5,100 9 75 42 270 1
Rochester South
5,100 6 110 64 400 1
and Horsted
Strood Rural 6,100 23 33 29 70 0
Twydall 5,500 6 77 70 130 0

Nunthorpe 2,100 5 20 18 31 0

Milton Keynes
Bletchley East 6,500 5 68 41 210 1
Bletchley Park 6,500 5 39 32 93 0
Bletchley West 6,000 9 23 20 38 0
Bradwell 5,700 10 41 31 170 0
Campbell Park &
5,500 16 25 20 93 0
Old Woughton
Central Milton
6,800 5 15 13 28 0
Danesborough &
5,200 9 38 30 72 0
Loughton &
5,600 7 30 29 41 0
Monkston 5,300 5 33 25 84 0
Newport Pagnell
5,400 88 43 30 410 2
North & Hanslope
Newport Pagnell
5,200 14 25 22 47 0
Olney 5,300 63 34 27 170 0
Stantonbury 6,400 21 50 36 240 1
Stony Stratford 4,800 20 46 35 200 1
Wolverton 6,600 20 44 35 140 0

North East Lincolnshire

Freshney 4,300 5 12 11 17 0
Immingham 5,200 7 30 25 76 0

North Lincolnshire
Axholme Central 3,300 19 61 40 260 2

Tabular data

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Axholme North 3,600 18 32 23 89 0
Axholme South 3,000 21 29 23 69 0
Brigg and Wolds 5,200 35 40 32 110 0
Broughton and
2,900 19 62 47 170 0
Burton upon
Stather and 5,000 34 52 36 240 2
Crosby and Park 5,600 6 45 33 88 0
Ferry 4,900 22 23 19 62 0
Frodingham 3,600 25 36 28 81 0
Kingsway with
4,900 5 33 28 65 0
Lincoln Gardens
Ridge 5,600 45 54 33 670 1
Town 4,000 7 29 25 54 0

North Somerset
Backwell 1,900 25 83 50 630 2
Banwell &
3,400 630 75 62 680 21
Blagdon &
1,600 310 89 68 620 24
Clevedon East 2,100 10 63 49 170 0
Clevedon Walton 2,000 14 87 71 160 0
Clevedon Yeo 1,900 6 8 7 15 0
Congresbury &
1,700 10 32 24 110 0
Gordano Valley 1,900 10 62 47 140 0
Hutton & Locking 3,300 22 56 38 220 1
Long Ashton 3,600 68 95 53 650 10
Nailsea Golden
1,700 10 55 45 100 0
Nailsea West End 1,800 14 44 39 100 0
Nailsea Yeo 2,000 5 26 22 53 0
1,500 8 23 19 62 0
Pill 1,900 6 72 69 110 0
Portishead West 3,900 22 30 24 87 0
4,100 5 15 13 26 0
Mare Bournville
4,100 14 71 57 150 0
Mare Hillside
3,900 15 56 38 170 0
Mare Kewstoke
2,000 8 22 18 46 0
Mare Mid Worle
4,000 6 45 27 160 0
Mare Milton

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
3,700 5 16 12 31 0
Mare South Worle
3,700 10 43 33 89 0
Mare Uphill
Winford 1,700 18 91 54 510 2
Wrington 1,800 25 87 64 300 2
Yatton 3,500 10 24 23 36 0

Alnwick 5,200 15 32 27 110 0
Amble West with
2,100 9 28 24 65 0
Bamburgh 3,600 93 34 22 410 1
Bellingham 2,000 80 26 21 89 0
Berwick East 2,400 18 23 22 43 0
Berwick North 2,400 14 30 25 81 0
Berwick West with
1,800 8 21 16 51 0
Bywell 2,000 9 24 18 42 0
Corbridge 2,000 12 41 30 87 0
Druridge Bay 2,500 8 19 14 51 0
Haltwhistle 2,400 27 40 20 410 2
Haydon and
2,000 52 36 27 260 1
Hexham West 1,700 10 21 19 46 0
Humshaugh 1,900 44 32 25 100 0
Longhorsley 1,800 26 28 22 100 0
Longhoughton 2,500 56 34 27 160 0
Morpeth Stobhill 2,100 5 20 18 37 0
Norham and
2,400 150 44 33 300 3
Pegswood 2,300 11 30 16 180 0
Ponteland East
1,900 11 28 22 65 0
and Stannington
Ponteland North 2,100 13 25 20 59 0
Ponteland West 1,800 23 28 22 96 0
Rothbury 2,700 86 46 31 400 2
Shilbottle 2,300 24 20 15 88 0
South Tynedale 2,200 61 29 19 270 2
Stocksfield and
2,200 17 33 21 220 1
Wooler 2,400 1,100 103 71 900 150

Aspley 6,700 940 49 39 330 10
Bilborough 7,600 88 83 60 350 9
Bulwell 7,500 32 30 24 90 0
Clifton North 5,600 6 28 21 49 0

Tabular data

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Leen Valley 4,200 10 41 35 83 0
Mapperley 7,500 6 49 41 97 0
Radford and Park 8,900 6 128 29 450 2
Wollaton West 6,000 8 25 22 56 0

Barnack 1,400 37 67 48 280 2
Bretton North 4,100 10 28 23 65 0
Bretton South 1,300 5 27 26 41 0
Central 4,500 5 80 68 170 0
East 5,200 6 31 24 79 0
Eye and Thorney 2,900 12 30 24 84 0
Fletton and
5,500 7 39 37 58 0
Glinton and
2,900 140 67 47 610 9
Northborough 1,100 6 46 36 130 0
Orton Longueville 4,400 5 26 21 40 0
Orton Waterville 4,200 13 44 34 120 0
Park 3,800 14 49 40 130 0
Paston 4,000 10 33 27 72 0
Ravensthorpe 3,100 5 62 54 130 0
5,300 7 29 23 54 0
Walton 2,800 8 40 35 96 0
Werrington North 3,400 23 46 36 190 0
Werrington South 3,000 16 30 22 160 0
West 3,900 13 44 34 130 0

Budshead 5,800 1,200 67 47 700 62
Compton 4,900 850 75 55 810 38
Devonport 7,100 600 40 28 410 5
Drake 3,100 290 33 26 170 0
Efford and Lipson 6,200 1,100 66 46 990 51
Eggbuckland 5,800 1,200 64 46 1,800 40
Ham 6,000 600 47 34 730 9
Honicknowle 6,100 640 41 30 710 8
Moor View 5,500 1,800 80 59 1,000 110
Peverell 5,700 730 51 40 320 6
3,400 1,300 76 59 1,000 52
Plympton Erle 3,800 1,500 57 41 780 47
Plympton St Mary 5,400 1,900 83 64 1,300 110
5,400 2,300 84 60 1,800 160
Plymstock Radford 5,900 1,900 83 61 1,000 140

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Southway 5,700 1,000 46 33 530 11
St Budeaux 6,000 1,100 60 43 760 38
St Peter and the
8,500 450 35 24 400 3
Stoke 6,000 560 49 36 350 11
Sutton and Mount
5,900 540 44 32 450 6

Canford Cliffs 6,500 16 34 17 230 1

Peppard 4,000 5 51 36 130 0
Thames 3,900 5 29 24 49 0

Redcar and Cleveland

Brotton 3,300 6 29 26 49 0
Dormanstown 3,100 6 21 15 52 0
Guisborough 3,800 5 31 28 59 0
Hutton 3,200 9 33 21 120 0
Lockwood 960 6 157 50 570 2
Loftus 3,000 10 27 23 65 0
Saltburn 2,800 6 19 18 31 0
Westworth 2,000 5 43 22 120 0

Braunston and
610 110 128 82 1,200 17
Cottesmore 1,300 560 122 77 1,800 92
Exton 730 310 157 82 2,900 59
Greetham 560 270 129 82 1,400 46
Ketton 1,300 640 157 99 1,900 150
Langham 690 41 71 57 250 1
Lyddington 630 310 78 45 890 24
Martinsthorpe 550 340 151 82 3,400 73
Normanton 1,400 700 109 66 2,400 73
Oakham North
1,300 39 53 42 310 1
Oakham North
2,200 170 41 28 250 2
Oakham South
1,200 66 65 43 260 2
Oakham South
990 87 45 31 380 2
Ryhall and
1,300 560 92 63 1,100 46
Uppingham 1,900 1,000 132 72 2,200 190
Whissendine 550 35 32 27 100 0

Tabular data

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action

Abbey 2,100 7 57 44 150 0
Albrighton 2,100 6 21 20 30 0
Alveley and
1,800 12 28 23 77 0
Battlefield 1,800 5 26 23 51 0
Bayston Hill,
Column and 5,400 26 64 51 280 1
Belle Vue 2,200 13 54 47 130 0
Bishop's Castle 1,800 630 73 50 1,300 38
Bowbrook 1,900 6 33 24 77 0
Bridgnorth East
3,300 11 36 31 75 0
and Astley Abbotts
Bridgnorth West
3,300 7 41 38 58 0
and Tasley
Brown Clee 1,700 35 40 29 170 0
Burnell 1,800 57 36 29 120 0
Cheswardine 1,700 18 28 24 75 0
Chirbury and
1,300 59 69 42 710 3
Church Stretton
4,500 400 66 43 1,600 19
and Craven Arms
Clee 2,000 34 35 29 120 0
Cleobury Mortimer 3,200 42 46 31 290 1
Clun 1,900 1,100 112 75 2,200 160
Copthorne 1,700 6 25 24 42 0
Corvedale 1,600 87 74 48 360 10
Ellesmere Urban 1,900 10 38 36 61 0
Gobowen, Selattyn
3,000 63 113 65 1,000 9
and Weston Rhyn
Harlescott 2,100 12 28 25 67 0
Highley 1,600 7 36 27 84 0
Hodnet 1,500 16 20 17 51 0
Llanymynech 1,800 66 63 40 400 3
Longden 1,800 19 36 30 110 0
Loton 1,600 120 62 46 670 4
Ludlow East 1,800 20 38 32 90 0
Ludlow North 2,200 38 92 49 610 6
Ludlow South 1,900 32 40 32 130 0
Market Drayton
2,200 8 21 20 31 0
Market Drayton
4,100 5 14 12 24 0
Meole 1,700 9 42 32 100 0
Monkmoor 2,000 9 45 25 150 0
Much Wenlock 2,000 53 63 42 790 2

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Oswestry East 4,000 23 40 34 120 0
Oswestry South 2,200 20 86 64 270 2
Oswestry West 1,900 20 86 56 310 3
Porthill 2,000 5 33 29 55 0
Prees 1,800 16 41 33 120 0
Quarry and Coton
2,500 5 43 40 70 0
Radbrook 2,100 5 24 20 40 0
Rea Valley 1,800 17 42 36 89 0
Ruyton and
1,600 17 30 26 68 0
Severn Valley 1,900 35 39 32 150 0
Shawbury 1,900 8 35 30 83 0
Shifnal North 2,100 6 19 16 42 0
Shifnal South and
2,300 9 19 18 24 0
St Martin's 1,900 16 28 22 66 0
St Oswald 1,800 65 108 83 380 10
Tern 1,900 30 39 31 140 0
The Meres 1,900 28 38 29 120 0
Underdale 1,800 9 37 32 83 0
Wem 3,900 15 23 18 48 0
Whitchurch North 3,500 5 21 18 50 0
Whitchurch South 1,700 5 28 26 37 0
Whittington 1,800 19 76 50 240 1
Worfield 1,600 20 32 25 150 0

South Gloucestershire
Almondsbury 1,700 13 34 29 120 0
Bitton 1,500 200 46 36 220 2
Boyd Valley 3,200 110 55 41 350 1
Bradley Stoke
Central and Stoke 3,600 7 32 26 72 0
Bradley Stoke
1,900 6 36 29 61 0
Bradley Stoke
3,700 6 37 28 90 0
Charfield 1,600 24 38 28 210 1
Chipping Sodbury 3,100 11 38 36 63 0
Cotswold Edge 1,400 44 45 34 340 1
Dodington 3,200 10 39 34 70 0
Downend 4,700 8 38 30 88 0
Emersons Green 5,300 19 28 22 120 0
Frampton Cotterell 3,200 25 49 43 150 0
Frenchay and
3,100 5 40 32 74 0
Stoke Park
Hanham 4,700 7 23 13 89 0

Tabular data

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Ladden Brook 1,500 29 55 44 180 0
Longwell Green 3,000 14 68 54 230 1
Patchway 5,100 8 26 21 69 0
Pilning and Severn
1,500 15 37 24 170 0
Rodway 4,700 8 31 25 72 0
Severn 1,500 33 44 34 140 0
Stoke Gifford 4,900 14 100 57 560 1
Thornbury North 3,500 28 47 35 200 1
Thornbury South
3,200 25 71 47 500 1
and Alveston
Westerleigh 1,600 9 57 30 300 1
Winterbourne 3,200 27 94 55 620 3
Woodstock 4,900 5 12 7 22 0
Yate Central 3,500 8 27 24 48 0
Yate North 4,800 21 35 26 160 0

Thorpe 4,100 5 34 24 90 0
Western Parishes 1,400 100 39 28 480 1
Yarm 4,400 5 21 18 34 0

Baddeley, Milton
7,900 5 35 20 110 0
and Norton

Blunsdon and
4,800 18 31 26 82 0
Old Town 4,700 11 22 17 49 0
Ridgeway 1,200 12 23 19 58 0
Walcot and Park
5,500 6 9 9 13 0

Telford and Wrekin

Admaston &
1,200 5 27 23 45 0
Arleston 1,300 10 21 20 39 0
Brookside 2,700 6 70 40 190 0
Church Aston &
1,200 74 33 25 320 1
Dawley &
4,300 7 26 20 64 0
Donnington 2,800 11 20 15 65 0
Edgmond & Ercall
2,400 120 35 27 200 1
Hadley &
4,100 11 25 24 40 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Horsehay &
2,600 6 24 21 55 0
Ironbridge Gorge 1,500 6 58 44 110 0
Ketley & Overdale 4,300 12 117 53 510 2
Madeley & Sutton
4,900 12 29 22 63 0
Malinslee &
2,600 10 23 20 56 0
Dawley Bank
Newport North &
2,900 6 59 48 130 0
Oakengates &
4,100 14 39 25 210 1
Ketley Bank
St Georges 2,800 7 28 23 59 0
The Nedge 3,900 12 20 18 37 0
Wrockwardine 1,200 20 32 25 100 0

Stifford Clays 2,600 5 15 14 19 0

Berry Head-with-
5,300 2,200 82 53 1,500 190
Blatchcombe 4,900 1,200 60 43 500 42
3,200 2,100 98 67 1,400 210
3,100 1,300 78 57 860 77
4,900 1,600 65 45 2,500 57
Ellacombe 3,500 1,000 54 37 990 23
3,400 1,300 59 43 1,200 40
Preston 4,700 2,000 102 60 2,100 250
4,000 830 40 30 320 5
4,200 360 43 34 390 2
St Marychurch 5,500 730 59 40 460 23
St Mary's-with-
3,500 1,600 71 47 930 96
Tormohun 5,900 880 44 32 740 7
Watcombe 3,100 370 45 31 310 5
Wellswood 4,700 1,900 80 49 1,100 160

Lymm 5,500 5 19 16 36 0
Penketh and
3,700 6 16 11 31 0

Tabular data

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
West Berkshire
Aldermaston 1,400 5 29 24 48 0
Basildon 1,200 9 34 29 88 0
Bucklebury 2,500 11 18 17 36 0
Compton 1,300 6 31 29 48 0
Downlands 1,300 18 34 29 79 0
Hungerford 2,800 11 50 40 110 0
Kintbury 2,200 19 23 19 62 0
Lambourn Valley 2,600 32 47 31 250 1
Mortimer 2,500 11 26 21 50 0
Speen 2,500 7 46 42 82 0

Aldbourne and
2,300 17 48 41 93 0
Alderbury and
1,800 8 26 19 70 0
Amesbury West 2,200 5 51 21 200 1
Bourne and
1,900 9 29 23 78 0
Woodford Valley
Box and Colerne 2,200 340 83 52 1,100 32
2,200 11 23 19 50 0
2,600 5 21 14 42 0
Brinkworth 1,900 22 22 19 62 0
Bromham, Rowde
2,100 16 18 15 72 0
and Potterne
Bulford, Allington
2,400 13 24 19 55 0
and Figheldean
Burbage and the
2,200 49 62 38 970 1
By Brook 2,000 26 50 38 190 0
Calne Rural 1,800 11 28 24 59 0
Calne South and
2,100 13 42 26 250 1
Cepen Park and 1,800 6 25 24 39 0
Corsham Pickwick 2,300 7 57 33 210 1
Corsham Without
2,400 76 51 35 310 2
and Box Hill
Cricklade and
2,200 10 20 17 42 0
Downton and
2,300 7 49 40 110 0
Ebble Valley
Durrington and
2,800 6 20 17 36 0
Ethandune 2,000 9 52 26 160 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Fovant and Chalke
2,000 47 49 32 390 2
Holt and Staverton 2,000 53 30 24 120 0
Kington 2,100 16 30 25 98 0
Ludgershall and
2,200 5 48 31 130 0
Perham Down
Lyneham 2,200 5 20 19 29 0
Marlborough East 2,000 5 33 31 53 0
Melksham Without
2,300 12 24 22 42 0
Mere 2,100 140 160 93 1,400 35
Minety 2,100 22 22 19 48 0
Nadder and East
2,100 49 40 28 280 1
Pewsey 2,300 10 50 38 130 0
Pewsey Vale 2,000 30 29 22 96 0
Redlynch and
1,900 17 46 29 130 0
Royal Wootton
2,000 11 23 21 49 0
Bassett East
Sherston 2,200 26 31 25 120 0
Summerham and
1,900 8 26 21 51 0
Collingbournes 1,800 29 44 33 200 1
and Netheravon
The Lavingtons
2,200 15 27 23 92 0
and Erlestoke
Till and Wylye
2,000 36 33 25 220 1
Tisbury 2,100 420 154 83 1,300 89
Urchfont and the
2,100 13 26 21 63 0
2,100 9 36 24 100 0
Copheap and 2,300 24 38 25 290 1
Warminster East 2,800 5 31 30 47 0
Warminster West 2,500 5 31 30 47 0
1,900 32 50 33 310 1
West Selkley 1,900 42 32 26 95 0
Westbury East 2,400 5 17 16 23 0
Wilton and Lower
2,300 7 51 41 110 0
Wylye Valley
Winsley and
1,800 16 79 61 220 2
Winterslow 1,600 11 30 25 85 0

Tabular data

Table 4b Summary data by electoral wards in unitary authorities (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Electoral Ward Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
Windsor and Maidenhead
Belmont 3,600 9 72 43 260 1
Bisham and
3,000 9 63 53 140 0
Furze Platt 3,100 5 87 76 170 0
Hurley and
2,700 17 38 31 100 0
3,600 6 57 55 74 0
Oldfield 4,400 6 66 53 140 0
Pinkneys Green 2,900 7 49 40 92 0

Charvil 1,100 150 48 35 340 2
Wargrave and 2,400 6 60 43 170 0
Swallowfield 1,200 6 24 18 65 0
Twyford 2,600 7 36 31 79 0

Osbaldwick &
3,400 5 39 30 98 0
Rural West York 3,300 7 18 16 41 0
Strensall 3,300 5 8 7 12 0
Wheldrake 1,700 11 13 12 20 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 5 Summary data by postcode areas

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Postcode Arithmetic Geometric above
Post town Total Measured Highest
Area Average Average Action
AL St Albans 107,000 93 40 30 240 1
B Birmingham 795,000 340 31 20 1,300 4
BA Bath 196,000 28,800 77 48 4,800 2,200
BB Blackburn 218,000 480 60 37 900 23
BD Bradford 241,000 1,400 87 55 2,500 130
BH Bournemouth 260,000 480 31 21 740 5
BL Bury 170,000 65 20 15 98 0
BN Brighton 360,000 990 71 41 1,100 78
BR Bromley 132,000 1,300 35 25 580 12
BS Bristol 418,000 7,500 85 55 1,700 660
CA Carlisle 154,000 1,300 45 27 2,100 33
CB Cambridge 182,000 620 32 26 250 2
CH Chester 239,000 210 32 22 680 2
CM Chelmsford 288,000 310 24 19 130 0
CO Colchester 193,000 270 25 20 140 0
CR Croydon 167,000 76 55 37 430 3
CT Canterbury 219,000 490 58 35 830 26
CV Coventry 365,000 1,600 42 30 1,100 18
CW Crewe 141,000 160 22 18 100 0
DA Dartford 183,000 230 51 36 420 3
DE Derby 328,000 22,600 81 41 6,900 1,900
DH Durham 143,000 130 38 19 890 4
DL Darlington 170,000 1,800 85 50 1,400 190
DN Doncaster 340,000 920 41 28 670 22
DT Dorchester 103,000 1,300 61 40 1,300 56
DY Dudley 183,000 180 38 25 330 4
E London East 399,000 54 17 13 70 0
London East
EC 21,800 1 5 5 <10 0
EN Enfield 145,000 41 19 16 70 0
EX Exeter 262,000 37,000 67 40 4,900 2,000
FY Blackpool 131,000 37 16 10 180 0
GL Gloucester 283,000 12,500 95 56 6,900 1,300
GU Guildford 309,000 540 56 32 710 28
HA Harrow 179,000 51 21 15 96 0
HD Hudderfield 118,000 240 58 33 640 13
HG Harrogate 62,300 310 44 29 300 6
HP High Wycombe 210,000 610 51 38 600 11
HR Hereford 78,200 890 61 42 1,400 41
HU Hull 201,000 230 28 21 170 0
HX Halifax 74,500 130 62 36 820 8
IG Ilford 126,000 26 16 14 45 0
IP Ipswich 276,000 910 35 26 390 9
Kingston upon
KT 226,000 110 27 20 160 0
L Liverpool 386,000 100 15 12 63 0

Tabular data

Table 5 Summary data by postcode areas

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Postcode Arithmetic Geometric above
Post town Total Measured Highest
Area Average Average Action
LA Lancaster 157,000 7,600 104 70 2,900 940
LD 410 110 105 78 520 15
LE Leicester 424,000 6,700 96 54 3,400 730
LL Llandudno 280 1 34 34 34 0
LN Lincoln 138,000 10,900 86 55 2,000 990
LS Leeds 355,000 700 40 28 440 9
LU Luton 138,000 120 36 27 230 1
M Manchester 528,000 85 16 12 79 0
ME Rochester 264,000 280 42 30 400 5
MK Milton Keynes 226,000 840 38 29 410 8
N London North 327,000 43 15 11 60 0
Newcastle upon
NE 545,000 1,900 72 42 900 160
NG Nottingham 526,000 11,400 70 41 5,000 700
NN Northampton 296,000 79,200 70 39 7,100 5,500
NP Newport 2,900 160 117 75 860 31
NR Sheringham 345,000 690 30 24 180 0
London North
NW 205,000 34 14 12 31 0
OL Oldham 203,000 150 32 21 370 4
OX Oxford 264,000 16,500 102 61 3,300 2,000
PE Peterborough 410,000 4,500 79 46 1,900 380
PL Plymouth 252,000 86,100 130 75 24,000 13,900
PO Portsmouth 380,000 410 42 27 790 11
PR Preston 234,000 170 21 15 320 1
RG Reading 337,000 730 42 29 680 12
RH Redhill 232,000 310 29 22 270 1
RM Romford 219,000 57 19 17 47 0
S Sheffield 616,000 13,200 71 38 4,600 860
London South
SE 434,000 100 20 15 160 0
SG Stevenage 180,000 280 33 26 170 0
SK Stockport 276,000 9,200 155 65 7,000 2,000
SL Slough 154,000 150 43 31 260 1
SM Sutton 91,500 30 50 34 180 0
SN Swindon 207,000 1,100 52 34 1,100 40
SO Southampton 293,000 620 46 30 1,100 12
SP Salisbury 105,000 960 91 47 1,300 100
SR Sunderland 115,000 36 27 20 92 0
SS 229,000 73 18 15 90 0
ST Stoke-on-Trent 292,000 780 69 36 2,800 54
London South
SW 369,000 71 20 13 91 0
SY Shrewsbury 106,000 3,300 80 52 2,200 260
TA Taunton 154,000 18,500 58 40 1,900 630

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 5 Summary data by postcode areas

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Postcode Arithmetic Geometric above
Post town Total Measured Highest
Area Average Average Action
TD Jedburgh 9,300 230 43 31 300 4
TF Telford 93,700 540 37 26 790 7
TN Tonbridge 300,000 920 32 24 370 3
TQ Torquay 141,000 41,900 102 57 8,900 4,900
TR Truro 146,000 72,000 209 117 24,000 21,700
TS Middlesborough 275,000 360 33 22 570 6
TW Twickenham 202,000 50 29 22 130 0
UB Uxbridge 136,000 37 33 21 170 0
W London West 211,000 26 24 12 140 0
WA Warrington 279,000 190 25 18 190 0
London West
WC 16,000 3 4 4 <10 0
WD Watford 110,000 110 44 31 180 0
WF Wakefield 231,000 230 55 33 650 9
WN Wigan 139,000 200 40 23 350 7
WR Worcester 133,000 690 44 33 790 11
WS Walsall 193,000 91 26 21 110 0
WV Wolverhampton 173,000 200 30 23 210 1
YO York 260,000 1,300 39 27 710 23

Tabular data

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district Table 6 Summary data by postcode district
(minimum 5 results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
AL1 16,200 12 44 36 140 0 BA8 1,900 120 44 33 190 0
AL2 9,800 11 40 33 92 0 BA9 3,800 230 101 53 1,100 29
AL3 12,100 23 57 42 240 1 BA10 1,600 470 85 43 2,900 36
AL4 11,200 7 31 24 73 0 BA11 15,100 520 43 29 540 14
AL5 12,300 14 47 39 130 0 BA12 13,600 220 118 62 1,400 37
AL6 4,900 8 26 23 41 0 BA13 9,200 19 34 20 160 0
AL9 4,800 9 14 13 26 0 BA14 22,400 19 31 22 190 0
BA15 6,400 71 33 24 220 1
B31 24,400 12 13 12 21 0 BA16 5,800 2,700 71 51 1,400 130
B36 14,400 6 10 9 14 0 BA20 5,400 770 41 33 380 5
B45 13,600 12 22 18 60 0 BA21 15,400 1,400 36 28 610 4
B46 5,700 9 18 15 40 0 BA22 7,700 1,800 41 31 520 21
B48 2,500 6 17 17 29 0
B49 4,800 22 40 34 96 0 BB1 25,800 15 30 17 180 0
B50 2,500 15 127 50 1,300 1 BB2 25,400 18 22 15 98 0
B60 12,100 10 27 21 100 0 BB3 15,800 9 18 16 43 0
B61 10,700 7 27 26 41 0 BB4 18,900 19 51 34 200 1
B62 10,600 14 92 33 850 1 BB5 27,900 9 19 16 40 0
B63 16,400 9 52 32 210 1 BB6 6,700 12 25 18 110 0
B68 13,500 5 17 15 31 0 BB7 14,800 320 76 50 900 22
B70 12,100 5 22 16 49 0 BB8 10,900 21 20 17 48 0
B74 13,800 11 18 15 48 0 BB9 19,600 13 25 20 71 0
B75 11,400 7 21 20 25 0 BB10 16,900 9 16 14 30 0
B77 23,200 16 37 24 220 1 BB12 16,000 10 27 20 83 0
B78 10,300 11 16 15 27 0 BB18 7,900 24 47 37 160 0
B79 10,100 11 27 22 61 0
B90 19,900 9 23 21 39 0 BD4 13,800 7 21 17 48 0
B91 14,200 11 19 18 29 0 BD9 8,600 5 44 18 170 0
B92 15,800 11 22 20 34 0 BD12 7,700 5 32 20 100 0
B93 8,400 10 17 15 36 0 BD13 11,500 8 86 38 320 2
B94 3,100 5 19 18 29 0 BD15 6,700 8 28 25 47 0
B95 3,000 14 24 23 44 0 BD16 12,100 75 71 51 410 3
B96 2,300 10 20 19 33 0 BD17 8,600 14 65 26 330 2
B97 14,300 5 18 17 24 0 BD18 11,800 11 75 50 230 1
B98 21,000 8 21 18 45 0 BD19 10,300 6 54 39 140 0
BD20 16,000 44 40 27 200 1
BA1 17,400 3,400 66 42 1,700 180 BD22 13,400 34 28 22 90 0
BA2 30,700 7,200 84 56 2,800 550 BD23 14,500 1,100 94 62 2,500 120
BA3 15,100 4,600 108 60 2,900 690 BD24 2,800 59 102 53 1,500 5
BA4 8,200 2,400 121 79 4,800 410
BA5 8,600 1,000 53 36 1,100 32 BH9 12,500 5 15 11 31 0
BA6 6,400 1,400 42 34 380 14 BH12 15,200 7 10 9 17 0
BA7 1,800 430 43 31 670 8 BH13 5,400 12 39 19 230 1

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district Table 6 Summary data by postcode district
(minimum 5 results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
BH14 11,700 7 30 16 88 0 BN27 13,100 32 28 21 110 0
BH15 16,100 6 12 10 28 0 BN41 9,000 16 108 67 400 2
BH16 6,700 9 15 15 21 0 BN42 4,400 10 62 45 160 0
BH19 6,900 240 34 23 740 3 BN43 10,500 38 51 31 260 1
BH20 9,400 62 31 20 200 1 BN44 4,600 14 35 25 150 0
BH21 17,800 61 30 25 130 0 BN45 240 7 26 23 48 0
BH22 13,000 5 31 14 120 0
BH23 26,100 12 20 17 45 0 BR1 24,700 9 22 19 55 0
BH24 10,800 19 28 21 78 0 BR2 20,800 8 43 33 82 0
BH25 12,500 5 31 23 61 0 BR3 22,200 10 25 12 130 0
BR5 19,800 6 35 33 58 0
BL0 7,900 15 21 17 75 0 BR6 19,700 49 69 43 580 2
BL1 29,000 8 16 14 44 0 BR7 7,800 8 42 27 110 0
BL2 21,100 7 25 15 98 0 BR8 9,700 1,200 34 25 390 10
BL3 26,200 5 16 14 27 0
BL4 15,200 6 20 17 43 0 BS2 8,200 12 32 29 75 0
BL6 14,000 5 18 14 36 0 BS3 17,300 16 40 30 110 0
BL7 6,800 8 22 19 47 0 BS4 20,900 21 40 28 130 0
BL8 15,800 6 16 12 48 0 BS5 24,300 9 21 16 71 0
BS6 11,400 100 54 38 240 4
BN1 33,000 26 40 23 290 1 BS7 16,700 58 60 41 330 3
BN2 39,900 91 28 17 250 1 BS8 9,600 41 138 69 650 10
BN3 33,400 38 74 49 260 2 BS9 13,000 110 67 49 280 4
BN5 3,300 16 24 18 87 0 BS10 12,500 59 63 44 480 2
BN6 7,700 31 26 21 82 0 BS11 8,000 5 37 32 54 0
BN7 9,100 48 37 27 240 1 BS13 13,500 8 32 16 140 0
BN8 6,800 43 28 24 98 0 BS14 12,600 60 62 50 180 0
BN9 5,900 24 46 27 290 1 BS15 21,300 21 22 14 89 0
BN10 8,600 25 181 127 540 10 BS16 33,600 61 47 32 350 1
BN11 16,400 26 50 40 140 0 BS20 14,600 38 32 24 110 0
BN12 10,200 29 69 53 170 0 BS21 10,800 38 62 38 170 0
BN13 12,400 62 120 75 1,100 9 BS22 16,900 38 38 25 170 0
BN14 13,200 74 84 56 590 7 BS23 16,000 32 43 30 150 0
BN15 12,700 26 79 63 250 1 BS24 9,200 44 43 29 220 1
BN16 14,000 41 57 42 330 1 BS25 2,800 930 84 68 1,000 46
BN17 13,800 8 32 27 73 0 BS26 2,100 110 39 29 310 1
BN18 6,200 21 46 34 130 0 BS27 3,200 620 51 40 850 8
BN20 9,900 13 29 24 73 0 BS28 1,400 54 34 28 110 0
BN21 12,000 11 23 15 55 0 BS29 1,200 24 83 59 360 2
BN22 14,600 6 17 14 34 0 BS30 12,800 220 47 36 230 3
BN24 4,400 13 20 18 40 0 BS31 9,200 3,000 113 72 1,700 470
BN25 11,500 180 134 92 740 41 BS32 10,400 36 42 33 120 0
BN26 6,000 14 35 27 94 0 BS34 14,200 23 69 36 560 1

Tabular data

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district Table 6 Summary data by postcode district
(minimum 5 results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
BS35 9,600 91 48 34 500 1 CB11 7,800 22 31 26 94 0
BS36 6,700 52 76 49 620 4 CB21 6,700 43 31 26 110 0
BS37 16,400 79 40 32 340 1 CB22 10,600 23 40 31 120 0
BS39 6,700 840 69 45 1,600 50 CB23 13,900 28 24 21 62 0
BS40 5,500 530 94 64 1,300 50 CB24 14,500 210 34 28 250 1
BS41 2,600 31 56 36 510 1 CB25 7,700 40 33 28 130 0
BS48 10,100 95 61 41 630 4
BS49 5,000 18 35 28 100 0 CH1 15,200 14 72 26 680 1
CH2 15,900 9 24 19 50 0
CA1 11,600 5 11 9 21 0 CH3 15,200 43 30 21 170 0
CA2 19,400 6 37 20 150 0 CH4 7,700 10 50 20 330 1
CA3 6,600 7 25 19 45 0 CH47 4,800 6 15 12 37 0
CA4 4,300 36 25 21 72 0 CH48 6,900 9 19 17 42 0
CA5 3,000 27 20 16 70 0 CH61 7,800 5 15 13 28 0
CA6 4,100 81 21 17 110 0 CH62 13,500 15 29 24 81 0
CA7 10,800 190 40 23 990 6 CH63 12,900 5 25 23 37 0
CA8 4,900 91 41 27 300 2 CH64 9,000 61 37 31 120 0
CA9 1,200 26 40 23 190 0 CH65 13,000 5 19 18 27 0
CA10 6,900 160 45 29 680 4 CH66 15,400 5 22 21 31 0
CA11 11,000 110 65 30 2,100 2
CA12 4,800 66 36 26 200 1 CM0 7,400 26 25 20 77 0
CA13 7,400 78 40 30 330 2 CM1 28,000 13 36 31 96 0
CA14 17,300 120 94 43 1,600 13 CM2 26,000 14 25 23 59 0
CA15 7,800 22 24 21 49 0 CM3 22,300 41 20 17 46 0
CA16 3,100 50 38 30 130 0 CM4 4,600 8 17 15 33 0
CA17 2,500 82 54 38 320 1 CM5 4,800 12 20 18 39 0
CA18 190 8 24 19 61 0 CM6 11,300 35 24 21 62 0
CA19 580 25 36 31 96 0 CM7 21,400 23 26 19 130 0
CA20 1,700 19 36 26 170 0 CM8 14,500 13 20 18 50 0
CA22 4,300 18 35 28 120 0 CM9 14,700 28 20 18 47 0
CA23 720 9 27 25 52 0 CM11 7,700 7 13 12 20 0
CA26 1,800 16 64 32 400 2 CM13 10,700 6 17 13 34 0
CA27 760 5 33 31 55 0 CM15 9,800 6 31 26 60 0
CA28 13,400 20 20 15 37 0 CM16 10,200 10 18 14 60 0
CM20 10,300 7 20 16 46 0
CB1 21,600 17 31 25 120 0 CM22 5,800 18 30 25 87 0
CB2 6,900 6 23 21 35 0 CM23 17,100 13 29 24 46 0
CB3 5,300 11 36 25 150 0 CM77 6,100 7 30 28 66 0
CB4 18,600 16 26 22 76 0
CB6 16,300 81 32 26 220 1 CO2 16,500 8 20 15 47 0
CB7 12,500 34 30 23 140 0 CO3 12,900 9 20 18 32 0
CB8 15,200 45 27 22 110 0 CO4 20,100 11 21 20 47 0
CB9 13,500 16 39 32 130 0 CO5 12,700 20 26 19 83 0
CB10 6,000 27 27 22 80 0 CO6 12,200 38 29 25 140 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district Table 6 Summary data by postcode district
(minimum 5 results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
CO7 15,100 29 27 22 93 0 CV8 14,100 29 35 27 180 0
CO8 1,000 9 37 27 140 0 CV9 9,700 150 27 24 120 0
CO9 11,300 24 24 20 66 0 CV10 22,400 44 33 23 190 0
CO10 22,000 62 24 19 130 0 CV12 14,200 40 19 16 46 0
CO11 5,900 12 16 15 31 0 CV13 4,700 12 37 29 99 0
CO12 10,400 13 25 21 46 0 CV21 16,900 31 35 30 97 0
CO13 6,500 5 19 18 33 0 CV22 15,400 42 34 28 140 0
CO14 3,700 6 18 16 34 0 CV23 9,500 710 45 32 1,100 7
CO15 22,300 13 22 17 38 0 CV31 13,500 22 28 23 73 0
CO16 11,500 11 21 17 66 0 CV32 15,300 12 54 37 240 1
CV33 2,700 24 43 36 110 0
CR0 65,600 14 58 34 350 1 CV34 14,700 13 41 32 130 0
CR2 20,400 7 47 39 120 0 CV35 10,800 92 40 32 210 1
CR3 12,700 23 66 42 430 1 CV36 4,600 110 48 36 380 3
CR5 11,600 11 67 54 220 1 CV37 19,700 83 40 30 250 1
CR6 4,300 11 40 32 130 0 CV47 7,400 140 63 44 750 4
CR8 12,800 6 54 38 150 0
CW1 18,700 9 20 17 42 0
CT1 12,900 17 66 46 240 1 CW2 18,100 12 17 15 39 0
CT2 12,000 16 30 27 76 0 CW3 4,200 12 26 20 62 0
CT3 7,500 58 40 27 180 0 CW4 4,300 9 19 16 59 0
CT4 7,100 99 119 63 830 19 CW5 13,800 18 22 18 64 0
CT5 16,000 11 19 15 53 0 CW6 5,600 22 26 21 75 0
CT6 17,300 5 26 23 41 0 CW7 13,600 7 20 17 37 0
CT7 6,000 8 23 19 37 0 CW8 16,300 13 22 20 57 0
CT9 20,300 13 22 19 37 0 CW9 15,000 9 17 16 35 0
CT10 12,100 7 73 34 240 1 CW10 6,700 6 15 14 23 0
CT11 14,100 10 37 28 100 0 CW11 10,600 9 14 13 23 0
CT12 8,100 8 35 30 85 0 CW12 13,900 29 27 24 100 0
CT13 4,100 14 43 34 160 0
CT14 17,100 33 37 28 110 0 DA1 24,100 13 40 33 100 0
CT15 5,500 37 67 41 510 2 DA2 9,600 17 48 33 160 0
CT16 9,000 19 46 32 210 1 DA3 7,100 57 59 46 210 1
CT17 9,600 32 40 26 290 1 DA4 4,200 85 53 38 420 1
CT18 6,000 36 44 35 150 0 DA5 8,600 5 26 21 57 0
CT19 11,900 20 35 29 89 0 DA11 16,100 5 13 10 28 0
CT20 10,800 20 47 32 130 0 DA12 19,600 10 44 26 130 0
CT21 8,600 23 52 36 250 1 DA13 5,800 9 103 80 240 1
DA14 10,300 5 38 25 78 0
CV2 28,300 7 15 14 21 0
CV3 29,200 9 22 19 52 0 DE1 7,900 18 23 17 110 0
CV5 21,100 11 28 19 51 0 DE3 7,500 550 24 20 190 0
CV6 36,000 6 15 14 27 0 DE4 16,400 6,300 117 62 6,900 920
CV7 12,300 27 35 23 240 1 DE5 10,300 560 39 26 480 12

Tabular data

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district (minimum 5 Table 6 Summary data by postcode district
results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
DE6 11,300 2,400 70 41 4,600 150
DE7 22,800 810 30 22 300 6 DN3 13,600 10 18 14 42 0
DE11 20,100 530 26 20 530 1 DN4 24,300 29 43 34 110 0
DE12 9,100 190 31 24 220 1 DN5 17,900 71 68 45 440 7
DE13 17,900 37 29 22 110 0 DN6 13,300 99 48 29 630 5
DE15 10,600 280 32 27 290 1 DN7 9,700 12 18 16 30 0
DE21 25,000 1,200 31 23 450 8 DN8 7,800 22 24 18 120 0
DE22 21,400 980 30 24 300 3 DN9 8,900 49 40 27 260 2
DE23 22,900 730 25 21 170 0 DN10 5,700 28 23 19 68 0
DE24 24,500 810 41 31 360 6 DN11 12,700 29 44 29 150 0
DE45 4,500 2,800 184 102 4,900 710 DN12 10,800 14 52 32 160 0
DE55 23,700 1,400 41 26 950 36 DN14 20,700 57 20 17 55 0
DE56 18,200 1,300 56 38 1,900 46 DN15 16,200 60 50 35 240 2
DE65 9,500 340 30 25 120 0 DN16 14,600 34 43 34 110 0
DE72 9,200 560 34 27 250 1 DN17 16,300 36 34 26 120 0
DE73 8,200 390 37 28 480 4 DN18 5,700 12 41 32 110 0
DE74 5,500 130 45 29 1,300 1 DN19 2,700 10 18 15 40 0
DE75 8,300 290 30 22 240 1 DN20 8,600 44 58 38 670 1
DN21 17,900 150 43 31 350 3
DH1 19,200 13 21 15 58 0 DN22 16,400 55 32 24 300 1
DH2 14,300 6 14 10 38 0 DN36 8,800 21 31 21 250 1
DH4 15,400 8 169 44 890 2 DN38 1,200 17 38 30 100 0
DH6 16,100 19 26 19 100 0 DN39 1,200 7 33 26 62 0
DH7 19,900 19 23 17 110 0 DN40 5,600 10 24 19 76 0
DH8 18,300 51 27 18 270 1 DN41 2,800 12 43 32 130 0
DH9 17,700 11 84 21 590 1
DT1 9,700 20 38 27 150 0
DL1 22,200 10 12 12 23 0 DT2 11,900 140 43 30 320 2
DL2 7,900 57 44 32 170 0 DT3 11,100 57 59 34 310 3
DL3 21,000 6 34 29 55 0 DT4 17,700 12 20 17 45 0
DL5 13,200 19 24 18 76 0 DT5 6,000 250 47 29 320 9
DL6 7,100 52 31 24 120 0 DT6 11,900 77 52 35 480 3
DL7 6,900 44 28 22 170 0 DT7 3,400 36 81 47 450 3
DL8 9,500 790 111 69 1,400 120 DT8 3,000 80 51 38 340 2
DL9 4,800 11 36 26 120 0 DT9 9,900 540 79 56 1,300 33
DL10 8,600 170 63 43 400 13 DT10 5,600 29 27 23 75 0
DL11 2,700 430 94 58 1,100 49 DT11 13,200 57 39 29 230 1
DL12 6,000 92 44 28 620 2
DL13 7,000 93 39 23 250 4 DY1 14,000 6 18 17 30 0
DL14 18,100 18 25 18 120 0 DY2 14,400 6 91 46 330 1
DL15 10,800 11 23 15 72 0 DY3 15,300 15 53 32 280 1
DL16 9,900 5 10 9 18 0 DY6 12,300 7 25 23 37 0
DL17 9,000 6 35 23 76 0 DY7 3,500 12 32 29 71 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district Table 6 Summary data by postcode district
(minimum 5 results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
DY8 22,800 9 18 15 32 0 EX33 5,200 630 61 40 2,800 16
DY9 13,000 16 26 21 65 0 EX34 8,300 2,300 76 54 2,300 140
DY10 16,700 19 19 15 61 0 EX35 1,000 260 112 65 1,700 32
DY11 13,900 11 31 24 82 0 EX36 4,100 620 64 47 960 19
DY12 5,600 11 32 25 93 0 EX37 1,700 390 69 51 1,100 12
DY13 10,300 11 23 20 39 0 EX38 3,700 360 61 45 460 12
DY14 3,600 46 55 35 330 2 EX39 19,000 2,200 48 35 740 36

E4 25,500 5 16 12 22 0 FY5 21,300 8 34 14 180 0

E6 24,500 5 28 24 50 0 FY6 13,500 11 13 10 38 0
E14 41,500 10 14 12 26 0 FY8 21,800 8 14 13 22 0
E17 39,200 5 12 11 24 0
GL1 16,700 5 37 32 73 0
EN5 16,200 7 21 19 34 0 GL2 23,900 55 27 22 100 0
EN6 12,700 10 19 17 35 0 GL3 14,500 23 34 25 210 1
EN9 10,700 5 14 9 35 0 GL4 20,700 180 89 60 540 21
EN11 9,400 5 22 16 44 0 GL5 14,400 2,000 99 61 2,700 220
GL6 11,300 2,100 89 63 1,200 170
EX1 10,100 980 32 24 430 3 GL7 20,700 1,200 75 50 990 76
EX2 19,700 1,800 40 30 350 14 GL8 4,000 290 57 42 590 7
EX3 2,500 370 37 30 390 3 GL9 1,100 26 34 29 75 0
EX4 23,300 2,500 33 24 910 20 GL10 6,300 28 62 31 570 2
EX5 9,900 1,000 44 32 1,500 12 GL11 8,300 56 60 38 580 2
EX6 6,600 1,400 126 66 2,500 230 GL12 6,200 360 65 41 1,000 22
EX7 6,600 830 42 31 390 8 GL13 2,600 15 20 17 38 0
EX8 17,700 2,200 30 23 440 3 GL14 7,200 190 95 55 620 26
EX9 3,700 540 34 26 550 2 GL15 9,700 1,500 67 40 900 94
EX10 9,200 1,500 55 40 670 35 GL16 6,300 1,400 154 79 6,900 300
EX11 3,700 580 39 33 200 1 GL17 5,100 710 198 107 3,700 220
EX12 5,500 900 53 38 570 27 GL18 3,700 44 30 24 110 0
EX13 6,100 1,100 59 39 1,600 40 GL19 3,700 43 38 30 150 0
EX14 10,000 940 49 36 1,100 12 GL20 12,900 51 43 33 250 1
EX15 9,600 900 39 31 320 5 GL51 23,800 15 28 24 53 0
EX16 14,700 1,900 66 41 1,800 92 GL52 20,500 29 29 25 88 0
EX17 8,800 1,200 52 40 600 14 GL53 9,000 250 68 40 1,100 14
EX18 1,500 390 68 49 960 17 GL54 11,600 1,000 91 60 1,400 110
EX19 1,700 270 58 43 720 5 GL55 2,700 520 76 46 870 39
EX20 9,700 4,000 174 100 4,900 960 GL56 5,000 450 54 37 530 17
EX21 2,000 300 50 38 340 5
EX22 5,000 510 55 40 1,800 13 GU1 13,800 20 25 17 99 0
EX23 7,800 900 45 33 560 11 GU2 12,600 9 60 27 220 1
EX24 1,800 290 40 33 160 0 GU4 7,000 5 33 28 71 0
EX31 11,400 2,100 66 39 1,600 130 GU5 4,500 8 27 22 59 0
EX32 10,500 1,100 54 33 1,600 35 GU6 6,500 14 20 19 43 0

Tabular data

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district (minimum 5 Table 6 Summary data by postcode district
results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3






At or above





At or above
GU7 10,000 6 24 21 61 0 HP3 13,400 29 58 45 210 1
GU8 7,300 19 23 18 76 0 HP4 10,600 61 62 45 600 1
GU9 13,100 9 45 31 110 0 HP5 11,000 57 66 51 230 1
GU10 9,300 23 32 23 200 1 HP6 6,200 30 41 35 80 0
GU12 13,300 5 16 13 26 0 HP7 4,700 15 51 43 130 0
GU14 23,300 5 13 12 20 0 HP8 2,800 7 34 30 67 0
GU15 14,300 8 23 19 61 0 HP9 7,200 7 19 17 34 0
GU16 9,500 5 15 12 31 0 HP10 8,100 10 31 26 74 0
GU21 20,700 7 17 16 23 0 HP12 8,600 5 27 24 53 0
GU24 6,700 8 13 12 25 0 HP13 17,500 10 25 23 41 0
GU27 7,800 14 25 19 110 0 HP14 7,200 42 77 56 280 3
GU28 3,200 26 34 27 120 0 HP15 7,100 29 73 59 180 0
GU29 4,800 17 26 18 150 0 HP16 4,900 51 67 53 240 2
GU30 4,200 6 15 14 31 0 HP17 4,300 37 51 39 220 1
GU31 5,000 14 20 18 48 0 HP18 7,300 61 44 34 190 0
GU32 5,300 29 34 28 94 0 HP19 10,600 6 25 22 52 0
GU33 3,500 11 23 18 52 0 HP21 14,200 12 32 28 69 0
GU34 13,600 220 97 66 710 25 HP22 10,800 36 32 28 110 0
GU35 9,500 12 13 7 29 0 HP23 7,500 27 26 24 56 0
GU51 10,100 11 18 16 43 0 HP27 5,500 37 42 27 280 2

HA2 20,300 7 28 23 66 0 HR1 14,400 90 51 40 240 3

HA3 24,700 6 7 4 17 0 HR2 16,900 160 58 38 690 9
HA4 20,700 7 26 21 50 0 HR3 1,800 54 44 37 130 0
HA5 18,300 5 36 24 96 0 HR4 13,700 75 44 35 160 0
HA6 9,500 10 22 17 69 0 HR5 2,200 230 96 66 1,400 25
HA7 13,900 5 13 12 23 0 HR6 9,600 100 53 36 450 3
HR7 3,300 35 33 29 110 0
HD1 10,500 6 30 28 48 0 HR8 6,500 73 38 31 170 0
HD3 14,200 6 20 17 39 0 HR9 9,800 74 45 34 300 1
HD4 13,800 27 96 50 550 3
HD5 14,200 7 46 33 150 0 HU7 18,900 8 13 12 16 0
HD7 10,400 45 40 27 310 2 HU9 19,100 8 14 12 25 0
HD8 14,300 35 34 27 73 0 HU10 8,600 5 31 26 65 0
HD9 15,700 110 69 37 640 8 HU11 5,500 26 22 17 54 0
HU12 11,400 52 25 20 110 0
HG1 16,300 24 19 15 43 0 HU14 3,600 16 52 41 150 0
HG2 14,700 26 26 17 120 0 HU15 10,200 45 31 23 170 0
HG3 11,500 100 33 23 220 2 HU16 7,300 5 23 18 62 0
HG4 11,700 140 60 45 300 4 HU17 19,800 27 27 22 73 0
HG5 8,100 16 27 22 86 0 HU18 4,200 10 42 26 150 0
HU19 3,400 7 22 19 51 0
HP1 11,200 23 48 41 100 0
HP2 16,700 17 39 28 120 0 HX2 16,600 13 85 42 420 2

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district (minimum 5 Table 6 Summary data by postcode district
results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
HX3 21,600 10 65 48 180 0 KT19 14,600 7 15 13 26 0
HX4 5,400 14 42 35 110 0 KT20 8,900 5 42 37 76 0
HX6 8,900 20 105 47 820 2 KT21 5,600 7 28 26 45 0
HX7 6,600 71 51 32 280 4 KT22 10,500 13 43 30 130 0
KT23 4,800 5 32 25 59 0
IG11 21,500 5 12 11 16 0
L31 13,000 5 12 12 17 0
IP2 14,500 5 61 40 160 0 L37 10,300 9 9 8 16 0
IP4 16,800 8 26 25 36 0 L39 12,300 13 18 15 50 0
IP5 8,500 6 30 24 51 0 L40 7,800 9 19 18 28 0
IP6 7,500 20 24 21 51 0
IP7 7,200 27 30 25 120 0 LA1 22,200 31 55 34 280 2
IP8 4,900 7 47 39 84 0 LA2 9,300 110 33 25 210 1
IP9 4,900 17 24 19 58 0 LA3 11,500 13 30 20 130 0
IP10 1,500 12 45 31 140 0 LA4 12,500 8 29 18 130 0
IP11 14,100 100 60 41 280 6 LA5 7,800 2,300 107 73 1,400 310
IP12 11,800 190 39 28 390 3 LA6 6,300 690 93 64 1,400 64
IP13 8,300 42 24 20 64 0 LA7 2,400 980 133 96 2,900 160
IP14 17,500 44 33 25 170 0 LA8 4,400 510 87 60 1,200 35
IP15 2,100 5 20 20 31 0 LA9 15,100 390 98 68 680 44
IP16 3,600 14 19 17 33 0 LA10 1,900 84 71 41 550 6
IP17 6,100 28 27 22 93 0 LA11 5,400 2,100 113 78 1,300 300
IP18 3,200 7 10 10 18 0 LA12 10,100 140 58 40 440 4
IP19 5,100 25 27 21 110 0 LA13 8,600 17 53 26 230 2
IP20 3,900 11 24 22 41 0 LA14 19,300 25 18 13 56 0
IP21 5,200 24 30 26 86 0 LA15 3,700 19 84 52 380 1
IP22 10,400 36 23 19 86 0 LA16 1,500 8 32 26 89 0
IP23 3,300 16 27 22 90 0 LA17 570 11 105 59 450 2
IP24 12,100 43 32 26 140 0 LA18 4,200 44 27 21 190 0
IP25 8,400 38 37 28 150 0 LA19 510 16 32 27 74 0
IP26 4,200 31 32 24 90 0 LA20 700 20 30 24 74 0
IP27 9,100 16 28 25 58 0 LA21 710 18 25 22 48 0
IP28 12,100 45 28 23 94 0 LA22 3,500 43 42 31 240 1
IP29 3,900 19 27 22 79 0 LA23 5,100 23 37 30 120 0
IP30 6,000 25 25 22 96 0
IP31 8,800 30 36 28 140 0 LD7 190 92 105 79 520 12
IP33 11,900 8 54 32 160 0 LD8 230 21 104 74 420 3

KT3 14,700 6 14 13 19 0 LE2 46,700 27 34 27 130 0

KT10 8,500 7 18 18 26 0 LE3 43,700 29 25 19 130 0
KT11 6,300 6 17 14 27 0 LE4 39,100 11 29 23 96 0
KT12 16,500 7 21 17 35 0 LE5 30,900 14 51 38 160 0
KT17 9,900 7 52 31 160 0 LE6 5,200 17 28 23 68 0
KT18 7,400 5 25 19 68 0 LE7 20,400 71 38 24 690 1

Tabular data

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district Table 6 Summary data by postcode district
(minimum 5 results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
LE8 16,000 30 27 23 68 0 LS27 17,200 14 58 39 150 0
LE9 24,600 40 30 24 97 0 LS28 18,200 7 37 22 150 0
LE10 23,000 8 25 21 65 0 LS29 14,800 35 34 26 85 0
LE11 24,500 26 28 23 84 0
LE12 28,000 120 49 27 1,000 3 LU1 17,700 7 31 23 76 0
LE13 12,200 34 35 27 200 1 LU2 23,700 9 27 22 65 0
LE14 7,800 630 92 54 1,100 61 LU3 22,700 9 20 14 48 0
LE15 14,900 4,100 116 66 3,400 590 LU4 18,600 5 36 24 67 0
LE16 16,000 980 70 44 1,100 61 LU5 16,300 12 25 20 70 0
LE17 9,100 460 51 33 420 17 LU6 14,300 16 41 35 79 0
LE18 14,400 12 22 19 52 0 LU7 24,700 58 41 31 230 1
LE19 6,500 10 22 20 39 0
LE65 6,800 17 34 30 65 0 M25 13,200 9 26 18 78 0
LE67 26,600 77 36 27 160 0 M28 18,000 6 20 14 62 0
M33 26,500 5 22 16 41 0
LN1 14,000 170 50 36 260 4 M34 21,600 5 6 6 <10 0
LN2 17,700 350 52 41 370 6
LN3 4,400 630 70 49 1,100 34 ME1 13,700 9 47 29 140 0
LN4 17,000 5,400 99 64 2,000 640 ME2 16,900 13 42 33 120 0
LN5 15,600 3,100 92 59 1,400 300 ME3 11,800 40 26 22 70 0
LN6 26,700 800 39 31 200 1 ME4 13,400 10 44 37 110 0
LN7 2,800 74 36 28 160 0 ME5 21,500 18 61 39 400 1
LN8 8,200 130 39 28 230 2 ME7 21,400 8 43 34 92 0
LN9 4,800 51 48 31 470 1 ME8 21,100 21 82 57 270 2
LN10 2,900 22 24 18 80 0 ME9 9,100 32 47 34 240 1
LN11 13,400 130 44 28 390 2 ME10 20,700 18 39 32 130 0
LN12 7,100 24 27 20 120 0 ME12 16,500 15 22 17 52 0
LN13 3,700 46 41 31 160 0 ME13 12,400 21 40 29 120 0
ME14 13,700 12 63 37 220 1
LS10 17,900 10 45 30 140 0 ME15 21,200 6 34 27 71 0
LS12 19,700 6 16 13 28 0 ME16 13,700 5 46 32 120 0
LS14 16,000 52 25 19 180 0 ME17 9,500 35 27 22 98 0
LS15 15,900 10 27 22 56 0 ME18 2,900 6 30 29 39 0
LS16 16,200 14 18 15 43 0 ME19 9,400 7 38 28 88 0
LS17 19,300 52 34 25 140 0
LS18 8,900 9 36 28 100 0 MK2 6,600 5 68 41 210 1
LS19 9,100 7 80 26 410 1 MK3 10,400 11 31 26 93 0
LS20 5,700 7 35 28 64 0 MK4 8,900 5 17 16 24 0
LS21 8,400 23 30 24 96 0 MK5 6,300 7 29 28 41 0
LS22 7,100 230 42 31 220 2 MK6 11,000 11 32 22 100 0
LS23 4,100 120 50 35 330 4 MK7 6,200 6 29 21 84 0
LS24 5,300 36 35 27 150 0 MK11 3,600 17 45 33 200 1
LS25 17,900 29 61 33 440 2 MK12 5,900 11 68 51 170 0
LS26 13,500 12 42 33 120 0 MK13 7,800 31 34 26 240 1

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district Table 6 Summary data by postcode district (minimum
(minimum 5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
MK14 8,500 22 35 25 140 0 NE61 14,700 63 26 19 180 0
MK15 3,100 6 23 20 44 0 NE65 9,800 87 41 26 400 2
MK16 8,000 40 39 25 370 1 NE66 9,200 190 50 36 310 6
MK17 7,900 35 32 27 75 0 NE67 1,000 19 30 23 89 0
MK18 13,800 110 48 35 300 2 NE68 1,400 27 34 24 130 0
MK19 4,900 230 37 29 410 2 NE69 450 30 26 15 180 0
MK40 14,600 22 41 29 190 0 NE70 1,100 23 51 33 410 1
MK41 18,500 26 32 27 110 0 NE71 1,700 1,000 108 76 900 140
MK42 20,700 14 30 26 50 0
MK43 14,500 94 38 30 140 0 NG2 25,400 14 27 25 48 0
MK44 6,900 63 33 27 140 0 NG3 22,400 7 56 39 130 0
MK45 19,200 36 28 21 79 0 NG4 18,500 8 61 45 190 0
MK46 4,100 42 39 32 170 0 NG5 39,800 18 22 18 56 0
NG6 17,500 36 32 25 110 0
N1 41,500 5 9 8 13 0 NG7 21,700 9 94 28 450 2
N16 23,600 5 20 17 35 0 NG8 26,100 1,100 53 40 960 22
NG9 32,900 310 26 18 220 2
NE3 23,900 7 15 14 21 0 NG10 21,900 52 42 30 240 1
NE4 15,800 5 13 11 29 0 NG11 17,000 18 31 24 85 0
NE6 24,400 6 9 7 24 0 NG12 14,600 56 38 28 160 0
NE12 16,500 6 16 10 58 0 NG13 9,700 520 37 26 500 4
NE13 7,200 9 17 12 48 0 NG14 8,300 69 40 29 220 1
NE15 15,100 11 25 21 60 0 NG15 18,900 32 31 23 120 0
NE16 11,600 5 5 3 12 0 NG16 28,800 2,900 81 48 4,100 230
NE17 2,400 5 18 15 33 0 NG17 33,400 2,100 76 39 5,000 130
NE18 410 6 36 26 96 0 NG18 20,200 140 29 24 240 1
NE19 1,000 48 33 27 89 0 NG19 23,800 1,300 63 41 920 60
NE20 5,200 24 23 19 59 0 NG20 11,900 240 26 20 280 2
NE23 17,700 11 8 5 20 0 NG21 10,000 20 27 23 64 0
NE24 18,300 7 17 16 24 0 NG22 12,000 48 27 23 76 0
NE25 13,900 5 15 14 24 0 NG23 7,900 74 36 24 300 1
NE28 22,000 6 11 9 20 0 NG24 21,700 20 36 27 180 0
NE30 11,100 5 15 12 35 0 NG25 3,900 16 35 26 160 0
NE34 24,600 5 12 10 19 0 NG31 20,800 170 67 39 920 13
NE38 14,100 5 31 22 85 0 NG32 6,000 530 141 79 1,700 110
NE40 7,200 7 23 15 45 0 NG33 4,500 730 97 56 1,300 96
NE42 5,500 7 21 14 63 0 NG34 19,000 890 57 42 470 24
NE43 2,000 13 21 17 37 0
NE44 470 8 48 29 220 1 NN1 14,700 3,100 49 31 1,700 98
NE45 1,800 12 39 29 87 0 NN2 16,500 5,600 72 41 7,100 400
NE46 7,100 35 37 29 100 0 NN3 30,000 12,300 51 31 1,900 470
NE47 3,600 80 33 22 270 3 NN4 19,700 5,700 67 37 3,500 380
NE48 2,200 71 21 17 76 0 NN5 18,400 5,300 46 29 4,400 130
NE49 2,200 20 53 27 410 2 NN6 14,800 5,300 106 56 4,900 750

Tabular data

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district (minimum Table 6 Summary data by postcode district (minimum
5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
NN7 12,400 2,600 65 40 1,400 150 NR32 18,600 14 25 17 73 0
NN8 22,500 8,600 62 35 2,900 550 NR33 18,600 7 16 13 29 0
NN9 11,900 4,000 82 49 2,000 360 NR34 10,600 35 27 22 110 0
NN10 17,600 2,000 44 31 1,500 42 NR35 5,100 14 27 23 46 0
NN11 16,900 2,400 43 28 1,500 51
NN12 10,400 1,700 69 41 1,400 130 NW2 22,000 7 11 11 16 0
NN13 8,200 960 45 33 2,400 13 NW3 18,900 7 15 11 29 0
NN14 19,200 5,300 108 57 3,000 710 NW7 10,100 7 21 21 31 0
NN15 15,900 6,100 105 61 2,800 800
NN16 14,100 3,900 89 56 2,700 390 OL2 18,900 8 18 15 53 0
NN17 12,900 880 48 29 1,100 30 OL3 7,000 36 44 27 370 2
NN18 15,000 550 25 20 370 1 OL4 18,100 25 22 17 62 0
NN29 5,200 2,800 53 36 2,900 64 OL8 15,700 7 11 10 27 0
OL9 17,000 7 13 10 40 0
NP16 2,500 150 124 80 860 31 OL12 20,600 5 17 15 36 0
NP25 350 15 44 36 96 0 OL13 7,500 8 47 22 220 1
OL14 7,500 24 41 28 210 1
NR1 13,900 8 17 17 26 0 OL15 6,700 10 25 20 52 0
NR2 13,600 7 16 15 19 0 OL16 15,300 8 23 22 37 0
NR4 9,400 18 40 32 130 0
NR5 12,700 23 25 19 80 0 OX1 7,900 11 38 32 89 0
NR7 14,800 9 17 13 56 0 OX2 17,500 35 37 28 200 1
NR9 7,800 36 29 24 90 0 OX3 17,900 24 25 21 93 0
NR10 9,900 31 26 22 66 0 OX4 24,700 22 24 21 54 0
NR11 9,000 35 25 22 50 0 OX5 10,200 63 42 29 440 2
NR12 10,500 48 33 28 140 0 OX7 11,000 3,300 106 67 2,400 420
NR13 12,000 37 30 24 150 0 OX9 6,200 24 36 24 260 1
NR14 10,800 33 28 24 92 0 OX10 11,500 58 34 27 130 0
NR15 6,800 19 31 26 110 0 OX11 15,800 33 22 17 78 0
NR16 5,400 21 30 25 67 0 OX12 11,500 53 29 23 100 0
NR17 7,300 19 37 31 89 0 OX13 5,400 30 31 25 83 0
NR18 8,100 11 27 25 51 0 OX14 19,200 77 48 31 670 1
NR19 9,400 29 39 29 140 0 OX15 8,200 3,000 161 98 3,300 690
NR20 8,600 55 39 32 120 0 OX16 20,200 5,800 71 45 1,800 390
NR21 8,300 38 35 25 180 0 OX17 7,700 2,000 132 80 2,200 380
NR23 2,200 9 30 28 57 0 OX18 10,900 240 86 61 620 25
NR24 2,300 13 21 19 40 0 OX20 2,400 490 106 68 1,800 49
NR25 5,600 23 29 23 98 0 OX25 4,100 120 53 39 330 3
NR26 4,700 6 40 33 86 0 OX26 14,300 60 45 34 130 0
NR27 6,500 14 40 29 160 0 OX27 3,000 70 47 36 270 1
NR28 8,100 13 31 27 69 0 OX28 12,200 590 64 46 490 25
NR29 9,500 27 32 25 100 0 OX29 10,100 320 95 62 1,300 32
NR30 14,600 7 16 14 35 0 OX33 3,400 26 39 32 200 1
NR31 22,700 15 15 13 29 0 OX39 3,000 21 28 23 78 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district Table 6 Summary data by postcode district (minimum 5
(minimum 5 results) results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
OX44 3,400 20 41 30 150 0 PL6 18,100 5,200 77 56 1,800 300
OX49 1,900 17 21 19 36 0 PL7 13,400 5,100 78 56 3,300 290
PL8 2,900 1,400 96 67 1,300 130
PE1 20,200 31 46 34 170 0 PL9 12,800 5,000 87 62 1,800 410
PE2 22,000 35 36 30 120 0 PL10 1,900 960 111 61 4,000 130
PE3 12,400 33 39 31 130 0 PL11 5,000 1,400 77 51 1,400 91
PE4 13,100 57 38 30 190 0 PL12 9,800 2,000 90 67 890 160
PE5 660 33 88 65 300 5 PL13 5,300 2,400 109 74 1,500 340
PE6 16,100 83 43 33 200 1 PL14 10,900 5,800 178 113 4,100 1,600
PE7 18,900 160 27 20 240 1 PL15 9,400 4,200 143 86 7,100 780
PE8 7,700 1,400 71 45 1,000 90 PL16 890 450 199 120 3,600 130
PE9 14,700 1,600 127 79 1,900 270 PL17 4,600 2,600 164 100 10,000 590
PE10 10,400 49 33 28 130 0 PL18 2,300 1,600 260 142 9,100 580
PE11 19,500 57 30 23 130 0 PL19 7,800 4,400 134 85 3,000 780
PE12 18,000 64 28 22 110 0 PL20 5,400 3,400 167 96 22,000 700
PE13 16,500 32 26 20 86 0 PL21 7,800 4,000 136 73 11,000 700
PE14 9,400 34 22 19 53 0 PL22 1,800 930 148 93 2,700 170
PE15 13,700 31 23 20 92 0 PL23 2,400 1,100 136 91 1,400 230
PE16 5,000 10 18 17 30 0 PL24 4,700 2,100 174 98 3,300 530
PE19 20,400 42 32 27 140 0 PL25 12,100 5,700 203 106 24,000 1,500
PE20 6,300 29 23 21 67 0 PL26 12,400 5,500 174 99 7,700 1,400
PE21 19,500 15 34 28 88 0 PL27 7,000 3,000 85 58 1,400 240
PE22 7,400 60 26 21 88 0 PL28 3,100 730 67 49 660 31
PE23 4,100 77 63 42 500 4 PL29 850 270 88 63 560 22
PE24 6,000 41 25 21 77 0 PL30 4,900 2,800 195 115 6,400 820
PE25 10,600 11 27 22 52 0 PL31 6,900 3,200 145 83 3,800 670
PE26 5,100 22 26 21 80 0 PL32 2,000 1,000 187 119 4,000 300
PE27 9,100 39 82 50 840 2 PL33 1,000 280 92 65 990 22
PE28 20,200 160 46 30 990 4 PL34 1,100 590 99 63 1,700 65
PE29 13,100 8 30 23 68 0 PL35 650 400 216 136 4,100 130
PE30 20,400 23 24 18 110 0
PE31 11,800 65 32 26 96 0 PO7 18,300 16 27 21 80 0
PE32 7,200 53 35 26 260 1 PO8 14,800 27 47 37 140 0
PE33 6,700 37 32 24 200 1 PO9 21,300 17 108 42 790 2
PE34 6,200 25 27 23 56 0 PO10 8,600 13 51 30 270 1
PE36 4,400 24 43 37 85 0 PO11 8,600 10 32 27 77 0
PE37 5,200 27 49 36 300 1 PO12 21,900 10 22 19 44 0
PE38 7,500 34 40 26 230 1 PO14 14,500 10 24 18 82 0
PO16 14,500 11 23 19 54 0
PL1 11,900 850 36 25 410 8 PO18 6,500 39 42 31 150 0
PL2 13,800 1,300 46 34 430 12 PO19 15,600 30 76 50 330 3
PL3 13,200 2,400 67 48 990 94 PO20 16,100 40 40 29 210 1
PL4 13,600 1,100 42 30 450 8 PO21 19,700 23 53 36 270 1
PL5 19,400 2,800 49 34 760 61 PO22 14,200 15 39 34 100 0

Tabular data

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district Table 6 Summary data by postcode district (minimum
(minimum 5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
PO30 13,600 33 31 22 160 0 RH1 20,700 14 20 17 49 0
PO31 7,600 10 20 17 43 0 RH2 11,200 10 22 18 50 0
PO32 4,100 7 22 16 65 0 RH4 7,400 8 37 29 100 0
PO33 15,400 13 21 18 47 0 RH5 6,800 27 33 23 120 0
PO35 2,200 7 32 28 78 0 RH6 13,500 9 30 24 86 0
PO36 7,900 7 29 26 67 0 RH7 3,700 9 17 15 33 0
PO38 6,800 28 59 33 430 3 RH8 6,300 26 51 38 270 1
PO41 1,300 9 22 16 88 0 RH10 28,000 9 21 18 46 0
RH11 21,900 13 39 27 150 0
PR1 31,400 7 13 9 35 0 RH12 20,300 22 38 28 170 0
PR2 34,700 13 24 19 58 0 RH13 16,100 35 22 20 52 0
PR3 16,500 68 26 19 320 1 RH14 6,500 14 21 18 46 0
PR4 25,600 29 13 11 50 0 RH15 13,600 13 24 21 70 0
PR5 18,400 9 21 16 67 0 RH16 15,900 6 15 13 25 0
PR6 15,900 14 18 16 29 0 RH17 7,700 21 25 21 95 0
PR7 27,400 11 34 23 160 0 RH18 1,900 6 29 24 69 0
PR8 24,500 6 16 15 24 0 RH19 14,700 12 41 32 74 0
PR9 20,200 6 7 5 18 0 RH20 11,600 50 24 20 61 0

RG4 16,700 24 36 28 130 0 RM14 11,200 5 22 18 47 0

RG6 14,000 7 19 15 49 0 RM16 16,400 11 19 18 35 0
RG7 13,600 42 22 19 65 0
RG8 7,900 41 43 37 110 0 S2 19,800 11 36 31 76 0
RG9 10,400 82 58 43 230 2 S5 26,300 5 121 35 540 1
RG10 7,800 170 46 34 340 2 S6 27,400 47 59 43 200 1
RG14 18,100 12 33 26 82 0 S7 6,800 34 52 36 360 1
RG17 7,100 53 44 31 250 1 S8 21,500 52 55 38 360 2
RG18 7,500 15 21 17 45 0 S10 18,500 60 46 34 150 0
RG20 8,100 65 40 25 680 1 S11 14,400 92 60 37 460 6
RG21 12,600 6 32 31 41 0 S12 15,800 230 41 28 550 3
RG22 17,500 15 61 32 280 2 S13 14,200 5 25 22 43 0
RG23 5,100 14 88 70 260 1 S17 7,200 82 52 35 370 3
RG24 14,700 5 41 24 140 0 S18 11,200 2,900 79 53 1,400 200
RG25 3,700 35 63 42 250 3 S20 13,700 32 58 40 290 1
RG26 9,600 25 24 19 70 0 S21 9,100 470 41 28 1,100 9
RG27 9,500 24 19 16 47 0 S25 9,500 120 39 29 230 3
RG28 2,600 24 42 32 120 0 S26 11,400 150 37 25 630 1
RG29 2,700 9 37 35 58 0 S32 2,800 1,600 152 71 4,500 290
RG30 19,500 7 49 44 88 0 S33 2,400 1,100 150 76 4,600 240
RG31 11,600 5 14 10 36 0 S35 18,300 190 33 21 440 3
RG40 12,200 7 13 8 27 0 S36 12,800 210 29 21 300 1
RG41 11,600 7 13 12 22 0 S40 17,300 710 33 22 480 7
RG42 10,900 10 20 17 45 0 S41 17,400 760 33 22 490 8
S42 12,900 820 43 28 1,400 21

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district (minimum 5 Table 6 Summary data by postcode district (minimum 5
results) results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
S43 18,500 1,500 39 25 1,200 33 SK5 13,900 6 20 14 63 0
S44 10,100 1,200 39 26 1,400 16 SK6 23,100 65 42 25 320 2
S45 6,600 160 74 33 1,100 10 SK7 17,500 21 30 25 150 0
S60 17,100 7 40 30 61 0 SK8 25,200 27 21 19 51 0
S61 16,300 5 44 26 140 0 SK9 17,700 33 21 18 66 0
S63 18,800 21 37 31 89 0 SK10 18,100 41 35 24 200 1
S64 14,600 13 39 32 100 0 SK11 17,600 50 29 22 260 1
S65 15,400 5 47 30 130 0 SK12 8,500 250 25 20 160 0
S66 20,400 30 51 44 140 0 SK13 14,900 760 26 20 470 2
S70 19,200 13 38 24 120 0 SK14 21,300 270 25 17 740 2
S71 21,200 19 51 36 120 0 SK15 12,600 11 30 25 110 0
S72 11,300 12 74 37 370 1 SK17 14,800 6,300 214 109 7,000 1,900
S73 12,700 5 28 21 61 0 SK22 5,700 490 36 25 360 10
S75 19,900 41 62 37 290 3 SK23 7,900 860 32 23 1,200 6
S80 14,200 390 34 25 380 2
S81 16,600 26 37 29 120 0 SL0 4,600 8 27 24 49 0
SL1 27,100 7 22 20 31 0
SE1 34,800 5 14 12 30 0 SL2 20,400 11 22 18 56 0
SE3 13,800 5 21 17 43 0 SL3 18,100 9 38 25 100 0
SE7 8,700 6 25 17 59 0 SL4 19,500 13 25 20 61 0
SE10 15,300 9 29 16 160 0 SL5 10,300 12 19 14 79 0
SE13 17,800 9 18 15 40 0 SL6 33,500 54 61 48 260 1
SE16 23,800 11 12 9 32 0 SL7 9,200 20 57 45 130 0
SE18 31,000 7 21 16 41 0 SL9 8,400 14 38 32 60 0

SG1 22,500 12 23 21 47 0 SM1 16,900 5 56 40 140 0

SG2 17,700 8 55 42 150 0 SM6 15,700 7 39 37 53 0
SG3 3,100 6 31 24 56 0 SM7 7,500 5 44 36 74 0
SG4 12,800 21 48 32 170 0
SG5 15,000 19 34 30 83 0 SN1 14,400 14 48 26 260 1
SG6 15,100 11 35 28 97 0 SN2 19,000 8 24 19 71 0
SG7 6,100 12 26 22 60 0 SN3 22,900 17 18 15 42 0
SG8 16,500 55 28 23 110 0 SN4 12,500 41 25 20 110 0
SG9 4,300 19 28 23 79 0 SN5 14,600 12 24 20 66 0
SG11 3,400 26 45 36 170 0 SN6 9,700 42 38 27 200 1
SG12 13,200 11 39 31 120 0 SN7 6,200 42 37 29 120 0
SG14 9,200 6 32 28 58 0 SN8 10,700 120 48 33 970 2
SG17 5,500 6 37 32 68 0 SN9 3,800 31 37 28 130 0
SG18 11,500 24 28 23 58 0 SN10 14,300 57 25 20 96 0
SG19 10,700 32 30 27 72 0 SN11 9,900 32 33 24 250 1
SN12 11,800 18 22 20 43 0
SK2 13,200 13 19 10 67 0 SN13 7,500 420 76 48 1,100 33
SK3 12,800 10 20 17 51 0 SN14 11,600 140 54 37 530 2
SK4 15,700 23 20 16 51 0 SN15 15,400 47 23 20 72 0

Tabular data

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district (minimum 5 Table 6 Summary data by postcode district (minimum
results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
SN16 6,200 49 28 23 120 0
SN26 700 7 46 40 82 0 ST2 15,700 8 31 22 110 0
ST3 29,800 12 51 38 150 0
SO16 28,500 8 15 14 32 0 ST4 26,400 13 26 22 60 0
SO20 3,500 37 33 24 200 1 ST5 37,000 25 25 21 77 0
SO21 8,200 63 31 25 140 0 ST6 30,000 12 21 16 67 0
SO22 11,500 10 40 33 88 0 ST7 24,100 47 38 27 150 0
SO23 10,600 5 37 31 74 0 ST8 9,200 13 19 18 28 0
SO24 5,000 320 63 42 1,100 11 ST9 5,200 15 28 21 110 0
SO31 19,700 9 46 24 190 0 ST10 11,200 220 94 49 1,700 28
SO32 8,500 32 29 24 82 0 ST11 4,400 9 29 24 65 0
SO40 17,900 13 12 11 31 0 ST13 13,100 210 109 53 2,800 25
SO41 15,800 19 22 15 100 0 ST14 8,600 34 47 34 190 0
SO42 2,300 14 21 19 44 0 ST15 9,800 24 26 19 64 0
SO43 2,100 16 17 16 33 0 ST16 14,200 9 22 19 42 0
SO45 15,500 10 18 16 31 0 ST17 17,000 20 24 21 52 0
SO50 19,800 10 39 28 120 0 ST18 7,000 34 31 24 110 0
SO51 12,800 25 29 23 110 0 ST19 6,600 19 22 20 39 0
SO53 13,500 10 27 22 61 0 ST20 3,000 25 25 21 61 0
ST21 2,700 33 38 31 99 0
SP1 10,100 7 46 32 99 0
SP2 13,500 16 40 32 110 0 SW6 27,400 5 18 15 28 0
SP3 5,400 470 140 72 1,300 91 SW13 6,600 5 13 12 15 0
SP4 13,700 44 30 21 200 1 SW15 26,800 5 12 9 30 0
SP5 9,600 81 37 27 130 0 SW16 29,600 6 20 12 65 0
SP6 6,300 27 34 26 110 0 SW18 25,600 7 18 14 35 0
SP7 6,800 88 57 38 300 5 SW19 33,500 13 23 16 73 0
SP8 6,700 130 47 36 470 2
SP9 3,400 8 40 34 87 0 SY1 12,400 31 31 27 70 0
SP10 17,400 10 24 22 42 0 SY2 7,900 36 50 38 150 0
SP11 11,700 75 45 33 300 2 SY3 15,300 61 47 36 280 1
SY4 10,800 99 32 26 140 0
SR3 17,600 5 28 21 71 0 SY5 8,500 230 54 40 670 5
SR6 14,000 8 34 26 74 0 SY6 3,500 200 67 43 740 13
SR7 14,200 8 23 20 44 0 SY7 5,300 1,500 98 64 2,200 160
SR8 16,500 7 23 20 36 0 SY8 9,000 190 67 42 610 14
SY9 1,300 550 75 51 1,300 37
SS1 12,300 7 31 24 90 0 SY10 5,200 180 100 63 1,000 23
SS3 12,300 12 17 15 26 0 SY11 12,100 94 64 43 310 5
SS4 9,000 6 18 17 31 0 SY12 3,600 37 36 30 120 0
SS6 13,600 5 27 20 67 0 SY13 7,700 31 30 25 120 0
SS7 21,100 5 11 11 14 0 SY14 2,600 22 22 19 85 0
SS8 16,400 8 7 7 11 0 SY15 320 26 84 39 710 2
SS17 13,400 8 22 18 39 0 SY21 120 8 26 23 56 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district Table 6 Summary data by postcode district (minimum
(minimum 5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
SY22 280 10 37 34 66 0
TN2 12,200 8 26 20 70 0
TA1 19,100 380 37 29 380 1 TN3 4,700 16 35 29 92 0
TA2 12,700 410 49 37 600 8 TN4 13,100 9 36 27 140 0
TA3 6,500 1,500 58 44 1,900 39 TN5 3,700 14 23 19 49 0
TA4 8,800 990 54 39 1,500 30 TN6 10,600 8 25 19 53 0
TA5 5,000 180 44 30 390 4 TN8 5,900 13 24 22 55 0
TA6 22,000 1,400 30 24 450 4 TN10 7,000 5 34 29 54 0
TA7 6,800 1,800 61 43 720 69 TN11 5,700 13 40 29 120 0
TA8 8,100 66 15 12 89 0 TN12 12,100 24 35 21 370 1
TA9 5,700 86 24 20 85 0 TN13 10,300 99 27 21 110 0
TA10 4,400 1,300 51 37 810 30 TN14 6,600 120 32 24 190 0
TA11 4,100 1,700 85 58 1,400 140 TN15 10,500 79 48 38 250 1
TA12 2,800 640 33 28 190 0 TN16 8,100 160 45 35 200 1
TA13 2,000 570 46 36 990 6 TN17 5,800 11 22 20 43 0
TA14 1,400 340 52 43 180 0 TN18 2,800 7 20 19 32 0
TA15 350 68 43 37 150 0 TN19 2,200 13 22 20 43 0
TA16 850 260 57 41 600 7 TN21 7,200 22 24 19 110 0
TA17 310 90 45 36 250 1 TN22 11,700 26 28 21 150 0
TA18 5,100 1,600 93 60 1,300 160 TN24 14,000 6 32 25 68 0
TA19 5,600 1,100 49 39 600 12 TN25 7,300 50 30 25 110 0
TA20 9,600 1,800 52 39 690 37 TN26 5,000 32 18 16 42 0
TA21 8,900 590 59 43 560 20 TN27 5,800 22 32 27 75 0
TA22 1,500 410 79 54 870 30 TN28 3,900 5 20 14 53 0
TA23 2,800 170 68 48 650 9 TN29 6,100 25 17 14 52 0
TA24 9,600 1,000 52 38 610 25 TN30 4,400 12 21 17 43 0
TN31 7,300 26 18 16 54 0
TD9 57 7 17 15 35 0 TN32 2,100 7 24 22 46 0
TD12 720 73 49 36 280 1 TN33 5,500 29 20 17 66 0
TD15 8,500 150 41 29 300 3 TN34 13,300 6 47 40 77 0
TN35 7,700 15 17 15 40 0
TF1 16,800 42 39 28 470 1 TN36 1,300 10 29 20 83 0
TF2 16,700 41 33 22 210 1 TN38 12,100 8 32 25 110 0
TF3 10,100 32 47 26 510 1 TN39 12,900 5 33 32 45 0
TF4 8,800 17 29 21 120 0
TF5 2,000 5 27 23 45 0 TQ1 16,200 4,000 67 43 1,100 210
TF6 2,200 130 36 28 200 1 TQ2 15,700 2,800 55 38 2,500 68
TF7 8,000 14 28 23 63 0 TQ3 14,100 5,100 79 51 2,300 370
TF8 1,500 11 54 44 110 0 TQ4 9,300 3,500 72 50 1,400 190
TF9 10,900 51 24 20 75 0 TQ5 9,900 4,500 81 53 2,100 360
TF10 8,000 99 33 25 320 1 TQ6 5,300 2,900 116 68 2,700 450
TF11 4,600 27 27 24 71 0 TQ7 9,800 5,100 127 78 8,900 910
TF12 2,400 6 30 28 49 0 TQ8 2,000 970 128 57 6,800 160
TF13 1,700 59 58 38 790 2 TQ9 8,900 2,800 73 49 1,900 170

Tabular data

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district (minimum 5 Table 6 Summary data by postcode district (minimum 5
results) results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
TQ10 1,800 1,200 162 91 3,800 270 TS23 13,100 6 11 9 21 0
TQ11 2,000 730 88 58 1,900 57 TS24 11,100 6 47 22 210 1
TQ12 24,600 3,000 49 37 1,300 45 TS25 18,200 9 20 17 39 0
TQ13 11,100 4,100 258 131 8,100 1,700 TS26 11,700 7 18 14 41 0
TQ14 9,800 1,100 45 33 860 16 TS27 5,600 12 23 20 61 0
TS29 2,900 9 22 21 30 0
TR1 10,400 4,800 134 85 4,800 840
TR2 5,500 2,700 143 94 7,500 500 TW10 8,300 5 23 20 46 0
TR3 5,800 3,500 224 130 6,600 1,200 TW12 10,200 5 16 14 22 0
TR4 5,100 2,600 184 106 3,900 690 TW18 11,400 6 52 40 130 0
TR5 2,000 1,200 151 100 2,500 270
TR6 2,000 1,100 194 108 2,700 320 UB4 13,900 6 14 12 28 0
TR7 10,400 2,900 93 66 2,000 250 UB8 13,900 5 39 17 74 0
TR8 4,100 1,600 152 99 1,600 380 UB9 6,600 6 51 36 170 0
TR9 3,600 1,200 107 63 1,700 160 UB10 13,800 5 18 13 41 0
TR10 4,900 2,500 265 171 4,900 1,100
TR11 14,100 6,800 181 113 4,800 1,900 WA3 20,800 14 18 16 32 0
TR12 4,700 1,500 98 58 1,800 150 WA4 21,800 13 17 16 29 0
TR13 9,300 5,600 213 129 7,100 1,900 WA5 25,700 12 14 11 31 0
TR14 11,700 6,300 295 159 17,000 2,600 WA6 8,800 30 24 20 65 0
TR15 9,600 5,100 401 205 24,000 2,600 WA7 27,700 37 45 32 160 0
TR16 6,900 4,200 304 168 22,000 1,800 WA8 27,700 14 17 13 48 0
TR17 930 500 144 96 1,700 93 WA9 22,900 5 20 10 64 0
TR18 10,100 5,300 125 79 9,400 800 WA10 18,900 8 19 14 54 0
TR19 5,200 2,800 226 139 6,700 1,000 WA11 18,300 10 16 13 37 0
TR20 4,600 2,800 248 144 6,200 1,100 WA13 5,700 8 39 21 190 0
TR21 950 300 92 62 950 26 WA14 12,900 5 18 15 37 0
TR22 39 18 140 75 830 3 WA15 17,600 5 12 11 20 0
TR23 59 16 143 91 490 4 WA16 10,700 23 22 16 93 0
TR24 130 19 75 65 170 0
TR25 57 23 77 62 270 1 WD3 17,300 22 47 34 150 0
TR26 7,200 3,300 227 122 15,000 1,000 WD4 4,900 29 62 52 180 0
TR27 7,000 3,700 153 99 2,400 910 WD5 4,900 16 59 39 180 0
WD6 15,800 14 16 11 41 0
TS5 16,900 5 22 17 41 0 WD7 5,100 7 39 32 87 0
TS6 14,200 6 18 16 31 0
TS7 10,000 8 20 17 43 0 WF1 16,900 9 26 22 63 0
TS9 6,100 41 31 23 290 1 WF2 22,800 58 80 53 390 4
TS10 17,100 16 15 12 52 0 WF3 14,600 9 69 32 230 1
TS12 10,500 18 74 31 570 2 WF4 19,600 55 62 38 650 2
TS13 5,200 35 23 17 110 0 WF5 9,900 9 74 41 200 1
TS14 8,200 18 36 24 120 0 WF7 9,600 8 33 17 170 0
TS15 5,900 15 27 20 110 0 WF8 15,000 18 42 30 160 0
TS21 5,600 130 39 28 480 1 WF9 18,200 16 30 21 110 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 6 Summary data by postcode district Table 6 Summary data by postcode district (minimum
(minimum 5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
WF10 21,700 11 18 14 41 0
WF11 8,100 8 25 23 46 0 WV3 13,400 9 40 32 72 0
WF12 13,700 7 72 47 280 1 WV4 14,300 9 29 21 69 0
WF14 9,100 12 33 25 120 0 WV5 6,800 13 26 20 77 0
WF17 17,600 6 39 21 120 0 WV6 19,200 19 30 25 120 0
WV7 2,700 9 19 18 30 0
WN1 9,900 5 23 22 39 0 WV8 6,900 7 24 22 45 0
WN2 23,100 6 13 11 29 0 WV10 23,700 16 16 13 58 0
WN4 12,300 6 32 25 73 0 WV11 15,400 7 16 13 32 0
WN5 20,000 7 17 9 71 0 WV13 9,100 5 17 15 31 0
WN6 17,700 15 24 18 74 0 WV14 20,700 20 33 22 210 1
WN8 20,400 150 45 26 350 7 WV15 3,800 15 34 26 150 0
WV16 8,300 58 40 32 170 0
WR1 5,400 12 54 44 160 0
WR2 13,000 60 45 34 330 1 YO7 9,000 74 48 33 400 3
WR3 9,200 20 34 29 70 0 YO8 19,800 35 18 15 54 0
WR4 11,300 10 29 20 130 0 YO11 11,200 18 24 17 66 0
WR5 13,800 55 36 29 110 0 YO12 18,300 24 31 24 120 0
WR6 5,300 56 45 33 270 2 YO13 4,700 76 52 36 330 3
WR7 2,300 31 42 35 120 0 YO14 6,400 14 25 21 61 0
WR8 3,800 41 42 33 130 0 YO15 7,100 71 55 43 200 1
WR9 14,100 19 27 20 150 0 YO16 12,600 14 32 27 67 0
WR10 8,400 53 45 35 180 0 YO17 10,200 140 32 24 350 1
WR11 19,700 68 41 34 130 0 YO18 5,700 140 58 35 710 5
WR12 3,100 39 68 31 790 3 YO19 5,400 21 21 15 98 0
WR13 3,700 54 42 35 200 1 YO21 7,700 64 30 23 210 1
WR14 16,300 150 48 35 330 4 YO22 4,900 55 26 21 70 0
WR15 3,400 26 46 33 180 0 YO23 8,900 15 20 16 41 0
YO25 15,400 110 33 24 230 1
WS3 22,000 7 17 15 27 0 YO26 13,300 23 25 21 56 0
WS5 8,400 7 28 24 51 0 YO30 11,500 9 23 18 68 0
WS7 12,700 9 14 13 20 0 YO32 12,600 9 10 9 25 0
WS10 19,500 5 30 23 52 0 YO41 4,400 22 21 17 70 0
WS11 19,300 5 16 13 28 0 YO42 6,500 46 27 21 150 0
WS13 11,800 8 34 27 80 0 YO43 5,700 44 39 24 320 2
WS14 7,500 10 27 24 49 0 YO51 2,500 10 38 35 67 0
WS15 16,500 20 34 25 110 0 YO60 2,200 46 34 29 120 0
YO61 6,300 74 37 28 160 0
YO62 5,800 140 52 35 440 6

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum
5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
AL2 3 3,300 6 46 43 62 0 BA2 8 3,300 330 76 47 930 24
AL3 4 2,700 7 78 55 240 1 BA2 9 680 270 100 65 950 28
AL3 7 2,200 5 39 32 70 0 BA3 2 4,500 1,200 48 37 1,100 19
AL3 8 2,000 6 41 35 82 0 BA3 3 4,400 1,400 154 93 2,500 340
AL5 3 1,800 5 46 35 77 0 BA3 4 3,100 1,200 136 82 2,300 250
AL6 0 2,600 5 33 31 41 0 BA3 5 3,100 860 78 39 2,900 80
AL9 6 670 6 12 11 17 0 BA4 4 2,200 560 116 77 940 81
BA4 5 3,900 1,300 150 103 4,800 300
B31 5 4,100 9 14 13 21 0 BA4 6 2,000 580 61 43 520 23
B45 8 4,800 6 31 25 60 0 BA5 1 3,000 160 36 29 200 1
B45 9 5,600 6 13 13 19 0 BA5 2 3,600 280 34 27 210 1
B46 2 990 7 18 15 40 0 BA5 3 2,100 570 67 45 1,100 30
B48 7 2,500 6 17 17 29 0 BA6 8 3,100 880 45 36 380 14
B49 5 2,000 5 43 40 78 0 BA6 9 3,300 490 38 31 180 0
B49 6 2,700 17 39 32 96 0 BA7 7 1,800 430 43 31 670 8
B50 4 2,500 15 127 50 1,300 1 BA8 0 1,900 120 44 33 190 0
B61 9 1,100 5 26 25 36 0 BA9 8 720 180 118 63 1,100 29
B62 0 2,700 6 170 35 850 1 BA9 9 3,000 48 35 28 190 0
B62 9 4,500 6 31 29 50 0 BA10 0 1,600 470 85 43 2,900 36
B74 3 4,600 9 19 15 48 0 BA11 1 3,000 31 32 24 120 0
B77 4 5,400 7 58 35 220 1 BA11 2 4,600 89 28 21 160 0
B78 2 2,000 5 13 12 15 0 BA11 3 2,400 180 57 38 390 9
B90 4 5,200 5 29 28 39 0 BA11 4 2,800 120 48 30 540 5
B93 8 3,300 5 20 15 36 0 BA11 5 1,400 82 34 28 110 0
B95 5 2,100 10 24 23 37 0 BA11 6 900 24 23 17 53 0
B96 6 2,300 10 20 19 33 0 BA12 0 2,600 27 37 25 290 1
BA12 6 2,100 140 161 94 1,400 35
BA1 1 790 85 36 23 430 2 BA12 7 1,500 28 53 36 310 1
BA1 2 2,500 680 45 28 700 20 BA12 8 4,100 15 31 24 100 0
BA1 3 2,900 950 90 65 840 90 BA12 9 3,200 7 34 32 62 0
BA1 4 2,500 920 54 37 1,300 27 BA13 3 6,000 9 15 14 23 0
BA1 5 2,100 380 67 41 930 22 BA13 4 2,800 10 50 27 160 0
BA1 6 3,600 210 59 39 320 9 BA14 6 3,000 10 23 20 51 0
BA1 7 2,500 79 111 47 1,700 6 BA14 7 6,900 6 53 34 190 0
BA1 8 370 18 56 41 300 1 BA15 1 4,500 16 22 17 50 0
BA1 9 220 49 96 64 360 7 BA15 2 1,800 55 36 26 220 1
BA2 0 2,000 780 102 65 1,100 96 BA16 0 4,700 2,200 75 54 1,400 130
BA2 1 5,500 2,500 93 59 1,400 260 BA16 9 1,100 450 50 39 310 4
BA2 2 4,700 1,400 80 60 1,300 75 BA20 1 1,600 32 33 27 98 0
BA2 3 3,800 970 49 41 310 10 BA20 2 3,800 740 41 34 380 5
BA2 4 2,700 420 95 57 1,800 38 BA21 3 6,400 1,200 37 29 610 3
BA2 5 3,000 390 76 56 1,200 13 BA21 4 4,200 57 42 30 240 1
BA2 6 2,900 40 59 41 320 2 BA21 5 4,800 190 26 22 97 0
BA2 7 2,100 92 119 52 2,800 11 BA22 7 1,700 520 36 26 470 4

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum 5 Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector
results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
BA22 8 3,500 850 42 31 500 14 BH16 6 2,100 6 14 14 21 0
BA22 9 2,500 460 46 38 520 3 BH19 1 2,800 11 17 14 37 0
BH19 2 3,000 200 31 23 270 1
BB1 9 4,400 9 23 17 65 0 BH19 3 1,100 32 61 27 740 2
BB2 7 3,000 10 29 20 98 0 BH20 5 2,200 35 37 26 130 0
BB4 4 3,200 5 67 40 140 0 BH20 6 2,400 11 17 14 40 0
BB6 8 1,500 8 30 20 110 0 BH20 7 2,000 13 30 17 200 1
BB7 1 3,500 19 50 36 210 1 BH21 1 4,900 22 34 28 130 0
BB7 2 3,700 17 43 34 150 0 BH21 4 1,100 6 33 29 56 0
BB7 3 1,300 42 51 35 250 2 BH21 5 1,100 18 30 28 51 0
BB7 4 2,200 220 89 60 900 19 BH21 7 1,400 5 12 10 25 0
BB7 9 4,100 19 32 26 73 0 BH24 1 4,900 5 40 35 69 0
BB8 7 2,200 10 15 13 48 0 BH24 4 670 6 23 18 63 0
BB8 8 2,400 8 24 20 43 0
BB9 6 2,200 7 27 22 71 0 BL0 0 2,600 8 25 20 75 0
BB18 5 3,600 13 57 47 160 0 BL0 9 5,300 7 17 15 33 0
BB18 6 4,200 11 35 28 91 0 BL7 0 1,400 5 26 23 47 0

BD4 8 3,100 5 13 12 26 0 BN1 4 4,000 5 26 23 48 0

BD15 0 2,000 7 29 26 47 0 BN1 5 4,200 7 94 57 290 1
BD16 2 2,000 52 77 63 410 2 BN2 3 4,900 5 12 11 19 0
BD16 3 2,500 8 50 28 160 0 BN2 4 6,300 10 41 33 94 0
BD16 4 3,300 11 65 34 300 1 BN2 5 5,800 42 20 13 91 0
BD17 5 3,400 6 68 20 330 1 BN2 6 4,000 10 32 19 140 0
BD17 6 3,000 7 41 25 110 0 BN2 7 2,100 6 76 44 250 1
BD18 4 3,300 6 66 42 120 0 BN2 8 4,100 9 38 26 140 0
BD19 4 4,200 5 56 38 140 0 BN3 3 6,000 7 81 34 260 2
BD20 5 3,200 14 45 40 110 0 BN3 4 3,400 7 66 55 170 0
BD20 6 3,300 9 74 40 200 1 BN3 5 4,700 10 83 65 180 0
BD20 8 2,500 10 28 23 65 0 BN5 9 3,300 16 24 18 87 0
BD20 9 1,900 8 17 13 36 0 BN6 8 4,100 12 20 18 41 0
BD22 0 2,000 17 29 22 90 0 BN6 9 3,600 19 29 24 82 0
BD22 9 2,000 9 24 23 47 0 BN7 1 3,700 20 28 23 81 0
BD23 1 2,900 35 35 26 200 1 BN7 2 3,800 10 72 46 240 1
BD23 2 4,100 13 46 35 120 0 BN7 3 1,600 18 27 23 77 0
BD23 3 2,100 60 103 48 2,500 3 BN8 4 2,500 12 30 25 98 0
BD23 4 1,700 400 96 66 1,100 45 BN8 5 2,600 11 23 22 35 0
BD23 5 1,900 470 101 69 810 58 BN8 6 1,600 20 29 25 84 0
BD23 6 1,800 120 74 55 450 8 BN9 0 1,700 17 39 28 190 0
BD24 0 950 27 87 51 540 2 BN9 9 4,200 7 61 26 290 1
BD24 9 1,900 32 115 55 1,500 3 BN10 7 4,200 15 190 145 540 6
BN10 8 4,500 10 167 104 540 4
BH13 7 2,700 9 49 23 230 1 BN11 2 4,100 6 33 26 50 0
BH14 8 4,800 6 29 14 88 0 BN11 4 4,100 8 61 52 140 0

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector
(minimum 5 results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
BN11 5 3,100 7 44 39 83 0 BR6 9 6,100 17 46 32 170 0
BN12 4 4,100 14 73 58 150 0 BR7 5 3,400 6 54 43 110 0
BN12 5 2,500 10 72 55 170 0 BR8 7 6,700 1,100 32 24 390 8
BN12 6 3,500 5 52 40 120 0 BR8 8 2,900 140 48 34 310 2
BN13 1 3,900 8 55 48 110 0
BN13 2 4,700 25 114 83 450 3 BS2 8 3,200 9 32 28 75 0
BN13 3 3,700 29 144 78 1,100 6 BS4 2 4,300 10 46 29 130 0
BN14 0 2,700 27 89 70 290 3 BS6 5 4,200 19 59 35 220 2
BN14 7 4,600 8 66 53 120 0 BS6 6 3,900 60 54 37 240 2
BN14 8 2,800 9 51 33 210 1 BS6 7 3,300 23 52 44 180 0
BN14 9 3,200 30 94 55 590 3 BS7 0 6,300 12 35 29 85 0
BN15 0 3,600 11 94 71 250 1 BS7 8 4,000 27 63 39 330 2
BN15 8 4,100 6 64 53 130 0 BS7 9 6,400 19 72 54 200 1
BN15 9 5,000 9 69 60 150 0 BS8 2 2,500 8 66 43 170 0
BN16 1 3,400 11 89 63 330 1 BS8 3 2,300 20 197 126 650 8
BN16 2 3,700 11 44 37 89 0 BS8 4 3,300 9 119 42 620 2
BN16 3 4,100 9 49 37 120 0 BS9 1 3,100 21 57 31 210 1
BN16 4 2,800 10 43 35 93 0 BS9 2 3,000 9 75 69 140 0
BN17 6 6,000 5 31 25 73 0 BS9 3 3,300 26 72 52 230 2
BN18 0 3,600 11 57 38 130 0 BS9 4 3,600 50 67 54 280 1
BN18 9 2,500 10 35 29 77 0 BS10 5 3,900 25 70 53 250 1
BN20 8 3,500 7 34 27 73 0 BS10 6 4,700 26 62 38 480 1
BN21 2 3,700 5 31 29 54 0 BS10 7 3,900 8 45 37 130 0
BN24 5 2,600 5 21 20 32 0 BS14 0 3,900 32 72 63 180 0
BN24 6 1,800 8 19 17 40 0 BS14 8 3,700 9 53 38 130 0
BN25 1 2,500 22 78 57 280 2 BS14 9 5,000 19 48 40 140 0
BN25 2 3,500 57 110 73 520 10 BS15 3 4,000 5 34 16 89 0
BN25 3 3,900 63 158 116 740 18 BS15 4 5,400 5 23 16 72 0
BN25 4 1,600 38 165 119 620 11 BS15 8 3,300 6 14 10 23 0
BN26 5 3,000 8 48 39 94 0 BS16 1 5,500 6 62 57 74 0
BN26 6 3,100 6 18 17 34 0 BS16 5 4,700 5 47 36 90 0
BN27 1 3,100 9 22 19 41 0 BS16 6 4,400 12 49 40 120 0
BN27 2 2,500 6 20 16 41 0 BS16 7 3,600 14 19 17 36 0
BN27 4 2,300 13 39 29 110 0 BS16 9 3,900 20 67 46 350 1
BN41 2 6,100 13 124 76 400 2 BS20 6 4,000 11 33 23 87 0
BN42 4 4,400 10 62 45 160 0 BS20 7 5,800 9 28 25 68 0
BN43 5 5,400 27 52 27 260 1 BS20 8 2,600 14 24 20 53 0
BN43 6 5,000 11 50 42 120 0 BS21 6 4,000 14 65 37 170 0
BN44 3 4,600 14 35 25 150 0 BS21 7 4,600 24 61 38 160 0
BN45 7 240 7 26 23 48 0 BS22 6 3,600 11 23 18 46 0
BS22 7 4,300 6 17 15 30 0
BR2 9 6,100 5 55 48 82 0 BS22 8 5,000 8 60 33 170 0
BR6 6 2,700 13 90 71 200 1 BS22 9 3,900 13 46 33 130 0
BR6 7 3,500 12 99 55 580 1 BS23 2 4,500 15 68 54 150 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector
(minimum 5 results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
BS23 3 5,500 8 16 14 26 0 BS48 3 2,200 30 79 48 630 2
BS23 4 3,600 7 27 22 60 0 BS48 4 2,100 20 50 42 130 0
BS24 0 860 24 31 25 69 0 BS49 4 3,500 11 40 32 100 0
BS24 9 2,700 14 76 55 220 1 BS49 5 1,500 7 27 24 46 0
BS25 1 2,000 760 85 68 1,000 40
BS25 5 800 180 80 66 620 6 CA4 0 1,200 23 25 20 72 0
BS26 2 2,100 110 39 29 310 1 CA4 8 2,600 5 22 19 39 0
BS27 3 3,200 620 51 40 850 8 CA4 9 510 8 26 24 49 0
BS28 4 1,400 54 34 28 110 0 CA5 6 1,600 17 19 15 70 0
BS29 6 1,200 24 83 59 360 2 CA5 7 1,400 10 21 18 48 0
BS30 5 2,200 11 29 27 51 0 CA6 4 1,800 14 22 16 84 0
BS30 6 1,500 190 47 36 220 2 CA6 5 1,600 35 21 15 110 0
BS30 9 3,300 12 77 61 230 1 CA6 6 740 32 22 19 59 0
BS31 1 3,800 1,500 103 66 1,700 200 CA7 0 780 23 24 18 90 0
BS31 2 3,700 590 77 48 1,500 51 CA7 1 680 22 68 43 380 2
BS31 3 1,700 880 155 111 1,500 220 CA7 2 1,100 18 83 31 990 1
BS32 0 3,100 8 41 36 72 0 CA7 3 1,600 19 29 21 120 0
BS32 4 1,900 16 45 33 120 0 CA7 4 2,000 27 26 22 64 0
BS32 8 3,200 6 50 36 90 0 CA7 5 900 49 29 18 250 2
BS32 9 2,200 6 29 26 47 0 CA7 8 960 31 44 29 280 1
BS34 5 4,600 6 22 19 49 0 CA8 1 2,400 6 19 17 40 0
BS34 8 3,700 15 77 38 560 1 CA8 2 780 36 47 26 300 2
BS35 1 2,700 32 42 35 130 0 CA8 7 760 25 32 25 110 0
BS35 2 2,900 20 36 26 140 0 CA8 9 1,000 24 47 35 170 0
BS35 3 1,600 14 101 74 500 1 CA9 3 1,200 26 40 23 190 0
BS35 4 2,200 22 39 28 170 0 CA10 1 2,700 42 24 22 50 0
BS36 1 2,800 26 107 64 620 4 CA10 2 1,800 41 53 32 460 2
BS36 2 3,900 26 44 37 150 0 CA10 3 2,300 78 53 33 680 2
BS37 4 3,900 9 33 28 70 0 CA11 0 2,300 81 62 30 2,100 1
BS37 5 3,400 12 46 35 160 0 CA11 8 3,700 11 30 25 65 0
BS37 6 3,600 30 50 39 340 1 CA11 9 2,800 21 94 36 1,200 1
BS37 7 2,600 17 23 20 44 0 CA12 4 2,700 37 37 28 200 1
BS37 8 2,500 8 37 32 68 0 CA12 5 2,100 29 34 24 190 0
BS39 4 1,000 73 70 46 590 4 CA13 0 4,300 45 47 32 330 2
BS39 5 1,900 120 48 34 280 5 CA13 9 3,100 33 31 27 79 0
BS39 6 1,300 110 36 29 230 1 CA14 1 4,100 11 38 28 140 0
BS39 7 2,500 550 79 52 1,600 40 CA14 3 4,200 5 86 19 390 1
BS40 5 1,900 35 71 53 300 2 CA14 4 2,900 89 112 53 1,600 12
BS40 6 900 230 85 59 1,300 16 CA14 5 3,400 10 19 17 38 0
BS40 7 770 240 110 73 1,300 31 CA15 6 2,200 14 27 22 49 0
BS40 8 1,500 24 52 41 130 0 CA15 7 3,200 7 20 19 36 0
BS41 9 2,300 28 37 31 110 0 CA16 6 3,100 50 38 30 130 0
BS48 1 2,300 33 62 44 230 2 CA17 4 2,500 82 54 38 320 1
BS48 2 3,400 12 29 22 77 0 CA18 1 190 8 24 19 61 0

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector
(minimum 5 results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
CA19 1 580 25 36 31 96 0 CH1 6 2,000 5 22 19 40 0
CA20 1 1,700 19 36 26 170 0 CH3 6 2,800 14 24 18 67 0
CA22 2 4,300 18 35 28 120 0 CH3 7 2,800 8 54 33 170 0
CA23 3 720 9 27 25 52 0 CH3 8 1,900 7 38 29 110 0
CA26 3 1,800 16 64 32 400 2 CH3 9 1,800 11 18 16 39 0
CA27 0 760 5 33 31 55 0 CH4 7 3,500 5 24 21 50 0
CA28 6 4,100 8 21 17 36 0 CH62 8 2,300 10 33 29 81 0
CA28 9 3,500 6 23 21 37 0 CH64 0 1,200 48 39 34 120 0

CB1 9 3,900 7 23 20 34 0 CM0 7 3,600 18 25 20 77 0

CB2 9 3,000 5 23 21 35 0 CM0 8 3,800 8 25 20 64 0
CB3 0 3,500 6 17 17 25 0 CM1 4 5,700 7 34 31 66 0
CB3 9 1,900 5 59 40 150 0 CM3 1 2,200 7 16 16 22 0
CB4 1 7,200 10 28 22 76 0 CM3 2 2,200 10 24 21 42 0
CB4 2 6,400 6 24 22 41 0 CM3 4 3,800 5 25 20 46 0
CB6 1 5,400 18 25 20 95 0 CM3 6 4,000 9 21 19 44 0
CB6 2 5,000 32 41 32 220 1 CM4 0 2,000 7 16 14 33 0
CB6 3 5,900 31 28 24 80 0 CM5 0 2,300 9 19 17 39 0
CB7 4 4,400 14 41 32 140 0 CM6 1 5,700 10 21 19 54 0
CB7 5 8,200 20 22 19 52 0 CM6 2 2,700 11 27 22 62 0
CB8 0 4,700 9 25 22 60 0 CM6 3 2,900 14 25 21 55 0
CB8 7 3,100 13 25 20 67 0 CM7 4 1,900 13 22 17 64 0
CB8 8 4,500 12 26 21 67 0 CM8 2 5,300 5 15 14 17 0
CB8 9 3,000 11 33 25 110 0 CM8 3 3,000 6 26 24 50 0
CB9 7 4,000 11 42 35 130 0 CM9 6 4,800 11 17 15 26 0
CB10 1 2,300 8 29 23 80 0 CM9 8 3,900 15 24 21 47 0
CB10 2 3,700 19 27 21 76 0 CM11 1 2,800 5 14 14 20 0
CB11 3 4,100 7 32 29 65 0 CM16 6 3,600 5 10 9 13 0
CB11 4 3,700 15 30 24 94 0 CM22 6 3,200 8 20 19 33 0
CB21 4 3,600 20 26 22 100 0 CM22 7 2,600 10 38 31 87 0
CB21 5 2,400 17 30 27 80 0 CM23 1 660 5 33 32 46 0
CB21 6 680 6 54 43 110 0 CM23 4 4,800 5 15 12 29 0
CB22 3 3,400 6 25 24 36 0
CB22 5 3,500 8 30 25 68 0 CO5 7 2,000 7 20 16 55 0
CB22 7 1,400 7 59 47 120 0 CO5 8 3,700 6 31 24 83 0
CB23 2 790 5 21 18 48 0 CO6 1 4,200 9 42 31 140 0
CB23 4 490 5 13 13 17 0 CO6 2 2,700 9 23 21 43 0
CB23 7 3,500 9 32 29 60 0 CO6 3 2,400 7 21 20 34 0
CB24 4 1,400 7 21 20 29 0 CO6 4 2,600 10 28 25 49 0
CB24 5 2,900 190 34 28 250 1 CO7 0 4,000 5 15 14 21 0
CB24 8 2,800 5 30 27 52 0 CO7 6 2,600 6 37 29 93 0
CB25 0 3,600 25 39 32 130 0 CO7 7 2,300 8 21 19 30 0
CB25 9 4,100 15 25 23 54 0 CO7 8 2,600 9 33 27 90 0
CO8 5 1,000 9 37 27 140 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector
(minimum 5 results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
CO9 1 4,000 6 24 19 66 0 CT16 3 2,500 13 49 32 210 1
CO9 3 2,600 6 21 18 34 0 CT17 0 5,300 19 44 25 290 1
CO9 4 1,700 9 24 20 42 0 CT17 9 4,200 13 35 27 82 0
CO10 0 5,800 7 28 25 37 0 CT18 7 4,500 25 37 31 94 0
CO10 5 1,000 8 24 18 71 0 CT18 8 1,500 11 59 45 150 0
CO10 7 3,000 9 19 18 25 0 CT19 4 3,600 7 54 49 89 0
CO10 8 2,700 9 33 24 130 0 CT19 5 4,500 5 18 16 32 0
CO10 9 3,200 27 22 17 99 0 CT19 6 3,800 8 30 26 48 0
CO11 2 3,200 9 16 15 31 0 CT20 2 3,800 7 50 28 130 0
CO12 5 1,700 8 27 24 43 0 CT20 3 3,700 10 46 35 91 0
CO14 8 3,700 6 18 16 34 0 CT21 4 2,100 7 40 33 83 0
CO16 8 5,600 5 27 22 66 0 CT21 5 3,300 14 64 42 250 1

CR0 5 5,000 5 45 33 120 0 CV5 7 5,400 5 22 15 44 0

CR3 5 5,600 8 34 25 96 0 CV7 7 4,700 7 20 18 47 0
CR3 6 4,300 6 30 27 52 0 CV7 8 3,900 9 61 34 240 1
CR3 7 780 9 119 86 430 1 CV7 9 3,700 11 24 19 83 0
CR5 3 3,600 6 84 70 220 1 CV8 1 5,200 5 69 41 180 0
CR6 9 4,300 11 40 32 130 0 CV8 2 6,000 9 37 33 63 0
CV8 3 2,900 15 23 21 33 0
CT1 3 5,300 9 81 55 240 1 CV9 2 4,000 5 23 21 45 0
CT2 0 2,600 6 37 32 76 0 CV9 3 2,800 140 27 24 120 0
CT3 1 2,600 29 41 28 140 0 CV10 0 5,800 16 35 23 190 0
CT3 2 1,300 5 22 20 32 0 CV10 9 6,200 24 32 24 180 0
CT3 3 2,000 18 44 28 180 0 CV12 8 4,900 10 21 19 46 0
CT3 4 1,600 6 37 27 93 0 CV12 9 5,500 28 19 16 43 0
CT4 5 1,800 21 62 42 340 1 CV13 0 2,800 5 48 37 99 0
CT4 6 2,200 61 157 83 830 18 CV13 6 1,900 7 29 25 67 0
CT4 7 2,400 6 38 29 97 0 CV21 1 4,800 7 47 40 97 0
CT4 8 820 11 56 47 140 0 CV21 3 4,700 7 27 23 50 0
CT5 4 4,800 7 23 19 53 0 CV21 4 3,500 15 35 31 81 0
CT7 9 4,100 5 27 25 37 0 CV22 5 4,000 12 30 27 61 0
CT9 5 4,700 7 20 18 32 0 CV22 6 4,600 22 34 27 140 0
CT11 8 3,200 5 29 25 64 0 CV22 7 6,800 8 38 31 89 0
CT12 4 1,800 5 43 37 85 0 CV23 0 4,300 100 38 28 190 0
CT13 0 2,500 10 47 34 160 0 CV23 8 2,000 320 38 28 320 2
CT14 0 1,400 8 51 45 110 0 CV23 9 3,200 290 54 39 1,100 5
CT14 6 3,200 5 13 12 20 0 CV31 1 5,100 12 28 24 73 0
CT14 7 4,700 5 30 29 35 0 CV31 2 4,900 6 28 23 47 0
CT14 9 6,700 13 43 31 100 0 CV32 7 5,900 6 40 34 96 0
CT15 4 1,400 10 113 44 510 2 CV33 9 2,700 24 43 36 110 0
CT15 5 1,200 9 53 50 83 0 CV34 6 5,300 7 44 35 130 0
CT15 7 1,600 14 54 40 120 0 CV35 0 2,600 35 43 34 210 1
CT16 2 4,500 5 40 34 67 0 CV35 7 2,100 5 23 20 41 0

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector
(minimum 5 results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
CV35 8 2,600 19 40 34 140 0 DE4 5 2,900 890 91 49 3,900 79
CV35 9 3,500 33 39 31 100 0 DE5 3 6,300 320 40 26 480 7
CV36 4 3,300 47 51 39 290 1 DE5 8 1,800 130 43 29 460 4
CV36 5 1,300 66 46 34 380 2 DE5 9 2,100 120 32 23 240 1
CV37 0 3,400 7 18 17 31 0 DE6 1 5,100 1,200 64 41 1,500 62
CV37 6 3,600 9 31 24 81 0 DE6 2 2,300 540 121 58 4,600 86
CV37 7 4,000 18 42 37 91 0 DE6 3 1,800 440 43 33 530 6
CV37 8 3,200 36 49 34 250 1 DE6 4 490 39 34 28 120 0
CV37 9 5,600 13 31 26 87 0 DE6 5 1,700 210 38 31 150 0
CV47 1 1,700 15 59 45 220 1 DE7 4 5,400 210 33 24 260 2
CV47 2 2,300 43 78 45 750 3 DE7 5 4,800 120 28 23 110 0
CV47 7 330 31 51 41 180 0 DE7 6 4,800 320 32 23 300 4
CV47 8 1,000 32 57 44 150 0 DE7 8 6,500 140 24 19 120 0
CV47 9 850 14 58 43 170 0 DE7 9 1,300 23 16 15 31 0
DE11 0 6,700 200 26 19 530 1
CW1 5 4,200 5 21 19 31 0 DE11 7 4,400 140 27 20 170 0
CW2 5 3,700 5 15 13 24 0 DE11 8 2,600 41 28 24 63 0
CW3 9 2,900 8 24 18 62 0 DE11 9 6,300 150 25 20 170 0
CW4 8 1,800 5 25 21 59 0 DE12 6 3,400 78 30 25 110 0
CW5 7 4,100 6 32 27 64 0 DE12 7 4,100 53 37 29 220 1
CW5 8 1,900 6 15 14 25 0 DE12 8 1,600 60 27 21 150 0
CW6 0 3,100 7 35 29 75 0 DE13 0 8,200 6 24 22 55 0
CW6 9 2,500 15 21 17 57 0 DE13 7 1,700 5 26 20 47 0
CW8 2 4,200 7 28 25 57 0 DE13 8 3,400 19 26 20 90 0
CW9 6 2,500 6 19 18 35 0 DE13 9 4,500 7 42 29 110 0
CW12 2 2,300 6 21 19 35 0 DE15 0 4,100 150 32 27 130 0
CW12 3 4,500 17 33 28 100 0 DE15 9 6,400 130 33 28 290 1
DE21 2 4,400 210 27 23 210 1
DA1 2 5,200 5 46 32 100 0 DE21 4 5,600 190 24 19 180 0
DA2 7 4,400 11 47 32 160 0 DE21 5 1,500 190 58 42 450 7
DA3 7 3,500 48 55 43 190 0 DE21 6 7,700 260 28 23 170 0
DA3 8 3,600 9 78 62 210 1 DE21 7 5,800 320 23 18 110 0
DA4 0 1,400 36 66 45 420 1 DE22 1 3,000 180 31 25 170 0
DA4 9 2,700 49 43 34 150 0 DE22 2 6,100 470 31 25 300 2
DA12 3 980 5 26 24 39 0 DE22 3 8,300 150 26 21 130 0
DA13 0 3,700 8 86 70 180 0 DE22 4 3,600 140 24 19 210 1
DE22 5 400 42 51 37 170 0
DE1 1 2,800 7 15 14 24 0 DE23 1 3,700 200 24 20 170 0
DE1 3 3,500 9 29 21 110 0 DE23 2 1,300 52 21 17 59 0
DE3 0 3,600 210 21 17 110 0 DE23 3 2,200 46 23 20 78 0
DE3 9 4,000 340 27 22 190 0 DE23 4 1,200 60 27 23 100 0
DE4 2 4,200 1,700 98 54 6,900 180 DE23 6 6,900 230 27 23 130 0
DE4 3 5,900 2,100 127 62 3,500 340 DE23 8 7,700 130 24 20 98 0
DE4 4 3,300 1,700 138 81 2,400 320 DE24 0 7,200 310 52 40 300 3

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector
5 results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
DE24 3 3,000 110 30 25 150 0 DL8 1 2,200 29 63 49 260 1
DE24 8 7,300 190 45 33 360 2 DL8 2 2,000 40 57 43 270 2
DE24 9 5,900 190 27 21 330 1 DL8 3 1,700 310 138 84 1,100 66
DE45 1 4,500 2,800 184 102 4,900 710 DL8 4 1,800 360 107 71 1,400 48
DE55 1 3,400 140 35 26 290 3 DL8 5 1,900 52 51 35 300 2
DE55 2 3,500 170 33 24 180 0 DL9 4 3,200 8 46 38 120 0
DE55 3 1,500 120 24 19 100 0 DL10 4 2,800 69 46 35 220 1
DE55 4 3,700 140 39 24 950 2 DL10 5 1,600 50 94 58 400 9
DE55 5 3,700 310 35 22 850 4 DL10 6 1,300 36 58 42 270 3
DE55 6 3,300 260 65 38 880 21 DL10 7 2,900 17 50 41 130 0
DE55 7 4,600 240 41 27 460 6 DL11 6 1,300 350 94 61 850 37
DE56 0 5,500 380 46 32 650 9 DL11 7 1,400 83 92 46 1,100 12
DE56 1 6,400 370 63 39 1,900 15 DL12 0 1,400 44 56 31 620 2
DE56 2 3,900 480 60 41 1,100 22 DL12 8 3,300 13 32 25 100 0
DE56 4 2,400 52 55 45 190 0 DL12 9 1,300 35 34 26 110 0
DE65 5 4,900 29 33 26 120 0 DL13 1 860 19 34 24 81 0
DE65 6 4,500 310 30 25 110 0 DL13 2 1,600 31 45 28 250 2
DE72 2 1,800 120 34 28 190 0 DL13 3 1,500 22 40 20 250 1
DE72 3 7,400 440 34 27 250 1 DL13 4 1,500 10 30 22 110 0
DE73 5 1,900 59 36 31 150 0 DL13 5 1,600 11 35 18 210 1
DE73 6 2,600 120 30 24 180 0
DE73 7 840 67 43 30 280 1 DN4 9 4,300 22 48 40 110 0
DE73 8 2,800 150 40 29 480 3 DN5 7 4,000 26 95 65 440 4
DE74 2 5,500 130 45 29 1,300 1 DN5 8 4,500 36 58 39 280 3
DE75 7 8,300 290 30 22 240 1 DN5 9 4,800 7 37 34 79 0
DN6 0 2,700 30 26 22 68 0
DH4 4 3,700 5 264 105 890 2 DN6 7 4,500 43 39 26 430 1
DH6 4 3,200 6 20 18 39 0 DN6 8 3,800 8 158 60 630 3
DH7 0 2,700 7 36 24 110 0 DN6 9 2,300 18 54 39 220 1
DH7 9 4,700 5 13 12 22 0 DN7 6 3,000 6 16 14 30 0
DH8 0 3,100 5 12 12 15 0 DN8 4 4,100 10 14 13 26 0
DH8 8 3,300 5 32 25 70 0 DN8 5 3,800 12 32 24 120 0
DH8 9 1,300 37 30 19 270 1 DN9 1 3,800 21 57 36 260 2
DH9 0 2,200 5 167 50 590 1 DN9 2 2,100 17 29 23 69 0
DN9 3 3,000 11 25 21 69 0
DL2 1 2,700 6 26 19 79 0 DN10 4 2,500 12 27 20 68 0
DL2 2 3,200 26 42 31 160 0 DN10 5 730 7 24 22 44 0
DL2 3 2,000 25 49 38 170 0 DN10 6 2,400 9 18 17 38 0
DL5 5 2,900 6 24 16 76 0 DN11 0 5,800 6 14 11 28 0
DL5 6 1,800 8 30 25 57 0 DN11 8 3,700 8 19 17 41 0
DL6 2 2,000 22 23 18 73 0 DN11 9 3,200 15 69 56 150 0
DL6 3 1,300 28 37 31 120 0 DN12 1 3,500 6 19 14 59 0
DL7 0 1,300 22 36 27 170 0 DN14 0 3,100 7 25 24 38 0
DL7 9 1,900 20 17 15 37 0 DN14 5 3,800 5 12 9 26 0

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector
(minimum 5 results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
DN14 7 3,400 18 25 22 49 0 DT5 2 2,900 130 34 22 200 1
DN14 8 2,200 15 16 14 32 0 DT6 3 3,400 13 66 52 150 0
DN14 9 2,600 8 21 19 32 0 DT6 4 3,300 25 68 42 480 2
DN15 0 450 12 57 40 170 0 DT6 5 3,100 17 34 26 150 0
DN15 6 2,400 5 31 22 88 0 DT6 6 2,100 22 41 28 290 1
DN15 7 3,800 5 46 40 85 0 DT7 3 3,400 36 81 47 450 3
DN15 8 5,300 5 30 19 63 0 DT8 3 3,000 80 51 38 340 2
DN15 9 4,300 33 54 39 240 2 DT9 3 1,900 8 42 40 65 0
DN16 1 3,800 24 35 28 81 0 DT9 4 2,600 200 94 61 620 23
DN16 2 4,300 5 47 45 65 0 DT9 5 2,300 300 73 56 1,300 10
DN16 3 6,400 5 74 67 110 0 DT9 6 3,000 29 39 30 190 0
DN17 3 3,300 15 27 23 58 0 DT10 1 2,900 13 29 25 75 0
DN17 4 2,800 14 37 26 89 0 DT10 2 2,600 16 25 22 49 0
DN18 6 1,300 8 43 33 110 0 DT11 0 3,000 21 42 29 230 1
DN19 7 2,700 10 18 15 40 0 DT11 8 3,000 21 32 27 86 0
DN20 0 2,900 21 48 38 130 0 DT11 9 2,200 12 47 33 150 0
DN20 8 3,000 7 35 30 90 0
DN20 9 2,700 16 82 42 670 1 DY1 1 620 5 19 18 30 0
DN21 3 3,300 24 37 29 130 0 DY3 3 4,700 9 70 42 280 1
DN21 4 2,200 37 46 32 240 1 DY7 5 750 5 26 25 37 0
DN21 5 2,700 79 46 32 350 2 DY7 6 2,800 7 36 32 71 0
DN22 0 1,900 13 30 27 71 0 DY9 0 4,800 9 26 22 54 0
DN22 7 7,500 14 23 21 50 0 DY10 3 4,800 5 17 14 28 0
DN22 8 2,200 19 27 21 110 0 DY10 4 3,100 9 23 18 61 0
DN22 9 1,300 8 65 39 300 1 DY11 5 4,500 6 36 28 82 0
DN36 5 3,700 19 33 21 250 1 DY12 3 550 6 40 29 93 0
DN37 0 3,400 6 53 38 140 0 DY13 0 3,000 5 28 27 39 0
DN37 8 180 8 29 25 53 0 DY14 0 680 15 33 22 100 0
DN37 9 4,300 5 12 11 17 0 DY14 8 1,700 16 68 45 290 1
DN38 6 1,200 17 38 30 100 0 DY14 9 1,200 15 64 42 330 1
DN39 6 1,200 7 33 26 62 0
DN40 3 1,200 6 25 18 76 0 E14 9 10,000 5 16 15 25 0
DN41 8 1,600 10 46 35 130 0
EX1 1 1,100 70 36 25 210 1
DT1 1 3,500 5 67 37 150 0 EX1 2 4,000 390 25 20 180 0
DT1 2 4,800 15 28 25 71 0 EX1 3 5,100 520 36 27 430 2
DT2 0 1,800 23 41 30 140 0 EX2 4 3,200 330 39 31 300 1
DT2 7 2,600 43 51 36 320 1 EX2 5 3,700 410 36 27 350 2
DT2 8 3,900 30 34 23 210 1 EX2 6 2,400 230 40 31 310 1
DT2 9 3,600 45 42 31 160 0 EX2 7 3,400 170 35 26 240 1
DT3 4 2,800 33 44 27 310 1 EX2 8 3,600 280 43 34 270 1
DT3 5 4,100 11 87 44 270 2 EX2 9 3,500 360 46 33 350 8
DT3 6 4,200 13 76 50 180 0 EX3 0 2,500 370 37 30 390 3
DT5 1 3,000 120 61 38 320 8 EX4 0 130 14 29 25 81 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum 5
(minimum 5 results) results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
EX4 1 3,900 420 39 25 460 10 EX16 4 2,500 360 38 29 200 2
EX4 2 3,500 300 40 28 910 2 EX16 5 2,300 230 52 35 1,300 6
EX4 3 1,300 110 32 24 180 0 EX16 6 4,600 270 37 28 180 0
EX4 4 3,200 330 37 28 320 4 EX16 7 1,900 270 52 39 320 5
EX4 5 1,700 240 46 33 670 4 EX16 8 1,700 230 50 40 190 0
EX4 6 2,900 310 28 22 140 0 EX16 9 1,600 570 117 67 1,800 79
EX4 7 2,100 190 23 18 86 0 EX17 1 930 120 52 43 170 0
EX4 8 3,000 370 24 19 160 0 EX17 2 1,100 110 50 40 410 1
EX4 9 1,700 190 25 20 120 0 EX17 3 2,000 200 40 32 220 1
EX5 1 1,800 230 30 24 140 0 EX17 4 1,400 270 54 41 600 3
EX5 2 2,100 190 32 26 110 0 EX17 5 1,400 210 51 40 390 2
EX5 3 960 95 40 30 320 1 EX17 6 1,900 280 59 46 370 7
EX5 4 2,400 280 48 36 360 6 EX18 7 1,500 390 68 49 960 17
EX5 5 1,300 210 66 47 1,500 5 EX19 8 1,700 270 58 43 720 5
EX6 6 1,400 370 165 85 1,300 92 EX20 1 4,100 1,900 169 102 3,100 470
EX6 7 1,800 680 145 80 2,500 130 EX20 2 2,100 810 236 138 3,800 290
EX6 8 3,400 350 46 34 540 3 EX20 3 2,000 440 71 50 980 22
EX7 0 3,300 350 33 26 210 1 EX20 4 1,400 780 178 99 4,900 170
EX7 9 3,300 470 48 37 390 7 EX21 5 2,000 300 50 38 340 5
EX8 1 3,600 270 21 16 81 0 EX22 6 2,900 280 56 39 1,800 7
EX8 2 4,300 490 32 24 440 1 EX22 7 2,100 230 54 42 220 6
EX8 3 2,600 420 32 24 340 1 EX23 0 1,800 260 49 36 560 3
EX8 4 4,200 620 29 23 150 0 EX23 8 3,700 350 34 26 190 0
EX8 5 2,900 350 33 27 350 1 EX23 9 2,300 300 55 40 550 8
EX9 6 2,800 420 30 24 550 1 EX24 6 1,800 290 40 33 160 0
EX9 7 860 120 46 36 310 1 EX31 1 1,800 160 39 30 160 0
EX10 0 2,000 330 45 35 660 2 EX31 2 2,700 320 72 37 1,600 17
EX10 8 2,400 330 56 42 460 5 EX31 3 4,000 530 51 32 1,200 18
EX10 9 4,700 830 58 41 670 28 EX31 4 2,800 1,100 76 45 1,100 92
EX11 1 3,700 580 39 33 200 1 EX32 0 2,100 310 77 48 1,600 18
EX12 2 4,100 590 43 33 560 8 EX32 7 2,900 270 74 42 1,400 15
EX12 3 1,100 290 74 51 570 18 EX32 8 3,100 290 32 24 360 1
EX12 4 240 22 47 39 200 1 EX32 9 2,300 220 29 23 200 1
EX13 5 3,900 450 53 38 720 12 EX33 1 2,900 330 66 42 2,800 8
EX13 7 1,900 560 64 41 1,600 25 EX33 2 2,300 300 56 39 600 8
EX13 8 360 54 60 35 500 3 EX34 0 1,400 470 76 56 740 22
EX14 1 2,800 230 36 28 240 1 EX34 7 1,100 300 81 59 700 18
EX14 2 2,700 230 46 35 310 1 EX34 8 3,000 830 82 58 2,300 66
EX14 3 1,800 150 43 35 200 1 EX34 9 2,800 730 67 46 860 32
EX14 4 1,300 120 74 49 1,100 4 EX35 6 1,000 260 112 65 1,700 32
EX14 9 1,400 210 56 41 810 5 EX36 3 1,600 200 76 53 960 9
EX15 1 4,300 320 36 29 270 2 EX36 4 2,400 420 59 45 520 10
EX15 2 2,500 240 37 31 250 1 EX37 9 1,700 390 69 51 1,100 12
EX15 3 2,800 340 42 34 320 2 EX38 7 1,900 180 58 41 460 5

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum 5
(minimum 5 results) results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
EX38 8 1,800 180 64 49 270 7 GL14 3 2,000 130 99 54 620 20
EX39 1 5,200 500 42 30 380 5 GL15 4 2,400 470 105 69 900 56
EX39 2 2,100 220 43 33 210 1 GL15 5 4,100 580 28 21 350 3
EX39 3 4,400 490 45 33 340 6 GL15 6 3,200 490 76 50 710 35
EX39 4 3,400 380 47 34 350 8 GL16 7 3,200 1,100 159 80 6,900 230
EX39 5 2,900 400 60 44 390 9 GL16 8 3,200 350 140 74 1,900 66
EX39 6 980 180 58 39 740 7 GL17 0 2,100 33 74 43 620 3
GL17 9 3,000 680 204 112 3,700 220
GL2 4 7,200 9 28 22 69 0 GL18 1 3,100 12 29 23 62 0
GL2 7 2,000 15 27 23 90 0 GL18 2 580 32 31 24 110 0
GL2 8 1,600 14 26 21 100 0 GL19 3 2,300 25 36 29 130 0
GL2 9 3,000 6 27 24 62 0 GL19 4 1,400 18 40 31 150 0
GL3 4 4,700 15 40 29 210 1 GL20 5 3,800 14 53 37 250 1
GL4 0 5,500 10 29 24 66 0 GL20 6 1,200 8 60 52 120 0
GL4 8 1,100 160 96 68 540 21 GL20 7 3,500 17 34 27 96 0
GL5 1 3,700 530 71 48 710 32 GL20 8 4,500 12 34 28 73 0
GL5 2 2,100 920 115 71 2,700 130 GL51 9 2,800 7 31 30 40 0
GL5 3 2,200 64 86 58 440 6 GL52 6 4,100 7 29 26 51 0
GL5 4 4,800 170 43 33 190 0 GL52 8 4,800 7 29 23 88 0
GL5 5 1,600 270 137 82 2,200 52 GL52 9 1,700 10 29 24 78 0
GL6 0 2,900 340 81 52 920 25 GL53 0 2,000 60 27 23 87 0
GL6 6 2,200 120 92 63 550 9 GL53 8 2,200 6 21 19 32 0
GL6 7 1,700 290 110 74 1,200 33 GL53 9 2,100 180 84 51 1,100 14
GL6 8 2,800 770 96 72 940 65 GL54 1 1,600 340 116 70 1,400 58
GL6 9 1,700 630 76 56 740 37 GL54 2 3,100 120 67 45 990 6
GL7 1 7,000 110 41 30 300 3 GL54 3 1,800 180 89 63 600 20
GL7 2 2,600 350 72 56 350 13 GL54 4 1,400 250 79 57 560 15
GL7 3 2,300 37 43 33 160 0 GL54 5 3,700 120 74 55 280 8
GL7 4 2,200 15 46 36 190 0 GL55 6 2,700 520 76 46 870 39
GL7 5 3,700 83 61 44 280 5 GL56 0 3,100 190 52 37 530 6
GL7 6 1,900 120 103 62 990 15 GL56 9 1,900 260 56 37 510 11
GL7 7 940 450 83 54 770 40
GL8 8 4,000 290 57 42 590 7 GU1 2 4,200 6 34 26 74 0
GL9 1 1,100 26 34 29 75 0 GU1 3 2,300 5 15 14 20 0
GL10 2 3,200 5 51 32 150 0 GU1 4 2,800 5 10 9 19 0
GL10 3 3,100 23 64 31 570 2 GU6 7 3,600 6 17 16 20 0
GL11 4 2,800 12 45 31 180 0 GU6 8 2,900 8 22 21 43 0
GL11 5 3,800 27 67 44 580 1 GU7 2 2,600 5 25 21 61 0
GL11 6 1,700 17 59 36 280 1 GU8 4 2,300 12 27 24 76 0
GL12 7 2,900 270 68 44 570 19 GU8 6 1,600 5 16 14 23 0
GL12 8 3,300 86 53 31 1,000 3 GU9 7 2,700 5 65 57 110 0
GL13 9 2,600 15 20 17 38 0 GU10 2 1,100 8 18 17 30 0
GL14 1 1,400 12 41 36 76 0 GU10 5 1,700 9 50 30 200 1
GL14 2 3,800 44 99 65 470 6 GU27 1 3,100 5 17 15 28 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum
5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
GU27 3 2,700 7 34 25 110 0 HG4 3 1,900 43 51 38 240 1
GU28 0 1,900 15 37 28 120 0 HG4 4 1,200 59 73 55 300 2
GU28 9 1,300 11 30 26 55 0 HG4 5 1,200 17 43 35 85 0
GU29 0 1,500 16 27 19 150 0 HG5 0 4,000 9 20 17 49 0
GU30 7 4,200 6 15 14 31 0 HG5 9 1,800 6 36 30 86 0
GU31 5 1,600 10 19 17 48 0
GU32 1 1,400 21 37 31 94 0 HP1 1 4,200 11 61 54 100 0
GU32 2 1,400 5 30 23 65 0 HP1 2 3,500 6 37 35 58 0
GU33 6 810 7 21 16 48 0 HP1 3 3,400 6 36 30 75 0
GU34 1 3,100 7 25 20 63 0 HP2 5 5,800 5 64 54 120 0
GU34 2 4,500 9 46 35 91 0 HP3 0 3,100 12 61 46 210 1
GU34 3 1,200 15 35 23 190 0 HP3 8 3,900 6 60 51 130 0
GU34 4 1,900 33 76 56 270 2 HP3 9 6,400 11 52 41 100 0
GU34 5 3,000 160 114 82 710 23 HP4 1 2,700 21 44 37 130 0
GU35 0 4,600 5 11 4 20 0 HP4 2 3,700 16 56 48 140 0
GU35 9 2,700 5 15 12 29 0 HP4 3 4,200 24 81 51 600 1
HP5 1 3,100 10 46 42 76 0
HD4 5 5,300 5 133 47 550 1 HP5 2 4,800 24 75 58 230 1
HD4 6 4,800 10 81 48 360 1 HP5 3 3,100 23 65 49 160 0
HD4 7 3,600 12 93 53 500 1 HP6 5 2,400 16 40 35 71 0
HD5 8 6,500 6 28 25 53 0 HP6 6 3,800 14 41 35 80 0
HD7 4 3,600 10 32 24 66 0 HP7 0 2,000 9 60 48 130 0
HD7 5 4,800 15 64 40 310 2 HP7 9 2,700 6 38 36 53 0
HD7 6 2,100 18 28 24 76 0 HP8 4 2,800 7 34 30 67 0
HD8 0 4,700 13 39 33 73 0 HP9 1 3,900 5 23 22 34 0
HD8 8 4,900 13 34 25 68 0 HP10 0 2,400 7 25 21 45 0
HD8 9 4,700 9 25 22 43 0 HP13 5 6,000 6 30 28 41 0
HD9 1 3,000 19 54 30 330 1 HP14 3 4,100 21 73 53 280 2
HD9 2 2,200 24 85 49 410 2 HP14 4 3,100 21 81 60 240 1
HD9 3 1,700 14 35 29 97 0 HP15 6 3,400 17 75 59 180 0
HD9 4 1,500 14 104 53 640 1 HP15 7 3,700 12 70 60 150 0
HD9 5 2,200 11 23 20 61 0 HP16 0 2,900 26 76 59 200 1
HD9 6 2,900 14 81 32 480 2 HP16 9 2,000 25 57 47 240 1
HD9 7 2,200 13 90 45 430 2 HP17 8 3,700 32 54 41 220 1
HP18 0 4,100 27 45 34 160 0
HG1 5 3,000 14 20 16 43 0 HP18 9 3,100 34 43 33 190 0
HG2 0 4,000 17 31 19 120 0 HP21 7 4,100 7 29 25 69 0
HG3 1 2,200 23 31 24 100 0 HP22 4 2,300 18 40 35 110 0
HG3 2 4,900 14 17 14 44 0 HP22 5 5,700 13 23 21 42 0
HG3 3 2,000 22 40 27 220 1 HP22 6 2,700 5 29 28 37 0
HG3 4 760 11 20 16 41 0 HP23 4 2,600 10 23 20 56 0
HG3 5 1,700 33 41 27 210 1 HP23 5 3,300 8 26 24 43 0
HG4 1 4,000 7 82 58 180 0 HP23 6 1,700 9 31 29 46 0
HG4 2 3,400 16 49 36 200 1 HP27 0 2,700 21 56 34 280 2

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum
(minimum 5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
HP27 9 2,800 16 24 20 48 0 HX2 6 2,200 6 67 32 280 1
HX3 0 3,400 5 84 63 180 0
HR1 1 6,100 17 44 35 100 0 HX4 0 760 6 44 37 68 0
HR1 3 2,800 34 46 39 120 0 HX4 9 1,900 5 38 27 110 0
HR1 4 2,600 35 59 42 240 3 HX6 2 3,200 5 41 26 110 0
HR2 0 2,000 53 54 39 250 3 HX6 3 1,500 6 186 55 820 1
HR2 6 3,900 16 42 30 210 1 HX6 4 2,400 7 96 65 290 1
HR2 7 6,500 14 38 31 92 0 HX7 5 2,400 9 23 21 38 0
HR2 8 2,000 41 55 36 690 1 HX7 6 1,300 15 97 59 280 3
HR2 9 2,600 35 82 46 600 4 HX7 7 1,200 14 35 24 140 0
HR3 5 440 13 46 41 120 0 HX7 8 1,800 33 44 30 280 1
HR3 6 1,400 41 43 36 130 0
HR4 0 5,100 15 40 34 100 0 IP4 5 5,200 6 26 25 36 0
HR4 7 2,400 20 50 39 160 0 IP5 3 1,800 5 27 21 51 0
HR4 8 2,500 36 43 34 160 0 IP6 8 3,000 7 21 20 31 0
HR5 3 2,200 230 96 66 1,400 25 IP6 9 1,900 10 22 20 42 0
HR6 0 2,100 36 47 32 400 1 IP7 5 3,100 9 35 28 120 0
HR6 8 5,000 21 46 37 170 0 IP7 6 2,100 7 27 22 69 0
HR6 9 2,500 47 61 39 450 2 IP7 7 2,000 11 27 24 47 0
HR7 4 3,300 35 33 29 110 0 IP8 3 3,000 6 40 34 79 0
HR8 1 2,100 33 39 31 110 0 IP9 1 1,900 6 23 19 58 0
HR8 2 4,300 40 37 30 170 0 IP9 2 3,000 11 25 19 56 0
HR9 5 3,400 18 52 35 300 1 IP10 0 1,500 12 45 31 140 0
HR9 6 2,000 30 36 32 100 0 IP11 7 3,200 38 55 40 280 1
HR9 7 4,400 26 51 37 160 0 IP11 9 4,300 58 68 47 280 5
IP12 1 3,600 21 25 21 53 0
HU7 5 2,100 5 13 12 16 0 IP12 2 2,700 38 43 24 390 2
HU9 1 2,300 5 14 13 22 0 IP12 3 2,000 86 40 31 190 0
HU11 4 3,800 14 22 17 54 0 IP12 4 3,500 43 40 31 200 1
HU11 5 1,700 12 23 17 54 0 IP13 0 2,000 12 26 23 64 0
HU12 0 2,400 34 25 20 100 0 IP13 6 2,000 6 26 24 45 0
HU12 8 5,200 7 32 22 110 0 IP13 7 1,400 10 23 19 45 0
HU12 9 3,800 11 23 21 42 0 IP13 8 980 8 26 20 44 0
HU14 3 3,600 16 52 41 150 0 IP13 9 2,000 6 16 15 22 0
HU15 1 5,400 25 37 30 170 0 IP14 2 2,800 8 47 31 170 0
HU15 2 4,800 20 23 17 84 0 IP14 3 1,900 5 32 24 82 0
HU16 5 4,200 5 23 18 62 0 IP14 4 2,600 11 24 21 48 0
HU17 5 1,200 5 42 40 69 0 IP14 5 3,900 9 22 19 51 0
HU17 7 4,100 7 28 21 73 0 IP14 6 1,800 9 37 26 150 0
HU17 8 4,900 7 28 23 71 0 IP15 5 2,100 5 20 20 31 0
HU17 9 4,600 5 21 17 39 0 IP16 4 3,600 14 19 17 33 0
HU18 1 4,200 10 42 26 150 0 IP17 1 3,600 9 28 24 58 0
HU19 2 3,400 7 22 19 51 0 IP17 2 1,300 9 28 22 93 0
IP17 3 1,200 10 24 20 57 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum
5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
IP18 6 3,200 7 10 10 18 0 LA5 8 1,900 11 63 54 150 0
IP19 0 1,000 12 22 19 56 0 LA5 9 3,800 1,300 81 58 650 91
IP19 8 3,100 8 20 16 60 0 LA6 1 2,500 550 89 65 1,000 43
IP19 9 1,000 5 50 38 110 0 LA6 2 2,200 110 127 71 1,400 20
IP20 0 1,200 6 23 22 32 0 LA6 3 1,600 31 58 44 300 1
IP20 9 2,700 5 26 23 41 0 LA7 7 2,400 980 133 96 2,900 160
IP21 4 2,900 13 36 32 86 0 LA8 0 1,400 400 85 63 1,200 25
IP21 5 2,200 11 24 21 45 0 LA8 8 1,300 78 116 62 1,100 10
IP22 1 2,400 9 21 19 42 0 LA8 9 1,700 37 44 33 190 0
IP22 2 2,400 16 24 19 86 0 LA9 4 2,600 19 87 53 440 3
IP22 4 4,400 8 20 16 36 0 LA9 5 4,300 30 93 64 360 3
IP23 7 2,000 9 21 18 50 0 LA9 6 3,400 17 56 44 150 0
IP23 8 1,300 7 34 30 90 0 LA9 7 4,800 320 101 71 680 38
IP24 1 4,200 27 34 27 140 0 LA10 5 1,900 84 71 41 550 6
IP24 2 4,400 12 29 24 76 0 LA11 6 2,200 860 106 68 1,300 110
IP25 6 5,300 16 35 27 150 0 LA11 7 3,200 1,200 118 87 980 180
IP25 7 3,100 22 38 29 150 0 LA12 0 2,900 33 61 36 440 2
IP26 4 2,600 13 27 19 81 0 LA12 7 2,600 34 69 45 290 2
IP26 5 1,600 18 35 28 90 0 LA12 8 1,400 37 40 33 130 0
IP27 0 5,400 11 26 22 58 0 LA12 9 3,200 32 63 48 180 0
IP27 9 3,700 5 35 34 46 0 LA13 0 3,900 14 60 27 230 2
IP28 6 2,500 21 30 25 93 0 LA14 3 5,100 9 10 10 18 0
IP28 7 4,200 6 14 13 19 0 LA14 4 3,100 6 31 28 45 0
IP28 8 5,400 18 31 25 94 0 LA14 5 5,200 7 20 14 56 0
IP29 4 1,900 12 25 19 79 0 LA15 8 3,700 19 84 52 380 1
IP29 5 2,100 7 31 29 47 0 LA16 7 1,500 8 32 26 89 0
IP30 0 1,900 17 26 21 96 0 LA17 7 570 11 105 59 450 2
IP30 9 4,000 8 23 22 35 0 LA18 4 2,600 23 22 19 50 0
IP31 1 2,300 11 53 40 140 0 LA18 5 1,600 21 32 24 190 0
IP31 2 3,500 10 27 23 68 0 LA19 5 510 16 32 27 74 0
IP31 3 3,000 9 25 22 51 0 LA20 6 700 20 30 24 74 0
LA21 8 710 18 25 22 48 0
KT22 9 3,500 9 49 35 130 0 LA22 0 1,600 19 56 43 240 1
LA22 9 2,000 24 31 24 110 0
LA1 3 4,700 6 27 21 56 0 LA23 1 1,500 11 47 38 120 0
LA1 4 5,400 13 40 26 200 1 LA23 3 1,500 9 24 22 38 0
LA1 5 4,200 8 60 51 110 0
LA2 0 1,800 13 30 25 88 0 LD7 1 190 92 105 79 520 12
LA2 6 2,500 9 41 32 120 0 LD8 2 230 21 104 74 420 3
LA2 7 1,500 13 28 25 60 0
LA2 8 1,600 43 40 29 210 1 LE2 3 4,600 5 34 28 64 0
LA2 9 2,000 31 25 19 170 0 LE2 4 4,600 5 20 18 27 0
LA3 3 2,900 7 34 20 130 0 LE2 9 6,600 7 46 34 130 0
LA5 0 2,100 1,100 140 98 1,400 220 LE3 3 5,700 10 14 12 26 0

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum 5
5 results) results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
LE3 8 4,800 8 43 31 130 0 LE67 9 2,900 11 27 21 68 0
LE5 6 3,400 5 54 41 140 0
LE6 0 5,200 17 28 23 68 0 LN1 1 3,800 29 48 30 260 2
LE7 3 2,300 7 39 25 150 0 LN1 2 5,500 110 45 32 220 2
LE7 4 1,500 7 16 15 27 0 LN1 3 4,800 34 67 60 190 0
LE7 7 6,100 12 26 22 61 0 LN2 1 950 9 64 54 130 0
LE7 9 4,500 40 47 26 690 1 LN2 2 4,900 70 46 37 210 1
LE8 0 3,200 11 34 29 68 0 LN2 3 2,800 28 45 30 280 1
LE8 5 3,400 5 30 26 56 0 LN2 4 5,900 220 53 44 370 3
LE8 9 1,800 5 21 20 32 0 LN2 5 3,300 23 62 40 230 1
LE9 3 1,500 5 21 19 30 0 LN3 4 2,900 610 72 51 1,100 34
LE9 4 3,000 14 40 30 97 0 LN3 5 1,500 24 24 21 64 0
LE9 6 3,500 5 26 25 35 0 LN4 1 4,800 3,400 101 64 2,000 410
LE9 9 3,200 6 20 17 31 0 LN4 2 3,800 1,700 103 68 1,600 220
LE11 3 4,700 15 30 24 84 0 LN4 3 3,600 300 62 45 510 9
LE12 5 3,200 17 33 24 120 0 LN4 4 4,800 36 38 22 480 1
LE12 6 4,100 23 27 21 110 0 LN5 0 2,600 1,300 115 78 1,400 190
LE12 7 7,500 28 32 25 140 0 LN5 7 3,400 5 30 21 67 0
LE12 8 6,500 30 95 49 1,000 2 LN5 8 4,600 17 31 26 96 0
LE12 9 6,700 24 45 21 510 1 LN5 9 5,000 1,700 74 47 1,400 110
LE13 0 6,500 20 38 27 200 1 LN6 0 6,300 10 26 21 79 0
LE13 1 5,800 14 31 28 53 0 LN6 3 1,800 6 45 37 120 0
LE14 2 2,100 170 90 54 1,100 13 LN6 4 220 6 22 16 53 0
LE14 3 3,000 30 27 22 98 0 LN6 5 1,400 23 26 23 75 0
LE14 4 2,700 430 98 58 1,100 48 LN6 7 5,500 9 25 20 53 0
LE15 6 5,000 350 46 31 380 7 LN6 8 4,900 620 42 35 200 1
LE15 7 4,000 1,000 114 71 1,800 150 LN6 9 6,600 120 28 21 180 0
LE15 8 2,800 1,200 123 71 2,900 160 LN7 6 2,800 74 36 28 160 0
LE15 9 3,100 1,500 128 70 3,400 270 LN8 2 780 25 45 37 140 0
LE16 7 5,200 31 36 28 150 0 LN8 3 4,500 38 23 17 160 0
LE16 8 4,500 850 77 49 1,100 61 LN8 5 1,500 23 31 24 95 0
LE16 9 6,300 100 26 20 170 0 LN8 6 1,400 39 54 41 230 2
LE17 4 4,800 360 47 31 420 11 LN9 5 2,300 31 31 25 110 0
LE17 5 2,600 22 24 21 62 0 LN9 6 2,400 20 75 44 470 1
LE17 6 1,700 76 77 50 270 6 LN10 5 320 7 22 17 46 0
LE19 3 1,900 5 17 16 27 0 LN10 6 2,600 15 25 19 80 0
LE65 1 3,000 11 36 31 65 0 LN11 0 4,600 25 34 26 120 0
LE65 2 3,800 6 30 28 41 0 LN11 7 2,400 25 20 16 96 0
LE67 1 2,400 9 25 23 53 0 LN11 8 3,600 46 54 33 250 1
LE67 2 3,300 11 50 39 150 0 LN11 9 2,900 29 57 37 390 1
LE67 4 4,400 12 30 22 70 0 LN12 1 2,600 14 24 17 120 0
LE67 5 3,900 18 45 33 160 0 LN12 2 4,500 10 32 26 75 0
LE67 6 3,000 5 46 36 100 0 LN13 0 1,300 26 51 39 160 0
LE67 8 2,500 9 25 21 55 0 LN13 9 2,500 20 28 23 110 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum
5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
ME8 6 4,400 5 85 80 130 0
LS10 3 5,700 5 45 29 140 0 ME8 9 5,000 6 46 38 110 0
LS14 3 1,400 46 26 19 180 0 ME9 0 1,100 9 77 56 240 1
LS16 7 5,000 6 14 13 23 0 ME9 7 3,000 7 22 21 37 0
LS17 0 570 7 19 18 28 0 ME9 8 2,800 9 47 36 100 0
LS17 7 4,000 8 29 21 87 0 ME9 9 2,200 7 33 29 68 0
LS17 9 1,900 30 37 27 140 0 ME10 1 5,900 6 45 28 130 0
LS18 4 4,500 6 30 27 55 0 ME10 2 5,900 7 35 33 45 0
LS20 8 3,000 5 43 37 64 0 ME12 4 2,400 6 23 17 52 0
LS21 1 2,900 6 45 38 96 0 ME13 0 1,300 6 37 23 120 0
LS21 2 3,300 12 23 19 70 0 ME13 9 2,300 10 30 27 57 0
LS21 3 2,300 5 28 26 55 0 ME14 4 2,400 6 43 33 120 0
LS22 4 780 10 64 37 170 0 ME17 1 2,400 11 30 22 98 0
LS22 5 1,600 41 38 28 180 0 ME17 2 1,700 10 27 22 68 0
LS22 6 2,900 140 40 30 220 2 ME17 3 2,200 7 25 21 52 0
LS22 7 1,800 47 44 37 150 0 ME17 4 3,300 7 23 21 34 0
LS23 6 3,600 120 50 35 330 4
LS24 8 1,500 10 31 21 150 0 MK3 7 4,300 5 27 24 38 0
LS24 9 3,900 26 37 30 96 0 MK6 3 2,400 8 27 20 93 0
LS25 5 2,200 14 88 42 440 2 MK11 1 2,900 15 47 34 200 1
LS25 6 3,000 5 47 33 140 0 MK12 5 3,900 10 57 45 140 0
LS26 0 6,200 5 45 40 63 0 MK13 0 2,200 13 30 27 52 0
LS29 0 2,400 15 30 25 80 0 MK13 7 3,100 11 44 28 240 1
LS29 6 2,700 5 44 31 85 0 MK14 5 3,300 13 33 24 87 0
LS29 7 3,100 8 29 21 70 0 MK14 6 2,900 5 55 39 140 0
MK15 9 2,000 5 24 20 44 0
LU2 8 5,400 5 40 38 65 0 MK16 0 2,500 8 25 22 47 0
LU5 6 3,100 6 25 20 36 0 MK16 8 3,400 13 70 41 370 1
LU6 2 3,700 14 42 37 79 0 MK16 9 2,100 19 24 20 61 0
LU7 0 3,900 26 48 36 230 1 MK17 0 2,600 13 23 21 36 0
LU7 2 5,000 10 32 25 88 0 MK17 8 3,300 9 36 29 72 0
LU7 3 5,900 5 30 22 56 0 MK17 9 2,000 13 38 33 75 0
LU7 9 3,500 11 37 32 83 0 MK18 1 4,300 16 66 41 300 2
MK18 2 2,400 14 25 21 66 0
ME1 3 4,500 6 48 24 140 0 MK18 3 2,900 16 25 22 57 0
ME2 4 3,300 5 33 28 60 0 MK18 4 1,600 40 59 46 160 0
ME3 0 670 5 20 19 28 0 MK18 5 730 16 38 31 120 0
ME3 7 2,800 7 18 17 29 0 MK19 6 2,800 130 36 29 300 1
ME3 8 3,800 22 32 28 70 0 MK19 7 2,100 100 38 29 410 1
ME3 9 4,600 6 16 13 35 0 MK40 2 3,800 10 61 48 190 0
ME4 5 5,800 8 44 38 110 0 MK40 4 4,900 8 18 14 39 0
ME5 8 6,200 5 33 30 52 0 MK41 6 2,000 12 37 31 110 0
ME5 9 4,900 8 103 68 400 1 MK41 7 5,300 8 29 25 57 0
ME8 0 4,000 6 113 63 270 1 MK42 7 4,100 6 32 28 50 0

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum
5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
MK43 0 5,400 15 28 25 61 0 NE65 0 4,000 8 28 24 65 0
MK43 7 3,100 51 41 34 130 0 NE65 7 2,000 48 58 37 400 2
MK43 8 3,100 25 37 27 140 0 NE65 8 1,100 19 21 15 88 0
MK44 1 2,200 30 32 27 120 0 NE65 9 2,700 12 18 16 46 0
MK44 2 1,600 17 28 22 140 0 NE66 1 3,500 7 37 28 110 0
MK44 3 3,000 16 40 33 110 0 NE66 2 2,200 37 29 25 120 0
MK45 1 5,400 7 34 27 65 0 NE66 3 2,400 29 33 26 160 0
MK45 2 4,800 9 24 17 79 0 NE66 4 860 100 65 47 310 6
MK45 3 2,800 8 25 18 67 0 NE66 5 220 15 38 32 68 0
MK45 4 4,300 8 24 21 54 0 NE67 5 1,000 19 30 23 89 0
MK46 4 1,500 18 33 28 88 0 NE68 7 1,400 27 34 24 130 0
MK46 5 2,500 24 44 35 170 0 NE69 7 450 30 26 15 180 0
NE70 7 1,100 23 51 33 410 1
NE13 7 2,500 5 12 8 37 0 NE71 6 1,700 1,000 108 76 900 140
NE15 0 950 6 27 25 42 0
NE16 5 4,700 5 5 3 12 0 NG2 5 3,900 6 31 28 48 0
NE17 7 2,400 5 18 15 33 0 NG6 7 2,100 21 19 17 45 0
NE18 0 410 6 36 26 96 0 NG6 8 7,400 11 50 45 90 0
NE19 1 600 30 30 25 78 0 NG7 1 4,100 5 156 43 450 2
NE19 2 420 18 36 31 89 0 NG8 2 4,800 6 27 23 56 0
NE20 0 730 19 24 20 59 0 NG8 3 3,900 6 88 56 220 1
NE20 9 4,500 5 18 15 42 0 NG8 4 3,400 26 36 30 100 0
NE42 6 2,600 5 26 17 63 0 NG8 5 5,700 480 40 33 250 1
NE43 7 2,000 13 21 17 37 0 NG8 6 4,700 570 65 49 960 20
NE44 6 470 8 48 29 220 1 NG9 3 5,100 79 31 21 130 0
NE45 5 1,800 12 39 29 87 0 NG9 6 4,000 6 42 33 120 0
NE46 1 2,000 5 24 22 41 0 NG9 8 4,200 220 24 16 220 2
NE46 2 2,000 15 29 23 93 0 NG10 1 4,100 5 19 16 42 0
NE46 4 1,400 13 54 44 100 0 NG10 2 2,300 13 56 32 240 1
NE47 0 400 9 21 18 41 0 NG10 3 6,500 13 37 29 120 0
NE47 5 530 9 34 28 79 0 NG10 4 4,900 9 61 51 120 0
NE47 6 900 11 26 22 50 0 NG10 5 4,100 12 26 24 54 0
NE47 7 500 19 40 26 260 1 NG11 6 3,800 9 32 26 85 0
NE47 8 210 14 51 27 270 2 NG12 1 1,200 9 55 46 140 0
NE47 9 1,000 18 24 14 110 0 NG12 2 2,800 8 26 22 70 0
NE48 1 410 32 19 17 62 0 NG12 3 4,700 23 32 26 82 0
NE48 2 910 15 27 21 76 0 NG12 5 3,900 14 29 21 88 0
NE48 3 580 20 16 14 43 0 NG13 0 2,000 30 35 25 140 0
NE49 0 650 8 72 29 410 1 NG13 8 5,700 360 34 23 500 4
NE49 9 1,500 12 41 26 200 1 NG13 9 1,900 130 44 35 180 0
NE61 2 4,200 7 17 15 37 0 NG14 5 1,800 12 24 20 39 0
NE61 3 1,600 16 30 17 180 0 NG14 6 4,300 7 32 26 71 0
NE61 4 510 23 30 23 100 0 NG14 7 2,200 50 45 33 220 1
NE61 5 3,800 9 19 14 51 0 NG15 6 6,500 13 40 32 120 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum
5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above






At or above
NG15 8 2,700 6 27 23 54 0 NG32 3 2,200 96 76 50 770 9
NG15 9 2,600 10 26 20 64 0 NG33 4 2,100 140 91 61 600 15
NG16 1 4,100 1,700 77 51 900 130 NG33 5 2,400 590 98 55 1,300 81
NG16 2 7,300 1,000 95 49 4,100 100 NG34 0 2,700 55 47 35 170 0
NG16 3 5,200 44 25 22 74 0 NG34 7 6,200 55 30 24 200 1
NG16 4 2,600 11 31 21 88 0 NG34 8 5,000 700 62 46 470 23
NG16 5 4,500 28 25 21 61 0 NG34 9 5,100 78 37 31 120 0
NG16 6 5,100 69 35 22 320 1
NG17 1 3,000 11 49 34 150 0 NN1 1 1,100 44 64 30 580 4
NG17 2 6,500 84 76 35 910 7 NN1 2 2,000 290 67 25 1,000 27
NG17 3 4,000 1,700 82 42 5,000 120 NN1 3 3,100 590 34 26 550 4
NG17 4 4,700 260 38 27 270 3 NN1 4 4,800 1,200 42 30 720 19
NG17 5 3,100 5 18 15 40 0 NN1 5 3,700 970 61 38 1,700 44
NG17 7 4,200 7 31 24 88 0 NN2 6 4,600 1,300 95 52 7,100 140
NG17 8 5,100 24 142 75 1,300 2 NN2 7 5,900 1,700 51 32 580 66
NG17 9 2,800 5 29 28 37 0 NN2 8 6,000 2,600 75 43 2,400 200
NG18 2 4,000 10 28 26 46 0 NN3 2 4,900 1,800 42 28 700 23
NG18 3 5,200 12 27 25 44 0 NN3 3 4,200 1,800 61 38 1,300 100
NG18 4 6,000 15 25 22 39 0 NN3 5 3,800 1,800 61 37 1,200 90
NG18 5 4,200 100 30 24 240 1 NN3 6 3,500 1,400 38 28 530 14
NG19 0 5,200 7 17 14 34 0 NN3 7 2,800 890 39 25 890 25
NG19 6 5,300 680 40 29 610 10 NN3 8 6,500 2,600 57 31 1,300 140
NG19 7 4,200 460 102 71 920 45 NN3 9 4,300 1,900 50 30 1,900 74
NG19 8 4,800 140 52 37 320 5 NN4 0 4,400 1,700 45 31 1,400 46
NG19 9 4,300 20 34 28 90 0 NN4 5 1,600 11 30 24 81 0
NG20 0 4,200 9 41 28 130 0 NN4 6 4,000 670 54 33 1,000 30
NG20 8 4,600 140 24 17 280 2 NN4 7 420 200 63 44 360 10
NG20 9 3,100 85 28 23 99 0 NN4 8 6,500 1,900 72 37 2,300 140
NG21 0 5,500 11 30 26 64 0 NN4 9 2,700 1,200 100 49 3,500 160
NG21 9 4,500 9 23 20 48 0 NN5 4 2,600 31 90 43 880 3
NG22 0 3,000 21 32 29 66 0 NN5 5 3,300 870 45 28 4,400 15
NG22 8 3,400 16 23 18 53 0 NN5 6 7,800 2,900 44 27 1,800 78
NG22 9 5,600 11 23 19 76 0 NN5 7 4,700 1,500 49 32 1,400 36
NG23 5 3,200 43 40 29 180 0 NN6 0 3,700 2,000 103 54 2,900 270
NG23 6 2,400 18 35 21 300 1 NN6 6 1,300 360 73 46 890 27
NG23 7 2,200 13 22 19 52 0 NN6 7 3,500 440 34 25 370 5
NG24 2 4,500 12 43 32 180 0 NN6 8 2,400 1,100 134 84 4,900 220
NG25 0 3,900 16 35 26 160 0 NN6 9 3,900 1,400 120 60 4,600 240
NG31 6 2,300 8 55 50 87 0 NN7 1 2,100 620 57 39 710 23
NG31 7 6,400 49 44 32 260 1 NN7 2 3,000 430 42 31 450 8
NG31 8 6,300 57 113 54 920 10 NN7 3 3,500 900 83 48 1,400 84
NG31 9 5,800 56 43 33 240 2 NN7 4 3,700 640 61 37 980 33
NG32 1 2,100 340 180 100 1,700 93 NN8 1 4,100 1,000 129 76 2,900 220
NG32 2 1,700 98 71 53 380 4 NN8 2 4,900 1,800 38 26 930 35

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum 5
(minimum 5 results) results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
NN8 3 5,500 2,400 34 24 760 21 NP25 4 160 5 47 42 88 0
NN8 4 4,800 1,600 118 71 1,500 260 NP25 5 150 10 43 34 96 0
NN8 5 3,200 1,700 32 25 410 8
NN8 6 75 7 39 34 79 0 NR1 4 3,600 5 17 16 26 0
NN9 5 7,000 2,600 88 51 2,000 280 NR4 6 4,400 15 44 35 130 0
NN9 6 4,900 1,400 71 46 1,500 84 NR5 9 3,500 17 17 14 49 0
NN10 0 6,600 380 35 27 350 2 NR7 0 6,200 5 20 15 56 0
NN10 6 2,100 390 36 27 470 1 NR9 3 3,300 10 31 25 90 0
NN10 8 3,600 340 85 54 1,500 33 NR9 4 2,300 13 32 28 69 0
NN10 9 5,200 900 36 28 270 6 NR9 5 2,200 13 23 20 44 0
NN11 0 2,100 120 29 25 96 0 NR10 3 4,600 8 20 17 35 0
NN11 2 710 150 71 42 1,500 8 NR10 4 2,600 15 24 22 56 0
NN11 3 2,900 390 57 39 410 16 NR10 5 2,700 8 37 31 66 0
NN11 4 5,300 910 37 23 1,100 17 NR11 6 3,900 13 26 23 42 0
NN11 6 1,300 250 62 46 360 9 NR11 7 1,500 13 24 21 43 0
NN11 7 810 150 25 20 130 0 NR11 8 3,600 9 25 22 50 0
NN11 8 1,000 13 30 24 63 0 NR12 0 2,600 19 39 34 81 0
NN11 9 2,800 390 33 23 620 1 NR12 7 1,600 6 51 40 140 0
NN12 6 3,600 420 32 26 150 0 NR12 8 3,600 14 27 25 51 0
NN12 7 2,700 350 47 33 540 8 NR12 9 2,700 9 21 19 40 0
NN12 8 4,200 960 94 53 1,400 120 NR13 3 3,000 18 32 27 92 0
NN13 5 2,400 380 49 37 260 6 NR13 4 3,100 9 26 22 55 0
NN13 6 4,200 400 48 32 2,400 7 NR13 5 3,400 5 15 14 26 0
NN13 7 1,700 180 33 27 150 0 NR13 6 2,400 5 49 31 150 0
NN14 1 4,400 1,400 128 65 2,700 240 NR14 6 3,400 9 22 20 42 0
NN14 2 4,800 1,300 150 70 3,000 270 NR14 7 3,900 13 29 23 92 0
NN14 3 1,800 440 58 43 490 17 NR14 8 3,600 11 31 27 60 0
NN14 4 4,400 1,100 89 55 2,000 100 NR15 1 2,900 9 35 27 110 0
NN14 6 3,700 1,100 72 42 2,100 81 NR15 2 3,900 10 28 25 54 0
NN15 5 7,000 2,800 113 65 2,800 410 NR16 1 2,400 8 28 22 67 0
NN15 6 5,800 2,200 96 57 2,500 250 NR16 2 3,000 13 31 27 57 0
NN15 7 3,100 1,100 105 62 2,800 150 NR17 1 3,300 14 36 30 69 0
NN16 0 3,700 900 79 55 750 66 NR17 2 4,000 5 41 33 89 0
NN16 8 3,900 950 106 66 2,600 110 NR18 9 2,100 9 28 26 51 0
NN16 9 6,500 2,000 87 53 2,700 210 NR19 1 5,200 13 48 36 140 0
NN17 1 4,700 180 22 17 110 0 NR19 2 4,100 16 31 24 130 0
NN17 2 5,500 230 22 19 110 0 NR20 3 3,200 9 35 28 110 0
NN17 3 1,800 470 70 45 1,100 30 NR20 4 3,100 26 46 39 120 0
NN18 0 4,000 180 21 17 98 0 NR20 5 2,300 20 32 26 120 0
NN18 8 6,600 120 30 25 180 0 NR21 0 1,800 18 24 21 67 0
NN18 9 4,300 250 26 20 370 1 NR21 7 1,800 8 31 24 96 0
NN29 7 5,200 2,800 53 36 2,900 64 NR21 9 2,200 9 34 26 110 0
NR23 1 2,200 9 30 28 57 0
NP16 7 2,500 150 124 80 860 31 NR24 2 2,300 13 21 19 40 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum
5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
NR25 6 3,000 11 27 21 98 0 OX7 6 3,000 470 65 52 510 12
NR25 7 2,500 12 31 25 76 0 OX7 7 830 46 86 55 490 4
NR26 8 4,700 6 40 33 86 0 OX9 2 1,800 5 74 40 260 1
NR27 0 2,900 11 47 36 160 0 OX9 3 3,900 11 33 26 82 0
NR28 0 4,200 5 41 34 69 0 OX9 7 460 8 18 15 46 0
NR28 9 3,900 8 25 23 47 0 OX10 0 2,500 15 25 22 52 0
NR29 3 3,200 14 28 22 78 0 OX10 6 2,600 19 28 23 60 0
NR29 4 4,000 5 24 24 36 0 OX10 7 2,200 9 63 52 130 0
NR29 5 2,400 8 42 33 100 0 OX10 8 1,500 6 26 23 52 0
NR31 9 4,800 10 17 15 28 0 OX10 9 2,800 9 36 34 66 0
NR32 4 6,200 6 28 21 73 0 OX11 0 2,600 12 28 23 78 0
NR34 0 1,100 8 28 26 38 0 OX11 7 5,300 6 16 13 27 0
NR34 7 3,600 13 28 21 110 0 OX11 8 3,900 5 10 9 24 0
NR34 8 1,500 10 26 21 62 0 OX11 9 2,600 10 26 20 72 0
NR35 1 2,700 7 27 24 39 0 OX12 0 2,700 12 33 24 100 0
NR35 2 2,400 7 26 23 46 0 OX12 7 2,300 5 18 14 39 0
OX12 8 2,400 14 32 27 60 0
OL3 5 3,300 16 44 28 250 1 OX12 9 4,000 22 28 22 68 0
OL3 6 1,500 7 21 18 31 0 OX13 5 2,100 18 33 27 83 0
OL3 7 2,200 13 57 32 370 1 OX13 6 3,300 12 29 23 72 0
OL4 2 4,400 5 21 14 56 0 OX14 1 4,500 34 59 32 670 1
OL4 4 3,400 11 29 25 62 0 OX14 2 3,100 6 35 27 84 0
OL4 5 4,100 5 10 9 24 0 OX14 3 3,900 11 34 28 76 0
OL14 5 2,400 5 29 25 62 0 OX14 4 3,200 8 35 28 86 0
OL14 6 1,800 8 38 28 91 0 OX14 5 4,500 18 45 35 150 0
OL14 8 1,900 7 33 21 82 0 OX15 0 1,200 510 126 84 930 87
OL15 0 1,700 6 25 21 46 0 OX15 4 3,200 1,200 121 80 3,300 180
OX15 5 2,300 770 178 115 1,900 190
OX1 5 2,600 8 41 35 89 0 OX15 6 1,500 570 247 140 2,500 230
OX2 6 4,100 6 44 30 120 0 OX16 0 4,400 1,700 74 46 1,800 130
OX2 7 4,100 6 67 48 200 1 OX16 1 4,300 1,200 48 32 1,500 31
OX2 8 2,700 8 21 17 56 0 OX16 2 1,200 220 43 33 270 3
OX2 9 4,700 12 32 29 64 0 OX16 3 2,000 340 39 32 630 1
OX3 7 4,600 5 35 31 52 0 OX16 4 1,800 350 40 33 260 2
OX3 8 5,100 8 18 16 37 0 OX16 5 1,500 160 44 36 230 1
OX3 9 3,900 8 31 26 93 0 OX16 9 5,100 1,800 102 68 1,500 220
OX4 1 4,900 6 34 32 54 0 OX17 1 2,100 570 78 56 1,000 30
OX4 2 4,000 6 19 17 33 0 OX17 2 3,000 740 121 77 1,700 130
OX5 1 5,000 15 27 21 96 0 OX17 3 2,700 710 187 111 2,200 220
OX5 2 4,000 18 34 28 81 0 OX18 1 3,100 20 43 37 76 0
OX5 3 1,300 30 55 34 440 2 OX18 2 2,400 19 27 25 42 0
OX7 3 2,500 980 120 79 1,700 150 OX18 3 3,700 24 54 45 200 1
OX7 4 830 230 132 82 2,400 32 OX18 4 1,600 180 102 73 620 24
OX7 5 3,800 1,600 107 64 2,200 220 OX20 1 2,400 490 106 68 1,800 49

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum
5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3






At or above







At or above
OX25 1 680 8 24 20 58 0 PE6 7 4,400 18 33 28 100 0
OX25 2 1,100 8 39 28 91 0 PE6 8 6,000 30 54 42 200 1
OX25 4 650 38 56 44 140 0 PE6 9 2,700 15 53 43 130 0
OX25 5 930 39 69 48 330 3 PE7 1 5,700 6 24 21 48 0
OX25 6 440 21 38 31 78 0 PE7 2 1,500 7 56 33 240 1
OX26 2 3,600 20 66 57 130 0 PE7 3 6,900 150 26 20 140 0
OX26 3 2,700 11 33 27 110 0 PE8 4 2,400 300 42 33 230 2
OX26 4 2,300 9 38 30 120 0 PE8 5 1,700 410 84 49 1,000 41
OX26 5 570 6 35 29 63 0 PE8 6 3,700 690 75 50 780 47
OX26 6 4,100 10 25 21 46 0 PE9 1 4,600 33 48 33 230 2
OX27 0 530 5 36 31 59 0 PE9 2 4,800 68 123 70 1,500 9
OX27 7 900 45 44 36 180 0 PE9 3 2,800 830 161 102 1,900 210
OX27 8 1,400 16 61 41 270 1 PE9 4 2,600 660 88 60 1,100 50
OX28 1 3,300 480 70 50 490 24 PE10 0 4,900 31 30 26 110 0
OX28 3 1,500 9 33 28 87 0 PE10 9 5,500 18 40 32 130 0
OX28 5 3,600 22 40 30 130 0 PE11 3 6,100 34 28 22 130 0
OX28 6 2,200 69 40 32 210 1 PE11 4 3,700 19 35 26 92 0
OX29 4 2,500 11 31 28 54 0 PE12 0 2,700 17 32 28 64 0
OX29 6 1,000 35 70 55 210 1 PE12 6 4,000 14 28 22 62 0
OX29 7 1,500 15 38 33 86 0 PE12 7 3,800 9 30 19 90 0
OX29 8 2,800 160 131 85 1,300 28 PE12 8 2,100 10 18 15 45 0
OX29 9 1,000 91 65 47 550 3 PE12 9 5,300 14 29 22 110 0
OX33 1 3,400 26 39 32 200 1 PE13 4 3,100 16 24 18 86 0
OX39 4 3,000 21 28 23 78 0 PE13 5 2,800 10 36 29 86 0
OX44 7 2,200 12 38 26 150 0 PE14 0 2,400 6 19 18 31 0
OX44 9 1,200 8 47 38 150 0 PE14 7 2,600 11 27 25 51 0
OX49 5 1,900 17 21 19 36 0 PE14 8 2,500 5 13 12 18 0
PE14 9 1,900 12 23 19 53 0
PE1 2 4,000 6 76 66 170 0 PE15 0 3,900 26 25 21 92 0
PE1 3 5,500 9 43 36 130 0 PE16 6 5,000 10 18 17 30 0
PE1 4 6,100 11 39 26 110 0 PE19 5 2,800 15 27 25 61 0
PE1 5 4,100 5 34 27 79 0 PE19 6 4,400 17 36 27 140 0
PE2 5 6,700 10 27 23 42 0 PE20 1 2,800 9 21 21 33 0
PE2 6 1,600 8 54 42 120 0 PE20 2 1,300 10 27 21 67 0
PE2 8 7,600 10 30 23 58 0 PE20 3 2,100 10 22 20 45 0
PE2 9 4,700 6 41 40 58 0 PE21 9 4,100 8 39 32 88 0
PE3 6 2,600 7 40 36 76 0 PE22 0 2,600 14 28 20 88 0
PE3 8 2,900 9 24 21 41 0 PE22 7 1,600 22 29 26 86 0
PE3 9 4,400 14 49 36 130 0 PE22 8 1,700 13 18 16 44 0
PE4 5 2,600 22 48 38 190 0 PE22 9 1,600 11 25 22 51 0
PE4 6 5,200 16 38 27 160 0 PE23 4 1,200 46 68 48 500 2
PE4 7 5,300 19 28 24 72 0 PE23 5 2,900 31 57 35 290 2
PE5 7 660 33 88 65 300 5 PE24 4 1,900 14 22 19 43 0
PE6 0 3,000 20 27 23 84 0 PE24 5 4,100 27 27 23 77 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum
5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3






At or above







At or above
PE25 1 3,800 7 33 30 52 0 PL5 1 5,600 1,100 63 44 760 44
PE26 1 2,700 9 28 23 80 0 PL5 2 4,500 470 45 33 710 5
PE26 2 2,400 13 24 20 53 0 PL5 3 5,000 520 40 28 370 9
PE27 4 1,000 31 93 55 840 2 PL5 4 4,400 710 37 27 400 3
PE28 0 2,400 32 24 19 140 0 PL6 5 5,500 1,700 70 52 1,800 74
PE28 2 4,000 18 25 21 76 0 PL6 6 4,200 490 64 44 530 21
PE28 3 4,100 75 69 45 990 4 PL6 7 3,800 1,600 89 63 1,000 130
PE28 4 3,700 10 35 29 74 0 PL6 8 4,600 1,400 75 57 980 77
PE28 5 3,300 18 21 18 59 0 PL7 1 3,900 1,500 58 42 780 50
PE28 9 2,800 6 41 34 100 0 PL7 2 4,500 1,600 73 56 1,000 60
PE30 3 6,000 6 41 27 110 0 PL7 4 3,900 1,500 87 68 1,300 88
PE30 4 5,800 14 19 17 42 0 PL7 5 1,100 500 129 81 3,300 89
PE31 6 4,100 34 32 26 88 0 PL8 1 1,200 760 115 82 1,300 100
PE31 7 4,100 9 32 25 96 0 PL8 2 1,700 600 71 51 690 30
PE31 8 3,500 22 33 27 95 0 PL9 0 1,400 910 101 69 1,100 110
PE32 1 4,200 20 26 21 60 0 PL9 7 2,400 780 82 62 670 55
PE32 2 3,100 33 40 29 260 1 PL9 8 3,600 1,600 87 62 1,800 120
PE33 0 3,500 13 26 25 66 0 PL9 9 5,400 1,800 81 58 1,000 120
PE33 9 3,200 24 35 23 200 1 PL10 1 1,900 960 111 61 4,000 130
PE34 3 2,500 9 29 23 48 0 PL11 2 3,600 720 43 33 320 5
PE34 4 3,700 16 25 22 56 0 PL11 3 1,400 680 112 79 1,400 86
PE36 5 2,400 15 41 34 85 0 PL12 4 4,700 740 84 61 580 54
PE36 6 2,000 9 45 42 79 0 PL12 5 1,100 420 101 74 880 46
PE37 7 3,300 18 58 41 300 1 PL12 6 4,000 840 90 68 890 63
PE37 8 1,900 9 30 28 52 0 PL13 1 2,300 1,100 117 78 1,100 180
PE38 0 2,200 21 40 23 230 1 PL13 2 3,000 1,300 101 70 1,500 160
PE38 9 5,300 13 39 33 110 0 PL14 3 3,900 1,800 147 96 1,800 400
PL14 4 2,600 1,300 165 110 2,700 350
PL1 1 520 39 21 14 120 0 PL14 5 2,600 1,600 206 126 4,100 500
PL1 2 1,300 48 33 24 180 0 PL14 6 1,800 1,000 211 132 2,900 340
PL1 3 3,100 220 39 26 400 2 PL15 7 3,000 1,700 175 104 7,100 430
PL1 4 3,500 290 35 24 410 2 PL15 8 3,300 1,500 124 76 2,900 230
PL1 5 3,500 260 38 28 340 4 PL15 9 3,100 1,000 117 76 4,400 130
PL2 1 4,400 360 49 33 350 7 PL16 0 890 450 199 120 3,600 130
PL2 2 4,600 420 39 30 200 1 PL17 7 2,500 1,400 152 92 10,000 280
PL2 3 4,800 560 48 38 430 4 PL17 8 2,100 1,200 178 110 3,200 320
PL3 4 4,100 490 50 38 350 6 PL18 9 2,300 1,600 260 142 9,100 580
PL3 5 3,700 670 74 55 750 26 PL19 0 1,900 1,000 127 82 1,900 170
PL3 6 5,500 1,200 70 49 990 62 PL19 8 2,600 1,400 121 77 1,900 220
PL4 0 1,800 77 41 28 180 0 PL19 9 3,400 2,000 147 92 3,000 390
PL4 6 1,900 170 37 28 330 1 PL20 6 2,200 1,600 206 119 5,900 450
PL4 7 3,300 260 44 33 230 1 PL20 7 3,100 1,900 134 79 22,000 250
PL4 8 3,300 290 36 28 230 1 PL21 0 4,200 2,300 151 78 11,000 500
PL4 9 3,200 270 48 34 450 5 PL21 9 3,600 1,700 117 67 5,300 210

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum
5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
PL22 0 1,800 930 148 93 2,700 170 PO21 4 3,800 8 34 26 67 0
PL23 1 2,400 1,100 136 91 1,400 230 PO21 5 4,200 6 35 30 86 0
PL24 2 4,700 2,100 174 98 3,300 530 PO22 7 2,900 6 25 25 27 0
PL25 3 5,400 2,500 139 82 4,900 450 PO22 8 3,200 5 55 51 100 0
PL25 4 4,000 1,900 199 109 4,900 500 PO30 3 1,100 9 26 21 61 0
PL25 5 2,700 1,400 329 161 24,000 500 PO30 4 1,500 16 32 21 160 0
PL26 6 2,900 1,300 122 82 1,500 220 PO31 8 3,100 8 21 18 43 0
PL26 7 4,300 2,000 209 108 7,700 550 PO32 6 4,100 7 22 16 65 0
PL26 8 5,300 2,200 175 102 6,500 600 PO33 1 4,300 6 28 23 47 0
PL27 6 3,600 1,300 89 63 910 110 PO35 5 2,200 7 32 28 78 0
PL27 7 3,400 1,700 82 55 1,400 130 PO38 1 3,500 16 89 51 430 3
PL28 8 3,100 730 67 49 660 31 PO38 2 1,500 10 19 17 36 0
PL29 3 850 270 88 63 560 22 PO41 0 1,300 9 22 16 88 0
PL30 3 1,700 940 117 80 1,400 150
PL30 4 1,300 850 241 151 3,400 320 PR2 1 6,600 5 28 23 58 0
PL30 5 1,800 1,000 227 128 6,400 350 PR3 0 3,000 17 22 19 78 0
PL31 1 3,800 1,800 109 63 2,200 250 PR3 1 4,800 14 25 21 71 0
PL31 2 3,200 1,400 188 117 3,800 420 PR3 2 2,400 15 45 26 320 1
PL32 9 2,000 1,000 187 119 4,000 300 PR3 3 3,900 12 20 18 62 0
PL33 9 1,000 280 92 65 990 22 PR3 5 1,200 5 15 14 24 0
PL34 0 1,100 590 99 63 1,700 65 PR3 6 1,100 5 12 11 16 0
PL35 0 650 400 216 136 4,100 130 PR4 0 3,000 5 19 15 50 0
PR4 3 3,800 5 17 12 33 0
PO7 4 580 6 37 29 80 0 PR4 6 4,100 6 8 7 14 0
PO8 0 4,500 22 45 37 140 0 PR6 8 3,000 5 21 19 26 0
PO9 6 1,300 5 93 67 190 0 PR6 9 3,500 7 18 17 29 0
PO10 7 4,800 8 52 25 270 1 PR7 5 5,000 5 17 17 23 0
PO10 8 3,800 5 51 42 90 0
PO11 0 3,700 7 27 23 54 0 RG4 6 2,900 5 49 31 130 0
PO12 2 4,500 5 20 18 34 0 RG4 7 3,900 5 36 32 53 0
PO14 4 3,900 5 34 26 82 0 RG4 9 2,300 8 39 34 77 0
PO16 9 3,800 5 30 24 54 0 RG7 1 3,100 8 24 20 65 0
PO18 0 2,200 14 37 28 120 0 RG7 2 870 6 24 23 40 0
PO18 8 3,500 9 40 28 150 0 RG7 3 4,100 10 22 17 50 0
PO18 9 860 16 47 36 150 0 RG7 4 1,600 7 19 18 32 0
PO19 3 3,100 8 46 35 120 0 RG7 5 2,500 5 29 24 48 0
PO19 5 1,400 5 93 61 240 1 RG7 6 1,500 6 17 16 23 0
PO19 6 3,100 8 67 50 160 0 RG8 0 2,300 16 47 42 84 0
PO19 7 4,000 7 54 40 130 0 RG8 7 2,000 9 39 33 80 0
PO20 0 4,300 5 38 31 83 0 RG8 8 2,200 7 48 36 110 0
PO20 3 1,900 7 65 42 210 1 RG8 9 1,300 9 37 32 69 0
PO20 7 1,900 8 33 23 85 0 RG9 1 4,100 25 69 48 230 2
PO20 8 4,200 12 40 31 91 0 RG9 2 1,600 7 72 53 180 0
PO21 2 4,700 6 88 60 270 1 RG9 3 910 6 56 46 100 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector
(minimum 5 results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
RG9 4 880 7 51 36 160 0 RH17 7 2,700 6 19 17 37 0
RG9 5 1,600 15 55 40 160 0 RH18 5 1,900 6 29 24 69 0
RG9 6 1,300 22 49 38 150 0 RH19 4 3,400 6 31 23 65 0
RG10 0 2,500 9 33 26 79 0 RH20 1 2,400 23 18 16 39 0
RG10 9 3,700 160 48 35 340 2 RH20 2 3,300 5 22 18 35 0
RG17 0 3,100 12 50 41 110 0 RH20 3 2,800 15 32 28 57 0
RG17 7 1,200 23 49 31 250 1 RH20 4 3,200 7 27 20 61 0
RG17 8 1,400 10 37 31 120 0
RG17 9 1,400 8 28 23 62 0 RM16 2 5,200 5 15 14 19 0
RG18 9 2,300 11 17 16 36 0
RG20 0 820 7 20 17 33 0 S2 3 4,100 5 31 27 54 0
RG20 7 890 12 26 24 47 0 S6 1 5,300 7 52 50 70 0
RG20 8 1,700 17 37 30 79 0 S6 5 5,100 14 72 54 200 1
RG20 9 2,200 18 67 28 680 1 S6 6 3,300 16 66 45 170 0
RG22 4 8,600 5 33 24 77 0 S7 1 3,700 17 57 34 360 1
RG22 5 4,300 10 75 37 280 2 S7 2 3,100 17 46 38 150 0
RG23 7 2,200 13 76 63 160 0 S8 0 4,800 16 66 46 360 1
RG25 2 1,700 21 79 50 250 3 S8 7 6,100 13 61 37 290 1
RG25 3 2,000 14 39 32 76 0 S8 8 6,300 15 42 31 130 0
RG26 5 3,800 21 21 17 62 0 S8 9 4,300 8 46 40 74 0
RG27 0 2,600 6 18 16 29 0 S10 1 5,800 6 78 40 150 0
RG27 8 3,200 11 17 14 40 0 S10 3 3,800 16 49 39 140 0
RG27 9 3,600 7 21 19 47 0 S10 4 3,000 27 36 27 130 0
RG28 7 2,600 24 42 32 120 0 S10 5 3,600 10 46 41 130 0
RG29 1 2,700 9 37 35 58 0 S11 7 4,400 26 37 30 84 0
S11 8 5,500 10 75 51 280 1
RH2 8 2,900 6 26 23 50 0 S11 9 4,500 56 68 38 460 5
RH5 5 2,200 19 30 21 110 0 S12 2 5,800 60 29 22 150 0
RH5 6 1,500 5 56 44 120 0 S12 3 4,000 110 40 27 550 1
RH6 9 5,800 5 34 26 86 0 S12 4 6,000 56 56 41 320 2
RH7 6 3,700 9 17 15 33 0 S17 3 3,400 51 35 28 110 0
RH8 0 3,900 17 59 42 270 1 S17 4 3,800 31 79 49 370 3
RH8 9 2,400 9 35 31 60 0 S18 1 3,100 1,100 92 64 1,200 110
RH11 8 6,300 6 24 19 50 0 S18 2 2,800 850 86 60 1,200 61
RH12 3 4,200 8 31 29 55 0 S18 3 820 310 71 50 850 16
RH12 4 4,600 11 46 28 170 0 S18 4 760 190 63 37 1,400 9
RH13 0 1,900 8 24 22 40 0 S18 7 870 88 45 27 520 3
RH13 6 3,600 6 22 19 45 0 S18 8 2,900 360 43 33 360 4
RH13 8 2,600 17 21 19 52 0 S20 2 1,600 7 70 37 190 0
RH14 0 2,500 6 26 22 46 0 S20 4 1,900 7 73 45 290 1
RH14 9 4,000 8 17 15 45 0 S20 5 2,100 5 47 40 96 0
RH15 8 4,900 8 24 20 70 0 S21 1 3,400 170 44 30 1,100 3
RH17 5 2,700 7 15 14 29 0 S21 2 590 21 25 20 75 0
RH17 6 2,400 8 38 33 95 0 S21 3 1,200 39 42 29 260 2

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum
(minimum 5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
S21 4 3,400 180 32 22 250 2 S41 8 5,400 280 28 19 280 1
S21 5 510 65 67 51 210 2 S41 9 2,800 250 34 24 240 2
S25 2 3,900 42 46 31 230 2 S42 5 5,700 190 30 22 360 2
S25 4 2,800 47 34 28 100 0 S42 6 5,000 380 53 33 1,400 12
S25 5 1,100 26 41 32 200 1 S42 7 2,200 250 38 26 310 7
S26 1 720 17 36 24 110 0 S43 1 4,100 250 31 20 450 4
S26 2 2,800 37 23 21 45 0 S43 2 3,400 450 41 28 500 11
S26 3 1,100 19 51 36 150 0 S43 3 6,000 430 34 22 460 7
S26 4 2,600 23 30 21 160 0 S43 4 5,000 350 47 29 1,200 11
S26 5 1,500 12 31 18 170 0 S44 5 3,800 270 32 24 230 1
S26 6 1,700 9 108 48 630 1 S44 6 6,300 920 41 26 1,400 15
S26 7 840 36 34 27 98 0 S45 0 760 66 114 46 1,100 8
S32 1 920 340 52 36 770 9 S45 8 1,600 49 59 30 970 2
S32 2 390 280 74 42 3,500 14 S45 9 4,200 42 28 21 120 0
S32 3 660 460 130 71 4,500 77 S63 0 4,200 6 32 29 55 0
S32 4 250 150 239 159 3,100 51 S63 8 3,300 6 34 31 55 0
S32 5 550 370 296 139 3,900 140 S64 8 6,000 7 36 30 88 0
S33 0 720 250 48 33 550 6 S66 7 4,500 13 53 44 110 0
S33 6 470 160 66 44 1,900 6 S66 8 4,000 10 54 47 140 0
S33 7 150 55 39 32 130 0 S70 5 3,700 6 40 22 120 0
S33 8 350 190 212 134 2,000 65 S71 3 4,400 5 19 15 37 0
S33 9 740 480 219 124 4,600 160 S71 4 4,700 5 60 49 94 0
S35 0 2,900 39 35 27 130 0 S71 5 3,700 5 60 49 120 0
S35 1 3,400 37 30 20 230 1 S72 8 5,700 5 100 46 370 1
S35 2 2,500 17 27 19 120 0 S75 2 4,000 6 61 39 170 0
S35 3 1,500 6 42 17 190 0 S75 3 3,500 7 114 62 290 2
S35 4 2,900 24 16 12 54 0 S75 4 2,100 6 63 39 230 1
S35 7 1,200 32 50 27 440 2 S75 5 3,900 11 48 28 170 0
S35 8 2,000 22 30 26 62 0 S75 6 3,100 8 37 30 89 0
S35 9 2,000 12 25 18 100 0 S80 2 4,300 7 38 29 91 0
S36 1 3,100 33 33 26 140 0 S80 3 2,100 21 36 23 160 0
S36 2 2,900 59 26 20 93 0 S80 4 4,700 360 34 25 380 2
S36 3 110 8 32 28 51 0 S81 0 5,200 9 24 23 44 0
S36 4 390 6 22 21 34 0 S81 8 3,400 13 47 35 120 0
S36 6 3,100 38 24 18 94 0
S36 7 850 16 25 20 95 0 SE13 7 7,900 6 19 16 40 0
S36 8 810 20 26 17 100 0 SE16 5 2,900 7 12 8 32 0
S36 9 1,500 26 46 27 300 1
S40 1 2,000 67 33 22 410 1 SG1 5 4,900 5 28 25 47 0
S40 2 5,800 220 33 23 480 2 SG3 6 3,100 6 31 24 56 0
S40 3 4,200 170 37 28 180 0 SG4 0 4,000 5 33 26 68 0
S40 4 5,300 250 31 19 360 4 SG4 7 1,900 5 46 31 130 0
S41 0 6,000 130 36 24 490 2 SG4 8 2,800 5 31 26 73 0
S41 7 3,300 100 40 23 390 3 SG4 9 4,000 6 76 47 170 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum
5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
SG5 3 2,900 6 37 34 60 0 SK13 2 1,600 66 21 16 170 0
SG5 4 4,700 8 34 27 83 0 SK13 5 710 69 27 21 170 0
SG7 5 2,100 9 27 23 60 0 SK13 6 2,400 130 25 20 120 0
SG8 0 1,700 11 30 22 100 0 SK13 7 1,900 150 32 24 240 1
SG8 5 4,600 9 34 24 110 0 SK13 8 4,400 200 24 18 190 0
SG8 6 3,100 5 35 30 76 0 SK14 1 2,100 12 19 16 39 0
SG8 7 3,300 11 30 27 81 0 SK14 2 2,300 9 20 17 42 0
SG8 8 1,400 14 24 20 40 0 SK14 3 3,000 24 17 15 42 0
SG8 9 2,400 5 17 16 24 0 SK14 4 5,900 45 17 15 64 0
SG9 0 1,400 15 31 26 79 0 SK14 5 4,500 63 17 15 120 0
SG11 1 2,200 21 48 38 170 0 SK14 6 2,200 73 37 21 740 1
SG11 2 1,200 5 33 30 47 0 SK14 8 1,300 40 29 20 320 1
SG12 0 4,000 8 30 26 62 0 SK15 2 4,200 5 20 20 22 0
SG17 5 5,500 6 37 32 68 0 SK17 0 1,300 480 180 91 4,400 120
SG18 8 5,100 5 21 18 33 0 SK17 6 3,900 1,200 139 71 2,700 230
SG18 9 2,900 16 29 24 58 0 SK17 7 3,400 1,700 287 139 7,000 720
SG19 2 4,100 13 33 27 72 0 SK17 8 2,500 1,300 199 108 4,400 330
SG19 3 2,300 15 31 29 51 0 SK17 9 3,600 1,600 214 122 2,400 530
SK22 1 460 78 50 34 360 2
SK2 6 3,800 5 22 15 67 0 SK22 2 1,200 100 35 23 340 3
SK2 7 3,300 5 19 8 43 0 SK22 3 1,300 140 34 26 210 2
SK4 3 3,600 6 23 21 34 0 SK22 4 2,800 170 33 23 360 3
SK4 4 3,700 8 19 13 51 0 SK23 0 2,200 220 25 21 110 0
SK6 3 2,300 5 17 13 24 0 SK23 6 1,000 140 28 20 530 1
SK6 4 3,100 11 26 23 50 0 SK23 7 3,500 330 40 27 1,200 4
SK6 5 2,500 20 82 47 320 2 SK23 9 1,200 180 30 23 200 1
SK6 6 2,800 8 19 15 52 0
SK6 7 3,300 10 28 22 74 0 SL0 0 2,400 6 24 21 45 0
SK6 8 1,800 5 23 20 33 0 SL2 4 2,300 5 33 27 56 0
SK7 1 2,700 5 18 17 27 0 SL6 2 4,400 5 74 64 140 0
SK7 3 3,000 5 24 23 41 0 SL6 3 4,500 6 56 50 100 0
SK8 6 3,600 5 24 23 34 0 SL6 5 2,500 9 50 43 92 0
SK8 7 3,500 9 17 16 24 0 SL6 6 3,800 8 72 46 260 1
SK9 5 2,400 5 23 17 66 0 SL6 7 4,000 7 77 58 170 0
SK9 7 2,900 13 19 17 38 0 SL6 8 3,700 5 63 62 74 0
SK10 3 4,500 5 12 11 23 0 SL6 9 2,500 7 61 50 140 0
SK10 4 2,700 5 19 19 27 0 SL7 2 2,300 9 44 34 130 0
SK10 5 4,400 26 42 30 200 1 SL7 3 3,500 7 79 77 99 0
SK11 0 2,000 34 34 24 260 1 SL9 8 1,900 5 44 40 60 0
SK11 9 1,800 10 14 13 22 0
SK12 1 6,200 150 24 18 160 0 SN1 4 3,600 8 21 15 49 0
SK12 2 2,300 110 26 22 150 0 SN3 1 4,000 5 15 13 28 0
SK13 0 780 15 12 11 26 0 SN4 0 2,900 14 22 19 58 0
SK13 1 3,000 120 28 20 470 1 SN4 7 3,500 8 25 20 63 0

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector
(minimum 5 results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
SN4 8 3,000 6 38 28 110 0 SO24 0 1,700 250 65 45 1,100 9
SN4 9 3,100 13 22 19 42 0 SO24 9 3,300 75 55 34 970 2
SN5 5 3,800 5 24 23 32 0 SO32 1 3,400 10 27 22 61 0
SN6 6 3,000 12 18 16 42 0 SO32 2 3,900 11 31 25 82 0
SN6 7 4,100 11 22 20 47 0 SO32 3 1,200 11 28 24 55 0
SN6 8 2,600 19 59 45 200 1 SO40 2 3,600 7 15 14 31 0
SN7 7 4,000 28 42 33 120 0 SO41 8 3,300 6 32 14 100 0
SN7 8 2,200 14 27 24 58 0 SO42 7 2,300 14 21 19 44 0
SN8 1 2,900 21 32 25 95 0 SO43 7 2,100 16 17 16 33 0
SN8 2 2,800 24 41 36 88 0 SO45 1 3,300 5 18 17 31 0
SN8 3 3,100 64 59 36 970 2 SO51 0 2,500 10 33 26 110 0
SN8 4 1,900 12 35 29 58 0 SO51 6 2,000 5 27 23 56 0
SN9 5 2,400 15 41 31 130 0
SN9 6 1,400 16 34 25 98 0 SP2 0 2,400 9 42 31 110 0
SN10 1 2,300 5 16 14 35 0 SP3 4 1,900 35 33 25 220 1
SN10 2 3,200 10 26 20 76 0 SP3 5 1,400 34 45 32 390 1
SN10 3 3,200 16 27 19 96 0 SP3 6 2,100 410 158 85 1,300 89
SN10 4 2,200 12 31 25 92 0 SP4 0 1,100 11 35 29 78 0
SN10 5 3,400 14 22 19 46 0 SP4 6 2,400 6 24 20 43 0
SN11 0 2,800 7 32 27 52 0 SP4 7 4,900 6 45 19 200 1
SN11 8 3,500 17 38 25 250 1 SP4 8 3,100 11 19 15 36 0
SN11 9 3,600 8 26 22 59 0 SP4 9 2,300 10 30 24 68 0
SN12 7 4,900 7 21 18 42 0 SP5 1 1,900 14 31 27 85 0
SN12 8 2,500 7 20 18 30 0 SP5 2 2,500 19 42 26 130 0
SN13 0 2,200 32 41 30 210 1 SP5 3 2,700 10 33 25 70 0
SN13 8 1,100 370 80 51 1,100 32 SP5 4 1,000 7 27 25 49 0
SN13 9 4,200 11 37 31 73 0 SP5 5 1,400 31 39 28 120 0
SN14 0 5,500 7 25 23 46 0 SP6 1 3,000 8 39 30 88 0
SN14 6 2,800 23 29 25 98 0 SP6 2 1,400 6 18 16 24 0
SN14 7 1,200 16 56 45 170 0 SP6 3 2,000 13 38 30 110 0
SN14 8 2,100 91 62 42 530 2 SP7 0 1,300 17 58 33 290 2
SN15 2 2,300 11 24 20 72 0 SP7 8 4,000 20 81 57 300 2
SN15 4 3,300 15 23 21 58 0 SP7 9 1,600 51 47 35 280 1
SN15 5 1,600 16 23 20 62 0 SP8 4 5,100 15 25 23 45 0
SN16 0 2,700 18 40 32 120 0 SP8 5 1,600 120 50 38 470 2
SN16 9 3,500 31 21 19 48 0 SP9 7 3,400 8 40 34 87 0
SN26 7 600 5 48 42 82 0 SP10 3 5,800 6 23 22 31 0
SP11 0 1,500 27 44 35 130 0
SO20 6 2,100 20 43 34 200 1 SP11 6 3,800 13 49 31 300 1
SO20 8 1,400 17 22 16 83 0 SP11 7 2,000 11 26 22 62 0
SO21 1 3,200 19 33 27 88 0 SP11 8 1,500 11 40 33 120 0
SO21 2 2,300 14 34 26 100 0 SP11 9 2,800 13 62 42 250 1
SO21 3 2,600 30 29 23 140 0
SO22 5 3,200 7 44 37 88 0 SR6 7 4,600 5 25 19 66 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector
(minimum 5 results) (minimum 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
SY2 6 2,900 11 58 54 97 0
SS1 3 4,000 5 38 32 90 0 SY3 0 2,300 10 31 29 45 0
SS3 0 3,000 6 18 18 22 0 SY3 5 2,000 6 35 26 77 0
SS3 9 6,900 6 15 13 26 0 SY3 7 3,400 19 77 62 280 1
SS8 7 3,800 5 7 6 <10 0 SY3 8 4,100 14 33 29 64 0
SY3 9 2,300 10 41 32 100 0
ST3 7 5,600 5 79 72 150 0 SY4 1 1,200 25 30 26 74 0
ST4 7 3,300 5 33 29 60 0 SY4 2 1,200 11 27 23 68 0
ST5 3 4,300 5 31 27 63 0 SY4 3 1,900 19 46 37 140 0
ST5 4 2,800 5 27 20 77 0 SY4 4 2,400 20 28 23 94 0
ST6 8 5,700 5 32 23 67 0 SY4 5 4,100 24 30 23 120 0
ST7 2 5,600 7 18 16 34 0 SY5 0 2,600 54 47 37 370 1
ST7 3 3,400 30 38 27 150 0 SY5 6 1,600 22 40 32 150 0
ST7 4 6,500 6 54 43 99 0 SY5 7 1,200 20 34 27 110 0
ST8 7 4,200 10 17 17 24 0 SY5 8 1,400 22 27 22 59 0
ST9 0 2,800 5 41 27 110 0 SY5 9 1,700 110 68 52 670 4
ST9 9 2,500 10 21 18 35 0 SY6 6 2,200 130 78 48 740 12
ST10 1 5,000 8 20 19 27 0 SY6 7 1,300 74 48 36 260 1
ST10 2 2,200 25 32 25 110 0 SY7 0 1,800 680 101 65 2,200 73
ST10 3 980 170 113 60 1,700 28 SY7 8 1,500 770 95 64 1,200 80
ST10 4 3,000 16 31 28 57 0 SY7 9 2,000 59 109 59 1,600 9
ST11 9 4,400 9 29 24 65 0 SY8 1 4,200 60 66 38 610 5
ST13 7 3,100 190 114 56 2,800 24 SY8 2 1,800 61 92 56 460 8
ST13 8 3,800 13 60 29 490 1 SY8 3 1,400 35 34 29 110 0
ST14 5 2,000 19 51 34 190 0 SY8 4 1,600 31 55 41 440 1
ST14 7 3,800 5 49 41 100 0 SY9 5 1,300 550 75 51 1,300 37
ST14 8 2,800 10 38 31 79 0 SY10 7 1,800 46 128 69 1,000 8
ST15 0 4,300 12 25 15 64 0 SY10 8 1,500 33 72 48 390 2
ST15 8 5,600 12 26 23 40 0 SY10 9 1,900 99 96 67 400 13
ST16 1 5,800 5 28 25 42 0 SY11 1 3,200 28 86 57 310 4
ST17 0 4,900 12 23 20 40 0 SY11 2 4,800 33 49 40 160 0
ST17 9 6,800 5 21 20 32 0 SY11 3 2,300 15 45 28 170 0
ST18 0 4,500 21 31 24 110 0 SY11 4 1,900 18 73 47 240 1
ST18 9 2,500 13 30 24 86 0 SY12 0 2,200 17 35 26 120 0
ST19 9 2,800 16 23 20 39 0 SY12 9 1,400 20 37 34 66 0
ST20 0 3,000 25 25 21 61 0 SY13 1 4,400 6 23 19 50 0
ST21 6 2,700 33 38 31 99 0 SY13 2 1,600 13 39 30 120 0
SY13 4 1,300 11 24 22 40 0
SW19 3 4,400 5 20 18 43 0 SY14 7 1,000 14 22 19 85 0
SY14 8 1,500 8 21 19 32 0
SY1 2 3,800 8 42 39 70 0 SY15 6 320 26 84 39 710 2
SY1 3 3,500 14 29 26 67 0 SY21 8 120 8 26 23 56 0
SY1 4 4,000 8 23 19 51 0 SY22 6 280 10 37 34 66 0
SY2 5 5,000 25 46 32 150 0

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum
5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
TA1 1 3,400 21 38 33 76 0 TA20 2 3,300 600 47 38 380 5
TA1 2 5,800 180 41 33 380 1 TA20 3 1,300 330 57 42 400 10
TA1 3 3,800 32 39 32 110 0 TA20 4 1,000 180 51 39 300 2
TA1 4 3,100 96 26 22 93 0 TA21 0 1,800 120 64 45 450 7
TA1 5 3,000 46 38 30 180 0 TA21 8 3,600 140 56 43 560 2
TA2 6 4,100 68 32 25 120 0 TA21 9 3,600 320 58 43 410 11
TA2 7 4,600 39 42 33 130 0 TA22 9 1,500 410 79 54 870 30
TA2 8 4,000 300 54 41 600 8 TA23 0 2,800 170 68 48 650 9
TA3 5 2,400 620 55 45 410 9 TA24 5 2,900 83 34 26 130 0
TA3 6 2,100 590 51 39 1,900 9 TA24 6 3,100 310 46 34 450 5
TA3 7 1,900 300 77 52 860 21 TA24 7 1,000 240 72 55 390 14
TA4 1 2,300 150 40 33 150 0 TA24 8 2,600 390 49 37 610 6
TA4 2 1,900 460 62 43 570 23
TA4 3 2,400 200 41 33 190 0 TD9 0 57 7 17 15 35 0
TA4 4 2,200 180 63 40 1,500 7 TD12 4 720 73 49 36 280 1
TA5 1 2,500 98 40 28 250 2 TD15 1 2,900 32 26 23 81 0
TA5 2 2,600 78 49 33 390 2 TD15 2 5,600 120 45 31 300 3
TA6 3 4,700 37 30 24 110 0
TA6 4 5,900 700 29 23 450 3 TF1 1 2,100 5 27 26 36 0
TA6 5 2,900 370 28 24 120 0 TF1 2 3,200 15 24 22 50 0
TA6 6 5,200 270 34 28 370 1 TF1 3 3,500 5 40 36 71 0
TA6 7 3,200 39 32 27 120 0 TF1 5 4,100 9 83 41 470 1
TA7 0 2,200 480 37 30 170 0 TF1 6 3,900 8 27 25 43 0
TA7 8 2,800 660 74 50 590 48 TF2 0 1,200 6 64 40 210 1
TA7 9 1,800 630 65 49 720 21 TF2 6 3,100 10 21 16 59 0
TA8 1 3,600 14 13 12 24 0 TF2 7 3,400 6 19 15 41 0
TA8 2 4,500 52 15 12 89 0 TF2 8 4,200 9 28 22 65 0
TA9 3 4,000 53 23 21 61 0 TF2 9 4,800 10 38 27 110 0
TA9 4 1,800 33 24 19 85 0 TF3 1 4,400 10 51 30 190 0
TA10 0 1,800 530 57 40 810 17 TF3 2 3,500 15 22 19 56 0
TA10 9 2,600 740 47 35 530 13 TF3 5 2,000 7 94 36 510 1
TA11 6 2,800 1,200 87 57 1,400 100 TF4 2 4,300 11 31 21 120 0
TA11 7 1,300 490 80 59 510 37 TF4 3 4,400 6 25 21 64 0
TA12 6 2,800 640 33 28 190 0 TF5 0 2,000 5 27 23 45 0
TA13 5 2,000 570 46 36 990 6 TF6 5 620 11 48 39 100 0
TA14 6 1,400 340 52 43 180 0 TF6 6 1,600 120 35 27 200 1
TA15 6 350 68 43 37 150 0 TF7 4 2,900 9 26 20 63 0
TA16 5 850 260 57 41 600 7 TF7 5 5,100 5 31 28 62 0
TA17 8 310 90 45 36 250 1 TF8 7 1,500 11 54 44 110 0
TA18 7 2,000 670 78 51 1,200 47 TF9 2 2,300 24 25 21 75 0
TA18 8 3,100 970 104 66 1,300 110 TF9 3 3,600 12 23 18 66 0
TA19 0 2,800 580 47 37 460 9 TF9 4 2,100 11 24 21 48 0
TA19 9 2,800 550 51 40 600 3 TF10 7 5,000 9 46 34 130 0
TA20 1 4,000 700 55 39 690 20 TF10 8 1,500 14 26 24 70 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum
(minimum 5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
TF10 9 1,400 76 32 24 320 1 TN29 0 3,500 11 20 17 52 0
TF11 8 2,900 16 27 23 71 0 TN29 9 2,700 14 15 13 44 0
TF11 9 1,700 11 27 25 47 0 TN30 6 2,700 5 25 23 35 0
TF12 5 2,400 6 30 28 49 0 TN30 7 1,700 7 18 13 43 0
TF13 6 1,700 59 58 38 790 2 TN31 6 3,100 14 22 20 54 0
TN31 7 4,100 12 14 13 22 0
TN2 4 3,600 6 31 26 70 0 TN32 5 2,100 7 24 22 46 0
TN3 9 1,700 10 34 26 92 0 TN33 0 3,700 16 22 17 66 0
TN4 8 4,000 5 46 29 140 0 TN33 9 1,800 13 18 17 41 0
TN5 6 2,100 7 27 25 49 0 TN35 4 3,400 12 18 17 40 0
TN5 7 1,600 7 18 14 42 0 TN36 4 1,300 10 29 20 83 0
TN8 6 2,200 6 19 19 26 0 TN38 0 5,900 5 23 21 38 0
TN8 7 1,100 5 32 29 55 0
TN10 4 3,500 5 34 29 54 0 TQ1 1 4,300 1,400 60 39 990 48
TN11 8 1,400 6 21 20 25 0 TQ1 2 2,700 1,200 85 53 1,100 110
TN12 0 2,500 8 23 21 47 0 TQ1 3 4,600 860 66 44 760 42
TN12 9 1,900 7 24 22 38 0 TQ1 4 4,600 570 49 36 740 4
TN13 1 2,500 8 33 27 80 0 TQ2 5 2,500 490 36 27 310 2
TN13 2 3,600 42 27 22 110 0 TQ2 6 4,600 1,500 66 46 2,500 57
TN13 3 4,100 49 26 19 110 0 TQ2 7 4,800 410 46 35 390 3
TN14 5 3,000 40 30 24 130 0 TQ2 8 3,700 430 45 31 390 6
TN14 6 1,500 49 29 20 130 0 TQ3 1 3,600 1,900 115 72 2,300 270
TN14 7 2,200 30 40 31 190 0 TQ3 2 4,000 1,400 57 39 690 49
TN15 0 1,800 9 36 31 74 0 TQ3 3 6,500 1,800 59 42 710 52
TN15 6 4,200 59 50 41 250 1 TQ4 5 2,800 720 52 40 370 15
TN15 9 670 5 59 55 90 0 TQ4 6 2,300 850 85 58 1,400 62
TN16 1 2,200 140 43 33 180 0 TQ4 7 4,300 1,900 74 51 1,200 110
TN16 2 1,100 5 80 64 200 1 TQ5 0 2,600 1,600 89 57 2,100 150
TN16 3 4,800 15 55 39 160 0 TQ5 8 2,900 1,300 96 62 1,500 160
TN17 4 1,500 5 18 17 25 0 TQ5 9 4,500 1,600 61 43 830 50
TN19 7 2,200 13 22 20 43 0 TQ6 0 1,900 1,100 128 86 1,500 190
TN21 0 2,800 12 27 21 110 0 TQ6 9 3,400 1,900 109 59 2,700 260
TN21 9 1,200 8 24 20 50 0 TQ7 1 3,000 1,700 98 62 1,900 200
TN22 3 2,000 7 40 26 150 0 TQ7 2 2,500 1,300 142 82 2,700 270
TN22 5 3,900 13 23 19 49 0 TQ7 3 2,500 1,200 124 82 2,200 210
TN25 4 2,200 8 37 30 100 0 TQ7 4 1,800 980 161 100 8,900 230
TN25 5 1,600 6 25 23 40 0 TQ8 8 2,000 970 128 57 6,800 160
TN25 6 2,100 13 36 29 110 0 TQ9 5 4,200 1,000 51 37 580 26
TN25 7 1,400 23 25 23 50 0 TQ9 6 2,300 790 68 50 510 33
TN26 2 1,600 12 20 18 42 0 TQ9 7 2,300 990 100 64 1,900 120
TN26 3 2,200 18 18 16 40 0 TQ10 9 1,800 1,200 162 91 3,800 270
TN27 0 1,900 12 29 26 72 0 TQ11 0 2,000 730 88 58 1,900 57
TN27 8 1,800 6 32 26 75 0 TQ12 1 5,500 550 38 31 160 0
TN28 8 3,900 5 20 14 53 0 TQ12 2 2,600 200 41 29 450 3

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum 5 Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum 5
results) results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
TQ12 3 4,800 530 52 41 710 6 TR14 9 1,300 770 559 326 5,800 550
TQ12 4 4,000 460 44 35 290 3 TR15 1 3,000 1,600 337 186 9,200 790
TQ12 5 4,100 500 56 43 500 10 TR15 2 2,900 1,400 530 253 24,000 840
TQ12 6 3,600 760 56 39 1,300 23 TR15 3 3,800 2,000 357 191 14,000 1,000
TQ13 0 2,900 480 46 33 980 8 TR16 4 2,600 1,500 194 122 4,500 490
TQ13 7 2,400 1,000 172 94 2,300 250 TR16 5 2,500 1,400 327 162 22,000 570
TQ13 8 2,000 1,100 460 358 4,900 940 TR16 6 1,900 1,200 410 257 12,000 780
TQ13 9 3,800 1,400 229 119 8,100 460 TR17 0 930 500 144 96 1,700 93
TQ14 0 1,100 120 45 36 300 1 TR18 2 2,900 1,300 105 75 2,400 150
TQ14 8 3,900 450 44 34 560 6 TR18 3 2,800 1,500 111 72 1,400 210
TQ14 9 4,800 550 46 32 860 9 TR18 4 2,600 1,400 110 73 2,100 190
TR18 5 1,900 1,000 191 111 9,400 250
TR1 1 4,200 2,200 149 93 2,800 480 TR19 6 2,000 1,100 272 186 2,400 550
TR1 2 1,900 570 116 83 1,000 78 TR19 7 3,100 1,700 196 115 6,700 460
TR1 3 4,300 1,900 123 78 4,800 280 TR20 8 2,500 1,400 253 160 4,800 610
TR2 4 2,600 1,200 146 89 7,500 210 TR20 9 2,100 1,400 243 131 6,200 480
TR2 5 2,900 1,400 141 99 2,100 290 TR21 0 950 300 92 62 950 26
TR3 6 3,600 2,000 151 97 4,600 450 TR22 0 39 18 140 75 830 3
TR3 7 2,100 1,400 328 197 6,600 750 TR23 0 59 16 143 91 490 4
TR4 8 3,000 1,700 208 120 3,900 520 TR24 0 130 19 75 65 170 0
TR4 9 2,200 910 138 84 2,400 170 TR25 0 57 23 77 62 270 1
TR5 0 2,000 1,200 151 100 2,500 270 TR26 1 2,600 1,100 144 81 7,500 160
TR6 0 2,000 1,100 194 108 2,700 320 TR26 2 3,600 1,700 268 141 15,000 630
TR7 1 3,500 790 95 67 2,000 69 TR26 3 990 510 273 191 2,600 240
TR7 2 4,000 1,200 87 62 870 96 TR27 4 3,200 1,700 125 85 1,700 310
TR7 3 2,900 940 99 72 1,500 82 TR27 5 2,200 1,100 135 89 1,800 240
TR8 4 1,900 600 127 79 1,500 100 TR27 6 1,600 940 224 151 2,400 370
TR8 5 2,200 1,000 166 113 1,600 280
TR9 6 3,600 1,200 107 63 1,700 160 TS7 0 2,900 5 20 18 31 0
TR10 8 3,200 1,600 254 156 4,900 630 TS9 5 2,600 8 20 19 32 0
TR10 9 1,700 900 284 199 3,600 470 TS9 6 2,500 13 27 22 55 0
TR11 2 3,800 1,900 129 88 1,700 330 TS9 7 970 20 38 25 290 1
TR11 3 2,000 640 110 78 1,100 90 TS10 1 3,200 5 15 13 25 0
TR11 4 3,700 1,700 147 100 1,800 360 TS12 1 2,800 6 19 18 31 0
TR11 5 4,600 2,700 254 158 4,800 1,100 TS12 2 6,000 5 52 39 140 0
TR12 6 2,200 900 114 66 1,800 120 TS12 3 1,700 7 136 42 570 2
TR12 7 2,600 560 74 47 1,300 27 TS13 4 3,800 15 27 24 65 0
TR13 0 2,000 1,200 294 181 7,100 610 TS13 5 1,500 20 19 13 110 0
TR13 8 4,500 2,400 177 107 3,200 680 TS14 6 3,400 6 32 28 69 0
TR13 9 2,900 1,900 207 131 4,100 630 TS14 7 2,500 5 39 17 120 0
TR14 0 2,300 1,200 219 126 4,400 460 TS14 8 2,200 7 39 27 120 0
TR14 7 3,900 2,300 285 160 12,000 960 TS15 0 1,100 6 40 31 110 0
TR14 8 4,100 2,000 250 137 17,000 680 TS15 9 4,800 9 18 15 34 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum 5
(minimum 5 results) results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
TS21 1 1,700 110 39 28 480 1 WN8 7 1,900 100 52 29 350 7
TS21 2 1,200 13 34 26 160 0
TS21 3 1,500 5 41 35 81 0 WR1 3 1,600 7 37 34 67 0
TS21 4 1,200 5 49 38 120 0 WR2 4 4,400 22 61 45 330 1
TS26 0 6,000 6 17 12 41 0 WR2 5 5,300 18 31 27 79 0
TS27 4 3,400 8 22 18 61 0 WR2 6 3,400 20 41 31 190 0
TS29 6 2,900 9 22 21 30 0 WR3 7 4,800 13 34 30 70 0
WR3 8 4,400 7 33 29 46 0
WA3 6 4,600 5 14 13 25 0 WR4 0 4,200 6 22 19 36 0
WA4 4 1,300 7 18 18 26 0 WR5 1 4,400 5 31 28 56 0
WA5 2 4,400 6 16 11 31 0 WR5 2 3,800 25 31 27 62 0
WA6 0 1,800 6 12 11 22 0 WR5 3 5,600 25 42 32 110 0
WA6 6 2,100 8 26 21 65 0 WR6 5 2,300 25 46 35 220 1
WA6 8 950 7 37 35 53 0 WR6 6 3,000 31 44 32 270 1
WA6 9 1,100 8 21 18 61 0 WR7 4 2,300 31 42 35 120 0
WA7 1 2,800 24 58 46 160 0 WR8 0 2,700 29 46 36 130 0
WA11 8 2,900 6 15 12 37 0 WR8 9 1,100 12 34 27 86 0
WA16 6 1,600 7 13 10 31 0 WR9 0 2,500 5 44 25 150 0
WA16 9 1,600 6 30 20 93 0 WR9 7 4,400 9 18 17 32 0
WR10 1 3,300 13 40 32 110 0
WD3 4 1,500 8 57 48 120 0 WR10 2 2,800 16 38 30 100 0
WD3 5 3,100 6 54 38 150 0 WR10 3 2,200 24 53 42 180 0
WD4 8 3,500 24 60 52 160 0 WR11 1 2,900 9 37 29 100 0
WD4 9 1,500 5 68 49 180 0 WR11 2 3,300 9 39 36 66 0
WD5 0 4,900 16 59 39 180 0 WR11 3 2,500 6 39 36 69 0
WD6 5 3,400 5 9 8 15 0 WR11 4 3,900 13 39 34 74 0
WR11 7 3,800 15 35 27 74 0
WF1 3 3,500 5 22 20 38 0 WR11 8 3,200 16 51 41 130 0
WF2 6 3,700 31 100 66 390 4 WR12 7 3,100 39 68 31 790 3
WF2 7 3,700 12 78 67 170 0 WR13 5 1,600 17 40 33 130 0
WF2 8 6,000 10 55 35 150 0 WR13 6 2,100 37 43 36 200 1
WF3 1 4,700 5 40 21 130 0 WR14 1 5,800 29 39 26 330 1
WF4 1 3,900 19 42 32 120 0 WR14 2 5,000 27 46 37 180 0
WF4 2 3,000 9 151 76 650 2 WR14 3 2,900 23 31 26 120 0
WF4 3 4,100 13 37 28 89 0 WR14 4 2,600 66 58 42 240 3
WF4 4 3,800 7 53 38 120 0 WR15 8 3,400 26 46 33 180 0
WF7 7 3,300 5 45 21 170 0
WF8 3 2,800 12 46 28 160 0 WS5 3 3,700 7 28 24 51 0
WF9 2 5,000 6 25 22 46 0 WS13 7 4,800 5 30 22 80 0
WF12 0 4,100 5 35 33 54 0 WS14 0 1,900 5 25 25 36 0
WF14 9 4,000 5 27 24 44 0 WS14 9 5,600 5 29 24 49 0
WS15 3 1,900 10 43 32 110 0
WN6 9 2,400 9 30 22 74 0
WN8 0 2,800 45 33 23 170 0 WV5 7 1,100 8 29 23 77 0

Tabular data

Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum Table 7 Summary data by postcode sector (minimum
5 results) 5 results)

Homes Results Bq m-3 Homes Results Bq m-3







At or above







At or above
WV6 7 5,700 9 22 20 43 0 YO19 6 2,900 14 14 12 30 0
WV7 3 2,700 9 19 18 30 0 YO21 1 3,300 12 21 18 54 0
WV14 8 6,700 7 20 18 35 0 YO21 2 1,400 41 35 27 210 1
WV15 5 1,800 9 41 29 150 0 YO21 3 3,000 11 19 16 45 0
WV15 6 2,000 6 23 22 34 0 YO22 4 3,300 26 25 21 69 0
WV16 4 3,500 17 43 38 90 0 YO22 5 1,600 29 26 21 70 0
WV16 6 3,100 39 39 29 170 0 YO23 3 2,500 6 26 22 41 0
YO23 7 470 6 16 14 24 0
YO7 1 4,300 6 62 46 140 0 YO25 3 1,100 31 52 36 230 1
YO7 2 1,100 33 65 41 400 3 YO25 4 2,100 14 26 23 55 0
YO7 3 1,900 15 32 26 110 0 YO25 8 2,700 23 18 16 40 0
YO7 4 1,700 20 29 25 70 0 YO25 9 3,400 36 32 24 120 0
YO8 5 2,800 7 14 14 19 0 YO26 7 950 6 29 24 56 0
YO8 6 2,000 8 25 22 54 0 YO26 8 1,300 11 26 21 54 0
YO8 8 4,000 8 16 14 28 0 YO30 1 1,000 5 13 13 16 0
YO8 9 5,400 5 13 12 23 0 YO41 1 2,400 9 28 21 70 0
YO11 3 5,500 17 25 17 66 0 YO41 4 900 8 15 15 20 0
YO12 4 4,000 13 40 27 120 0 YO41 5 1,200 5 16 13 35 0
YO12 5 4,400 6 22 22 27 0 YO42 1 910 21 37 29 150 0
YO13 0 2,400 40 50 33 330 2 YO42 2 3,900 8 21 20 38 0
YO13 9 2,300 36 53 38 250 1 YO42 4 1,700 17 18 15 56 0
YO14 0 3,000 7 21 17 44 0 YO43 3 3,500 7 18 16 36 0
YO14 9 3,400 7 29 26 61 0 YO43 4 2,200 37 43 26 320 2
YO15 1 2,000 65 58 46 200 1 YO51 9 2,500 10 38 35 67 0
YO15 3 2,700 5 26 24 39 0 YO60 6 760 15 25 24 46 0
YO16 4 4,500 5 17 14 29 0 YO60 7 1,400 31 39 32 120 0
YO16 6 3,700 6 44 42 67 0 YO61 1 2,100 12 19 16 42 0
YO17 6 1,300 46 19 17 41 0 YO61 2 540 12 37 28 100 0
YO17 7 2,500 24 47 36 170 0 YO61 3 2,800 14 39 29 110 0
YO17 8 2,800 47 28 23 90 0 YO61 4 930 36 42 33 160 0
YO17 9 3,600 21 51 34 350 1 YO62 4 1,200 20 51 37 210 1
YO18 7 3,100 60 68 39 710 3 YO62 5 1,500 36 70 41 440 3
YO18 8 2,700 84 51 32 400 2 YO62 6 2,200 47 48 34 260 2
YO19 5 1,900 5 43 37 98 0 YO62 7 910 37 40 31 160 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 8 Summary data by NHS health authority

Homes Results Bq m
At or
Arithmetic Geometric above
Health Authority Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
NHS England London 3,310,000 720 28 18 580 4
NHS England South
1,220,000 3,000 46 30 1,100 88
NHS England North
(Cheshire & 1,100,000 1,000 26 19 680 3
NHS England North
(Cumbria & North 1,460,000 9,900 87 52 2,900 960
NHS England North
(Lancs. & Greater 1,880,000 4,300 58 34 1,300 220
NHS England North
2,420,000 8,400 58 35 2,500 420
(Yorkshire & Humber)
NHS England
Midlands & East 1,930,000 104,000 74 42 7,100 7,800
(Cen. Midlands)
NHS England
Midlands & East 1,890,000 5,800 48 31 1,500 190
NHS England
Midlands & East (N. 1,590,000 55,300 90 45 7,000 5,500
NHS England
Midlands & East (W. 1,740,000 3,600 49 34 1,400 91
NHS England South
1,530,000 48,900 94 56 6,900 5,200
(South Central)
NHS England South
1,950,000 4,900 45 29 1,100 130
(South East)
NHS England South
1,450,000 274,000 129 69 24,000 44,200
(South West)

Tabular data

Table 9 Summary data by NHS clinical commissioning group

Homes Results Bq m-3

At or
NHS clinical
Arithmetic Geometric above
commissioning Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
NHS England Midlands & East (Cen. Midlands)

NHS Bedfordshire 186,000 440 33 26 190 0

NHS Corby 28,700 1,700 57 31 1,800 73
NHS East and North
234,000 200 33 26 170 0
NHS East
Leicestershire and 140,000 7,300 109 62 3,400 960
NHS Herts Valleys 242,000 340 47 34 600 3
NHS Leicester City 132,000 39 40 30 160 0
NHS Lincolnshire East 107,000 740 39 27 500 11
NHS Lincolnshire
106,000 10,500 88 57 2,000 990
NHS Luton 78,400 22 25 18 76 0
NHS Milton Keynes 112,000 320 38 28 410 5
NHS Nene 278,000 79,300 71 40 7,100 5,600
NHS South
64,500 390 58 37 1,500 16
NHS South West
55,800 2,100 71 46 1,300 140
NHS West
166,000 720 38 27 1,300 8

NHS England Midlands & East (East)

NHS Basildon and
111,000 38 20 15 66 0
NHS Cambridgeshire
371,000 3,100 63 39 1,500 170
and Peterborough
NHS Castle Point and
73,200 37 15 13 67 0
NHS Great Yarmouth
101,000 120 22 17 110 0
and Waveney
NHS Ipswich and East
181,000 620 37 27 390 9
NHS Mid Essex 165,000 220 24 20 140 0
NHS North East
147,000 150 23 19 140 0
NHS North Norfolk 83,600 290 31 25 180 0
NHS Norwich 91,500 60 23 18 91 0
NHS South Norfolk 107,000 320 33 27 150 0
NHS Southend 79,000 15 24 19 90 0
NHS Thurrock 66,200 32 21 19 39 0
NHS West Essex 128,000 170 25 20 100 0
NHS West Norfolk 82,900 370 35 26 300 4
NHS West Suffolk 101,000 240 29 23 160 0

NHS England Midlands & East (N. Midlands)

NHS Cannock Chase 57,900 23 22 18 86 0

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 9 Summary data by NHS clinical commissioning group

Homes Results Bq m-3

At or
NHS clinical
Arithmetic Geometric above
commissioning Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
NHS East Staffordshire 54,400 380 36 28 560 3
NHS Erewash 43,600 720 31 24 260 3
NHS Hardwick 50,400 3,400 45 28 1,400 89
NHS Mansfield and
88,800 3,300 66 37 5,000 170
NHS Newark &
53,500 140 29 22 300 1
NHS North Derbyshire 127,000 23,900 131 61 7,000 4,000
NHS North
95,900 880 117 56 4,600 130
NHS Nottingham City 133,000 1,100 51 39 450 21
NHS Nottingham North
66,600 100 41 29 220 1
and East
NHS Nottingham West 49,800 3,100 77 45 4,100 230
NHS Rushcliffe 48,400 600 37 26 500 4
NHS SE Staffs &
95,100 110 27 22 220 1
Seisdon Peninsula
NHS Shropshire 139,000 3,500 78 50 2,200 270
NHS Southern
227,000 13,400 55 32 2,600 580
NHS Stafford and
66,900 180 31 24 330 1
NHS Stoke on Trent 119,000 57 28 21 110 0
NHS Telford and
73,300 380 36 26 510 5

NHS England Midlands & East (W. Midlands)

NHS Birmingham
296,000 56 17 14 66 0
NHS Birmingham
76,400 12 15 13 32 0
South and Central
NHS Coventry and
183,000 600 46 34 1,100 6
NHS Dudley 138,000 69 41 27 330 3
NHS Herefordshire 83,400 1,100 63 44 1,400 54
NHS Redditch and
77,000 52 40 21 850 1
NHS Sandwell and
194,000 33 22 13 180 0
West Birmingham
NHS Solihull 90,600 54 20 17 47 0
NHS South
118,000 620 52 36 1,300 17
NHS South
134,000 670 42 32 330 7
NHS Walsall 115,000 42 24 20 81 0
NHS Warwickshire
83,500 130 26 19 240 1
NHS Wolverhampton 109,000 75 27 19 210 1
NHS Wyre Forest 45,400 47 31 20 330 1

Tabular data

Table 9 Summary data by NHS clinical commissioning group

Homes Results Bq m-3

At or
NHS clinical
Arithmetic Geometric above
commissioning Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action

NHS England North (Cheshire & Merseyside)

NHS Eastern
90,500 430 26 20 200 1
NHS Halton 55,900 51 38 26 160 0
NHS Knowsley 66,400 17 13 11 37 0
NHS Liverpool 210,000 29 17 12 63 0
NHS South Cheshire 79,800 110 25 19 150 0
NHS South Sefton 72,000 22 11 9 25 0
NHS Southport and
52,300 17 10 9 19 0
NHS St Helens 81,800 27 17 13 64 0
NHS Vale Royal 45,900 38 17 16 41 0
NHS Warrington 92,000 35 16 14 36 0
NHS West Cheshire 107,000 210 33 23 680 2
NHS Wirral 147,000 55 20 16 81 0

NHS England North (Cumbria & North East)

NHS Cumbria 248,000 7,000 97 61 2,900 780
NHS Darlington 49,800 40 31 23 160 0
NHS Durham Dales
130,000 340 37 24 620 7
Eastern & Sedgefield
NHS Hartlepool and
128,000 150 37 24 490 3
NHS Newcastle
219,000 65 16 12 75 0
NHS North Durham 110,000 90 30 17 590 1
NHS North Tyneside 96,600 28 15 10 71 0
NHS Northumberland 151,000 2,100 72 43 900 160
NHS South Tees 125,000 91 34 20 570 2
NHS South Tyneside 71,500 14 18 14 66 0
NHS Sunderland 126,000 35 62 24 890 2

NHS England North (Lancs. & Gt Manchester)

NHS Blackburn with
61,000 29 17 14 47 0
NHS Blackpool 66,100 9 9 6 39 0
NHS Bolton 124,000 31 19 14 98 0
NHS Bury 83,400 33 19 15 78 0
NHS Central
72,700 4 13 10 29 0
NHS Chorley and
76,500 37 22 17 160 0
South Ribble
NHS East Lancashire 171,000 470 61 38 900 24
NHS Fylde & Wyre 78,500 46 17 12 180 0
NHS Greater Preston 88,400 67 28 18 320 1

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 9 Summary data by NHS clinical commissioning group

Homes Results Bq m-3

At or
NHS clinical
Arithmetic Geometric above
commissioning Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
NHS Heywood
Middleton and 93,400 28 20 16 52 0
NHS Lancashire North 69,600 1,900 89 60 1,300 180
NHS North
80,000 7 9 8 21 0
NHS Oldham 96,300 89 29 19 370 2
NHS Salford 114,000 20 20 15 63 0
NHS South
68,900 7 13 13 18 0
NHS Stockport 128,000 180 30 20 320 2
NHS Tameside and
117,000 1,000 26 19 740 4
NHS Trafford 98,000 24 14 12 41 0
NHS West Lancashire 48,600 190 40 23 350 7
NHS Wigan Borough 143,000 44 19 14 79 0

NHS England North (Yorkshire & Humber)

NHS Airedale
Wharfedale and 72,100 1,300 89 57 2,500 120
NHS Barnsley 109,000 240 42 26 440 7
NHS Bassetlaw 51,300 150 30 23 300 1
NHS Bradford City 28,300 4 10 9 18 0
NHS Bradford Districts 138,000 150 61 38 410 8
NHS Calderdale 95,200 160 58 34 820 9
NHS Doncaster 134,000 310 47 30 630 12
NHS East Riding of
143,000 490 34 25 320 3
NHS Greater
106,000 240 59 34 640 13
NHS Hambleton
70,500 1,800 82 49 1,400 170
Richmonds. & Whitby
NHS Harrogate and
70,500 380 40 28 300 6
Rural District
NHS Hull 117,000 29 17 14 83 0
NHS Leeds North 89,500 480 41 30 330 6
NHS Leeds South and
112,000 43 34 26 140 0
NHS Leeds West 142,000 73 49 27 410 2
NHS North East
73,000 30 27 19 140 0
NHS North Kirklees 78,100 34 45 29 280 1
NHS North
74,800 270 44 31 670 5
NHS Rotherham 116,000 340 39 28 630 4
NHS Scarborough and
52,700 330 43 29 710 7
NHS Sheffield 244,000 870 43 29 540 19

Tabular data

Table 9 Summary data by NHS clinical commissioning group

Homes Results Bq m-3

At or
NHS clinical
Arithmetic Geometric above
commissioning Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
NHS Vale of York 154,000 550 39 26 440 11
NHS Wakefield 152,000 190 56 33 650 7

NHS England London

NHS Barking &
74,500 10 13 12 23 0
NHS Barnet 140,000 28 17 16 34 0
NHS Bexley 97,600 30 33 27 86 0
NHS Brent 103,000 12 12 9 29 0
NHS Bromley 138,000 110 54 34 580 3
NHS Camden 84,700 17 10 7 28 0
NHS Central London
76,700 10 16 7 61 0
NHS City and
108,000 15 16 12 64 0
NHS Croydon 151,000 40 46 30 350 1
NHS Ealing 126,000 17 25 16 110 0
NHS Enfield 121,000 19 20 16 70 0
NHS Greenwich 109,000 35 23 16 160 0
NHS Hammersmith
73,200 9 19 13 62 0
and Fulham
NHS Haringey 91,600 10 19 13 60 0
NHS Harrow 89,400 21 24 17 96 0
NHS Havering 104,000 23 16 14 47 0
NHS Hillingdon 109,000 35 26 18 84 0
NHS Hounslow 97,500 9 21 19 45 0
NHS Islington 89,500 10 9 7 21 0
NHS Kingston 65,500 17 15 13 29 0
NHS Lambeth 123,000 19 21 13 91 0
NHS Lewisham 119,000 27 22 18 86 0
NHS Merton 82,500 20 18 15 48 0
NHS Newham 108,000 15 22 16 70 0
NHS Redbridge 102,000 15 17 14 45 0
NHS Richmond 81,200 29 21 18 59 0
NHS Southwark 130,000 27 15 12 45 0
NHS Sutton 81,500 23 53 33 180 0
NHS Tower Hamlets 123,000 17 15 12 31 0
NHS Waltham Forest 98,100 13 14 11 24 0
NHS Wandsworth 129,000 21 23 14 79 0
NHS West London 88,000 15 27 16 140 0

NHS England South (South Central)

NHS Aylesbury Vale 85,400 380 41 31 300 6
NHS Bath and North
75,500 17,600 91 57 2,800 1,800
East Somerset

Radon in Homes in England: 2016 Data Report

Table 9 Summary data by NHS clinical commissioning group

Homes Results Bq m-3

At or
NHS clinical
Arithmetic Geometric above
commissioning Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
NHS Bracknell and
56,200 29 19 15 79 0
NHS Chiltern 133,000 340 55 42 280 6
NHS Gloucestershire 280,000 12,600 96 56 6,900 1,400
NHS Newbury and
46,100 130 34 26 250 1
NHS North & West
42,100 56 30 23 130 0
NHS Oxfordshire 276,000 15,600 101 60 3,300 1,900
NHS Slough 53,300 10 16 14 30 0
NHS South Reading 46,600 13 34 24 88 0
NHS Swindon 96,400 96 34 23 260 2
NHS Wiltshire 213,000 1,900 81 43 1,400 170
NHS Windsor Ascot
58,800 81 51 39 260 1
and Maidenhead
NHS Wokingham 64,400 200 42 29 340 2

NHS England South (South East)

NHS Ashford 52,400 130 27 22 140 0
NHS Brighton and
113,000 170 48 26 400 6
NHS Canterbury and
87,000 220 73 39 830 20
NHS Coastal West
229,000 640 57 37 1,100 24
NHS Crawley 44,000 18 34 24 150 0
NHS Dartford
Gravesham and 106,000 1,400 37 26 420 13
NHS East Surrey 76,400 110 42 28 430 2
NHS Eastbourne
85,700 280 97 54 740 41
Hailsham and Seaford
NHS Guildford and
83,500 110 26 20 220 1
NHS Hastings and
82,800 130 23 19 110 0
NHS High Weald
72,300 240 47 28 540 12
Lewes Havens
NHS Horsham and
97,500 130 27 22 170 0
Mid Sussex
NHS Medway 114,000 100 47 32 400 3
NHS North West
147,000 59 33 21 530 1
NHS South Kent
91,500 270 45 30 510 6
NHS Surrey Downs 119,000 120 36 25 220 1
NHS Surrey Heath 39,700 19 22 18 61 0
NHS Swale 46,800 56 34 27 130 0
NHS Thanet 64,200 49 36 25 240 1

Tabular data

Table 9 Summary data by NHS clinical commissioning group

Homes Results Bq m-3

At or
NHS clinical
Arithmetic Geometric above
commissioning Total Measured Highest
Average Average Action
NHS West Kent 198,000 600 36 27 370 3

NHS England South (South West)

NHS Bristol 189,000 460 57 39 620 16
NHS Kernow 265,000 121,000 187 104 24,000 32,000
NHS North Somerset 92,900 1,300 74 55 680 62
NHS Northern Eastern
403,000 79,700 91 52 22,000 7,500
and West Devon
NHS Somerset 250,000 35,000 63 42 4,800 1,600
NHS South Devon
134,000 35,600 85 51 8,100 3,000
and Torbay
NHS South
115,000 750 49 35 620 13

NHS England South (Wessex)

NHS Dorset 354,000 1,500 43 28 740 35
NHS Fareham and
86,300 42 30 21 190 0
NHS Isle of Wight 69,800 120 34 23 430 3
NHS North East
Hampshire and 86,100 52 27 17 200 1
NHS North Hampshire 93,900 310 69 40 710 22
NHS Portsmouth 87,200 18 16 14 32 0
NHS South Eastern
93,200 130 42 24 790 3
NHS Southampton 105,000 18 17 12 61 0
NHS West Hampshire 241,000 840 50 33 1,100 24


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