Goblins Star 14 Sep

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Evil is a frightening reality, but the devil is a fairytale. If we are to get to the root of genuine horrors, we can’t afford to place our
faith in ‘occult experts’ who prize hysteria above logic, and myth over method, writes Jacques Rousseau

Goblins and gobbledegook

N AUGUST last year, an 18 year-

But this rational approach might
old schoolboy in Krugersdorp cost Jonker his livelihood, and will
killed a fellow pupil with an also perhaps undermine the competi-
ornamental sword, and tried to tive marketplace that allows the
kill another pupil and two grounds- (arguably) more benign and orthodox
men. On Thursday, he was sentenced sets of metaphysical beliefs (like
to an effective 20 years in prison. Christianity) to flourish, seeing as
In the course of Morne Harmse’s one of their selling points is that they
trial, social workers and other expert protect you from the phantoms of
witnesses provided what context and demons and damnation.
analysis they could, as you might Given that this story has been
expect. reported as involving occultism on the
Less expected, perhaps, was the part of the kids, a reader might think
involvement of an “occult crime spe- that some crucial details have been left
cialist”, in the form of Kobus Jonker out of this account.
(or Donker Jonker, to those of us who What about the masks they wore,
remember his fomentation of and the fact that Harmse cited the
“Satanic Panic” in the 1980s and the band Slipknot as a favourite, and that
1990s, when he headed the Occult his mask was inspired by those worn
Crimes Unit of the SAPS). by the band?
Given the lack of any consensus, Well, two things come to mind.
even among pagans, as to what “the First, rebellious and attention-
occult” really means, we are perhaps seeking kids – like Harmse – listen to
justified in wondering what an “occult aggressive, countercultural, attention-
crime specialist” is, and how the testi- seeking music, and we don’t have any
mony of one could possibly add value good evidence that violent music or
in a case like this (or any case, for that computer games make people more
matter). likely to commit violent crime.
One hypothesis could be that there Second, it’s not as if Harmse and
are occult forces that commit crimes, his friends suddenly decided to put on
and that Jonker is a modern-day their masks and go on a rampage: they
ghostbuster. had planned their attention-seeking
Another possibility is that some day in advance, and swords and masks
confused individuals believe in ghosts, were but one element of their plan.
demons, fairies, the healing power of Harmse’s friend Marco was to
crystals and the like, and allow those bring a “rolling bomb” (whatever that
beliefs to lead them into irrational is), which he did, although the bomb
(and sometimes criminal) actions. turned out to be a fake.
Such people exist, but if one can be Newspaper reports indicate that in
an “expert” in them and their behav- his admission of guilt, Harmse said
iour, then surely the sort of expertise that before the incident he and a group
required is simply that of understand- of friends discussed the various meth-
ing various pathologies, rather than ods they would use in a school mas-
being a so-called “expert” in the exact sacre. Harmse planned to use the ninja
lore and fantasies that could be sword hanging on his bedroom wall.
involved. In other words, he used what was
Not according to rent-seeker extra- available to him – it wasn’t part of
ordinaire Jonker, who made a living – some ritual, and I can find no evidence
while achieving mini-celebrity status in the quotations attributed to the kids
among those prone to metaphysical that provide a shred of evidence that INCANTATIONS AND IGNORANCE: A pentagram surrounded by candles. Self-proclaimed Satanists often follow a highly confused version of the ‘occult’.
confusions – pretending that there is they thought their behaviour related
something extraordinary going on to the occult.
when confused people do bad things Jonker himself could find no such
involving candles, goats, swords or evidence: Harmse had clearly not read
anything generally considered his Satanist manual of interior design
“occult”. carefully enough, as the bedding and
Any reading of the relevant texts, curtains in his bedroom were
such as the Satanic Bible itself, reveals coloured, “whereas a practising
that these people are confused. For one Satanist would have had only black or
thing, the Satanic Bible expressly con- red”. On the day of the murder,
demns killing animals for ritual pur- Harmse had also apparently “not spo-
poses, while also making it clear that ken in any demonic language”, and it
if you want a person to die, the most is common knowledge that back-
you should do is to put a curse on wards-Latin is prescribed by the Seta
them. for Satanism.
However, when these cases hit the But Harmse and others like him
news it is usually quite clear that the may well – with the help of the likes of
alleged “Satanists” have not read Jonker – start to think in terms of
those texts – and that Jonker seems their anger and frustration being
not to have either. Both parties are grounded in the occult, and that is a
instead relying on a convenient trope, shame. Because instead of reflecting
much as apartheid-era courts did in on what they did in terms of simple or
labelling people “terrorists”. more typical motivations like anger,
Having said that, we are talking attention-seeking and alienation, they DONKER JONKER: Expert on Satanism and THE BOY WHO KILLED: Morne Harmse, who
about confused people, so it is entirely may now start thinking more about occult crime Kobus Jonker. HALLOWEEN: The masks Morne Harmse made while planning the school attack. PICTURE: SIZWE NDINGANE was convicted of murder.
possible that some poor kid could nonsense metaphysics, and that could
swallow the version of Satanism (or potentially lead them to further
the typically vague “occult”) pro- irrationality down the road.
moted by Jonker, and aspire to live up As for the courts, and their “expert
to those fabricated standards. witnesses”, it is a shame that our judi-
An objective observer might at this cial system is encouraging this sort of
point notice the strategy of minimis- nonsense. If this case required the tes-
ing crimes committed under the timony of an “occult expert” like
assumed sanction of something like Jonker, did it also not perhaps require
Satanism by talking about these the services of expert witnesses in
beliefs more, in a more informed fash-
ion – thereby hopefully allowing
garden gnomes, just in case they had
something to do with it?
Independent School of Editorial Excellence
people to realise that they don’t ● Jacques Rousseau is from the Free Independent Newspapers is launching an in-house cadet training
involve killing sentient beings. Society Institute (http://fsi.org.za)
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